The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Not At My Table - Political Discussions => Local & State Politics => Topic started by: DanoDan on February 08, 2010, 11:09:01 pm

Title: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: DanoDan on February 08, 2010, 11:09:01 pm
Hopefully there will be a good showing for this:

The Medical Marijuana Movement is on a roll in the United States. New Jersey just passed medical marijuana and approximately twenty states had medical marijuana legislation introduced this session.

Now it's our turn. That's right; right here, right now, OOOOklahoma!

On Wednesday, Feb. 17, medical marijuana patients and supporters are meeting at the State Capitol. We will meet on the second floor Rotunda at 1:00 p.m. and have a brief discussion before visiting our senators and representatives. We will be presenting them with written information about medical marijuana and a copy of our proposed legislation.  A copy of the actual proposed bill to legalize medical marijuana for Oklahoma can be found here: (

Over seventy Oklahomans with medical conditions have endorsed our medical marijuana campaign. It doesn't matter if you are a potential medical marijuana patient or just someone who wants to see medical marijuana available in Oklahoma; we need you to attend this event.

Please attempt to arrange a meeting with your state senator and representative by calling their office. Arrange the meeting between 1:00-3:00 p.m. To find out who your state senator and representative are, call your local Board of Election/Election Board, or the State Election Board (405) 521-2391.

It isn't a problem if you can't arrange a meeting with your elected official. We are going to visit their office anyway. If we can't speak directly to our elected officials, we will leave the information with their staff.

No one will have to visit their legislators alone. Our volunteers will gladly go along to support you. We will stick together to demonstrate that many good people support medical marijuana in Oklahoma.

If you can't make it to the Capitol that day, please contact your legislators anyway. Please call, email, fax and/or write letters today! Ask them to please introduce and endorse The Oklahoma Compassionate Care Medical Marijuana Legislation. Let them know we are sending the legislation to their office and that they can meet actual medical marijuana patients on Feb. 17.  

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Conan71 on February 08, 2010, 11:13:43 pm
Pass the patchouli around before meeting with the reps and senators.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Hoss on February 09, 2010, 06:54:55 am
Hopefully there will be a good showing for this:

The Medical Marijuana Movement is on a roll in the United States. New Jersey just passed medical marijuana and approximately twenty states had medical marijuana legislation introduced this session.

Now it's our turn. That's right; right here, right now, OOOOklahoma!

On Wednesday, Feb. 17, medical marijuana patients and supporters are meeting at the State Capitol. We will meet on the second floor Rotunda at 1:00 p.m. and have a brief discussion before visiting our senators and representatives. We will be presenting them with written information about medical marijuana and a copy of our proposed legislation.  A copy of the actual proposed bill to legalize medical marijuana for Oklahoma can be found here: (

Over seventy Oklahomans with medical conditions have endorsed our medical marijuana campaign. It doesn't matter if you are a potential medical marijuana patient or just someone who wants to see medical marijuana available in Oklahoma; we need you to attend this event.

Please attempt to arrange a meeting with your state senator and representative by calling their office. Arrange the meeting between 1:00-3:00 p.m. To find out who your state senator and representative are, call your local Board of Election/Election Board, or the State Election Board (405) 521-2391.

It isn't a problem if you can't arrange a meeting with your elected official. We are going to visit their office anyway. If we can't speak directly to our elected officials, we will leave the information with their staff.

No one will have to visit their legislators alone. Our volunteers will gladly go along to support you. We will stick together to demonstrate that many good people support medical marijuana in Oklahoma.

If you can't make it to the Capitol that day, please contact your legislators anyway. Please call, email, fax and/or write letters today! Ask them to please introduce and endorse The Oklahoma Compassionate Care Medical Marijuana Legislation. Let them know we are sending the legislation to their office and that they can meet actual medical marijuana patients on Feb. 17.  

FOTD/AOX, that isn't you, is it?


Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: jamesrage on February 11, 2010, 02:51:51 pm
I do not think Oklahomans are dumb enough to fall for the medical marijuana nonsense.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: rwarn17588 on February 11, 2010, 03:05:14 pm
I do not think Oklahomans are dumb enough to fall for the medical marijuana nonsense.

What's nonsense about it? Do you not think it has some beneficial qualities for pain treatment and cancer patients?

(And, no, I've never smoked or ingested marijuana. So don't bother with the stoner stereotypes.)

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: nathanm on February 11, 2010, 03:07:03 pm
What's nonsense about it?
It doesn't make the pharmaceutical companies any money, therefore it can't be medicinal.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: swake on February 11, 2010, 03:23:21 pm
FOTD/AOX, that isn't you, is it?


You think?

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Hoss on February 11, 2010, 03:26:23 pm

You think?

First post is a rally about medicinal MJ?  You betcha I think...


Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Conan71 on February 11, 2010, 03:43:25 pm
They can prescribe marijuana for, get this, marijuana dependence.

"Dr. Jean Talleyrand says he’s grossed more than ten million dollars in less than five years, authorizing patients to smoke marijuana and take a look at the reasons.
Of course, there are the serious illnesses for which marijuana became legal – cancer, AIDS, glaucoma. There are also conditions such as restless leg syndrome, insomnia, psoriasis, diarrhea and cannabis dependence. That’s right – Dr. Talleyrand tells me he’ll provide a marijuana recommendation for someone who smokes too much marijuana: “If you're overusing cannabis, you shouldn't go to jail for that, you should get proper treatment and that's what we're here for."

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: nathanm on February 11, 2010, 04:11:11 pm
They can prescribe marijuana for, get this, marijuana dependence.
We don't have any better standards with traditional meds. Doctors can prescribe any drug off label for anything they want. The manufacturers are, however, limited to advertising the drug for diseases approved for by the FDA.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: rwarn17588 on February 11, 2010, 04:23:06 pm
FOTD/AOX, that isn't you, is it?

If it is, it's the same sort of M.O. after his/her crackup when he/she was alleging that someone was hacking his/her account.

Of course, if you talk about yourself in the third person all of the time, it's not a big leap to think that maybe FOTD/Aox's 23rd personality was behind the hack.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Conan71 on February 11, 2010, 04:28:58 pm
We don't have any better standards with traditional meds. Doctors can prescribe any drug off label for anything they want. The manufacturers are, however, limited to advertising the drug for diseases approved for by the FDA.

I simply loved the irony of that and I felt this doctor isn't much better than the worker's comp hack that all the WC attornies use in Tulsa.  I'm a skeptic of most things synthetic and believe nature offers the best cures in many instances, including nutrition.  Like anything else, there are those who seek to bastardize and abuse meds, naturally occuring or not.  There's no shortage of doctors willing to make a good living writing 'scrips. Personally, I'd rather hear of someone being prescribed pot for anxiety (assuming it works) rather than benzodiazapines which have mental and physical addicition issues (there again so does alcohol).  Pot can have mental dependence issues, but I've never seen a study which suggested there was any type of physical addicition.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: rwarn17588 on February 11, 2010, 04:33:06 pm
Personally, I'd rather hear of someone being prescribed pot for anxiety (assuming it works) rather than benzodiazapines which have mental and physical addicition issues (there again so does alcohol).  Pot can have mental dependence issues, but I've never seen a study which suggested there was any type of physical addicition.

As an aside, I read a few weeks ago that the Sidney Rice, the Vikings receiver, was using marijuana from time to time to treat severe migraines. Migraines are no fun.

After a season in which he had 1,300 yards receiving, I don't think anyone would accuse Rice of being a slacker.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Gaspar on February 11, 2010, 04:51:38 pm
As an aside, I read a few weeks ago that the Sidney Rice, the Vikings receiver, was using marijuana from time to time to treat severe migraines. Migraines are no fun.

After a season in which he had 1,300 yards receiving, I don't think anyone would accuse Rice of being a slacker.

Football looked like a honeybaked ham.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: patric on February 11, 2010, 06:15:38 pm
As an aside, I read a few weeks ago that the Sidney Rice, the Vikings receiver, was using marijuana from time to time to treat severe migraines. Migraines are no fun.

Until it was criminalized, Canabis was considered the most effective drug for treating migraine headaches.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: DanoDan on February 11, 2010, 06:58:46 pm
I do not think Oklahomans are dumb enough to fall for the medical marijuana nonsense.

So then if it's nonsense, then please explain why the U .S. Patent Office issued a patent in 2003 for medical marijuana based on research done by the National Institute of Health.  Are we supposed to dismiss how the U. S. Patent Office is run as nothing but a joke on the taxpayers?

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: DanoDan on February 12, 2010, 02:39:12 am
In addition to that a private drug company, Merck was granted a patent on Marinol in the 1980's.  It comes from marijuana.  But not every sick person who feels like puking can hold down a Marinol pill.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Gaspar on February 12, 2010, 01:20:10 pm
Until it was criminalized, Canabis was considered the most effective drug for treating migraine headaches.

Heroin used to be a very effective treatment for migraines, but it can cause nausea in a high percentage of users. It is also proven that marijuana is very effective in treating nausea; however in many people, especially first time smokers or non-cigarette smokers, it can irritate the nasal and laryngeal mucosa.  Many ENTs use dilute cocaine or cocaine derivatives to treat mucosal inflammation and pain. 

So, If you have a migraine I recommend treating it with some heroin, followed by smoking a fatty, to combat the nausea, but make sure you snort some cola to ward off any irritation as a result of da good $h1t.

Please read all of the warnings and remember if you cough you’re off.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: DanoDan on February 13, 2010, 02:39:26 pm
In my opinion, Tulsa NORML should show some interest in this event.  But I see no sign of it on their web site at:  (  But then I guess they really only stand for total legality of marijuana.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: jamesrage on February 13, 2010, 07:50:45 pm
So then if it's nonsense, then please explain why the U .S. Patent Office issued a patent in 2003 for medical marijuana based on research done by the National Institute of Health.  Are we supposed to dismiss how the U. S. Patent Office is run as nothing but a joke on the taxpayers?

The only thing having a patent means is that someone else can't make money off your stuff without your permission. It doesn't mean the government studied it nor does it mean the government gave credence to the supposed medical marijuana crowd.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: USRufnex on February 13, 2010, 09:45:36 pm
I do not think Oklahomans are dumb enough to fall for the medical marijuana nonsense.

Spoken like someone who has never been a caregiver.

I remember when family would come over and tell me my grandpa looked really bad... I wasn't sure how to tell them this was actually one of his "good" days.  I remember the buffet of drugs he had to take:  some pain pills could only be taken with a full glass of water.... these other pills had to be taken after a "full meal".... these pills were supposed to help with the nausea but they didn't really do anything for him that I could tell... I didn't know what to cook or what food to buy because everything tasted so bad to him after awhile; what worked Monday night didn't work Friday night... he always liked French dressing but then hated it and almost by fluke I discovered he liked Catalina, then he hated that... I tried to keep him away from spicy or greasy foods, then my brother in law brought in a few Braums hamburgers and he was able to eat them.... it was ALWAYS a struggle to get him to eat-- he rarely had an appetite and many times he had to force himself to eat out of stubbornness and/or sheer will...

I remember for a long time I was desperate enough that I wished I could have made him some "hash brownies" -- not to get him "high," just to get him to eat.....

Because when I tried marijuana in my misspent youth, it didn't really do anything for me.... except settle my stomach from the massive quantities of beer I drank that night, then it gave me a bigtime case of the munchies.... the next morning, my usual hangover was conspicuously missing.

When you see a loved one in daily pain and see the remarkable amount of chemicals in the form of pills that you are helping put into his body day after day after day.... pills that are supposed to make him better or at least more comfortable... pills that are far more powerful than marijuana and closer to morphine and heroin than anything most of us are ever prescribed....

Well, it's at that point when you see medical marijuana in a completely different perspective than a preacher or a pothead or a politician sees it.

I'm sure some members of my holier-than-thou family would have been completely opposed to me getting some medical form of cannabis for my grandfather; heck, he likely would have opposed it himself.

But honestly, what's the diff between these powerful pain pills he was taking compared to pot?  If something else can be invented that handles appetite, nausea and dulls the pain, I'm all ears.  What ended up being prescribed was a politically correct progression of pills with side effects worse than anything I ever observed with pot.

I fail to see the "nonsense" here.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: DanoDan on February 14, 2010, 01:42:47 pm
The only thing having a patent means is that someone else can't make money off your stuff without your permission. It doesn't mean the government studied it nor does it mean the government gave credence to the supposed medical marijuana crowd.
But the patent was given based on research conducted by the National Institute of Health, apparently on our tax money. So how do you like your tax dollars spent doing that?

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: nathanm on February 14, 2010, 06:38:37 pm
But the patent was given based on research conducted by the National Institute of Health, apparently on our tax money. So how do you like your tax dollars spent doing that?
You can thank the 1994 Republicans for that one. They decided that researchers doing research paid for with government funds should keep the IP resulting from that research.

I'm glad that policy wasn't in place back when the government, in conjunction with several private companies, invented the Internet.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: tulsascoot on February 14, 2010, 09:43:53 pm
It's time to quit barring effective medicine from being available to our citizens. It's the pharmaceutical companies who continue to be the beneficiaries of its prohibition. And anyone who strikes down the merits of it without having ever tried it have no business doing so. Only if you know first hand what it does and how it could help people with minor ailments and nausea is your opinion valid.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: DanoDan on February 26, 2010, 02:56:45 pm
Here's an account of what happened when a lady desiring to become a legal medical marijuana patient in Oklahoma visted her state senator's office during Medical Marijuana Day.   "I walked into an ambush", was how she put it.   (http://)

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Conan71 on February 26, 2010, 03:14:03 pm
Here's an account of what happened when a lady desiring to become a legal medical marijuana patient in Oklahoma visted her state senator's office during Medical Marijuana Day.   "I walked into an ambush", was how she put it.   (http://)

Sorry Dan, we can't even buy cold beer in a liquor store and can't buy anything but water with a dash of alcohol at the grocery or convenience store, so don't hold your breath on MM.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: DanoDan on March 04, 2010, 10:55:47 pm
So, after Oklahomans turned now casinoes and lotteries back during the 1990s, lots of people must have thought the gambling issues were finished for the forseeable future.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Nik on January 28, 2011, 08:05:34 am
The medicinal marijuana bill is now official. The "Compassionate Use Act of 2011"

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Gaspar on January 28, 2011, 08:30:03 am
The medicinal marijuana bill is now official. The "Compassionate Use Act of 2011"

I thought they were going to call it the "I Love You Man Act of 2011". . .I guess that sounded too gay.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: RecycleMichael on January 28, 2011, 08:34:47 am
A medicinal marijuana bill in the state of Oklahoma?

No chance of passing. This bill will go up in smoke.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Nik on January 28, 2011, 08:40:58 am
A medicinal marijuana bill in the state of Oklahoma?

No chance of passing. This bill will go up in smoke.

I see what you did there.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on January 28, 2011, 12:40:04 pm
Everybody's gotta have a dream.  Med MJ for Oklahoma is one of those delusional fantasies that we all have from time to time.

Too bad.

It should be taken one step further - decriminalize completely. 

Start using the stuff for what it is proven best of all sources.  Paper.  Feedstock for ethanol production (this would really step on big oils feet).  Natural clothing (if you could get a buzz from cotton, it would be illegal, too).  Even rope.  Feed for livestock (talk about contented cows!)  Medical treatments - oops! that might cause some controversy - even though we routinely use opiates that are much more 'toxic' and dangerous.  Wow - just think - a natural medical treatment with the lowest known adverse side affects available! 

Oh, yeah - to cop the occasional buzz.  Infinitely safer than our two other leading addictive substances; cigarettes and alcohol.  But hey, that would require a national (and state) sanity that can never be achieved.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: shadows on January 28, 2011, 05:46:48 pm
When  the United States lost the suppler of hemp during WWll the government turned to promoting the production of MJ to replace the loss of our supply of hemp.  Thus in Kansas it became a standard crop.  It became a native plant in the fence rows there and remained so for years.  It was only in the current  generations, where we seek a whipping boy.  The  prime reason not to legalize is that it can be easily grown in back yards or a tin can and there is no way that it could be taxed.  Alcohol contains all of the condition that is attributed to MJ but the production can be controlled and taxed like the cash cow of tobacco which also contains a warning on the package. It is not the effeteness as a drug is in question but is because it cannot be converted to a cash political cow.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: bokworker on January 28, 2011, 06:22:29 pm
When  the United States lost the suppler of hemp during WWll the government turned to promoting the production of MJ to replace the loss of our supply of hemp.  Thus in Kansas it became a standard crop.  It became a native plant in the fence rows there and remained so for years.  It was only in the current  generations, where we seek a whipping boy.  The  prime reason not to legalize is that it can be easily grown in back yards or a tin can and there is no way that it could be taxed.  Alcohol contains all of the condition that is attributed to MJ but the production can be controlled and taxed like the cash cow of tobacco which also contains a warning on the package. It is not the effeteness as a drug is in question but is because it cannot be converted to a cash political cow.

Is it just me, worn out from a long day and still at the office, or is this not the most lucid post ever by Shadows?

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: swake on January 28, 2011, 06:30:17 pm
Is it just me, worn out from a long day and still at the office, or is this not the most lucid post ever by Shadows?

There was one that was?

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: bokworker on January 28, 2011, 06:41:59 pm
There was one that was?

I am speaking fo Shadows so the bar for lucidity is not that high.... hehehehe, I said high.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Gaspar on January 28, 2011, 06:54:32 pm
When  the United States lost the suppler of hemp during WWll the government turned to promoting the production of MJ to replace the loss of our supply of hemp.  Thus in Kansas it became a standard crop.  It became a native plant in the fence rows there and remained so for years.  It was only in the current  generations, where we seek a whipping boy.  The  prime reason not to legalize is that it can be easily grown in back yards or a tin can and there is no way that it could be taxed.  Alcohol contains all of the condition that is attributed to MJ but the production can be controlled and taxed like the cash cow of tobacco which also contains a warning on the package. It is not the effeteness as a drug is in question but is because it cannot be converted to a cash political cow.

Wow!  I agree.

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: Red Arrow on January 28, 2011, 09:18:24 pm
When  the United States lost the suppler of hemp during WWll the government turned to promoting the production of MJ to replace the loss of our supply of hemp.  Thus in Kansas it became a standard crop.  It became a native plant in the fence rows there and remained so for years.  It was only in the current  generations, where we seek a whipping boy.  The  prime reason not to legalize is that it can be easily grown in back yards or a tin can and there is no way that it could be taxed.  Alcohol contains all of the condition that is attributed to MJ but the production can be controlled and taxed like the cash cow of tobacco which also contains a warning on the package. It is not the effeteness as a drug is in question but is because it cannot be converted to a cash political cow.

Can you say Moonshine?

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: shadows on January 29, 2011, 03:13:44 pm
Can you say Moonshine?

I have stood on a porch where there was a 12 foot stock of MJ growing in the back yard and was looking at the front door of the TPD.  There was possibly 20 little bags of MJ lying on the front porch. I have seen half barrels with the MJ plants in it sitting beside the steps of apartment house as decoration.  The attorneys, bail bondsmen  and police make millions of dollars yearly by MJ being a crime when in ones possession.  It is very easy to plant it on a victim.  To decimalize it would take away a large part of their income.

An out-of-state GJ at present is looking at inequities and it will possible take 10 years or more to wind the finding through the courts. 

 Moonshine production can be detected more that a mile away where the odor from MJ is in a short radius but the green/yellow color is easy to detect from the air.       

Title: Re: Medical Marijuana Day Coming to State Capitol This Month
Post by: patric on March 18, 2011, 10:00:19 am
A medicinal marijuana bill in the state of Oklahoma?

No chance of passing. This bill will go up in smoke.

But look what might pass,

HB 1798  by Tibbs  and  David, makes it a felony to burn marijuana if it produces hash, with a possible life sentence.
Spending all that alcohol industry lobby money must be rough on them.