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Non-Tulsa Discussions => Chat and Advice => Topic started by: PonderInc on July 15, 2009, 09:00:09 am

Title: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: PonderInc on July 15, 2009, 09:00:09 am
I was looking at the Oklahoma Lottery website recently and noticed a page that shows the frequency of different numbers coming up on Powerball. (

I had always thought that any number had the same odds of turning up as any other number.  Sure, some numbers might appear more often than others (due to random luck), but generally, they should all have about the same chances of being picked.  Right?

As it turns out, this isn't so.  Numbers above 50 are MUCH less likely to appear than 1-49.  And 56-59 almost never occur.  Why is that?

In the past, whenever I've bought a "dollar dream" Powerball ticket at QT, I just take whatever the machine spits out.  Now, I think I'm going to pick my own numbers...and select from numbers between 1 & 49!

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 15, 2009, 09:29:56 am
As it turns out, this isn't so.  Numbers above 50 are MUCH less likely to appear than 1-49.  And 56-59 almost never occur.  Why is that?

Originally the numbers were from 1-49.  It was then expanded to 1-55 (55 first appeared in September of 2006).  Recently they upped it to 1-59 (starting in January of 2009).  As seen in the outlay of historical numbers. (

Thus, the overall odds of picking an individual number are statistically equal.  But because the higher numbers were added to the game more recently they have not had as many samples to be chosen from.  So keep going with your random numbers.  Even if your overall odds of winning any prize are 1:35 and your expected annual return on each dollar spent of 53 cents.

I promise to return 75 cents to you for each dollar you give me.   ;D

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: Townsend on July 15, 2009, 09:43:20 am
CF, I believe you just crushed Ponder's groove.

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: PonderInc on July 15, 2009, 10:01:14 am
Thanks for the info.  That makes sense.

:)  I know my chances are one in a billion.  (Or whatever.)  I'm buying the opportunity to daydream about how I would spend my millions.  What my foundation would do.  Which buildings I would save from demolition.  What parks and arts programs could be improved....

In the meantime, (I hope that) I'm donating money to education.  (If the damned state legislature would quit siphoning funds away, that is...)

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: RecycleMichael on July 15, 2009, 10:23:02 am
I like the scratch-off lottery tickets. They combine two of my favorite activities, gambling and scratching.

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: dbacks fan on July 15, 2009, 10:32:44 am
I like the scratch-off lottery tickets. They combine two of my favorite activities, gambling and scratching.

ewwww!!!! :o

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: custosnox on July 15, 2009, 10:44:37 am
Blonde prays to God every day to when the lottery.  After Several years of this and not winning the blonde finally throws her hands in the air and exclaims that she will no longer believe in a God that won't answers prayers.  She suddenly hears the voice of God desend on her from above:
"Work with me my child.  Buy a lottery ticket!"

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: DolfanBob on July 15, 2009, 11:36:51 am
I am so glad someone brought up this subject.
I have a question as to how the numbers are picked. I remember back in the day on WGN nightly news in Chicago, they would draw the numbers out of a ping pong ball air type shute.
Where in the heck are these numbers being drawn and how ?
If buy a computer and done by the lottery board. Whats to stop them from just puting in the numbers they know werent used or sold ?
And if indeed this money generated is for the schools thru out the state. Why am I always paying for school drives all school year long ? I cant even read the progress or report cards for the small print on the small paper they use to do what ? Save money.

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: Hoss on July 15, 2009, 12:00:49 pm
their draw is held in Orlanda FL, and they use the ping-pong ball system.  The other multi state lottery (megamillions) also draws via the ping-pong ball system and holds their drawings in Atlanta.

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: Wilbur on July 15, 2009, 04:40:23 pm
I've looked at the same type of frequency chart at

My question is:  do you pick numbers who appear more frequent because they appear more frequent?  Or do you pick numbers that don't appear as frequent because they are due?

Easy pick for me, please.

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: Red Arrow on July 15, 2009, 06:59:05 pm
Buying a lottery ticket is enabling the miracle.  Buy a ticket and you will probably not win.  Don't buy a ticket (or have one given to you) and you definitely won't win.

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 16, 2009, 08:25:47 am
My question is:  do you pick numbers who appear more frequent because they appear more frequent?  Or do you pick numbers that don't appear as frequent because they are due?

I trust you know that it is statistically irrelevant.  If a balanced die rolls snake eyes five times in a row, the odds neither increase nor decrease for snake eyes to come up the sixth time.  Now, if it rolls snake eyes twelve times in a row. . . the sucker is clearly rigged.  Bet snake eyes.   ;)

Title: Re: Frequency of Powerball numbers
Post by: joiei on July 16, 2009, 12:02:35 pm
last nights powerball numbers    26     50     51     52     57           37     

looks like some of those unused numbers got used.