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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: TheTed on May 25, 2009, 11:53:33 am

Title: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: TheTed on May 25, 2009, 11:53:33 am
Is this a DTU thing? I've long been peeved about the Main Mall fountain being turned off at night. Now I see the awesome new fountain at 6th and Boston is turned off at night.

This is ridiculous. How much can it cost to keep the fountains on at night? It sends the wrong message, that Tulsa rolls up the sidewalks at 10pm or whatever time it is the fountains are turned off.

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: FOTD on May 25, 2009, 12:54:51 pm
Looked down at the main Street fountain on Friday night and it appeared frozen guess some little demon put suds in, the smart thing was to turn it off.

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: TheTed on May 25, 2009, 01:22:21 pm
The main mall fountain has been turned off just about every night for years. It's Mayberry-esque, regardless of the reason. We're trying to turn our downtown into more than just an office park. Shutting down fountains at night hampers that goal and makes us look like a bunch of small-town yokels.

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: Hoss on May 25, 2009, 06:49:22 pm
Looked down at the main Street fountain on Friday night and it appeared frozen guess some little demon put suds in, the smart thing was to turn it off.

We used to do stuff like that out at the Falls Apartments...


Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: carltonplace on May 26, 2009, 08:54:44 am
The fountains at Riverside (pedestrian bridge) are only on during morning and evening commute. Wonder why they should be on for the enjoyment of people driving in and out of DT but not for people who live close in?

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: sgrizzle on May 26, 2009, 09:26:29 pm
They also don't want people showering or bathing in the fountains at night. Neither one is really lit either so not too ttractive at night.

On the upside, the 5th and main fountain was actually animated last time I walked b for the first time since it was built.

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: wordherder on May 27, 2009, 12:40:39 pm
I'm still bummed the Main St. fountain can't have its center protrusion anymore since drunk people kept ramming into it. 

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: sgrizzle on May 27, 2009, 01:50:03 pm
I'm still bummed the Main St. fountain can't have its center protrusion anymore since drunk people kept ramming into it. 

I don't miss the salad bowl.

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: OpenYourEyesTulsa on May 27, 2009, 02:41:32 pm
I miss the old main mall before they turned it into a boring street.  It used to have all the fountains and trees and no cars.  It was nice and it made Mayfest more enjoyable.  Also I was a kid then.  Now we just get that awful main street fountain.  I do like the new fountain sculpture at 6th and Boston though.

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: sgrizzle on May 27, 2009, 04:59:54 pm
They should change the jets in the main mall to arc high and inward. Shooting straight up they are prone to causing overspray in any stiff breeze. Also if it shooting water several feet in the air and lit, owassans might drive around it.

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: Conan71 on May 27, 2009, 07:51:24 pm
Who turns it off?  Ugly liberals are a turn off to me, not sure what would constitute a turn-off to a fountain.

Title: Re: Who turns off the fountains?
Post by: sgrizzle on May 27, 2009, 09:42:15 pm
Who turns it off?  Ugly liberals are a turn off to me, not sure what would constitute a turn-off to a fountain.

Shuts off automatically when someone from Owasso is nearby.