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Not At My Table - Political Discussions => Local & State Politics => Topic started by: Wrinkle on March 26, 2009, 10:15:17 pm

Title: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Wrinkle on March 26, 2009, 10:15:17 pm
As is being reported by NewsOK (and NOT the Whirled), Mayor Kathy Taylor will be changing press secretaries for the fifth time in three years. (

....having some difficulty keeping on message, eh?

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Hoss on March 26, 2009, 10:32:03 pm
As is being reported by NewsOK (and NOT the Whirled), Mayor Kathy Taylor will be changing press secretaries for the fifth time in three years. (

....having some difficulty keeping on message, eh?

Doesn't appear she'll need to unless someone steps up to challenge her.  She's too popular right now and only 1 year left until the election.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: TUalum0982 on March 27, 2009, 04:19:26 am
As is being reported by NewsOK (and NOT the Whirled), Mayor Kathy Taylor will be changing press secretaries for the fifth time in three years. (

....having some difficulty keeping on message, eh?

Sounds like Durkee left on his own terms, really has nothing to do about Taylor, except that he worked for her.  If you are implying that she is hard to work for, an awful mayor and can't get along with others, I really dont see it in this article.

Not saying I like or dislike the mayor, but she cant really shoulder the blame here. 

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Oil Capital on March 27, 2009, 07:25:44 am
Doesn't appear she'll need to unless someone steps up to challenge her.  She's too popular right now and only 1 year left until the election.

What do you base that on?  Have their been polls?

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: sgrizzle on March 27, 2009, 07:34:20 am
What do you base that on?  Have their been polls?

Her approval rating is at 60%. Considering 25% of people wouldn't be happy if Jesus was Mayor, that means her real score is closer to 80%.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: OpenYourEyesTulsa on March 27, 2009, 08:22:53 am
I do not know anyone that likes the mayor.  I don't think we have had a good mayor in 50 years or more.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: swake on March 27, 2009, 08:53:19 am
I do not know anyone that likes the mayor.  I don't think we have had a good mayor in 50 years or more.

 - says one of the ones that would not be happy if Jesus was mayor.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: TURobY on March 27, 2009, 08:59:07 am
I do not know anyone that likes the mayor.  I don't think we have had a good mayor in 50 years or more.

I know lots of people that like the mayor.  I think that she is a better mayor than we have had in 50 years or more.

//Got nothing...

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on March 27, 2009, 09:37:25 am
I know it doesn't have to do with governing exactly but she went out of her way to keep a promise to my Nephew with special needs.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Conan71 on March 27, 2009, 09:40:44 am
I do not know anyone that likes the mayor.  I don't think we have had a good mayor in 50 years or more.

You obviously don't get out much, do you?

She's quite popular.  Even people who don't agree with everything she's done will agree that she's been incredibly effective at moving an agenda forward.  Driven people aren't out to make friends and it's hard to argue with progress.  I didn't vote for her last time and have been a very harsh critic of her at various points in her admin, but have to say, I can't see myself not voting for her this time around.

I do know people who don't "like" her who are planning on voting to give her another term.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Townsend on March 27, 2009, 10:04:49 am
I do not know anyone   I don't think.


Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: buckeye on March 27, 2009, 10:24:18 am
Well, she has no personal interest in Tulsa.  Sometimes her machinations for bigger and better public offices through resume-padding projects and such happen to benefit the city.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Conan71 on March 27, 2009, 10:42:21 am
Well, she has no personal interest in Tulsa.  Sometimes her machinations for bigger and better public offices through resume-padding projects and such happen to benefit the city.

I'd suspected a run-up for US HOR or Gov. but that obviously doesn't seem to be of interest at this point since she's going to run for Mayor again. 

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: rwarn17588 on March 27, 2009, 11:04:30 am
What do you base that on?  Have their been polls?

Yes, their (sic) have been at least two polls.

One was taken just before the big ice storm. She was at about a 55 percent approval rating then.

Another was taken a few months ago. She was at a 60 percent approval rating.

It's not to say that a big clusterf*ck couldn't occur between now and Election Day. But when you factor those strong approval ratings and the inherent power of incumbency, she's looking almost unbeatable.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: sgrizzle on March 27, 2009, 12:36:23 pm
As far as the topic goes, John Durkee got offered a job elsewhere back in radio. That is why they need to hire a new press secretary.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: OpenYourEyesTulsa on March 27, 2009, 12:48:43 pm
The only thing she did that I liked was pushing for the downtown ballpark.  She has not brought high paying jobs to Tulsa and she only cares about self-serving projects.  I don't even think she knows there is a north and an east Tulsa.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: sgrizzle on March 27, 2009, 12:55:45 pm
The only thing she did that I liked was pushing for the downtown ballpark.  She has not brought high paying jobs to Tulsa and she only cares about self-serving projects.  I don't even think she knows there is a north and an east Tulsa.

Because she spends all her time in South Tulsa?


Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: swake on March 27, 2009, 01:34:46 pm
The only thing she did that I liked was pushing for the downtown ballpark.  She has not brought high paying jobs to Tulsa and she only cares about self-serving projects.  I don't even think she knows there is a north and an east Tulsa.

I guess you hadn’t noticed that our per capita income has been skyrocketing since she took office

(not that a mayor of any city has a whole lot to do with new jobs or per capita income, but you brought it up)

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Hoss on March 27, 2009, 02:51:55 pm
I guess you hadn’t noticed that our per capita income has been skyrocketing since she took office

(not that a mayor of any city has a whole lot to do with new jobs or per capita income, but you brought it up)

Let's not bother with facts, though...

Sounds like someone with an axe to grind.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: godboko71 on March 27, 2009, 02:58:40 pm
Who cares how many Press Secretary's have been used in her term? That is common not only in public figures but businesses as well. Needs change, firms get a bigger better job, people move on. change of heart. Not really news worthy other then to those up for the job.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Gaspar on March 27, 2009, 03:09:44 pm
I think RM would make an excellent Press Secretary for Mayor Taylor. 
The camera loves him.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Double A on March 27, 2009, 04:41:43 pm
I'd like to see some polling done since the string of scandals that have occurred on her watch. Taylor the Tyrant is not unbeatable, regardless of how much propaganda her sycophants spout claiming she is unbeatable. She has provided plenty of her own rope, all that is needed is someone skilled enough to tie a strong slipknot in her noose.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: RecycleMichael on March 27, 2009, 05:28:25 pm
Sounds like doubleA is out of the running to be her press secretary...

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Breadburner on March 28, 2009, 12:44:02 am
Her hair sucks...

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: DowntownNow on March 28, 2009, 01:02:41 am
A truly independent, nationally recognized Poll taken since the release of the latest City related fiascos would be nice.

In 2007, the Oklahoma Poll that showed Taylor with a 55% favorability rating was based on a poll size of 500, that's less than 0.1% of the reported census estimate of 384,037 for the City of Tulsa.  The sample size reflects a 0.2% sample of the estimated 215,000 registered voters in the City of Tulsa.  That poll had a margin of error of +/- 4.37 percent based on the small sample size.

In Nov 2008, that same poll suggested Taylor with a 60% favorability rating based on a similar sample size of 503.  That poll had a margin of error of +/- 4.36 percent based on the small sample size.

The funny thing reviewing that latest polling data in 11/08 was the mention of the following:

Do you approve or disapprove of the Drillers moving from Expo Square to downtown Tulsa?
Disapprove .......................................48%
Don’t Know/Refused......................10%

Do you think the new ballpark for the Tulsa Drillers will help revitalize downtown Tulsa?
Don’t Know/Refused...............................................7%

Seems there wasn't even favorable concensus among her supporters in this poll for moving the Drillers downtown and its potential for downtown revitalization.  But why bother with what the people want...

Let's not forget that the Oklahoma Poll is sponsored by the Tulsa World and News Channel 6, both adoring of this adminstration. 

And let's be honest, whether its this poll or another poll by someone else, the outcomes of a statistical poll can be tailored to fit a specified response given the proper parameters.  In this case, the Tulsa World stated that these poll respondents were randomly selected from voters who have established a frequent voting, a voting pattern based on what?

The true test will come at the voting booth in the next election. 

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: RecycleMichael on March 28, 2009, 04:57:37 am
The true test will come at the voting booth in the next election. 

You have an amazing grasp of the obvious.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: TURobY on March 28, 2009, 08:22:36 am
Do you approve or disapprove of the Drillers moving from Expo Square to downtown Tulsa?

In case you forgot... the Drillers were not going to stay at Expo Square. People seem to forget that they were going to move regardless.

I'm curious what the results would have been had they asked "Do you approve or disapprove of the Drillers moving from Expo Square to Jenks?".

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Hoss on March 28, 2009, 08:23:53 am
A truly independent, nationally recognized Poll taken since the release of the latest City related fiascos would be nice.

In 2007, the Oklahoma Poll that showed Taylor with a 55% favorability rating was based on a poll size of 500, that's less than 0.1% of the reported census estimate of 384,037 for the City of Tulsa.  The sample size reflects a 0.2% sample of the estimated 215,000 registered voters in the City of Tulsa.  That poll had a margin of error of +/- 4.37 percent based on the small sample size.

In Nov 2008, that same poll suggested Taylor with a 60% favorability rating based on a similar sample size of 503.  That poll had a margin of error of +/- 4.36 percent based on the small sample size.

The funny thing reviewing that latest polling data in 11/08 was the mention of the following:

Do you approve or disapprove of the Drillers moving from Expo Square to downtown Tulsa?
Disapprove .......................................48%
Don’t Know/Refused......................10%

Do you think the new ballpark for the Tulsa Drillers will help revitalize downtown Tulsa?
Don’t Know/Refused...............................................7%

Seems there wasn't even favorable concensus among her supporters in this poll for moving the Drillers downtown and its potential for downtown revitalization.  But why bother with what the people want...

Let's not forget that the Oklahoma Poll is sponsored by the Tulsa World and News Channel 6, both adoring of this adminstration. 

And let's be honest, whether its this poll or another poll by someone else, the outcomes of a statistical poll can be tailored to fit a specified response given the proper parameters.  In this case, the Tulsa World stated that these poll respondents were randomly selected from voters who have established a frequent voting, a voting pattern based on what?

The true test will come at the voting booth in the next election. 

But you see, silly, it's not what the people wanted.  In this case it's what Chuck Lamson and the Drillers wanted.

Would you have rather seen them move to Jenks?

Oh, wait a minute, I forget who I'm trying to converse with here.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Wilbur on March 28, 2009, 08:44:22 am
But you see, silly, it's not what the people wanted.  In this case it's what Chuck Lamson and the Drillers wanted.

Would you have rather seen them move to Jenks?

YES!  Costs to the Tulsa taxpayer = zero!

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: sgrizzle on March 28, 2009, 09:03:32 am
YES!  Costs to the Tulsa taxpayer = zero!

Direct costs to the Taxpayer with the current ballpark are ALSO zero.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: Hoss on March 28, 2009, 09:24:47 am
Direct costs to the Taxpayer with the current ballpark are ALSO zero.

Oh, God, but let's not let facts get in the way!


Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: nathanm on March 28, 2009, 04:01:07 pm
In 2007, the Oklahoma Poll that showed Taylor with a 55% favorability rating was based on a poll size of 500, that's less than 0.1% of the reported census estimate of 384,037 for the City of Tulsa.  The sample size reflects a 0.2% sample of the estimated 215,000 registered voters in the City of Tulsa.  That poll had a margin of error of +/- 4.37 percent based on the small sample size.
I suggest you not talk about polling until you learn about statistical sampling.

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: TURobY on March 28, 2009, 04:18:03 pm
I'm trying to recall, but isn't it a number around 30 participants that considered a fair sample?

Title: Re: Mayor Taylor needs 5th Press Secretary
Post by: nathanm on March 28, 2009, 04:50:13 pm
I'm trying to recall, but isn't it a number around 30 participants that considered a fair sample?
It depends on how you select your sample.