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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: guido911 on March 10, 2009, 11:58:41 am

Title: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: guido911 on March 10, 2009, 11:58:41 am
Does this piss anyone else off?

Title: Re: Fifrefights Attacked on Call
Post by: Hoss on March 10, 2009, 12:04:51 pm
I saw this in the print version this AM and I was under the impression that TFD were allowed to carry firearms for protection.  I somehow remembered this from earlier in my childhood.

But yes, they should run these fools up a pole and dangle them in the wind for all I care.

Title: Re: Fifrefights Attacked on Call
Post by: nathanm on March 10, 2009, 12:33:11 pm
That's another of those "pancakes were they thinking?!" stories.

Edited to add: LOL at the acronym censoring.

Title: Re: Fifrefights Attacked on Call
Post by: Townsend on March 10, 2009, 02:02:59 pm
That's another of those "pancakes were they thinking?!" stories.

Yes, pancakes.

Title: Re: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: waterboy on March 10, 2009, 07:08:28 pm
It doesn't piss me off Guido. It stuns me. What in the world was going on that they attacked rescue workers? Because they thought they were slow in arriving? Man, that community is hurting when they start biting those who offer a hand of help. Please note that the entire areas north of Admiral are not similar in nature. Most are just as stunned and pissed as we are and are in effect being held hostage by the ignorance and violence.

BTW, shouldn't there be at least one person in each firetruck or emt who is trained and armed? Someone needs to have their back.

Title: Re: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: Gaspar on March 11, 2009, 04:59:24 am
It doesn't piss me off Guido. It stuns me. What in the world was going on that they attacked rescue workers? Because they thought they were slow in arriving? Man, that community is hurting when they start biting those who offer a hand of help. Please note that the entire areas north of Admiral are not similar in nature. Most are just as stunned and pissed as we are and are in effect being held hostage by the ignorance and violence.

BTW, shouldn't there be at least one person in each firetruck or emt who is trained and armed? Someone needs to have their back.

Yes this idiot started hitting the firefighter, but the amazing thing is that other bystanders joined in.  What kind of mentality causes a group of people to think it is OK to attack a firefighter?

A first response team consists of a fire truck, ambulance and a police cruiser.  The fire truck usually arrives first ambulance second and police third depending on the location of the call (fire teams are just really fast, thank god), Fire Fighters and Paramedics have the right to remain in the safety of their vehicles until police arrive if they judge the scene to be dangerous.  Unfortunately actions like this may increase the application of that judgment call, or slow fire/rescue responses in that neighborhood.

Where are the community leaders outraged at the actions of these people?

It has to start with someone, anyone.  A counselor, a church leader, local business people; someone needs to show disappointment and anger towards the actions of their neighbors.  I bet within the next couple of days we hear the opposite. 

I bet we hear criticism of the fire department instead.


Title: Re: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: Wilbur on March 11, 2009, 05:11:20 am
Yes this idiot started hitting the firefighter, but the amazing thing is that other bystanders joined in.  What kind of mentality causes a group of people to think it is OK to attack a firefighter?

A first response team consists of a fire truck, ambulance and a police cruiser.  The fire truck usually arrives first ambulance second and police third depending on the location of the call (fire teams are just really fast, thank god), Fire Fighters and Paramedics have the right to remain in the safety of their vehicles until police arrive if they judge the scene to be dangerous.  Unfortunately actions like this may increase the application of that judgment call, or slow fire/rescue responses in that neighborhood.

Where are the community leaders outraged at the actions of these people?

It has to start with someone, anyone.  A counselor, a church leader, local business people; someone needs to show disappointment and anger towards the actions of their neighbors.  I bet within the next couple of days we hear the opposite. 

I bet we hear criticism of the fire department instead.


For a medical call in Tulsa, the first response group does not include police, unless EMSA and/or Fire believe there might be a problem, then they will request police assistance.

And ditto on some sort of north Tulsa leadership taking the lead on denouncing this type of behavior.

Title: Re: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: Gaspar on March 11, 2009, 05:15:51 am
For a medical call in Tulsa, the first response group does not include police, unless EMSA and/or Fire believe there might be a problem, then they will request police assistance.

And ditto on some sort of north Tulsa leadership taking the lead on denouncing this type of behavior.

Thanks for the correction, you are correct.  I bet calls to this neighborhood will include  police from now on!

Title: Re: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: waterboy on March 11, 2009, 08:02:46 am
We'll now see if there is any true leadership in North Tulsa or just politicians.

Title: Re: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: Hometown on March 11, 2009, 09:01:36 am
When I heard that the attack was perpetrated by a group of women who were egging on one man I downgraded this a notch or two.  And they ran off through the back yard when they heard the police sirens.  Still very serious but not the same as a group of men taking on the fire fighters.  I can see people becoming hysterical in a situation where they feel the response has been slow.  Still worthy of punishment, etc.  Just not the end of the world.

Title: Re: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: Townsend on March 11, 2009, 09:07:36 am
When I heard that the attack was perpetrated by a group of women who were egging on one man I downgraded this a notch or two.  And they ran off through the back yard when they heard the police sirens.  Still very serious but not the same as a group of men taking on the fire fighters.  I can see people becoming hysterical in a situation where they feel the response has been slow.  Still worthy of punishment, etc.  Just not the end of the world.

I disagree. 

Even soft supple fists hurt when they clock you upside the jaw or tag you in the cods.

It's just as serious.

Title: Re: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: Hometown on March 11, 2009, 09:36:59 am
Egging on suggests verbal not physical from the women.  You know, a group of women who were overwrought because their grandma was having a heart attack and they believed the response was slow so they became hysterical.

If this event was centered arround a meth lab in South Tulsa it would have stirred up less feeling.

p.s.  I was taught self defense by a tall red headed lesbian who could whip the pants off of most men.  And Oklahoma has seen the likes of Bell Star and Ma Barker, so I'm not convinced that all Oklahoma women are necessarily wilting southern bells as they tool around town in their crew cabs, toting their shot guns.

Title: Re: Firefighters Attacked on Call
Post by: dbacks fan on March 12, 2009, 10:02:45 am
I remeber several years ago, TFD was called to either Commanche Park or Apache Manor and they were met with bottles and rocks being thrown at them. They retreated to the street and waited for TPD to arrive, and I think for a while after that they would only respond with the assistance of TPD.

Title: Re: Fifrefights Attacked on Call
Post by: patric on March 12, 2009, 11:24:46 am
I saw this in the print version this AM and I was under the impression that TFD were allowed to carry firearms for protection.  I somehow remembered this from earlier in my childhood.

You may be thinking of fire marshals, which are more like police than firefighters.