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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: jwl1979 on February 05, 2009, 02:17:34 pm

Title: Enlyten
Post by: jwl1979 on February 05, 2009, 02:17:34 pm
Don't know if anyone has heard of this product but it really works. It is a really exceptional concept that is being developed in Tulsa right now and they are awaiting a new patent that could allow for the use of their strips that would contain Aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. That could change the way we take medicine and other things that benefit us. Check it out it is a great opportunity that will continue to grow.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: zstyles on February 05, 2009, 02:37:56 pm

you mean a patent that would allow them to also put listorine in strips, or breath mints, or ohh ahh maybe cough medicine?

Glad your drinking the koolaid of these get rich quick people..but being a former Mona - Via junkie for a few months...come back in a year when you see the the meantime..


Anyone for Pyramids??

Title: Enlyten
Post by: sgrizzle on February 05, 2009, 02:50:13 pm
Actually Enlyten is a Tulsa company like specified and there are quite a few stories on this new medication delivery technique.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: jwl1979 on February 05, 2009, 03:03:13 pm
Those listerine strips are only single layer strips these are bi-layered  provide greater capacity to maximize the quantity of active ingredients and flavors. Don't knock it until you try it...........

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Conan71 on February 05, 2009, 03:17:33 pm
Lemme guess, you need me to get 10 of my friends to distribute it and they need to get 10 of their friends and they need to....

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Gaspar on February 05, 2009, 03:18:37 pm

Tell Jerry that this is not a smart place to market a MLM product with an exceptionally limited lifespan.

I know the players and I know the game.  Good luck to you.


Title: Enlyten
Post by: Breadburner on February 05, 2009, 05:03:46 pm
Originally posted by jwl1979

Don't know if anyone has heard of this product but it really works. It is a really exceptional concept that is being developed in Tulsa right now and they are awaiting a new patent that could allow for the use of their strips that would contain Aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. That could change the way we take medicine and other things that benefit us. Check it out it is a great opportunity that will continue to grow.

The Sheeple are on it...You have joined to late the train is out of the station...

Title: Enlyten
Post by: zstyles on February 05, 2009, 05:09:18 pm
Baaaaaaaaaaa cough cough cough...spare change please?

Title: Enlyten
Post by: RecycleMichael on February 05, 2009, 05:19:11 pm
You guys are smart to be wary of any claims made by this company. We know anything claiming to be the fountain of youth will turn out to be a leaky old faucet. I had a guy talking up this company a few months ago to me and I made fun of him for being gullible.

But step back away from their claims and look at the idea. Can we use those little strips in our mouth to be a delivery system for nutrition, medication, etc?

I tried the Listerine strips for mouthwash and they seemed fine. They tasted like mouthwash of course, but it seemed a convenient and consistent way to take the product.

Could little strips that dissolve in our mouth be a better way to regulate dosage?

Title: Enlyten
Post by: DolfanBob on February 05, 2009, 05:30:25 pm
You know you are a really dynamic person and have a great personality and I bet you are terrific with just about all kinds of people.
I have a fantastic opportunity and if you would just watch this dvd Im sure that you would do very good in this exciting industry.

It's not Amway is it ?

Just have a open mind and watch it to the very end and contact me after you have seen everything that we have to offer.

Almost one hour and the very last message finally said...........AMWAY

True story. Been there done that.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: TheArtist on February 05, 2009, 05:53:31 pm
I am not going to click on any link like that lol. First thing I thought was..." you want me to stick a strip that has extremely bitter salicylic acid (aspirin) in it, in my mouth to dissolve? Egads you would gag no matter how strong the masking taste of the strips was. Let alone Ibuprofen.  Your not supposed to let that stuff be in your mouth anyway. Its supposed to dissolve in your stomach. You couldn't get enough aspirin in or, inbetween 2 strips, to do any good unless they were huuuge strips lol. It would have to be bacon sized or larger perhaps, to not taste super bitter. Certainly couldnt get enough in a strip like those listerine ones. You would probably need a dozen of those after you took the medicine strips to get that taste and smell out of your mouth lol. Zeesh.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Breadburner on February 05, 2009, 08:19:53 pm
Originally posted by TheArtist

I am not going to click on any link like that lol. First thing I thought was..." you want me to stick a strip that has extremely bitter salicylic acid (aspirin) in it, in my mouth to dissolve? Egads you would gag no matter how strong the masking taste of the strips was. Let alone Ibuprofen.  Your not supposed to let that stuff be in your mouth anyway. Its supposed to dissolve in your stomach. You couldn't get enough aspirin in or, inbetween 2 strips, to do any good unless they were huuuge strips lol. It would have to be bacon sized or larger perhaps, to not taste super bitter. Certainly couldnt get enough in a strip like those listerine ones. You would probably need a dozen of those after you took the medicine strips to get that taste and smell out of your mouth lol. Zeesh.


Lol...You are worried about something like this going YOUR

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Conan71 on February 05, 2009, 10:54:41 pm
Originally posted by RecycleMichael

You guys are smart to be wary of any claims made by this company. We know anything claiming to be the fountain of youth will turn out to be a leaky old faucet. I had a guy talking up this company a few months ago to me and I made fun of him for being gullible.

But step back away from their claims and look at the idea. Can we use those little strips in our mouth to be a delivery system for nutrition, medication, etc?

I tried the Listerine strips for mouthwash and they seemed fine. They tasted like mouthwash of course, but it seemed a convenient and consistent way to take the product.

Could little strips that dissolve in our mouth be a better way to regulate dosage?

Uh no, they got to RM...

Title: Enlyten
Post by: RecycleMichael on February 06, 2009, 08:38:55 am

I just think that little dissolvable strips might be an effective way to deliver medications, vitamins, etc.

I hate needles...I can't imagine caring an inhaler around and I have never liked pills ever since a bunch of kids in my junior high overdosed.

I suppose I could embrace other methods...what if we added vitamins to Marshall's beer?

Title: Enlyten
Post by: charky on February 06, 2009, 09:04:24 am
OK...I've actually tried the stuff over the past few weeks.

Mixed results. The melatonin strips definitely work for me. The energy strips...nope. I've used the electrolyte strips before and during my long training runs...and I think they've helped out.

Interesting concept.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Townsend on February 06, 2009, 09:49:57 am
Originally posted by RecycleMichael

I suppose I could embrace other methods...what if we added vitamins to Marshall's beer?

In my reality there are plenty of vitamins in Marshall's beer.  Take it from a 538 year old's the perfect food.  There can be only one.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Conan71 on February 06, 2009, 09:48:58 pm
15 posts and no one hit the obvious:

Do they have SPAM-flavored strips?

Title: Enlyten
Post by: brunoflipper on February 10, 2009, 09:01:33 am
i was going to let it go but pancakes...

unless you are on some crazy-donkey diet or have a real actual diagnosed condition (i.e. cf, short gut, a drunk) multivitamins are a waste... they just make your pee more yellow (and tasty)...

and electrolyte solutions/supplements? unless you are endurance training (like 3-4 hrs) it is all bull****, literally... there is some good evidence that the carbohydrate electrolyte solutions (i.e. gatorade) lead to more GI issues in long distance athletes... ever see those guys/gals at a marathon with stool running down their legs? that's them...  just drink plenty of water, you'll be fine...

Title: Enlyten
Post by: zstyles on February 10, 2009, 08:25:09 pm
Its funny..I found electrolite strips in Walgreens this weekend while getting pedialite for the kids..they were 5.99 for 40 strips...guess they beat you to the punch...

Title: Enlyten
Post by: charky on February 11, 2009, 09:23:54 am
Originally posted by brunoflipper

and electrolyte solutions/supplements? unless you are endurance training (like 3-4 hrs) it is all bull****, literally... there is some good evidence that the carbohydrate electrolyte solutions (i.e. gatorade) lead to more GI issues in long distance athletes... ever see those guys/gals at a marathon with stool running down their legs? that's them...  just drink plenty of water, you'll be fine...

Ehhh...debatable. I don't really consider myself an athlete...but I am a long distance runner. I'm good with water up through about 12 miles or roughly 2 hours of running. Beyond that...I always supplement with some type of electrolyte tablet or some Clif shots. But I've known runners that made it through a marathon with just water.

Different bodies react differently.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: ARGUS on February 12, 2009, 10:14:00 am
They now have Visene strips.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: we vs us on February 12, 2009, 02:56:58 pm
Originally posted by charky

Originally posted by brunoflipper

and electrolyte solutions/supplements? unless you are endurance training (like 3-4 hrs) it is all bull****, literally... there is some good evidence that the carbohydrate electrolyte solutions (i.e. gatorade) lead to more GI issues in long distance athletes... ever see those guys/gals at a marathon with stool running down their legs? that's them...  just drink plenty of water, you'll be fine...

Ehhh...debatable. I don't really consider myself an athlete...but I am a long distance runner. I'm good with water up through about 12 miles or roughly 2 hours of running. Beyond that...I always supplement with some type of electrolyte tablet or some Clif shots. But I've known runners that made it through a marathon with just water.

Different bodies react differently.

I'm with you.  There's a real difference between drinking water and something electrolyte-y over long distances.  I always get a measurable perk-up after a shot of gatorade. Other times I've stayed with pure agua and just crapped out after about an hour and a half of running.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Conan71 on February 12, 2009, 03:54:19 pm
Originally posted by ARGUS

They now have Visene strips.

I tried to get a patent for dehydrated water, didn't work out.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Conan71 on February 12, 2009, 03:57:30 pm
Originally posted by we vs us

Originally posted by charky

Originally posted by brunoflipper

and electrolyte solutions/supplements? unless you are endurance training (like 3-4 hrs) it is all bull****, literally... there is some good evidence that the carbohydrate electrolyte solutions (i.e. gatorade) lead to more GI issues in long distance athletes... ever see those guys/gals at a marathon with stool running down their legs? that's them...  just drink plenty of water, you'll be fine...

Ehhh...debatable. I don't really consider myself an athlete...but I am a long distance runner. I'm good with water up through about 12 miles or roughly 2 hours of running. Beyond that...I always supplement with some type of electrolyte tablet or some Clif shots. But I've known runners that made it through a marathon with just water.

Different bodies react differently.

I'm with you.  There's a real difference between drinking water and something electrolyte-y over long distances.  I always get a measurable perk-up after a shot of gatorade. Other times I've stayed with pure agua and just crapped out after about an hour and a half of running.

I generally stay away from energy drinks and stick with water when I'm on a long bike or training for rowing.  For longer rowing races when I'm in several events, I'll rely on fruit sugars or a Tiger's Milk bar between races, but I generally don't load up on electrolytes.  I just stay hydrated enough that I have to make a periodic trip to the men's room.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: RecycleMichael on February 12, 2009, 10:02:32 pm
"There is definitely life after oat bran. All our nation has to show after years of that is diarrhea."
Julia Child

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Townsend on February 13, 2009, 09:41:11 am
Originally posted by RecycleMichael

"There is definitely life after oat bran. All our nation has to show after years of that is diarrhea."
Julia Child

There's a visual

Title: Enlyten
Post by: zstyles on February 23, 2009, 04:02:44 pm
Interesting little article about this MLM marketing stuff...

Wal-Mart - Sam's Club Set To Put MonaVie Out Of Business?

When your company doesn't have a unique product, your only choice is to build your business on hype, false claims and other mumbo-jumbo.

Regardless of what some may think, people are not stupid.  They will eventually find out that a product similar to MonaVie is being sold in Sam's Club for $17.24 while MonaVie product is being sold for $39.  

Here is the price tag from Sam's Club (a division of Wal-Mart) - note the comparison to MonaVie on the shelf tag:


Finally, have a look at the back label.  I will be posting a comparison of ingredients soon:


Wal-Mart and Costco are not stupid either, gang.  Building a business based on a juice that can be copied so easily along with hype filled testimonies that many times cross the legal line into medical claims will catch up MonaVie.  The hype only lasts so long.

Update II (Ingredients):

Frut A Vie ingredients:

    Proprietary blend of Acai (Freeze Dried Powder & Puree), Grape Juice, Pear Juice, Cherry Juice, Pomegranate Juice, Goji Juice (Wolfberry), Apple Juice, Cranberry Juice, Blueberry Juice, Acerola, Grape Skin Extract, Bannana, & 1140mg of Mangosteen Peel Extract. (incomplete - I am working on getting the rest of the ingredients).

MonaVie Active ingredients:

    Proprietary blend of acai (freeze dried powder and puree); Fruit juice from concentrate (white grape, nashi pear, acerola, aronia, purple grape, cranberry, passion fruit, apricot, prune, kiwi, blueberry, wolfberry [goji], pomegranate, and lychee, camu camu); fruit purees (pear, banana, bilberry);d-glucosamine hydrochloride, esterified fatty acids, natural flavor, citric acid, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate.

 ORAC Values:

MonaVie has an ORAC score of 1027 per oz.

Frut A Vie has an ORAC score of 3500 per oz.

An Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) score is a test tube analysis that measures the antioxidant levels of food and other chemical substances. If a food has a high ORAC score, then it means the food is high in antioxidants. The antioxidant’s strength is its ability to eliminate oxygen free radicals.

Title: Enlyten
Post by: Michael71 on February 23, 2009, 07:53:42 pm
you would think that newbies would read responses to crap like this before posting.

It took me months of posting crap...just so I could get a little respect!!!...not that I have it, but...

Title: Enlyten
Post by: ARGUS on February 26, 2009, 11:39:12 am
they just noe came out with Mona Vie flavor too!

Title: Enlyten
Post by: sgrizzle on February 26, 2009, 12:24:35 pm
Since the guy who runs Monavie is on his third company selling a "revolutionary health breakthrough" through MLM and one of his previous "breakthroughs" was shutdown by the government and the FDA made him destroy all the product, I quit reading this post at "monavie"