The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: tim huntzinger on May 22, 2008, 07:53:34 am

Title: RIP Meeciteeworkur (suck it, VoicesofTulsans)
Post by: tim huntzinger on May 22, 2008, 07:53:34 am
The enigmatic blogger Meeciteeworkur (http://"") has given up the ghost after three years of pounding the ol' keyboard.  Intensely focused on cultural issues and and Citee politics, the mysterious anonymous workur's celebrated blog gave no respite to Citee officials and was a frequent critic of the absurdities he observed from his vantage point.  His final post - a plaintive YouTube video of an anguished rock song - was accompanied by the unceremoniously dumping of the message board.

RIP, dude.

Title: RIP Meeciteeworkur (suck it, VoicesofTulsans)
Post by: Renaissance on May 22, 2008, 10:32:56 am
That guy never observed a positive move by the City of Tulsa under multiple administrations of different parties.  Not once.  He used his vantage point to criticize but never went out on a limb to support anything.  There was always some conspiracy suggested, but never a motive or a goal.  Just continued attempts to show how dysfunctional/corrupt the city government is.  Far too much bloviation, nowhere near enough substance.

That's the problem with folks like that, and ultimately why they remain on the fringes and don't influence the city's direction: it's all too easy to criticize and complain; it's much harder and riskier to actually take and advocate a position besides "no."  

Hope all is well with him, though.  Maybe his next internet incarnation will take some time to at least point out how things might work better, instead how how badly everything supposedly works.

Title: RIP Meeciteeworkur (suck it, VoicesofTulsans)
Post by: rwarn17588 on May 22, 2008, 10:59:21 am
I don't know him personally, even though I exchanged a few e-mails with him. But I noticed that the viability of both sites plummeted when he got divorced.

I have to say the news of the marriage breakup didn't surprise me. It seemed he was in a half-rage all the time. There were a few really scary posts on that blog. That sort of state is no way to maintain a long-term relationship.

So, mee, if you're reading this, please get some counseling. And I'm not kidding.

Title: RIP Meeciteeworkur (suck it, VoicesofTulsans)
Post by: RecycleMichael on May 22, 2008, 11:45:56 am
I will miss his site and his forum. I just love dialogue, even when I disagree.

He got real reflective after the divorce and wrote some painful and personal stories. His words became reflective and bewildered, hopefully a therapy for him to express what he was going through.

Good luck, mee. If you read this, you have my e-mail address and would love to keep in touch.

Title: RIP Meeciteeworkur (suck it, VoicesofTulsans)
Post by: Admin on May 22, 2008, 12:52:02 pm
Good luck mee, in whatever you do.

Title: RIP Meeciteeworkur (suck it, VoicesofTulsans)
Post by: MDepr2007 on May 22, 2008, 10:42:13 pm
Originally posted by rwarn17588

I don't know him personally, even though I exchanged a few e-mails with him. But I noticed that the viability of both sites plummeted when he got divorced.

I have to say the news of the marriage breakup didn't surprise me. It seemed he was in a half-rage all the time. There were a few really scary posts on that blog. That sort of state is no way to maintain a long-term relationship.

So, mee, if you're reading this, please get some counseling. And I'm not kidding.

Say's the boy with a Route 66 couch cover [}:)]

Title: RIP Meeciteeworkur (suck it, VoicesofTulsans)
Post by: meeciteewurkor on May 22, 2008, 10:49:37 pm
lol.. you all are a bunch of dorks...  :)

I am who I am. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm human just like the rest of you.

Was I angry half the time?  Yes.  I was.  Have I gotten help?  Yes.  I have.  How many of you so-called men out there can admit you've been to a shrink?  eh?  I have and still do.

What have I learned about blogging?  What have I possibly gleaned from three years of keyboard-pounding?
This comment (http://"") I made a while back about sums it up.

I have no regrets.  I never held back.  I never faked it.  What came out of my mind went straight into the blog.  To my own peril, sometimes.  

Anyway, this is starting to sound all half-raged, so I better stop before rwarn gets nervous and this turns into something scary.  :)  jk.  boo!

later y'all....

Title: RIP Meeciteeworkur (suck it, VoicesofTulsans)
Post by: Friendly Bear on May 23, 2008, 09:08:08 am
Originally posted by RecycleMichael

I will miss his site and his forum. I just love dialogue, even when I disagree.

He got real reflective after the divorce and wrote some painful and personal stories. His words became reflective and bewildered, hopefully a therapy for him to express what he was going through.

Good luck, mee. If you read this, you have my e-mail address and would love to keep in touch.

RecycleMichael says he "loves dialogue, even when he disagrees..."??

Take another pill; you're delusional again.

Title: RIP Meeciteeworkur (suck it, VoicesofTulsans)
Post by: tim huntzinger on May 23, 2008, 11:51:26 am
All I know is that Tulsans' interwebs just got even lamer than it was.  And good luck with the retirement, Mee, that blogging stuff is impossible to give up.  You know it.  Something is going to get under yer skin and demand to be addressed.  I guess you can always flameout here if you'uns get the shakes! [:D]

UPDATE: Voices of Tulsans (http://"") back online.  Still no mee.