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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: naenae42day on June 19, 2008, 07:37:46 pm

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: naenae42day on June 19, 2008, 07:37:46 pm
Has everyone heard about the layoffs?  These poor folks just went through the stress of a they are losing their jobs.  It seems reporters are leaving there like rats leaving a ship...not that I can blame them.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Breadburner on June 19, 2008, 07:51:05 pm
Welcome to reality....

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Breadburner on June 19, 2008, 08:16:12 pm
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...Some of the new crew are butter faces......

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: patric on June 19, 2008, 09:53:42 pm
They were the #2 rated newscast in town, second only to KOTV (which always had more money and staff).
Looks like being successful isnt always enough.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: bluelake on June 19, 2008, 10:15:07 pm
I guess I hadn't noticed anything except for Slater leaving.  oh and I mainly watch to see Chera anyway. There could be an entire station full of Land-O-Lake faces but as long as Chera is there who cares.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: OkieDiva on June 19, 2008, 10:25:21 pm
It's a tough biz... all of the local CBS stations owned and operated by network recently witnessed newsroom bloodbaths. I think Dallas was closest such station. A media icon who won a Peabody was let go. If legends can be sacrified, I'm not surprised that Fox kids are being kicked out of the den.

Speaking of, what happened to the Fox-y news director?

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Gold on June 20, 2008, 10:15:56 am
5/23 really isn't very good in the ratings overall and they are where advertisers who can't pay their bills with KOTV and KTUL go before filing for bankruptcy.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: In_Tulsa on June 20, 2008, 11:08:32 am
So will they end there news for good?

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: patric on June 20, 2008, 01:15:03 pm
Originally posted by In_Tulsa

So will they end there news for good?

Not if they're #2 in news.  
You will only take their 9pm news from them by prying it from their cold dead hands.

Now, the 4-hour marathon newscast in the morning... who knows.  

When you think about it, diversity in news is good and it would be a disservice to the community to loose any news department.
Look at what only having one major newspaper has left us with.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: naenae42day on June 20, 2008, 02:34:38 pm
I personally consider them the Enquirer of local news.  All we hear about are pit bull attacks, speed patrol and germs.  And I realize that BREAKING NEWS, and BREAKING WEATHER are their 'brand'.  But give me a break...they classify everything as BREAKING.  They have had some really decent talent over the years, but now have to fill their slots with reporters who are trying to break into the business, because that can't pay a decent wage.  They have lost all their decent talent, and  I think that the 9pm anchors are what is holding them.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Conan71 on June 20, 2008, 02:44:45 pm
Pit Bulls and straw polls are what you get when you have to fill an hour-long newscast.  There have been benefits to the hour-long format as it's created an outlet for more community-based reporting and special interest stories which 30 minute newscasts don't have as much flexibility (nor capacity) to carry.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: JoeMommaBlake on June 23, 2008, 02:13:52 am
I like the Fox newscast. I don't watch it because it's at 9 or because of Chera. I just like it better than the same old stuff from the other stations same old offense.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: EricP on June 24, 2008, 01:56:16 pm
I've taken quite a liking to KJRH's news in HD. They even have one of Fox's old guys there. I completely ditched KOTV and Fox 23 other than the occasional skim for weather info over on KOTV.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: naenae42day on June 24, 2008, 08:48:47 pm
Originally posted by JoeMommaBlake

I like the Fox newscast. I don't watch it because it's at 9 or because of Chera. I just like it better than the same old stuff from the other stations same old offense.

Because of could anyone find her to be anything but charming.  And not to attack, but you don't watch it, but you do advertise on you find the content objectional?  My beef with Fox 23 is more personal...but I do enjoy hearing others opinions.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: naenae42day on June 24, 2008, 08:53:10 pm
Originally posted by EricP

I've taken quite a liking to KJRH's news in HD. They even have one of Fox's old guys there. I completely ditched KOTV and Fox 23 other than the occasional skim for weather info over on KOTV.

They have George and Justin.  George is the BOMB!!! He was dealt a crap hand by FOX 23, but I think he is SO much better off.
Fox 23 has lost most of their decent talent.
George, now Jon Slater.  Justin, Jace Verhoeven, Marcus, Noelle Newton, we only see Janna Clark 1x per week, hell I even prefered Ron Terrell when he was the Sports Director.  Seems more his style...I not much for Ann, I think CArrie or Mia do a much cleaner newscast.  But if you want to keep quality people on staff...u have to be willing to pay a competitive wage, and not bend your employees over the 'proverbial

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: patric on June 24, 2008, 09:04:34 pm
Originally posted by Gold

5/23 really isn't very good in the ratings

"In the February 2008 Nielsen ratings, Fox 23 News had significant growth in all newscasts. Fox 23 News at Nine was ranked 2nd overall in late news behind KOTV and ahead of KTUL and KJRH. Fox 23 was named the number one Fox affiliate in the country, according to the November 2007 Nielsen ratings."

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: JoeMommaBlake on June 25, 2008, 12:24:38 am
I think I was misunderstood earlier.

I was saying that I do watch Fox 23, but not simply because of Chera or because of the time that it comes on. I watch it because I prefer the content, personalities, graphics, etc.

I feel like it's more young and cheerful than the others. I like Chera and Clay and I really enjoy Ron Terrell, both personally and on the air.

Jon Slater is a nice guy as well and I'm sad to see him go.

Fox 23 is without exception my favorite and is the only local station on which I have advertised. I have done advertising with Ben Sumner's local late night show which now airs on a different station, but I advertise through his show, not through the station.

Anyway. . . wanted to clear than up. I'm a fox fan. Sorry if I was unclear before.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: TUalum0982 on June 25, 2008, 06:15:08 am
Originally posted by naenae42day

Originally posted by JoeMommaBlake

I like the Fox newscast. I don't watch it because it's at 9 or because of Chera. I just like it better than the same old stuff from the other stations same old offense.

Because of could anyone find her to be anything but charming.  And not to attack, but you don't watch it, but you do advertise on you find the content objectional?  My beef with Fox 23 is more personal...but I do enjoy hearing others opinions.

I personally find her very annoying.  She is a tv personality, however she stumbles on several words during every story.  The worst I have ever seen.  I laugh everytime I hear her talk.  Very annoying on how often it happens.  Their news is the worst.  I am in the same boat as the guy above who watches KJRH simply because it is in HD.  Their radar weather maps look much better in HD then KTUL or KOTV.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: waterboy on June 25, 2008, 06:48:56 am
Originally posted by naenae42day

Originally posted by EricP

I've taken quite a liking to KJRH's news in HD. They even have one of Fox's old guys there. I completely ditched KOTV and Fox 23 other than the occasional skim for weather info over on KOTV.

They have George and Justin.  George is the BOMB!!! He was dealt a crap hand by FOX 23, but I think he is SO much better off.
Fox 23 has lost most of their decent talent.
George, now Jon Slater.  Justin, Jace Verhoeven, Marcus, Noelle Newton, we only see Janna Clark 1x per week, hell I even prefered Ron Terrell when he was the Sports Director.  Seems more his style...I not much for Ann, I think CArrie or Mia do a much cleaner newscast.  But if you want to keep quality people on staff...u have to be willing to pay a competitive wage, and not bend your employees over the 'proverbial

Jace VerHoeven. He interviewed me on a boat trip on the river back in 2003 re the v2025 project. Don't know if it ever made it to air. I was very impressed with his intelligence, his serious nature and his reporting skills. I hope he landed somewhere he's appreciated.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: sgrizzle on June 25, 2008, 06:55:01 am
I view KOKI as the underdogs and I always root for the underdogs, even when Chera gets "antidepressant" and "antiperspirant" confused.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: OkieDiva on June 25, 2008, 08:26:49 am
Anybody remember hearing about the college-esque drinking game created when they first came on air? Take a shot each time an anchor or reporter mispronounces the name of an Oklahoma town or elected official, looks at the wrong camera or wrong video plays... word was, you'd be sloppy by the end of the first commercial break.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: patric on June 25, 2008, 09:48:42 am
Originally posted by OkieDiva

Anybody remember hearing about the college-esque drinking game created when they first came on air?

I do remember the Jon Slater drinking game (sort of, I may have been drinking) where you would take a shot whenever he used one of his trademark phrases (like "back-door cold-front").
 Ah, the days.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Gold on June 25, 2008, 10:20:24 am
Originally posted by patric

Originally posted by Gold

5/23 really isn't very good in the ratings

"In the February 2008 Nielsen ratings, Fox 23 News had significant growth in all newscasts. Fox 23 News at Nine was ranked 2nd overall in late news behind KOTV and ahead of KTUL and KJRH. Fox 23 was named the number one Fox affiliate in the country, according to the November 2007 Nielsen ratings."

Now there's a source.

Fox has poor ratings nationally.  Like I said, ask folks in the tv business and companies that are going under usually go to KOKI when the credit is cut off at KOTV and KTUL.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: patric on June 25, 2008, 10:46:44 am
Originally posted by Gold

Fox has poor ratings nationally.

I imagine FOX23's "national ratings" might be bad due to it being a local station, so I can see where they might come in kinda fuzzy in Indianapolis [;)]

But seriously, you do know there is a difference between FOX23 and fox news network?

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Samalicious on June 25, 2008, 10:55:32 am

Actually Fox has good ratings nationally. Especially when American Idol is on. You do understand that Fox News, and Fox Network, and Fox 23 are all different entities, right?
And Fox 23 really has no reason to take on deadbeat advertisers, why would they? They have comparable market share to the other three stations.

Fox has poor ratings nationally.  Like I said, ask folks in the tv business and companies that are going under usually go to KOKI when the credit is cut off at KOTV and KTUL.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Gold on June 25, 2008, 12:22:06 pm
American Idol is all they have and its share has been declining.  See earlier discussion of Fox preempting weather in favor of Idol.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Gold on June 25, 2008, 12:23:17 pm
Originally posted by patric

Originally posted by Gold

Fox has poor ratings nationally.

I imagine FOX23's "national ratings" might be bad due to it being a local station, so I can see where they might come in kinda fuzzy in Indianapolis [;)]

But seriously, you do know there is a difference between FOX23 and fox news network?

I'm well aware of the difference between Fauxnews and Fox23.  I'm not even sure why you ask.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: buck on June 25, 2008, 02:42:13 pm
Originally posted by JoeMommaBlake

Fox 23 is without exception my favorite and is the only local station on which I have advertised. I have done advertising with Ben Sumner's local late night show which now airs on a different station, but I advertise through his show, not through the station.

I've seen your ads, you really get a guy to get a tattoo for a free pizza? Kinda crazy to think there's a guy going around with a tattoo of that on his arm.
On another note, I've enjoyed your announcing at the Talons games this year. I know it is hard to step in after Ken but you've done a great job of keeping things going. Also can't wait to stop in downtown when your new place opens.

Title: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: JoeMommaBlake on June 25, 2008, 07:48:17 pm
Believe it or not, that guy really has that tattoo.  He worked for me at the time and we were sitting around talking about how funny it would be and he said he'd do it. It's nuts....and it's real.

He only worked for me for about two months after that, then he moved back to Texas, which makes it even better.

Thanks for the kudos on the Talons announcing. I'm having a ton of fun with it and feel more comfortable every week. It looks like next home game I'll be again filling some big shoes as I'll be taking over on the field for KC Lupp.

I'm actually kind of nervous about that one.

See you at the game...that goes for all of you. If you haven't been to a Talons game, it's time. If you need tickets, I have 8. First come first serve. PM me or e-mail me.

Title: Re: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Vashta Nerada on June 06, 2009, 09:15:30 pm
The company that owns them is laying off 33 more and imposing 2-week furloughs.
Those laid off in Tulsa include reporters Marianly Mendez and Caci Christian.

Title: Re: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Ibanez on June 07, 2009, 11:53:00 am
The company that owns them is laying off 33 more and imposing 2-week furloughs.
Those laid off in Tulsa include reporters Marianly Mendez and Caci Christian.

Hate to hear that about Marianly. She was a solid reporter and a very nice person.

Caic Christian I can do without. Something about her made me want to switch the channel every time I saw her

Title: Re: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: FOTD on June 07, 2009, 12:09:09 pm
May Unemployment 16.4% - continues to rise

It's actually higher than that when you revert back to the pre-1980 government formula for determining the unemployment rate. Great Depression I's unemployment high was 25%. We're getting closer, yet the MSM refuses to call this what it really is: Great Depression II

Title: Re: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: ILUVTulsa on June 07, 2009, 12:15:41 pm
I get a HUGE ya know whenever Emily Sinovic is on!

Title: Re: Layoffs at Fox 23
Post by: Samalicious on June 07, 2009, 05:27:34 pm
Kaci Christian and Marianly Mendez were relieved of their on-air duties right after the May ratings book was over, it had nothing to do with the current furlough situation.