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Not At My Table - Political Discussions => National & International Politics => Topic started by: Chicken Little on September 13, 2008, 08:36:30 am

Title: Lipstick on a Pork Queen
Post by: Chicken Little on September 13, 2008, 08:36:30 am
When will McCain stop lying about Palin's record as a reformer?  Will it be before the election? (rhetorical)

From AP (http://""):

Palin has cut back on pork-barrel requests, but in her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation.

Geez, when "The View" has your number, you have to think it's time to change the subject...or at least, try.

From  WaPo (http://"")

McCain has portrayed Palin as a reformer unwilling to accept pork from Washington.

But Walters and Behar pressed.

"She also took some earmarks,'' Walters said.

"A lot," Behar added.

"No, not as governor she didn't,'' McCain responded.

The Obama campaign quickly produced a sheaf of newspaper articles indicating otherwise, such as a Sept. 2 Washington Post article that said the governor's administration "remains eager for many other earmarks. In February, Palin's office sent Sen. (Ted) Stevens a 70-page memo outlining almost $200 million worth of new funding requests for Alaska."

Title: Lipstick on a Pork Queen
Post by: waterboy on September 13, 2008, 10:26:19 am
Maybe he doesn't know? Maybe its his age. Or maybe he's trading on the perception that its his age.

When I was a teenager, I had a friend who's grandfather lived with him. He sat quietly in a corner most days and never seemed to hear what people said. Unless you said something about "the old fart in the corner" then he would come alive and curse you. [:D]

Title: Lipstick on a Pork Queen
Post by: RecycleMichael on September 13, 2008, 11:46:43 am
Originally posted by waterboy
...unless you said something about "the old fart in the corner" then he would come alive and curse you.

I have become that guy.

I thought I had west nile virus...turns out it was senile virus.

Title: Lipstick on a Pork Queen
Post by: we vs us on September 13, 2008, 12:12:12 pm
Originally posted by Chicken Little

When will McCain stop lying about Palin's record as a reformer?  Will it be before the election? (rhetorical)

From AP (http://""):

Palin has cut back on pork-barrel requests, but in her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation.

Geez, when "The View" has your number, you have to think it's time to change the subject...or at least, try.

From  WaPo (http://"")

McCain has portrayed Palin as a reformer unwilling to accept pork from Washington.

But Walters and Behar pressed.

"She also took some earmarks,'' Walters said.

"A lot," Behar added.

"No, not as governor she didn't,'' McCain responded.

The Obama campaign quickly produced a sheaf of newspaper articles indicating otherwise, such as a Sept. 2 Washington Post article that said the governor's administration "remains eager for many other earmarks. In February, Palin's office sent Sen. (Ted) Stevens a 70-page memo outlining almost $200 million worth of new funding requests for Alaska."

I'm a little befuddled with my friends on the other side of the aisle.  John McCain and Sarah Palin are getting caught lying over and over and over again.  It's not a misstatement-thing, it's not a one-and-done thing kind of thing, there haven't been any apologies or retractions.  They just keep lying.  

I'm at a loss, really, to explain why that doesn't enrage any of their supporters.  Is it cool with y'all that your candidate is caught lying again and again, publicly?  Is that an acceptable trait for a president to have, the ability to lie to the people with a straight face?  Or is this just flat about doing whatever it takes to win?

Title: Lipstick on a Pork Queen
Post by: MDepr2007 on September 13, 2008, 05:45:46 pm
And how much has Oklahoma asked for , not even counting the disaster money from the Feds which is probably more than Alaska has asked for.

Tulsa alone took $50 million in earmarks for one river.

70-page memo outlining almost $200 million worth of new funding requests for Alaska."  

I don't get what this actually means or where it says anything to lead one to think it's wrong. Who knows maybe it was to help fund going "GREEN" [;)]

Title: Lipstick on a Pork Queen
Post by: Chicken Little on September 13, 2008, 07:26:26 pm
Originally posted by MDepr2007

And how much has Oklahoma asked for , not even counting the disaster money from the Feds which is probably more than Alaska has asked for.

Tulsa alone took $50 million in earmarks for one river.

70-page memo outlining almost $200 million worth of new funding requests for Alaska."  

I don't get what this actually means or where it says anything to lead one to think it's wrong. Who knows maybe it was to help fund going "GREEN" [;)]

Friendly Bear thinks that there are good earmarks and bad ones.  But most of us can agree that this business of "bringing home the bacon" in order to keep one's self in office is plain wrong.  Their should be a better way.

But the issue here is not earmark requests...that's well documented.  On a per capita basis, Alaska under Palin, this freakin' year, leads the nation.

The issue here is that McCain flat denies that she took earmarks as a governor when, irrefutably, she did.  He keeps repeating these things and even Barbara Wa-wa knows he's lying.

He's not "spinning" or stretching...he's lying.