Todaze a good day. A beautiful day.
420: Thoughts on Pot vs. Alcohol from a Former Police Chief
WATCH: The Conservative Case For Medical Marijuana.
Be careful with fire, it can burn you.
* *
Speaking of...
Anyone going to see the Wailers tonight at the Fly Trap?
Quote from: Conan71 on April 20, 2009, 01:24:54 PM
Speaking of...
Anyone going to see the Wailers tonight at the Fly Trap?
Think we've smoked Conan out?
It's 10 P.M. you know where your children are?
I didn't even know the significance of 420 until last week.
That shows you how far out of the loop I am with the wacky tobacky.
(Not that I'm against the lessening of the criminalization of it. Even a non-stoner such as myself can see the hypocrisy and bizarre conflation of associating marijuana with hard drugs such as crack and meth.)
I'm for decriminalization...but I'm against acting 15 and posting about 4/20 on Tulsa Now.
Quote from: deinstein on April 21, 2009, 12:56:37 PM
I'm for decriminalization...but I'm against acting 15 and posting about 4/20 on Tulsa Now.
those of you that actually know the term would know it would be referred to as 4:20, not 4/20.
come on!
Quote from: deinstein on April 21, 2009, 12:56:37 PM
I'm for decriminalization...but I'm against acting 15 and posting about 4/20 on Tulsa Now.
What age will this devil be if he posts a thread on Earth Day?
Every blog across America had a thread on 4:20 yesterday. Get with the times, Dimstern.
It's all just a cousin to teabaggin'......