Master Michael just posted an article on Batesline listing the campaign contributions from "The Build PAC Boys".
"The Build Pac Boys" contributed to the following city council candidates:
Gomez $1,000
Martinson $500
Westcott $1,000
Lakin $1,000
"The Build PAC Boys" filed their report 2 days late.
Gomez, Martinson, Westcott and Lakin do not show these contributions on their campaign contribution filings.
Is there anyone who enforces these campaign contribution filing deadlines or verifies if the candidates are being truthful in their filngs?
Since Martinson is an accountant there must be a logical explanation.
For the record, no, no one enforces anything around here until it means something to them.
Offhand, since BuildPAC forgot to file their report in a timely manner, perhaps they also forgot to donate until after the filing date, too. Then, the candidates' filings would not show them since they hadn't been received. See, logical explanation. You've jumped to a unverified conclusion which suites your politics.
Curious also the PAC seems to have switch sides in a number of instances. Or, just covering bases.
Guess what, you have no evidence anything is off, except for BuildPAC filing after the deadline, a violation of the rules.
Would you support fining BuildPAC the amount of their donations?
There isn't a political agenda just an attempt on my part to try and understand Tulsa politics. (I know, it would be easier to determine how the four forces of the universe are all related but I am going to tackle that one on my lunch hour tomorrow.)
All of the candidates except Gomez have a primary only race. The primary is 5 days away. So these other candidates are holding on to these checks because they don't need the money? Are they on a Sears Lay-Away plan for their political campaign expenses?
You're right, I am going back to pondering the four forces of the univese. It is more logical.
From what I heard, they are still investigating campaign reports from many years ago.
And they filed their report late (meaning 9/2) but it was for contributions up to 8/24 meaning they should have been reported by the listed candidates.
There's no mystery about this. I received the check from Build Pac on August 28th. The ethics report was through August 24th. I turned in an accurate, honest report, based on all activities through August 24th. My next report will include all activities through that date, which will include the Build Pac donation.
Thank you for the explanation. I thought that is what had happened.
Thank you.
I appreciate people pointing out irregularities because I want citizens watching and controlling our government. And I appreciate when a person being questioned brings a rational and calm answer to the question. There is no issue in that regard, thanks for making it clear.
I never mind questions. I re-read my response, which I dashed off in a hurry after a hard day, and thought it may have sounded a bit abrupt. If it struck anyone else that way, it certainly wasn't intentional.
Enjoy the weekend, folks.