If you are a beer drinker (occasional, or....often, like myself) you probably already know that Anheuser-Busch is selling to InBev based in Leuven,Belgium. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/07/14/business/main4256988.shtml
Is anyone bothered by the thought of an American icon like Budweiser, no longer being American?
Hey if anything can help with making that piss water they call beer better then it will be the Belgians.
How do you say "I spit on your ABLE laws." in Belgian?
Originally posted by MichaelWayne_71
If you are a beer drinker (occasional, or....often, like myself) you probably already know that Anheuser-Busch is selling to InBev based in Leuven,Belgium. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/07/14/business/main4256988.shtml
Is anyone bothered by the thought of an American icon like Budweiser, no longer being American?
Especially when you can buy other domestic beer that's far, far better (insert plug for Marshall Brewing Co.)
In reality, who will know the difference? The new company is going to be called Anheuser Busch InBev, all the US plants will remain open, and you'll still be able to drink Budweiser (although, why anyone would want to, I still can't figure out).
I'll just hope maybe InBev might make more of their European products available here.
Originally posted by rwarn17588
Originally posted by MichaelWayne_71
If you are a beer drinker (occasional, or....often, like myself) you probably already know that Anheuser-Busch is selling to InBev based in Leuven,Belgium. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/07/14/business/main4256988.shtml
Is anyone bothered by the thought of an American icon like Budweiser, no longer being American?
Especially when you can buy other domestic beer that's far, far better (insert plug for Marshall Brewing Co.)
Can I get an
AMEN here!!!!????
It sucks to lose american companies but as long as we have a bunch of goons in washington it'll be easier and easier for our companies to be bought out as their values fall (due to the falling dollar).
Maybe the Clydesdales will be replaced with mannequin piss.....Budweiser...mule piss is mule piss!
Can't imagine that NASCAR nation is going to react well to the Clydedale's accent changing from crimson neck to Belgian.
When I was a little little devil, people were so patriotic they frowned on others who bought imports.
Originally posted by FOTD
When I was a little little devil, people were so patriotic they frowned on others who bought imports.
You must be a old guy, like me.
Originally posted by FOTD
When I was a little little devil, people were so patriotic they frowned on others who bought imports.
Weird. Even when I was a wee lad, I knew just from adults' conversations that beer from Germany, and Europe in general, was really good stuff. I sure don't recall any "buy American" sentiment.
And I'm not exactly a spring chicken.
Of course, actually getting imported beer was a lot harder then than it is now. I remember when finding Guinness on tap was a big deal. Now, it's almost routine.
Originally posted by FOTD
Maybe the Clydesdales will be replaced with mannequin piss.....Budweiser...mule piss is mule piss!
Can't imagine that NASCAR nation is going to react well to the Clydedale's accent changing from crimson neck to Belgian.
Well Toyota is leading the standings, can't get much worse for us beer drooling rednecks.
Originally posted by rwarn17588
Originally posted by FOTD
When I was a little little devil, people were so patriotic they frowned on others who bought imports.
Weird. Even when I was a wee lad, I knew just from adults' conversations that beer from Germany, and Europe in general, was really good stuff. I sure don't recall any "buy American" sentiment.
And I'm not exactly a spring chicken.
Of course, actually getting imported beer was a lot harder then than it is now. I remember when finding Guinness on tap was a big deal. Now, it's almost routine.
Buying a German or Japanese import was a big deal for a long time with many due to WWII. Japanese used to also mean "crappy".
When my dad was a starving young lawyer, he bought a Volkswagen bug. My mom's dad gave him half good natured hell about driving one of "Hitler's Golf Carts". My mother bought a Mercedes 450SL along about 1976. She kept it hidden from my grandfather for a few years, when they would come to visit. We never took it to Dallas to see them. My maternal grandparents were strictly GM or *gasp* Ford on occasion. Pops didn't like buying "Jap Crap" or "German Junk". It gave me no small pleasure in pointing out the numerous measurement devices he had in his machine shop which were German-made.
He was alredy in his 30's when WWII came along and never served, but many of his contemporaries did. I don't think he was alone. I've heard stories of anti Japanese and German sentiment after WWII. Buying somehting from either country was abetting our (now former) enemy.
It took a long time for that paradigm shift, especially amongst older folks.
Here is my irrational take:
From a "national pride" perspective I don't care. If the Belgians want to pay $55 Billion for a $30 Billion company. Fine. US investors make money. There are no national security, anti trust, or other viable reasons for government to interfere.
BUT, from an "I'm an American" perspective it kind of pisses me off. I like beer (and wine, and whiskey, and...). Usually good beer. But sometimes I like to to suck down a cold beer, sometimes I don't want lots of flavor. Sometimes I like to share beer with people who don't like real beer. In those instances, Budweiser is just fine.
Since it is no longer the great American lager, then I'll find some other beer that is. No real reason to drink it. An emotional reaction to the sale of a beer company, makes no sense. But there ya' go. I don't have any Bud in my house (current inventory: Tonya, SOL, Sam Adams IPA, Choc 1919, Choc Basement Patch, Choc Miner's Mishap, Naked Beer, and a few lose beers) and don't miss it.
Also, I wonder how much this reaction was taken into account? Or if they figure it will just pass?
Originally posted by cannon_fodder
Here is my irrational take:
From a "national pride" perspective I don't care. If the Belgians want to pay $55 Billion for a $30 Billion company. Fine. US investors make money. There are no national security, anti trust, or other viable reasons for government to interfere.
BUT, from an "I'm an American" perspective it kind of pisses me off. I like beer (and wine, and whiskey, and...). Usually good beer. But sometimes I like to to suck down a cold beer, sometimes I don't want lots of flavor. Sometimes I like to share beer with people who don't like real beer. In those instances, Budweiser is just fine.
Since it is no longer the great American lager, then I'll find some other beer that is. No real reason to drink it. An emotional reaction to the sale of a beer company, makes no sense. But there ya' go. I don't have any Bud in my house (current inventory: Tonya, SOL, Sam Adams IPA, Choc 1919, Choc Basement Patch, Choc Miner's Mishap, Naked Beer, and a few lose beers) and don't miss it.
Also, I wonder how much this reaction was taken into account? Or if they figure it will just pass?
Wow!!! I don't think i've ever been able to keep that many beers in my inventory. LoL...different kinds, or not!
I also have to agree that Marshall is a wonderful tasting beer. Not sure what the cost is @ most restaurants...but, Oscars is proud of it @ $6/pint. But the quality of food there along w/atmosphere...it's worth it.
Originally posted by MichaelWayne_71
Originally posted by cannon_fodder
Here is my irrational take:
From a "national pride" perspective I don't care. If the Belgians want to pay $55 Billion for a $30 Billion company. Fine. US investors make money. There are no national security, anti trust, or other viable reasons for government to interfere.
BUT, from an "I'm an American" perspective it kind of pisses me off. I like beer (and wine, and whiskey, and...). Usually good beer. But sometimes I like to to suck down a cold beer, sometimes I don't want lots of flavor. Sometimes I like to share beer with people who don't like real beer. In those instances, Budweiser is just fine.
Since it is no longer the great American lager, then I'll find some other beer that is. No real reason to drink it. An emotional reaction to the sale of a beer company, makes no sense. But there ya' go. I don't have any Bud in my house (current inventory: Tonya, SOL, Sam Adams IPA, Choc 1919, Choc Basement Patch, Choc Miner's Mishap, Naked Beer, and a few lose beers) and don't miss it.
Also, I wonder how much this reaction was taken into account? Or if they figure it will just pass?
Wow!!! I don't think i've ever been able to keep that many beers in my inventory. LoL...different kinds, or not!
I also have to agree that Marshall is a wonderful tasting beer. Not sure what the cost is @ most restaurants...but, Oscars is proud of it @ $6/pint. But the quality of food there along w/atmosphere...it's worth it.
I think I'm paying about $4 or $5 a pint at McNellies, I don't pay that close of a attention and I can't find my latest reciept from there. I'd pay even more just because it's a quality local product and Eric Marshall is simply a very likeable guy and I believe in what he's doing.