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Talk About Tulsa => Development & New Businesses => Topic started by: dbacks fan on September 21, 2009, 10:08:22 am

Title: Old City Hall
Post by: dbacks fan on September 21, 2009, 10:08:22 am
Any more news on this? (

Isounds like the economy has investors nervous about buying it. Also, is there an issue with asbestos in the building? I can't remember if when it was built in the late 60's if they had quit using it.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: Conan71 on September 21, 2009, 10:20:35 am
Mid '70's is where you see asbestos phased out.  With the recent re-opening of the Mayo and the Courtyard by Marriott project, I doubt anyone will be in a hurry to build another hotel for a few years yet.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: carltonplace on September 21, 2009, 10:27:11 am
I don't see the old city hall changing into anything else for a long time to come. As interest in downtown grows we will see existing structures rehabilitated to new use first mixed in with growing ground up construction in already empty spaces and then finally demolition/new construction. I also think that the City will need to include changes to the existing plaza to entice anyone to build here.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: dbacks fan on September 21, 2009, 11:05:01 am
I don't see the old city hall changing into anything else for a long time to come. As interest in downtown grows we will see existing structures rehabilitated to new use first mixed in with growing ground up construction in already empty spaces and then finally demolition/new construction. I also think that the City will need to include changes to the existing plaza to entice anyone to build here.

I agree that it won't be changing hands any time soon. I spent a lot of time during the 80's delivering supplies to the city in this building, and I think remodeling the interior of the building would be more than bring it down and building something new, but then again with the way it's tied to the above and below ground parking and the plaza level it would be a challenge to tear it down. I don't think you coudl implode it without risking damage to the other buildings.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: custosnox on September 21, 2009, 11:21:09 am
I took this from the mayo.  The plaza has so much untapped potential, but I would be hard pressed to figure out a way to get the building to look decent.


Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: RecycleMichael on September 21, 2009, 11:29:06 am
Everybody start saving change. Let's buy it together and make it the world headquarters of TulsaNow.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: PonderInc on September 21, 2009, 11:40:00 am
I think it's funny that the empty fountain is painted blue.

Perhaps that's the next step for our inspiring "fountain" at 5th and Main?

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: dbacks fan on September 21, 2009, 11:58:40 am
I think it's funny that the empty fountain is painted blue.

Perhaps that's the next step for our inspiring "fountain" at 5th and Main?

Other than rainfall, I don't remember when it had water in it. In the 70's it was just empty, not even paitned to look like there was water in it.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: Conan71 on September 21, 2009, 01:04:43 pm
Old City Hall has to be one of the most pathetically boring and ugly multi-story buildings I've ever seen. 

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: TURobY on September 21, 2009, 01:23:15 pm
Old City Hall has to be one of the most pathetically boring and ugly multi-story buildings I've ever seen. 

Which is sad, because I can think of some fun/funky things to do to the building. But I wouldn't do any of those things given the building's current location and nearby tenants.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: dbacks fan on September 21, 2009, 01:37:20 pm
Which is sad, because I can think of some fun/funky things to do to the building. But I wouldn't do any of those things given the building's current location and nearby tenants.

Does TPD still have thier central booking down there, or do they just process and then take them over to the new count jail? They also abandoned the Council Chamber as well, am I correct? I would have a tough time staying in a hotel right next to the county courthose, and to turn it into housing, for the homeless or anyone else the cost would be imense to plumb the place for some form a residental. (Yes I know that it would cost similar for hotel space I think the ROI on hotel would be faster than residential.)

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: custosnox on September 21, 2009, 02:20:21 pm
As of about five years, TPD used David L Moss for booking.  I don't know if they still do now that the Sheriffs Department took it back over, but I haven't seen any booking area in the municiple building.  And yes, the council moved to the Ice Cube as well.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: SXSW on September 21, 2009, 03:35:46 pm
Eh, tear it and the library* down and expand the convention center with a new 'convention hotel' at the corner of 4th & Denver.  While you're at it tear down the federal building* across the street and build a park/plaza there in front of the new hotel and BOK Center.  I'm an advocate for saving buildings, don't get me wrong, but some just don't deserve to be saved i.e. City Hall, Library, the Fed. Building, Abundant Life, etc.  I DO hope the YMCA is saved though, and I don't mind the other buildings in the 'civic center' complex.

* if replacements are planned and will be located within downtown

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: cannon_fodder on September 22, 2009, 08:39:15 am
+1 SXSW.

The old city hall will be torn, it's just a matter of time.  While it could have been utilized at one point, the "deferred maintenance" (read: neglect) as well as the deteriorated facade (read: it's ugly) has pretty well doomed it.  The Civic Center area was an interesting idea that was half-donkey executed and then abandoned long before now.  If the buildings matched and the area was maintained it could be an architectural asset, a space saver, and a public space.  As it stands it's a decaying eye soar.

The library tries very hard, but it is being dragged down by the area it is in.  Parking is intimidating for many people.  It is a homeless refuge many days.  And of course there is no green space or anything else nearby really.  A downtown library is essential IMHO, keep this one or move it.  Either way is fine with me as a library is an asset to any area it is in.

The Federal Building is on the list of ones to be replaced.  It is largely abandoned now due to the new postal facility on the outskirts of town.  I trust no one will argue that this building is worth saving as a fine example of Nouveau fortress or some such crap.  It's ugly, inefficient, and under utilized.  The best we can hope for is for federal funding to come through and the city to make a land swap, OR, if we could get the Feds to utilize a dying building instead.  Now that the post office there is just a regular post office there is no reason they need a sprawling facility like that.

The area could have been cool as it was laid out.  It could be again.  But currently it's an eye soar.   No one's moving into the old city hall.

Hell, for that matter, no one has even moved into the vacant land across from the BOK Center.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: MichaelBates on September 22, 2009, 11:02:20 am
Isn't the Federal Building still home to Federal courts?

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: Conan71 on September 22, 2009, 11:04:00 am
Isn't the Federal Building still home to Federal courts?

I thought they moved the courts to the Fed'l building @ 2nd & Cheyenne or Boulder when that building was renovated +/- 10 years ago.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: cannon_fodder on September 22, 2009, 01:49:16 pm
Isn't the Federal Building still home to Federal courts?

Yes it is.  It is the home to the Northern District of Oklahoma (non-bankruptcy) which has 7 judges and a support staff of ~35 people in addition to deputies in charge of security and as marshals in the Courtroom.   If I remember correctly there are 3 main courtrooms on 4 and 2 courtrooms on 3 (never really stop to count them, just go to my room).  Then you have judges offices (which generally have a front office, a clerk's office, and the judges office), a jury room for each court room, a conference room, a jury room, a small library, and the Clerk's office. 

Also in that building is the Department of Justice.  Never been in their offices.  But it takes up about half of the third floor.

By and large, the building is as drab on the inside as it is on the outside.  With the exception of some recently remodeled offices and the ceremonial courtroom.

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: Conan71 on September 22, 2009, 02:55:16 pm
Yes it is.  It is the home to the Northern District of Oklahoma (non-bankruptcy) which has 7 judges and a support staff of ~35 people in addition to deputies in charge of security and as marshals in the Courtroom.   If I remember correctly there are 3 main courtrooms on 4 and 2 courtrooms on 3 (never really stop to count them, just go to my room).  Then you have judges offices (which generally have a front office, a clerk's office, and the judges office), a jury room for each court room, a conference room, a jury room, a small library, and the Clerk's office. 

Also in that building is the Department of Justice.  Never been in their offices.  But it takes up about half of the third floor.

By and large, the building is as drab on the inside as it is on the outside.  With the exception of some recently remodeled offices and the ceremonial courtroom.

Any idea what they do in the other Federal building I was talking about?

Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: SXSW on September 22, 2009, 03:08:24 pm
+1 SXSW.

The old city hall will be torn, it's just a matter of time.  While it could have been utilized at one point, the "deferred maintenance" (read: neglect) as well as the deteriorated facade (read: it's ugly) has pretty well doomed it.  The Civic Center area was an interesting idea that was half-donkey executed and then abandoned long before now.  If the buildings matched and the area was maintained it could be an architectural asset, a space saver, and a public space.  As it stands it's a decaying eye soar.

The library tries very hard, but it is being dragged down by the area it is in.  Parking is intimidating for many people.  It is a homeless refuge many days.  And of course there is no green space or anything else nearby really.  A downtown library is essential IMHO, keep this one or move it.  Either way is fine with me as a library is an asset to any area it is in.

The Federal Building is on the list of ones to be replaced.  It is largely abandoned now due to the new postal facility on the outskirts of town.  I trust no one will argue that this building is worth saving as a fine example of Nouveau fortress or some such crap.  It's ugly, inefficient, and under utilized.  The best we can hope for is for federal funding to come through and the city to make a land swap, OR, if we could get the Feds to utilize a dying building instead.  Now that the post office there is just a regular post office there is no reason they need a sprawling facility like that.

The area could have been cool as it was laid out.  It could be again.  But currently it's an eye soar.   No one's moving into the old city hall.

Hell, for that matter, no one has even moved into the vacant land across from the BOK Center.

I wonder what the timetable is for getting a replacement federal building?  Austin is getting a new one thanks to the federal stimulus:


Title: Re: Old City Hall
Post by: cannon_fodder on September 22, 2009, 03:09:24 pm
Any idea what they do in the other Federal building I was talking about?

The cool old one across from the black former Williams buildings downtown (2nd and Cheyenne was your guess) . . .

That is the Bankruptcy building for the Northern District of Oklahoma.  It was mostly redone 5-6 years ago and is very nice inside.  All digital courtrooms, ceilings restored.  Very nice structure.  I think that is all there is in that structure (a couple courtrooms, clerks office, judges chambers.  downstairs there are rooms for creditors meetings, etc.) - but I'm not sure.  The hallways are huge and the rooms are a maze . . . that's all I remember.
- - -


The timetable for getting a new Federal Building has been repeatedly pushed back.  It is currently on track for whenever our Congressional leaders are in power again.   ;)