If it is so bad, why does it work?
I'm clerking for a PI lawyer, and I'm trying to decide what I want to do. I have been thinking about an LLM in Healthcare, but PI seems pretty lucrative.
Attorney advertising is not bad. If you are a law school student and have taken professional responsibility you have probably spent a couple of class days discussing the court cases discussing the free speech and legality of such advertising (state bars used to prohibit it).
Different types of firms and attorneys advertise in different ways. Some purchase the back of the yellow pages and some donate money to the symphony so that their name will be in the symphony bulletin. None of it is bad. Just that some of it is less annoying than others of it.
LLM in health care law? I would cost/benefit spending an extra year of your life and tuition. The answer may be that it would be worth it but the main thing I would do is get actual statistics from the placement office at the law school offering the LLM in health care law. How much more will you make out of the program than you would directly out of law school? Would you learn that much more in the LLM program than actually practicing health care law for that one year?
Thank you. That makes sense. I was told the only LLM programs that are worth much are Tax and Securities.
About the advertising, where I work they advertise a lot, but we always seem to be getting cases from former clients and ministers my boss knows. People just drop by and he makes time to talk to them. Where I clerked before was like BIGLAW. Everyone was pretty uptight and rigid.
I just thought being a lawyer would involve more formal practices.