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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: sauerkraut on June 08, 2009, 12:39:58 pm

Title: Q.T. Stores
Post by: sauerkraut on June 08, 2009, 12:39:58 pm
Gang, I was wondering if anyone had a pick for the most-crowded or busy QT store? It seems like the QT stores are more busy then ever these days, even with fuel at $2.37 a gallon, sometimes all the pumps are taken I never had that problem before. If ya want to make money open up a QT store franchise... Anyhow my pick for the most busy QT store is the one on E. 165th & Admirial (I-44 exit) You can't get in or out of that place. BTW I found a station that sells pure gasoline, the Pyramid store at Harvard & 51st has a fuel station with a sign on the pumps that says it's pure gasoline! Pure gasoline is getting harder & harder to find in & around "T" Towne! :-\

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Gaspar on June 08, 2009, 01:06:20 pm
Gang, I was wondering if anyone had a pick for the most-crowded or busy QT store? It seems like the QT stores are more busy then ever these days, even with fuel at $2.37 a gallon, sometimes all the pumps are taken I never had that problem before. If ya want to make money open up a QT store franchise... Anyhow my pick for the most busy QT store is the one on E. 165th & Admirial (I-44 exit) You can't get in or out of that place. BTW I found a station that sells pure gasoline, the Pyramid store at Harvard & 51st has a fuel station with a sign on the pumps that says it's pure gasoline! Pure gasoline is getting harder & harder to find in & around "T" Towne! :-\

QT doesn't franchise.

61st and Lewis is always packed, as is 15th and Denver. 

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Hoss on June 08, 2009, 01:20:28 pm
Gang, I was wondering if anyone had a pick for the most-crowded or busy QT store? It seems like the QT stores are more busy then ever these days, even with fuel at $2.37 a gallon, sometimes all the pumps are taken I never had that problem before. If ya want to make money open up a QT store franchise... Anyhow my pick for the most busy QT store is the one on E. 165th & Admirial (I-44 exit) You can't get in or out of that place. BTW I found a station that sells pure gasoline, the Pyramid store at Harvard & 51st has a fuel station with a sign on the pumps that says it's pure gasoline! Pure gasoline is getting harder & harder to find in & around "T" Towne! :-\

You never had that problem before because you haven't lived here for 20 years.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: kylieosu on June 08, 2009, 01:42:21 pm
Yes, 15th & Denver is definitely always insane.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Hoss on June 08, 2009, 01:51:58 pm
Yes, 15th & Denver is definitely always insane.

To add something OT to the subject, my least favorite QT to visit is the one by my work (41st/Garnett).  The Cox trucks hang out there, QT has their maintenance facility right behind it, there's a McDonalds there, two banks, a strip shopping center, a get the picture.  It's nuts in the morning there.  I've nearly been hit no less than 10 times in the last 6 months there.  So I quit going to that one and started frequenting the ones at Pine & Mingo and 11th & US169.  Much easier to handle, especially the one up by AA (Pine/Mingo).

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: TheTed on June 08, 2009, 02:03:46 pm
I remember reading somewhere that the 15th and Denver location did the most business of any QT in Tulsa, and perhaps of any QT anywhere.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: brianh on June 08, 2009, 02:21:02 pm
The 15th and Denver location is definitely the busiest location, it also seems to be the headquarters for Tulsa County Public Works.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Wilbur on June 08, 2009, 02:38:54 pm
I've always heard the two truck stop locations are the two busiest, 165th and Admiral and I-44 and 49th West.

The Valore station at 69th & Sheridan also advertises 100% pure gasoline....  and for not that much more expense.  The extra mileage might be worth the extra price.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: allspunout on June 08, 2009, 02:58:14 pm
Yes, 15th & Denver is definitely always insane.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: swake on June 08, 2009, 03:13:43 pm
Gang, I was wondering if anyone had a pick for the most-crowded or busy QT store? It seems like the QT stores are more busy then ever these days, even with fuel at $2.37 a gallon, sometimes all the pumps are taken I never had that problem before. If ya want to make money open up a QT store franchise... Anyhow my pick for the most busy QT store is the one on E. 165th & Admirial (I-44 exit) You can't get in or out of that place. BTW I found a station that sells pure gasoline, the Pyramid store at Harvard & 51st has a fuel station with a sign on the pumps that says it's pure gasoline! Pure gasoline is getting harder & harder to find in & around "T" Towne! :-\

If you want to find a busy QT, why don't you try a location a bit closer to your home? Something in Des Moines maybe? Omaha?

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Hoss on June 08, 2009, 08:37:40 pm
If you want to find a busy QT, why don't you try a location a bit closer to your home? Something in Des Moines maybe? Omaha?

Snark, snark, snark....  ;D

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: tulsascoot on June 08, 2009, 09:08:04 pm
Pure gasoline = excuse to rip you off

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: nathanm on June 08, 2009, 11:03:35 pm
Pure gasoline is getting harder & harder to find in & around "T" Towne! :-\
Good for our groundwater!

If you hadn't figured it out yet, "pure" gas isn't 100% gasoline (not that it's been pure gasoline any time in our lifetimes!) It also has an oxygenate, just not ethanol. The idiots in our state legislature couldn't figure that out, so only mandated that gasoline with ethanol be labeled as such. The other oxygenate has no such requirement, thus the "pure gas" marketing.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on June 09, 2009, 07:50:11 am
LOL 100% pure gasoline.  Does that mean 0 detergents or any other additives?  Which additives are considered pure.  Is pure 100% gasoline using 10% MTBE like before?  100% pure mineral water

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: DolfanBob on June 09, 2009, 08:11:02 am
I'm not saying that this location is the most busy. But it is the worst one to get in and out of. B.A. and 145th e Av.
Right next to a busy McDonalds and on a terrible two lane road with just two entrances. Bad design all the way around.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: sauerkraut on June 09, 2009, 08:17:40 am
LOL 100% pure gasoline.  Does that mean 0 detergents or any other additives?  Which additives are considered pure.  Is pure 100% gasoline using 10% MTBE like before?  100% pure mineral water
You may be right on there, I just noticed the sign on the pumps said "We have only pure gasoline" How they define pure gasoline is anyone's guess.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: sauerkraut on June 09, 2009, 08:23:17 am
I've always heard the two truck stop locations are the two busiest, 165th and Admiral and I-44 and 49th West.

The Valore station at 69th & Sheridan also advertises 100% pure gasoline....  and for not that much more expense.  The extra mileage might be worth the extra price.
Yes Indeed, the one on 165th & Admiral was my pick- however I never seen the one on Denver & 15th. If you can get to a open pump at an QT the service is always fast, the clerks quick unlike some other places. Fuels up to $2.47 today at QT. Diesel als went up a few pennies. :-X

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: TUalum0982 on June 10, 2009, 07:26:04 am
Gang, I was wondering if anyone had a pick for the most-crowded or busy QT store? It seems like the QT stores are more busy then ever these days, even with fuel at $2.37 a gallon, sometimes all the pumps are taken I never had that problem before. If ya want to make money open up a QT store franchise... Anyhow my pick for the most busy QT store is the one on E. 165th & Admirial (I-44 exit) You can't get in or out of that place. BTW I found a station that sells pure gasoline, the Pyramid store at Harvard & 51st has a fuel station with a sign on the pumps that says it's pure gasoline! Pure gasoline is getting harder & harder to find in & around "T" Towne! :-\

if you are going by pure revenue, the busiest store in Tulsa is store 13 (31st and Sheridan).

There are diff demographics for diff QT's in terms of when their busiest times are.  Pine & Mingo is packed from 530am-8am.  You can't find a parking spot around 6AM, because of american airlines and spartan people.  The QT at 244 and Sheridan is PACKED during the evening time. The store on 71st just east of yale is so damn busy during lunch you might as well park at the Hyatt Pl and walk to it. 

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: joiei on June 10, 2009, 08:28:20 am
The Glenpool store is always very very busy when ever I stop there.  Morning or evening. 

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: mjchamplin on June 10, 2009, 12:56:21 pm
I'm not saying that this location is the most busy. But it is the worst one to get in and out of. B.A. and 145th e Av.
Right next to a busy McDonalds and on a terrible two lane road with just two entrances. Bad design all the way around.

I used to frequent that one when I lived in BA. It's just at a bad location--you can only get in easily if you're travelling north on aspen and you're already in the far right lane. otherwise, it's a crapshoot. The location at roughly 48th and Yale has the same problem.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: DolfanBob on June 10, 2009, 04:44:35 pm
if you are going by pure revenue, the busiest store in Tulsa is store 13 (31st and Sheridan).

My problem with that location is the panhandlers out front. They need to patrol that parking lot and try and run off the dead beats trying to hit you up for change or anything they can beg off of you. The QT truck stop out East is just as bad with the mooches.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: mr.jaynes on June 10, 2009, 04:54:33 pm

My problem with that location is the panhandlers out front. They need to patrol that parking lot and try and run off the dead beats trying to hit you up for change or anything they can beg off of you. The QT truck stop out East is just as bad with the mooches.

When someone comes up to me and says "excuse me...." I know what's on their mind!

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: nathanm on June 10, 2009, 04:55:27 pm
When someone comes up to me and says "excuse me...." I know what's on their mind!
The next words out of their mouth are usually "do you have the time?"  :P

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: mr.jaynes on June 10, 2009, 04:58:56 pm
The next words out of their mouth are usually "do you have the time?"  :P

And if they are more direct, it's "yo man, give me a dolla!"

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: sauerkraut on June 11, 2009, 08:25:34 am
When someone comes up to me and says "excuse me...." I know what's on their mind!
Yep, In many cases they say they ran out of gas and was wondering if you had any extra money so they can buy fuel, some say they are from out of state. Who would drive into another state without taking money along? I normally just tell them "your in luck, There's a ATM inside the store" Then they come back with a "My wife/girlfriend has my ATM card" or some such excuse. Any help I try to give them they have an excuse of why it won't work and only a handout will work. :-X

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Danny on June 11, 2009, 08:56:08 am
I once had a QT employee tell me, that the 31st & Sheridan store was the busiest in town.
For me, the busiest that I see is Brookside, either brookside one is busy, but the 47th store can get insane.

but overall, the busiest I have ever seen was in Kansas City, it had just opened there, they had never seen a QT before, you woulda thought they were giving away free stuff based on the constant crowd.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: dbacks fan on June 11, 2009, 09:45:54 am
I once had a QT employee tell me, that the 31st & Sheridan store was the busiest in town.
For me, the busiest that I see is Brookside, either brookside one is busy, but the 47th store can get insane.

but overall, the busiest I have ever seen was in Kansas City, it had just opened there, they had never seen a QT before, you woulda thought they were giving away free stuff based on the constant crowd.

The same happened when they started opening stores here in Phoenix back in 2000 I think it was, and they have stayed busy since. They finally opened one a half mile from my house, so I now have four of them within a mile and a half of home.The busiest ones here that I have been to are alway near the highways, less than a mile from the entrance/exit ramps of the freeways. They just blow away most of the competition.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Ihearttacos on June 11, 2009, 11:22:23 am
The QT at 71st and 129th is one of the lowest volume stores = go there get in and out quicker and also help the staff get better bonuses (they get bonuses by how busy their store is)

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Conan71 on June 11, 2009, 12:34:23 pm
The QT at 71st and 129th is one of the lowest volume stores = go there get in and out quicker and also help the staff get better bonuses (they get bonuses by how busy their store is)

Probably doesn't help that the neighborhood off the NW corner of 71st & 129th is full of dead people.

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Townsend on June 11, 2009, 12:39:50 pm
Probably doesn't help that the neighborhood off the NW corner of 71st & 129th is full of dead people.

(in a whisper) do you see them?

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: mr.jaynes on June 11, 2009, 02:00:35 pm
Probably doesn't help that the neighborhood off the NW corner of 71st & 129th is full of dead people.

Well, now that is a pretty exclusive neighborhood- people are just dying to get in!

Title: Re: Q.T. Stores
Post by: Michael71 on June 11, 2009, 02:36:53 pm
61st & Garnett is always busy in the mornings...however, 15th &  Garnett is always busy.

I remember the days before "prepay", when you'd pull up to get gas & they'd turn on the pump for you & say "hi" or ask how you were doing over the intercom.