The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Not At My Table - Political Discussions => Local & State Politics => Topic started by: Wrinkle on March 13, 2009, 02:16:27 pm

Title: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Wrinkle on March 13, 2009, 02:16:27 pm
Laura Ingraham is on KFAQ in Medlock's spot today.
Thought he may be taking a day off.

But, in checking, the schedule, it has Laura Ingraham from 2:00-5:00 as the Daily Schedule and Medlock's Blog page is blank. (

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Conan71 on March 13, 2009, 03:01:35 pm
Get rid of Mudschlock???  Why, that can't be!  That blowhard was on here only a few months ago hinting that he had really stellar ratings.  Sorry, I can't say the Tulsa radio market is any poorer without him. 

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: swake on March 13, 2009, 03:04:48 pm
You can file that under "least shocking events ever"

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on March 13, 2009, 03:06:51 pm
Guido, Gaspar, At what time will the candle vigil be held?

Will there be cake?

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Neptune on March 13, 2009, 03:20:50 pm
He'll be missed.


Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Chicken Little on March 13, 2009, 04:09:18 pm

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Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: AngieB on March 13, 2009, 05:18:25 pm

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: guido911 on March 13, 2009, 05:45:51 pm
Guido, Gaspar, At what time will the candle vigil be held?

Will there be cake?

You know, you have a big mouth. You have made several defamatory comments towards me, and every time you come out looking like an idiot. I gather you do not know I have been a very harsh critic of Medlock, back in the days where he staged his little walk out while he was a counselor. Of course not, because your head is so far up your a$$ you have difficulty breathing.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on March 13, 2009, 05:54:32 pm
You know, you have a big mouth. You have made several defamatory comments towards me, and every time you come out looking like an idiot. I gather you do not know I have been a very harsh critic of Medlock, back in the days where he staged his little walk out while he was a counselor. Of course not, because your head is so far up your a$$ you have difficulty breathing.

Ok so when is the party?

Is there cake?

I apologize for my previous comment on the other thread it was out of line.  I was just shocked that I couldn't get a republican/independent to say that the civil liberties of the American people should no longer be attacked.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Hawkins on March 13, 2009, 06:28:35 pm
Ingraham isn't exactly an improvement, but at least there's one less local nut on the airwaves, spreading some "political" hate.

Oklahoma doesn't smell as bad as it did, now that he's gone.

However, if people around here didn't have something to get riled up about I guess the world would end, wouldn't it? Ingraham, Hannity, Rush, these professional hatemongers/entertainers will keep the fires burning I suspect.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Wilbur on March 14, 2009, 06:20:33 am
I also liked listening to Medlock's show.  He was obviously the most knowledgeable about the inner workings of state and local politics.  Was he the best radio host?  Probably not.  That's not his background.  But he did let his listeners in on the behind-the-scene positioning known as 'politics'.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: RipTout on March 14, 2009, 02:22:14 pm
Chris has no doubt been hooked up with the EIB Network. Moving on to that big air time on the national circut where he will someday be the next Paul Harvey.

Our GOP is calling. He will fit in there fine now that the flunkies have been placed in the corner.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: sgrizzle on March 14, 2009, 05:54:46 pm
Ok so when is the party?

Is there cake?

I apologize for my previous comment on the other thread it was out of line.  I was just shocked that I couldn't get a republican/independent to say that the civil liberties of the American people should no longer be attacked.

Punch and Pie

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Hoss on March 14, 2009, 08:17:08 pm
Chris has no doubt been hooked up with the EIB Network. Moving on to that big air time on the national circut where he will someday be the next Paul Harvey....snip...

Please, PLEASE give me some of what you're smoking....

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Gold on March 16, 2009, 09:22:50 am
"Another one bites the dust . . ."

Seriously, Tulsa's collective karma and average IQ went up about 25 points with this. 

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Conan71 on March 16, 2009, 09:36:07 am
JBG can blame the economy all they want.  If Mudschlock was really that relevant, and really was essential to the Tulsa airwaves he would be:

A) still gainfully employed
B) never been moved off the morning show

He's not a revenue generator.  Advertisers are still spending money in the Tulsa market.  The national economic picture is a bit gloomy yet, yes.  JBG's stock PPS has nothing to do with Mudschlock losing his job.  The point is, he must not have been doing impressive enough numbers to garner sustainable ad revenue...that's the bottom line.  I'll agree, his delivery as a host improved in the time he was on-air, but that was the only improvement I saw.  How many "local Limbaughs" do we need?

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: zstyles on March 16, 2009, 10:16:13 am
Actually this isn't anything special to Tulsa - Its happening across the country and I DOUBT it at anything to do with him personally...,0,39114.story

"For that and other reasons, stations have dropped the shows of at least half a dozen radio personalities and scaled back others, in some cases replacing them with cheaper nationally syndicated programs."

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Conan71 on March 16, 2009, 03:57:03 pm
Actually this isn't anything special to Tulsa - Its happening across the country and I DOUBT it at anything to do with him personally...,0,39114.story

"For that and other reasons, stations have dropped the shows of at least half a dozen radio personalities and scaled back others, in some cases replacing them with cheaper nationally syndicated programs."

Across the country?  Your source article only speaks of California.  If the ratings are there, the revenue follows.  Of course we can't see the super-secret Arbitrons that only the real insiders like Mudschlock was claiming to be privvy to.  I'd be willing to bet listeners dropped off after MaDoG left town.  How else do you explain Chris getting jack-booted to a dead-end time slot in the middle of the afternoon so they could make room for PC in the mornings?  If CM was getting a good audience share, he would still be the morning guy on KFAQ.  He obviously didn't.  His demise started months ago.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Delmo Gillete on March 16, 2009, 10:03:03 pm
Say what you will about Medlock but it still sucks that most of the voices on our "local" radio come from somewhere else. Tulsa used to have a hard time keeping local radio talent because bigger markets snatched them up for their 'neutral' accents if not their journalistic talent (Paul Harvey comes to mind).

What do we get these days? PC came from where - Florida? Joe Kelly from God knows where? Neither came from anywhere resembling Oklahoma. At least Tulsan Rick Couri is still the sports guy at KRMG - for now.

Medlock's show rubbed a lot of local people (that need it, every day) the wrong way. Great! Tulsa needs a lot more of that but we won't be getting it from any syndicated national show and the transplanted "local" hosts are only interested in furthering their careers for the next market. We are the losers.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: RecycleMichael on March 17, 2009, 04:38:16 am
Medlock didn't just rub people the wrong way. He was a jerk to people he disagreed with.

I am all for local talent discussing local issues, but just because someone wasn't born here doesn't mean they can't discuss local issues. I thought I would love any radio show that discussed local politics, but frankly, stopped listening to Medlock because he wasn't really discussing anything. He was just bad-mouthing people he didn't like.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Hoss on March 17, 2009, 05:32:10 am
Medlock didn't just rub people the wrong way. He was a jerk to people he disagreed with.

I am all for local talent discussing local issues, but just because someone wasn't born here doesn't mean they can't discuss local issues. I thought I would love any radio show that discussed local politics, but frankly, stopped listening to Medlock because he wasn't really discussing anything. He was just bad-mouthing people he didn't like.

Yup, he was essentially MDG without all the fire and brimstone (which for MDG was a sham anyway; Tennessee can keep him).

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Neptune on March 17, 2009, 08:30:42 am
Even though I've never listened to his program, probably because he was a stooge as a city councilor, I just feel so sorry for him.


Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Conan71 on March 17, 2009, 09:36:30 am
THAT was a Karma-worthy post, Nep!

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Wrinkle on March 17, 2009, 12:46:11 pm
I thought you all would have fun with this when I originally posted.

Whether you like him or not, Tulsa has lost. We need more, not less of this type of public engagement. I couldn't agree with RM less about personal issues. Not to say there wasn't any, but it was not the center.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: mr.jaynes on May 14, 2009, 04:07:46 pm
Ingraham isn't exactly an improvement, but at least there's one less local nut on the airwaves, spreading some "political" hate.

Oklahoma doesn't smell as bad as it did, now that he's gone.

However, if people around here didn't have something to get riled up about I guess the world would end, wouldn't it? Ingraham, Hannity, Rush, these professional hatemongers/entertainers will keep the fires burning I suspect.

Yes, well, Hannity and Rush and Ingraham are almost caricatures of themselves, and how they are taken seriously baffles me absolutely!

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: USRufnex on May 21, 2009, 12:07:19 pm
Punch and Pie

Cake or death

And yes, I'd rather listen to a British crossdresser than Ingraham, Hannity, Rush, Medlock...

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Gaspar on May 21, 2009, 12:59:16 pm
Medlock was on the radio?

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Conan71 on May 21, 2009, 01:00:21 pm
Medlock was on the radio?


Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: Gaspar on May 21, 2009, 01:07:46 pm
I love The Who.


Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: cannon_fodder on May 21, 2009, 01:49:41 pm
Cake or death

Ummm, cake please.

Sry, we are out of cake.

Out of cake?

Yes sir.

So my choices are then, lets see, or death?

Cake or death sir?

Well, I guess it will be death then isn't it.

Title: Re: Medlock cancelled?
Post by: FOTD on May 21, 2009, 03:18:49 pm
You'll see...