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Not At My Table - Political Discussions => Local & State Politics => Topic started by: FOTD on March 27, 2009, 12:30:31 pm

Title: In Oklahoma, Women Are Second Class Citizens
Post by: FOTD on March 27, 2009, 12:30:31 pm

Buried on A9 of this mornings Tulsa World is a disturbing piece about how a Life fanatic and his Clumsy State Senate comrads advanced a bill that will not help Oklahoma attract new business from outside, difficult and costly to enforce, but far bigger is the foray into undermining and disobeying the constitution of the United States of America.

Is it no wonder we educate and develop tremendously talented children here but as they grow up to adults they get as far away as possible?

OKLAHOMA CITY — A Senate panel advanced a bill Thursday that would ban abortions based on the gender of the fetus and would require women to provide personal information and why they want an abortion.

Tom Adelson has far too much smarts and integrity for this group he hangs with.....he needs to move over to AG and defend the US and State Constitutions against these forces of bad nature.


Title: Re: In Oklahoma, Women Are Second Class Citizens
Post by: cannon_fodder on March 27, 2009, 01:53:43 pm
So we are making it illegal to abort female fetuses because oriental cultures have a preference for male children?  Yeah, that should fly.

Another stupid law to add more compliance costs to the state but really do nothing to achieve their real goal.  Take down all the information you want.  How many partners a woman has had, how old she is, is she married, employed, on drugs.   Certainly no one will lie and I'm sure the government will actually do something with that information.

An amendment to make abortion illegal in Oklahoma offered by Sen. Jim Wilson, D-Tahlequah, was rejected.

"Instead of fooling around with this, why don't we just make it illegal?" asked Wilson, who voted against the bill.


Sen. Constance Johnson, D-Oklahoma City, said lawmakers pass bills putting more and more restrictions on abortions but refuse to make contraceptives readily accessible.

"Why is it that we don't provide coverage for contraceptives in order to balance the impact to providing coverage for Viagra?" Johnson asked.

"Why do we think a man's ability to get an erection is more important than a woman's right to manage her choices about when to have a baby?"

It's good to see some of our legislators have common sense.  We get it, you don't like abortion.  Clearly, we get it.  Stop pretending to do something about it.  Solve the underlying problems or attack it head on, don't waste our time and money with collateral attacks to prove to us how much you dislike abortion.