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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: tulsa1603 on June 16, 2008, 05:47:06 PM

Title: Who enforces variances, etc?
Post by: tulsa1603 on June 16, 2008, 05:47:06 PM
Over a year ago, I was at a TMAPC meeting where some exceptions were made for a project along Highway 75 north of downtown.  I CLEARLY remember thinking "I know exactly where that project is..."  I remember there were two women who lived in the area who were opposed to the project.  But the TMAPC approved it based on a rather lush looking landscape plan that shielded the neighbors and the highway from view.  So I've been keeping track of it's progress each time I head to the airport.  Now, over a year later, the project appears complete, except for many of the promises made on their landscape plan, namely screening plants along the highway, are NOT there.  In fact, I don't see a single plant in sight.  When developers promise such things on a site plan, who actually makes sure that they happen?  The reason I ask is that QuikTrip recently got their PUD for 21st and Harvard approved based on a site plan that had a screening wall PLUS a dense landscape screen that will shield it from the neighborhood.  But who is to say they will follow through?  I know the permit department monitors the construction of the building, but who monitors installation of landscape??  Who monitors what is finally consctructed for a site plan?
Title: Who enforces variances, etc?
Post by: patric on June 16, 2008, 10:50:44 PM
I would call INCOG for the record, but they may eventually refer you to Neighborhood Inspections (aka Code Enforcement) by way of the Mayors Action Center.

Also, to get a PUD, QT had to submit an approved lighting plan, which I never saw among the exibits.  Did you happpen to hear anything about this (other than their announced plans to use lights that they know wont be in compliance)?
Title: Who enforces variances, etc?
Post by: FOTD on June 17, 2008, 08:50:57 AM
Don't get me started on how pathetic the city is when it comes to adhering to the principle of protecting residents from new developments based on BOA or TMAPC requirements for granting changes. It's a joke. The travesty starts with an occupancy permit granted without fulfillment of new established rules and ends with neighbors and citizens wondering what do their taxes go towards. They do not go towards protecting property rights.

You people abutting the new commercial developments do not expect code enforcement to protect your property rights. City inspectors are on the take or worse....
Title: Who enforces variances, etc?
Post by: Townsend on June 17, 2008, 02:18:13 PM
Originally posted by tulsa1603

Who monitors what is finally consctructed for a site plan?

From a friend of mine who has personal experience with them;

"Well, technically the city does but they're not exactly "thorough" in my experience.

I've seen them typically ask for a letter from the owner stating that the landscaping was installed per the approved plans, but they don't go out and count plants or anything."

About the QT at 21st;

"If I had to guess, in this case, the city will probably be particular.  when something like that is approved, they'll want to make sure it's in, since it affects the neighborhood"
Title: Who enforces variances, etc?
Post by: FOTD on June 17, 2008, 04:32:09 PM
I recognize numerous places around town where required landscaping was planted, an occupancy permit granted, and several months later the landscape was removed for more frontal exposure never to return. For us liberal tree huggers and city beauticians it's criminal.

Flakey, but no way to really police it and the city code boys are having a rough enough year keeping up with all the lousy neighbors who refuse to pick up their ice storm remains.
Title: Who enforces variances, etc?
Post by: LongtimeTulsan on June 20, 2008, 10:42:13 PM
Could we start a list where proposed landscaping is supposed to be and isn't?

What sites should we be keeping a check on?

Regarding the QT at 21st and Harvard - Only one commissioner challenged the PUD. There were so few questions it was quite noticable. The decision was made before the meeting started. The prevailing attitude was "It's QT".

The neighborhood did not do a good job of protesting. They will be protesting soon enough when they realize what has happened to them.

What is really mind boggling is there does not appear to be any plans for alternate fuel pumps - what will QT do when we no longer want gas.