The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Not At My Table - Political Discussions => National & International Politics => Topic started by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 12:05:50 pm

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 12:05:50 pm
Today's Lorton's World has an interesting article that former TV personality and Democrat candidate for Tulsa County Commissioner has raised FIVE times as much money as her GOP opponent Sally Bell.

Large donations are flowing from what some local radio and weblog pundits have often referred to as: The Mid-Town Elitists.

You know that bunch.  

The ones who've controlled our Banana Republic of Tulsa on behalf of the local ruling Power Establishment, for the past 50 years.

Conclusion:  Karen Keith is OWNED.

For real REFORM., don't vote for the status quo.  

Here's the link to the article.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: TURobY on September 05, 2008, 12:12:59 pm
I think I'm going to send some money her way as well.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 12:20:31 pm
Originally posted by TURobY

I think I'm going to send some money her way as well.

It doesn't appear she needs any more.

Could you send it to me instead?

Or, as a charitable alternative, send it to:

Tax-me-More Foundation
c/o Sinator Barach Hussein Obama
Communist Party Headquarters
Central Committee
The Politboro
Daley Law Firm
Chicago Il  60610

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: RecycleMichael on September 05, 2008, 12:29:02 pm
I am tired of your partisan lying nonsense, bear.

Karen Keith has raised $88,881 from 366 different donors. It averages to $242.84 per donor. Sally Bell has raised $17,726 from 73 donors. It averages to $242.82 per donor.

The difference is two cents per donor.

You are just trying to make up a slam against a wonderful public servant. Karen just has more friends and has done a better job of fundraising than Sally Bell.

You are not a bear, you are a pig.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: cks511 on September 05, 2008, 01:21:18 pm
Originally posted by RecycleMichaelKaren Keith has raised $88,881 from 366 different donors.

Geesus how much does it take to win in tulsa county...overkill IMHO.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 01:23:27 pm
Originally posted by RecycleMichael

I am tired of your partisan lying nonsense, bear.

Karen Keith has raised $88,881 from 366 different donors. It averages to $242.84 per donor. Sally Bell has raised $17,726 from 73 donors. It averages to $242.82 per donor.

The difference is two cents per donor.

You are just trying to make up a slam against a wonderful public servant. Karen just has more friends and has done a better job of fundraising than Sally Bell.

You are not a bear, you are a pig.

And KKKeith has NOT raised FIVE times as much MOOLA as Mrs. Bell, with FIVE times as many donors?

Funny things about averages.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Townsend on September 05, 2008, 01:29:18 pm
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by RecycleMichael

I am tired of your partisan lying nonsense, bear.

Karen Keith has raised $88,881 from 366 different donors. It averages to $242.84 per donor. Sally Bell has raised $17,726 from 73 donors. It averages to $242.82 per donor.

The difference is two cents per donor.

You are just trying to make up a slam against a wonderful public servant. Karen just has more friends and has done a better job of fundraising than Sally Bell.

You are not a bear, you are a pig.

And KKKeith has NOT raised FIVE times as much MOOLA as Mrs. Bell, with FIVE times as many donors?

Funny things about averages.

What are you talking about Pig?

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 01:50:54 pm
Originally posted by Townsend

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by RecycleMichael

I am tired of your partisan lying nonsense, bear.

Karen Keith has raised $88,881 from 366 different donors. It averages to $242.84 per donor. Sally Bell has raised $17,726 from 73 donors. It averages to $242.82 per donor.

The difference is two cents per donor.

You are just trying to make up a slam against a wonderful public servant. Karen just has more friends and has done a better job of fundraising than Sally Bell.

You are not a bear, you are a pig.

And KKKeith has NOT raised FIVE times as much MOOLA as Mrs. Bell, with FIVE times as many donors?

Funny things about averages.

What are you talking about Pig?

Take a refresher course in your Third Grade Math.

The one covering Long Division.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: RecycleMichael on September 05, 2008, 01:57:47 pm
You are not lying about your are lying about your conclusion.

Just because one candidate raises more money does not mean they are owned.

You are not a pig, you are a lying dog.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 02:19:12 pm
Originally posted by RecycleMichael

You are not lying about your are lying about your conclusion.

Just because one candidate raises more money does not mean they are owned.

You are not a pig, you are a lying dog.


Rough, Rough.  

Rough, rough, rough.

Say, didn't you just violate one of the DEPORTMENT rules of the TulsaNow Forum?

Name calling?


>>Note to Forum Administrator:

SANCTION and caution Mr. RecycleMichael.

He's hurting my tender feelings. Again.

Sniff, sniff.

P.S. Care to LIST all her contributors who individually gave over $200 each?

That should be insightful.


Sharon King Davis.





Tulsa Fertility Clinic?

Oops, scratch that last one.  Wrong list.


Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: joiei on September 05, 2008, 02:23:24 pm
I just did the math the old fashioned way with paper and a #2 pencil.  I got the same results as Recycle so Mr Bear you are the one who needs a math refresher,  either that or your using the new Republican math.  Smear anyone and everyone no matter what the truth is is the new Republican way of politics.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 02:30:29 pm
Originally posted by joiei

I just did the math the old fashioned way with paper and a #2 pencil.  I got the same results as Recycle so Mr Bear you are the one who needs a math refresher,  either that or your using the new Republican math.  Smear anyone and everyone no matter what the truth is is the new Republican way of politics.

Ms. Keith has FIVE times the amount of political campaign contributions than Sally Bell.  And, Keith has about FIVE times the number of contributors.

Mrs. Bell has 1/5 of the amount of campaign contributions, and 1/5 the number of individual contributors of Ms. Keith.

That's why the AVERAGE donation amounts are approximately the same.

The average is also meaningless.

You stick one hand in boiling water, and the other hand in ice water, and on AVERAGE you feel fine.

That's how averages work.

Next math lesson, for those math-challenged patrons of the local Indian Casinos, we'll cover a new subject:


Might be insightful.

For those keen students who want to work ahead, tonite's home work assignment is to flip a Quarter 100x.

Write down the results after each flip.




Add the columns, and turn your results in tomorrow for extra credit.

Remember to write your names and the date of this assignment in the Top Right Corner of your workbook.

Class dismissed.


Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Townsend on September 05, 2008, 02:43:21 pm

She has 5 times the money and 5 times the contributors because she has 5 times the support.  My guess would be more but I'll stick with the proven money.

In other words she's favored.

What is your point?

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 02:47:35 pm
Originally posted by Townsend


She has 5 times the money and 5 times the contributors because she has 5 times the support.  My guess would be more but I'll stick with the proven money.

In other words she's favored.

What is your point?

Favored with a virtual waterfall of money from the Moneyed, Mid-Town Elite.  

That's all it really means.

They like her effective 20 year use of a Teleprompter.  

Maybe a Tulsa Mayoral candidate someday....

Does she have any children to help in her campaign?

That always helps.

Unless they're the GWBush daughters.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Townsend on September 05, 2008, 02:52:05 pm
Man...what is wrong with you?

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 02:53:20 pm
Originally posted by Townsend

Man...what is wrong with you?

I'm fine.

How are you?

Have a Nice Weekend.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Townsend on September 05, 2008, 02:55:44 pm
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Townsend

Man...what is wrong with you?

I'm fine.

How are you?

Have a Nice Weekend.


Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: RecycleMichael on September 05, 2008, 05:24:01 pm
I apologize for calling friendly bear names.

Please stop talking about a woman without children as somewhat lesser than other women.

It is incredibly insensitive.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 06:06:43 pm
Originally posted by RecycleMichael

I apologize for calling friendly bear names.

Please stop talking about a woman without children as somewhat lesser than other women.

It is incredibly insensitive.

She made a choice.

She's a career entertainer, hoping to become a career politician.

I'm voting for Sally.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Wrinkle on September 05, 2008, 06:59:18 pm
Why bother with a vote, just declare the winner on the most dollars raised?

Statistics support that theory.

But, it doesn't well account for public sentiment. Seems the public is interested in real change at the County or they would've kept Randi Miller. Keith is more of the same.

What was the budget for the anti-River Tax group again?

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 07:08:35 pm
Originally posted by Wrinkle

Why bother with a vote, just declare the winner on the most dollars raised?

Statistics support that theory.

But, it doesn't well account for public sentiment. Seems the public is interested in real change at the County or they would've kept Randi Miller. Keith is more of the same.

What was the budget for the anti-River Tax group again?

Under $5,000.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Conan71 on September 05, 2008, 09:07:30 pm
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Why bother with a vote, just declare the winner on the most dollars raised?

Statistics support that theory.

But, it doesn't well account for public sentiment. Seems the public is interested in real change at the County or they would've kept Randi Miller. Keith is more of the same.

What was the budget for the anti-River Tax group again?

Under $5,000.

Yeah, but we got about $20K in free disdain from Friendly Bear as well.

It worked.

Don't be so hard on Karen.  Many donations have come in un-solicited.  There will be a full investigation into Ms. Miller's mal-feasance and the whole Murphy infestation if Karen is elected.

As I've previously mentioned, Sally cannot spearhead a non-partisan investigation and work to get the county cleaned up.

I'm a huge skeptic of the establishment, you're going to have to trust me on this one.  I wouldn't have agreed to help her if I wasn't convinced she'd keep her word, nor if I thought she was going to carry the water for the usual suspects.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 05, 2008, 10:44:09 pm
Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Why bother with a vote, just declare the winner on the most dollars raised?

Statistics support that theory.

But, it doesn't well account for public sentiment. Seems the public is interested in real change at the County or they would've kept Randi Miller. Keith is more of the same.

What was the budget for the anti-River Tax group again?

Under $5,000.

Yeah, but we got about $20K in free disdain from Friendly Bear as well.

It worked.

Don't be so hard on Karen.  Many donations have come in un-solicited.  There will be a full investigation into Ms. Miller's mal-feasance and the whole Murphy infestation if Karen is elected.

As I've previously mentioned, Sally cannot spearhead a non-partisan investigation and work to get the county cleaned up.

I'm a huge skeptic of the establishment, you're going to have to trust me on this one.  I wouldn't have agreed to help her if I wasn't convinced she'd keep her word, nor if I thought she was going to carry the water for the usual suspects.

Karen is barren.

She's a mouthpiece for the local power establishment.  

And an effective mouthpiece, rehearsed and drilled to stare into the camera, read the teleprompter without blinking, and lie her pretty head off.

Sally can lead.

Sally for Tulsa County Commissioner.

With the Drillers moving downtown, there's much more County Fairgrounds land available for a new Amusement park!

Will it be the new Murphy's or Bell's?

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Hoss on September 06, 2008, 12:08:02 am
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Why bother with a vote, just declare the winner on the most dollars raised?

Statistics support that theory.

But, it doesn't well account for public sentiment. Seems the public is interested in real change at the County or they would've kept Randi Miller. Keith is more of the same.

What was the budget for the anti-River Tax group again?

Under $5,000.

Yeah, but we got about $20K in free disdain from Friendly Bear as well.

It worked.

Don't be so hard on Karen.  Many donations have come in un-solicited.  There will be a full investigation into Ms. Miller's mal-feasance and the whole Murphy infestation if Karen is elected.

As I've previously mentioned, Sally cannot spearhead a non-partisan investigation and work to get the county cleaned up.

I'm a huge skeptic of the establishment, you're going to have to trust me on this one.  I wouldn't have agreed to help her if I wasn't convinced she'd keep her word, nor if I thought she was going to carry the water for the usual suspects.

Karen is barren.

Sally can Sally-for
With the Drillers moving downtown, there's much more county land for a new Amusement park!

FB is on this kick about people's reproductive issues.

Maybe FB is impotent?


Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 06, 2008, 08:46:25 am
Originally posted by Hoss

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Why bother with a vote, just declare the winner on the most dollars raised?

Statistics support that theory.

But, it doesn't well account for public sentiment. Seems the public is interested in real change at the County or they would've kept Randi Miller. Keith is more of the same.

What was the budget for the anti-River Tax group again?

Under $5,000.

Yeah, but we got about $20K in free disdain from Friendly Bear as well.

It worked.

Don't be so hard on Karen.  Many donations have come in un-solicited.  There will be a full investigation into Ms. Miller's mal-feasance and the whole Murphy infestation if Karen is elected.

As I've previously mentioned, Sally cannot spearhead a non-partisan investigation and work to get the county cleaned up.

I'm a huge skeptic of the establishment, you're going to have to trust me on this one.  I wouldn't have agreed to help her if I wasn't convinced she'd keep her word, nor if I thought she was going to carry the water for the usual suspects.

Karen is barren.

Sally can Sally-for
With the Drillers moving downtown, there's much more county land for a new Amusement park!

FB is on this kick about people's reproductive issues.

Maybe FB is impotent?


Your mother, Mrs. Cartwright, should know.


Is that you????

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Hoss on September 06, 2008, 09:06:49 am
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Hoss

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Why bother with a vote, just declare the winner on the most dollars raised?

Statistics support that theory.

But, it doesn't well account for public sentiment. Seems the public is interested in real change at the County or they would've kept Randi Miller. Keith is more of the same.

What was the budget for the anti-River Tax group again?

Under $5,000.

Yeah, but we got about $20K in free disdain from Friendly Bear as well.

It worked.

Don't be so hard on Karen.  Many donations have come in un-solicited.  There will be a full investigation into Ms. Miller's mal-feasance and the whole Murphy infestation if Karen is elected.

As I've previously mentioned, Sally cannot spearhead a non-partisan investigation and work to get the county cleaned up.

I'm a huge skeptic of the establishment, you're going to have to trust me on this one.  I wouldn't have agreed to help her if I wasn't convinced she'd keep her word, nor if I thought she was going to carry the water for the usual suspects.

Karen is barren.

Sally can Sally-for
With the Drillers moving downtown, there's much more county land for a new Amusement park!

FB is on this kick about people's reproductive issues.

Maybe FB is impotent?


Your mother, Mrs. Cartwright, should know.


Is that you????

Yet another substantive comment from Tulsa's favorite quadruped.


Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 06, 2008, 09:23:41 am
Originally posted by Hoss

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Hoss

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Why bother with a vote, just declare the winner on the most dollars raised?

Statistics support that theory.

But, it doesn't well account for public sentiment. Seems the public is interested in real change at the County or they would've kept Randi Miller. Keith is more of the same.

What was the budget for the anti-River Tax group again?

Under $5,000.

Yeah, but we got about $20K in free disdain from Friendly Bear as well.

It worked.

Don't be so hard on Karen.  Many donations have come in un-solicited.  There will be a full investigation into Ms. Miller's mal-feasance and the whole Murphy infestation if Karen is elected.

As I've previously mentioned, Sally cannot spearhead a non-partisan investigation and work to get the county cleaned up.

I'm a huge skeptic of the establishment, you're going to have to trust me on this one.  I wouldn't have agreed to help her if I wasn't convinced she'd keep her word, nor if I thought she was going to carry the water for the usual suspects.

Karen is barren.

Sally can Sally-for
With the Drillers moving downtown, there's much more county land for a new Amusement park!

FB is on this kick about people's reproductive issues.

Maybe FB is impotent?


Your mother, Mrs. Cartwright, should know.


Is that you????

Yet another substantive comment from Tulsa's favorite quadruped.



I meant it when I told her I will respect her in the morning.

I still do, after all these years.


Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Double A on September 06, 2008, 12:29:18 pm
I will not vote for Karen Keith. Her record on the issues speaks louder than the empty promises of her campaign rhetoric. She's just another status quo conformer masquerading as a reformer.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 06, 2008, 04:32:39 pm
Originally posted by Double A

I will not vote for Karen Keith. Her record on the issues speaks louder than the empty promises of her campaign rhetoric. She's just another status quo conformer masquerading as a reformer.


I second the motion.

Karen Keith is a smooth, local Money-Establishment Mouthpiece, with 20 years of Teleprompter Experience.

Put lipstick on a Pig.  What do you have?


Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Rico on September 06, 2008, 09:09:57 pm
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Put lipstick on a Pig.  What do you have?


uhhhhhh Sarah Palin.......?

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 06, 2008, 09:25:49 pm
Originally posted by Rico

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Put lipstick on a Pig.  What do you have?


uhhhhhh Sarah Palin.......?

Uhhhhh......Karen K. Keith!

Pucker Up!

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: USRufnex on September 07, 2008, 10:07:08 am
Originally posted by Rico

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Put lipstick on a Pig.  What do you have?


uhhhhhh Sarah Palin.......?

Amen.  Preach it, brother Rico.  [:P]

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 07, 2008, 10:34:46 am
Originally posted by USRufnex

Originally posted by Rico

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Put lipstick on a Pig.  What do you have?


uhhhhhh Sarah Palin.......?

Amen.  Preach it, brother Rico.  [:P]

Who would you rather kiss?

Sarah Palin?


Joe Biden?

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 08, 2008, 08:02:58 pm
Originally posted by Double A

I will not vote for Karen Keith. Her record on the issues speaks louder than the empty promises of her campaign rhetoric. She's just another status quo conformer masquerading as a reformer.

Tulsa County Commission Candidate Sally Bell came out this week against the 10 South Yale/10 North Yale THA project for the homeless/mentally ill.  

You know, the project that the THA and Ruth Kaiser Nelson rammed down the throats of the White City neighborhood.

Wonder if Karen Keith has taken a position about this neighborhood project?

She used to be very active in her Brookside neighborhood association....

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: OkieDiva on September 08, 2008, 08:23:37 pm
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Tulsa County Commission Candidate Sally Bell came out this week against the 10 South Yale/10 North Yale THA project for the homeless/mentally ill.  

You know, the project that the THA and Ruth Kaiser Nelson rammed down the throats of the White City neighborhood.

I know! Maybe Silly Sally can build a new Bell's at 10/Yale. I dislike the NIMBY approach, but a real slum like that in my neighborhood would get my dander up... much, much more so than a facility dedicated to helping fellow citizens become healthy and productive.

FB, you are offensive. Disagree with Karen's politics all you like. Insinuate (and look stupid doing so) that her experience is inferior to hiring a bunch of teens to serve food on a stick and run decrepit bumper boat rides. But to bring up Karen's uterus? In a county commission race? It serves no point other than to confirm your lack of sense and couth.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: TURobY on September 08, 2008, 09:45:05 pm
I think that Bear is implying that if she's not burdened with children, then she'd be an even better choice. Her entire focus would be on the county, instead of on her children. Is that what you were trying to convey? [;)]

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Conan71 on September 08, 2008, 11:10:25 pm
I'm tired of Karen getting picked on.  I'm voting twice for her to make up for the meanies.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Double A on September 08, 2008, 11:43:17 pm
Originally posted by Conan71

I'm tired of Karen getting picked on.  I'm voting twice for her to make up for the meanies.

Jim Burdge, Is that you?[?]

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: cks511 on September 12, 2008, 07:16:02 am
Dear Ms. Keith,

Thank you for your seven paragraph letter personally addressed to me AND the glossy insert extolling Vision, Experience, Integrity.  Wow! The buzz words!  I'm amazed at the depth and breadth!  Are you sure this was meant for me?

But what's this???  An envelope?  Oh my!  You want money from little ole me?  Sorry Ms. Keith I happen to know you've already collected more than I make in a year.  And, you've received those funds from Tulsa's wealthiest elite.   It's laughable that you already want my money before you are elected.  I'm sure you will come after more IF you are elected. Oh, and what this?  I have to put my own stamp on it? Wow!  

Ms. Keith you will not be receiving my money.  You will, however, be receiving a no vote from me.  Your mailing proves just how out of touch you are else, I would not have received this from you.    

Yours truly,

Carol Snyder

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: waterboy on September 12, 2008, 07:38:11 am
Originally posted by cks511

Dear Ms. Keith,

Thank you for your seven paragraph letter personally addressed to me AND the glossy insert extolling Vision, Experience, Integrity.  Wow! The buzz words!  I'm amazed at the depth and breadth!  Are you sure this was meant for me?

But what's this???  An envelope?  Oh my!  You want money from little ole me?  Sorry Ms. Keith I happen to know you've already collected more than I make in a year.  And, you've received those funds from Tulsa's wealthiest elite.   It's laughable that you already want my money before you are elected.  I'm sure you will come after more IF you are elected. Oh, and what this?  I have to put my own stamp on it? Wow!  

Ms. Keith you will not be receiving my money.  You will, however, be receiving a no vote from me.  Your mailing proves just how out of touch you are else, I would not have received this from you.    

Yours truly,

Carol Snyder

You must be one of those tons of hypocritical Tulsans who are registered as Democratic or Independent yet wouldn't dream of ever voting for a Democrat unless is was a Dino.

Change your registration or stop voting altoghether and you won't receive such "offensive" mailings.

I like a good underdog, prairie fire candidate that comes from nowhere and makes a big splash ([:P]) by overcoming all odds. Maybe that's Bell. I doubt it. The amount of money collected in an election is still a good indicator of support, especially if it comes from a wide array of donors. Inhofe, Coburn, Taylor, and other locals prove it over and over. There simply are not enough negatives about Keith to oppose her.

However, Bell taking a position on the 10 North Yale development seems strange to me. That isn't county land is it? Isn't she just demagoguing?

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: cks511 on September 12, 2008, 07:44:21 am
Originally posted by waterboy

.... or stop voting altoghether and you won't receive such "offensive" mailings.

Actually if there ever was an election where I've considiered NOT voting, it would be this one...I hate voting for the lesser of two nothings....oh well.  Waterboy you sound grouchy this morning.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: waterboy on September 12, 2008, 08:09:53 am
Originally posted by cks511

Originally posted by waterboy

.... or stop voting altoghether and you won't receive such "offensive" mailings.

Actually if there ever was an election where I've considiered NOT voting, it would be this one...I hate voting for the lesser of two nothings....oh well.  Waterboy you sound grouchy this morning.

I'm having a grouchy year. Happens every 4 years or so. Someone will smile at me today and I'll be okay.[;)]

Vote anyway. If you can write a readable sentence using some logic, based on some defensable facts, your country needs you!

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Conan71 on September 12, 2008, 08:50:19 am
Originally posted by waterboy

However, Bell taking a position on the 10 North Yale development seems strange to me. That isn't county land is it? Isn't she just demagoguing?

Demagoguing I do believe.

I guess taking a position on that is still better than Anna Falling campaigning for CCD-1 two years ago by telling everyone she was against same sex marriage and abortion.  [B)]

That's a total "pancakes???" issue with a county commissioner.

I think anger has subsided enough over Randi, that's the biggest reason for the huge shellacking Sally put on her in the primary.  Karen will be the next CCD-2 commish.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Friendly Bear on September 12, 2008, 11:11:20 am
Originally posted by cks511

Dear Ms. Keith,

Thank you for your seven paragraph letter personally addressed to me AND the glossy insert extolling Vision, Experience, Integrity.  Wow! The buzz words!  I'm amazed at the depth and breadth!  Are you sure this was meant for me?

But what's this???  An envelope?  Oh my!  You want money from little ole me?  Sorry Ms. Keith I happen to know you've already collected more than I make in a year.  And, you've received those funds from Tulsa's wealthiest elite.   It's laughable that you already want my money before you are elected.  I'm sure you will come after more IF you are elected. Oh, and what this?  I have to put my own stamp on it? Wow!  

Ms. Keith you will not be receiving my money.  You will, however, be receiving a no vote from me.  Your mailing proves just how out of touch you are else, I would not have received this from you.    

Yours truly,

Carol Snyder

I got the same letter, glossy flyer, and Return Envelope.

Tossed it in the trash.

Karen Keith is a slick PR Mouthpiece, OWNED by the local, moneyed ruling establishment.

She's owned.

With a vote for Sally Bell, at least there's a CHANCE for reform of our corrupt county government.

A chance.

There's NONE with Karen Keith.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: waterboy on September 12, 2008, 12:45:24 pm
Please refer to her as "monied". Your making me think she has some kind of eye deformity called mon eye.[:D]

Besides, whats wrong with people having money and supporting candidates who seem reasonable to them? Us po' folks would if we could. We all want the same things: LCD TV's, a foreign luxury car, attractive mates and stocks that only rise.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Double A on September 12, 2008, 02:38:51 pm
Originally posted by waterboy

Originally posted by cks511

Dear Ms. Keith,

Thank you for your seven paragraph letter personally addressed to me AND the glossy insert extolling Vision, Experience, Integrity.  Wow! The buzz words!  I'm amazed at the depth and breadth!  Are you sure this was meant for me?

But what's this???  An envelope?  Oh my!  You want money from little ole me?  Sorry Ms. Keith I happen to know you've already collected more than I make in a year.  And, you've received those funds from Tulsa's wealthiest elite.   It's laughable that you already want my money before you are elected.  I'm sure you will come after more IF you are elected. Oh, and what this?  I have to put my own stamp on it? Wow!  

Ms. Keith you will not be receiving my money.  You will, however, be receiving a no vote from me.  Your mailing proves just how out of touch you are else, I would not have received this from you.    

Yours truly,

Carol Snyder

You must be one of those tons of hypocritical Tulsans who are registered as Democratic or Independent yet wouldn't dream of ever voting for a Democrat unless is was a Dino.

Like DINO Karen Keith, a teleprompter spin doctor and vodoo Vision 2025 Dialogue switch doctor for the Billy Lafortune administration. You know, her Republican buddy who is the current attorney for the Tulsa Housing Authority, another one of Tulsa's anti-public ABCs or Trusts,  who is pushing the Admiral and Yale assisted living center for the mentally ill and chronically homeless.

I expect KK will avoid this issue like the plague, there's a cemetery in that closet, she won't go near it.

Title: Karen Keith Rakes in the Mid-Town Moola
Post by: Breadburner on September 12, 2008, 03:20:40 pm
Originally posted by cks511

Dear Ms. Keith,

Thank you for your seven paragraph letter personally addressed to me AND the glossy insert extolling Vision, Experience, Integrity.  Wow! The buzz words!  I'm amazed at the depth and breadth!  Are you sure this was meant for me?

But what's this???  An envelope?  Oh my!  You want money from little ole me?  Sorry Ms. Keith I happen to know you've already collected more than I make in a year.  And, you've received those funds from Tulsa's wealthiest elite.   It's laughable that you already want my money before you are elected.  I'm sure you will come after more IF you are elected. Oh, and what this?  I have to put my own stamp on it? Wow!  

Ms. Keith you will not be receiving my money.  You will, however, be receiving a no vote from me.  Your mailing proves just how out of touch you are else, I would not have received this from you.    

Yours truly,

Carol Snyder

Send monopoly money....