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Not At My Table - Political Discussions => National & International Politics => Topic started by: tim huntzinger on September 10, 2008, 08:46:18 am

Title: Lipstick on a pig? Water off a ducks back!
Post by: tim huntzinger on September 10, 2008, 08:46:18 am
I thought O'bama's 'gaffe' was awesome, and not at all directed at Palin.  O'bama was calling McCain the pig, IMO - Palin is the lipstick!  The M/P ticket is wayyyyy overreaching on this one. if this upset them, just wait until the psuedoanonymous 'swift-boat' groups start in.  Best thing to do would be to let ad hominen attacks just roll off.  Of course, at least the campaign did not say 'Well, that is the pot calling the kettle . . . Barack!'

Title: Lipstick on a pig? Water off a ducks back!
Post by: Gaspar on September 10, 2008, 08:52:24 am
Originally posted by tim huntzinger

I thought O'bama's 'gaffe' was awesome, and not at all directed at Palin.  O'bama was calling McCain the pig, IMO - Palin is the lipstick!  The M/P ticket is wayyyyy overreaching on this one. if this upset them, just wait until the psuedoanonymous 'swift-boat' groups start in.  Best thing to do would be to let ad hominen attacks just roll off.  Of course, at least the campaign did not say 'Well, that is the pot calling the kettle . . . Barack!'

You are correct.  They won't let it roll off though.  They will confront it and make it fester.  I think I hear them doing so right now on the radio.

Darn.  I'm one day off on my prediction for the excrement storm that the Obama Campaign will be facing from this point on.

Title: Lipstick on a pig? Water off a ducks back!
Post by: RecycleMichael on September 10, 2008, 08:54:06 am
He should explain his remarks and apologize if anyone was offended.

I agree that his remarks were toward McCain and not Palin. You could call her a bunch of things, but she ain't a pig.

Title: Lipstick on a pig? Water off a ducks back!
Post by: Conan71 on September 10, 2008, 08:55:03 am
That's pretty funny, I hadn't really thought of McCain being able to use the "gender card" up till now.

I wonder if he will use the "eskimo card" at some point?

Title: Lipstick on a pig? Water off a ducks back!
Post by: Gaspar on September 10, 2008, 09:14:20 am
Originally posted by Conan71

That's pretty funny, I hadn't really thought of McCain being able to use the "gender card" up till now.

I wonder if he will use the "eskimo card" at some point?

How do you use the "eskimo card"?

"While your family was living in the lap of luxury, my people were freezing and eating whale blubber, and well. . .they were darn happy about it!"

Honestly.  I've met several eskimo's on my trips to Alaska, and I have never met an unhappy one.  They are the most self-sufficient, honest, giving group of folks I have ever come across.  I really don't think their is an "eskimo card."  

I think if you made fun of someone because they were eskimo, they would just laugh at you because deep down inside they know that you are nothing but polar-bear food.


Title: Lipstick on a pig? Water off a ducks back!
Post by: Hoss on September 10, 2008, 09:20:57 am
Originally posted by Gaspar

Originally posted by Conan71

That's pretty funny, I hadn't really thought of McCain being able to use the "gender card" up till now.

I wonder if he will use the "eskimo card" at some point?

How do you use the "eskimo card"?

"While your family was living in the lap of luxury, my people were freezing and eating whale blubber, and well. . .they were darn happy about it!"

Honestly.  I've met several eskimo's on my trips to Alaska, and I have never met an unhappy one.  They are the most self-sufficient, honest, giving group of folks I have ever come across.  I really don't think their is an "eskimo card."  

I think if you made fun of someone because they were eskimo, they would just laugh at you because deep down inside they know that you are nothing but polar-bear food.


Most of the 'Eskimos' I've met don't like people using that term.  It's usually Inuit (Canadian I think) or Inupuit???

And I will agree with you.  I have more than a fair share of Native American blood in me, and the Alaskan Native Americans that I've met were just as jovial and cordial as could be.  Most people could take a few lessons from them.

Title: Lipstick on a pig? Water off a ducks back!
Post by: Townsend on September 10, 2008, 09:46:58 am
It's "Warm weather challenged" now

Title: Lipstick on a pig? Water off a ducks back!
Post by: Crash Daily on September 10, 2008, 10:23:18 am
I really don't think I could've voted for McCain until he picked Palin as a running mate. I wouldn't have been able to vote for him, no matter how much Obama sucks, except the fact that he chose someone that I really like. It was unexpected and I'm glad it happened. I guess it really is lipstick on a pig. [:D]
The thing is we now have a choice between lipstick on a pig or candy coated sh*t. Once you get past the lipstick and candy, I'd much rather eat bacon. [:P]


Title: Lipstick on a pig? Water off a ducks back!
Post by: FOTD on September 10, 2008, 10:32:20 am

McShame (R-Idiot) is too dumb to recall what HE said....