The Wall Street Journal has a great article on steps you can take now to protect prepare yourself.
Fixed it.
Protect yourself?
Nowhere does that term appear in the story.
When did you become a fear mongering partisan?
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 23, 2010, 08:41:10 AM
Protect yourself?
Nowhere does that term appear in the story.
When did you become a fear mongering partisan?
It's the end of the world as we know it.......and I feel fine.
That is a headline like they would write over at Fox Nation.
Capping FSA's at $2400 seems like a pretty dumbs41t move.
Quick, let's hurry and make paying for your own healthcare more expensive.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 23, 2010, 08:41:10 AM
Protect yourself?
Nowhere does that term appear in the story.
When did you become a fear mongering partisan?
Look on the bright side ... he's more mature than guido and more sane than FOTD.
Scary New GOP Poll
NEW YORK – On the heels of health care, a new Harris poll reveals Republican attitudes about Obama: Two-thirds think he's a socialist, 57 percent a Muslim—and 24 percent say "he may be the Antichrist."
To anyone who thinks the end of the health-care vote means a return to civility, wake up. Obama Derangement Syndrome—pathological hatred of the president posing as patriotism—has infected the Republican Party. Here's new data to prove it:
67 percent of Republicans (and 40 percent of Americans overall) believe that Obama is a socialist.
The belief that Obama is a "domestic enemy" is widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come.
57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim 45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president" 38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did" Scariest of all, 24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist."
The poll, which surveyed 2,230 people right at the height of the health-care reform debate, also clearly shows that education is a barrier to extremism. Respondents without a college education are vastly more likely to believe such claims, while Americans with college degrees or better are less easily duped. It's a reminder of what the 19th-century educator Horace Mann once too-loftily said: "Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge."
The full results of the poll, which will be released in greater detail tomorrow, are even more frightening: including news that high percentages of Republicans—and Americans overall—believe that President Obama is "racist," "anti-American" "wants the terrorists to win" and "wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one-world government." The "Hatriot" belief that Obama is a "domestic enemy" as set forth in the Constitution is also widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come. It's the same claim made by Marine Lance Corporal Kody Brittingham in his letter of intent to assassinate the President Obama.
This poll is the latest and most detailed evidence of the extent to which Wingnuts are hijacking our politics. It should be a wakeup call to all Americans and a collective reminder, as we move past health-care reform, that we need to stand up to extremism.
Quote from: rwarn17588 on March 23, 2010, 09:45:42 AM
Look on the bright side ... he's more mature than guido and more sane than FOTD.
Thanks. Made my day.
There is some good news. The bill that was passed creates some 16,500 to 20,000 new jobs immediately in the IRS.
IRSH agents? Really?
A new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee minority staff estimates up to 16,500 new IRS personnel will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses in the 'reconciliation' bill.
Scores of new federal mandates and fifteen different tax increases totaling $400 billion are imposed under the Democratic House bill. In addition to more complicated tax returns, families and small businesses will be forced to reveal further tax information to the IRS, provide proof of 'government approved' health care and submit detailed sales information to comply with new excise taxes.Finally some real job creation.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 23, 2010, 09:48:22 AM
Scary New GOP Poll
NEW YORK – On the heels of health care, a new Harris poll reveals Republican attitudes about Obama: Two-thirds think he's a socialist, 57 percent a Muslim—and 24 percent say "he may be the Antichrist."
He can't be the Antichrist. He doesn't have the mark of 666 on his forehead. ::)
Quote from: Gaspar on March 23, 2010, 09:54:56 AM
Thanks. Made my day.
There is some good news. The bill that was passed creates some 16,500 to 20,000 new jobs immediately in the IRS.
IRSH agents? Really?
A new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee minority staff estimates up to 16,500 new IRS personnel will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses in the 'reconciliation' bill.
Scores of new federal mandates and fifteen different tax increases totaling $400 billion are imposed under the Democratic House bill. In addition to more complicated tax returns, families and small businesses will be forced to reveal further tax information to the IRS, provide proof of 'government approved' health care and submit detailed sales information to comply with new excise taxes.
Finally some real job creation.
You never source your quotes. Why is that?
Quote from: rwarn17588 on March 23, 2010, 10:01:57 AM
He can't be the Antichrist. He doesn't have the mark of 666 on his forehead. ::)
Apparently, education is the antichrist.
Quote from: we vs us on March 23, 2010, 10:03:37 AM
You never source your quotes. Why is that?
Sorry. . .Washington Examiner
But it's everywhere else too. Just google 16500 IRS jobs :0
Be interesting to see what happens when you dump 32M new customers on a market to be served by a group with near-negative unemployment.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 23, 2010, 10:35:36 AM
Sorry. . .Washington Examiner
That's a conservative paper.
Finding an un-biased view of all this is nearly impossible.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 23, 2010, 10:35:36 AM
Sorry. . .Washington Examiner
At least you didn't use the bat-crazy Moonie Times, er, Washington Times. Them folk're crazy.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 23, 2010, 10:35:36 AM
Sorry. . .Washington Examiner
But it's everywhere else too. Just google 16500 IRS jobs :0
So I googled it:
washington examiner
fox business
conservative american news
are the top sites.
I'll keep looking
Quote from: Townsend on March 23, 2010, 10:47:37 AM
So I googled it:
washington examiner
fox business
conservative american news
are the top sites.
I'll keep looking
I haven't found a legit source, either ... doesn't mean it doesn't exist. But the sources of the story so far are suspicious. If Politico got snookered, the Examiner and bloggers could have, also.
Found the source of the story, although it is couched in a lot of assumptions and is decidedly much less declarative than Gaspar's post:
"Although it is impossible to know exactly how many new employees the IRS would have to hire to enforce the individual mandate and other provisions of the Democrats' health care bill, the IRS's own data, plus reasonable assumptions about costs and program responsibilities as described below, suggest that the number of additional examiners, agents, and other employees could reach 16,500."
(my italics)
The report also was written by the minority members of the House Ways and Means Committee, aka Republicans, so a ton of bias is contained there ... much more than a CBO report, for instance. So you have that working against it, too.
Quote from: Townsend on March 23, 2010, 10:43:55 AM
That's a conservative paper.
Finding an un-biased view of all this is nearly impossible.
Hannity has said as much, he's not a GOP house organ or anything... ::)
I read it was a range from 11,000 - 16,500.
Adding a new function to the IRS is like adding one extra number to powerball, the growth is exponential.
Does anyone actually doubt that $900 billion dollars in regulation, to be policed by the IRS, will create new jobs in the IRS?
I'm willing to bet it's a lot more than 16,500 new jobs. ;D
I thought new jobs was good news?
Are people actually angry about the creation new jobs?
" Bong and a blintz? No? Then there is no pleasing you."
Quote from: rwarn17588 on March 23, 2010, 11:12:59 AM
The report also was written by ... Republicans, so
it cannot possibly have a shred of truth in it.
I might as well get in step with the wave of future politics. :(
Quote from: Gaspar on March 23, 2010, 12:24:58 PM
I'm willing to bet it's a lot more than 16,500 new jobs. ;D
I thought new jobs was good news?
Are people actually angry about the creation new jobs?
See my remarks about Jimmy Carter's campaign platform on new federal jobs.
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 23, 2010, 12:56:37 PM
it cannot possibly have a shred of truth in it.
I might as well get in step with the wave of future politics. :(
Of course not. The administration of health benefits for 300 million people and the continual audit of 788,000 physicians and 595,800 medical establishments employing millions of nurses, technologies, and staff will not require any additional staffing within the IRS.
They could probably just get by on some part time summer help.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 23, 2010, 01:07:11 PM
Of course not. The administration of health benefits for 300 million people and the continual audit of 788,000 physicians and 595,800 medical establishments employing millions of nurses, technologies, and staff will not require any additional staffing within the IRS.
They could probably just get by on some part time summer help.
The truth is more like they will employ an additional 16,500 full time people but they will treat us just like they came out of the summer temp pool
Of course, you guys said nothing when President Bush created 50,000 Transportation Safety jobs at airports.
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 23, 2010, 02:09:09 PM
Of course, you guys said nothing when President Bush created 50,000 Transportation Safety jobs at airports.
Oh, the hypocrisy!
It's different when
we do it!
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 23, 2010, 02:09:09 PM
Of course, you guys said nothing when President Bush created 50,000 Transportation Safety jobs at airports.
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Hey, I say something any time anyone creates more government. We needed a better TSA not a bigger TSA. Another example of how we continuously fail to learn what increasing the size of government does to us. We can now get through the airport with SOOOO much more efficiency.
Can't wait to go to the emergency room in 2018.
Probably have to pre-plan our car accidents, and limit our pints of blood to one. ;D
Quote from: Townsend on March 23, 2010, 10:43:55 AM
That's a conservative paper.
Finding an un-biased view of all this is nearly impossible.
I agree, they need an unbiased Cliff Notes version for those of us sane enough not to listen to the fear mongering far-right or drink the Kool Aid of the far-left..
Looks like the state legislature approved the Oklahoma Obamacare opt-out today. It will go to a vote of the people in November.
I know it may be a waste but 59% of the public (according to CNN today) and 37 State governments on the record, is a pretty strong case for repeal.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 23, 2010, 04:52:22 PM
Looks like the state legislature approved the Oklahoma Obamacare opt-out today. It will go to a vote of the people in November.
I know it may be a waste but 59% of the public (according to CNN today) and 37 State governments on the record, is a pretty strong case for repeal.
Any time 216 or so Americans make decisions like this for another 304mm Americans and massive amounts of of time and money have been spent to affect the outcome, to the seeming benefit of some corporate interests and a relative minority of the people, this is going to be the outcome.
The states have somewhat of a leg to stand on here since Medicaid is essentially administered through state-sponsored programs which, ostensibly, provide coverage currently for many of those 32 million Americans who don't have health insurance. Yes, I understand Sooner Care is not the best thing in the world, but I honestly cannot see how these mandates are going to make things better. Insurance companies aren't a vastly better alternative to getting lost in a government shuffle.
Tear it up....
Well, at least now that health care has passed, we can find out what's in it. That is, unless Speaker Pellosi was telling an untruth about not knowing what's in it until it was passed.
Quote from: Townsend on March 23, 2010, 10:43:55 AM
That's a conservative paper.
A conservative paper touting an "analysis" by "minority staffers," no less.
We'll see what the climate for repeal looks like in 2011, when people can see with their own eyes what's happening rather than relying on partisan fearmongering.
And Gaspar, the TSA isn't very large when you compare it to all the private employees who were previously performing that function. The number is large because it is one organization (that I hate with all my being!) employing the entirety of the day-to-day airline security apparatus, plus a bunch of other people for other modes of transport.
As for now, I'm happy we'll finally get some cost controls on insurance company administrative overhead. They'll be forced to bargain down prices with drug makers and medical device manufacturers, as it'll be the only way to actually grow their share of the health care pie. Between that and the incentives to get more doctors into general practice, I think the bill can do a lot of good, even discounting the insurance subsidies and what have you.
I had, somewhat to my shame, bought into a lot of the less insane Republican talking points about what was missing from the bill. Turns out, they were lying once again.
Cost controls??!! What stretch of the imagination led you to that conclusion? I'm waiting for the excuses to start once people who bought this load of crap see it for what it really is. I'm 99% certain that any modifications brought in the Senate to placate Republicans will be blamed, not the original pile of a bill.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 23, 2010, 07:44:37 PM
Cost controls??!! What stretch of the imagination led you to that conclusion?
When you stop foaming at the mouth, please explain your question so I can understand where your objection lies.
And just for fun: Polls show that the majority of Americans either support the healthcare bill or don't support it
because it's not liberal enough. Only 36% oppose it because it is too left-wing.
How to Protect Yourself From Obamacare? I do not know about you, but I am becoming Amish so i can get an exemption.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 23, 2010, 07:44:37 PM
Cost controls??!! What stretch of the imagination led you to that conclusion? I'm waiting for the excuses to start once people who bought this load of crap see it for what it really is. I'm 99% certain that any modifications brought in the Senate to placate Republicans will be blamed, not the original pile of a bill.
Thank you for showing your TRUE PARTISAN HACK SELF.
Oh, yeah... you're a moderate.... ::)
Quote from: guido911 on March 23, 2010, 08:14:06 PM
How to Protect Yourself From Obamacare? I do not know about you, but I am becoming Amish so i can get an exemption.
Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.......
Quote from: nathanm on March 23, 2010, 08:00:04 PM
When you stop foaming at the mouth, please explain your question so I can understand where your objection lies.
And just for fun: Polls show that the majority of Americans either support the healthcare bill or don't support it because it's not liberal enough. Only 36% oppose it because it is too left-wing.
Show me the cost controls. They don't exist from what I have managed to read of it so far. How does forcing insurance companies to accept risks which they deemed unreasonable before siluddenly make them more cost efficient, therefore driving down drug and treatment costs? Talk about voodoo...
59% of Americans oppose this legislation. That's the most relevant poll at the moment in taking the pulse of America.
Polish this turd all you like. It will always be a turd. FYI Caterpillar is saying this legislation will increase their payroll costs by $100mm per year. Mexico & China are going to love this bill. Almost makes me wish I had a contruction business in northern Mexico. Ooops almost forgot about even more call center jobs going to the Phillipnes and India when mandates hit. Come on Cap And Trade! Let's see how much more business we can send outside the US.
Quote from: JeffM on March 23, 2010, 08:28:21 PM
Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.......
Are you STILL coming in here? You really must be a glutton.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 23, 2010, 08:58:37 PM
Show me the cost controls. They don't exist from what I have managed to read of it so far. How does forcing insurance companies to accept risks which they deemed unreasonable before siluddenly make them more cost efficient, therefore driving down drug and treatment costs? Talk about voodoo...
59% of Americans oppose this legislation. That's the most relevant poll at the moment in taking the pulse of America.
Polish this turd all you like. It will always be a turd. FYI Caterpillar is saying this legislation will increase their payroll costs by $100mm per year.
OK, I'll show you cost controls (
Require health plans to report the proportion of premium dollars spent on clinical services, quality, and other costs and provide rebates to consumers for the amount of the premium spent on clinical services and quality that is less than 85% for plans in the large group market and 80% for plans in the individual and small group markets. (Requirement to report medical loss ratio effective plan year 2010; requirement to provide rebates effective January 1, 2011)
I take it Caterpillar chooses not to provide its employees health insurance? Or are they planning to pay the increased payroll tax on their executives out of company funds?
And regarding polls: No, including people who oppose it because it's not liberal enough is completely disingenuous. It's like saying Hitler and Stalin were buddies.
Given a better bill,
I would oppose the reform as passed. There was no better bill, so I'm happy we got what we did.
If you're trying to prevent offshoring of jobs, opposing health care reform is not the way to go about it. Single payer is. As are restrictive tariffs on imports coming from countries where workers make too little money. The numbers are not in our favor on that front no matter what we do. Unskilled labor is simply not economical to do here when there are other options. I wish it weren't true, but that's the cost of free trade.
Edited to add: And if the bill is so bad for business, why is the stock market at a 17 month high? ???
Quote from: Conan71 on March 23, 2010, 07:44:37 PM
Cost controls??!! What stretch of the imagination led you to that conclusion? I'm waiting for the excuses to start once people who bought this load of crap see it for what it really is. I'm 99% certain that any modifications brought in the Senate to placate Republicans will be blamed, not the original pile of a bill.
I really wish you would stop with the sugar coating and tell us what your real feelings are about this bill.
Quote from: JeffM on March 23, 2010, 09:06:09 PM
And we know you are spanking your monkey.
Nathan, I'd begun to assign way too much credit to your grasp of business. What are the two biggest reasons companies relocate operations overseas? Increased costs and regulation.
You are totally clueless about what this does to premium costs for companies.
Why accept a very flawed bill whose passage is owed entirely to corruption just for the sake of saying: "We 'reformed' healthcare".
Quote from: guido911 on March 23, 2010, 09:23:50 PM
And we know you are spanking your monkey.
That was an Obama reference wasn't it? That's not funny I used to grope him on the Ell when I lived in Chicago.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 23, 2010, 09:29:04 PM
You are totally clueless....
And also with you...... my pre-existing condition will, soon enough, be in the dustbin of history, where it belongs.... and I'll take the political advice of nuns over the political advice of bishops or priests, thank you very much. 8)
Quote from: Conan71 on March 23, 2010, 09:31:24 PM
That was an Obama reference wasn't it? That's not funny I used to grope him on the Ell when I lived in Chicago.
lol. After all, I am known for my racism, despite the numerous civil rights lawsuits I have taken and tried.
Tell me more about the groping.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 23, 2010, 09:29:04 PM
Nathan, I'd begun to assign way too much credit to your grasp of business. What are the two biggest reasons companies relocate operations overseas? Increased costs and regulation.
You are totally clueless about what this does to premium costs for companies.
Why accept a very flawed bill whose passage is owed entirely to corruption just for the sake of saying: "We 'reformed' healthcare".
I think you can reduce your question further. What is the biggest reason companies relocate operations overseas? Cost. Regulation is irrelevant, except insofar as it impacts the bottom line. I would think that you, as a self-proclaimed free marketeer would agree.
I think what you're totally clueless about is the grousing among small businesses health insurance costs have more than doubled in the last decade. Business is foobared without reform. We can argue until we are blue in the face about whether or not the bill that was passed will do anything to help curb the growth in medical spending, but surely we can agree that the status quo is not sustainable. It's
already driving manufacturing overseas. At this point, most of what's left here is here because it has to be, not because it's more cost effective to have operations here.
I just don't see where this tsunami you're claiming is on the way is coming from, unless you're referring to the one that is already up to our chest and has been rising for decades.
Quote from: JeffM on March 23, 2010, 09:33:01 PM
And also with you...... my pre-existing condition will, soon enough, be in the dustbin of history, where it belongs.... and I'll take the political advice of nuns over the political advice of bishops or priests, thank you very much. 8)
Good grief just shut up about your "preexisting condition" already. You got your health care bill that will be paid for by people other than yourself. Just keep riding the gravy train.
Quote from: guido911 on March 23, 2010, 09:39:43 PM
Good grief just shut up about your "preexisting condition" already. You got your health care bill that will be paid for by people other than yourself. Just keep riding the gravy train.
Be my guest.... get cancer.... and I'll welcome you to the "gravy train." ???
Does every thread have to degenerate into name-calling? :'(
For you non conscious anti intellectual types: Opinions turn favorable on health care plan
You'll never get the concept of helping all Americans with their basic needs until you learn to open your hearts and give a hand up to citizens who have fallen victim to the system. Whatever American way some of you conceptualize, it's obvious the country as a more confident nation than just 18 months ago is going to move into the future without your help or ideas.
At lunch, my wonderful waitress was thrilled that she would now be able to afford insurance. We even discussed forming a co op of waiters and waitresses to form a secure group enabling lower premiums.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 23, 2010, 05:12:18 PM
Any time 216 or so Americans make decisions like this for another 304mm Americans and massive amounts of of time and money have been spent to affect the outcome, to the seeming benefit of some corporate interests and a relative minority of the people, this is going to be the outcome.
Er, what? It's called representative democracy, and it's how we've done it since our country was created. That's the second time I've seen that particular meme here and it's actually pretty disturbing. You're saying, essentially, it's the form of government's fault this bill, which you don't like, passed. Damn you, America! You and your lousy rules!
Quote from: we vs us on March 23, 2010, 11:38:29 PM
Er, what? It's called representative democracy, and it's how we've done it since our country was created. That's the second time I've seen that particular meme here and it's actually pretty disturbing. You're saying, essentially, it's the form of government's fault this bill, which you don't like, passed. Damn you, America! You and your lousy rules!
It's really the corrupt nature of how the vote was arrived at and the whole legacy-making quest at all cost that pisses me off more than anything. This is not a good bill. There were better alternatives and it's shameful how big the bill was and how little discussion and time for review was afforded the citizens prior to the vote. This most definitely was not what the framers of our Constitution had in mind (not health care so much, but the methodology and cloaked nature of how this was handled).
Also, understand, I have no problem with a valid attempt to cut the cost of health care and providing coverage to those who have a difficult time getting affordable coverage. This bill does neither.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 24, 2010, 08:44:48 AM
There were better alternatives
Name one. The CBO analyzed the GOP alternatives, and they were terrible.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 24, 2010, 08:44:48 AM
It's really the corrupt nature of how the vote was arrived at and the whole legacy-making quest at all cost that pisses me off more than anything. This is not a good bill. There were better alternatives and it's shameful how big the bill was and how little discussion and time for review was afforded the citizens prior to the vote. This most definitely was not what the framers of our Constitution had in mind (not health care so much, but the methodology and cloaked nature of how this was handled).
Also, understand, I have no problem with a valid attempt to cut the cost of health care and providing coverage to those who have a difficult time getting affordable coverage. This bill does neither.
First of all, not only is it a bad bill, but a large portion of the legislation has nothing to do with healthcare and is being washed over in the media.
The bill is actually called "Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010."
A good portion of the bill covers the government take-over of the banking industry focused on student loans. It gives the government the ability to regulate the amounts and payback structure for many forms of banking related to education.
Your thoughts?
Quote from: Gaspar on March 24, 2010, 09:06:39 AM
The bill is actually called "Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010."
A good portion of the bill covers the government take-over of the banking industry focused on student loans. It gives the government the ability to regulate the amounts and payback structure for many forms of banking related to education.
Your thoughts?
Slate's thoughts. Again, I have no idea how slanted any article I find is but I thought it was an interesting read as long as you ignore the "Pearl Harbor" injections. (
Quote from: rwarn17588 on March 24, 2010, 09:03:19 AM
Name one. The CBO analyzed the GOP alternatives, and they were terrible.
CBO analysis isn't the only relevant yard stick. Get off of your CBO kick.
Then what's a relevant yardstick?
Quote from: Conan71 on March 24, 2010, 10:19:04 AM
CBO analysis isn't the only relevant yard stick. Get off of your CBO kick.
CBO has a poor record of scoring particularly when congress and the administration share a political majority. I would turn to independent economic research.
(Washington Post)
Quote from: Gaspar on March 24, 2010, 09:06:39 AM
First of all, not only is it a bad bill, but a large portion of the legislation has nothing to do with healthcare and is being washed over in the media.
The bill is actually called "Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010."
A good portion of the bill covers the government take-over of the banking industry focused on student loans. It gives the government the ability to regulate the amounts and payback structure for many forms of banking related to education.
Your thoughts?
I read this on line this morning and I've got mixed opinions. I've always felt government investment in higher education (vocational and collegiate) yields the highest long-term returns as far as tax revenue recieved by individual productivity vs. output. It's one of the best investments government can make.
If this does all it claims (recalling from memory): frees up money which could be used for more Pell Grants, helps raise the limit on Pell Grants, lowers servicing fees for students, lowers the deficit- it sounds sensible.
I'm not a big government person. The major argument against this is thousands of private sector jobs lost. I am assuming the government would need people to administer these programs and could absorb the displaced former bank employees, but then it fully assumes salary and pension benefits for those people.
I'm trying to separate the hyperbole from reality and political bias on the part of Congresspeople who are for and against.
As a benefit to people seeking higher education, I like the concept. In terms of expanding government authority and bureaucracy, I hate it. I've got one daughter who is a sophomore in college and another who will be a freshman in a year and a half. I can definitely appreciate the costs associated with a college education and see the benefits of a good education.
QuoteSen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., wants a vote on his amendment to prohibit coverage of Viagra for sex offenders. (
If there was any doubt about the true motives of dems on healthcare, Rep. Dingell cleared it up:
Dingell looks like he's already taking the eternal dirt nap.
Interesting video of Candidate Obama vs.President Obama"
Quote from: guido911 on March 24, 2010, 12:19:19 PM
Interesting video of Candidate Obama vs.President Obama"
Sharp looking tie!
You gotta love the contempt in Hillary's face.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 24, 2010, 10:19:04 AM
CBO analysis isn't the only relevant yard stick. Get off of your CBO kick.
OK, I'm up for suggestions ... from a nonpartisan group like the CBO, please.
Otherwise, don't whine if they come up with results you don't like.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 24, 2010, 10:38:00 AM
I would turn to independent economic research.
Well, considering that CBO is nonpartisan, I would say that makes them independent.
Let's have some suggestions for such other independent research, please.
Found this at the FAQ at CBO's Web site:
How accurate are CBO's economic forecasts?
CBO regularly evaluates the accuracy of its economic forecasts and publishes the track record. Those evaluations help guide the agency's efforts to improve its forecasts and help Members of Congress and others in their use of CBO's estimates. Historically, the accuracy of CBO's two-year forecasts and five-year projections has been very similar to the accuracy of those by the Blue Chip consensus (an average of private-sector forecasters) and the Administration. For a related discussion, see What Is a Current-Law Economic Baseline and CBO's Economic Forecasting Record: 2007 Update.
How accurate are CBO's budget projections?
By statute, CBO's baseline projections must estimate the future paths of federal spending and revenues under current law and policies. The baseline is therefore not intended to be a prediction of future budgetary outcomes; instead, it is meant to serve as a neutral benchmark that lawmakers can use to measure the effects of proposed changes to spending and taxes. So for that reason and others, actual budgetary outcomes are almost certain to differ from CBO's baseline projections. For a related discussion, see Chapter 1 of CBO's Budget and Economic Outlook; see also The Uncertainty of Budget Projections: A Discussion of Data and Methods for supplemental information.
<end clip>
So the budget estimations serve as a neutral benchmark, which most reasonable people would be fine with. And the economic reports are no worse than other economists'.
The GOP put out a health-care bill during the past year. And the CBO found the Republicans' version was vastly inferior to the Democrats' bill. We're taking about the GOP version barely covering more Americans at all and making a modest reduction on the deficit. Then we had the Democrats' version, which covered 30 million more Americans than the GOP's, plus cut the deficit more over the next 10 years.
If you were an independent person who saw the reports, which would you pick? The answer is self-apparent.
Quote from: rwarn17588 on March 24, 2010, 01:29:02 PM
Found this at the FAQ at CBO's Web site:
How accurate are CBO's economic forecasts?
CBO regularly evaluates the accuracy of its economic forecasts and publishes the track record. Those evaluations help guide the agency's efforts to improve its forecasts and help Members of Congress and others in their use of CBO's estimates. Historically, the accuracy of CBO's two-year forecasts and five-year projections has been very similar to the accuracy of those by the Blue Chip consensus (an average of private-sector forecasters) and the Administration. For a related discussion, see What Is a Current-Law Economic Baseline and CBO's Economic Forecasting Record: 2007 Update.
How accurate are CBO's budget projections?
By statute, CBO's baseline projections must estimate the future paths of federal spending and revenues under current law and policies. The baseline is therefore not intended to be a prediction of future budgetary outcomes; instead, it is meant to serve as a neutral benchmark that lawmakers can use to measure the effects of proposed changes to spending and taxes. So for that reason and others, actual budgetary outcomes are almost certain to differ from CBO's baseline projections. For a related discussion, see Chapter 1 of CBO's Budget and Economic Outlook; see also The Uncertainty of Budget Projections: A Discussion of Data and Methods for supplemental information.
<end clip>
So the budget estimations serve as a neutral benchmark, which most reasonable people would be fine with. And the economic reports are no worse than other economists'.
The GOP put out a health-care bill during the past year. And the CBO found the Republicans' version was vastly inferior to the Democrats' bill. We're taking about the GOP version barely covering more Americans at all and making a modest reduction on the deficit. Then we had the Democrats' version, which covered 30 million more Americans than the GOP's, plus cut the deficit more over the next 10 years.
If you were an independent person who saw the reports, which would you pick? The answer is self-apparent.
I read that too. It seems to focus more on the broad economic forecasts rather than individual legislation. I would love to see something that rates them on their individual bill scores, because they have been way off on most examples I've seen.
Good post!
"How accurate are CBO's budget projections?
By statute, CBO's baseline projections must estimate the future paths of federal spending and revenues under current law and policies. The baseline is therefore not intended to be a prediction of future budgetary outcomes; instead, it is meant to serve as a neutral benchmark that lawmakers can use to measure the effects of proposed changes to spending and taxes. So for that reason and others, actual budgetary outcomes are almost certain to differ from CBO's baseline projections. For a related discussion, see Chapter 1 of CBO's Budget and Economic Outlook; see also The Uncertainty of Budget Projections: A Discussion of Data and Methods for supplemental information."
Basically the "garbage in, garbage out" principle. The error in relying on CBO data is making assumptions that the ultimate actions of Congress will parallel assumptions given to the CBO in the first place.
Reading articles over at Brookings, which is pretty non-partisan, they are saying this bill is not going to be sustainable without raising taxes on the middle class. Just wait...
Here's Cato's opinion on CBO "estimates"
"Since we're already depressed by the enactment of Obamacare, we may as well wallow in misery by looking at some long-term budget numbers. The chart below, which is based on the Congressional Budget Office's long-run estimates, shows that federal government spending will climb to 45 percent of GDP if we believe CBO's more optimistic "baseline" estimate. If we prefer the less optimistic "alternative" estimate, the burden of federal government spending will climb to 67 percent of economic output. These dismal numbers are driven by two factors, an aging population and entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. For all intents and purposes, America is on a path to become a European-style welfare state.
If these numbers don't depress you enough, here are a couple of additional observations to push you over the edge. These CBO estimates were produced last year, so they don't count the cost of Obamacare. And as Michael Cannon repeatedly has observed, Obamacare will cost much more than the official estimates concocted by CBO. And speaking of estimates, the long-run numbers in the chart are almost certainly too optimistic since CBO's methodology naively assumes that a rising burden of government will have no negative impact on the economy's growth rate. Last but not least, the data above only measures federal spending. State and local government budgets will consume at least another 15 percent of GDP, so even using the optimistic baseline, total government spending will be about 60 percent of GDP, higher than every European nation, including France, Greece, and Sweden. And if we add state and local spending on top of the "alternative" baseline, then we're in uncharted territory where perhaps Cuba and North Korea would be the most appropriate analogies.
The rethugs need to be put over our collective knee and spanked like the little, whiney babies they are. When they ran the sandbox, the other kids played nice with them, but now that the other kids are in control, it is one temper tantrum after another.
This AMERICAN is sick and tired of this "tactic." Other important business needs to be done. OK, you lost. Get over it and get back to work.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 24, 2010, 02:18:52 PM
"How accurate are CBO's budget projections?
So where then, if not CBO?
And then there's these folks... (
Ann Coulter's listeners?
Quote from: fotd on March 24, 2010, 02:26:23 PM
The rethugs need to be put over our collective knee and spanked like the little, whiney babies they are. When they ran the sandbox, the other kids played nice with them,
Quote from: Townsend on March 24, 2010, 02:44:08 PM
And then there's these folks... (
Ann Coulter's listeners?
I wish that were the worst of it. Several DNC county headquarters have had bricks thrown through their windows and one Congressperson's brother had his natural gas line cut in a case of mistaken "identity."
The danger of extremist rhetoric, I suppose.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 24, 2010, 03:04:07 PM
The dims went along with the GOP leadership in going to war and countless other ridiculous cooperative efforts led by the Busheviks. The dims even went along with the appointments of several far right Supreme's nominees.
Let's not go there. Your reply stinks, figuratively speaking.
Nobody knows what this will cost or exactly what it will do to the face of healthcare. There are too many variables for even relatively unbiased assessments to give me any confidence. Moreover, 2700 pages is longer than the bible and that has a whole religion built off it.
I worry that so many people believe that -this- congress and -this- president are smarter and/or more trustworthy than any other - and their word and intentions can be taken as true and honorable. In general, I find the Federal government to be a bloated hog that does a few things very well and most things with terrible inefficiency and no real accountability. I'm very reluctant to give them any more control than they already have and don't trust them to have my best interests in mind anyway. 16,000 jobs, maybe yes maybe no? Piffle! The notion of the IRS having any substantive involvement gives me the willies.
Quote from: buckeye on March 24, 2010, 03:58:52 PM
Nobody knows what this will cost or exactly what it will do to the face of healthcare. There are too many variables for even relatively unbiased assessments to give me any confidence. Moreover, 2700 pages is longer than the bible and that has a whole religion built off it.
I worry that so many people believe that -this- congress and -this- president are smarter and/or more trustworthy than any other - and their word and intentions can be taken as true and honorable. In general, I find the Federal government to be a bloated hog that does a few things very well and most things with terrible inefficiency and no real accountability. I'm very reluctant to give them any more control than they already have and don't trust them to have my best interests in mind anyway. 16,000 jobs, maybe yes maybe no? Piffle! The notion of the IRS having any substantive involvement gives me the willies.
And there seems to be a whole religion developing based on health care reform too. ;)
It's not just the 16,000 or so new jobs with the IRS. Anecdotally, I've heard claims of anywhere from 100 to 500 new departments, bureaucracies, or little fiefdoms being created as a result.
Much of this is shear politics and gives the dims big moe headed to the November elections. When did Americans become so fearful of their own government? The most stable thing in this country nowadays is the Republicans' ability to be wrong on everything.
The best thing that will come out of this bill and the future bombshell legislation about to be dropped on Wall Street is a return to confidence and support by the majority. After 8 years of negligent power, the necessary government actions taken have actually served to restore stability with the exception of the tea partier.
War is tapering down. The Taliban leadership has been systematically droned down. With no issues, the GOP looks pathetic. They've allowed the anti intellectuals and the non conscious to rule their roost.
Scary New GOP Poll'%3E'%3E
How come people never complain about the ever expanding waste in the military or the continuing expansion of their fiefdom?
Quote from: buckeye on March 24, 2010, 03:58:52 PM
Nobody knows what this will cost or exactly what it will do to the face of healthcare. There are too many variables for even relatively unbiased assessments to give me any confidence. Moreover, 2700 pages is longer than the bible and that has a whole religion built off it.
The Bible fits a lot more words on a single page than the Federal government does. We triple space and have large margins. ;)
I can say with 100% certainty that the bill will: limit insurance company administrative overhead, end recission except in cases of knowing fraud, end exclusions for pre-existing conditions, and help millions of Americans afford insurance.
Quote from: fotd on March 24, 2010, 04:18:03 PM
How come people never complain about the ever expanding waste in the military or the continuing expansion of their fiefdom?
They probably remember the results of cutbacks that led to the embarrassing attempt to rescue the hostages from Iran in 1980(ish).
We've been mistrustful, though perhaps not afraid of our government from the very beginning; it's written into the fabric of the nation.
The military is one thing the Feds are specifically charged with and one thing they do pretty well.
The Blame Bush game is getting really old, as is the juvenile and inane name-calling. Please stop it. Or more pointedly, shut the hell up.
Typeface point taken, Nathan. :) How do you know the bill will accomplish those things? I don't necessarily doubt you, but I'd like to know. Surely those don't take up the full volume, the other stuff worries me...
Quote from: nathanm on March 24, 2010, 04:57:27 PM
The Bible fits a lot more words on a single page than the Federal government does. We triple space and have large margins. ;)
I can say with 100% certainty that the bill will: limit insurance company administrative overhead, end recission except in cases of knowing fraud, end exclusions for pre-existing conditions, and help millions of Americans afford insurance care.
I saw the new law requires 80% and 85% of the insurance companies' expenditures to be in claim payments depending on size of the company (as I remember). It would have been just as easy for congress to have penned in 65% or 95%. Anyone have numbers on what is realistic on the overhead? What happens if the company doesn't meet those numbers? I haven't had a chance to read the 2000+ pages yet.
I like the end of exclusion for pre-existing conditions and no more dumping of customers but only time will tell if cost will come down.
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 24, 2010, 06:26:57 PM
I saw the new law requires 80% and 85% of the insurance companies' expenditures to be in claim payments depending on size of the company (as I remember). It would have been just as easy for congress to have penned in 65% or 95%. Anyone have numbers on what is realistic on the overhead? What happens if the company doesn't meet those numbers? I haven't had a chance to read the 2000+ pages yet.
I like the end of exclusion for pre-existing conditions and no more dumping of customers but only time will tell if cost will come down.
Many big group plans already are in the low 90s (93% was one specific claim I saw). Many of the smaller plans are closer to 60-75%. Medicare is like 95 or 96% efficient, if I remember correctly.
The standard is slightly low, based on what has been proven possible in private insurance.
Quote from: guido911 on March 23, 2010, 09:39:43 PM
Good grief just shut up about your "preexisting condition" already. You got your health care bill that will be paid for by people other than yourself. Just keep riding the gravy train.
Sadly, "preexisting conditions" will continue to be an issue...
"Fact: Access to the "high risk pool" is limited and the pool is underfunded. Only those who have been uninsured for more than six months will qualify for the high-risk pool. Only 0.7% of those without insurance now will get coverage, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services report estimates it will run out of funding by 2011 or 2012."
oh yeah... and this is from!?! zut alors! (
"Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill
Jane Hamsher
The Firedoglake health care team has been covering the debate in congress since it began last year. The health care bill will come up for a vote in the House on Sunday, and as Nancy Pelosi works to wrangle votes, we've been running a detailed whip count on where every member of Congress stands, updated throughout the day.
We've also taken a detailed look at the bill, and have come up with 18 often stated myths about this health care reform bill.
Real health care reform is the thing we've fought for from the start. It is desperately needed. But this bill falls short on many levels, and hurts many people more than it helps them.
While details are limited, there is apparently a "Plan B" alternative that the White House was considering as recently as two weeks ago, which would evidently expand existing programs -- Medicaid and SCHIP. It would cover half the people at a quarter of the price, but it would not force an unbearable financial burden to those who are already struggling to get by.
Congress may be too far down the road with this bill to change course. But before Democrats cast this vote which could turn "ban the mandate" into "gay marriage" for the GOP in 2010, they should consider the first rule of patient safety: first, do no harm.
Myth 1: This is a universal health care bill.
Fact: The bill is neither universal health care nor universal health insurance. According to the Congressional Budget Office:
* Total uninsured in 2019 with no bill: 54 million
* Total uninsured in 2019 with Senate bill: 24 million
Myth 2: Insurance companies hate this bill.
Fact: This bill is almost identical to the plan written by AHIP, the insurance company trade association, in 2009.
The original Senate Finance Committee bill was authored by a former Wellpoint vice president. Since Congress released the first of its health care bills on October 30, 2009, health care stocks have risen 28.35%.
Myth 3: The bill will significantly bring down insurance premiums for most Americans.
Fact: The bill will not bring down premiums significantly, and certainly not the $2,500/year that President Obama promised during his campaign.
Annual premiums in 2016: status quo / with bill:
Small group market, single: $7,800 / $7,800
Small group market, family: $19,3oo / $19,200
Large Group market, single: $7,400 / $7,300
Large group market, family: $21,100 / $21,300
Individual market, single: $5,500 / $5,800
Individual market, family: $13,100 / $15,200
(The cost of premiums in the individual market goes up somewhat due to subsidies and mandates of better coverage. The CBO assumes that cost of individual policies goes down 7-10%, and that people will buy more generous policies.)
Myth 4: The bill will make health care affordable for middle class Americans.
Fact: The bill will impose a financial hardship on middle class Americans who will be forced to buy a product that they can't afford to use.
A family of four making $66,370 will be forced to pay $5,243 per year for insurance. After basic necessities, this leaves them with $8,307 in discretionary income -- out of which they would have to cover clothing, credit card and other debt, child care and education costs, in addition to $5,882 in annual out-of-pocket medical expenses for which families will be responsible.
Myth 5: This plan is similar to the Massachusetts plan, which makes health care affordable.
Fact: Many Massachusetts residents forgo health care because they can't afford it. A 2009 study by the state of Massachusetts found that:
* 21% of residents forgo medical treatment because they can't afford it, including 12% of children
* 18% have health insurance but can't afford to use it
Myth 6: This bill provides health care to 31 million people who are currently uninsured.
Fact: This bill will mandate that millions of people who are currently uninsured purchase insurance from private companies, or the IRS will collect up to 2% of their annual income in penalties. Some will be assisted with government subsidies.
Myth 7: You can keep the insurance you have if you like it.
Fact: The excise tax will result in employers switching to plans with higher co-pays and fewer covered services.
Older, less healthy employees with employer-based health care will be forced to pay much more in out-of-pocket expenses than they do now.
Myth 8: The "excise tax" will encourage employers to reduce the scope of health care benefits, and they will pass the savings on to employees in the form of higher wages.
Fact: There is insufficient evidence that employers pass savings from reduced benefits on to employees.
Myth 9: This bill employs nearly every cost control idea available to bring down costs.
Fact: This bill does not bring down costs and leaves out nearly every key cost control measure, including:
* Public Option ($25-$110 billion)
* Medicare buy-in
* Drug re-importation ($19 billion)
* Medicare drug price negotiation ($300 billion)
* Shorter pathway to generic biologics ($71 billion)
Myth 10: The bill will require big companies like Wal-Mart to provide insurance for their employees.
Fact: The bill was written so that most Wal-Mart employees will qualify for subsidies, and taxpayers will pick up a large portion of the cost of their coverage.
Myth 11: The bill "bends the cost curve" on health care.
Fact: "Bends the cost curve" is a misleading and trivial claim, as the U.S. would still spend far more for care than other advanced countries.
* In 2009, health care costs were 17.3% of GDP.
* Annual cost of health care in 2019, status quo: $4,670.6 billion (20.8% of GDP)
* Annual cost of health care in 2019, Senate bill: $4,693.5 billion (20.9% of GDP)
Myth 12: The bill will provide immediate access to insurance for Americans who are uninsured because of a pre-existing condition.
Fact: Access to the "high risk pool" is limited and the pool is underfunded. Only those who have been uninsured for more than six months will qualify for the high-risk pool. Only 0.7% of those without insurance now will get coverage, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services report estimates it will run out of funding by 2011 or 2012.
Myth 13: The bill prohibits dropping people in individual plans from coverage when they get sick.
Fact: The bill does not empower a regulatory body to keep people from being dropped when they're sick. There are already many states that have laws on the books prohibiting people from being dropped when they're sick, but without an enforcement mechanism, there is little to hold the insurance companies in check.
Myth 14: The bill ensures consumers have access to an effective internal and external appeals process to challenge new insurance plan decisions.
Fact: The "internal appeals process" is in the hands of the insurance companies themselves, and the "external" one is up to each state.
Ensuring that consumers have access to "internal appeals" simply means the insurance companies have to review their own decisions. And it is the responsibility of each state to provide an "external appeals process," as there is neither funding nor a regulatory mechanism for enforcement at the federal level.
Myth 15: This bill will stop insurance companies from hiking rates 30%-40% per year.
Fact: This bill does not limit insurance company rate hikes. Private insurers continue to be exempt from anti-trust laws, and are free to raise rates without fear of competition in many areas of the country.
Myth 16: When the bill passes, people will begin receiving benefits under this bill immediately
Fact: Most provisions in this bill, such as an end to the ban on pre-existing conditions for adults, do not take effect until 2014.
Six months from the date of passage, children could not be excluded from coverage due to pre-existing conditions, though insurance companies could charge more to cover them. Children would also be allowed to stay on their parents' plans until age 26. There will be an elimination of lifetime coverage limits, a high risk pool for those who have been uninsured for more than 6 months, and community health centers will start receiving money.
Myth 17: The bill creates a pathway for single payer.
Fact: Bernie Sanders' provision in the Senate bill does not start until 2017, and does not cover the Department of Labor, so no, it doesn't create a pathway for single payer.
Obama told Dennis Kucinich that the Ohio Representative's amendment is similar to Bernie Sanders' provision in the Senate bill, and creates a pathway to single payer. Since the waiver does not start until 2017, and does not cover the Department of Labor, it is nearly impossible to see how it gets around the ERISA laws that stand in the way of any practical state single payer system.
Myth 18: The bill will end medical bankruptcy and provide all Americans with peace of mind.
Fact: Most people with medical bankruptcies already have insurance, and out-of-pocket expenses will continue to be a burden on the middle class.
* In 2009, 1.5 million Americans declared bankruptcy
* Of those, 62% were medically related
* Three-quarters of those had health insurance
* The Obama bill leaves 24 million without insurance
* The maximum yearly out-of-pocket limit for a family will be $11,900 (PDF) on top of premiums
* A family with serious medical problems that last for a few years could easily be financially crushed by medical costs
Real health care reform is needed. But this bill falls short of that on many levels.
1. March 11, Letter from Doug Elmendorf to Harry Reid (PDF)
2. The AHIP Plan in Context, Igor Volsky; The Max Baucus WellPoint/Liz Fowler Plan, Marcy Wheeler
3. CBO Score, 11-30-2009
4. "Affordable" Health Care, Marcy Wheeler
5. Gruber Doesn't Reveal That 21% of Massachusetts Residents Can't Afford Health Care, Marcy Wheeler; Massachusetts Survey (PDF)
6. Health Care on the Road to Neo-Feudalism, Marcy Wheeler
7. CMS: Excise Tax on Insurance Will Make Your Insurane Coverage Worse and Cause Almost No Reduction in NHE, Jon Walker
8. Employer Health Costs Do Not Drive Wage Trends, Lawrence Mishel
9. CBO Estimates Show Public Plan With Higher Savings Rate, Congress Daily; Drug Importation Amendment Likely This Week, Politico; Medicare Part D IAF; A Monopoloy on Biologics Will Drain Health Care Resources, Lancet Student
10. MaxTax Is a Plan to Use Our Taxes to Reward Wal-Mart for Keeping Its Workers in Poverty, Marcy Wheeler
11. Estimated Financial Effects of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009," as Proposed by the Senate Majority Leader on November 18, 2009, CMS (PDF)
12. ibid
13. ibid
14. ibid
15. Health insurance companies hang onto their antitrust exemption, Protect Consumer
16. What passage of health care reform would mean for the average American, DC Examiner
17. How to get a State Single Payer Opt-Out as Part of Reconciliation, Jon Walker
18. Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies,; The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Section-by-Section Analysis (PDF)"
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 24, 2010, 06:26:57 PM
I saw the new law requires 80% and 85% of the insurance companies' expenditures to be in claim payments depending on size of the company (as I remember). It would have been just as easy for congress to have penned in 65% or 95%. Anyone have numbers on what is realistic on the overhead? What happens if the company doesn't meet those numbers? I haven't had a chance to read the 2000+ pages yet.
I like the end of exclusion for pre-existing conditions and no more dumping of customers but only time will tell if cost will come down.
What happens if they miss that target? Bonuses for everyone!
Quote from: Conan71 on March 24, 2010, 07:27:44 PM
What happens if they miss that target? Bonuses for everyone!
Silly me. Why didn't I think of that?
Quote from: buckeye on March 24, 2010, 06:15:20 PM
We've been mistrustful, though perhaps not afraid of our government from the very beginning; it's written into the fabric of the nation.
The military is one thing the Feds are specifically charged with and one thing they do pretty well.
The Blame Bush game is getting really old, as is the juvenile and inane name-calling. Please stop it. Or more pointedly, shut the hell up.
Typeface point taken, Nathan. :) How do you know the bill will accomplish those things? I don't necessarily doubt you, but I'd like to know. Surely those don't take up the full volume, the other stuff worries me...
What? Not afraid just fear? Written into the fabric?
They do pretty well so keep feeding the MIC?
It's not a blame Bush (Shrub, Dumbya, Cheney Puppet etc.) game. It's history. Unless, you're anti intellectual and anti economics.
Quote from: buckeye on March 24, 2010, 06:15:20 PM
The Blame Bush game is getting really old, as is the juvenile and inane name-calling. Please stop it. Or more pointedly, shut the hell up.
Yeah, cuz after Reagan got elected.... nobody was playing the "Blame Carter game." ::)
Quote from: fotd on March 24, 2010, 08:10:50 PM
What? Not afraid just fear? Written into the fabric?
They do pretty well so keep feeding the MIC?
It's not a blame Bush (Shrub, Dumbya, Cheney Puppet etc.) game. It's history. Unless, you're anti intellectual and anti economics.
Quoteblame carter, blame bush, etc
I don't much approve of blaming one's predecessors period. Time to take responsibility for the problems at hand.
Quote from: buckeye on March 24, 2010, 09:58:50 PM
I don't much approve of blaming one's predecessors period. Time to take responsibility for the problems at hand.
I think our own ramblings on this site prove how blame is everything in politics. Forward looking solutions are ignored, as typically are the people who push them.
Quote from: nathanm on March 24, 2010, 10:08:03 PM
I think our own ramblings on this site prove how blame is everything in politics. Forward looking solutions are ignored, as typically are the people who push them.
Although sometimes there are people that truly believe the "forward looking solutions" are not the correct forward looking solutions. It's politics. Sometimes an honest disagreement gets buried in the partisan chatter.
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 24, 2010, 10:57:29 PM
Although sometimes there are people that truly believe the "forward looking solutions" are not the correct forward looking solutions. It's politics. Sometimes an honest disagreement gets buried in the partisan chatter.
Yes, but some of the time even a flawed solution is better than doing the absolutely nothing the naysayers desire, which seems to be what politics has devolved to now.
This he-said-she-said TV news format promotes the insane notion that all ideas are equally good and all opinions are equally valid, no matter what level of factual support there is for a given idea or opinion. It leaves us with a bewildered electorate that can't make informed decisions because it's nearly impossible to get any facts on which to base a reasonable opinion.
Since my job mostly consists of a cycle of clicking and typing furiously for anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 minutes, followed by waiting for the computer to finish doing something for somewhere between 5 minutes and 5 hours, I have the luxury of time to do a lot of research on a lot of different topics. This allows me to have opinions grounded in reality on many different subjects. People may not agree with them, but they are considered, and even subject to change with new information. If I were basing my opinions solely what one can find in/on the Tulsa World, KRMG, and the CBS Evening News, I think I'd still have a lot of opinions, but I don't think I'd (usually) have a solid basis for them.
Sometimes I think people react so rabidly to opposing political ideas precisely because they don't have any real factual basis. It becomes a matter of faith. A matter of identifying as a "Glenn Beck" person or a "Keith Olbermann" person or what have you. It's more about being part of an ideology or a movement than about informing oneself and thinking for oneself.
Quote from: nathanm on March 25, 2010, 12:11:03 AM
Yes, but some of the time even a flawed solution is better than doing the absolutely nothing the naysayers desire, which seems to be what politics has devolved to now.
This he-said-she-said TV news format promotes the insane notion that all ideas are equally good and all opinions are equally valid, no matter what level of factual support there is for a given idea or opinion. It leaves us with a bewildered electorate that can't make informed decisions because it's nearly impossible to get any facts on which to base a reasonable opinion.
Since my job mostly consists of a cycle of clicking and typing furiously for anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 minutes, followed by waiting for the computer to finish doing something for somewhere between 5 minutes and 5 hours, I have the luxury of time to do a lot of research on a lot of different topics. This allows me to have opinions grounded in reality on many different subjects. People may not agree with them, but they are considered, and even subject to change with new information. If I were basing my opinions solely what one can find in/on the Tulsa World, KRMG, and the CBS Evening News, I think I'd still have a lot of opinions, but I don't think I'd (usually) have a solid basis for them.
Sometimes I think people react so rabidly to opposing political ideas precisely because they don't have any real factual basis. It becomes a matter of faith. A matter of identifying as a "Glenn Beck" person or a "Keith Olbermann" person or what have you. It's more about being part of an ideology or a movement than about informing oneself and thinking for oneself.
I agree with the post above. I will have to add, however, that sometimes doing nothing is better than doing a flawed something. That's hard to get a handle on sometimes. Doing something, anything.... is not always the correct solution.
I will also agree that you are frequently better informed than most. I may still disagree though.
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 25, 2010, 12:17:05 AM
I agree with the post above. I will have to add, however, that sometimes doing nothing is better than doing a flawed something. That's hard to get a handle on sometimes. Doing something, anything.... is not always the correct solution.
I will also agree that you are frequently better informed than most. I may still disagree though.
My reaction was similar to yours when I read that, but he did put in the caveat: "sometimes".
Doing a flawed something simply to have the pride in saying: "Look we finally got health care reform" isn't a good solution if it doesn't solve the problems it purports to in the first place or if it creates an additional problem like higher deficits (just waiting for Rwarn and the "CBO chorus"), inflationary pressures, or additional unemployment.
Tinkering for the sake of tinkering doesn't present a good solution. We got sold out to the insurance companies on this. Take a read on who some of the insurance execs were who helped write this pile. I simply cannot sit back, digest this and say: "Wow, I'm glad this passed!"
At least according to what Brunoflipper posted last night, the pre-existing condition part of the bill doesn't really do a whole lot for people like JeffM who have been waiting on this bill. I understand his optimism for what he's hoping the PEC part of the bill could do to expand his career options and ease financial burdens. I can't fault someone for that, but a lot of people have put false hope in this bill and Congress has been the proverbial fox watching over the flock. Even GOP solutions were loaded in favor of the insurance companies, so I don't fault this as being entirely partisan.
If even 1/2 of what the article purported that Bruno posted is correct, this was a huge, huge mistake and we've been chumped.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 25, 2010, 09:21:11 AM
My reaction was similar to yours when I read that, but he did put in the caveat: "sometimes".
I saw his "sometimes" and added a "sometimes" case of my own.
Abuse of language irritates the Crap out of me. What the heck is a "Forward Looking Solution."
A solution is only a solution if it solves the problem and doesn't create new problems.
You can't improve on the impact of your language by adding silly qualifiers.
I could sure use some "Proactive Synergy" right now. :-\
Quote from: Gaspar on March 25, 2010, 02:44:15 PM
I could sure use some "Proactive Synergy" right now.
That's not going to work in my paradigm.
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 25, 2010, 02:50:19 PM
Energy drink?
So much more than an energy drink. It gets idiots promoted. ;D
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 25, 2010, 02:50:19 PM
Energy drink?
Quote from: Gaspar on March 25, 2010, 02:51:19 PM
So much more than an energy drink. It gets idiots promoted. ;D
Gimme some, quick!
Quote from: Conan71 on March 25, 2010, 02:53:09 PM
3 bottles at home in the frige.
I have always been a bit leery of the legitimacy of these type of "letters", but here is one purportedly from a doctor to her patients after the passage of HCR:
Quote from: guido911 on March 25, 2010, 05:12:19 PM
I have always been a bit leery of the legitimacy of these type of "letters", but here is one purportedly from a doctor to her patients after the passage of HCR:
It's all the rave with those that have the means to pay for specialized care!
Doctors on retainers available 24/7 for those with the ability to go around the insurers....
Quote from: fotd on March 25, 2010, 05:16:27 PM
It's all the rave with those that have the means to pay for specialized care!
Doctors on retainers available 24/7 for those with the ability to go around the insurers....
First of all, that doctor was in family practice, hardly "specialized care." Second, so what if people with the means to have a doctor on "retainers" do so? Jealous? If a doctor wants to parlay his decision to invest 8 years of post high school education and 4 years of internship/residency to provide medical services on his/her terms, is that not their right to do so?
Quote from: guido911 on March 25, 2010, 05:24:19 PM
First of all, that doctor was in family practice, hardly "specialized care." Second, so what if people with the means to have a doctor on "retainers" do so? Jealous? If a doctor wants to parlay his decision to invest 8 years of post high school education and 4 years of internship/residency to provide medical services on his/her terms, is that not their right to do so?
I like the idea of specialized care. That's the expansion of the term.
Now. Under socialism, wouldn't this be prohibited?
Quote from: fotd on March 25, 2010, 05:35:44 PM
I like the idea of specialized care. That's the expansion of the term.
Now. Under socialism, wouldn't this be prohibited?
Specialized care is a good. But that also helped expand the cost of health care over the last two decades with all the new specialty clinics and hospitals which sprang up. That's added a lot of overhead to the cost of health care. Look at all the specialty hospitals which cropped up in Tulsa alone the last 20 years. I'm not saying they don't add a valuable service, they do. However, medical facilities are incredibly expensive to operate. As well, they have added some confusion when it comes to insurance benefits and I know of people who have been hosed by "steering" to facilities by doctors who are part owners.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 25, 2010, 07:45:37 PM
Specialized care is a good. But that also helped expand the cost of health care over the last two decades with all the new specialty clinics and hospitals which sprang up. That's added a lot of overhead to the cost of health care. Look at all the specialty hospitals which cropped up in Tulsa alone the last 20 years. I'm not saying they don't add a valuable service, they do. However, medical facilities are incredibly expensive to operate. As well, they have added some confusion when it comes to insurance benefits and I know of people who have been hosed by "steering" to facilities by doctors who are part owners.
Yes, good capitalists. Bad, putting their oath in back of their pocket book.
Now, this all came about because of Nixon....he allowed the docs to incorporate and Big Pharma to advertise.
Quote from: fotd on March 25, 2010, 09:45:15 PM
Yes, good capitalists. Bad, putting their oath in back of their pocket book.
Now, this all came about because of Nixon....he allowed the docs to incorporate and Big Pharma to advertise.
What oath are you referring to?
Quote from: guido911 on March 25, 2010, 05:12:19 PM
I have always been a bit leery of the legitimacy of these type of "letters", but here is one purportedly from a doctor to her patients after the passage of HCR:
It goes to show that it's possible for even a doctor with their own practice to know absolutely nothing about health care administration. Perhaps she hadn't noticed (I forgive her, the bill is long and there are but a few summaries available), but insurance companies will be no less capable of selling any health plan they desire, even after 2014. They just don't get to sell it on the exchange if it doesn't meet the minimum standards.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 23, 2010, 08:58:37 PM
FYI Caterpillar is saying this legislation will increase their payroll costs by $100mm per year. Mexico & China are going to love this bill.
Now that I know what you're talking about:
Yes, the government is in fact no longer going to both subsidize retiree prescription drug benefits
and let companies take a tax deduction for the part of the expense the government paid for.
Quote from: nathanm on March 26, 2010, 06:12:06 PM
Now that I know what you're talking about:
Yes, the government is in fact no longer going to both subsidize retiree prescription drug benefits and let companies take a tax deduction for the part of the expense the government paid for.
Whilst in the dentist's office today, I got a chance to read the whole article in the WSJ ( and it turns out that 1) the tax liability is a one-time fee; 2) the tax credit has been on the books only since 2006, when Bush II passed his --unfunded! -- Medicare Part B legislation 3) none of the companies in question would verify the accounting and outside numbers suggest the liability is much lower.
So in other words, good news! An unfunded corporate tax loophole has been closed! Yay for government budget-balancing!
Right, deficit hawks?
It will take 5 years before the impact and cost/benefit can be defined.
So, take a break....
Quote from: Gaspar on March 24, 2010, 09:06:39 AM
A good portion of the bill covers the government take-over of the banking industry focused on student loans.
Given that the banks weren't loaning their own money in the first place, I don't think it's really a government takeover. It's not as if banks can't continue to provide private student loans as they have been. (Well, I had read they'd pretty much stopped after the meltdown, but presumably they started doing it again at some point)
I love how removing a government subsidy is now called a "government takeover." We live in interesting times.
So are we for or against handouts to big business now? I thought we had decided we were against that sort of thing.
Quote from: fotd on March 26, 2010, 10:35:17 PM
It will take 5 years before the impact and cost/benefit can be defined.
So, take a break....
You will have fled the country by then. No wonder you could care less
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2010, 10:03:51 AM
You will have fled the country by then. No wonder you could care less
Not fleeing this great country, just these backwooded non progressive bigoted parts.
Why are you so impatient as to not wait and see? 5 years out, if your liver holds up, we will see.
Yowza. If this holds, Republicans are in for a big surprise in November:
Independents seem to be much happier with the Democrats now that they got the health care bill passed.
Worse for those against HCR in the first place, 48% polled in the Gallup poll released Tuesday stated that the HCR that was passed is a "good first step," and expect to see more action on health care in the future.
Now, one should never put too much faith in polls, but they do give a good idea of general trends in thinking among the electorate.
For every "good" poll there is a counter.
This March 24 CBS poll says, by 62%, that the repubs should continue fighting HCR
Obama's "bounce" is gone as well (WARNING: Conservative website):
Even Gallup, which is the source of your poll, has Obama's bounce fading. Could be a trend, who knows. Polls suck.
It's a long way to November.
Quote from: guido911 on March 27, 2010, 06:56:33 PM
This March 24 CBS poll says, by 62%, that the repubs should continue fighting HCR
Yet, actually relevant to my previous post, it also says this, which reinforces my point:
Thirty-eight percent now say they approve of Congressional Democrats, up from 29 percent before the vote.
That's actually more than the Gallup poll.
Quote from: nathanm on March 27, 2010, 07:13:20 PM
Yet, actually relevant to my previous post, it also says this, which reinforces my point:
That's actually more than the Gallup poll.
Now Gallup has Obama at an all time low. More poll bs.
I suppose it will hit Tulsa sooner than we expected. I guess we'll find out about layoffs after the first quarter earnings reports. ???
The Boeing Co. expects to take a $150 million charge in the first quarter as a result of the recently enacted federal health care plan.
Boeing said today that the expense will hurt its first quarter earnings by about 20 cents per share.
The company's announcement comes shortly after the enactment of President Barack Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as modified by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act.
Several other companies have said they will take accounting charges due to the health care reform bill including AT&T, AK Steel Corp., Caterpillar Inc. and 3M Co.
Beginning in 2013, Boeing said it will no longer be able to claim an income tax deduction related to prescription drug benefits provided to retirees and reimbursed under the Medicare Part D retiree drug subsidy. Although this tax increase does not take effect until 2013, accounting standards require that a deferred income tax asset be written down in the period legislation changing the tax law is enacted.
Boeing will revise its earnings estimate and announce the change when it reports first quarter earnings next month.
From the Herald and AP.
Quote from: Gaspar on April 01, 2010, 12:13:27 PM
I suppose it will hit Tulsa sooner than we expected. I guess we'll find out about layoffs after the first quarter earnings reports. ???
The Boeing Co. expects to take a $150 million charge in the first quarter as a result of the recently enacted federal health care plan.
Boeing said today that the expense will hurt its first quarter earnings by about 20 cents per share.
The company's announcement comes shortly after the enactment of President Barack Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as modified by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act.
Several other companies have said they will take accounting charges due to the health care reform bill including AT&T, AK Steel Corp., Caterpillar Inc. and 3M Co.
Beginning in 2013, Boeing said it will no longer be able to claim an income tax deduction related to prescription drug benefits provided to retirees and reimbursed under the Medicare Part D retiree drug subsidy. Although this tax increase does not take effect until 2013, accounting standards require that a deferred income tax asset be written down in the period legislation changing the tax law is enacted.
Boeing will revise its earnings estimate and announce the change when it reports first quarter earnings next month.
From the Herald and AP.
Would that have been considered corporate welfare under the Bush administration and now taking it away is a tax increase under the Obama administration?
Quote from: Townsend on April 01, 2010, 12:44:19 PM
Would that have been considered corporate welfare under the Bush administration and now taking it away is a tax increase under the Obama administration?
You're right. Not having it in the first place would have been the best idea. ;D
Quote from: Gaspar on April 01, 2010, 12:46:32 PM
You're right. Not having it in the first place would have been the best idea. ;D
In 2008, Boeing Corp made $2.7billion in net revenue. ( As much as I'd like to feel sorry for their one time $150mil tax hit (in the first quarter only, no less!) I'll refrain from too much self-flagellation.
The Wal-Mart Market by my house probably brought in thousands of dollars in cash yesterday. That's still not a good reason for me to go in there and demand a portion of it. ;)
All part of the revenge upon success and punishment of excess platform.
Hopey Changey :P
Quote from: we vs us on April 01, 2010, 12:52:40 PM
In 2008, Boeing Corp made $2.7billion in net revenue. ( As much as I'd like to feel sorry for their one time $150mil tax hit (in the first quarter only, no less!) I'll refrain from too much self-flagellation.
Quoteaccording to Boeing's 2009 annual report, the company paid no federal income tax in 2009 and actually received $132 million back from the IRS. And in 2008, Boeing paid just $44 million in federal income taxes while netting $2.7 billion in earnings that year. (
And what is one of the most cited benefits of corporate tax breaks on local, state, and national levels (property and income)?
Job creation and retention. Kind of a Catch 22 if you ask me. There's probably some who complain about corporate welfare who owe the existence of their job to it. I'm not saying right wrong or otherwise on corp welfare, just that there are some people who complain loudly about it who might unwittingly have a job because of it.
I do disagree however, with the idea that just because someone or some entity has a pile of cash, it should be plundered simply because it exists.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 01, 2010, 01:56:09 PM
The Wal-Mart Market by my house probably brought in thousands of dollars in cash yesterday. That's still not a good reason for me to go in there and demand a portion of it. ;)
The same could be said about Boeing or Wal-Mart taking government money and then deducting it from their taxes. "That we were stupid enough to give you this money is no good reason for you to demand to keep taking money from me." See, it works both ways. ;)
Quote from: joiei on April 01, 2010, 04:15:35 PM (
That's not true.
They did receive credits, but that only dropped their effective rate to 22.9%. They owed deferred taxes of $457 million. Their total income tax expense was $396 million. These shifts were artfully made by hundreds of large publicly traded companies to weather the market drop.
Don't demonize companies like Boeing because they turn a profit. The owners of such companies are you and me. My father owns Boeing. The little old lady down the street is an owner.
I own Boeing and I want them to make as much damn money as possible. I want them to spend the most money hiring the smartest damn CEO. I want him to buy big luxury sail-boats and smoke fancy cigars. The moment he stops making us money, we will send him packing.
No one's hostile to the idea of profit. But I'm not into allowing Boeing to prosper by avoiding paying its share.
So what percent tax on net income would you consider fair?
It's always about fairness with you libs, isn't it? ;)
Quote from: we vs us on April 01, 2010, 12:52:40 PM
In 2008, Boeing Corp made $2.7billion in net revenue. ( As much as I'd like to feel sorry for their one time $150mil tax hit (in the first quarter only, no less!) I'll refrain from too much self-flagellation.
Big company generates big numbers
2.7B net income / 60.9B revenue = about 4.4%
How would you feel about
Mom's Grocery Store (fictitious)
$2,700 net income on $60,900 revenue
Quote from: Red Arrow on April 01, 2010, 10:25:19 PM
Big company generates big numbers
2.7B net income / 60.9 revenue = about 4.4%
How would you feel about
Mom's Grocery Store (fictitious)
$2,700 net income on $60,900 revenue
That is one thing dims/libs never seem to get. It's got nothing to do with percentages, it's always about the stack of cash in the corner of the room. It's a large stack, so it's worth justifying going after it. It's as if companies like Boeing don't add a value to the economy, nor create jobs (or employ 100's of 1000's), nor play a crucial role in our transportation industry which helps other industries nor the thousands of small businesses which exist because Boeing needs suppliers, nor the businesses which exist due to Boeing employees having good income to spend with them. These are the quality jobs we all claim to want. So why the punitive attitude?
Quote from: Conan71 on April 01, 2010, 10:39:14 PM
So why the punitive attitude?
Since when is closing tax loopholes punitive?
Here is how an alleged (can't verify) urologist is protecting himself:
The dems are retooling their message on HCR.
QuoteKey White House allies are dramatically shifting their attempts to defend health care legislation, abandoning claims that it will reduce costs and the deficit and instead stressing a promise to "improve it."...The confidential presentation, available in full here and provided to POLITICO by a source on the call, suggests that Democrats are acknowledging the failure of their predictions that the health care legislation would grow more popular after its passage, as its benefits became clear and rhetoric cooled. Instead, the presentation is designed to win over a skeptical public and to defend the legislation — and in particular the individual mandate — from a push for repeal.
You don't think they over-promised what Obamacare would do? Nah.
Quote from: guido911 on August 19, 2010, 05:15:14 PM
The dems are retooling their message on HCR.
You don't think they over-promised what Obamacare would do? Nah.
But Nancy said to trust them and support passage of the law so we could know what was in it. Obviously since a close family member of yours is a greedy healthcare professional, you are just planting the seeds of dissention out of spite, right? ;)
Quote from: Conan71 on August 19, 2010, 05:26:15 PM
But Nancy said to trust them and support passage of the law so we could know what was in it. Obviously since a close family member of yours is a greedy healthcare professional, you are just planting the seeds of dissention out of spite, right? ;)
We are still uncovering interesting requirements in Obamacare. I guess it takes a while to read this thing?
Section 2572
"If a vending machine operator has 20 or more locations, they must reveal the calorie content to each item inside the machine before the consumer buys it." "A vending machine operator shall provide a sign in close proximity to each article of food or the selection button"
Because of ADA requirements, this information may be required in Bralle for each item, and in some states, the information will be required in multiple languages. Vending machine operators have until 2011 to comply. . .About 50 days.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 10, 2010, 09:40:01 AM
We are still uncovering interesting requirements in Obamacare. I guess it takes a while to read this thing?
Section 2572
"If a vending machine operator has 20 or more locations, they must reveal the calorie content to each item inside the machine before the consumer buys it." "A vending machine operator shall provide a sign in close proximity to each article of food or the selection button"
Because of ADA requirements, this information may be required in Bralle for each item, and in some states, the information will be required in multiple languages. Vending machine operators have until 2011 to comply. . .About 50 days.
If that's f'real that's an excellent example of how government creates environments which stifle small business.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 10, 2010, 12:08:13 PM
If that's f'real that's an excellent example of how government creates environments which stifle small business.
Not if you are a manufacturer of small bralle signs!
Sorry. . .channeling Nate.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 10, 2010, 12:14:15 PM
Not if you are a manufacturer of small bralle signs!
Sorry. . .channeling Nate.
One thing I've learned from working in industry is that when it comes to building codes and safety issues, people sit on regulatory boards who stand to gain from new regs. Sort of like the folks at Simplex-Grinnel helping to write fire sprinkler codes.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 10, 2010, 09:40:01 AM
We are still uncovering interesting requirements in Obamacare. I guess it takes a while to read this thing?
Section 2572
"If a vending machine operator has 20 or more locations, they must reveal the calorie content to each item inside the machine before the consumer buys it." "A vending machine operator shall provide a sign in close proximity to each article of food or the selection button"
Because of ADA requirements, this information may be required in Bralle for each item, and in some states, the information will be required in multiple languages. Vending machine operators have until 2011 to comply. . .About 50 days.
umm... sec 2572 has nothing to do with vending machines.
Section 171 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2916) (as amended by section 2553) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
`(g) Online Health Workforce Training Program-
`(A) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall award National Health Workforce Online Training Grants on a competitive basis to eligible entities to enable such entities to carry out training for individuals to attain or advance in health care occupations. An entity may leverage such grant with other Federal, State, local, and private resources, in order to expand the participation of businesses, employees, and individuals in such training programs.
`(B) ELIGIBILITY- In order to receive a grant under the program established under this paragraph--
`(i) an entity shall be an educational institution, community-based organization, non-profit organization, workforce investment board, or local or county government; and
`(ii) an entity shall provide online workforce training for individuals seeking to attain or advance in health care occupations, including nursing, nursing assistants, dentistry, pharmacy, health care management and administration, public health, health information systems analysis, medical assistants, and other health care practitioner and support occupations.
`(C) PRIORITY- Priority in awarding grants under this paragraph shall be given to entities that--
`(i) have demonstrated experience in implementing and operating online worker skills training and education programs;
`(ii) have demonstrated experience coordinating activities, where appropriate, with the workforce investment system; and
`(iii) conduct training for occupations with national or local shortages.
`(D) DATA COLLECTION- Grantees under this paragraph shall collect and report information on--
`(i) the number of participants;
`(ii) the services received by the participants;
`(iii) program completion rates;
`(iv) factors determined as significantly interfering with program participation or completion;
`(v) the rate of job placement; and
`(vi) other information as determined as needed by the Secretary.
`(E) OUTREACH- Grantees under this paragraph shall conduct outreach activities to disseminate information about their program and results to workforce investment boards, local governments, educational institutions, and other workforce training organizations.
`(F) PERFORMANCE LEVELS- The Secretary shall establish indicators of performance that will be used to evaluate the performance of grantees under this paragraph in carrying out the activities described in this paragraph. The Secretary shall negotiate and reach agreement with each grantee regarding the levels of performance expected to be achieved by the grantee on the indicators of performance.
`(G) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this subsection $50,000,000 for fiscal years 2011 through 2020.
`(A) DESCRIPTION OF GRANT- The Secretary shall award one grant to an eligible postsecondary educational institution to provide the services described in this paragraph.
`(B) ELIGIBILITY- To be eligible to receive a grant under this paragraph, a postsecondary educational institution shall--
`(i) have demonstrated the ability to disseminate research on best practices for implementing workforce investment programs; and
`(ii) be a national leader in producing cutting-edge research on technology related to workforce investment systems under subtitle B.
`(C) SERVICES- The postsecondary educational institution that receives a grant under this paragraph shall use such grant--
`(i) to provide technical assistance to entities that receive grants under paragraph (1);
`(ii) to collect and nationally disseminate the data gathered by entities that receive grants under paragraph (1); and
`(iii) to disseminate the best practices identified by the National Health Workforce Online Training Grant Program to other workforce training organizations.
`(D) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this subsection $1,000,000 for fiscal years 2011 through 2020.'.
Quote from: custosnox on November 10, 2010, 12:22:54 PM
umm... sec 2572 has nothing to do with vending machines.
Ah yes. A little fact checking goes a long way.
Pesky facts, who needs 'em? They've got a liberal bias donchaknow? ;)
Quote from: we vs us on November 10, 2010, 12:26:37 PM
Ah yes. A little fact checking goes a long way.
But a little more digging found it buried in sec. 25
I was beginning to wonder if all the news stories were just made up out of whole cloth or what. ;)
Seriously, what's wrong with disclosing how many calories your food has (unless you're Hardee's/Carl's Jr.)? They've (apparently) been complaining about this for 5 or 6 months now. If they'd just gotten to work on it, it would be done by now.
Quote from: we vs us on November 10, 2010, 12:26:37 PM
Ah yes. A little fact checking goes a long way.
I sure am glad liberals never make typographical errors. I don't know where else I could turn to for accurate information.
Quote from: nathanm on November 10, 2010, 12:30:49 PM
I was beginning to wonder if all the news stories were just made up out of whole cloth or what. ;)
Seriously, what's wrong with disclosing how many calories your food has (unless you're Hardee's/Carl's Jr.)? They've (apparently) been complaining about this for 5 or 6 months now. If they'd just gotten to work on it, it would be done by now.
They don't want everyone to see the outrageous calories and fat in their products is the problem.
I can go online and find nutritional information for just about anything. I think it's a bit ridiculous to require a complete redesign of vending machines to accomodate the additional placard space for 30 to 50 products.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 10, 2010, 12:41:22 PM
I sure am glad liberals never make typographical errors. I don't know where else I could turn to for accurate information.
I think once it gets repeated 500 times across the entire Internet and in newspapers across the country, it no longer counts as a simple typographical error.
It won't require a big redesign by the way. They're only required to list calorie content, not other nutritional information. It goes next to the price and the "B5" or whatever. The thing about braille is just fearmongering. I have yet to see a snack food machine with braille on it that wasn't in a school for the blind. Not that I would be terribly opposed to such a requirement in the future, but I don't see where it exists at present.
Sorry about the Section # mistake. There are so many to account for.
I'm just happy that you guys have finally discovered Thomas. ;D
Hey Nate, there's nothing wrong except now instead of stocking some extra Doritos when you run out of Funyuns, you have to change signage or reprogram. They vending industry estimates this little requirement to cost 16 million extra labor hours.
I have no problem with presenting nutrition information to the consumer, but not by force. If you are monitoring your intake, every restaurant offers nutritional information on their products, however they do not shove it in your face when you walk in the door. They do not force you to be informed. Like every other freedom, we are free to be idiots.
How long till we eliminate Brands like Funyuns, Cheetos, and Tostedos, and replace them with 14g Onion Flavor, 16g Powderd Cheese & Corn, and 12g Oil Soaked Corn. I don't want to live in that world. How long until brands like Mountain Dew are outlawed because it is "misleading to the consumer"? I like hamburgers, yet they contain no ham as the name implies. . .Outrage!
This is a pattern, an escalation. We clearly denote content on food products, we also supply nutritional information based on a standardized diet formulated by our federal government. Now we have to literally include these values in our advertising. This is all in effort to change behavior. In the past it has been proven not to change behavior at all. I assume when it fails, yet again at the consumer's expense, it will result in all-out bans of food items that the government deems poor choices. This is already happening in some more liberal states.
I'm curious, do you see this going any other direction?
I understand that in Libtopia people envision these programs with different outcomes.
Either my snark-o-meter is off, or you have gone off the deep end Gaspar. There is no slippery slope here. Nutritional labeling has been required on food products for many, many years now. I'd even bet that the folks who were against it when those requirements were enacted used the exact same arguments you're using. There is nothing wrong with eliminating the loopholes that allow some people to get away without informing the consumer of calorie content prior to making their purchase.
An informed consumer is the bedrock of capitalism. As someone who purports to be in favor of both freedom and our capitalist system, I'm surprised that you have a problem with people being able to make more informed purchasing decisions.
Quote from: nathanm on November 10, 2010, 01:32:59 PM
Either my snark-o-meter is off, or you have gone off the deep end Gaspar. There is no slippery slope here. Nutritional labeling has been required on food products for many, many years now. I'd even bet that the folks who were against it when those requirements were enacted used the exact same arguments you're using. There is nothing wrong with eliminating the loopholes that allow some people to get away without informing the consumer of calorie content prior to making their purchase.
An informed consumer is the bedrock of capitalism. As someone who purports to be in favor of both freedom and our capitalist system, I'm surprised that you have a problem with people being able to make more informed purchasing decisions.
No problem with that at all. How big do you have to make the speed limit signs to get people to stop speeding? Perhaps if we put the signs 3 feet apart, people would slow down? If that doesn't work perhaps we should install governors in their cars.
I am in favor of
informing the consumer.
Quote from: nathanm on November 10, 2010, 01:18:13 PM
I think once it gets repeated 500 times across the entire Internet and in newspapers across the country, it no longer counts as a simple typographical error.
Is 499 still a simple typographical error but 500 becomes an intentional distortion of fact?
It appears that because of a typo, that it is instantly assumed that an entire post is intentionally distorted. I guess what goes around comes around. We all get nabbed for a typo sooner or later.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 10, 2010, 02:00:59 PM
How big do you have to make the speed limit signs to get people to stop speeding?
It's not how big but where. Put the speed limit on a driver's phone and maybe they will see it. Phones with GPS should be capable of that. We can require an app for that.
Looks like 111 corps, unions, schools et. al. have protected themselves from health care reform by getting waivers.
Not bad for something that bears more resemblance to "Romneycare meets the 1993 Republican compromise" than anything Obama campaigned on......
Remember President Obama's push for health care reform? I pretty much forgot about it until I received an 'Important Special Enrollment Notice' from my health insurance company. And now that most company's enrollment periods are coming in November, I think its a good time to bring it up for discussion.
On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into the law the Affordable Care Act. It's a law that will hold insurance companies more accountable and lower health care costs, offer more health care choices and increase the quality of health care for all of us. Its explained the act will take place in portions and that some of them have already taken effect. Further changes will not be implemented until 2014 and beyond.
The most current change to take place is Extending Coverage for Young Adults . If you are renewing your health care coverage on or after September 23, 2010 this is how the law affects you and your dependents.
Children can remain on their partents' health insurance policy until they are 26 years old and related special enrollment right
The health care reform law allows you to keep your children on your health plan until they turn 26 years old regardless of their student status, marital status, whether they live with their parents, or are claimed as a dependent on their parents' tax return, as long as the dependent is not eligible to enroll in other employer provided coverage. "Children" includes natural childrend, legally adopted children, stepchildren, and children who are dependent on you during the waiting period before adoption. Unfortunately, grandchildren are not eligible. If the state you live in provides a higher maximum dependent age, then that requirement will continue to apply.
* If you want to add dependents to you health plan who are younger than 26 years of age, you have a one-time special enrollment right under the law. If your adult children under 26 was previously denied in the past or lost coverage because they exceeded the maximum dependent age, then they will fall under this enrollment right. The 'enrollment period' takes place no later than the first 30 days of your plan year.
* If you currently have single or employee/spouse coverage and you want to add children, you need to change your enrollment status to one that allows dependents to be added to your contract, such as family or employee/children coverage.
* If ou are not currently enrolled, but wish to do so to take advantage of the dependent coverage right, you and your adult chilren may both enroll during the special enrollment period if you meet eligibility requirements
* If you want your children to stay on the plan, you don't need to do anything
* If you don't want to keep your children on your plan until age 26, you will need to contact your employer's benefits administrator to remove them as dependents under your policy
No more lifetime dollar limits on benefits and related special enrollment right
The Affordable Care Act requires health insurance companies to remove lifetime dollar limits on benefits from all plans. This applies to medical and pharmacy benefits only; not dental or vision.
* If your coverage was previously canceled because you reached the lifetime dollar limit under your plan, you have a one-time special enrollment right under the law. You can enroll again and be covered without any lifetime dollar limit on benefits. Again, the special enrollment period will take no later than the first 30 days of your plan year.
* If you are covered by your employer's health plan now, you do not need to do anything
* If you are not covered by your employer's health plan now and are not eligible to enroll during the special enrollment period, contact your employer's benefits administrator for more information on when you can enroll
I embrace this current change because as we know, many adult children are moving back home due to the collapse in the financial world. I for one, would feel secure knowing my children are still covered if something ill was to take place; not that I embrace them moving back home. ;)
There are other changes that have taken place that I am for in this health care reform. There is Expanding Coverage for Early Retirees for Americans who retire without employer-sponsered insurance, but are not yet eligible for Medicare. Or there is relief for four million seniors hit by a gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage known as the 'donut hole' (each senior will receive a $250 rebate). And pretty soon you can obtain free preventive care services such as mammograms and colonoscopies with being charged. To see more of the changes, go to It's quite interesting.
Well there are now over 220 waivers granted. Where is my waiver?
Quote from: guido911 on December 07, 2010, 02:46:17 PM
Well there are now over 220 waivers granted. Where is my waiver?
Wavers seems to be the new theme of this admin. If you are a lobbyist you cannot work within this administration unless of course you have a waver. If you are a business you are subject to new financial regulations unless you have a waver. If you provide healthcare for your workers you must pay more unless you have a waver.
Reminds me of selling indulgences.
We need to protect us from a bunch of obama mamas stuff. :'(
Quote from: Quinton on December 08, 2010, 05:58:33 PM
We need to protect us from a bunch of obama mamas stuff. :'(
Prepare yourself for the inevitable flame from the resident poster policeman. Here is how I imagine the flaming will be delivered.
Quote from: guido911 on December 08, 2010, 06:27:32 PM
Prepare yourself for the inevitable flame from the resident poster policeman. Here is how I imagine the flaming will be delivered.
How I do take pride in knowing I'm Tony's Lord Voldemort. He can't even bring himself to directly post or speak of me.
I feel like I'm in 3rd grade. Consider the source I guess...
Quote from: Gaspar on December 07, 2010, 04:17:14 PM
Waver fail.
Well there's no way to protect yourself from this consequence of Obamacare:
QuoteNow a Merritt Hawkins survey of 2,379 doctors for the Physicians Foundation completed in August has vindicated our poll. It found that 40% of doctors said they would "retire, seek a nonclinical job in health care, or seek a job or business unrelated to health care" over the next three years as the overhaul is phased in.
Of those who said they planned to retire, 28% are 55 or younger and nearly half (49%) are 60 or younger.
A larger portion (74%) said they plan to make "one or more significant changes in their practices in the next one to three years, a time when many provisions of health reform will be phased in."
Just read that a district judge in Va. has ruled the individual mandate is unconstitutional.
It's going to the Supreme Court now.
Quote from: guido911 on December 13, 2010, 11:21:10 AM
Just read that a district judge in Va. has ruled the individual mandate is unconstitutional.
Republican judge placed by W. The administration was expecting it.
Quote from: Townsend on December 13, 2010, 11:40:55 AM
Republican judge placed by W. The administration was expecting it.
Then why didn't this judge strike the entire statute down? Is it because he is just a little biased and not a full on right winger?
Oh, and I guess I should have expected that Prop 8 would be overturned because the judge hearing the case was G.H.W. Bush appointee.
Edited: Is this where you got your talking point?
QuoteAs a Republican appointee of George W. Bush, Judge Hudson's ruling doesn't come as a big surprise, though health care reform critics will no doubt treat it as a major victory.
Quote from: guido911 on December 13, 2010, 11:49:12 AM
Then why didn't this judge strike the entire statute down? Is it because he is just a little biased and not a full on right winger?
Oh, and I guess I should have expected that Prop 8 would be overturned because the judge hearing the case was G.H.W. Bush appointee. (
Perhaps you're right that he's not full on. I don't know.
It's just a trigger.
The idea was to force the Supreme Court to rule on the isolated question of whether or not it is constitutional under the commerce clause for the federal government to force an individual to purchase a product or be subject to fine.
Quote from: guido911 on December 12, 2010, 03:45:47 PM
Now a Merritt Hawkins survey of 2,379 doctors for the Physicians Foundation completed in August has vindicated our poll. It found that 40% of doctors said they would "retire, seek a nonclinical job in health care, or seek a job or business unrelated to health care" over the next three years as the overhaul is phased in.
Of those who said they planned to retire, 28% are 55 or younger and nearly half (49%) are 60 or younger.
A larger portion (74%) said they plan to make "one or more significant changes in their practices in the next one to three years, a time when many provisions of health reform will be phased in."
That's what you would refer to as a full out crisis if true. That would make rationed care a reality even if it wasn't the original intention simply because there would be a drastic shortage of health providers. I suppose we could always start training LPN's and PA's to do surgeries, it's not like it takes any special skill or anything. Just pop in a "how-to" DVD on a monitor in the surgical suite. Besides those cardio and neuro surgeons are way, way over-paid. ::)
Quote from: Conan71 on December 13, 2010, 03:44:05 PM
That's what you would refer to as a full out crisis if true. That would make rationed care a reality even if it wasn't the original intention simply because there would be a drastic shortage of health providers. I suppose we could always start training LPN's and PA's to do surgeries, it's not like it takes any special skill or anything. Just pop in a "how-to" DVD on a monitor in the surgical suite. Besides those cardio and neuro surgeons are way, way over-paid. ::)
There really is only a few physician specialties that will not be too terribly affected by Obamacare. Family practice and internal medicine is really going to get hit.
Quote from: guido911 on December 13, 2010, 04:57:58 PM
There really is only a few physician specialties that will not be too terribly affected by Obamacare. Family practice and internal medicine is really going to get hit.
Either way (Obamacare or continued insurance company control) the new focus among physicians is the "Boutique Clinic." Cash only care. Many of the Minor Clinics are transitioning to this.
Quote from: guido911 on December 13, 2010, 11:21:10 AM
Just read that a district judge in Va. has ruled the individual mandate is unconstitutional.
My understanding from the chatter about this is that two judges in other states ruled the other way. So Gaspar is correct, this will have to be decided by the SC.
Quote from: nathanm on December 14, 2010, 08:12:48 AM
My understanding from the chatter about this is that two judges in other states ruled the other way. So Gaspar is correct, this will have to be decided by the SC.
I didn't realize any other challenges had been ruled on yet. I know that Oklahoma's hasn't.
Quote from: Gaspar on December 14, 2010, 09:07:54 AM
I didn't realize any other challenges had been ruled on yet. I know that Oklahoma's hasn't.
I've only seen claims that a couple of others have been. I haven't seen anything for myself yet.
Quote from: nathanm on December 14, 2010, 09:14:29 AM
I've only seen claims that a couple of others have been. I haven't seen anything for myself yet.
I cannot find any reported. The media would have been slobbering if there had.
Keith Olbermann would have been humping the judges leg, and twisting his nipples. Katie Couric would report on it every night for a week. People and US magazine would name the judge as one of the sexiest men/women in America, and he/she would become a new personality on The View.
I have not seen any of this yet.
Quote from: Gaspar on December 14, 2010, 09:52:58 AM
Keith Olbermann would have been humping the judges leg, and twisting his nipples.
Classic! Thanks Gasper for the great laugh this morning.
Quote from: nathanm on December 14, 2010, 09:14:29 AM
I've only seen claims that a couple of others have been. I haven't seen anything for myself yet.
Another in Virginia and one in Michigan.
For what it's worth, some think the judge's decision made at least one grave legal error:
The simplicity of the question is hard to overcome.
Does the federal government have the power to force citizens to purchase a product or a service?
Good post Nate! I appreciate any Volokh reference.
The assumption in the post is that Judge Harrison's ruling addressed the "Means" portion of the Commerce Clause. It does not. It addresses the "Ends." Otherwise, the Commerce Clause would grant the federal government the power to do just about anything it wants, as long as it was established as a "Means" to . . .insert goal.
This part of the Commerce Clause has been challenged before, and frequently, as legislators have attempted to expand their powers and the government's ability to grow.
Just a note:
I reed Volokh Con, it's one of my bookmarks. Orin Kerr, a Washington criminal defense lawyer, is way out of his league. He frequently has his head handed to him on Volokh except where it involved criminal law. As you can see from the blog, he will be ripped for the next couple of weeks.
Keep reading Volokh though, it's kinda like TNF for lawyers.
House schedules vote to repeal Obamacare for Jan. 12
If I suspected that the repeal of Obamacare was more than a symbolic "Weeee're baaaaack!" I'd be more excited about it.
I read the summary of the new rules and on the surface, it makes me optimistic. The issue of transparency is only relevant if people get in touch with their representatives with an objection to a bill or parts of a bill and if the representatives do anything about the objections.
Repeal ain't gonna happen, at least not with Congress's current composition. There's just not a strong enough constituency for repeal. Not to mention the guy with the veto pen in the White House.
IMO, this is a sop to the incoming Tea Partiers, to help make them look like they're pushing part of their anti-Obama agenda and to give their supporters a little red meat, despite the fact that it was doomed to failure as soon as they scheduled the vote.
And then they'll talk about how big a deal it is to garner support for other time wasters.
Good for them for placating the uneducated masses.
"OK, hold the shiny object in your hand and show it to them. Now take the other hand and place the lobbyist's money in your pocket. THAT'S IT!!! Welcome to congress."
Here's one guy's way of dealing with Obamacare:
Inevitable, the secret service contacts Volkmann.;_ylt=AkPS94eW5I.6m1uc2HBwXPFzfNdF?slug=mmaweekly-b0eb628c4e352ae5a67151dca2a17281
Quote from: guido911 on January 07, 2011, 11:05:16 AM
Inevitable, the secret service contacts Volkmann.;_ylt=AkPS94eW5I.6m1uc2HBwXPFzfNdF?slug=mmaweekly-b0eb628c4e352ae5a67151dca2a17281
Volkmann, a chiropractor, says that he was trying to make a point about the health-care law, with which he disagrees. "People were misunderstanding the point of view I was going for with the health care plan. That's why they were getting so upset. I'm thinking about the provider, I'm a chiropractor, so I'm thinking about my point of view, not everyone getting insurance. They don't have to worry about getting denied, which is good I guess, just not good for health care providers," said Volkmann.
Here is Rep Ryan putting to rest (IMO) misrepresentations about HCR.
Edited: The House voted to repeal Obamacare. Passes comfortably.
Two more things. Dan Boren voted for the repeal and I am reading that despite Reid's insistence that it will never get to the Senate floor, McConnell claims he will force a vote on the repeal.
And then there are the 27 states suing or preparing to sue. Oklahoma is on the list.
Quote from: guido911 on January 19, 2011, 05:37:57 PM
Two more things. Dan Boren voted for the repeal and I am reading that despite Reid's insistence that it will never get to the Senate floor, McConnell claims he will force a vote on the repeal.
And then there are the 27 states suing or preparing to sue. Oklahoma is on the list.
Yep, even if it passes on the Senate floor...
Good luck with that veto-needing-two-thirds-majority-for-override-thingy...
Here is another "civil" discussion from the left over the repeal vote (language warning of course):
Quote from: guido911 on January 19, 2011, 07:20:21 PM
Here is another "civil" discussion from the left over the repeal vote (language warning of course):
Checked in on RedState lately? Eerily similar amount of civility.
Quote from: we vs us on January 19, 2011, 07:54:06 PM
Checked in on RedState lately? Eerily similar amount of civility.
Link please. Also, I do not recall the right going bonkers over "civility" in the past two weeks. Drawing a false equivalence is very unbecoming.
I'll just leave this here. Guido, you shouldn't read it, as it will make your head explode. You might even decide to move to another country:
In July of 1798, Congress passed – and President John Adams signed - "An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen." The law authorized the creation of a government operated marine hospital service and mandated that privately employed sailors be required to purchase health care insurance.
Quote from: nathanm on January 20, 2011, 10:20:02 AM
I'll just leave this here. Guido, you shouldn't read it, as it will make your head explode. You might even decide to move to another country:
Yeah well disabled seaman cannot procreate so I think enough time has passed that we should be ok with this one...
Here is a very interesting exchange regarding the repeal of Obamacare and the House GOP reviving of the Stupak Amendment that would prohibit federal dollars for abortion.
Okay. it's not that interesting. It's that Rep. Noem is easy on the eyes. (edited)
House GOP investigating the issuance of more than 200 waivers to Obamacare.
*checks watch*
Is this thing working? It says 2011, but I'm suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of deja vu. Why are the news wires spitting out 16 year old stories?
Quote from: nathanm on January 20, 2011, 04:23:31 PM
*checks watch*
Is this thing working? It says 2011, but I'm suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of deja vu. Why are the news wires spitting out 16 year old stories?
Back to the Future, Part IV
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 20, 2011, 06:12:40 PM
Back to the Future, Part IV
I didn't realize they could make a sequel more depressing than alternate 1985.
This is not perfectly on point, but it does address some of the "job killer" arguments and is equally as pancakes? as the last link. The business rags have apparently gone nuts recently..
Quote from: nathanm on January 21, 2011, 12:25:22 AM
I didn't realize they could make a sequel more depressing than alternate 1985.
No problem for Hollywood.
Quote from: nathanm on January 21, 2011, 12:47:02 AM
This is not perfectly on point, but it does address some of the "job killer" arguments and is equally as pancakes? as the last link. The business rags have apparently gone nuts recently..
Glad you posted this. I came across it yesterday and was glad/relieved to finally see that the nordic model was getting some coverage.
Aside from liking the idea of social democracy from a "provide for the common good" standpoint, I also think it points out that entrepreneurial success can thrive in all kinds of environments (also cf. "Communist" China); that it isn't in fact Capitalism but
Capitalisms. Gassy's insistence on the One True Path of Market Fundamentalism notwithstanding, it also proves that taxes alone -- even much higher taxes -- do not alone scotch economic development. Especially when those taxes are deployed to relieve businesses of certain costs that they otherwise, as lone actors, would have to pay much more for in time, money, and opportunity costs (infrastucture, healthcare and retirement services, education, etc).
People think of taxes as only a drag on business, but if businesses are actually getting tangible benefits out of their investment in the state (a healthier, happier, better educated workforce; better infrastructure to get goods to market; investment in R&D; etc.) you'd assume that businesses might be a little more enthused in investing in such a system.
I'm still waiting for the "Death Panels". This could be a reality TV show OR a made-for-TV movie series...
Quote from: we vs us on January 21, 2011, 08:32:20 AM
Aside from liking the idea of social democracy from a "provide for the common good" standpoint,
I am now accepting donations to upgrade the avionic in my plane. It would make me happy and qualify for the "common good" as I would be less likely to post negative responses to your posts.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 21, 2011, 12:05:21 PM
I am now accepting donations to upgrade the avionic in my plane. It would make me happy and qualify for the "common good" as I would be less likely to post negative responses to your posts.
How about having the federal government pay for your health care so your company doesn't have to? Then they can pay you more and you can afford the avionics? ;)
Quote from: nathanm on January 21, 2011, 02:11:02 PM
How about having the federal government pay for your health care so your company doesn't have to? Then they can pay you more and you can afford the avionics? ;)
Nah. I want everyone to chip in for the project. With better avionics I am less likely to crash into your house so it would be good for you to send $ now. PM me for address etc. I don't want to spend my money on it. As Wevsus said, common good.
Eventually the feds will tax my employer to pay for health care and due to the "middle man government" costs, the taxes will be higher than what it costs my employer now. I will probably get a pay cut to get government funded health care.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 21, 2011, 02:21:45 PM
Eventually the feds will tax my employer to pay for health care and due to the "middle man government" costs, the taxes will be higher than what it costs my employer now. I will probably get a pay cut to get government funded health care.
Social Security covers an older demographic and still manages to be less expensive than equivalent private insurance paid for by your employer. Sounds crazy, I know, but true.
Quote from: nathanm on January 21, 2011, 02:47:13 PM
Social Security covers an older demographic and still manages to be less expensive than equivalent private insurance paid for by your employer. Sounds crazy, I know, but true.
Some doctors are reluctant to take new Medicare patients.
I am paying into Medicare now but not receiving benefits. I consider it to be prepaying some of the premiums. Figure the time value of that over a career and let me know if it's still less expensive.
I'm not sure what Medicare alone covers but there sure are a lot of TV ads for supplemental insurance. Fortunately my mom has both but even then it was not easy when the retirement plan changed the private insurance company to find a new doctor.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 21, 2011, 02:21:45 PM
Nah. I want everyone to chip in for the project. With better avionics I am less likely to crash into your house so it would be good for you to send $ now. PM me for address etc. I don't want to spend my money on it. As Wevsus said, common good.
Eventually the feds will tax my employer to pay for health care and due to the "middle man government" costs, the taxes will be higher than what it costs my employer now. I will probably get a pay cut to get government funded health care.
The interesting part is that, in country after country, middleman government costs are far lower than the middleman private insurance costs we pay in our country. Wish I could understand why.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 21, 2011, 03:24:08 PM
Some doctors are reluctant to take new Medicare patients.
I am paying into Medicare now but not receiving benefits. I consider it to be prepaying some of the premiums. Figure the time value of that over a career and let me know if it's still less expensive.
I'm not sure what Medicare alone covers but there sure are a lot of TV ads for supplemental insurance. Fortunately my mom has both but even then it was not easy when the retirement plan changed the private insurance company to find a new doctor.
When we moved my grandmother to Tulsa 10+ years ago we had trouble finding her an internist and cardiologist who would take it. We finally had to call in a favor from an old family friend to get her into a heart doc. I can understand the dilema. If you can make more off patients who can pay their own way instead of doing break-even work for government reimbursement, I know what I'd take.
I may be going way O/T here, but I saw something incredibly interesting the other day which contrasts with what doctors consider a losing proposition in dealing with the government. I dropped in on a friend of mine who is leasing space in a large warehouse builiding from a company who paints gensets for the military. Basically, the gensets come in and get painted milspec OD green then ship out. Apparently that's a pretty good gig as I observed at a minimum of $300,000 to $500,000 worth of race cars and assorted engines, equipment, etc. in a part of the building set aside as a race shop. Maybe the owner of the building is simply that wealthy already, though it seems pandemic that people who contract with the government via consulting, manufacturing, or construction are doing very, very well.
Quote from: we vs us on January 21, 2011, 03:27:43 PM
The interesting part is that, in country after country, middleman government costs are far lower than the middleman private insurance costs we pay in our country. Wish I could understand why.
I wish I could believe it. The concept would be that the government isn't trying to make a profit. The other side is that private industry has to be more efficient to be competitive. I don't have any actual comparison numbers. Do you?
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 21, 2011, 03:32:49 PM
I wish I could believe it. The concept would be that the government isn't trying to make a profit. The other side is that private industry has to be more efficient to be competitive. I don't have any actual comparison numbers. Do you?
It's pretty easy to pull numbers to show that the American system -- and very specifically the private-sector American system -- is far more inefficient than any of the other first world countries you could choose to compare it to. The Wikipedia page on healthcare in the US ( has a surprisingly good summary page, and very well cited. In many straightforward metrics -- infant mortality, life expectancy, adult obesity, number of adults insured -- we're lagging far behind other first world countries . . . and when taken in concert with the fact that we pay up to twice as much as other countries for those outcomes, it's pretty obvious how broken our private-sector system is.
Competition is absolutely laudable, and if deployed well can get you some good outcomes . . . but the numbers show that the way we've constructed the system to compete is an absolute systemic failure at harnessing the benefits of that competition. At the same time, our competitors around the world ( have just done away with that inefficiency altogether and are paying for it through some form of government insurance.
Sorry it's all wikipedia, but there are some nicely sourced articles and tables in there.
Heard someone from Europe the other day commenting on the US's penchant for health insurance say...
"How is, health insurance, health care?".
Quote from: we vs us on January 21, 2011, 03:54:56 PM
It's pretty easy to pull numbers to show that the American system -- and very specifically the private-sector American system -- is far more inefficient than any of the other first world countries you could choose to compare it to. The Wikipedia page on healthcare in the US ( has a surprisingly good summary page, and very well cited. In many straightforward metrics -- infant mortality, life expectancy, adult obesity, number of adults insured -- we're lagging far behind other first world countries . . . and when taken in concert with the fact that we pay up to twice as much as other countries for those outcomes, it's pretty obvious how broken our private-sector system is.
{Graph deleted}
Competition is absolutely laudable, and if deployed well can get you some good outcomes . . . but the numbers show that the way we've constructed the system to compete is an absolute systemic failure at harnessing the benefits of that competition. At the same time, our competitors around the world ( have just done away with that inefficiency altogether and are paying for it through some form of government insurance.
Sorry it's all wikipedia, but there are some nicely sourced articles and tables in there.
I'm sure you would like to think the difference is because their plans are run by the government. I cannot deny the price difference but I think there is more to the difference than the fact that their plans are government run. We all know the talking points. Take away the exaggerations and there will be some truth. As (I believe) Tip O'Neill said, a million here, a million there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money. (Or something close to that.)
I do not want price controls. I remember waiting in line for a half tank of price controlled gas in the 70s. Turns out there was plenty of gasoline at a higher price. I would like to know if the insurance companies prohibit sale of medicine at insurance prices to individuals as part of some package. I use a prescription for dry skin which cause cracks around my finger tips. I can't find the paperwork at the moment. The retail price was about $10. WalMart sold it to me for $4. My insurance statement indicated WalMart was NOT reimbursed for the difference. Long story made short, WalMart would not sell it to me for $4 without going through my insurance. My insurance required that future purchases go through their mail order pharmacy which at that time charged $5.
Conspiracy theories are always a fun way to stir things up. I smell something fishy. What else goes on that is jacking our prices up?
Before you say we wouldn't have that problem with a government run system, I have to ask do you deal with government contracts? Preferred vendors, must buy from minority owned firms at a higher price than the competition? I will not evaluate buying from a minority owned business for this thread except to say it raises prices. It may be a price society is willing to pay but we should be aware it is costing us cash.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 21, 2011, 06:29:29 PM
I'm sure you would like to think the difference is because their plans are run by the government. I cannot deny the price difference but I think there is more to the difference than the fact that their plans are government run. We all know the talking points. Take away the exaggerations and there will be some truth. As (I believe) Tip O'Neill said, a million here, a million there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money. (Or something close to that.)
I do not want price controls. I remember waiting in line for a half tank of price controlled gas in the 70s. Turns out there was plenty of gasoline at a higher price. I would like to know if the insurance companies prohibit sale of medicine at insurance prices to individuals as part of some package. I use a prescription for dry skin which cause cracks around my finger tips. I can't find the paperwork at the moment. The retail price was about $10. WalMart sold it to me for $4. My insurance statement indicated WalMart was NOT reimbursed for the difference. Long story made short, WalMart would not sell it to me for $4 without going through my insurance. My insurance required that future purchases go through their mail order pharmacy which at that time charged $5.
Conspiracy theories are always a fun way to stir things up. I smell something fishy. What else goes on that is jacking our prices up?
Before you say we wouldn't have that problem with a government run system, I have to ask do you deal with government contracts? Preferred vendors, must buy from minority owned firms at a higher price than the competition? I will not evaluate buying from a minority owned business for this thread except to say it raises prices. It may be a price society is willing to pay but we should be aware it is costing us cash.
If there was a free market alternative that could guarantee outcomes that would put us on top again while doing it for cheaper I'd be all for it. There's just simply no evidence that our system as it exists provides us with those benefits. To the contrary, costs keep growing and growing. At the same time, there are numerous examples around the world of competitive entrepreneurial systems doing it better for cheap. The common thread is that it's run in some form or fashion through the government. The paths aren't always the same but government involving itself heavily on behalf of its citizens is.
It's a pretty easy conclusion if your ideology doesn't disqualify it out of hand. The government can do some things better than private enterprise. Turns out healthcare is one of them.
Quote from: we vs us on January 22, 2011, 12:07:49 AM
It's a pretty easy conclusion if your ideology doesn't disqualify it out of hand. The government can do some things better than private enterprise. Turns out healthcare is one of them.
I hate to spin this back on you but I will. It's also a pretty easy conclusion that government run healthcare is the way to go if your ideology supports the idea that government run programs are better than private ones.
I don't believe that the healthcare industry should be completely without government
interference regulation. I just prefer that a government run program be the last choice. It may ultimately be the final choice but let's explore other options first. I agree that our current system is not working as is.
I do agree that the only way to reduce the cost of healthcare
to the individual is to get healthy people to pay into the system. Can you imagine the cost of car insurance if the only drivers they insured always had wrecks? How about if you wrecked your car and then tried to buy insurance to fix it (pre-existing condition)? Forcing healthy people into the system obviously has some issues. I do not pretend to have an easy solution.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 22, 2011, 10:38:20 AM
I hate to spin this back on you but I will. It's also a pretty easy conclusion that government run healthcare is the way to go if your ideology supports the idea that government run programs are better than private ones.
I don't believe that the healthcare industry should be completely without government interference regulation. I just prefer that a government run program be the last choice. It may ultimately be the final choice but let's explore other options first. I agree that our current system is not working as is.
I do agree that the only way to reduce the cost of healthcare to the individual is to get healthy people to pay into the system. Can you imagine the cost of car insurance if the only drivers they insured always had wrecks? How about if you wrecked your car and then tried to buy insurance to fix it (pre-existing condition)? Forcing healthy people into the system obviously has some issues. I do not pretend to have an easy solution.
Just for the record I don't think that government is the best solution in every case for every problem. I think there are plenty of places that market competition will generate the best results, and I'm willing at least to talk over the implications of privatizing/marketizing any given problem. But in places where the evidence points strongly in the direction of a government solution I'm more than happy to bring its specific powers to bear. The point isn't HOW we solve a problem, it's that we solve it best. If government can do that, so be it. For healthcare, IMO, most every sign points in that direction.
But I think we agree on a lot of things -- first of which is the lack of easy solution.
If you remember price controls, Red, then you must also remember that was another Republican cluster. (Can you spell Tricky Dick...)
And he left Jerald Ford and Jimmy Carter the mess to try to clean up. Yeah,...that was easy!
One of the more recent Republican innovations was the $550 billion Medicare part D giveaway to the pharmaceutical industry.
As far as the rest of our medical; wouldn't it be nice if everyone got the same treatment as Mrs. Giffords. It is not at all that I begrudge her the treatment she is receiving. It IS that I begrudge the fact that every citizen in this country doesn't receive the same preferential treatment.
Corollary question; does anyone believe that any citizen in this country does NOT deserve the same treatment as Mrs. Giffords? (Does anyone have the nerve to say so?)
And if so, exactly why would that be??
And if everyone believes all citizens should be treated equally, then how could they possibly argue against efforts to fix the obviously broken system? And no, saying THIS health bill is the wrong bill is just pure crap. There have been decades of opportunities to work on fixing this broken mess with NO finger lifted. I submit we do something (like we just did) and then if it doesn't work, modify and re-engage. Repeal is the "no answer" answer. The John Boner generation listened to way too much "just say no" during the formative years (George Bush's nickname for the Republican leader - not mine.)
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on January 23, 2011, 06:26:52 PM
If you remember price controls, Red, then you must also remember that was another Republican cluster. (Can you spell Tricky Dick...)
I remember that Nixon brought us the 55 MPH speed limit. My highway gas mileage went down compared to 65 MPH. He also kept me from going to Viet Nam. As bad as Nixon was, I would still vote for him over Humphry or McGovern.
Gerald Ford had a mess to clean up. I think he got the healing process started. The country was fed up with Republicans and decided
anyone would be better than a Republican. We got Jimmy Carter.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on January 23, 2011, 06:26:52 PM
And if everyone believes all citizens should be treated equally, then how could they possibly argue against efforts to fix the obviously broken system? And no, saying THIS health bill is the wrong bill is just pure crap. There have been decades of opportunities to work on fixing this broken mess with NO finger lifted. I submit we do something (like we just did) and then if it doesn't work, modify and re-engage. Repeal is the "no answer" answer. The John Boner generation listened to way too much "just say no" during the formative years (George Bush's nickname for the Republican leader - not mine.)
I don't remember anyone saying the existing system is fine the way it is. It's a matter of opinion whether or not the existing bill is "the answer". It has some good provisions (that will cost a ton of $) but sometimes you rebuild, sometimes you replace. Put some slime in a leaky tire or get a new tire. Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass the bill to find out what's in it. My guess is that no one still knows all the crap that's in the existing bill. I also believe there is no chance the repeal will get past the Senate.
If you would vote for Nixon over Humphrey, then you 1) didn't know anything about Humphrey and 2) spent the decades of the 60's and 70's stoned.
Much as this last Pres election gave us Obama over John McCain. Ford was a Great President, perhaps with all caps in great... (He vetoed more spending bills than any other in the history of the world.) But the country just couldn't get past the bad taste in their collective mouth from Tricky.
Your mileage would not have gone down because of the speed limit, it would have been due to the internal construction (gearing) of the car. And there was no GM, Ford, or Chrysler vehicle that had that happen given the THD350 and the Ford C4 and C6 tranny and the crappy old Chrysler of the time....There were no readily available passenger car overdrives available at that time that may have been inflicted. Urban myth coupled with "rose colored glasses" memories.
Plus no one drove 55 anyway. (DOT found 85 to 90% NON compliance with the law in the 80's)
Speed doesn't kill. Suddenly becoming stationary kills.
I didn't spend the 60s and 70s stoned or maybe I would have voted for Humphrey. You and I will just have to disagree on this.
I did actually drive between 55 and 60 during the era of the 55 mph speed limit. The gearing etc of the cars I had allowed for the best gas mileage, about 17 mpg at 65 mph on the Interstate type highways. The same trips from Norfolk VA to Philadelphia PA wound up giving about 15 mpg at 55 mph speed limits. Another family car from "back east" almost never got more than 12 mph, including 120 mile trips of predominately 55 and 60 mph speed limits. When the family moved to OK in 1971, the car started getting 15 to 17 mpg on the 70 mph Interstates. Call it what you want, when the speed limit got lowered, I drove slower, and burned more gasoline.
I would love to know what kind of cars they were! If you share that, I am going to go find one to buy and drive. Given my generally anarchistic nature, I love the possibility of breaking the laws of physics! Perpetual motion is another one of my favorites.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on January 24, 2011, 01:12:57 PM
I would love to know what kind of cars they were! If you share that, I am going to go find one to buy and drive. Given my generally anarchistic nature, I love the possibility of breaking the laws of physics! Perpetual motion is another one of my favorites.
1966 Buick Skylark GS with 401 nailhead engine, 4bbl Carter AFB, Superturbine 300 tranny, 2.93:1 differential.
Family car was 1963 Buick LeSabre w/401, 4bbl, Dynaflow tranny, I think the differential was 3.23:1
Be sure to average your trips over thousands of miles. I got the '63 down to 6 mpg around town occasionally. Mostly around town the GS got 11 on DX gas and 13 on Texaco. DX gas gummed up the carb too.
Edit: Both cars started to get lower gas mileage over 70 mph. 65 mph was the sweet spot for the GS, 65 to 70 for the LeSabre
The 66 would get about 13 or 14 max. That tranny was a kind-of 'Powerglide' with variable stators, so it got slightly better mileage than Powerglide (which got 10). The big engine - no way it ever got 17 at 65 or 55. Even the 340 wouldn't do quite that. Yeah, the 4 barrel gets slightly better than two barrel would if you keep your foot out of it, but not that much.
63 LeSabre - we had a 64 just like that. Then I had a 65 Wildcat. All very cool cars. Lots of room and smooth to drive. Plus I could always get at least 5 in the trunk to get into the Admiral Twin. Sometimes 6. Dynaflow was another sort of two speed that was kind of sort of similar to Turboglide/Powerglide (Chevy) - in that they kind of had two speeds. I can remember riding in a friends - I think it was 61 or 62 - where you would really get the engine wound up before shifting to second. On the Buicks it was pretty quiet, but still wound up. Kind of a quiet-noisy. Pontiacs had something similar that had the nickname "Slim Jim". Never knew why.
Dynaflow was very similar to the Turboglide used in 1961 Chevy (with 283 V8). Got 7 to 8 mpg in town and MAX of 12 on highway. I put over 40,000 miles on the 61 Chevy version of that as a kid. Good thing gas was about .26 per gallon! But as far as "hot rodding" - forget it. The 283 would not go there.
Well, I guess I won't look for one of those - been there, done that. I think I will start looking for another 65 Buick Wildcat. Or maybe a Riv.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on January 24, 2011, 10:13:18 PM
The 66 would get about 13 or 14 max. That tranny was a kind-of 'Powerglide' with variable stators, so it got slightly better mileage than Powerglide (which got 10). The big engine - no way it ever got 17 at 65 or 55. Even the 340 wouldn't do quite that. Yeah, the 4 barrel gets slightly better than two barrel would if you keep your foot out of it, but not that much.
63 LeSabre - we had a 64 just like that. Then I had a 65 Wildcat. All very cool cars. Lots of room and smooth to drive. Plus I could always get at least 5 in the trunk to get into the Admiral Twin. Sometimes 6. Dynaflow was another sort of two speed that was kind of sort of similar to Turboglide/Powerglide (Chevy) - in that they kind of had two speeds. I can remember riding in a friends - I think it was 61 or 62 - where you would really get the engine wound up before shifting to second. On the Buicks it was pretty quiet, but still wound up. Kind of a quiet-noisy. Pontiacs had something similar that had the nickname "Slim Jim". Never knew why.
Dynaflow was very similar to the Turboglide used in 1961 Chevy (with 283 V8). Got 7 to 8 mpg in town and MAX of 12 on highway. I put over 40,000 miles on the 61 Chevy version of that as a kid. Good thing gas was about .26 per gallon! But as far as "hot rodding" - forget it. The 283 would not go there.
Well, I guess I won't look for one of those - been there, done that. I think I will start looking for another 65 Buick Wildcat. Or maybe a Riv.
I put over 120,000 miles on that 66 GS and calculated the gas mileage at each fill up. I wrote it on the credit card receipts, now long gone. I carried a circular slide rule in the car. I really don't care if you believe it or not. Maybe the Wildcat or Riveria GS wouldn't have topped 14 mpg but the Skylark was a bit smaller and lighter, same size as a GTO, 442, or Chevelle 396.
I also had a 1969 GS 350 (350 cid engine, TH350 trans). It got about the same gas mileage as the '66 with a bit less performance.
The Dynaflow (Actually called a Twin Turbine by 1963) was a manually selectable 2 speed behind a fancy torque converter. At least in the Buick version, if you selected D, it started from a stop with no planetary gear reduction (Edit: Except in the torque converter between the turbines.) and used only the torque multiplication from the torque converter. If you manually selected L, it had 1.82 planetary gear reduction behind the torque multiplication from the torque converter. "The transition through the various ratios of torque multiplication is smooth and devoid of steps or changes since it is accomplished without the use of selective gears." (From the 1963 Buick Chassis Service Manual, page 5-7. Not Chiltons etc.). The switch the pitch action of the stator confused some drivers into thinking it was shifting gears. The family car before the '63 was a 1954 Buick Special. That Dynaflow didn't have switch the pitch and was a real dog off the line with only 264 cid and under 200 HP. It was, however, happy to sit all day long at 60 mph and about 12 mpg. I thought the Chevy version was around 1957 or so and called Powerflo but I'm not certain about that.
Gas mileage on the '63, surprised me too since it never got more than 12 back east. I guess the gearing and specific fuel consumption of the 401 were just loaded best at speeds around 65 to 70. It repeated itself on trips to OKC, back to Philly and others. Again, I don't care if you don't believe me.
For all the cars mentioned, "around town" was not stop and creep. It was SE Tulsa, trips to TU etc. Highway mileage was get on the interstate and keep going.
Edit: Looks like the Chevy was Turboglide.
So apparently if you smear yourself with dynaflow and turboglide you will protect yourself from Obamacare? Smear liberally or conservatively?
Quote from: Townsend on January 25, 2011, 07:48:48 AM
So apparently if you smear yourself with dynaflow and turboglide you will protect yourself from Obamacare? Smear liberally or conservatively?
If you use AstroGlide, Obamacare will slide right by!
Quote from: Townsend on January 25, 2011, 07:48:48 AM
So apparently if you smear yourself with dynaflow and turboglide you will protect yourself from Obamacare? Smear liberally or conservatively?
I'm conservative and have always been a Buick person so I would say Dynaflow Conservatively.
Chevy was the Turboglide. Crappy transmission. Powerglide was the Chevy "two speed" that was a great little transmission, just no mileage due to the gearing. Lots of racers used them in 60's, built up.
Well, apparently there are now well over 700 waivers given from Obamacare involving nearly 2.2 million workers. Lots of unions in this list. just sayin...
A Federal Judge just ruled the entire Obamacare program UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
More to come. . .
Moments ago a Federal Judge in Florida ruled the entire program (not parts) unconstitutional.
His ruling:
". . .Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void."
Quote from: Gaspar on January 31, 2011, 02:06:34 PM
His ruling:
". . .Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void."
Huzzah!!! They'll stop charging my tanning place extra tax and I won't have to pay extra!!!
oh, and all those kids under 26 that could finally be insured under their parents for the last few weeks? F' 'em.
The full text of the decision from Federal Judge Roger Vinson is not available yet, but according to reporters who've seen the decision, he's ruled the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. The ruling favors of the 26 state attorney generals challenging the law. The judge ruled the individual mandate that requires all Americans to purchase health insurance invalid and, according to the decision, "because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void."
Read more at the San Francisco Examiner:
From The Examiner
You cannot force someone to purchase something as a condition of being a US Citizen.
U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson in Pensacola, Florida, declared the law unconstitutional today in a 78-page opinion. He said the law's provision requiring Americans over 18 to obtain insurance coverage exceeded Congress' powers under the commerce clause of the U.S Constitution.
"Regardless of how laudable its attempts may have been to accomplish these goals in passing the act, Congress must operate within the bounds established by the Constitution," the judge wrote. "This case is not about whether the Act is wise or unwise legislation. It is about the Constitutional role of the federal government."
Off to the Supreme Court. . .
Judicial activism.
Quote from: Gaspar on January 31, 2011, 02:20:26 PM
You cannot force someone to purchase something as a condition of being a US Citizen.
In most settings I am required to have a government issued ID on my person if I leave my house. The gubmints charge me for them...
As an employer, I am required to pay for Workmen's Compensation Insurance no matter what I hire workers to do.
Those seem to be government mandated expenses to me.
Why the outrage about medical insurance?
Quote from: RecycleMichael on January 31, 2011, 02:47:58 PM
In most settings I am required to have a government issued ID on my person if I leave my house. The gubmints charge me for them...
As an employer, I am required to pay for Workmen's Compensation Insurance no matter what I hire workers to do.
Those seem to be government mandated expenses to me.
Why the outrage about medical insurance?
Because our current President is blamed for it (with the idiotic moniker ObamaCare..might as well be called RomneyCare or DoleCare).
Quote from: RecycleMichael on January 31, 2011, 02:47:58 PM
In most settings I am required to have a government issued ID on my person if I leave my house. The gubmints charge me for them...
As an employer, I am required to pay for Workmen's Compensation Insurance no matter what I hire workers to do.
Those seem to be government mandated expenses to me.
Why the outrage about medical insurance?
You may use your birth certificate for ID. The cost for other identification is nominal.
You only pay workman's comp if you choose to employ.
You only pay for driver's license if you choose to drive.
You only pay for car insurance if you choose to drive.
You cannot force a person to pay tens of thousands of dollars over a lifetime just to be alive.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on January 31, 2011, 02:47:58 PM
In most settings I am required to have a government issued ID on my person if I leave my house. The gubmints charge me for them...
As an employer, I am required to pay for Workmen's Compensation Insurance no matter what I hire workers to do.
Those seem to be government mandated expenses to me.
Why the outrage about medical insurance?
Main difference between the government mandating worker's comp and auto liability and mandatory health insurance is worker's comp and auto liability ensure others are protected from your negligence. Health insurance is a coverage on yourself. As well, worker's comp (far as I know) and auto liability are mandated by state law not federal law. Your driver's license is also mandated as a state, not federal law.
Not quite sure how to spin the whole thing about a passport other than it's entirely optional and only necessary if you wish to travel abroad.
The ruling:
This is going to the Supremes, as it always has been, ever since the final vote was tallied. Significantly, the judge in FLA didn't stop the implementation of the bill, so it will continue until the high court finally gets it and makes a decision.
Twitter is aflutter with moon-bats trying to find a foothold on defending Obamacare as somehow above the constitution. Can't wait until all of the ideas congeal.
This passing reference in the Court's Order to what led to the Boston Tea Party will make the left's heads collectively explode. Those damned original teabaggers! ;D
QuoteIt is difficult to imagine that a nation which began, at least in part, as the result of opposition to a British mandate giving the East India Company a monopoly and imposing a nominal tax on all tea sold in America would have set out to create a government with the power to force people to buy tea in the first place.
Quote from: guido911 on January 31, 2011, 04:54:01 PM
This passing reference in the Court's Order to what led to the Boston Tea Party will make the left's heads collectively explode. Those damned original teabaggers! ;D
There's a little nugget on page 62 that I love:
QuoteThe Necessary and Proper Clause cannot be utilized to "pass laws for the accomplishment of objects" that are not within Congress, enumerated powers. As the previous analysis of the defendants" Commerce Clause argument reveals, the individual mandate is neither within the letter nor the spirit of the Constitution.
Quote from: guido911 on January 31, 2011, 04:54:01 PM
Those damned original teabaggers!
teabaggers? I thought that term was disrespectful.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on January 31, 2011, 06:27:10 PM
teabaggers? I thought that term was disrespectful.
It is. I was being sarcastic. I guess I failed. ;)
Here is another passage from the opinion I found on Drudge.
Quote"I note that in 2008, then-Senator Obama supported a health care reform proposal that did not include an individual mandate because he was at that time strongly opposed to the idea, stating that, 'If a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house,'" Judge Vinson wrote in a footnote toward the end of his 78-page ruling Monday.
Sucks to be caught.
Quote from: guido911 on January 31, 2011, 04:54:01 PM
This passing reference in the Court's Order to what led to the Boston Tea Party will make the left's heads collectively explode. Those damned original teabaggers! ;D
Not to put too fine a point on it, but the colonists weren't objecting to taxation in principle, they were objecting to taxation
without representation. They didn't have any say in the taxes levied by the Crown. Our entire form of government was created to ensure that we all have an adequate voice in our taxation. In this case -- especially considering the torturous town halls, and all the minute wrangling that lasted for so many months -- I'd say there was a goodly amount of representation exercised in this decision.
The more I look at the judge's decision, the more it comes off as, well, deeply ideological.
I'd say this: if the government had had the cojones to divorce the idea of health care from health insurance, this would be a moot argument. The funding could've been done through good old fashioned taxation, and while I know the very word makes select posters' heads spin, the upshot in general would've almost definitely been cheaper and better outcomes -- as is the rule in virtually every other first world nation with single payer healthcare.
But instead Obama and the Democrats turned themselves inside out trying to guarantee bipartisanship and in the process gutting both the most direct and the most effective solution out there.
/classic liberal rant off.
Quote from: we vs us on January 31, 2011, 08:02:33 PM
I'd say this: if the government had had the cojones to divorce the idea of health care from health insurance, this would be a moot argument. The funding could've been done through good old fashioned taxation, and while I know the very word makes select posters' heads spin, the upshot in general would've almost definitely been cheaper and better outcomes -- as is the rule in virtually every other first world nation with single payer healthcare.
I don't know about cheaper and better (at this time that is still ideological) but financing it through taxation certainly would have taken away the argument about the commerce clause.
It's getting picky about words but I agree we need to differentiate between health care and health insurance.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 31, 2011, 09:45:56 PM
I don't know about cheaper and better (at this time that is still ideological) but financing it through taxation certainly would have taken away the argument about the commerce clause.
It's getting picky about words but I agree we need to differentiate between health care and health insurance.
You know, I don't pretend to believe that using a tax to build the healthcare infrastructure would be any less controversial or that certain folks would hate it any less; I do think that it would foster understanding, however. Paying a tax and receiving a service in exchange is a simple transaction. Forcing people to buy a private product of widely varying efficacy in order to mysteriously exert downward pressure on an already complicated (and price-pressure resistant!) market just makes it needlessly complex.
Quote from: we vs us on January 31, 2011, 10:41:45 PM
You know, I don't pretend to believe that using a tax to build the healthcare infrastructure would be any less controversial or that certain folks would hate it any less...
I know that you know. I am making the observation that it may still be despised in some quarters and loved in others but the legal question would at least be different and seemingly more difficult to repeal the law.
How cool is that! Gaspar and Conan both get it wrong one right after the other .
So we must add a couple points;
Health insurance should only be required if you avail yourself of the health care system of this country.
Health insurance is not JUST coverage on yourself - it IS ALSO coverage to protect the rest of us from having to pay for that huge part of your bill due to not having insurance. Now is around 335 to 40% of average health care bill in this country. Has been that for decades.
Birth certificate costs money too.
Plus, it is not adequate to determine identity AND employment eligibility. (I-9 requirements)
South Dakota gets it.
Not all bad as an idea. Provide for the common defense and all that jazz. In olden days in this country, people just naturally took that path anyway - making what the anti-gunners claim to be the militia of the Second Amendment.
I would say to take it a step further. Require practice (so many rounds per year) to qualify to some minimum level of handling skill. Kind of like concealed carry requirements.
No, he really didn't get it. But makes for a cute sound bite story!
Here is some analysis of the Florida ruling with a link to the decision.
Wow - big surprise there. Republican appointed judge. Florida. Nods to the Tea Party. Should be interesting. This Judge even quotes Child Labor laws! Do you suppose that if a child labor case were brought before him, he would set it aside, too?
Mary Brown says the individual mandate will require her to divert resources from her business and reorder her economic resources. Much like I currently DO have to divert resources from my business and reorder my economic resources to pay the 30% or so of every medical event the occurs now to make up the difference for her. (Sound familiar - the way WalMart does things??)
She devotes her available resources to maintaining her business and paying her employees. Much as I do. And I don't enjoy the extra benefit of that 30% "bonus" for my medical costs. And believe me, I wish her very well - and the neither her nor any of her employees EVER have a sick day the rest of their lives!!
That way it won't cost me, or most of the rest of us, so much.
It IS a shame that I currently DO have to pay those costs while she gets to skate. Well, that's what the Tea Party is all about, isn't it? Getting their tax relief at the expense of others!
One thing that IS kind of strange is how all the RWRE talk revolves so much around personal responsibility - like taking responsibility for your own health care expenses, both insured and uninsured. But when the practice actually becomes law, it changes so dramatically. It becomes an unwarranted government intrusion. Rather than stepping up to the plate BEFORE a law is needed!!
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on February 01, 2011, 12:25:58 PM
Birth certificate costs money too.
Plus, it is not adequate to determine identity AND employment eligibility. (I-9 requirements)
Nether a birth certificate or photo ID cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
While you were stuck in the snow.
Quietly. . .Quietly. . .
The Senate repealed part of Obamacare yesterday. The 1099 requirement is gone.
Good news for the American People, bad news for an administration that legislates against them.
I'd be interested to see what the vote looked like. Anti-deficit Republicans are utter hypocrites if they voted to repeal the requirement. Sure, it's asinine, but it would have helped enforce the tax laws and therefore raise more revenue.
Quote from: Gaspar on February 03, 2011, 08:14:19 AM
While you were stuck in the snow.
Quietly. . .Quietly. . .
The Senate repealed part of Obamacare yesterday. The 1099 requirement is gone.
Good news for the American People, bad news for an administration that legislates against them.
Obama himself has said that he's open to change on that provision. Not exactly the dire hit against the administration that you'd like it to be.
As a matter of fact, Obama's said he's willing to continue to tweak the legislation, so it's not as if the entire thing has to stand as is, monolithic and unchanged.
Quote from: we vs us on February 03, 2011, 10:58:26 AM
Obama himself has said that he's open to change on that provision. Not exactly the dire hit against the administration that you'd like it to be.
As a matter of fact, Obama's said he's willing to continue to tweak the legislation, so it's not as if the entire thing has to stand as is, monolithic and unchanged.
I am all for Hope and Change! ;)
All we need to do now is get rid of that individual mandate, menu labeling provision, Swag disclosure provision, postpartum depression disability provision, tanning tax, abstinence-only education provision, "Health Choices Commissioner" establishment, the added 3.8% real-estate sales tax for high earners, real-time access to participant financial data provision, along with 897 pages of garbage, and we've got something to work with.
It's like taking a giant rotten tree and whittling it down to a nice sharp tooth-pick.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on February 01, 2011, 12:19:38 PM
Health insurance is not JUST coverage on yourself - it IS ALSO coverage to protect the rest of us from having to pay for that huge part of your bill due to not having insurance. Now is around 335 to 40% of average health care bill in this country. Has been that for decades.
Whiff and a miss.
If you bring all the uninsured under the same insurance plan as everyone else, the rest of us still wind up subsidizing the cost. It's simply shifting cost centers. Instead of paying higher rates for the treatment due to the charge off costs which are factored in for non-payers, now you wind up picking it up on the front end with higher premiums.
Quote from: Conan71 on February 03, 2011, 12:07:56 PM
Whiff and a miss.
If you bring all the uninsured under the same insurance plan as everyone else, the rest of us still wind up subsidizing the cost. It's simply shifting cost centers. Instead of paying higher rates for the treatment due to the charge off costs which are factored in for non-payers, now you wind up picking it up on the front end with higher premiums.
But Conan, I thought the government was going to pay for it?
Need to accelerate menu labeling. Make it actually happen and mean something. (IHOP has calorie info on their menus now, so I am very much more likely to eat there from time to time.)
Locally would like to see law changed so insurance companies would cover autism. But that would probably mean they would have to eliminate the requirement to cover viagra for old fat farts to be able to relive their virile youth!
Yeah, that's what Oklahoma legislative priorities are all about. (Look how many of those old fat farts are lawyers AND legislators!)
Quote from: Conan71 on February 03, 2011, 12:07:56 PM
Whiff and a miss.
If you bring all the uninsured under the same insurance plan as everyone else, the rest of us still wind up subsidizing the cost. It's simply shifting cost centers. Instead of paying higher rates for the treatment due to the charge off costs which are factored in for non-payers, now you wind up picking it up on the front end with higher premiums.
But you reduce that cost by removing the collections aspect, thus reducing overhead. Of course, you might put some debt collectors out of business. Theoretically, it ought to also reduce the number of people the insurance companies and hospitals/doctors need to negotiate prices, since the base rate will be more reasonably aligned with cost to provide the service to begin with.
Quote from: Conan71 on February 03, 2011, 12:07:56 PM
Whiff and a miss.
If you bring all the uninsured under the same insurance plan as everyone else, the rest of us still wind up subsidizing the cost. It's simply shifting cost centers. Instead of paying higher rates for the treatment due to the charge off costs which are factored in for non-payers, now you wind up picking it up on the front end with higher premiums.
That's actually the point. We know that, in one form or another we will always be subsidizing the cost of folks with few or no resources. That will happen either outside the insurance system or within the insurance system. By shifting their cost center into the insurance system, at least there's an opportunity for them to contribute something of their resources to their care. They might also avail themselves of more preventative care; of more personalized care (a long term provider, rather than just an ER doc), and better education through insurance plans (don't laugh; insurance folks are CONSTANTLY trying to educate people to be healthier).
The outcome then might theoretically cost less and ensure better results from our system. It's not just that they're expensive and will stay expensive. Moving them under insurance umbrellas will hopefully make folks cheaper to treat.
Quote from: we vs us on February 03, 2011, 02:44:57 PM
The outcome then might theoretically cost less and ensure better results from our system. It's not just that they're expensive and will stay expensive. Moving them under insurance umbrellas will hopefully make folks cheaper to treat.
To that point, I used to know a couple of folks who were essentially destitute (working minimum wage jobs 30 hours a stamp qualified, actually) who ended up having what would have been relatively routine things end up requiring an ambulance, an ER visit, and major surgery because of a lack of treatment. In one case, a simple round of antibiotics would have cleared up the ulcer before it perforated.
Lots of people feel like they can't afford a doctor, whether they really can or not. Maybe the answer isn't requiring health insurance, maybe it's expansion of free/dirt cheap health clinics and subsidization of whatever medicine is prescribed by those clinics. Who knows, but Northwest Medical Center wouldn't have had to eat a hundred thousand in charges (not to mention the charges for the surgeon, the anaesthesiologist, and so on) had that woman had access to a free health clinic where she could have gotten antibiotics.
Boggles the mind. Shifting cost centers. Ok, let's go with that. If we shift 30% of the medical bill (hospital, doctor, medicine, etc) to even 30% of the insurance bill (which won't happen), then the cost shifting has ended up saving a TON of money to me personally. And $250 billion to the American taxpayer. But that wouldn't go into the pocket of big insurance or big medicine, so we can't have that, can we.
Stop complaining about "judicial activism" in the Florida decision Obama White House says, you guessed it: Jonathan Turley???
Borrowing an attack that has more often been heard from Republican administrations, Stephanie Cutter, a senior adviser to President Obama, issued a statement denouncing Vinson as a "judicial activist." That charge was quickly picked up by Democratic lawmakers. The evidence cited for this charge was the fact that Vinson "declared that the entire law is null and void even though the only provision he found unconstitutional was the (individual mandate) provision," which requires every citizen to buy health insurance.
What the White House does not mention is that it played a game of chicken over health care with the court and lost a critical battle in Florida. Instead of inserting a "severability clause" designed to protect an act from this type of global rejection, the legislation was rammed through a divided Congress with diminishing public support.
The absence of the clause was just one of the flaws in this legislation, which even sponsors now admit must be amended to address serious problems ranging from paperwork overload to uncertain costs to questions over what plans will count under the law. Even for some of us who support national health care, the bill unnecessarily triggered the constitutional fight that led to its rejection in two federal courts. There were alternatives to achieve the same end, but what was lacking was a willingness to reconsider these provisions with the approach of the new Congress.
When you lose this guy, who is next?
I don't think they've "lost" anybody. The criticism is fair, but it doesn't mean Turley's advocating throwing out the law. He even mentions that he supports national healthcare.
And as for judicial activism: what's good for the goose . . . . (
QuoteAlternatives To Mandating Insurance? Maybe
Oh look, a job saver...
QuoteGOP Takes Latest Abortion Fight To The Tax Code
Quote from: Townsend on February 08, 2011, 03:12:37 PM
Oh look, a job saver...
Madcow was on a tear last night about the GOP bringing out more anti-abortion bills and very little job growth bills.
Might be because government generally tends to inhibit commerce with legislation, not promote it. ;)
I have to admit, on the surface I see the Republicans doing exactly what they accused the Dims of doing: ignoring the real issues while they work on passing a slate of legislation which does nothing to confront the real problems most people are concerned about.
Quote from: Conan71 on February 08, 2011, 03:35:59 PM
Madcow was on a tear last night about the GOP bringing out more anti-abortion bills and very little job growth bills.
Might be because government generally tends to inhibit commerce with legislation, not promote it. ;)
I have to admit, on the surface I see the Republicans doing exactly what they accused the Dims of doing: ignoring the real issues while they work on passing a slate of legislation which does nothing to confront the real problems most people are concerned about.
And you're surprised about that....why?
Politicians are still politicians, no matter what letter is appended or prepended to their name on the newscast. Big lobbies, unfortunately, still own them.
Quote from: Conan71 on February 08, 2011, 03:35:59 PM
Madcow was on a tear last night about the GOP bringing out more anti-abortion bills and very little job growth bills.
Might be because government generally tends to inhibit commerce with legislation, not promote it. ;)
I have to admit, on the surface I see the Republicans doing exactly what they accused the Dims of doing: ignoring the real issues while they work on passing a slate of legislation which does nothing to confront the real problems most people are concerned about.
I am not sure that's totally accurate. The repub house voted to real Obamacare, which is what those that elected them wanted. Next week they will vote to defund it. Rand Paul has put forth an effort to cut the deficit by 500B, the House at a much smaller 32B, which is what the people that elected them wanted. Today certain provisions of the Patriot Act were allowed to expire in the House. I just read that the Repub House will be looking to defund the stimulus bill.
Quote from: guido911 on February 08, 2011, 09:19:18 PM
I am not sure that's totally accurate. The repub house voted to real Obamacare, which is what those that elected them wanted. Next week they will vote to defund it. Rand Paul has put forth an effort to cut the deficit by 500B, the House at a much smaller 32B, which is what the people that elected them wanted. Today certain provisions of the Patriot Act were allowed to expire in the House. I just read that the Repub House will be looking to defund the stimulus bill.
Yeah, but Democrats are in denial that Obamacare was going to kill job creation, so basically repealing Obamacare does nothing for job creation. Capiche?
Quote from: Conan71 on February 08, 2011, 09:45:28 PM
Yeah, but Democrats are in denial that Obamacare was going to kill job creation, so basically repealing Obamacare does nothing for job creation. Capiche?
Got it. Thanks for straightening me out.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on February 03, 2011, 06:56:08 PM
Boggles the mind. Shifting cost centers. Ok, let's go with that. If we shift 30% of the medical bill (hospital, doctor, medicine, etc) to even 30% of the insurance bill (which won't happen), then the cost shifting has ended up saving a TON of money to me personally. And $250 billion to the American taxpayer. But that wouldn't go into the pocket of big insurance or big medicine, so we can't have that, can we.
That still doesn't correct the gross decentralization of health care into all these specialty hospitals and take into account the cost of paying for utilizing all this new diagnostic and surgical equipment which has helped make medical costs so staggering in addition to people who can't afford or won't pay for the care they received.
In other words, the providers will never drop their prices. With more people being on insurance, it might help mitigate gratuitous price increases so long as doctors and entire health systems don't opt out of taking health insurance and go straight cash. It's just not as simple as people have tried to make this on the surface. They passed the bill and we still don't know what all was in it. ;)
Quote from: Conan71 on February 09, 2011, 08:40:06 AM
In other words, the providers will never drop their prices.
I tend to agree but I do know of one exception. A friend retired a few years ago and told his dentist he was losing dental coverage. My friend offered to pay in cash what the agreed upon insurance company rates were and the dentist agreed.
If you were told you would only be compensated at 50% of your ordinary and customary rates, wouldn't you immediately double your rates?
Quote from: Red Arrow on February 09, 2011, 08:54:07 AM
I tend to agree but I do know of one exception. A friend retired a few years ago and told his dentist he was losing dental coverage. My friend offered to pay in cash what the agreed upon insurance company rates were and the dentist agreed.
If you were told you would only be compensated at 50% of your ordinary and customary rates, wouldn't you immediately double your rates?
Well, here is a little glimmer of hope amongst all the other stuff. And this probably won't last. Seems like at least 26 Republicans have some sanity going on - at least until the next vote on this topic. Unwarranted Government Intrusion is at least getting a little tap of a slap on the face. (And no, I don't expect it to stick. This will be reinstated.)
UGI - hey! A new TLA! (Three Letter Acronym).
Don't sugar coat it Hatch, tell us what you really think:
I saw this video today. Can someone help fill in the blanks for me. Namely, exactly what "double counting" is taking place as alleged by Shimkus and what it means from a fiscal point of view.
Dems To GOP: Show Us Your Health Insurance (
QuoteWith Republicans on Capitol Hill still trying every legislative manuever they can think of to undo last year's health law, it was probably only a matter of time before Democrats tried a gambit of their own.
Now a House bill being pushed by Democrats would require Republicans to publicly state whether or not they are accepting taxpayer-subsidized health benefits under the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program.
They're entitled to such coverage as members of Congress, but Democrats say it's hypocritical for Republicans who are voting to take health coverage away from millions of Americans to accept coverage subsidized by those same people.
By pushing a repeal of the big federal health law so hard, Republicans have "made it clear that they were OK with millions of Americans going without health insurance or struggling to find affordable health care," said Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA). "What Republicans didn't make clear is that they, on the other hand, were OK with receiving government-subsidized health care benefits."
The bill doesn't actually require anyone to take or not take the benefits. It simply requires the decision to be made public. The bill has next to no chance of passing because Republicans control the House. But its mere introduction puts some heat on the GOP.
It's a further escalation of efforts that began in December, when Democrats pushed incoming GOP freshman who ran on a platform of repealing the health law not to accept their government health insurance.
"This resolution is really a no-brainer," said Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY), the lead sponsor of the measure. His logic:
The taxpayers are our employers. They contribute to our health care coverage and they deserve to know which members are keeping taxpayer-subsidized health benefits for themselves and their families, while they vote at the same time to deny those very same benefits and rights to all American families.
According to The Hill, a Capitol Hill newspaper, more than a dozen of the 87 House freshmen have declined to accept their federal health benefits. That bunch includes Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), an anesthesiologist who is technically on leave from his post at Johns Hopkins. Harris, in case you forgot, sparked the entire episode when he complained at an orientation session about how long it would take for federal health benefits to kick in.
Harris, it turns out, is keeping his family's health benefits from Hopkins.
This is probably another reason the Republicans want NPR to go away.
Well isn't this just fantastic news.
QuoteThe doctor is not in.
The United States already faces a growing physician shortage. As our population ages, we require more and more intensive health care. At the same time, enrollment in medical schools has been essentially flat, meaning we are not producing new physicians at anywhere near the rate we need to. In fact, according to the American Association of Medical Colleges, we face a shortfall of more than 150,000 doctors over the next 15 years.
And it could get a whole lot worse.
The health reform bill signed into law last year is expected to significantly increase the number of Americans with health insurance or participating in the Medicaid program. Meanwhile, an aging population will increase participation in Medicare. This means a greater demand for physician services.
But at the same, the bill may drive physicians out of practice.
Read more:
The physicians the plan drives out of practice probably deserve to be pruned from the system. They got away with God like income for too long. Ever since Docs got added to the yellow pages and big pharma got an annoyance license to advertise the system has gone unchecked allowing for capitalizing the system. Hoodwinked victims of the new healthcare provisions. And then there's the insurance industry...
Seems to be a big demand for those that are unhealthy to find care.
Quoting the Post? :D....way to know your resources. ::)
Quote from: Teatownclown on May 01, 2011, 04:08:42 PM
The physicians the plan drives out of practice probably deserve to be pruned from the system. They got away with God like income for too long. Ever since Docs got added to the yellow pages and big pharma got an annoyance license to advertise the system has gone unchecked allowing for capitalizing the system. Hoodwinked victims of the new healthcare provisions. And then there's the insurance industry...
Seems to be a big demand for those that are unhealthy to find care.
Quoting the Post? :D....way to know your resources. ::)
Oh that's right. Doctors only care about making money and all that nonsense about saving lives, relieving pain, and curing illness is just that. Nonsense. Tell you what, if you hold doctors in such contempt--don't use them. Problem solved.
And for my source, you care to contradict the author's position if you don't like it? And YOU incidentally are the last person popping off on source selection. After all, you posted that drivel about taxing mega-churches today.
"Politicususa--Real Liberal Politics ~~ No Corporate Money, No Masters"
That's a real objective source. You make it too easy sometimes aox.
Quote from: guido911 on May 01, 2011, 04:20:01 PM
Oh that's right. Doctors only care about making money and all that nonsense about saving lives, relieving pain, and curing illness is just that. Nonsense. Tell you what, if you hold doctors in such contempt--don't use them. Problem solved.
And for my source, you care to contradict the author's position if you don't like it? And YOU incidentally are the last person popping off on source selection. After all, you posted that drivel about taxing mega-churches today.
"Politicususa--Real Liberal Politics ~~ No Corporate Money, No Masters"
That's a real objective source. You make it too easy sometimes aox.
NO! Those docs that prioritize money over their oath are the one's needing to be pruned out. Restrictions need to be reinstated. Single payer will remain the only solution in the long term. The insurance industry (death panels) needs to be for property, casualty, life, but not health.
Quote from: Teatownclown on May 01, 2011, 04:26:02 PM
NO! Those docs that prioritize money over their oath are the one's needing to be pruned out. Restrictions need to be reinstated. Single payer will remain the only solution in the long term. The insurance industry (death panels) needs to be for property, casualty, life, but not health.
Who are these docs you are referring to? Because the doctors I know don't behave that way. As for single payer, not going to happen but by all means keep wasting your breath on it.
Yes it Vermont and many other states. Not here in Kern Country. >:(
Stay away from doctors by staying healthy. they make lots of mistakes. despite what they think of themselves, they are just humans.
If a business was told that in the future they would only be paid 50% of their customary and ordinary fees by insurance (private, medicare...), the first thing they would do is double their fees. List price is instantly above the reach of ordinary folks. Then the business is told they have to keep more records and file more paperwork. Another employee is now needed just to keep up with paperwork. And so on. I am not defending high medical costs but I understand where they come from. We have all discussed unnecessary procedures to prevent lawsuit losses and so on. Just having a single payer is not going to fix that.
Quote from: Red Arrow on May 01, 2011, 06:42:11 PM
If a business was told that in the future they would only be paid 50% of their customary and ordinary fees by insurance (private, medicare...), the first thing they would do is double their fees. List price is instantly above the reach of ordinary folks. Then the business is told they have to keep more records and file more paperwork. Another employee is now needed just to keep up with paperwork. And so on. I am not defending high medical costs but I understand where they come from. We have all discussed unnecessary procedures to prevent lawsuit losses and so on. Just having a single payer is not going to fix that.
And guess why it's like that? Because so many insurance companies do their paperwork differently. My sister-in-law worked coding insurance for medical for several years. She hated it. I don't necessarily believe that single-payer is the way to go though. What I would be for (and I've said this since before Obama was President and there was even talk of health care reform) is that there should be a single repository for insurance paperwork that physcians have to deal with. It's not the paperwork, it's the diversity of the paperwork that makes the extra clerical workerS...not usually just one in a medium sized practice...necessary. Standardize the paperwork for insurance and you solve half the problem.
Quote from: Hoss on May 01, 2011, 06:50:37 PM
Standardize the paperwork for insurance and you solve half the problem.
Are you sitting?
I agree with the principle. I don't know that it's half but it's certainly significant.
Quote from: Hoss on May 01, 2011, 06:50:37 PM
And guess why it's like that? Because so many insurance companies do their paperwork differently. My sister-in-law worked coding insurance for medical for several years. She hated it. I don't necessarily believe that single-payer is the way to go though. What I would be for (and I've said this since before Obama was President and there was even talk of health care reform) is that there should be a single repository for insurance paperwork that physcians have to deal with. It's not the paperwork, it's the diversity of the paperwork that makes the extra clerical workerS...not usually just one in a medium sized practice...necessary. Standardize the paperwork for insurance and you solve half the problem.
One would think they would have created a standard a long time ago. Nah, makes too much sense.
AARP has now been granted a program exemption to Obamacare.
LOL! I seem to remember them lobbying hard for it.
You do realize the waivers go away in 2014, right? The point of them is to give companies that would otherwise stop offering coverage to some of their employees altogether an out until the exchange system gets up and running.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 12:09:55 PM
You do realize the waivers go away in 2014, right? The point of them is to give companies that would otherwise stop offering coverage to some of their employees altogether an out until the exchange system gets up and running.
You do realize that that's not what I am talking about, right? AARP is also also one of the nation's largest insurance providers. They just received an exemption to the rules governing insurance price regulation under Obamacare. They and other GAP providers are now free to raise their prices on patients without the regulation levied on other health insurance organizations.
They did not receive a waver for coverage, they received an exemption from regulation!
It would be fantastic if I could find something specific to AARP that doesn't come from some LGF equivalent site. Maybe tomorrow the mainstream press will pick up on Rush's BS and I can actually understand what it's about.
AFAIK, AARP markets insurance plans, but does not offer them itself. Perhaps I'm mistaken. I am, after all, not eligible for any of their services. ;)
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 01:06:09 PM
I am, after all, not eligible for any of their services. ;)
Wait a few years.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 01:06:09 PM
It would be fantastic if I could find something specific to AARP that doesn't come from some LGF equivalent site. Maybe tomorrow the mainstream press will pick up on Rush's BS and I can actually understand what it's about.
AFAIK, AARP markets insurance plans, but does not offer them itself. Perhaps I'm mistaken. I am, after all, not eligible for any of their services. ;)
Wow Nate. The AARP is the nation's biggest seller of Medigap policies through United Healthcare. Royalty revenues from these sales now comprise more than half (60.3 percent) of all AARP revenues. In 1999, Medigap royalties comprised only 11 percent of the organization's total revenues. So in a little over 10 years AARP went from a member supported organization to an insurance sales organization.
AARP lobbied for cutting Medicare Advantage plans by more than $150 billion, and now we understand why. Their income from the royalties on the sales of unregulated Medigap plans is massive. Medicare Advantage plans are required under Obamacare to pay out 85% of premium revenues as claims. AARP lobbied to make sure that the Medigap plans were only required to pay out 65% of premium revenues as claims. Now with this exemption, Medigap plans such as the ones AARP markets under UHC don't even have to meet that requirement. This is sure to make AARP the most powerful insurance sales organization in the US.
You are correct. I am fairly sure that most of the media will pay little attention to this. ;) That we can count on.
Just because Katy, Brian, or Jon are instructed not to discuss something doesn't make it any less true. The exemption was signed on Thursday of last week.
Marketing insurance and selling insurance is not the same thing, but you can keep beating the drum of lies if you like. If you want to rail against something, at least try the truth.
And personally? I'd like to see Medicare Advantage plans canned entirely. They cost Medicare more and give the consumer less. They're a large part of the Medicare funding problem, actually. I don't know enough about Medigap plans to comment. At first read, it looks like they work as the name implies, covering certain things that Medicare doesn't cover. Not exactly what the health care law was aimed at in the first place. Perhaps my mind will change on that with new information.
I guess you'll take any port in a storm, though.
"But this story's mischaracterization of the senators' letter and the new rules is inexcusable. In fact, the senators acknowledged that Medigap rates are regulated at the state level and encouraged Secretary Sebelius to work with governors and state insurance commissioners to build new consumer protections. Nowhere do the senators ask the Secretary to include Medigap in the regulations issued this week because they know states regulate rates for these insurance policies, not the federal government.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 02:07:56 PM
Marketing insurance and selling insurance is not the same thing, but you can keep beating the drum of lies if you like.
60.3% of AARP's total revenue comes from the sale of Medigap plans.
Selling, marketing, modeling, representing, lobbying, snorting, vomiting, or excreting, you pick the term. I could care less what Nate wishes to call it. The majority of revenue AARP receives are from the SALE of Medigap plans to senior citizens who do not receive adequate coverage under Medicare.
Quote"But this story's mischaracterization of the senators' letter and the new rules is inexcusable. In fact, the senators acknowledged that Medigap rates are regulated at the state level and encouraged Secretary Sebelius to work with governors and state insurance commissioners to build new consumer protections. Nowhere do the senators ask the Secretary to include Medigap in the regulations issued this week because they know states regulate rates for these insurance policies, not the federal government.
Hey, that's kinda funny too, where'd you get that?
The reason it's funny is because states actually regulate ALL rates for supplemental insurance policies. The Obamacare regulations are what changes that, not the other way around! :D
Nevermind I found it. Easier to understand in context. It's AARP's response.
QuoteAARP spokesman Jim Dau responds to TheDC's story:
"AARP supported the health care law's provisions to review insurance premium increases, just as we supported the law itself. And we agree with Senators Reid, Kerry and Baucus that more consumer protections are needed in the Medigap market, which was not addressed in the law. It's why we've endorsed Sen. Kerry's bill to ensure people in Medicare can't be denied a Medigap policy because of their health history.
"But this story's mischaracterization of the senators' letter and the new rules is inexcusable. In fact, the senators acknowledged that Medigap rates are regulated at the state level and encouraged Secretary Sebelius to work with governors and state insurance commissioners to build new consumer protections. Nowhere do the senators ask the Secretary to include Medigap in the regulations issued this week because they know states regulate rates for these insurance policies, not the federal government.
"To be clear, AARP is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with a membership. While there are insurance products that carry the AARP name, they are underwritten by insurers such as Delta Dental, UnitedHealth Group, and Aetna and others—not AARP. We work to ensure those products meet our standards and provide value to our members.
"We would applaud members of Congress from either side of the aisle who put forward legislation to strengthen consumer protections in the Medigap market, just as we welcomed Sen. Kerry's common sense legislation."
Quote from: Gaspar on May 25, 2011, 02:18:19 PM
60.3% of AARP's total revenue comes from the sale of Medigap plans.
Selling, marketing, modeling, representing, lobbying, snorting, vomiting, or excreting, you pick the term. I could care less what Nate wishes to call it. The majority of revenue AARP receives are from the SALE of Medigap plans to senior citizens who do not receive adequate coverage under Medicare.
You have a very strange definition of 'adequate.' I've never known it to be a synonym for 'perfect.' Keep spinning the good spin, my man!
It's an utter lie to say that 'AARP' got an exemption from the law, just as it would be a lie to say that my mortgage broker was exempt from a law that does not apply to them, but does apply to the banks whose loans they broker. Or the same way it would be a lie to say that I'm subject to HIPAA regulations because some of my clients are.
UnitedHealth pays AARP to use their name to help sell smile to old people, just like many other companies do. The facts don't support your rant. Take your lumps and move on.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 02:36:50 PM
You have a very strange definition of 'adequate.' I've never known it to be a synonym for 'perfect.' Keep spinning the good spin, my man!
It's an utter lie to say that 'AARP' got an exemption from the law, just as it would be a lie to say that my mortgage broker was exempt from a law that does not apply to them, but does apply to the banks whose loans they broker. Or the same way it would be a lie to say that I'm subject to HIPAA regulations because some of my clients are.
UnitedHealth pays AARP to use their name to help sell smile to old people, just like many other companies do. The facts don't support your rant. Take your lumps and move on.
AARP receives a commission for every policy sold under the AARP name and on the AARP Insurance Sales website.
These royalties make up 60.3% of AARP revenue.
Interpret that as you wish. :D
You can keep repeating yourself, but you still have failed to even assert that they're an insurance company, much less that they are subject to the Affordable Care Act, except as an employer. In other words, you're still lying.
Quote from: Gaspar on May 25, 2011, 02:18:19 PM
60.3% of AARP's total revenue comes from the sale of Medigap plans.
Selling, marketing, modeling, representing, lobbying, snorting, vomiting, or excreting, you pick the term. I could care less what Nate wishes to call it. The majority of revenue AARP receives are from the SALE of Medigap plans to senior citizens who do not receive adequate coverage under Medicare.
I think what he's referring to is AARP is not the "insurance provider". AARP is effectively the sales agent, much like FMC sells or markets insurance for Hanover and a number of other companies but she is NOT the provider though.
Pretty interesting read you provided and it certainly does seem to illustrate a good motive for the way AARP has maneuvered in lobbying for Obamacare, then wanting to be waived from it.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 25, 2011, 02:49:39 PM
Pretty interesting read you provided and it certainly does seem to illustrate a good motive for the way AARP has maneuvered in lobbying for Obamacare, then wanting to be waived from it.
They can't be waived from the specific provisions the wingers (and Gaspar) are talking about unless they are in fact an insurance provider. You'd think that Gaspar could come up with some evidence that they are in fact in that business by now.
Oh, and he also fails to mention that AARP is a non-profit. The insurance broker, if you want to call it that, is a for-profit wholly owned subsidiary, but AARP still has to use that money for whatever it is their mission is.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 02:51:01 PM
They can't be waived from the specific provisions the wingers (and Gaspar) are talking about unless they are in fact an insurance provider. You'd think that Gaspar could come up with some evidence that they are in fact in that business by now.
I hear the sound of splitting hairs here.
But AARP could lobby on behalf of UHC, Delta, Aetna, and whomever else's insurance they market to their members so they can get a waiver.
He actually provided information they are non-profit in the citation he used. Non-profit is misleading anyhow. Lots of big salaries being doled out at that non-profit, as well as millions spent on lobbying.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 02:51:01 PM
They can't be waived from the specific provisions the wingers (and Gaspar) are talking about unless they are in fact an insurance provider. You'd think that Gaspar could come up with some evidence that they are in fact in that business by now.
With all due respect. They don't need to be the insurer, they are in essence the seller. They are steering policy based on their revenue source just like any big corporation with a lobby. The dishonest part is that they are using the guise of a lobby group representing retired people who pay dues to AARP to represent them. While a little underhanded, I wouldn't have so much of a problem with that except that they are protecting the revenue source OVER the interest of the people they are supposed to be representing.
I am convinced that you understand this, but simply continue to feel the need to spoon your dear leader.
You can relax now. I don't feel the need to continue to explain this ad-nausium.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 25, 2011, 02:56:43 PM
I hear the sound of splitting hairs here.
But AARP could lobby on behalf of UHC, Delta, Aetna, and whomever else's insurance they market to their members so they can get a waiver.
They could, but that was not the claim that was made. The claim was that AARP received a waiver as an insurance company, which is a lie.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 25, 2011, 02:56:43 PM
I hear the sound of splitting hairs here.
But AARP could lobby on behalf of UHC, Delta, Aetna, and whomever else's insurance they market to their members so they can get a waiver.
He actually provided information they are non-profit in the citation he used. Non-profit is misleading anyhow. Lots of big salaries being doled out at that non-profit, as well as millions spent on lobbying.
+1 That would be the honest way, but no, they are lobbying on "behalf" of Aunt Millie.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 02:59:11 PM
They could, but that was not the claim that was made. The claim was that AARP received a waiver as an insurance company, which is a lie.
Okay so we are back at what is the definition of is. Got it.
Do you get the underlying point that AARP's activities on this seem pretty nefarious, regardless if they are the insurer or they are doing this on behalf of for-profit insurers whose products they market to AARP membership?
I believe I remember hearing that McDonalds asked for an exemption. Are they the actual underwriter or are they just the agent for their employees?
Quote from: Conan71 on May 25, 2011, 03:00:58 PM
Okay so we are back at what is the definition of is. Got it.
Do you get the underlying point that AARP's activities on this seem pretty nefarious, regardless if they are the insurer or they are doing this on behalf of for-profit insurers whose products they market to AARP membership?
I'm still foggy on what AARP actually did, if they are not in fact an insurer and therefore did not receive a waiver from price regulation.
I'm not sure if Gaspar made this assertion, but the articles I could find related to his claim stated that royalties from Medigap plans made up some 60% of AARP's revenue. That is another lie. All royalties from all of the co-branded products and services made up only 53% of AARP's revenue. It's simply not credible to claim that it's all from Medigap.
RA, that's a completely different thing. The ACA specifies that the Secretary of HHS may grant waivers of the coverage limit regulation until 2014 if without the waiver a company would either eliminate coverage or increase the employee's cost of coverage without said waiver. It's part of the "nobody will have to change their present insurance if they don't want to" promise.
Another interesting fact available for all to see if you read their 2010 financials: Only 8.3% of their revenue was spent on lobbying.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:04:22 PM
I'm still foggy on what AARP actually did, if they are not in fact an insurer and therefore did not receive a waiver from price regulation.
Back to Gasper's subject.
I believe the claim is that Underwriter A sold insurance through AARP. The Underwriter received (for example) $100 from AARP. AARP charged the final customer $110. New regulations would reduce that to $105. AARP asked for an exemption to be able to continue to charge $110.
Whether or not that is a legitimate issue with the new regulations, I don't know. This is what I believe Gasper is saying.
Quote from: Red Arrow on May 25, 2011, 03:13:57 PM
Back to Gasper's subject.
I believe the claim is that Underwriter A sold insurance through AARP. The Underwriter received (for example) $100 from AARP. AARP charged the final customer $110. New regulations would reduce that to $105. AARP asked for an exemption to be able to continue to charge $110.
Whether or not that is a legitimate issue with the new regulations, I don't know. This is what I believe Gasper is saying.
That's not how it works with the Medigap plans, which are what are the bone of contention here. With the group health insurance plans, AARP acts in the same way an employer would. There has been no exemption issued for that (as far as I'm aware)
The exemption being discussed is that Medigap plans have been determined to be exempt from federal rate regulation in general. AARP merely receives a commission/royalty based on the amount of Medigap business United Health sells using the AARP name. Supposedly, AARP gets around 7% of AARP-branded Medigap policy revenues from United Health, who actually issues the plans. I haven't found a specific number in the financials, so I'm not quite sure where that number comes from.
That's not really germane, though, because the discussion is about the exemption from rate regulation, not loss ratio or anything of that nature.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:19:26 PM
That's not really germane, though, because the discussion is about the exemption from rate regulation, not loss ratio or anything of that nature.
Same coverage, less income. Sounds financially undesirable to both United Health and AARP.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:04:22 PM
I'm still foggy on what AARP actually did, if they are not in fact an insurer and therefore did not receive a waiver from price regulation.
I'm not sure if Gaspar made this assertion, but the articles I could find related to his claim stated that royalties from Medigap plans made up some 60% of AARP's revenue. That is another lie. All royalties from all of the co-branded products and services made up only 53% of AARP's revenue. It's simply not credible to claim that it's all from Medigap.
RA, that's a completely different thing. The ACA specifies that the Secretary of HHS may grant waivers of the coverage limit regulation until 2014 if without the waiver a company would either eliminate coverage or increase the employee's cost of coverage without said waiver. It's part of the "nobody will have to change their present insurance if they don't want to" promise.
Actually 46% in 2009. 60.3% in 2010 and expected to exceed that this year.
Start on about page 7
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:04:22 PM
I'm still foggy on what AARP actually did, if they are not in fact an insurer and therefore did not receive a waiver from price regulation.
I'm not sure if Gaspar made this assertion, but the articles I could find related to his claim stated that royalties from Medigap plans made up some 60% of AARP's revenue. That is another lie. All royalties from all of the co-branded products and services made up only 53% of AARP's revenue. It's simply not credible to claim that it's all from Medigap.
RA, that's a completely different thing. The ACA specifies that the Secretary of HHS may grant waivers of the coverage limit regulation until 2014 if without the waiver a company would either eliminate coverage or increase the employee's cost of coverage without said waiver. It's part of the "nobody will have to change their present insurance if they don't want to" promise.
Here's what's really interesting though is that "royalties" revenue is 2.75 times membership dues. Are they an insurance marketer or advocate for those over 50? I also take note of your claim of a little less than 9% spent on lobbying. Was that the $79 million specifically noted as "legislation and research" or could there be more which falls under the $330 some odd million listed as "programs and field services"?
Link to the '10 audited financials:
I've belonged to the NFIB before when I owned my own business. I believe they are a non-profit as well. Sure they did some lobbying on behalf of small business and sending out a slick newsletter and emailing questionaires, but their main bag was offering health insurance to the self-employed. They had reps who would sell you the "membership" and the insurance as well. You had to be a member to participate in the insurance program.
I've not had time to read and digest, but if others would like to, Congress seems interested in this very issue.
Funny, I'm reading their 2010 financials and as I said earlier, the entirety of the royalty income is 53% of their revenue for the year. Unsurprising that that the Republicans are making smile up, though. Also unsurprising that they completely mischaracterize the nature of the organization.
Edited to add: Royalties includes much more than health insurance. There's all sorts of AARP branded products. I would be interested to see a breakdown of that from a legitimate source. And I seriously doubt they are misrepresenting their activities in their financials. I guess they could if they wanted to lose their tax-exempt status, but it seems unlikely.
Quote from: Gaspar on May 25, 2011, 03:23:51 PM
Start on about page 7
You can't cite that. It was prepared by Republicans. ;D
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:30:04 PM
Funny, I'm reading their 2010 financials and as I said earlier, the entirety of the royalty income is 53% of their revenue for the year. Unsurprising that that the Republicans are making smile up, though. Also unsurprising that they completely mischaracterize the nature of the organization.
I dunno, when you are raking in almost three times the amount of membership dues in royalties from selling insurance, that sort of skews what the mission is. If not in reality, at least in perception.
I also noticed their investments increased from around $1bln to $1.5 bln in a year's time. Can't make a profit by tax code, can't spend the money fast enough, so what do you do? Invest it. Basically what Saint Francis does every time they make another improvement at 61st & Yale.
Quote from: Red Arrow on May 25, 2011, 03:32:18 PM
You can't cite that. It was prepared by Republicans. ;D
You can't cite that because the citations in the "paper" are bogus. It claims that the consolidated financial statement says things it does not in fact state.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:30:04 PM
Funny, I'm reading their 2010 financials and as I said earlier, the entirety of the royalty income is 53% of their revenue for the year. Unsurprising that that the Republicans are making smile up, though. Also unsurprising that they completely mischaracterize the nature of the organization.
Edited to add: Royalties includes much more than health insurance. There's all sorts of AARP branded products. I would be interested to see a breakdown of that from a legitimate source. And I seriously doubt they are misrepresenting their activities in their financials. I guess they could if they wanted to lose their tax-exempt status, but it seems unlikely.
You know what? I think you are right. Unless reports are rolling up one of these other investments under royalty income like reinvestment in the insurer or some bundled investment stratagy. Indeed direct royalty income is 53%.
They make over half their income on royalties from the sale of their branded products. We can agree on that. ;D
Quote from: Conan71 on May 25, 2011, 03:33:39 PM
I dunno, when you are raking in almost three times the amount of membership dues in royalties from selling insurance, that sort of skews what the mission is. If not in reality, at least in perception.
Or the argument could be made that they're doing right by their members in keeping their dues low by finding ways to get other people to fund their operations. Depends on how you want to look at it, of course. Given that they're not aligned with Republican ideals, it's not surprising they're under attack. Of course, nobody gives a smile how the right-wing lobbying organizations make their money. It's quite the double standard.
Quote from: Gaspar on May 25, 2011, 03:38:29 PM
They make over half their income on royalties from the sale of their branded products. We can agree on that. ;D
That we can. If I were an AARP member, I'd be happy I wasn't footing the whole bill.
I'd still like to see how much royalty revenue their various products bring in. I wonder if one might be able to at least pin down the Medigap part in United Health's financial statement.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:41:03 PM
Or the argument could be made that they're doing right by their members in keeping their dues low by finding ways to get other people to fund their operations. Depends on how you want to look at it, of course. Given that they're not aligned with Republican ideals, it's not surprising they're under attack. Of course, nobody gives a smile how the right-wing lobbying organizations make their money. It's quite the double standard.
Not really a right wing/left wing issue. Last time I checked AARP was not a Republican/Democrat organization. You are insinuating that they are somehow a Democrat organization when in fact they fall behind both parties on many different issues. They are supposed to be a non-profit representing the issues of their paid members.
Quote from: Gaspar on May 25, 2011, 03:45:14 PM
Not really a right wing/left wing issue. Last time I checked AARP was not a Republican/Democrat organization. You are insinuating that they are somehow a Democrat organization when in fact they fall behind both parties on many different issues. They are supposed to be a non-profit representing the issues of their paid members.
No, I'm stating quite directly that because their nonpartisan opinion happens to be opposed to that of the present crop of Republicans on several major issues at present, they're being smeared by said Republicans.
I will criticize them in one area, however: One of their 2009 CEOs was paid over a million and a half dollars. Seems a bit high for a nonprofit.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:42:54 PM
That we can. If I were an AARP member, I'd be happy I wasn't footing the whole bill.
I'd still like to see how much royalty revenue their various products bring in. I wonder if one might be able to at least pin down the Medigap part in United Health's financial statement.
So. . .If you subscribe to Consumer Reports so that you can be informed when purchasing a car, and you see on their website that GM vehicles have the very best rating, you are more likely to buy that product. Right?
You then find out that Consumer Reports gets 53% of their revenue from selling GM vehicles to their members. That makes you happy that they do that instead of increasing your subscription fees?
That is illogical.
Quote from: Gaspar on May 25, 2011, 03:51:01 PM
So. . .If you subscribe to Consumer Reports so that you can be informed when purchasing a car, and you see on their website that GM vehicles have the very best rating, you are more likely to buy that product. Right?
You then find out that Consumer Reports gets 53% of their revenue from selling GM vehicles to their members. That makes you happy that they do that instead of increasing your subscription fees?
That is illogical.
Now take that a step further. . .you then find out that the government is going to start regulating the profit margins on the sale of automobiles, and your advocate, Consumer Reports, is leading the charge.
That legislation passes and then you find out that an exemption has been signed waving all regulation on GM vehicle sales.
Quote from: Gaspar on May 25, 2011, 03:51:01 PM
So. . .If you subscribe to Consumer Reports so that you can be informed when purchasing a car, and you see on their website that GM vehicles have the very best rating, you are more likely to buy that product. Right?
You then find out that Consumer Reports gets 53% of their revenue from selling GM vehicles to their members. That makes you happy that they do that instead of increasing your subscription fees?
It depends. Do GM vehicles have the best rating because they are in fact the most reliable vehicles? By the way, CR does have a car buying service. I presume they make a commission from the dealer or manufacturer. I'm not sure, though, as I've never looked into it very closely.
Your analogy does not hold, however. AARP does not claim to rate the companies that use the AARP co-brand, at least as far as I've seen.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:41:03 PM
Or the argument could be made that they're doing right by their members in keeping their dues low by finding ways to get other people to fund their operations. Depends on how you want to look at it, of course. Given that they're not aligned with Republican ideals, it's not surprising they're under attack. Of course, nobody gives a smile how the right-wing lobbying organizations make their money. It's quite the double standard.
No, looking at how much their investments grew from '09 to '10 it looks like the non-profit is having one hell of a time trying to launder all that money so they can remain non-profit. If I have time tonight, I'm going to read further into the links they provided on this investigation. I do appreciate the integrity they are trying to show by at least acknowledging the investigation, their response, as well as any supporting evidence.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 25, 2011, 03:57:40 PM
No, looking at how much their investments grew from '09 to '10 it looks like the non-profit is having one hell of a time trying to launder all that money so they can remain non-profit. If I have time tonight, I'm going to read further into the links they provided on this investigation. I do appreciate the integrity they are trying to show by at least acknowledging the investigation, their response, as well as any supporting evidence.
You might note that their assets at the beginning of '09 were a mere $10 million according to their 990.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:56:12 PM
It depends. Do GM vehicles have the best rating because they are in fact the most reliable vehicles? By the way, CR does have a car buying service. I presume they make a commission from the dealer or manufacturer. I'm not sure, though, as I've never looked into it very closely.
Your analogy does not hold, however. AARP does not claim to rate the companies that use the AARP co-brand, at least as far as I've seen.
Consumer Reports accepts no outside fees, advertising, or product samples.
Quote from: nathanm on May 25, 2011, 03:59:48 PM
You might note that their assets at the beginning of '09 were a mere $10 million according to their 990.
$414 mil at the end of the year.
Did you notice average payroll cost per employee is about $106K?
Technically AARP is non-partisan, however they are most definitely in opposition to the GOP on many issues at the moment, that much is correct.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 25, 2011, 04:16:00 PM
$414 mil at the end of the year.
Did you notice average payroll cost per employee is about $106K?
Does that include the ridiculous salary they pay their CEO, or is it exclusive of executive compensation?
In any event, yes, they clearly can make quite a bit of money, but my point in noting the 2009 beginning of year assets was that they clearly use the money for something, they don't have a long history of just letting assets sit there unused. (except as much as they have to for their pension plan)
QuoteLOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) — Once provisions of the Affordable Care Act start to kick in during 2014, at least three of every 10 employers will probably stop offering health coverage, a survey released Monday shows.
While only 7% of employees will be forced to switch to subsidized-exchange programs, at least 30% of companies say they will "definitely or probably" stop offering employer-sponsored coverage, according to the study published in McKinsey Quarterly.
The survey of 1,300 employers says those who are keenly aware of the health-reform measure probably are more likely to consider an alternative to employer-sponsored plans, with 50% to 60% in this group expected to make a change. It also found that for some, it makes more sense to switch.
"At least 30% of employers would gain economically from dropping coverage, even if they completely compensated employees for the change through other benefit offerings or higher salaries," the study says.
That will guarantee the company gets to keep their best and brightest. Just go somewhere else. Oh, wait...tough to do when there is no competition left, huh??
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on June 06, 2011, 09:22:17 PM
That will guarantee the company gets to keep their best and brightest. Just go somewhere else. Oh, wait...tough to do when there is no competition left, huh??
I dont choose my job based on benefits.
Benifits used to be just that, but then everyone in the workforce began to feel entitled to them. Now they are simply another step closer to enslaving a workforce. It's sad that today, some people won't leave a low paying job simply because of benefits. We've arrested the development of many in our workforce by morphing them into dependents rather than professionals, and naturally that appeals to power at all levels.
Now we have a huge portion of our population demanding their chains!
Quote from: Gaspar on June 07, 2011, 05:38:06 AM
I dont choose my job based on benefits.
Benifits used to be just that, but then everyone in the workforce began to feel entitled to them. Now they are simply another step closer to enslaving a workforce. It's sad that today, some people won't leave a low paying job simply because of benefits. We've arrested the development of many in our workforce by morphing them into dependents rather than professionals, and naturally that appeals to power at all levels.
Now we have a huge portion of our population demanding their chains!
Or . . . you could see them as the only compensation gains that workers have made over the last couple of decades. Considering that, for all intents and purposes, salaries themselves were flat.
Quote from: we vs us on June 07, 2011, 06:34:16 AM
Or . . . you could see them as the only compensation gains that workers have made over the last couple of decades. Considering that, for all intents and purposes, salaries themselves were flat.
Ahh! But look at what's happened. . . these "compensation gains" have gotten more and more expensive and companies are now intent on abandoning them. Unfortunately the people have been conditioned to view themselves as entitled, so they immediately turn to government and demand "compensation gains."
Of course politicians more than happy to provide any service that delivers guaranteed voters. Such services make it easier for politicians to wield power.
When you control the
health of the people, you don't have as much to fear from the
will of the people!
Salaries are not flat for most people. They are declining in real terms.
You don't factor in benefits? Vacation, health insurance, disability, or 401k ?? I find that hard to believe, but if so, the implication is that you are dismissing about 25 to 30% of the pay package.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 07, 2011, 07:24:49 AM
Ahh! But look at what's happened. . . these "compensation gains" have gotten more and more expensive and companies are now intent on abandoning them. Unfortunately the people have been conditioned to view themselves as entitled, so they immediately turn to government and demand "compensation gains."
Of course politicians more than happy to provide any service that delivers guaranteed voters. Such services make it easier for politicians to wield power.
When you control the health of the people, you don't have as much to fear from the will of the people!
So you'd rather that all employees be compensated solely in cash, then? At all times? So things like 401ks, or meal vouchers, or vacation days or . . . anything other than cash dilutes the compensation system?
Quote from: we vs us on June 07, 2011, 08:59:16 AM
So you'd rather that all employees be compensated solely in cash, then? At all times? So things like 401ks, or meal vouchers, or vacation days or . . . anything other than cash dilutes the compensation system?
Yes! Tis the root of the problem!
If you compensate all workers/employees/executives with cash only, then it becomes their responsibility to shop for healthcare, and shop for retirement plans.
Instead of a handful of monster providers who can dictate price because they low-ball the employers based on volume, you would get hundreds of companies all competing for your health insurance, and your investment portfolio, and your dental, and your vision.
You would get competition that we lack. This drives prices down and increases efficiency. People would also have the ability to choose quality over quantity or vise versa.
Man, We vs us, you've just been setting them up for me! Thanks!
Quote from: Gaspar on June 07, 2011, 09:44:24 AM
Man, We vs us, you've just been setting them up for me! Thanks!
Woo, I practically heard all those eyes rolling.
Quote from: Townsend on June 07, 2011, 10:07:09 AM
Woo, I practically heard all those eyes rolling.
I thought you didn't pay any attention to my posts. Please continue. 8)
Economic Crisis Putting More Americans in Peril, Say Nurses
"The nurses are linking enduring economic hardship to broad declines in health and living standards for substantial segments of the U.S. population. Low wages, unemployment, hunger, substandard housing and declining access to education and health are cited by the RNs as the source of serious harm to communities across the nation."
Those mentioned have no time or resources for participating in TNF.... is it any wonder this site only hears from the right(eous)?
BTW, nurses do it until you feel better....
My annual blood work is %50 higher than last year. WOW.
My Mom's supplemental insurance plan premium is up %50.
The Affordable Care Act does not kick in until 2014. But, of course, right wingers never let facts get in the way of their pro-corporate, anti-American, anti-democratic agenda. The private un-socialized system has utterly failed, which flies in the face of right-wing corporatist dogma that the "free market" is perfect and only private industry, not the government, is capable of solving problems. The private insurance industry has had at least since it killed Hillarycare in the 1990s to solve this crisis. Instead, it has gotten much worse, while, of course, their profits have gone through the roof.
They could solve the problem TOMORROW if they wanted to. All they'd after to do is lower premiums so that they were affordable for people who make $24,000 a year. Yes, they'd lose some high end profit -- and their corporate earnings would drop a billion or two -- but they'd have 50 million new customers. Unfortunately the House, Senate, and White House are full of Republicans, although half of them lie and call themselves Democrats (Borem). Is ObamaCare a Republican plan to steal a trillion dollars from working Americans for the insurance mafia?
Quote from: Teatownclown on June 08, 2011, 02:05:43 PM
My annual blood work is %50 higher than last year. WOW.
My Mom's supplemental insurance plan premium is up %50.
The Affordable Care Act does not kick in until 2014. But, of course, right wingers never let facts get in the way of their pro-corporate, anti-American, anti-democratic agenda. The private un-socialized system has utterly failed, which flies in the face of right-wing corporatist dogma that the "free market" is perfect and only private industry, not the government, is capable of solving problems. The private insurance industry has had at least since it killed Hillarycare in the 1990s to solve this crisis. Instead, it has gotten much worse, while, of course, their profits have gone through the roof.
They could solve the problem TOMORROW if they wanted to. All they'd after to do is lower premiums so that they were affordable for people who make $24,000 a year. Yes, they'd lose some high end profit -- and their corporate earnings would drop a billion or two -- but they'd have 50 million new customers. Unfortunately the House, Senate, and White House are full of Republicans, although half of them lie and call themselves Democrats (Borem). Is ObamaCare a Republican plan to steal a trillion dollars from working Americans for the insurance mafia?
Does your Mom buy her supplemental insurance via AARP? They were a major lobbyist for Obamacare.
I think I get your point, and one would like to think that more people would buy their own insurance voluntarily if the premiums were cheaper. Problem is, many people earning $24K per year either are quite young and think they are in such great health, insurance is a waste of money, or if they are older, they may have other financial priorities they place ahead of having health insurance.
Not sure where your rant on Republicans is going. It's the ruling class. The two party system is nothing but a shell game while each "party" takes turns fleecing the treasury.
Looks like happy hour has arrived early at this thread too.
I feel your pain, Teatown, but there has been very little "free-market" involved in medical insurance in a loooong time.
Your insurer has very little competition to worry about. He is one of a handful of mammoth companies licensed to operate in this state, and hand picked by your employer for his rates alone. Sure there are hundreds of insurance providers that would love to compete for your business but that's against federal and state regulations.
The prices you see on your bill are likely 200% inflated. yYu will probably notice that the insurance company only pays a percentage of the "presented actual cost" because they have negotiated that based on inflated numbers. Even so, those numbers are a function of losses to be recouped from Medicare and Medicade patients.
A pair of latex gloves at the hospital is going to run you about $5, and an alcohol swab will cost over a buck because your paid visit is a function of all of the unpaid visits by people who have no intension of paying their bills.
Don't blame free-market forces for regulated and subsidized failure!
You said it in the second line, then contradicted in the last.
You are close to right - free market forces have failed, due to sellout by Congress step by step, right down the line.
Because there ARE NO free market forces. There are only the forces of monopolism, price-fixing, and collusion. Right down the line.
And that means there is NO capitalism left in that market, but not because of government action. It IS because of government inaction.
Sounds a lot like big oil, huh?
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on June 08, 2011, 08:35:48 PM
There are only the forces of monopolism, price-fixing, and collusion. Right down the line.
And that means there is NO capitalism left in that market, but not because of government action. It IS because of government inaction.
Sounds a lot like big oil, huh?
You must understand that regulation IS collusion, just with a government stamp on it. As an unnatural market force, it causes companies to band together, organize, and unify rather than compete. Regulation ALLWAYS encourages collusion and "price protections."
You hit the nail on the head, just with the wrong end of the hammer!
In free markets, monopoly is
Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire. – Ludwig Mises
Every coercive monopoly was created by government intervention into the economy: by special privileges, such as franchises or subsidies, which closed the entry of competitors into a given field, by legislative action. – Ayn Rand
The final Obamacare challenge will be decided today in Atlanta (perhaps today). This will be the case that will end up going to the Supremes. When that happens, Elena Kagan will recues herself (she was the primary architect for the Obama defense of the act).
This leaves the court with 8 justices to decide the case and it is expected that they will be split 50/50. What that means is that the Atlanta decision will stand.
The singular question that is being decided in Atlanta today, and will serve as precedent for millions of other cases in the future is:
Can the Federal Government punish an individual for not engaging in commerce?
If it is found that Government can indeed impose punishment on individuals for not engaging in commerce, this will forever change the relationship between government and the people in the United States. It sounds simple, but this restriction on government has vast consequences that will forever change the lives of all US Citizens. This simple change unravels the bonds.
The pressure on these justices must be immense. Offer them your prayers.
So far, it looks promising for the American People. In yesterday's testimony:
Judges Dubina and Marcus demanded that the government articulate constitutional limiting principles to the power it asserted. And countless times they pointed out that never in history has Congress tried to compel people to engage in commerce as a means of regulating commerce. Even Judge Hull, reputed to be the most liberal member of the panel, conducted a withering cross-examination to establish that the individual mandate didn't help that many people get affordable care, that the majority of people currently without coverage would be exempt from the requirement (presumably due to their income level).
Quote from: Gaspar on June 09, 2011, 06:43:19 AM
You hit the nail on the head, just with the wrong end of the hammer!
In free markets, monopoly is impossible.
Wow! So close, yet so far away! In the entire history of the country, the only time a regulation ever was created was IN RESPONSE to an excess of the monopolists! Usually after the level of pain, suffering, death had reached such egregious proportions that the Congress was virtually forced to act! (See History 101)
Things/people/companies like Union Pacific, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Triangle Waist Shirt company, the packing houses in Chicago (time to re-read some Upton Sinclair - The Jungle), 1929 Crash, the dust bowl, and myriad others. This is what Bush and Company were all about - take us back to an earlier day - say, 1906?
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on June 09, 2011, 12:54:28 PM
Wow! So close, yet so far away! In the entire history of the country, the only time a regulation ever was created was IN RESPONSE to an excess of the monopolists! Usually after the level of pain, suffering, death had reached such egregious proportions that the Congress was virtually forced to act! (See History 101)
Things/people/companies like Union Pacific, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Triangle Waist Shirt company, the packing houses in Chicago (time to re-read some Upton Sinclair - The Jungle), 1929 Crash, the dust bowl, and myriad others. This is what Bush and Company were all about - take us back to an earlier day - say, 1906?
Regulation and protection from force are two different things. It
is governments duty to protect citizens from force. Your above examples are where government failed to carry out it's basic duty and protect the rights of citizens.
Your above examples deal with
safety, not trade/price regulation (apple/orange).
When we are discussing the regulation that is in place for medical insurance companies, we are not discussing laws related to the safety of the citizen. We are discussing price/trade regulation, and subsidization. This ALWAYS results in coercive monopolies, government advocated trust situations, collusion, "price protection" (price fixing) and depletes competitive forces.
And in the case of Obamacare, it's actually resulted in shrinking the pool of competition.
GM with the trolley destruction. Protecting against trade/price problems. Convictions.
Anti-trust against Microsoft. Convictions.
Union Pacific was/is against economic activity - and the criminal activities it engendered.
Triangle Waist shirt was another case of economic destruction of the people - right up until they burned a bunch of the workers to death.
Packing houses?? Well, "capitalism" run wild.
As was Ford calling out there goons with machine guns to mow down the workers!
There was no protection of the people by the government until WAY after the fact. And each of these, as many others, are the direct effect of unregulated capitalistic monopolism. Much like we have come full circle to in the latest economic meltdown - the deregulation of banking.
How much does it take before reality intrudes??
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on June 13, 2011, 08:46:24 PM
GM with the trolley destruction. Protecting against trade/price problems. Convictions.
The penalties were trivial.
Absolutely! In all those cases!! Just shows that even if there is some window dressing "penalty", there is still enough money floating to the people making the rules that there is no real penalty.
Wouldn't it be nice if we had something like, oh,...I don't know...maybe a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people..." ?? Rather than of, by and for the corporations??
Us real people don't have the money or the power, though, so it remains an unrealized dream!
Here's a great idea, use the "secret shopper" approach to determine if there are enough doctors out there.
Kinda thought you would want to know that before you passed Obamacare.
Saw today the 6th Circuit found the mandate constitutional. This is a real mess now.
Yeah,...what a mess! Several hundred billion in savings over the next few years! Won't that be a shame?
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on June 29, 2011, 01:13:45 PM
Yeah,...what a mess! Several hundred billion in savings over the next few years! Won't that be a shame?
Love to have your link for that assertion.
Quote from: guido911 on June 29, 2011, 03:19:10 PM
Love to have your link for that assertion.
Here's an interesting article from the first of this year that says the CBO predicts $143billion in deficit reduction at the end of the first decade. There is still a good deal of uncertainty surrounding the actual number, because prevailing economic conditions and demographic trends will cause it to fluctuate. But it's almost certain that HCR will be a deficit reducer in some capacity.
Quote from: we vs us on June 29, 2011, 10:00:41 PM
Here's an interesting article from the first of this year that says the CBO predicts $143billion in deficit reduction at the end of the first decade. There is still a good deal of uncertainty surrounding the actual number, because prevailing economic conditions and demographic trends will cause it to fluctuate. But it's almost certain that HCR will be a deficit reducer in some capacity.
Of course there will be fluctuations. How many CBO scores and projections of measures done from 2000 to 2005 got totally hosed by wars, Katrina, and the eventual near collapse of our financial system and economy? We tend to think of CBO numbers as being so authoritative, but any number of factors could really skew their best case scenario.
And, of course, the projections are also based on program implementation actually rolling out as it was proposed in the original scoring. HCR still has a lot of unknowns. I'm also curious how the waivers are going to affect the costs as companies are carving themselves out of the program which was supposed to spread costs. Start taking away good risks from the risk pool, and then what?
The waivers as I understand them weren't permanent and were intended to allow certain businesses/orgs/etc a longer period than the standard mandate to make the HCR switchover. These were groups in areas that might be more sensitive than most to the accounting or cost changes. But it's moot now, because mandates are off the table.
I obviously can't tell you the ins and outs of the CBO scoring or their accounting methods, but in all of this they're in the position to be the most authoritative on costs/benefits.
Interesting piece on the subject:
"No evidence. When legislation creates new kinds of health models, or even expands a local model to a national one, the CBO often has little or no evidence for its projections. With health legislation, as opposed to, say, building new bombers, the CBO must try to determine costs for both the system and how changes would affect human behavior. When Congress proposed a "doughnut hole" in Medicare benefits coverage, something no commercial policy had ever used, the CBO had to guess how the system would react. It overestimated the cost by about 35 percent, according to some estimates. In the current reform debate, there's disagreement between the CBO and the White House's Office of Management and Budget over how many billions can be saved by tweaking Medicare benefits, with the CBO coming in on the low end of the spectrum. Who's right? The safe bet is that no one knows."
That information has been on this site for at least a year. All over the internet and news - including Fox - for the same time. Neurons fading?? That's supposed to be my old age problem, not yours.
Each CBO snapshot is a picture at a moment in time. It changes yearly, monthly, and sometimes weekly. This one has remained steady and I read something that I may try to go find again that said it was expected to be even bigger savings than originally calculated.
Wouldn't that put a twist in the panties of the RWRE??
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on June 30, 2011, 05:27:18 PM
That information has been on this site for at least a year. All over the internet and news - including Fox - for the same time. Neurons fading?? That's supposed to be my old age problem, not yours.
Each CBO snapshot is a picture at a moment in time. It changes yearly, monthly, and sometimes weekly. This one has remained steady and I read something that I may try to go find again that said it was expected to be even bigger savings than originally calculated.
Wouldn't that put a twist in the panties of the RWRE??
I expect the Thunder to win the NBA championship next year, but we won't know for certain until next June, now will we?
Quote from: Conan71 on June 30, 2011, 08:07:29 PM
I expect the Thunder to win the NBA championship next year, but we won't know for certain until next June, now will we?
You sound like one of the %70 Republicans who can't make their mind up but they sure do not want any of the announced candidates for Prez. Predictions for next June?
Quote from: Conan71 on June 30, 2011, 08:07:29 PM
I expect the Thunder to win the NBA championship next year, but we won't know for certain until next June, now will we?
Especially if they're still locked out, as they are right now.
The CLASS program was just cut out of Obamacare. Basically everyone agreed it was poo-poo math, and so the administration pulled it out of the bill.
Now half of the accounting gimmicks are gone, and what is left is a disjointed trash heap.
So was my original characterization of "pile" very far off the mark?
Quote from: Conan71 on October 14, 2011, 04:05:57 PM
So was my original characterization of "pile" very far off the mark?
As my 3yo would say. . .It's a fartcloud!
Obamacare provisions being withdrawn by Obama's administration:
QuoteWASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration Friday pulled the plug on a major program in the president's signature health overhaul law - a long-term care insurance plan dogged from the beginning by doubts over its financial solvency.
Targeted by congressional Republicans for repeal, the program became the first casualty in the political and policy wars over the health care law. It had been expected to launch in 2013.
"This is a victory for the American taxpayer and future generations," said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., spearheading opposition in the Senate. "The administration is finally admitting (the long-term care plan) is unsustainable and cannot be implemented."
I guess we should have read the bill before passing it.
Quote from: guido911 on October 14, 2011, 05:47:53 PM
Obamacare provisions being withdrawn by Obama's administration:
I guess we should have read the bill before passing it.
Never! You have to pass them to find out what's in them!
They are like presents.
I wonder how many millions or billions were wasted before this was trashed?
According to FMC, Aflac has far better products than CLASS. Lower premium, better benefit, very similar product to what I'm reading CLASS was. That's not an ad for her FYI, she's not appointed with the duck people ;)
Quote from: Gaspar on October 14, 2011, 08:38:23 PM
I wonder how many millions or billions were wasted before this was trashed?
It doesn't matter. Remember, Iraq and Afghanistan cost much much more. There, got the straw man out of the way.
Quote from: guido911 on October 15, 2011, 01:55:42 PM
It doesn't matter. Remember, Iraq and Afghanistan cost much much more. There, got the straw man out of the way.
Peanut gallery is strangely silent. Of course they didn't go single-payer like Nate and Wevus wanted. That would have been so much better.
Who else believed the government monopolizing the health insurance industry would translates into better results in healthcare? Yeah, I used to believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny too.
I don't think this will be the big election issue that republicans want it to be. I believe the nominee will be Mitt Romney and he can't run against his own idea.
I know the republicans will simplify their message into something that doesn't affect most of us anyway. It will be flag-burning or gay marriage or some other topic to enflame the less educated populace to vote straight ticket GOP.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on October 15, 2011, 07:53:42 PM
I don't think this will be the big election issue that republicans want it to be. I believe the nominee will be Mitt Romney and he can't run against his own idea.
I know the republicans will simplify their message into something that doesn't affect most of us anyway. It will be flag-burning or gay marriage or some other topic to enflame the less educated populace to vote straight ticket GOP.
Spoken like a true Democratic Party worker. I would expect nothing less.
Voting a straight Democratic ticket is just as stupid (actually more in my opinion) as voting straight Republican. Both parties have their hot topics to inflame (alternate spelling, I looked it up) their less educated populace.
Do people still actually vote straight ticket? For myself I have never voted a straight ticket in a general election.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 15, 2011, 07:39:44 PM
Peanut gallery is strangely silent. Of course they didn't go single-payer like Nate and Wevus wanted. That would have been so much better.
Who else believed the government monopolizing the health insurance industry would translates into better results in healthcare? Yeah, I used to believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny too.
Now now. The only reason I think single payer is the way to go is that it works stupendously (better results, far cheaper costs) in every other first world country, not because I necessarily think the government is a panacea for every problem under the sun. But this problem? Definitely.
And you know . . . Iraq and Afghanistan have absolutely nothing to do with Obamacare. Hence, I didn't feel the need to respond.
I vote straight ticket (surprise!) but because 1) I tend to agree more with with Democrats than Republicans and use that as a guide if I don't know about a particular race; and 2) looking at the type of people the Republicans are putting up in local, state, and national elections, I know I'll disagree with them on just about everything. Problem solved!
Except that Blake Ewing cat. I hear he's an R and I just might have to pull the lever for him anyway.
Quote from: we vs us on October 15, 2011, 10:14:20 PM
Now now. The only reason I think single payer is the way to go is that it works stupendously (better results, far cheaper costs) in every other first world country, not because I necessarily think the government is a panacea for every problem under the sun. But this problem? Definitely.
We are not every other country in the world.
And you know . . . Iraq and Afghanistan have absolutely nothing to do with Obamacare.
Wow! We agree on something.
I vote straight ticket (surprise!)
No surprise
Quotebut because 1) I tend to agree more with with Democrats than Republicans and use that as a guide if I don't know about a particular race; and 2) looking at the type of people the Republicans are putting up in local, state, and national elections, I know I'll disagree with them on just about everything. Problem solved!
Same reason that I vote Republican if there is not a compelling reason to vote otherwise.
QuoteExcept that Blake Ewing cat. I hear he's an R and I just might have to pull the lever for him anyway.
Don't do it. You will regret it for the rest of your life. Kind of like when I voted for Turpin.
Quote from: dbacks fan on October 15, 2011, 09:13:41 PM
Do people still actually vote straight ticket? For myself I have never voted a straight ticket in a general election.
I have never voted straight ticket. I have voted individually for every Republican but have never checked the straight ticket box. It's a matter of principal.
Quote from: dbacks fan on October 15, 2011, 09:13:41 PM
Do people still actually vote straight ticket? For myself I have never voted a straight ticket in a general election.
Yep. I have made clear that I am a singe issue voter. It just so happens that one party generally supports my issue. I have voted for the other party when that candidate supports my issue.
Quote from: Red Arrow on October 16, 2011, 12:11:55 AM
We are not every other country in the world.
You got that right! We are the ones sliding the most/fastest from where we were. Unless you think 38th in healthcare in the world is an improvement?
Third world type levels of infant mortality (one place behind Cuba). Yeah, that's great.
Highest costs in the world!
Can it possibly get any better??
Well, yes it can. And it has started.
I can think of a few hundred people that are now firmly against Obamacare.
QuoteStryker, the Kalamazoo-based maker of artificial hips and knees, will cut 5% of its global workforce by the end of next year to reduce costs in the face of new fees on device makers required by the U.S. health care law.
The job cuts will reduce annual pretax operating costs by more than $100 million beginning in 2013, when the medical-device excise tax is scheduled to take effect, Stryker said Thursday in a statement. Stryker had more than 20,000 employees as of Dec. 31, according to Bloomberg News data.
Quote from: guido911 on November 11, 2011, 07:47:25 PM
I can think of a few hundred people that are now firmly against Obamacare.
Oh give me a break. You really can't see through this lie? Corporation scapegoating government for their need to increase their margins.
The BigPharma extremes that went on unchecked are now under pressure to get their costs under control. They need to quit gigging the sick and using Medicaid/Medicare and Insurance companies as their unlimited suppliers.
Please quit putting your politics in front of the need to corral the ridiculous increases in health care costs born mostly by the disadvantaged.
Quote from: Teatownclown on November 11, 2011, 08:19:15 PM
Oh give me a break. You really can't see through this lie? Corporation scapegoating government for their need to increase their margins.
You asked for it:
A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free.
Quote from: Teatownclown on November 11, 2011, 08:19:15 PM
the ridiculous increases in health care costs born mostly by the disadvantaged.
Actually, I think most of the cost is born by the middle class lucky enough to have health insurance.
Quote from: Teatownclown on November 12, 2011, 11:42:49 AM
Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free.
And look what it got him.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 12, 2011, 12:44:00 PM
Actually, I think most of the cost is born by the middle class lucky enough to have health insurance.
Wait until you try and sort through the quagmire of retirement benefits and Medicare parts A & B when some one has hip replacement surgery and two months of rehab, and home rehab and health care for a month. I can tell you I would rather do my 1040 than sort this out.
Quote from: dbacks fan on November 12, 2011, 09:23:04 PM
Wait until you try and sort through the quagmire of retirement benefits and Medicare parts A & B when some one has hip replacement surgery and two months of rehab, and home rehab and health care for a month. I can tell you I would rather do my 1040 than sort this out.
I don't doubt that at all.
Quote from: dbacks fan on October 15, 2011, 09:13:41 PM
Do people still actually vote straight ticket? For myself I have never voted a straight ticket in a general election.
Yes, they do. It is a symptom of the ignorance and laziness of the voter doing so. I have never voted straight ticket and probably never will - at least I hope I never degenerate to that low a level of mental performance....but there is a lot of 'early onset Alzheimers' around... (just look around here...LOL!)
Quote from: we vs us on October 15, 2011, 10:14:20 PM
Now now. The only reason I think single payer is the way to go is that it works stupendously (better results, far cheaper costs) in every other first world country, not because I necessarily think the government is a panacea for every problem under the sun. But this problem? Definitely.
And you know . . . Iraq and Afghanistan have absolutely nothing to do with Obamacare. Hence, I didn't feel the need to respond.
I vote straight ticket (surprise!) but because 1) I tend to agree more with with Democrats than Republicans and use that as a guide if I don't know about a particular race; and 2) looking at the type of people the Republicans are putting up in local, state, and national elections, I know I'll disagree with them on just about everything. Problem solved!
Except that Blake Ewing cat. I hear he's an R and I just might have to pull the lever for him anyway.
The reality of all the other first world countries is just another rallying cry to the NIH crowd (not invented here). Just because it works well everywhere else means we should NOT do it, most of the time. Plus, it would be too much like we were doing the right thing for the country and its people - which is directly opposite the plans of 'you-know-who'. ('you-know-who' is what I use when I don't want to rile Conan up to much by saying RWRE!)
I was just rereading this part of the thread and literally can't figure out why we would be exempt from how single payer works everywhere else. I'm thinking of Red Arrow's comment, "we aren't every other country in the world."
And actually he's right, we're not. Our preferred solution costs us much much more per patient and our outcomes are much worse. In fact, the way we've decided to do healthcare takes up approximately 1/6th of our entire economy. What a waste of capital.
Quote from: we vs us on November 14, 2011, 11:19:15 AM
I was just rereading this part of the thread and literally can't figure out why we would be exempt from how single payer works everywhere else. I'm thinking of Red Arrow's comment, "we aren't every other country in the world."
And actually he's right, we're not. Our preferred solution costs us much much more per patient and our outcomes are much worse. In fact, the way we've decided to do healthcare takes up approximately 1/6th of our entire economy. What a waste of capital.
Because it's all about giving to the rich and taking from the poor.
This is just another reason why we are #38 in health care outcomes.
But, you know what? I bet when guido's kids get out of high school and into that transition time when they used to be ineligible for his health care plan, I bet he keeps them on 'til 26 if he needs to. Unless he does live by the conviction of his beliefs and cuts them off at 18 (or 21 depending on past plans) and let's them 'sink or swim'.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 14, 2011, 11:50:06 AM
This is just another reason why we are #38 in health care outcomes.
You know why we are supposedly #38 in outcomes? Because Americans do not take a proactive approach to their health. Somehow we've been lulled into believing you can abuse your body daily and there will be a pill or procedure to cure the accumulated damage. Obesity results in heart disease, diabetes, and many orthopedic maladies.
Don't believe me? Take a look at obesity charts, mortality tables (i.e. longest surviving), and "outcomes". Obesity rates are almost an exact inverse with the other metrics.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 14, 2011, 11:50:06 AM
Unless he does live by the conviction of his beliefs and cuts them off at 18 (or 21 depending on past plans) and let's them 'sink or swim'.
You mean like when Warren Buffet voluntarily pays more taxes than he is required to pay?
Quote from: Conan71 on November 14, 2011, 12:38:04 PM
You know why we are supposedly #38 in outcomes? Because Americans do not take a proactive approach to their health. Somehow we've been lulled into believing you can abuse your body daily and there will be a pill or procedure to cure the accumulated damage. Obesity results in heart disease, diabetes, and many orthopedic maladies.
Don't believe me? Take a look at obesity charts, mortality tables (i.e. longest surviving), and "outcomes". Obesity rates are almost an exact inverse with the other metrics.
That too!
We got massive problems - not too much pun intended. We are in huge part just like the spaceship residents in that movie "Wall-E".
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 14, 2011, 12:42:54 PM
You mean like when Warren Buffet voluntarily pays more taxes than he is required to pay?
Don't you think it's a little funny that you can get more than one of the top 400 asking to please be taxed more and Congress is too beholden to party politics to actually take them up on the offer?
Quote from: nathanm on November 14, 2011, 02:36:51 PM
Don't you think it's a little funny that you can get more than one of the top 400 asking to please be taxed more and Congress is too beholden to party politics to actually take them up on the offer?
Have them add a box for additional donations specifically for debt reduction. Folks like Mr. Buffett can give to his heart's content. He's also quite capable of paying himself a much larger salary which would be taxed at a much higher rate, yet he declines to do so.
Mitt Romney May Consider Privatizing The Veterans Health Care System
"if other health care providers followed the VA's lead, it would be a major step toward improving the quality of care across the U.S. health care system."
Quote from: Conan71 on November 14, 2011, 02:45:28 PM
Have them add a box for additional donations specifically for debt reduction. Folks like Mr. Buffett can give to his heart's content. He's also quite capable of paying himself a much larger salary which would be taxed at a much higher rate, yet he declines to do so.
I will look up some talking points and get back to you, since you also seem to be content with pithy talking points.
How 'Obamacare' Could Lose in the Supreme Court (
QuoteThe Supreme Court announced today that it will rule on the constitutionality of President Obama's signature legislative achievement: the landmark health care reform law passed in 2010. Reflecting the significance of the issues raised by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Justices set aside 5 ½ hours for oral argument—more than five times the length of the usual hearing. For the Obama administration, the extended time is welcome news. Its lawyers may need all that time just to answer a single question: What, if any, are the limits on Congress's power?
Quote from: nathanm on November 14, 2011, 03:35:06 PM
I will look up some talking points and get back to you, since you also seem to be content with pithy talking points.
Quote from: we vs us on November 14, 2011, 03:50:45 PM
He found the GIF and had the shakes he wanted to use it so bad.
You Teabagger/GOPer's really don't want SCOTUS ruling in your favor, do you?
I mean, it's your only issue 'cept for RomneyCare in the coming year. :D
Quote from: Townsend on November 14, 2011, 04:01:52 PM
He found the GIF and had the shakes he wanted to use it so bad.
I envision a folder on his desktop labelled DILDO GIFS. Sitting next to a folder labelled DILDO JPGS. Sitting next to a folder labelled DILDO DOCS, and DILDO PDFS.
Quote from: nathanm on November 14, 2011, 03:35:06 PM
I will look up some talking points and get back to you, since you also seem to be content with pithy talking points.
Pithy talking points? How about how Buffett is incredibly disingenuous when he talks about paying too little in taxes, yet spends millions a year in tax avoidance schemes for himself and all of his varied companies. What's pithy about adding a box to the 1040 for those who want to add to their tax remittance to help reduce the debt.
What's the matter Nate? Make too much sense?
Quote from: Townsend on November 14, 2011, 04:01:52 PM
He found the GIF and had the shakes he wanted to use it so bad.
You shake it more than twice dont you.....?
Quote from: Breadburner on November 14, 2011, 04:25:15 PM
You shake it more than twice dont you.....?
Wrong tree if you're looking for this kind of back and forth.
Quote from: Townsend on November 14, 2011, 04:26:56 PM
Wrong tree if you're looking for this kind of back and forth.
Giving up so soon...I thought you liked getting the wood laid to you.....
Quote from: Breadburner on November 14, 2011, 04:28:38 PM
Giving up so soon...I thought you liked getting the wood laid to you.....
Bad touch bad touch
Quote from: Conan71 on November 14, 2011, 04:23:57 PM
Pithy talking points? How about how Buffett is incredibly disingenuous when he talks about paying too little in taxes, yet spends millions a year in tax avoidance schemes for himself and all of his varied companies. What's pithy about adding a box to the 1040 for those who want to add to their tax remittance to help reduce the debt.
What's the matter Nate? Make too much sense?
You think that "people who want to pay for their government should volunteer to pay more while everybody else skates by" makes sense. If you want to reduce the size of government, that's fine, but we can't continue on the path we're on. Tax policy and spending policy should be unrelated. Tax policy is secondary. We should decide what we're going to spend money on, then we raise the money to pay for it, whatever those spending choices may have been. Clearly, there should be discussion about how much we should spend, but raising money to pay for programs we've already enacted should not be controversial.
There may be reasons to temporarily run a deficit, but we should not be in this deficit as far as the eyes can see situation.
Even if we eliminate much of government as Rick Perry would like to do, we still have to pay for what we've already used.
Quote from: nathanm on November 14, 2011, 04:36:00 PM
We should decide what we're going to spend money on, then we raise the money to pay for it, whatever those spending choices may have been. Clearly, there should be discussion about how much we should spend, but raising money to pay for programs we've already enacted should not be controversial.
Paying for what we are already doing and have done but not paid for is going to get a lot lower on the income ladder than many would like to admit.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 14, 2011, 06:05:22 PM
Paying for what we are already doing and have done but not paid for is going to get a lot lower on the income ladder than many would like to admit.
Were we not in the midst of an epically stagnant and broken economy, that wouldn't really present any big problems. As it stands, deficit spending is necessary to get us out of the hole, but going forward we're simply going to have to reduce the size of the deficit unless we'd like a repeat of the 70s. What we need to do now is not what we need to be doing when the economy begins to recover. What we need to be doing when the economy recovers is not what we will need to do for the next bump in the road.
Unlike the Congressional Republicans, I think tax cuts have to be paid for, just like spending increases. I don't think either needs to be paid for now, but they do need to have future offsets tied to some measure of performance. We need stimulus? Ok, borrow for now, but when the economy improves to some defined point, we raise taxes to pay for it. We need a tax cut? Ok, provide offsetting spending cuts or revenue increases elsewhere.
The irony is that reducing the deficit or paying off existing debt right now is counterproductive. We're presently in a very deflationary environment. Deficit spending is offsetting that to some degree. Conversely, were we inhabiting an inflationary environment deficit spending would be counterproductive.
Interesting article today in Bloomberg by the CEO of CKE Restaurants:
Our company, CKE Restaurants Inc., employs about 21,000 people (our franchisees employ 49,000 more) in Carl's Jr. and Hardee's restaurants. For months, we have been working with Mercer Health & Benefits LLC, our health-care consultant, to identify Obamacare's potential financial impact on CKE. Mercer estimated that when the law is fully implemented our health-care costs will increase about $18 million a year. That would put our total health-care costs at $29.8 million, a 150 percent increase from the roughly $12 million we spent last year.
The money to cover our increased expenses will have to come from somewhere. We are a profitable company and, after paying our obligations, we reinvest our earnings in the business. Reinvesting in the business is how we grow, create jobs and opportunity. This is true for most U.S. businesses.
Cutting Spending
To offset higher health-care expenses, we will have to cut spending on new restaurant construction, one of our largest discretionary spending areas. But building new restaurants is how we create jobs. An $18 million increase in our costs would more than consume the $8.8 million we spent on new restaurant construction last year, leaving nothing for growth. We will also need to reduce our general capital spending, which also creates jobs and allows us to improve our infrastructure and maintain our business. In summary, our ability to create new jobs could vanish.
To reduce the financial impact of Obamacare, many businesses, including ours, will have to consider increasing the number of part-time employees (those who work less than 30 hours a week as defined under the health-care law) and reducing the number of full-time employees. So, some individuals seeking full-time work will need to find two jobs.
Quote from: Gaspar on December 27, 2011, 10:54:04 AM
The money to cover our increased expenses will have to come from somewhere. We are a profitable company and, after paying our obligations, we reinvest our earnings in the business. Reinvesting in the business is how we grow, create jobs and opportunity. This is true for most U.S. businesses.
To offset higher health-care expenses, we will have to cut spending on new restaurant construction, one of our largest discretionary spending areas. But building new restaurants is how we create jobs. An $18 million increase in our costs would more than consume the $8.8 million we spent on new restaurant construction last year, leaving nothing for growth. We will also need to reduce our general capital spending, which also creates jobs and allows us to improve our infrastructure and maintain our business. In summary, our ability to create new jobs could vanish.
They say they have 3,000+ stores. And in 1995 they had 3,500 (second link). So, I'm thinking that maybe the inability to spend $8 million on a very small handful of new stores is not REALLY related that much to any new health care initiatives. They have struggled for a long, long time - way before this came along. And as mediocre as they are, I suspect they will continue the struggle.
One thing this does say is that on revenue of $1.59 billion (2007 - before being taken private), they are not serious about anything other than milking that cash cow as hard as possible. 0.55% "new product" investment - in this case restaurants - is a joke. They are kidding you.
Federal Agency Denies Okla. Request on Premiums (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - A federal agency is denying Oklahoma's request for additional time to meet federal standards related to how much health insurance companies spend on medical costs.
The U.S. Office of Health and Human Services on Wednesday notified Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John Doak that the state's request had been denied.
A provision in the new federal health care law requires insurers in the individual market to spend at least 80 percent of the premiums they collect on health care.
Doak had sought an adjustment to the so-called "medical loss ratio" standard, allowing companies to gradually meet the ratio over the next few years.
Doak claimed the new 80 percent threshold could threaten smaller carriers and "disrupt the individual health insurance market in Oklahoma." But HHS says they saw no evidence of that
Quote from: Townsend on January 04, 2012, 12:58:08 PM
Federal Agency Denies Okla. Request on Premiums (
That should sew things up for United and BCBS.
QuoteDoak claimed the new 80 percent threshold could threaten smaller carriers and "disrupt the individual health insurance market in Oklahoma."
Sure didn't see that coming, did you Gas?
Quote from: Gaspar on January 04, 2012, 01:46:38 PM
That should sew things up for United and BCBS.
Yep. So much for that ol' competition thing.
Quote from: Conan71 on January 04, 2012, 01:50:58 PM
Sure didn't see that coming, did you Gas?
The libs are searching for toppings to be happy about on their pile, and small victories over free-market and competition have now become acceptable prom dates.
Guido, are you interested in paying the DOI's copying fees? If so, I'll be happy to pore over the financials of Oklahoma's small insurance carriers and tell you where the money is going. ;)
Quote from: Gaspar on January 04, 2012, 02:09:05 PM
The libs are searching for toppings to be happy about on their pile, and small victories over free-market and competition have now become acceptable prom dates.
Let it all out, Gassie. What do free-market and competition have to do with health care?
Sometimes, I think you're just providing oral service for the opposition. ;D
Quote from: nathanm on January 04, 2012, 04:58:20 PM
Guido, are you interested in paying the DOI's copying fees? If so, I'll be happy to pore over the financials of Oklahoma's small insurance carriers and tell you where the money is going. ;)
So you can misinterpret the stats and reach conflated conclusions? ;D
Quote from: Conan71 on January 05, 2012, 12:53:56 AM
So you can misinterpret the stats and reach conflated conclusions? ;D
He might qualify as a Fox News analyst then. Maybe he should send them his resume.
Leave him alone. If he thinks that government regulation leads to financial streamlining, then more power to him.
Obamacare has become a pet rabbet, leaving little pellets everywhere.
I must admit, that the bill has done some good by teaching us a valuable lesson. I doubt we will ever allow congress to pass legislation without thorough analysis. Hopefully, we will never "pass a bill to see what's in it" again.
Quote from: Conan71 on January 05, 2012, 12:53:56 AM
So you can misinterpret the stats and reach conflated conclusions? ;D
You're more than welcome to take your own look. I just don't have the 40 cents a page to have the documents emailed to me. If we weren't so backwards it would all be available online to begin with.
Gaspar, if you think requiring an insurance company spend a certain amount of the premium dollar on actual medical care is intrusive government regulation, having any kind of conversation with you is hopeless. Why do you even bother when you could be reading Atlas Shrugged again? It seems to be your bible.
Quote from: nathanm on January 05, 2012, 11:15:13 AM
You're more than welcome to take your own look. I just don't have the 40 cents a page to have the documents emailed to me. If we weren't so backwards it would all be available online to begin with.
Gaspar, if you think requiring an insurance company spend a certain amount of the premium dollar on actual medical care is intrusive government regulation, having any kind of conversation with you is hopeless. Why do you even bother when you could be reading Atlas Shrugged again? It seems to be your bible.
I don't see where the government can set arbitrary spending percentages without causing harm to companies or causing premiums to rise even higher in order for companies to stay in business. Mandating a 20% administrative cost and profit cap on health insurers seems like an overly lofty goal. What happens if the companies don't comply? Do they go out of business or pay heavy fines which make it even harder to attempt to hit a 20% cap? Personally I see it as a way to back-door single-payer when the realization hits that insurers won't be able to hit the 80% health care expenditure limit.
Seems almost like telling my boss he needs to spend 50% of his revenues on payroll or 30% on new capital projects every year.
Quote from: Conan71 on January 05, 2012, 12:51:33 PM
Seems almost like telling my boss he needs to spend 50% of his revenues on payroll or 30% on new capital projects every year.
You're seriously arguing that an insurance company can't make it on cost + 20%?
Your boss isn't claiming to sell people a product that will pay for health care expenses and then refusing to use the money paid in for those expenses. Your boss also doesn't make a mint on holding people's money and using it to speculate on securities. Insurance has long been treated as a trust which is subject to strict regulation relative to other businesses.
Quote from: nathanm on January 05, 2012, 01:09:25 PM
You're seriously arguing that an insurance company can't make it on cost + 20%?
Your boss isn't claiming to sell people a product that will pay for health care expenses and then refusing to use the money paid in for those expenses. Your boss also doesn't make a mint on holding people's money and using it to speculate on securities. Insurance has long been treated as a trust which is subject to strict regulation relative to other businesses.
Without question, there have been and are serious problems in the insurance industry and your characterization isn't far off the mark. However, I honestly don't see how an insurer can cover overhead, COGS, and make any sort of a profit on 20% of total revenues, unless I'm missing something in the equation. Do you know of any business which can do that? I'll be curious to see if there is shrinkage in payrolls throughout the health insurance industry either by cutting heads, or pay rates.
Quote from: Conan71 on January 05, 2012, 01:18:09 PM
Without question, there have been and are serious problems in the insurance industry and your characterization isn't far off the mark. However, I honestly don't see how an insurer can cover overhead, COGS, and make any sort of a profit on 20% of total revenues, unless I'm missing something in the equation. Do you know of any business which can do that? I'll be curious to see if there is shrinkage in payrolls throughout the health insurance industry either by cutting heads, or pay rates.
You're missing that COGS in insurance is almost entirely part of the 80%, not the 20% and that they can make extra money using the float. (there are companies with greater than 100% medical loss ratios that still post profits) What I don't know which is actually important for smaller insurers is how reinsurance costs are allocated.
Quote from: nathanm on January 05, 2012, 01:26:40 PM
You're missing that COGS in insurance is almost entirely part of the 80%, not the 20% and that they can make extra money using the float. (there are companies with greater than 100% medical loss ratios that still post profits) What I don't know which is actually important for smaller insurers is how reinsurance costs are allocated.
Any idea what they typically are paying brokers for commission? That's another and very important part of the COGS figure.
Quote from: Conan71 on January 05, 2012, 01:28:03 PM
Any idea what they typically are paying brokers for commission? That's another and very important part of the COGS figure.
I've seen offhand remarks that the total is around a billion a year across all health insurers, but no hard figures.
Edited to add: For comparison purposes, the top 25 health insurers collected $650 billion in premiums in 2009.
Quote from: nathanm on January 05, 2012, 01:38:40 PM
I've seen offhand remarks that the total is around a billion a year across all health insurers, but no hard figures.
QuoteIn any case the average health insurance commissions are 20% of the first year and 5% of the second year. This the retail commission so to speak as the larger brokers like East Coast Health Insurance have a volume contract with these health insurance companies and have been building our agency for a long time. So the volume contracts typically average 25% though I have heard they can run as high as 30% for companies like United Health One. I believe we are at 28% with them.
You can tell quite a bit about a health insurance carrier by its commissions as Blue Cross Blue Shield typically pays out 24% but only to Blue Cross only agencies in Florida. We only get 18% but it is by far our most popular product. Blue Cross of Georgia pays its brokers 10% on most of their work and have very few General Agents and this is reflected in their pricing and thus their market share. I think that is the best health insurance company in the US by the way.
Aetna, Coventry, and Humana all pay 25% to their top agents and 20 to their normal agents. On the other hand the companies owned by Health Markets, including Mega, Midwest, and United American (these people will certainly not ever see heaven by the way) have some sort of stock plan which they never pay out anyways from what I have heard.
FMC has an appointment with BCBS, I'll ask her what the commission structure is on that. If it's 20 to 25% that's going to make paying 80% of revenues on claims pretty difficult. Considering that so many companies are shopping new insurance every year to mitigate rising costs, looks like there could be an industry average of 15% or so.
If 25% of our health insurance premiums are going to brokers, I think we've found a large part of the problem.
However, Aetna's Q3 financials state that selling expenses were a hair under 4% of collected premiums for Q3, so I don't think that's actually happening. I can look up others if you like.
UnitedHealth reported 2.6% for Q3, FWIW.
Quote from: nathanm on January 05, 2012, 02:05:02 PM
If 25% of our health insurance premiums are going to brokers, I think we've found a large part of the problem.
However, Aetna's Q3 financials state that selling expenses were a hair under 4% of collected premiums for Q3, so I don't think that's actually happening. I can look up others if you like.
UnitedHealth reported 2.6% for Q3, FWIW.
So let's say it's 4% of revenues, that leaves 16% for profit, claims processing (unless that's considered part of the 80%) administrative, taxes, etc. Still seems like that leaves a very
narrow precarious margin for profit and makes skeptics like me think of it as a back door approach to single payer once the private insurers figure out there's no money in healthcare insurance any more.
UnitedHealth didn't publish an MLR, but Aetna claims they were at about 82% last year and about 78% this year. I presume they're using the NAIC-recommended HHS formula. Aetna's after-tax profit margin on operations for Q3 was about 5.8% (I excluded investment income, since it's not really germane). Not a money factory, but not bad, either. And that's with a CEO pay package that's 6.8% of total net income, or about 12% if you exclude investment income from the net income figure.
And TBH, I have no sympathy for the insurance companies on claims processing. They refuse to standardize, so they bring a lot of that expense on themselves (and export a bunch of expense to doctors).
Quote from: nathanm on January 05, 2012, 02:28:06 PM
UnitedHealth didn't publish an MLR, but Aetna claims they were at about 82% last year and about 78% this year. I presume they're using the NAIC-recommended HHS formula. Aetna's after-tax profit margin on operations for Q3 was about 5.8% (I excluded investment income, since it's not really germane). Not a money factory, but not bad, either. And that's with a CEO pay package that's 6.8% of total net income, or about 12% if you exclude investment income from the net income figure.
And TBH, I have no sympathy for the insurance companies on claims processing. They refuse to standardize, so they bring a lot of that expense on themselves (and export a bunch of expense to doctors).
Why do you suppose there's a reluctance to standardize? It makes good sense to people like you and I. It not only would be a cost-saving move, it would certainly stanch a lot of the criticisms commonly hurled at health insurers.
Quote from: Conan71 on January 05, 2012, 02:53:16 PM
Why do you suppose there's a reluctance to standardize?
It's probably the usual BS that has (almost) always prevailed in the absence of governments requiring it. Nobody wants to buy into somebody else's standard. Sometimes they think theirs is better. Sometimes they just don't want to give a competitor that sort of perceived control. In IT, we call it "not invented here" syndrome.
Beyond that, I'm sure there would be significant expense involved in reprogramming systems to deal with the new input formats. Given the present business situation where the top brass is always focused on next quarter's results, nobody is interested in making an investment that won't bear fruit for several years.
Quote from: nathanm on January 05, 2012, 03:33:01 PM
It's probably the usual BS that has (almost) always prevailed in the absence of governments requiring it. Nobody wants to buy into somebody else's standard. Sometimes they think theirs is better. Sometimes they just don't want to give a competitor that sort of perceived control. In IT, we call it "not invented here" syndrome.
Beyond that, I'm sure there would be significant expense involved in reprogramming systems to deal with the new input formats. Given the present business situation where the top brass is always focused on next quarter's results, nobody is interested in making an investment that won't bear fruit for several years.
Think about how many other things have standardized without government intervention, VHS, compact DVD's, MP3, etc. ad nauseum.
I guess I don't know enough about medical coding and billing and probably think it should be over-simplified, but seems like there should be one coding standard nomenclature for procedures and diagnoses and really only one format needed for the patient info. Seems like it would be easy enough to simply adopt Medicare or Medicaid coding and forms. If it meant a better bottom line for carriers, you'd think they would jump all over it.
In all of those cases, standardization was slow in coming. When it's not a consumer product, the split market can last a lot longer; sometimes even indefinitely. There are still people other than railroads using 25Hz AC power. You and I can't pass on the extra cost of having both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray to someone else.
It's worst when there's no clear advantage to one "standard" or another. The advantage comes with everybody just picking one and moving on, and nobody is willing to be the one to spend the money to change their systems, policies, and procedures to move to somebody else's. It doesn't help that the overall cost isn't even entirely clear, even as the benefits to society as a whole are obvious.
This is why Congress was empowered to set standards of weight and measure by the Constitution. My pound might be different than your pound and there's not really any advantage to either of us individually to change. Thus, society suffers under the increased expense of dealing with two or more disparate systems until Congress steps in and defines the system of weights.
Quote from: nathanm on January 05, 2012, 04:19:19 PM
In all of those cases, standardization was slow in coming. When it's not a consumer product, the split market can last a lot longer; sometimes even indefinitely. There are still people other than railroads using 25Hz AC power. You and I can't pass on the extra cost of having both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray to someone else.
It's worst when there's no clear advantage to one "standard" or another. The advantage comes with everybody just picking one and moving on, and nobody is willing to be the one to spend the money to change their systems, policies, and procedures to move to somebody else's. It doesn't help that the overall cost isn't even entirely clear, even as the benefits to society as a whole are obvious.
This is why Congress was empowered to set standards of weight and measure by the Constitution. My pound might be different than your pound and there's not really any advantage to either of us individually to change. Thus, society suffers under the increased expense of dealing with two or more disparate systems until Congress steps in and defines the system of weights.
That's where it starts to get ridiculous, the government has an existing standard for the health care they pay for. Unless the Medicare system is incredibly arcane, I'd think the government would even be willing to help subsidize any change to a common format based on that, as that is one common issue cited for higher health care costs. You'd think that would be a great common ground with private insurers and the government. Again, it's an area I have virtually no personal knowledge of, I'm just relying on common sense, something government nor big business seems to have much use for.
Quote from: Conan71 on January 05, 2012, 04:28:55 PM
That's where it starts to get ridiculous, the government has an existing standard for the health care they pay for. Unless the Medicare system is incredibly arcane, I'd think the government would even be willing to help subsidize any change to a common format based on that, as that is one common issue cited for higher health care costs. You'd think that would be a great common ground with private insurers and the government. Again, it's an area I have virtually no personal knowledge of, I'm just relying on common sense, something government Insurers nor big business Pharma seems to have much use for.
You really like to fool yourself. Single payer is the only answer. You're getting there....
Quote from: Conan71 on January 05, 2012, 04:28:55 PM
That's where it starts to get ridiculous, the government has an existing standard for the health care they pay for. Unless the Medicare system is incredibly arcane, I'd think the government would even be willing to help subsidize any change to a common format based on that, as that is one common issue cited for higher health care costs. You'd think that would be a great common ground with private insurers and the government.
I see where you're coming from, but at the same time I wonder why it is we should give private insurance companies even more public funds to do something that they should have done a decade or more ago. It seems that route will just perpetuate the government dependence you rail against in other threads. I don't mind government money going to a good cause, but I don't really want it used to perpetuate an obviously broken system and I'm quite against it being used to reward corporate stupidity writ large.
Yes, this is somewhat inconsistent with my view on the bank bailouts, but those were
loans to illiquid but solvent institutions. The insurance companies are neither illiquid nor insolvent. They're also not integral to the provision of health care services.
Well this is terrific news:
QuoteNEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Doctors in America are harboring an embarrassing secret: Many of them are going broke.
This quiet reality, which is spreading nationwide, is claiming a wide range of casualties, including family physicians, cardiologists and oncologists.
Industry watchers say the trend is worrisome. Half of all doctors in the nation operate a private practice. So if a cash crunch forces the death of an independent practice, it robs a community of a vital health care resource.
Quote from: guido911 on January 05, 2012, 07:39:11 PM
Well this is terrific news: Many of them are going broke.
Not the one next door who just bought two new expensive cars. Perhaps his large living hasn't caught up to his family yet or maybe he just has done well with his other investments.
When I was growing up, the doctors around town did not make money off their practice like the docs do today....
Quote from: Teatownclown on January 05, 2012, 08:31:08 PM
Not the one next door who just bought two new expensive cars. Perhaps his large living hasn't caught up to his family yet or maybe he just has done well with his other investments.
When I was growing up, the doctors around town did not make money off their practice like the docs do today....
@ssclowns doctor in his day:
I wonder how many malpractice lawsuits this guy had against him which forced him to practice defensive medicine and pay expensive med mal coverage?
Quote from: Teatownclown on January 05, 2012, 08:31:08 PM
When I was growing up, the doctors around town did not make money off their practice like the docs do today....
They also weren't being squeezed from all sides with ridiculously high student loan balances, ridiculously high insurance costs, ridiculously high costs in accepting insurance, ridiculously high costs for medical equipment, and ridiculously low payments from insurance companies.
The way I see it, doctors both make too much and too little. They, in aggregate, make more than is sustainable for our society, yet they often make less than they need. (
Babies excluded from new insurance program
QuoteFor state leaders who supposedly are staunchly pro-family, they have a funny way of showing it.
You'd think they'd be all for helping parents do the proper and responsible thing and acquire health insurance for their newborn babies. But instead, they "offered up newborn babies as a bargaining chip," an advocacy group charges, in order to strike a deal with insurers.
State Insurance Commissioner John Doak, with the approval of Gov. Mary Fallin, recently drafted an emergency rule that allows insurers in the state to exclude babies under 1 year of age from child-only coverage - a measure that could force some parents and caregivers into relying on taxpayers, other ratepayers or charity for infant health care.
According to Doak's office, insurers for more than a year have refused to provide "child-only" coverage in Oklahoma for children ages 19 and under because of a new federal regulation requiring coverage for pre-existing conditions. Oklahoma was one of 17 states where carriers withdrew entirely from the child-only market. (Doak noted that newborn coverage is still available through family plans and through Medicaid for those who qualify, and that child-only coverage already in effect was not canceled.)
The exit of insurers from the child-only market in those 17 states meant that parents who couldn't access coverage on their own - say, through an employer or Medicaid - ended up with few, if any, options for obtaining health coverage for their children.
Doak contends that allowing insurers to exclude babies under 1 year of age was the only way they would agree to re-enter the child-only market in Oklahoma.
It's interesting, though, that insurers continued offering child-only coverage in the other 33 states. And in some of the 17 states where all insurers pulled out of the child-only market, state leaders managed to find ways to compel insurers to re-enter that market.
The institute, which advocates on behalf of disadvantaged Oklahomans, called the Insurance Department rule a "downright Faustian bargain with insurers" and questioned why the department "chose to accept such a radical demand from the industry."
There are two high-risk pools available in Oklahoma for babies whose families meet certain guidelines. But some affected by the new rule won't qualify for those programs. So as it stands now, there are caregivers in Oklahoma who have nowhere to turn for coverage for the state's youngest new residents.
So much for the GOP mantras about the importance of personal responsibility, the excesses of big government and the evils of government-sponsored health care.
Read more from this Tulsa World article at
Quote from: nathanm on January 06, 2012, 12:03:22 PM
They also weren't being squeezed from all sides with ridiculously high student loan balances, ridiculously high insurance costs, ridiculously high costs in accepting insurance, ridiculously high costs for medical equipment, and ridiculously low payments from insurance companies.
The way I see it, doctors both make too much and too little. They, in aggregate, make more than is sustainable for our society, yet they often make less than they need.
Alot of the blame is on the insurance companies. I am a huge advocate of standardizing forms, but the insurance companies won't do it, for whatever reasons. The costs then either get shuffled to the doctor, or the doctor has to drop which insurance he accepts. Either way, the doctor loses money.
Quote from: Hoss on January 06, 2012, 01:52:15 PM
Alot of the blame is on the insurance companies. I am a huge advocate of standardizing forms, but the insurance companies won't do it, for whatever reasons. The costs then either get shuffled to the doctor, or the doctor has to drop which insurance he accepts. Either way, the doctor loses money.
No. Not the private hospital docs....and those 5013c units hide their share in the medicare reimbursement/write off column.
Single payer may take a while but it's coming....SOCIALIST MEDICINE IS THE ONLY SOLUTION!
Nice to see Tulsa World get it right....
Quote from: Teatownclown on January 06, 2012, 03:06:40 PM
No. Not the private hospital docs....and those 5013c units hide their share in the medicare reimbursement/write off column.
Single payer may take a while but it's coming....SOCIALIST MEDICINE IS THE ONLY SOLUTION!
Nice to see Tulsa World get it right....
I'm sure that will work. All we have to do is combine the efficiency of the Postal Service with the compassion of the I.R.S., and the cost accounting of the Pentagon.
. . .Wait?
I note you left out Medicare. Good call, actually, since their MLR is far beyond what most of the private insurers can do. Also, I dare say any organization that can move as much crap as the Postal Service as fast as they do and with as little getting lost as does is pretty efficient. It's OK, though. I know every time you attempt to internalize the fact they make an operating profit (pension prepayments are painful, though!) every year you wake up in the woods naked having cold sweats. We all have our weaknesses.
Quote from: Teatownclown on January 09, 2012, 04:56:21 PM
Careful! Reality isn't popular around here....
Anyone got a kid 19 to 26 years old who is still on their insurance?
U.S. to Force Drug Firms to Report Money Paid to Doctors
Published: January 16, 2012
WASHINGTON — To head off medical conflicts of interest, the Obama administration is poised to require drug companies to disclose the payments they make to doctors for research, consulting, speaking, travel and entertainment.
Many researchers have found evidence that such payments can influence doctors' treatment decisions and contribute to higher costs by encouraging the use of more expensive drugs and medical devices.
Consumer advocates and members of Congress say patients may benefit from the new standards, being issued by the government under the new health care law. Federal officials said the disclosures increased the likelihood that doctors would make decisions in the best interests of patients, without regard to the doctors' financial interests.
Large numbers of doctors receive payments from drug and device companies every year — sometimes into the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars — in exchange for providing advice and giving lectures. Analyses by The New York Times and others have found that about a quarter of doctors take cash payments from drug or device makers and that nearly two-thirds accept routine gifts of food, including lunch for staff members and dinner for themselves.
The Times has found that doctors who take money from drug makers often practice medicine differently from those who do not and that they are more willing to prescribe drugs in risky and unapproved ways, such as prescribing powerful antipsychotic medicines for children.
Under the new standards, if a company has just one product covered by Medicare or Medicaid, it will have to disclose all its payments to doctors other than its own employees. The federal government will post the payment data on a Web site where it will be available to the public.
Manufacturers of prescription drugs and devices will have to report if they pay a doctor to help develop, assess and promote new products — or if, for example, a pharmaceutical sales agent delivers $25 worth of bagels and coffee to a doctor's office for a meeting. Royalty payments to doctors, for inventions or discoveries, and payments to teaching hospitals for research or other activities will also have to be reported.
The Obama administration estimates that more than 1,100 drug, device and medical supply companies will have to file reports, generating "large amounts of new data." Federal officials said they would inspect and audit drug company records to make sure the reports were accurate and complete.
Companies will be subject to a penalty up to $10,000 for each payment they fail to report. A company that knowingly fails to report payments will be subject to a penalty up to $100,000 for each violation, up to a total of $1 million a year.
Top executives are potentially liable because a senior official of each company — the chief executive, chief financial officer or chief compliance officer — must attest to the accuracy of each report.
The new requirements, or something very similar, will take effect soon; in fact, they are overdue. Under the new health care law, the administration was supposed to establish payment-reporting procedures by Oct. 1, 2011. The public will have until Feb. 17 to comment on the proposals, which are broadly consistent with the expectations of industry and consumer groups. After considering the comments, Medicare officials will issue final rules with the force of law.
Consumer advocates have long demanded details of the financial ties between doctors and drug and device companies.
Allan J. Coukell, a pharmacist and consumer advocate at the Pew Charitable Trusts, said: "Patients want to know they are getting treatment based on medical evidence, not a lunch or a financial relationship. They want to know if their doctor has a financial relationship with a pharmaceutical company, but they are often uncomfortable asking the doctor directly."
In an introduction to the proposed rules, the Obama administration says that patients can benefit when doctors and the industry work together to develop life-saving drugs and devices. But, it said, these relationships can also "lead to conflicts of interests that may affect clinical decision-making" and "threaten the underlying integrity of the health care system."
The administration does not try to define the difference between proper and improper payments. It says simply that public reporting of the financial ties between doctors and drug and device companies "will permit patients to make better-informed decisions when choosing health care professionals and making treatment decisions."
The new standards carry out legislation championed by Senators Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, and Herb Kohl, Democrat of Wisconsin. The legislation was included in the 2010 health care overhaul.
"The goal is to let the sun shine in and make information available to foster accountability," Mr. Grassley said.
Christopher L. White, executive vice president of the Advanced Medical Technology Association, which represents makers of medical devices, said the payment data could be used by federal law enforcement agencies, plaintiffs' lawyers and whistleblowers.
"Some companies fear that doctors may no longer want to engage in consulting arrangements, and such reluctance could chill innovation," Mr. White said.
Medicare and Medicaid, the programs for older Americans, the disabled and the poor, spend more than $100 billion a year on drugs and devices.
Although the Congressional Budget Office does not predict immediate savings, it has said that, "over time, disclosure has the potential to reduce spending," by reducing instances of overprescribing.
As an example of inappropriate payments, the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services cited a case in which manufacturers of medical devices had provided financial incentives — in the form of consulting agreements, lavish trips and other perks — to induce doctors to use particular hip and knee replacement products. Under a civil settlement with the government, the companies agreed to new compliance procedures.
The law also requires drug and device companies to report the amount of "any ownership or investment interest" held by doctors or their immediate family members, other than holdings of publicly traded stocks.
The administration intends to apply the same disclosure requirements to doctor-owned companies that distribute medical devices. Such companies allow doctors to benefit financially from sales of devices they use in surgery.
Kudos to the Obama Administration. Now whether or not that reporting will have a meaningful impact remains to be seen.
Good job!
The talking points will arrive soon. I believe one has to do with the heavy burden of paperwork and red tape like this driving up the cost of health care.
Per the Tulsa World FB
"This state Senate will stop at nothing to stop Obamacare from coming the state of Oklahoma," said Sen. Dan Newberry, R-Tulsa.
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY - A Senate committee approved a proposal Monday that would establish a state health care exchange without complying with the federal Affordable Care Act...
Quote from: Townsend on February 27, 2012, 04:57:14 PM
Per the Tulsa World FB
"This state Senate will stop at nothing to stop Obamacare from coming the state of Oklahoma," said Sen. Dan Newberry, R-Tulsa.
So, these "patriots" will set up a State health care exchange but without a mandate? They plan to fight the Federal guidelines? Who is this Newdingleberry? I bet the private hospitals, their doctors, and big pharma make his pay.
What will happen next?
This is just going to bring us Single Payer sooner....
Go righties!
Not that it's important, but the CBO has just doubled the cost of Obamacare.
I told you that you can take any CBO estimate and simply double it to get a more realistic figure.
The report also shows that 4 million fewer people will be covered under employee insurance plans as a result of companies eliminating health insurance as part of the standard employee package.
Cue CBO spooners in 3, 2, 1....
I miss RWarn, he loved to justify everything via the CBO crooked calculator.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 14, 2012, 09:10:58 AM
Cue CBO spooners in 3, 2, 1....
I miss RWarn, he loved to justify everything via the CBO crooked calculator.
A CBO estimate is a lot like the estimate provided by a contractor. About half way through the job, it's discovered that the project will cost more and take twice as long.
In both cases I simply double the cost.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 14, 2012, 09:24:46 AM
A CBO estimate is a lot like the estimate provided by a contractor. About half way through the job, it's discovered that the project will cost more and take twice as long.
In both cases I simply double the cost.
But at least with a contractor, a smart person will lock the price of the job through a binding contract.
And now CBO is saying it will cost even less than originally anticipated...
Who could argue with this?? Some insurance plans that spend more than 20 percent of their customers' premiums on non-health-care related expenses such as marketing will be required to send customers cash rebates. This rule is meant to encourage insurance companies to keep premiums down by punishing them if they don't reduce their overhead.
What a unique idea!! Make insurance companies actually offer insurance!! How revolutionary!!
Quick overview
Kaiser Foundation did a study and analysis.
The CBO must be schizophrenic.
QuoteEven so, a recent Gallup poll found that Americans are evenly split on whether they think the health care law should be repealed. Only 1 in 7 respondents in another poll said they had experienced something positive from the law. A recent Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimated that 5 million people may lose their employer-based insurance between 2019 and 2022. The CBO also found that 2 million fewer uninsured Americans would gain coverage by 2016 than previously thought, and that the law would also be slightly cheaper than original estimates.
Well, there's another 7 million or so Americans we weren't advised were going to be treated adversely by Obamacare.
This might be pointless after Wednesday. Guess we wait and see.
Quote from: Townsend on March 22, 2012, 11:15:22 AM
This might be pointless after Wednesday. Guess we wait and see.
I suppose if Republicans want to go on record as worsening the long term deficit for no short term gain, that's their mistake to make.
Edited to add: Oh, duh, you were talking about the Supreme Court, not the Republicans' latest idiotic vote.
I think the justices are in agreement that it isn't a tax. No Anti Tax Injunction Act rules apply?
What will SCOTUS do? writings on the wall....
Quote from: Teatownclown on March 26, 2012, 03:23:13 PM
I think the justices are in agreement that it isn't a tax. No Anti Tax Injunction Act rules apply?
What will SCOTUS do? writings on the wall....
It has been pre-determined. 5 to 4.
Looks like it's breathing its last. (
They get rid of the individual mandate and BOOM! Insurance companies won't like the outcome of SINGLE's the only answer:
It'll definitely be interesting to see which justices look to the historical record to divine the Constiution's meaning and which just make it up on the fly. This is one time I hope the folks making it up on the fly prevail. I don't like the individual mandate one bit, except insofar as it is marginally better than what we have now in that we won't be continuing to try our level best to bankrupt hospitals.
Quote from: nathanm on March 27, 2012, 05:44:53 PM
It'll definitely be interesting to see which justices look to the historical record to divine the Constiution's meaning and which just make it up on the fly. This is one time I hope the folks making it up on the fly prevail. I don't like the individual mandate one bit, except insofar as it is marginally better than what we have now in that we won't be continuing to try our level best to bankrupt hospitals.
I hate to reply with a quote but:
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
It is so true. Remember that America is the last best hope for freedom on this planet. The freedoms we are afforded have never been replicated successfully for any extended period of time as they have been here and now.
The fact that pretty much everyone on the forum wouldn't trust most politicians further than they can throw them and then say the things you just said are mind blowing. Please don't take it the wrong way nathan, because I know many people are extraordinarily passionate about this issue. But in this case the means in no way justify the ends. It would never end.
One more quote from Obama this time (paraphrased): you could no more solve the issue of the uninsured with an individual mandate than you could cure homelessness by ordering people to buy a home.
Brilliant, he IS smarter than I thought.
Quote from: erfalf on March 27, 2012, 08:02:16 PM
The fact that pretty much everyone on the forum wouldn't trust most politicians further than they can throw them and then say the things you just said are mind blowing. Please don't take it the wrong way nathan, because I know many people are extraordinarily passionate about this issue. But in this case the means in no way justify the ends. It would never end.
I think you missed my point. I'm usually pretty unclear, so don't take it personally. ;) As I see it, for the individual mandate to fall, the court would have to set aside mountains of precedent and pretty much ignore the clear intent of the framers of the Constitution, who set into motion not even a decade after our Constitution was ratified our first government-required health care. I'm probably coming at it from a different angle, though. I think Medicare-for-all (who choose it, anyway) would be a decent enough solution. They've got the lowest administrative overhead in the business, after all. (Even Medicare Advantage is around 11%, over three times higher)
One more quote from Obama this time (paraphrased): you could no more solve the issue of the uninsured with an individual mandate than you could cure homelessness by ordering people to buy a home.
That's what the subsidies and expansion of Medicaid are for, to get coverage for those who can't afford it on their own. The rest of us are along for the ride so that the pre-existing condition coverage doesn't bankrupt the insurance companies. Well, for most of us it won't make a difference in that respect because we already have health insurance.
The Supremes have to look at the mandate independently AND in the context of the entire legislative document. Independently, it seems to fail, so it would follow, that when considered as part of a body of legislation that is so complex that it is, for all intents and purposes, incomprehensible, the mandate may offer precedent for powers that are beyond anything the commerce clause was ever intended to give government the power to regulate.
My personal opinion is:
1. Had this legislation been concise, and passed with ample understanding and consideration, this case would have never made it to the Supremes.
2. Had the bill been used less as a political tool, and presented realistic numbers instead of filled with obvious double-dips and misleading assumptions, we also would not be here now.
This bill failed when congress and the public requested time to review the legislation and Pelosi wagged her finger and told us that "we would have to pass the bill to see what's in it."
Quote from: Gaspar on March 28, 2012, 12:48:23 PM
The Supremes have to look at the mandate independently AND in the context of the entire legislative document. Independently, it seems to fail, so it would follow, that when considered as part of a body of legislation that is so complex that it is, for all intents and purposes, incomprehensible, the mandate may offer precedent for powers that are beyond anything the commerce clause was ever intended to give government the power to regulate.
Remind me to not retain you as an attorney. You might read scotusblog if you're really interested in how the issues will likely be decided.
Also, it's not as if government mandated healthcare is anything new:
It looks as if we have our answer.
How to Protect Yourself From Obamacare? The Constitution of The United States of America
Quote from: Gaspar on March 28, 2012, 03:00:20 PM
It looks as if we have our answer.
How to Protect Yourself From Obamacare? The Constitution of The United States of America
If you depend on Nitwork/Cable teewee for your info, good luck coming to a reasoned decision. That's why we have SCOTUS.
I'll guess that we end up with no individual mandate but a justification for the existence of a Congress.
That's a guess and not Gas.
President Obama's Solicitor General, Donald Verrilli was very elegant in making his argument in front of the Supremes.
Now that we know where this is going. . .
Lets see if we can guess who's fault it will be:
Out of touch old men on the Supreme Court
An old dried up piece of paper drafted by slave owners
Hatred of women
Tea Party
Global Warming (or whatever it is now)
The Economy
Unwillingness to do what is right
Rush Limbaugh
Dick Cheney's heart surgeon
Republicans unwillingness to work with Democraticals
The Media/Talk Radio
Donald Verrilli's teleprompter
Quote from: Gaspar on March 28, 2012, 03:37:43 PM
President Obama's Solicitor General, Donald Verrilli was very elegant in making his argument in front of the Supremes.
Theatrical approach illustrating why we need Obamacare with a feigned attack of tuberculosis or his teleprompter quit.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 28, 2012, 03:53:39 PM
Theatrical approach illustrating why we need Obamacare with a feigned attack of tuberculosis or his teleprompter quit.
Perhaps he's the one that got Dick Cheney's heart!
It was like that every time he spoke. It really made you feel sorry for the guy.
And now for the spin. . .this is marvelous!
Quote from: Gaspar on March 28, 2012, 03:53:35 PM
Now that we know where this is going. . .
Lets see if we can guess who's fault it will be:
Out of touch old men on the Supreme Court
An old dried up piece of paper drafted by slave owners
Hatred of women
Tea Party
Global Warming (or whatever it is now)
The Economy
Unwillingness to do what is right
Rush Limbaugh
Dick Cheney's heart surgeon
Republicans unwillingness to work with Democraticals
The Media/Talk Radio
Donald Verrilli's teleprompter
So will this mean any big changes?
Hospitals can turn the uninsured away?
I won't have to pay higher premiums due to the uninsured?
Everyone over 18 is no longer covered by their parents?
Quote from: Gaspar on March 28, 2012, 03:58:54 PM
And now for the spin. . .this is marvelous!
Eh, there are a fair number of lefties who have been saying for a long time now that the best thing that could happen to advance single payer (or mostly single payer, anyway) is the IM getting struck down, because it will completely screw the insurance companies and demonstrate that the individual insurance market is untenable, regardless of ideological principles.
Quote from: Teatownclown on March 28, 2012, 03:09:50 PM
If you depend on Nitwork/Cable teewee for your info, good luck coming to a reasoned decision. That's why we have SCOTUS.
I'll guess that we end up with no individual mandate but a justification for the existence of a Congress.
That's a guess and not Gas.
I honestly think the "real Republican" thing to do is allow everyone to get insurance (assist those in lower incomes). You are not REQUIRED to have insurance, there is no fine. However, you need your financial information accessible to either EMSA or some centralized service. If you are in a car accident and don't have insurance then they check your money/assets to determine if you have enough money to begin life saving treatment. Everybody has a right to life saving care. So either everybody should be forced to pay for insurance or the above scenario should be in effect. Just like the "joke" jpg. But I think thats the way it should really be. Of course you can opt out of the financial information portion as well. Just don't expect to get to the hospital.
Why didn't they just make Medicaid available and affordable to those who have pre-existing conditions, are between 18 & 26, or simply can't afford insurance instead of trying to upset the entire health insurance industry?
Oh I remember, I would have some sort of unfair advantage in coverage over someone on Medicaid. SNAP!
Quote from: Teatownclown on March 28, 2012, 04:29:17 PM
My eyes are bleeding!
And Scalia is sooo on top of it, that he is mocking things that aren't even so much of the extremist right.
It's bad enough Congress passes these things without even reading the bill, but then the entity that is charged with deciding the validity of the law cannot be bothered. If memory serves, it was Kennedy a couple days ago that was scoffing at the notion that the Court should actually read the bill to know what it is they are deciding on. Yeah, now there is an institution worthy of all my respect....
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on March 29, 2012, 08:38:40 AM
And Scalia is sooo on top of it, that he is mocking things that aren't even so much of the extremist right.
It's bad enough Congress passes these things without even reading the bill, but then the entity that is charged with deciding the validity of the law cannot be bothered. If memory serves, it was Kennedy a couple days ago that was scoffing at the notion that the Court should actually read the bill to know what it is they are deciding on. Yeah, now there is an institution worthy of all my respect....
I disagree. I think it serves to highlight the ridiculousness of 2700 page bills.
Why didn't the Solicitor General point out this was incorrect? Dereliction of duty? Why aren't you as hard on him?
I love Scalia's humor. If you think the justices are supposed to be humorless or less human than the rest of us, no idea what to tell you.
From your source:
QuoteThe "kickback" quip wasn't Scalia's only joke about the text of the law. At one point, the blunt-speaking justice scoffed at Kneedler's suggestion that the justices could go through the measure to decide which provisions to spare in the event that they ruled the individual mandate unconstitutional.
Scalia expressed shock: "You really want us to go through these 2,700 pages? And do you really expect the court to do that? Or do you expect us to give this function to our law clerks? Is this not totally unrealistic? That we're going to go through this enormous bill, item by item, and decide each one?"
QuoteSupreme Court justice Antonin Scalia humorously invoked the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution, which forbids cruel and unusual punishments, when discussing the Obamacare legislation during oral argument today at the Supreme Court.
JUSTICE SCALIA: Mr. Kneedler, what happened to the Eighth Amendment? You really want us to go through these 2,700 pages?
JUSTICE SCALIA: And do you really expect the Court to do that? Or do you expect us to — to give this function to our law clerks?
Is this not totally unrealistic? That we are going to go through this enormous bill item by item and decide each one?
Quote from: Conan71 on March 29, 2012, 09:18:58 AM
I disagree. I think it serves to highlight the ridiculousness of 2700 page bills.
Why didn't the Solicitor General point out this was incorrect? Dereliction of duty? Why aren't you as hard on him?
I love Scalia's humor. If you think the justices are supposed to be humorless or less human than the rest of us, no idea what to tell you.
From your source:
I honestly don't think a judge should crack jokes in a trial. In fact, I am pretty sure if that happened in a murder trial they would get a new trial. I don't think I should hold all Supreme Court Justices to a lesser standard. And yes, NOBODY corrected him.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 29, 2012, 09:18:58 AM
I disagree. I think it serves to highlight the ridiculousness of 2700 page bills.
Why didn't the Solicitor General point out this was incorrect? Dereliction of duty? Why aren't you as hard on him?
I love Scalia's humor. If you think the justices are supposed to be humorless or less human than the rest of us, no idea what to tell you.
From your source:
Yeah...I like the way he cuts through the BS and is very blunt much of the time.
Absolutely ridiculous to have 2700 pages, but that is the bill they have to work with. (Kind of like when Rumsfeld said that was the army he had to fight with....)
Congress has the luxury of not really having to know anything much at all (i.e. Jim Inhofe), but no matter what kind of nonsense they put into a bill, it IS the law of the land - by definition. And there is ONE entity that is charged with the responsibility of interpreting whether those laws are consistent with the US Constitution - by definition. And if they are going to make the decision one way or the other that the law is valid, then I submit they cannot do that without knowing what is in the law. Which means someone up there is gonna have to know how to read....
Maybe the best way for them to approach it would be to look at the sum total of all laws passed in say, the first 50 years of the Republic, and make the determination that any law that exceeds the average size of those from that time is invalid because it is bigger than the founders intended, so reject completely and force Congress to pass shorter bills. Could use the average number of pages, or average number of words, or whatever metric they choose.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on March 29, 2012, 09:29:06 AM
I honestly don't think a judge should crack jokes in a trial. In fact, I am pretty sure if that happened in a murder trial they would get a new trial. I don't think I should hold all Supreme Court Justices to a lesser standard. And yes, NOBODY corrected him.
Not true. Happens in many court rooms. If the joke were about the defendant or victim then I'm sure it would result in a re-trial. Otherwise, humor helps break up the tension.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on March 29, 2012, 09:33:53 AM
Yeah...I like the way he cuts through the BS and is very blunt much of the time.
Absolutely ridiculous to have 2700 pages, but that is the bill they have to work with. (Kind of like when Rumsfeld said that was the army he had to fight with....)
Congress has the luxury of not really having to know anything much at all (i.e. Jim Inhofe), but no matter what kind of nonsense they put into a bill, it IS the law of the land - by definition. And there is ONE entity that is charged with the responsibility of interpreting whether those laws are consistent with the US Constitution - by definition. And if they are going to make the decision one way or the other that the law is valid, then I submit they cannot do that without knowing what is in the law. Which means someone up there is gonna have to know how to read....
Maybe the best way for them to approach it would be to look at the sum total of all laws passed in say, the first 50 years of the Republic, and make the determination that any law that exceeds the average size of those from that time is invalid because it is bigger than the founders intended, so reject completely and force Congress to pass shorter bills. Could use the average number of pages, or average number of words, or whatever metric they choose.
I really didn't have a problem with the idea that the law clerks would read the content. How many Congresspeople read the entire original 2700 pages? They left that to their clerks as well.
Unfortunately, I don't think SCOTUS can mandate limits on bill size, it would be something Congress needs to pass to limit bill sizes. You and I know self-policing by Congress is always self-serving. With the exception of related laws, I don't think we should have sausage bills. Every bill should stand alone and be voted up or down on one single act's merits, not a bunch of "gotcha" crap fleas attached that completely politicizes a bill.
Apparently this is not being taken as seriously as other cases...
The Supremes like to have a good time.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 29, 2012, 10:26:39 AM
Unfortunately, I don't think SCOTUS can mandate limits on bill size, it would be something Congress needs to pass to limit bill sizes. You and I know self-policing by Congress is always self-serving. With the exception of related laws, I don't think we should have sausage bills. Every bill should stand alone and be voted up or down on one single act's merits, not a bunch of "gotcha" crap fleas attached that completely politicizes a bill.
I agree. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a reasonable metric yet. We seem to be (a bit) too strict here in Oklahoma.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 29, 2012, 10:17:49 AM
Not true. Happens in many court rooms....Otherwise, humor helps break up the tension.
Yep. No comment on the deleted part. I remember being tapped to read part of a deposition transcript into evidence once from the witness chair. The deponent was FEMALE with lots of interesting questions I had to answer as that person. The court room, including the judge, got lots of laughs over it. I laughed too--during a recess.
Let the jokes on this fly...
The Fifth CCA had an interesting day.
QuoteA federal appeals court is striking back after President Obama cautioned the Supreme Court against overturning the health care overhaul and warned that such an act would be "unprecedented."
A three-judge panel for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday ordered the Justice Department to explain by Thursday whether the administration believes judges have the power to strike down a federal law.
Read more:
Homework's due on Thursday...
Quote from: guido911 on April 03, 2012, 11:37:28 PM
The Fifth CCA had an interesting day.
Homework's due on Thursday...
BFD....POTUS OBAMA should ignore that turd.
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 03, 2012, 11:44:25 PM
BFD....POTUS OBAMA should ignore that turd.
Why? He's not a King.
Useful commentary by Jeffrey Toobin ( on what, exactly, Obama was saying. Turns out there's a strong precedent (more than 75 years) for the SC to allow things like Obamacare to stand:
"Acts of Congress, like the health-care law, are presumed to be constitutional, and it is—or should be—a grave and unusual step for unelected, unaccountable, life-tenured judges to overrule the work of the democratically elected branches of government."
Without that precedent, the SC becomes a sort of super-legislature, and can subvert the elected authority of Congress. And that's an important point to be made, too . . . while this is popularly known as Obamacare, and it has become a handy political cudgel against the President, it is not solely his bill. And arguably, by the time it was passed, it was more Congress's bill than anyone's.
Quote from: we vs us on April 04, 2012, 09:25:22 AM
Useful commentary by Jeffrey Toobin ( on what, exactly, Obama was saying. Turns out there's a strong precedent (more than 75 years) for the SC to allow things like Obamacare to stand:
"Acts of Congress, like the health-care law, are presumed to be constitutional, and it is—or should be—a grave and unusual step for unelected, unaccountable, life-tenured judges to overrule the work of the democratically elected branches of government."
Without that precedent, the SC becomes a sort of super-legislature, and can subvert the elected authority of Congress. And that's an important point to be made, too . . . while this is popularly known as Obamacare, and it has become a handy political cudgel against the President, it is not solely his bill. And arguably, by the time it was passed, it was more Congress's bill than anyone's.
This has only been the exercised duty of the Suprime Court since about 1803. Even President Obama's former Constitutional Law students are alarmed at his statements.
Now you know how I felt this morning when I read in the Wall Street Journal that my own constitutional law professor had stated that it would be "an unprecedented, extraordinary step" for the Supreme Court to "overturn[] a law [i.e., the Affordable Care Act] that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress." Putting aside the "strong majority" nonsense (the deeply unpopular Affordable Care Act got through the Senate with the minimum number of votes needed to survive a filibuster and passed 219-212 in the House), saying that it would be "unprecedented" and "extraordinary" for the Supreme Court to strike down a law that violates the Constitution is like saying that Kansas City is the capital of Kansas. Thus, a Wall Street Journal editorial queried this about the President who "famously taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago": "[D]id he somehow not teach the historic case of Marbury v. Madison?"
I actually know the answer to that question. It's no (well, technically yes...he didn't). President Obama taught "Con Law III" at Chicago. Judicial review, federalism, the separation of powers — the old "structural Constitution" stuff — is covered in "Con Law I" (or at least it was when I was a student). Con Law III covers the Fourteenth Amendment. (Oddly enough, Prof. Obama didn't seem too concerned about "an unelected group of people" overturning a "duly constituted and passed law" when we were discussing all those famous Fourteenth Amendment cases – Roe v. Wade, Griswold v. Connecticut, Romer v. Evans, etc.) Of course, even a Con Law professor focusing on the Bill of Rights should know that the principle of judicial review has been alive and well since 1803, so I still feel like my educational credentials have been tarnished a bit by the President's "unprecedented, extraordinary" remarks.
Quote from: Gaspar on April 04, 2012, 09:31:13 AM
This has only been the exercised duty of the Suprime Court since about 1803. Even President Obama's former Constitutional Law students are alarmed at his statements.
Now you know how I felt this morning when I read in the Wall Street Journal that my own constitutional law professor had stated that it would be "an unprecedented, extraordinary step" for the Supreme Court to "overturn[] a law [i.e., the Affordable Care Act] that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress." Putting aside the "strong majority" nonsense (the deeply unpopular Affordable Care Act got through the Senate with the minimum number of votes needed to survive a filibuster and passed 219-212 in the House), saying that it would be "unprecedented" and "extraordinary" for the Supreme Court to strike down a law that violates the Constitution is like saying that Kansas City is the capital of Kansas. Thus, a Wall Street Journal editorial queried this about the President who "famously taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago": "[D]id he somehow not teach the historic case of Marbury v. Madison?"
I actually know the answer to that question. It's no (well, technically yes...he didn't). President Obama taught "Con Law III" at Chicago. Judicial review, federalism, the separation of powers — the old "structural Constitution" stuff — is covered in "Con Law I" (or at least it was when I was a student). Con Law III covers the Fourteenth Amendment. (Oddly enough, Prof. Obama didn't seem too concerned about "an unelected group of people" overturning a "duly constituted and passed law" when we were discussing all those famous Fourteenth Amendment cases – Roe v. Wade, Griswold v. Connecticut, Romer v. Evans, etc.) Of course, even a Con Law professor focusing on the Bill of Rights should know that the principle of judicial review has been alive and well since 1803, so I still feel like my educational credentials have been tarnished a bit by the President's "unprecedented, extraordinary" remarks.
A law isn't somehow less of a law if it passes with a simple majority. It's still a law. Vote counts are irrelevant. But it's worth noting that a filibuster proof majority in the Senate actually goes against his case. 60 out of 100 affirmative votes is a major achievement and absolutely counts as a "strong majority".
I found Toobin explained Obama's statement well, and put it in a specific context where it actually made sense. It's not a blind powergrab, it has historical reasoning behind it.
Quote from: we vs us on April 04, 2012, 09:59:42 AM
A law isn't somehow less of a law if it passes with a simple majority. It's still a law. Vote counts are irrelevant. But it's worth noting that a filibuster proof majority in the Senate actually goes against his case. 60 out of 100 affirmative votes is a major achievement and absolutely counts as a "strong majority".
I found Toobin explained Obama's statement well, and put it in a specific context where it actually made sense. It's not a blind powergrab, it has historical reasoning behind it.
Again, it has nothing to do with "majority, simple majority" it has everything to do with constitutionality. That's what the SC is there for.
Quote from: we vs us on April 04, 2012, 09:25:22 AM
Useful commentary by Jeffrey Toobin ( on what, exactly, Obama was saying. Turns out there's a strong precedent (more than 75 years) for the SC to allow things like Obamacare to stand:
"Acts of Congress, like the health-care law, are presumed to be constitutional, and it is—or should be—a grave and unusual step for unelected, unaccountable, life-tenured judges to overrule the work of the democratically elected branches of government."
Without that precedent, the SC becomes a sort of super-legislature, and can subvert the elected authority of Congress. And that's an important point to be made, too . . . while this is popularly known as Obamacare, and it has become a handy political cudgel against the President, it is not solely his bill. And arguably, by the time it was passed, it was more Congress's bill than anyone's.
Wow, that's some spin.
President Obama is starting to act like a petulant little child who isn't getting his way. SCOTUS has been and always will be the final arbiter on what is and is not Constitutional, like it or not. That is unless the evil libruls re-write the Constitution and remove SCOTUS. ;)
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2012, 11:02:24 AM
Wow, that's some spin.
President Obama is starting to act like a petulant little child who isn't getting his way. SCOTUS has been and always will be the final arbiter on what is and is not Constitutional, like it or not. That is unless the evil libruls re-write the Constitution and remove SCOTUS. ;)
Pfft. He's pointing out that the current SC is about to break almost a century of precedent. That's being petulant?
"Borrowing a line from conservative critics of the judiciary, President Obama declared that the Supreme Court would be engaging in "judicial activism" if it threw out the 2010 healthcare reform law. Responding to a question at a news conference Monday, Obama said it would be "an unprecedented, extraordinary step" if the court overturned "a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress." He added that such a move would be a good example of the lack of judicial restraint that conservative commentators have bemoaned for years.",0,3356069.story
It probably wouldn't sound like a child not getting his way to you if you were an Obama supporter. He's finally having his "Oh smile" moment on the one piece of work he staked his entire legacy on. He would have done well to attack the economy and cohesive energy policies first thing. Instead, he insisted on backing legislation for which the uncertainty of it, may have prevented the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2012, 11:24:09 AM
"Borrowing a line from conservative critics of the judiciary, President Obama declared that the Supreme Court would be engaging in "judicial activism" if it threw out the 2010 healthcare reform law. Responding to a question at a news conference Monday, Obama said it would be "an unprecedented, extraordinary step" if the court overturned "a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress." He added that such a move would be a good example of the lack of judicial restraint that conservative commentators have bemoaned for years.",0,3356069.story
It probably wouldn't sound like a child not getting his way to you if you were an Obama supporter. He's finally having his "Oh smile" moment on the one piece of work he staked his entire legacy on. He would have done well to attack the economy and cohesive energy policies first thing. Instead, he insisted on backing legislation for which the uncertainty of it, may have prevented the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Healthcare is a time bomb for our economy. We spend way too much money on it as a percentage of GDP and that percentage is growing. Addressing the issue is addressing the economy.
Quote from: swake on April 04, 2012, 12:11:04 PM
Healthcare is a time bomb for our economy. We spend way too much money on it as a percentage of GDP and that percentage is growing. Addressing the issue is addressing the economy.
That would have been a noble reason if it could actually contain cost. It cannot. There is absolutely nothing in the mechanism of the Patient Protection & Affordable Healthcare Act which even purports to lower NHE as a percent of GDP. It actually increases by 3% from 17.9% to 20.9%.
Money which is spent on healthcare still circulates within the economy and creates jobs.
Nice spin though.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2012, 11:24:09 AM
It probably wouldn't sound like a child not getting his way to you if you were an Obama supporter.
You know, I generally respect your views, but on this one, you're completely off base. The Roberts court has been anything but conservative in the traditional sense as it applies to judges. They have, however, seemingly found a way to decide nearly every case in a way that comports with their ideological preference, even when there has been mountains of precedent to overturn along the way. That's understandable, though, it's hard for anyone to see judicial activism when it ends up in their favor.
It will be stunningly hilarious if this court overturns ACA because they think it can't fit within the commerce clause after they've repeatedly found ways for things that fit within their ideology but that have a much greater impact on personal liberty to pass right through. Funny, that.
Quote from: nathanm on April 04, 2012, 02:06:55 PM
You know, I generally respect your views, but on this one, you're completely off base. The Roberts court has been anything but conservative in the traditional sense as it applies to judges. They have, however, seemingly found a way to decide nearly every case in a way that comports with their ideological preference, even when there has been mountains of precedent to overturn along the way. That's understandable, though, it's hard for anyone to see judicial activism when it ends up in their favor.
It will be stunningly hilarious if this court overturns ACA because they think it can't fit within the commerce clause after they've repeatedly found ways for things that fit within their ideology but that have a much greater impact on personal liberty to pass right through. Funny, that.
Show me a sitting court which hasn't ruled along the lines of their ideological preference, you make this sound as if this is something new with the current make up of SCOTUS. How many 5-4 or 6-3 decisions have we had for decades coming out of SCOTUS depending on the liberal or conservative make-up of the court? Why do you think it is considered such a coveted political privilege to get to pick SCOTUS justices?
That said, Citizen's United was likely the most bone-headed ruling I've ever seen come from SCROTUS.
Obama's comments on Monday made it sound as if he was throwing a temper tantrum if things didn't go his way.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2012, 03:14:51 PM
Show me a sitting court which hasn't ruled along the lines of their ideological preference, you make this sound as if this is something new with the current make up of SCOTUS. How many 5-4 or 6-3 decisions have we had for decades coming out of SCOTUS depending on the liberal or conservative make-up of the court? Why do you think it is considered such a coveted political privilege to get to pick SCOTUS justices?
That said, Citizen's United was likely the most bone-headed ruling I've ever seen come from SCROTUS.
Obama's comments on Monday made it sound as if he was throwing a temper tantrum if things didn't go his way.
It's not the decision make-up, it's the completely new interpretations of standing doctrine, and it's the taking of things far past their logical conclusion (cf. Citizens United, Kelo vs. New London -- the crazy eminent domain case -- and just recently Florence v. County of Burlington -- which allows strip searches for virtually no reason whatsoever).
And Obama's "tantrum" is honestly more about what want to see than what he's doing. If articulating why the SC tossing a certain precedent is construed as a tantrum, I don't know what else you expect him to do. Sit there, shut up, not point out the problem?
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2012, 03:14:51 PM
Obama's comments on Monday made it sound as if he was throwing a temper tantrum if things didn't go his way.
If you only heard the sound bites. ;)
I just find it funny how the conservatives, who have been bleating about judicial activism pretty much constantly for over a decade now are now suddenly up at arms because the President said he doesn't think there's a basis for overturning ACA that comports with the last century of precedent or even many of the Court's more recent decisions.
Quote from: nathanm on April 04, 2012, 03:43:41 PM
If you only heard the sound bites. ;)
Yeah, I was listening to those in between severely edited and redacted 911 tapes from various crimes around the country. 8)
Quote from: nathanm on April 04, 2012, 03:43:41 PM
I just find it funny how the conservatives, who have been bleating about judicial activism pretty much constantly for over a decade now are now suddenly up at arms because the President said he doesn't think there's a basis for overturning ACA that comports with the last century of precedent or even many of the Court's more recent decisions.
Two things which played into the reaction from the right:
One- I don't think it's very common for the sitting POTUS to be openly critical of SCOTUS' work or even what may be the outcome of their potential decisions. Remember, this will not be decided (publicly at least) until June.
Two- The president spun a whopper when he said this was unprecedented, since SCOTUS has always had the power to rule on the Constitutionality of Congressional laws and has struck down laws in the past. Just because they have not ruled in such a manner in 100 years doesn't mean they are breaking precedence. Beyond that, I'm not well-schooled in interstate commerce laws, and really don't care to be if the "unprecedented" part is referring to the commerce clause or any other previously accepted tenets of commerce.
My idea of free commerce is being able to buy Fat Tire beer in Oklahoma. Oh, and don't force me to buy something I don't personally want. ;)
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2012, 03:56:25 PM
Two- The president spun a whopper when he said this was unprecedented, since SCOTUS has always had the power to rule on the Constitutionality of Congressional laws and has struck down laws in the past.
At no point did he say the Supreme Court does not have the power of judicial review, or that they even lack the power to strike down the particular law in question.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2012, 03:56:25 PM
Yeah, I was listening to those in between severely edited and redacted 911 tapes from various crimes around the country. 8)
Two things which played into the reaction from the right:
One- I don't think it's very common for the sitting POTUS to be openly critical of SCOTUS' work or even what may be the outcome of their potential decisions. Remember, this will not be decided (publicly at least) until June.
Two- The president spun a whopper when he said this was unprecedented, since SCOTUS has always had the power to rule on the Constitutionality of Congressional laws and has struck down laws in the past. Just because they have not ruled in such a manner in 100 years doesn't mean they are breaking precedence. Beyond that, I'm not well-schooled in interstate commerce laws, and really don't care to be if the "unprecedented" part is referring to the commerce clause or any other previously accepted tenets of commerce.
My idea of free commerce is being able to buy Fat Tire beer in Oklahoma. Oh, and don't force me to buy something I don't personally want. ;)
Did you ever have a problem with a POTUS lying us to war? That's far worse than belittling Judges who use the court for their own political agendas.
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 04, 2012, 04:06:04 PM
Did you ever have a problem with a POTUS lying us to war? That's far worse than belittling Judges who use the court for their own political agendas.
Like 300 million other Americans at the time, I believed there was a compelling case to take the war to the terrorists. Not like there wasn't many years of precedent prior to 2002 to help reinforce this. Democrats didn't duck and run until they decided to use the war
they helped trump up against Bush in their quest for the White House in 2004. Bush relied on the same intelligence that his predecessor did.
This is history:
And for those of you who don't follow my posts, here's Clinton on the record in 2003 defending the foundation for Bush's decision to invade Iraq:
He has said unequivocally there were unaccounted for WMD in Iraq the day he left office in 2001.
So which president was that you were referring to about lying anyhow? :-*
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2012, 04:24:19 PM
Like 300 million other Americans at the time, I believed there was a compelling case to take the war to the terrorists. Not like there wasn't many years of precedent prior to 2002 to help reinforce this. Democrats didn't duck and run until they decided to use the war they helped trump up against Bush in their quest for the White House in 2004. Bush relied on the same intelligence that his predecessor did.
This is history:
And for those of you who don't follow my posts, here's Clinton on the record in 2003 defending the foundation for Bush's decision to invade Iraq:
He has said unequivocally there were unaccounted for WMD in Iraq the day he left office in 2001.
So which president was that you were referring to about lying anyhow? :-*
You know, you're right. It wasn't Bush's fault. Hell, he wasn't really POTUS.
Colin need to throw some blame in his direction too....
Quote from: nathanm on April 04, 2012, 03:59:20 PM
At no point did he say the Supreme Court does not have the power of judicial review, or that they even lack the power to strike down the particular law in question.
Depending on how you interpret it, he seemed to imply it by saying there was no precedent regarding economic laws passed by congress. Of course his very next sentence was to say that not since the Lochner case has it happened (so either their is or is not precedent).
However, the Lochner did not involve a federal law being overturned.
Obama should stay on the teleprompter.
Quote from: erfalf on April 04, 2012, 05:03:29 PM
Obama should stay on the teleprompter.
Really? Teleprompter? Individual mandate? ::)
Quote from: erfalf on April 04, 2012, 05:03:29 PM
Depending on how you interpret it
How do you interpret this?
With respect to health care, I'm actually -- continue to be confident that the Supreme Court will uphold the law. And the reason is because, in accordance with precedent out there, it's constitutional. That's not just my opinion, by the way; that's the opinion of legal experts across the ideological spectrum, including two very conservative appellate court justices that said this wasn't even a close case.
Quote from: TulsaRufnex on April 04, 2012, 07:19:21 PM
Really? Teleprompter? Individual mandate? ::)
remember you're replying to Gaspar North...
He's still obsessed with Reagan, I see. I wonder if there's a photo of The Gipper on his dart board or bottom of his toilet.
Oh SNAP! Holder just recognized the duty of the Supreme Court to exercise judicial review. "Courts have final say."
I wonder if this means President Obama will move to dissolve the Supreme Court by imperial decree?
Quote from: Gaspar on April 05, 2012, 12:36:18 PM
Oh SNAP! Holder just recognized the duty of the Supreme Court to exercise judicial review. "Courts have final say."
Is your incessant need to parrot the most idiotic winger talking points you can find genetic, or is it socialization?
Quote from: Gaspar on April 05, 2012, 12:36:18 PM
Oh SNAP! Holder just recognized the duty of the Supreme Court to exercise judicial review. "Courts have final say."
I wonder if this means President Obama will move to dissolve the Supreme Court by imperial decree?
QuoteFor the judiciary, resisting this temptation is particularly important, because it's the only branch that is unelected and whose officers serve for life. Unfortunately, some judges give in to temptation and make law instead of interpreting. Such judicial lawlessness is a threat to our democracy -- and it needs to stop. (Applause.)
Who said this?
How about:
So this President isn't the only one to criticize the SCOTUS.
Quote from: nathanm on April 05, 2012, 01:25:51 PM
Is your incessant need to parrot the most idiotic winger talking points you can find genetic, or is it socialization?
Probably a bit of nature and nurture. Perhaps I enjoy getting you all pinch-faced.
Have a sense of humor Nate. I like to pick a bit of fun at narcissists and President Obama offers constant fodder.
::) Good one, Nate. ("I need a new keyboard as I laughed so hard the carrot juice spewing from my nose stucked it up" :D)
Correct me if I am wrong, but hasn't a certain mean streak of people been critical of Roe vs. Wade for many years? What's wrong with a President acting in the same manner? The right side of the court's been illegitimate since Bush v. Gore. Don't forget Corporations are people. Tell grandma to watch the speed limit or the police get to see her vagina.
A few more Republican Supreme Court appointments and we might as well welcome Big Brother to our homes.
Alito (62) - George "W" Bush
Roberts (57) - George "W" Bush
Thomas (63) - George H.W. Bush
Kennedy (75) - Reagan
Scalia (76) - Reagan
The High Court's Supremely Unethical Activists
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 05, 2012, 02:07:05 PM
::) Good one, Nate. ("I need a new keyboard as I laughed so hard the carrot juice spewing from my nose stucked it up" :D)
Correct me if I am wrong, but hasn't a certain mean streak of people been critical of Roe vs. Wade for many years? What's wrong with a President acting in the same manner? The right side of the court's been illegitimate since Bush v. Gore. Don't forget Corporations are people. Tell grandma to watch the speed limit or the police get to see her vagina.
A few more Republican Supreme Court appointments and we might as well welcome Big Brother to our homes.
Alito (62) - George "W" Bush
Roberts (57) - George "W" Bush
Thomas (63) - George H.W. Bush
Kennedy (75) - Reagan
Scalia (76) - Reagan
The High Court's Supremely Unethical Activists
So the SC really should be dissolved?
Quote from: Gaspar on April 05, 2012, 02:14:25 PM
So the SC really should be dissolved?
Skip to my Lou, Gassie. I never said that. But it's so typical these days to take something someone states and twist it, manipulate it for selfish intent. It's the rightie way of dealing with thought pattern.
Here's some material for a new thread about how POTUS Obama dislikes old greazy white guys who refuse women the right to belong to a men's club....I can hear it coming.
Quote from: nathanm on April 04, 2012, 07:28:47 PM
How do you interpret this?
I interpreted in the way he said it. He started by saying there was no precedent therefore they had no business meddling with laws passed by congress. Course, if that was the case, why would we have them anyways.
If this were passed by a state, there would be no problem in regards to the constitution. But with the federal government, it is a problem. Never has commerce been regulated in such a way, ie before it has actually occurred. Like I've said before, in my opinion it would be perfectly legal for them to dictate what kind of insurance people buy if they buy it.
Quote from: Hoss on April 04, 2012, 07:51:23 PM
remember you're replying to Gaspar North...
Regardless of Obama's intelligence, you have got to admit he is a poor public speaker without a prompter. I haven't heard so many ums and ohs since elementary school speech class. And my teacher hated it then too.
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 05, 2012, 02:38:13 PM
Here's some material for a new thread about how POTUS Obama dislikes old greazy white guys who refuse women the right to belong to a men's club....I can hear it coming.
Besides Melody Barnes, has President Obama allowed women to join his foursome?
I remember Clinton always used to prefer women in his threesomes.
Quote from: erfalf on April 05, 2012, 02:45:59 PM
Regardless of Obama's intelligence, you have got to admit he is a poor public speaker without a prompter. I haven't heard so many ums and ohs since elementary school speech class. And my teacher hated it then too.
As opposed to 'misunderestimated' President Bush?
I would much rather have a guy who hems and haws when talking, but sounds intelligent, as opposed to that clown we had in there previously.
Quote from: Hoss on April 05, 2012, 03:00:55 PM
As opposed to 'misunderestimated' President Bush?
I would much rather have a guy who hems and haws when talking, but sounds intelligent, as opposed to that clown we had in there previously.
Fair enough. Personally I want someone in there that does smart things. I don't care what they sound like.
Quote from: erfalf on April 05, 2012, 03:15:29 PM
Fair enough. Personally I want someone in there that does smart things. I don't care what they sound like.
I think he's a fantastic speaker. It's the philosophy, application, and results that are lacking. As long as he sticks to the etherial, he's great, but the substantive is a challenge for him.
Quote from: Hoss on April 05, 2012, 03:00:55 PM
As opposed to 'misunderestimated' President Bush?
I would much rather have a guy who hems and haws when talking, but sounds intelligent, as opposed to that clown we had in there previously.
A "thoughtful" pattern of speech would be clear and cohesive after a long pause for thought. mHemming and hawing is considered a sign someone doesn't know what they are talking about and are spewing a complete line of bullshit or a complete lie. Hardly a sign of intelligence, at least according to people who study such things.
Again, I disagree. I think he's one of the best speechgivinist presidents we have ever had. Imagine that you just delivered your budget to congress and received a 0 confidence vote on it, not only by republicans, but by democrats as well. Not a single vote. . . Yet you still have the ego to hold your chin high and address the American public to ridicule your opponent's budget with these words:
The year after next, nearly 10 million college students would see their financial aid cut by an average of more than $1,000 each. There would be 1,600 fewer medical grants, research grants for things like Alzheimer's and cancer and AIDS. There would be 4,000 fewer scientific research grants, eliminating support for 48,000 researchers, students, and teachers. Investments in clean energy technologies that are helping us reduce our dependence on foreign oil would be cut by nearly a fifth.
If this budget becomes law and the cuts were applied evenly, starting in 2014, over 200,000 children would lose their chance to get an early education in the Head Start program. Two million mothers and young children would be cut from a program that gives them access to healthy food. There would be 4,500 fewer federal grants at the Department of Justice and the FBI to combat violent crime, financial crime, and help secure our borders. Hundreds of national parks would be forced to close for part or all of the year. We wouldn't have the capacity to enforce the laws that protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the food that we eat.
Cuts to the FAA would likely result in more flight cancellations, delays, and the complete elimination of air traffic control services in parts of the country. Over time, our weather forecasts would become less accurate because we wouldn't be able to afford to launch new satellites. And that means governors and mayors would have to wait longer to order evacuations in the event of a hurricane.
You are, after 3 years, effectively a guy who has nothing left to offer your constituents but fear, but you do it in such an eloquent manner that the dumb & stumble among them eat every word that drips from your lips.
This is a man who knows who his audience is, and is unashamed to call them out. He's marvelous.
Quote from: Gaspar on April 05, 2012, 03:27:16 PM
Again, I disagree. I think he's one of the best speechgivinist presidents we have ever had. Imagine that you just delivered your budget to congress and received a 0 confidence vote on it, not only by republicans, but by democrats as well. Not a single vote. . . Yet you still have the ego to hold your chin high and address the American public to ridicule your opponent's budget with these words:
The year after next, nearly 10 million college students would see their financial aid cut by an average of more than $1,000 each. There would be 1,600 fewer medical grants, research grants for things like Alzheimer's and cancer and AIDS. There would be 4,000 fewer scientific research grants, eliminating support for 48,000 researchers, students, and teachers. Investments in clean energy technologies that are helping us reduce our dependence on foreign oil would be cut by nearly a fifth.
If this budget becomes law and the cuts were applied evenly, starting in 2014, over 200,000 children would lose their chance to get an early education in the Head Start program. Two million mothers and young children would be cut from a program that gives them access to healthy food. There would be 4,500 fewer federal grants at the Department of Justice and the FBI to combat violent crime, financial crime, and help secure our borders. Hundreds of national parks would be forced to close for part or all of the year. We wouldn't have the capacity to enforce the laws that protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the food that we eat.
Cuts to the FAA would likely result in more flight cancellations, delays, and the complete elimination of air traffic control services in parts of the country. Over time, our weather forecasts would become less accurate because we wouldn't be able to afford to launch new satellites. And that means governors and mayors would have to wait longer to order evacuations in the event of a hurricane.
You are, after 3 years, effectively a guy who has nothing left to offer your constituents but fear, but you do it in such an eloquent manner that the dumb & stumble among them eat every word that drips from your lips.
This is a man who knows who his audience is, and is unashamed to call them out. He's marvelous.
On content and sheer hyperbole, he's most definitely the master. In fact, he's one of the best politicians I've ever seen at spinning a yarn to scare the little people.
You must realize though, I competed in extemporaneous speech and debate in high school. I've also judged competitions in the past. His delivery is absolutely dreadful.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 05, 2012, 03:32:19 PM
On content and sheer hyperbole, he's most definitely the master. In fact, he's one of the best politicians I've ever seen at spinning a yarn to scare the little people.
You must realize though, I competed in extemporaneous speech and debate in high school. I've also judged competitions in the past. His delivery is absolutely dreadful.
Not to his audience.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 05, 2012, 03:19:13 PM
A "thoughtful" pattern of speech would be clear and cohesive after a long pause for thought. mHemming and hawing is considered a sign someone doesn't know what they are talking about and are spewing a complete line of bullshit or a complete lie. Hardly a sign of intelligence, at least according to people who study such things.
For awhile I thought I was the only person seeing this. I knew people like him in high school that were infinitely better at giving prepared speeches than me. But I was stronger at just being able to speak off the cuff. I just knew the material/subject. And if I didn't, i didn't pretend to.
When Obama speaks off the cuff, he seems like he has no idea what he is talking about. Or that is uncomfortable/nervous.
Wow, you people are freakin' nuts. If you can find them, look at unedited transcripts of past Presidents' extemporanous speaking. Or anyone's for that matter. Everyone (every. single. one. of. us.) ums and uhhs a lot in speech. I forget the technical term, but it's pretty much an automatic response when thinking of one's response. Recall and synthesis of ideas takes time.
If they don't do that, they're repeating pre-rehearsed lines by rote. If it's something you wouldn't expect a speaker to have had reason to formulate (and memorize!) a specific response for in advance, they're probably lying to you.
The psychology behind human speech is fascinating, IMO.
Quote from: nathanm on April 05, 2012, 04:33:20 PM
Wow, you people are freakin' nuts. If you can find them, look at unedited transcripts of past Presidents' extemporanous speaking. Or anyone's for that matter. Everyone (every. single. one. of. us.) ums and uhhs a lot in speech. I forget the technical term, but it's pretty much an automatic response when thinking of one's response. Recall and synthesis of ideas takes time.
If they don't do that, they're repeating pre-rehearsed lines by rote. If it's something you wouldn't expect a speaker to have had reason to formulate (and memorize!) a specific response for in advance, they're probably lying to you.
The psychology behind human speech is fascinating, IMO.
Maybe so, but no one was claiming Bush was brilliant like they do with the current POTUS.
Quote from: erfalf on April 05, 2012, 04:54:27 PM
Maybe so, but no one was claiming Bush was brilliant like they do with the current POTUS.
They couldn't. He proved it every day.
Well this is great news for Franciscan Univ. students:
QuoteIn short: We. Will. Not. Comply. And our students are the first one who will feel the pinch.
Those who are left high and dry by the administration's intrusion into our freedom to practice our faith are our students. Who knows how many will have insurance, how many will not, how many will have insurance of the quality we offered before, how many will be able to stay on their parents' insurance through the extended adolescence provision of Obamacare, etc.
But there you have it: thanks to the government's firm desire to make sure the one or two women left in the country who did not have easy and cheap access to contraceptives, abortifacients, and sterilization procedures, our 2,500 students will no longer have an insurance plan ready and waiting for them.
Really, you're going to blame Obama because someone places their religion over all other considerations?
Quote from: nathanm on May 15, 2012, 03:43:27 PM
Really, you're going to blame Obama because someone places their religion over all other considerations?
Really? You're asking that of the King of ODS?
Quote from: nathanm on May 15, 2012, 03:43:27 PM
Really, you're going to blame Obama because someone places their religion over all other considerations?
That damned freedom of religion thing getting in the way of freedom of healthcare. Oh wait. Nevermind. And not blaming Obama here. The blame is Obamacare.
Quote from: guido911 on May 16, 2012, 08:33:35 AM
That damned freedom of religion thing getting in the way of freedom of healthcare. Oh wait. Nevermind. And not blaming Obama here. The blame is Obamacare.
Healthcare is keeping these folks from worshiping their chosen deity?
"Because of this we can't worship our God openly." That's what is happening?
If my church decided social security contributions for all employees at every level and at every similarly named institution (Blessed Wevus University, the Wevus Child-Miner Association, even the Wevus Happy Pantry for Homeless but Attractive Mothers) were a direct affront to my belief structure, would it be cool if I just opted out? Or decided to make everyone indy contractors to dodge the religious implications?
Or a better analogy -- at the Wevus Ministries Book Bindery and Religious Regurgitation Factory, we've decided to forego OSHA compliance because it interferes with the free exercise of our employees' Carpal Tunnel Devotionals, which we practice every day on staggered 8 hour shifts.
Also, we're going to be opting out of the minimum wage requirement because it interferes with . . . well, never mind what it interferes with.
Quote from: we vs us on May 16, 2012, 10:46:44 AM
Also, we're going to be opting out of the minimum wage requirement because it interferes with . . . well, never mind what it interferes with.
Being forced to pay employees interferes with all the missionary work, donchaknow? If there were some implication towards freedom of religion, I have no doubt that the present Supreme Court will step in shortly.
Quote from: Townsend on May 16, 2012, 09:04:46 AM
Healthcare is keeping these folks from worshiping their chosen deity?
"Because of this we can't worship our God openly." That's what is happening?
Not at all. And that's the straw man again. Freedom of religion is a preeminent, enumerated right in this country. Government is, and should be, prohibited from forcing any religion to act contrary to its beliefs--just as religion should not get up in your face and others in this forum. As for social security...issued resolved by the Supremes nearly 75 years ago so I'm moving on. Safety regulations? I'll defer to the appropriate test to determine if there is some compelling need present. Also, there is the RFRA that can provide some protection to both the religious institution and government's role.
Quote from: guido911 on May 17, 2012, 05:17:59 PM
Not at all. And that's the straw man again. Freedom of religion is a preeminent, enumerated right in this country. Government is, and should be, prohibited from forcing any religion to act contrary to its beliefs--just as religion should not get up in your face and others in this forum.
And yet, we have been doing exactly that for the entire history of our country. How DO we ever resolve the conflict?
Just ask any fundamentalist Mormon, or just about any Indian tribe.
Catholics v. Obama. Link to the civil complaint.
Another Catholic Univ. backing out of insurance coverage:
QuoteFor any college or university like Ave Maria that requires students to have health insurance, this new cost will come as both a surprise and disappointment to the students affected. But for religiously-affiliated universities like Ave Maria, the damaging effect of the new Federal government regulations goes even further.
Recently our insurance carrier notified the University that it was required by PPACA to pay all claims for "preventive care services" regardless of the fact that they are specifically excluded in the Ave Maria group plan. So while the proposed premium increase is a financial burden to our students, the PPACA-required coverage of "preventive care services," such as abortion-inducing drugs, is an affront to our core values.
It is a sad day when Ave Maria's students are forced to choose between enrolling in a health insurance plan that is both costly and offers morally objectionable benefits, and having no coverage at all. The University has heard from a number of our elected student leaders and they, too, find the latest twist in the Federal mandate saga unacceptable.
Effective August 15, 2012, Ave Maria University will no longer require students to have health insurance. The University also will cease making group health insurance available to them. Students who are required to have health insurance as a condition of competing in intercollegiate athletics will now make their own arrangements and no longer remit insurance premium payments to the University.
I thought if you liked your insurance you got to keep it. Or not:
What, you want the government to force organizations to keep offering health coverage?
Quote from: nathanm on May 23, 2012, 08:58:16 PM
What, you want the government to force organizations to keep offering health coverage?
Noooope. I want the government to keep telling us that you get to keep our insurance with Obamacare. Oh wait....No you don't get to keep it. Now, with Obamacare, less people have coverage.
Quote from: guido911 on May 23, 2012, 10:32:21 PM
Now, with Obamacare, less people have coverage.
Like who? The church employees who lost it because the heads of the church are too ignorant and uneducated to recognize the need for certain types of birth control for women's health?
That bugs the Hell out of me.
Quote from: guido911 on May 23, 2012, 10:32:21 PM
Noooope. I want the government to keep telling us that you get to keep our insurance with Obamacare.
Luckily for any students involved, they will still be eligible to be covered by their parents' insurance thanks to Obamacare.
Quote from: nathanm on May 24, 2012, 12:09:39 PM
Luckily for any students involved, they will still be eligible to be covered by their parents' insurance thanks to Obamacare.
Unless their parents' insurance goes away.
Quote from: Red Arrow on May 24, 2012, 12:11:20 PM
Unless their parents' insurance goes away.
Or the cost goes so high they can't afford it any more. Which was already happening before the new law. It'll be interesting to see if it ends up doing much for cost growth when it is fully in place.
Quote from: nathanm on May 24, 2012, 12:40:09 PM
Or the cost goes so high they can't afford it any more. Which was already happening before the new law. It'll be interesting to see if it ends up doing much for cost growth when it is fully in place.
I'm still solidly of the position that you can't bring that many new people into the treatment and claims pool without premium costs going up regardless of all the new premiums coming in. Time will tell.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 24, 2012, 12:42:55 PM
I'm still solidly of the position that you can't bring that many new people into the treatment and claims pool without premium costs going up regardless of all the new premiums coming in. Time will tell.
I wouldn't disagree if it weren't clear health care isn't a functionally free market. The price always seems to go up no matter what happens on the cost front. That's one of the reasons I think single payer is basically unavoidable in the long run. Maybe it's possible to have a functional free market when one participant has to choose between buying care and dying, but I doubt it.
Traditionally, insurance at my company has gone up a few percent a year (4 to 6). Last year, there was a 22% increase, presumably due to "anticipated adverse effects" of the health reform bill. So, now this year, since they have found out that it really didn't work out the way they thought it would - costs going through the roof, etc - the increase was $3 per month. Less than 2%. So, the scare tactics spewed by the liars lying about some nebulous collapse of the universe just didn't work out. Granted, we are not the biggest customer in the world but 160,000+ ain't just a tiny little irrelevant sample, either. It is very statistically significant.
And even with the relatively few "extras" for people in place now - no 'previous conditions', kids eligible until 26, etc - I see many people using these extras and enjoying them. And at the same time, since it IS Oklahoma - complaining about Obamacare. Go figure. I submit that if you are gonna benefit from some item, you really got no right to be complaining about it. Especially since it is logical and has been very cost effective.
This is disturbing, no matter what perspective you approach this from:
(regarding community assistance programs set up by the states with ACA money)
When centers provided case-management services, such as filing an appeal for denied services, 76% of resolved cases were found in favor of the consumer — for a total of $18 million in savings, Hash said.
Either this program is making a lot of insurers pay out on questionable claims or a lot of claims are inappropriately denied by insurers.
The good news is that if Obamacare gets overturned this week the economy will get a big boost.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 25, 2012, 10:50:57 AM
The good news is that if Obamacare gets overturned this week the economy will get a big boost.
That will make some heads explode if there's a sudden surge in hiring. Then Obama can take credit for unemployment dipping below 6% by November without seeing any causation whatsoever that employers have been reluctant to hire because no one knows the true cost of Obamacare in terms of payroll cost.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 25, 2012, 10:50:57 AM
The good news is that if Obamacare gets overturned this week the economy will get a big boost.
And yet, companies have been trying to hire all over the place - if you believe the want ads.
And we have added 40,000+ just for grins and giggles, I guess...
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on June 25, 2012, 11:15:48 AM
And yet, companies have been trying to hire all over the place - if you believe the want ads.
And we have added 40,000+ just for grins and giggles, I guess...
That's because the private sector is doing just fine.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 25, 2012, 01:29:19 PM
That's because the private sector is doing just fine.
The private sector is doing just fine.
Well other than those 14 million in the private sector who still have a job and the untold millions who are under-employed.
Hey, what ever happened to crazy Aunt Nancy's assertion that unemployment benefits were a boon to the economy?
Quote from: Conan71 on June 25, 2012, 03:14:17 PM
The private sector is doing just fine.
Well other than those 14 million in the private sector who still have a job and the untold millions who are under-employed.
Hey, what ever happened to crazy Aunt Nancy's assertion that unemployment benefits were a boon to the economy?
They are!. . . and food stamps are the best stimulus that money can buy!
We've been living in the Keynesian nightmare, but the good news is that morning is coming!
Quote from: Gaspar on June 25, 2012, 03:21:59 PM
They are!. . . and food stamps are the best stimulus that money can buy!
We've been living in the Keynesian nightmare, but the good news is that morning is coming!
How's that? Morning is coming? What dementia are you living in? Let me guess, the Teaheads and GOP are overtaking the government and along with SCOTUS and Mitty everything's gonna be candy and nutz?
Hand ups not hand outs....
Quote from: Teatownclown on June 25, 2012, 03:26:53 PM
Hand ups not hand outs....
Currently all we are getting is reach-arounds.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 25, 2012, 03:21:59 PM
They are!. . . and food stamps are the best stimulus that money can buy!
Being on food stamps can help you look fabulous...
Quote from: Gaspar on June 25, 2012, 03:49:07 PM
Currently all we are getting is reach-arounds.
Reach-arounds? All I got was a grab from behind and bent over. No lube.
She's trying to bring "Death Panels" back kids. (
QuoteThree years after Sarah Palin boiled up the rage in the health care debate with "death panel" remarks, the former GOP vice presidential candidate is proudly sticking by her claim in a Facebook post Monday afternoon.
Palin charged in a August 2009 Facebook post that the Democrats' health care bill would empower a "death panel" of government bureaucrats who can decide who lives or dies. The 2009 claim earned Palin Politifact's "Lie of the Year," but she said today that the president's health care law's Independent Payment Advisory Board makes life-or-death decisions.
"It was a pretty long post, but a lot of people seem to have only read two words of it: 'death panel,'" Palin wrote today. "Though I was called a liar for calling it like it is, many of these accusers finally saw that Obamacare did in fact create a panel of faceless bureaucrats who have the power to make life and death decisions about health care funding."
If the Supreme Court doesn't strike down the entire health care reform law, "then Congress must act to repeal IPAB and Obamacare before it is indeed 'too late,'" Palin added.
Read more:
Quote from: Townsend on June 26, 2012, 12:04:09 PM
She's trying to bring "Death Panels" back kids.
When that's all you got, I guess ya gotta use it. She will find people who are as stupid as she who will believe it. That is the amazing thing to me....
Quote from: Hoss on June 26, 2012, 09:23:07 PM
That's because it was their position before Obama and the Dem's got it passed. The Rep's just hope most people don't remember that inconvenient truth.
SCOTUS has reportedly struck down the individual mandate but redefined it as a tax
Quote from: carltonplace on June 28, 2012, 09:12:09 AM
SCOTUS has reportedly struck down the individual mandate but redefined it as a tax
That's what I am hearing.
Quote from: carltonplace on June 28, 2012, 09:12:09 AM
SCOTUS has reportedly struck down the individual mandate but redefined it as a tax
Per an ABC FB post, they upheld it. Apparently, per NBC, our state GOP has done nothing in its guidelines so I'm not sure what will happen here in Oklahoma. (
QuoteIn a landmark ruling with wide-ranging implications, the Supreme Court today upheld the so-called individual mandate requiring Americans to buy health insurance or pay a penalty, the key part of President Obama's signature health care law.
The court ruled that the mandate is unconstitutional, but it can stay as part of Congress's power under a taxing clause. The court said that the government will be allowed to tax people for not having health insurance.
"The Affordable care act's requirement that certain individuals pay a financial penalty for not obtaining health insurance may reasonably characterized as a tax. Because the Constitution permits such a tax, it is not our role to forbid it, or to pass upon its wisdom or fairness," the court said in the ruling.
The high court kept the country in suspense for days, announcing at the beginning of the week that it would hand down its decision today.
The ruling will have immediate effects on the presidential race. Obama has called his health care law "the right thing to do," even as polling has determined that the law is unpopular. Mitt Romney, meanwhile, had vowed to repeal "ObamaCare" as soon as he became president, despite championing remarkably similar legislation as the governor of Massachusetts.
Even Karl Rove, the GOP uber-strategist who founded an outside spending group to defeat Obama in 2012, said the ruling helps Obama.
"If this is actually the decision, it's a boost for the president, but it doesn't make the controversy go away," Rove said on Fox News. "In fact, it probably enhances the controversy."
The Supreme Court also upheld a Medicaid expanstion, on narrow ground.
While just 36 percent of people in the most recent ABC News/Washington Post poll had a favorable opinion of the health law, a similarly low number of people — 39 percent — had a favorable opinion of the health care system as it stands now. And while the GOP has trumpeted polling that shows Americans unsatisfied with the law as a whole, the White House has boasted of surveys that show that people are warmer to individual parts of the law, like letting young adults stay on their parents' plans until they're 26 and barring insurers from denying coverage to people with so-called pre-existing conditions.
In court, the government argued that the health care law was passed partly because in 2009, 50 million people lacked health insurance. Costs of the uninsured were spiraling out of control and were being shifted to those who are insured, doctors and insurance companies. And, people with so-called pre-existing conditions were being denied coverage. The law offered insurance reforms but mandated that almost every American buy health insurance by 2014.
The government said that Congress was well within its authority to pass the individual mandate under the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution. As a secondary argument the government also said Congress had the authority to pass the mandate under its taxing authority.
Opponents — 26 states, an independent business group and two private citizens — said that while Congress has the authority to regulate interstate commerce, it doesn't have the power to require people to buy a product. The opponents argued that the claim of federal power was both "unprecedented and unbounded."
In March, the court devoted more than six hours of arguments to different aspects of the law.
And Twitter just went ape-apples.
Sounds like it was very partisan with Cheif Justice Roberts flipping sides to support it with the more liberal members of the court.
Oklahoma GOP leaders gambling on health care decision by Supreme Court (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Because of bitter opposition to the new federal health care law in Oklahoma, state officials have done little to comply with it and instead are gambling that a key provision will be struck down Thursday by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Chief Justice John Roberts is expected to reveal the high court's verdict on President Barack Obama's health care overhaul shortly after 9 a.m.
The move is calculated — albeit risky — for Oklahoma's GOP leaders, who cited fears of a federal takeover of health care in declining to set up a state-run health insurance exchange. Should the law be upheld and the state doesn't create its own exchange by November, the state would automatically be absorbed into the federal system — the very thing they're fiercely trying to avoid.
"Like many states, Oklahoma has opted to see whether or not the federal health care law survives a challenge in the U.S. Supreme Court before acting on an exchange," said Alex Weintz, a spokesman for Republican Gov. Mary Fallin. "The governor's hope is that the law is overturned, allowing states to pursue their own health care solutions that emphasize choice and free-market competition rather than being saddled with ineffective and costly mandates from the federal government."
But Weintz acknowledged Fallin has not decided how to proceed if the law is upheld, saying she plans to discuss those options after the ruling.
In a state that filed a federal lawsuit claiming the law is unconstitutional and where nearly 65 percent of the voters in 2010 favored a constitutional amendment that prohibits forced participation in a health care system, Republican lawmakers are clearly in no hurry to comply with the law.
The resistance to the new health care law was so fierce in Oklahoma that the Legislature rejected $54 million in federal money to set up the exchange, mostly because of fierce opposition from tea party activists and other conservatives who maintain the plan would inextricably link the state to new federal requirements. When lawmakers decided to study how the state could set up and fund its own health insurance exchange, conservative activists were so relentless in their opposition that the Legislature ultimately decided to do nothing.
"If the court rules for the individual mandate, we're going to be a little behind the curve and we'll have to be playing catch up," acknowledged Republican state Rep. Doug Cox, an emergency room physician from Grove who served on the legislative study committee. "I think what we're really betting on is the presidential election this fall."
But even if Republicans were to take back the White House and the Senate, states still face a November deadline for having an exchange plan in place.
Ironically, the Republican Legislature approved a bill to create a health insurance exchange in 2009 that was signed into law by former Democratic Gov. Brad Henry, but because of a budget crisis, there was never any money appropriated to fund its creation.
"At the time, that was seen as a very conservative idea," Cox said. "Since Obama got elected, it's gone from being a conservative idea to a liberal one."
By the next year, Cox said the federal health care law had become so politically toxic in a state where President Obama failed to win a single one of its 77 counties in 2008 that lawmakers were hesitant to support any proposal that could be linked to the federal health care law.
"That's exactly what's going on," Cox said. "It is the face of a president who is very disliked in Oklahoma."
And while Oklahoma has done little to prepare for the law being upheld, the state also has few options for dealing with the estimated 17 percent of Oklahomans without health insurance if the law is struck down, said Kevin Gordon, the president of Crowe & Dunlevy and chairman of the law firm's Health Care Litigation Practice Group.
About 625,000 Oklahomans, most of them adults, currently are uninsured, according to the latest figures from the Oklahoma Health Care Authority.
"We're also ill-prepared for the law to be overturned," Gordon said. "We're going to have challenges either way. If it's overturned, we still have the underlying problems with considerable increases in health insurance premiums over the next several years."
Gordon and Cox both said one option Oklahoma has for addressing the problem of those without health insurance is expanding the state's Insure Oklahoma program, which is administered by the Health Care Authority and supported by Fallin.
The program, which currently insures about 30,376 Oklahomans , is designed to bridge the gap in health care coverage for low-income workers by allowing premium costs to be shared by the state (60 percent), the employer (25 percent) and the employee (15 percent).
It also has an individual plan that allows self-employed or unemployed workers to buy health insurance directly from the state. The state portion of the program is funded through an increase in the sales tax on cigarettes that
was approved by Oklahoma voters in 2004
So oops?
Quote from: carltonplace on June 28, 2012, 09:32:06 AM
Sounds like it was very partisan with Cheif Justice Roberts flipping sides to support it with the more liberal members of the court.
I liked the guy saying "Scalia's head is going to explode."
Expect POTUS in front of the cameras in 3...2....1
Quote from: carltonplace on June 28, 2012, 09:41:51 AM
Expect POTUS in front of the cameras in 3...2....1
He's scheduled for an appearance later this morning.
I believe the GOP leaders are scheduled as soon as they figure out the best way to say "Obama's made the supreme court okay a huge tax on the American people".
Quote from: Townsend on June 28, 2012, 09:52:50 AM
He's scheduled for an appearance later this morning.
I believe the GOP leaders are scheduled as soon as they figure out the best way to say "Obama's made the supreme court okay a huge tax on the American people".
Romney has already commented after the announcement that the health care act is immoral. So, I guess Scotus is too.
Quote from: Townsend on June 28, 2012, 09:52:50 AM
He's scheduled for an appearance later this morning.
Takes awhile to fit the halo on him and get it in just the right position.
Quote from: Conan71 on June 28, 2012, 09:55:25 AM
Takes awhile to fit the halo on him and get it in just the right position.
Cock it to the right. Looks more dashing.
Is it something he can throw to fight the aliens? Something like Wonder Woman's tiara.
Quote from: Conan71 on June 28, 2012, 09:55:25 AM
Takes awhile to fit the halo on him and get it in just the right position.
Probably takes more makeup time to cover up the smirk. ;)
Oh, no! I won't be protected from Obamacare! The sky is fall....
Oh, wait - I don't NEED protection from something that is gonna help me and cost less...whew - how did the RWRE get THAT so wrong?? They are always so right about everything else, like disproportionate tax cuts for the rich, and bailouts for big banks and insurance and subsidies for the largest mult-national oils....
TW FB post:
QuoteThe high court's decision leaves Gov. Mary Fallin and the Oklahoma Legislature in a difficult position.
Legislative leaders had put off a decision on complying with the law's mandate to create a state health care exchange until after the high court ruled.
With the ruling, which leaves the requirement in place, lawmakers have to decide whether to comply with the law or allow the federal government to impose a health care exchange on the state.
Facing a Jan. 1 deadline to have a plan in place, it could require a special session of the Legislature to deal with the issue, if Fallin decides to address the issue.
Where are you guys? I'm waiting for you to spin this as an Obama loss. Conan?
Mitt designed this law and now he is vowing to get it thrown out. And the drone from Teaheads/Republijerks: "repeal" ....lazy non-thinkers!
So I'm not sure how a mandate is a tax. I haven't read the decision, but it seems illogical on its face. As I understand it, the ACA doesn't raise taxes directly. You won't pay on your income taxes, you won't pay at the DMV or at a federal building. It won't be levied through the mail. Instead, it says that you must purchase a product from private companies. You'll only pay the government if you DON'T purchase the product, and that payment will be in the form of a fine.
A fine is not a tax. The overwhelming majority of $$ money changing hands to implement this will be between private individuals/families and private companies. That's also not a tax. That's a transaction. And that's should rightly fall under the Commerce Clause. Has anyone seen a good explanation for this?
Next big issue for states: Medicaid expansion....
Mary Mary quite contrary?
Is she going to be raising our taxes?
She has until Nov. 16 to get our house in order....can she perform?
Quote from: Townsend on June 28, 2012, 09:57:23 AM
Cock it to the right. Looks more dashing.
Is it something he can throw to fight the aliens? Something like Wonder Woman's tiara.
More like Oddjob's hat.
Quote from: we vs us on June 28, 2012, 11:03:54 AM
So I'm not sure how a mandate is a tax.
It's a tax which you pay that happens to be waived if you buy a particular product. Nowhere in the health care law is it stated that one must purchase health insurance from a for-profit company. Here in Oklahoma, we've got a few nonprofit insurers. In Vermont, (unless plans have changed in the last year) they will using the extra Medicaid money to go single payer, so Vermonters will be able get insurance directly from the state.
I think it's a dumb way to go about it, by the way, which isn't that surprising given that it's the Republican plan... I'm also surprised that Roberts saw it that way.
Quote from: nathanm on June 28, 2012, 12:04:22 PM
It's a tax which you pay that happens to be waived if you buy a particular product. Nowhere in the health care law is it stated that one must purchase health insurance from a for-profit company. Here in Oklahoma, we've got a few nonprofit insurers. In Vermont, (unless plans have changed in the last year) they will using the extra Medicaid money to go single payer, so Vermonters will be able get insurance directly from the state.
I think it's a dumb way to go about it, by the way, which isn't that surprising given that it's the Republican plan... I'm also surprised that Roberts saw it that way.
Who are the non-profit insurers in Oklahoma?
I'm in St.Louis at a National Retal Sporting Goods Show. When the announcement was made there was a collective sigh through the exhibit hall, lots of curse words shouted, and since then most of the business owners have abandon the exhibit hall. Most of these guys have 20-100 employees, some have much more. I think they were looking for better news. What makes it even worse is today is payroll day for most of these guys and since the "ground hog has seen his shadow" they are expecting several more years of uncertainty to govern their hiring decisions.
I respect the rule of the court, and Roberts has a valid point. By regarding Obamacare as a new tax (rather than a fee) the court has no authority to overturn it. His opinion was clear. Obamacare can only be overturned by congress, so I suppose that is where the work must be done.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 28, 2012, 12:15:33 PM
I'm in St.Louis at a National Retal Sporting Goods Show. When the announcement was made there was a collective sigh through the exhibit hall, lots of curse words shouted, and since then most of the business owners have abandon the exhibit hall. Most of these guys have 20-100 employees, some have much more. I think they were looking for better news. What makes it even worse is today is payroll day for most of these guys and since the "ground hog has seen his shadow" they are expecting several more years of uncertainty to govern their hiring decisions.
I respect the rule of the court, and Roberts has a valid point. By regarding Obamacare as a new tax (rather than a fee) the court has no authority to overturn it. His opinion was clear. Obamacare can only be overturned by congress, so I suppose that is where the work must be done.
So as the St. Louis National Retail Sporting Goods Show came to an abrupt end, were all the folks yelling out why they were leaving?
"I'm leaving because the finding will cause _____."
"I specifically don't agree with this because _______."
"I can't stay here because _______ will now happen."
Quote from: Gaspar on June 28, 2012, 12:15:33 PM
When the announcement was made there was a collective sigh through the exhibit hall, lots of curse words shouted, and since then most of the business owners have abandon the exhibit hall...I think they were looking for better news. What makes it even worse is today is payroll day for most of these guys and since the "ground hog has seen his shadow" they are expecting several more years of uncertainty to govern their hiring decisions...
Now gaspar, don't do anything rash. Life will go on.
Quote from: Conan71 on June 28, 2012, 12:06:21 PM
Who are the non-profit insurers in Oklahoma?
CommunityCare is one.
There it is. I'm surprised it didn't hit my feed quicker.
Has anyone in Congress called for Roberts' impeachment yet?
Quote from: Townsend on June 28, 2012, 02:30:39 PM
Has anyone in Congress called for Roberts' impeachment yet?
I found something out: Coke Zero hurts when forced through the nasal cavities after laughing.
Quote from: Townsend on June 28, 2012, 02:30:39 PM
Has anyone in Congress called for Roberts' impeachment yet?
Hannity already dropped "Judicial activism" this afternoon.
Quote from: Conan71 on June 28, 2012, 03:36:44 PM
Hannity already dropped "Judicial activism" this afternoon.
BOOM, here come the nutballs.
Quote from: Townsend on June 28, 2012, 02:30:39 PM
Has anyone in Congress called for Roberts' impeachment yet?
Not Robert's yet, but there's some right wingnutz calling for Kagan's head.
Republican Congressman Suggests 'Impeachment' For Justice Kagan Over Obamacare Ruling
Is the "death panel" thing still being pushed on people who refuse to read?
In response to the emotions expressed after the Obamacare announcement on Thursday, the organizers called in an insurance broker and consultancy firm (Willis Global) to give a presentation on a new option available to business owners released in response to Thursday's ruling. They've created a program qualified as private benefit pooling, and it's got most of these guys quite excited. It uses an unresolvable loophole in Obamacare.
Basically the companies stop providing health benefits directly to their employees. No more shopping plans, or paying higher rates for all employees to cover a few employees with higher health risks. Instead, the employer pays a "health & benefit payment" to each worker. The insurance broker then offers dozens of plans from all over the country, and because the employee is purchasing it directly, many of the federal and state regulations barring interstate commerce among insurance providers does not apply. By calling the payment a "health benefit" and making approved discounted plans available to workers, the business owner satisfies the requirements within Obamacare and is off the hook. The responsibility then falls on the worker to purchase a plan that fits their needs, or they can pay the government fine for not purchasing insurance and use the rest of the money to go to Vegas. It's their choice. Basically it removes employers from the benefit business all together.
The consultant said that Obamacare was so poorly thought out that it may ultimately destroy the employer managed benefits monopolies and actually take us back to individual choice, basically doing the opposite of it's original intended purpose. One of the guys asked him about the possibility of the adoption of a single payer system, and he said that would simply resemble an expansion of medicare, and currently around 30% of physicians are no longer accepting medicare and that number is climbing. To force people under a single payer program would require the government to force physicians to provide services, and there is no possible constitutionality in that. He said, that sure other countries have done it, but they do not share the freedoms guaranteed under the constitution, and even those countries are beginning to allow doctors to function freely outside of the system now.
Everyone came out of the meeting feeling much better. One of the guys actually started a chant of "Obama" "Obama" and there was much laughter. So apparently there IS a way to protect yourself from Obamacare.
Quote from: Gaspar on July 01, 2012, 08:00:43 AM
In response to the emotions expressed after the Obamacare announcement on Thursday, the organizers called in an insurance broker and consultancy firm (Willis Global) to give a presentation on a new option available to business owners released in response to Thursday's ruling. They've created a program qualified as private benefit pooling, and it's got most of these guys quite excited. It uses an unresolvable loophole in Obamacare.
Basically the companies stop providing health benefits directly to their employees. No more shopping plans, or paying higher rates for all employees to cover a few employees with higher health risks. Instead, the employer pays a "health & benefit payment" to each worker. The insurance broker then offers dozens of plans from all over the country, and because the employee is purchasing it directly, many of the federal and state regulations barring interstate commerce among insurance providers does not apply. By calling the payment a "health benefit" and making approved discounted plans available to workers, the business owner satisfies the requirements within Obamacare and is off the hook. The responsibility then falls on the worker to purchase a plan that fits their needs, or they can pay the government fine for not purchasing insurance and use the rest of the money to go to Vegas. It's their choice. Basically it removes employers from the benefit business all together.
The consultant said that Obamacare was so poorly thought out that it may ultimately destroy the employer managed benefits monopolies and actually take us back to individual choice, basically doing the opposite of it's original intended purpose. One of the guys asked him about the possibility of the adoption of a single payer system, and he said that would simply resemble an expansion of medicare, and currently around 30% of physicians are no longer accepting medicare and that number is climbing. To force people under a single payer program would require the government to force physicians to provide services, and there is no possible constitutionality in that. He said, that sure other countries have done it, but they do not share the freedoms guaranteed under the constitution, and even those countries are beginning to allow doctors to function freely outside of the system now.
Everyone came out of the meeting feeling much better. One of the guys actually started a chant of "Obama" "Obama" and there was much laughter. So apparently there IS a way to protect yourself from Obamacare.
What a strange little world you live in. Little credibility left in your posts but I'm sure you all had a good time playing golf and sharing Obama jokes. Meanwhile the real world moves on.
Quote from: AquaMan on July 01, 2012, 08:17:45 AM
What a strange little world you live in. Little credibility left in your posts but I'm sure you all had a good time playing golf and sharing Obama jokes. Meanwhile the real world moves on.
108 in the shade. Not good golf weather.
Quote from: Gaspar on July 01, 2012, 08:00:43 AM
The consultant said that Obamacare was so poorly thought out that it may ultimately destroy the employer managed benefits monopolies and actually take us back to individual choice, basically doing the opposite of it's original intended purpose. One of the guys asked him about the possibility of the adoption of a single payer system, and he said that would simply resemble an expansion of medicare, and currently around 30% of physicians are no longer accepting medicare and that number is climbing.
Clearly you and this consultant don't really grok the law. You'll note that most of the changes have the effect of making the individual market more realistically useful for a broader segment of society.
Regarding non-acceptance of Medicare, you may note that an increasing number of doctors don't accept any insurance at all. You pay cash at the time of service and if you want it paid for by an insurer, you get to submit all the paperwork for reimbursement. Fantastic if you're not too poor to pay out of pocket until you get the money from the insurance company.
Quote from: nathanm on July 01, 2012, 02:13:21 PM
Clearly you and this consultant don't really grok the law. You'll note that most of the changes have the effect of making the individual market more realistically useful for a broader segment of society.
Regarding non-acceptance of Medicare, you may note that an increasing number of doctors don't accept any insurance at all. You pay cash at the time of service and if you want it paid for by an insurer, you get to submit all the paperwork for reimbursement. Fantastic if you're not too poor to pay out of pocket until you get the money from the insurance company.
He drank the
Man are you in for a shock in the next five years. But keep on preaching against the obvious.
Quote from: Gaspar on July 01, 2012, 08:00:43 AM
In response to the emotions expressed after the Obamacare announcement on Thursday, the organizers called in an insurance broker and consultancy firm (Willis Global) to give a presentation on a new option available to business owners released in response to Thursday's ruling. They've created a program qualified as private benefit pooling, and it's got most of these guys quite excited. It uses an unresolvable loophole in Obamacare.
Basically the companies stop providing health benefits directly to their employees. No more shopping plans, or paying higher rates for all employees to cover a few employees with higher health risks. Instead, the employer pays a "health & benefit payment" to each worker. The insurance broker then offers dozens of plans from all over the country, and because the employee is purchasing it directly, many of the federal and state regulations barring interstate commerce among insurance providers does not apply. By calling the payment a "health benefit" and making approved discounted plans available to workers, the business owner satisfies the requirements within Obamacare and is off the hook. The responsibility then falls on the worker to purchase a plan that fits their needs, or they can pay the government fine for not purchasing insurance and use the rest of the money to go to Vegas. It's their choice. Basically it removes employers from the benefit business all together.
The consultant said that Obamacare was so poorly thought out that it may ultimately destroy the employer managed benefits monopolies and actually take us back to individual choice, basically doing the opposite of it's original intended purpose. One of the guys asked him about the possibility of the adoption of a single payer system, and he said that would simply resemble an expansion of medicare, and currently around 30% of physicians are no longer accepting medicare and that number is climbing. To force people under a single payer program would require the government to force physicians to provide services, and there is no possible constitutionality in that. He said, that sure other countries have done it, but they do not share the freedoms guaranteed under the constitution, and even those countries are beginning to allow doctors to function freely outside of the system now.
Everyone came out of the meeting feeling much better. One of the guys actually started a chant of "Obama" "Obama" and there was much laughter. So apparently there IS a way to protect yourself from Obamacare.
I suspect one of the unintended consequences of that course will be that your best employees will be looking very hard at other possibilities where the employer takes care of those issues, rather than putting yet another burden dealing with an HR issue onto the employee - like 401k versus defined benefit.
I have been in a company where they did that kind of health insurance game - basically had only major medical available that the employee had to deal with themselves. We lost several people who were the ones we wanted to lose least (out of about 45 total size). Cost a LOT more than any "savings" they thought they were gonna get. I hear they are still struggling a little bit with those consequences, and it has been about 8 years.
But hey, it's your choice. And could be your loss....
Why? What happens in 5 years?
Look into your Krystal Ball....round one's over and the dim wit righties fail to see that single payer, the only solution, is coming soon after states realize that medicare for all will work. Especially, when you compare the 3 billion a year shortfall next to the gigamous amounts lost to the MIC.
BTW, what's Mary Mary to do????? Bail on the poor and indigent and the disabled and the elderly and the non-profit hospitals?
She's an idiot.
Quote from: nathanm on July 01, 2012, 02:13:21 PM
Regarding non-acceptance of Medicare, you may note that an increasing number of doctors don't accept any insurance at all. You pay cash at the time of service and if you want it paid for by an insurer, you get to submit all the paperwork for reimbursement. Fantastic if you're not too poor to pay out of pocket until you get the money from the insurance company.
REAAAALLLYYYY? You should probably look into that. Cash payment and use of out-of-network or unapproved services if reimbursed at all, are typically only partially covered and require the physician to submit paperwork to the insurance company. If the physician runs a cash-only business he will not code and submit insurance reimbursements on the behalf of cash patients (that's kind of the point).
Quote from: Teatownclown on July 01, 2012, 11:42:08 PM
Why? What happens in 5 years?
Look into your Krystal Ball....round one's over and the dim wit righties fail to see that single payer, the only solution, is coming soon after states realize that medicare for all will work. Especially, when you compare the 3 billion a year shortfall next to the gigamous amounts lost to the MIC.
BTW, what's Mary Mary to do????? Bail on the poor and indigent and the disabled and the elderly and the non-profit hospitals?
She's an idiot.
Will we force physicians to operate under "expanded medicare?" Will we make it illegal for doctors to open independent fee or membership clinics?
Remember. . .this has already happened elsewhere.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on June 27, 2012, 03:42:09 PM
That's because it was their position before Obama and the Dem's got it passed. The Rep's just hope most people don't remember that inconvenient truth.
Chart: Comparing Health Reform Bills: Democrats and Republicans 2009, Republicans 1993
Quote from: Townsend on June 28, 2012, 09:52:50 AM
He's scheduled for an appearance later this morning.
I believe the GOP leaders are scheduled as soon as they figure out the best way to say "Obama's made the supreme court okay a huge tax on the American people".
"'Obamacare' is nothing more than the largest tax increase in the history of the world," Rush Limbaugh
"This is the largest tax increase on the poor and the middle class in the history of this country." Rep. Jeff Landry, R-La.
"Obama lied to the American people. Again. He said it wasn't a tax. Obama lies; freedom dies." tweet from Sarah Palin
Senator Says Employers Should Be Able To Deny Coverage To Cancer Patients Because 'Our Nation Was Based On Freedom'
Quote from: TulsaRufnex on July 03, 2012, 03:10:05 AM
Chart: Comparing Health Reform Bills: Democrats and Republicans 2009, Republicans 1993
Thank you. Most are too lazy to research and learn (and I admit, I had not seen that one) so that is good to see.
The RWRE is against it because it just so happened to be passed during Obama's term. But the RWRE have had even more time to pass this kind of thing and have failed miserably. Now with a framework, perhaps other improvements can be made over time.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on July 03, 2012, 09:51:36 AM
Thank you. Most are too lazy to research and learn (and I admit, I had not seen that one) so that is good to see.
The RWRE is against it because it just so happened to be passed during Obama's term. But the RWRE have had even more time to pass this kind of thing and have failed miserably. Now with a framework, perhaps other improvements can be made over time.
I don't know that the GOP really wants any sort of HC reform. They offer an alternative so it can appear they want to work on the problem and they can say "We offered an alternative to Hillarycare or Obamacare", but there's probably a pile in there somewhere so they know it wouldn't pass.
Quote from: Conan71 on July 03, 2012, 10:58:04 AM
I don't know that the GOP really wants any sort of HC reform. They offer an alternative so it can appear they want to work on the problem and they can say "We offered an alternative to Hillarycare or Obamacare", but there's probably a pile in there somewhere so they know it wouldn't pass.
Could be. If they wanted to do something real, they could have dozens of times in the last couple decades. Obstructionist 101.
Kind of like this Supreme Court ruling - anyone thinks there isn't a Robert's crapburger stuffed in there somewhere?
There definitely is a burger in there. Roberts and the minority largely overturned nearly a century of jurisprudence with respect to Commerce Clause powers. Funny, since he's such a statist when it comes to the police powers.
I was thinking more about how the ruling applies to Federal leverage on the states to coerce them into doing things. Now, only new monies involved can be used in leverage. That will inevitably lead to more game playing...
One example - if there are changes to anti-discrimination law, as in can't discriminate based on race, age, etc... the Fed had some pretty good leverage - just cut off all funds for the topic. Now, if sometime in the future, discrimination based on sexual orientation is added, they cannot use the entire topic budget for leverage, only the new part specifically related to the new topic. (I know... that is awkwardly written, but best I can do in a minute...)
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality ranks Oklahoma among worst health care states (
QuoteA federally agency has graded Oklahoma health care and delivery services one of the worst in the nation.
The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality announced the rankings as part of a annual nationwide review of state health care.
Oklahoma received a "weak" overall for 2011 and scored a "weak" or "very weak" in 10 of the 12 categories. The state's lowest measures were home health care and heart disease.
The results were comprised from a 50-state comparison.
Commentary from Oklahoma politicians following last week's Supreme Court ruling to uphold the national health care law reflected many in the state's opposition to the legislation.
"I'm extremely disappointed and frustrated by the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the federal health care law," said Okla. Gov. Mary Fallin. "President Obama's health care policies will limit patients' health care choices, reduce the quality of health care in the United States and will cost the state of Oklahoma more than a half billion dollars in the process."
The state of Oklahoma filed a federal individual lawsuit claiming the law to be unconstitutional in 2011. Now Oklahoma must develop it's own state-run health insurance exchange by November to avoid being absorbed into the federal system.
Read more:
Her quality of leadership is certainly suspect. A competent leader would have eschewed the politics to make sure that Oklahoma was prepared in case the decision went against her politics. Now, like a child who stuck her finger in an electrical receptacle, she cries about how its the electric company's fault. We have to stop electing ideologues and start promoting competency.
Quote from: AquaMan on July 06, 2012, 12:40:33 PM
Her quality of leadership is certainly suspect. A competent leader would have eschewed the politics to make sure that Oklahoma was prepared in case the decision went against her politics. Now, like a child who stuck her finger in an electrical receptacle, she cries about how its the electric company's fault. We have to stop electing ideologues and start promoting competency.
Until people start expanding where they get their news to include more than just the Fox News Channel, ideologues I fear will be all we see. There's not a public place with a TV that I've gone to in over a year that doesn't have Fox News on the instant I see the television.
Quote from: AquaMan on July 06, 2012, 12:40:33 PM
We have to stop electing ideologues and start promoting competency.
I think that goes against Oklahoma's lesser known state motto of "elect ideologues and stop promoting competency".
And, there's your bumper stincker!
Quote from: nathanm on July 03, 2012, 11:05:08 AM
There definitely is a burger in there. Roberts and the minority largely overturned nearly a century of jurisprudence with respect to Commerce Clause powers. Funny, since he's such a statist when it comes to the police powers.
Quote from: Hoss on July 06, 2012, 12:44:08 PM
There's not a public place with a TV that I've gone to in over a year that doesn't have Fox News on the instant I see the television.
My bank alternates. Some days it's Fox, some days it's CNN, some days it's MSNBC, some days it's CNBC. I haven't seen Fox Business yet, but I haven't been inside in a while.
Also, Fallin is being a bigger idiot than usual. How will the law limit choice in care more than it is presently limited? I guess if you consider being free of pre-existing condition restrictions limited choice she might have a point. How can having coverage provide care of worse quality than no care at all? Nonsense. And yes, it will cost us $500 million
over ten years for the Medicaid expansion and other provisions, presuming we actually participate in the Medicaid expansion. What she fails to mention is that the federal government will likely be paying ten times that. Is she really so stupid that she has a problem taking money from the blue states to help us catch up? She should be happy that her political opponents are dumb enough to give us piles of money that they can't then spend on politics.
Quote from: AquaMan on July 06, 2012, 12:40:33 PM
We have to stop electing ideologues and start promoting competency.
So you won't be voting to re-elect President Obama?
Quote from: Hoss on July 06, 2012, 12:44:08 PM
Until people start expanding where they get their news to include more than just the Fox News Channel, ideologues I fear will be all we see. There's not a public place with a TV that I've gone to in over a year that doesn't have Fox News on the instant I see the television.
You can watch whatever you want at home. In public you have to watch what the great unwashed masses want to watch...
Good for you, too - ya gotta know what the enemy is doing. How better than to watch Fox?
Quote from: Conan71 on July 06, 2012, 02:38:26 PM
So you won't be voting to re-elect President Obama?
Oy. I wish Obama were MORE of an idealogue, not less... he was against the federal insurance mandate before he was for it.... and yet, there is no public option after pre-compromising with republicans and the insurance industry....
Please stand for the singing of The Republican Party (aka "Party of No") National Anthem....Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993 (HEART)Sponsor:
Sen Chafee, John H. (R-NH)
Sen Bennett, Robert F. [R-UT] - 11/22/1993
Sen Bond, Christopher S. [R-MO] - 11/22/1993
Sen Boren, David L. [D-OK] - 5/17/1994
Sen Cohen, William S. [R-ME] - 11/22/1993
Sen Danforth, John C. [R-MO] - 11/22/1993
Sen Dole, Robert J. [R-KS] - 11/22/1993
Sen Domenici, Pete V. [R-NM] - 11/22/1993
Sen Durenberger, Dave [R-MN] - 11/22/1993
Sen Faircloth, Lauch [R-NC] - 11/22/1993
Sen Gorton, Slade [R-WA] - 11/22/1993
Sen Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] - 11/22/1993
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] - 11/22/1993
Sen Hatfield, Mark O. [R-OR] - 11/22/1993
Sen Kassebaum, Nancy Landon [R-KS] - 11/22/1993
Sen Kerrey, J. Robert [D-NE] - 5/17/1994
Sen Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] - 11/22/1993
Sen Simpson, Alan K. [R-WY] - 11/22/1993
Sen Specter, Arlen [R-PA] - 11/22/1993
Sen Stevens, Ted [R-AK] - 11/22/1993
Sen Warner, John [R-VA] - 11/22/1993
Sen Brown, Hank [R-CO] - 11/22/1993(withdrawn - 10/4/1994)
Consumer Choice Health Security Act of 1994Sponsor:
Sen. Don Nickles [R-OK]
Sen. Robert Bennett [R-UT]
Sen. George "Hank" Brown [R-CO]
Sen. Conrad Burns [R-MT]
Sen. Daniel Coats [R-IN]
Sen. Thad Cochran [R-MS]
Sen. Paul Coverdell [R-GA]
Sen. Larry Craig [R-ID]
Sen. Robert Dole [R-KS]
Sen. Duncan "Lauch" Faircloth [R-NC]
Sen. Charles "Chuck" Grassley [R-IA]
Sen. Judd Gregg [R-NH]
Sen. Orrin Hatch [R-UT]
Sen. Jesse Helms [R-NC]
Sen. Kay Hutchison [R-TX]
Sen. Dirk Kempthorne [R-ID]
Sen. Trent Lott [R-MS]
Sen. Richard Lugar [R-IN]
Sen. Connie Mack [R-FL]
Sen. Frank Murkowski [R-AK]
Sen. Alan Simpson [R-WY]
Sen. Bob Smith [R-NH]
Sen. Ted Stevens [R-AK]
Sen. Strom Thurmond [R-SC]
Sen. Malcolm Wallop [R-WY]
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY – State Rep. Mike Ritze plans to reintroduce a bill to "nullify" the individual mandate in the 2010 federal health care legislation in Oklahoma.
"I disagree with the Supreme Court's ruling and believe that state governments were intended to serve as a check on the federal government," said Ritze, R-Broken Arrow. "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is better known as ObamaCare, is an example of federal overreach and my legislation will authorize the state to resist it and ban the enforcement of it."
Ritze said his legislation would authorize the Oklahoma attorney general to defend citizens who fail to purchase health insurance against the federal government and criminalizes the enforcement of the individual mandate.
"My hope is that ObamaCare will be repealed, but I do not think that means we have to wait for the repeal to happen. Oklahoma lawmakers should do what they can to support our choice to make our own health care decisions," Ritze said.
Emphasis added].
Quote from: guido911 on July 07, 2012, 02:00:00 PM
Ritze said his legislation would authorize the Oklahoma attorney general to defend citizens who fail to purchase health insurance against the federal government and criminalizes the enforcement of the individual mandate.
Does that mean that the state will spend thousands of dollars to prevent some individual from paying a $695 fine/tax?
Quote from: Red Arrow on July 07, 2012, 02:14:13 PM
Does that mean that the state will spend thousands of dollars to prevent some individual from paying a $695 fine/tax?
Only if this law passes and Oklahoma hires new lawyers to staff the AG office to provide this defense. Otherwise, we are already paying AG lawyers so the beef would be their being redirected from other matters or the office has been overstaffed. Who knows? Except obviously that once again some Oklahomans are embarrassing the rest of us by being obstinate or racist. You pick.
Quote from: guido911 on July 07, 2012, 03:10:09 PM
Who knows? Except obviously that once again some Oklahomans are embarrassing the rest of us by being obstinate or racist. You pick.
I pick obstinate. I'll let someone else call them racist.
Quote from: Red Arrow on July 07, 2012, 02:14:13 PM
Does that mean that the state will spend thousands of dollars to prevent some individual from paying a $695 fine/tax?
A tax penalty for which criminal charges cannot be brought, interest cannot be charged, enforcement action cannot be opened, and is otherwise toothless unless you are a W-2 employee who, like most, overpays throughout the year. In that case they can hold it back from your refund. If you're not a W-2 employee, you can just pay estimated tax for your regular income and SE tax, make sure you don't underpay by more than 10% and send in a check for the balance of the tax owed (less the penalty) and the IRS can't do anything about it aside from sending you polite letters.
Basically, the only people who will be impacted by this and can't work around it are folks who get refundable tax credits large enough to take their income and payroll tax below zero. I suspect most of those folks will be eligible for Medicaid in states that don't refuse to participate in the expansion, so for the vast majority it's completely meaningless as a penalty. Don't be poor, but not so poor that you don't get Medicaid, and don't have a lot of kids, I guess.
I'm not surprised that one or more of our esteemed representatives can't grasp that there is no enforcement mechanism for the penalty.
Quote from: nathanm on July 07, 2012, 04:47:06 PM
If you're not a W-2 employee, you can just pay estimated tax for your regular income and SE tax, make sure you don't underpay by more than 10% and send in a check for the balance of the tax owed (less the penalty) and the IRS can't do anything about it aside from sending you polite letters.
To some extent, you can adjust your withholding via the W-4 so I guess pretty much anyone can play the game if you're clever enough.
Saw this on Drudge. Kind of dramatic. I've heard similar rumblings.
QuoteEighty-three percent of American physicians have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association.
The DPMA, a non-partisan association of doctors and patients, surveyed a random selection of 699 doctors nationwide. The survey found that the majority have thought about bailing out of their careers over the legislation, which was upheld last month by the Supreme Court.
Even if doctors do not quit their jobs over the ruling, America will face a shortage of at least 90,000 doctors by 2020. The new health care law increases demand for physicians by expanding insurance coverage. This change will exacerbate the current shortage as more Americans live past 65.
Read more:
Perhaps Congress could see fit to restore the funding for the medical residency system they cut in the late 90s? (Yes, Virginia, every doctor in the US benefits from the socialist system whereby the government pays the hospital to take them on when they're still wet behind the ears and nobody in their right mind would employ them to stitch up a cat, much less a person) The AMA might throw a fit, though. After all, it was their ridiculous claim that there was an impending oversupply of doctors that got Congress to act in the first place.
Quote from: nathanm on July 07, 2012, 04:47:06 PM
A tax penalty for which criminal charges cannot be brought, interest cannot be charged, enforcement action cannot be opened, and is otherwise toothless unless you are a W-2 employee who, like most, overpays throughout the year. In that case they can hold it back from your refund. If you're not a W-2 employee, you can just pay estimated tax for your regular income and SE tax, make sure you don't underpay by more than 10% and send in a check for the balance of the tax owed (less the penalty) and the IRS can't do anything about it aside from sending you polite letters.
Basically, the only people who will be impacted by this and can't work around it are folks who get refundable tax credits large enough to take their income and payroll tax below zero. I suspect most of those folks will be eligible for Medicaid in states that don't refuse to participate in the expansion, so for the vast majority it's completely meaningless as a penalty. Don't be poor, but not so poor that you don't get Medicaid, and don't have a lot of kids, I guess.
I bet that if you underpay, what the IRS will do is count that penalty as part of the money you did pay, then declare your regular tax due as the underpaid amount - with penalties and interest, etc.
All they have to do is put this fee as first in line for payment when money starts coming in, then everything else. Simple solution.
I got a notice yesterday in the mail from my health insurer that due to the Affordable Health Care Act, they must rebate 2% of all premiums earned in Oklahoma last year because only 78% of their expenditures went to actual health care costs. I won't see the rebate but my employer will. Not sure how well this is going to play with health insurance companies in the long run, dictating their expenditure percentages.
Go figure, they have to spend most of your premium on actual health care. What a shocking idea!
Dam the bad luck...reduced bonuses all around!
Quote from: Conan71 on July 10, 2012, 09:24:52 AM
I got a notice yesterday in the mail from my health insurer that due to the Affordable Health Care Act, they must rebate 2% of all premiums earned in Oklahoma last year because only 78% of their expenditures went to actual health care costs. I won't see the rebate but my employer will. Not sure how well this is going to play with health insurance companies in the long run, dictating their expenditure percentages.
There will be (are) fewer insurance companies. Only the big insurance monopolies will be able to survive, but that's ok, because there will be fewer doctors too. Under single payer, perhaps people will be able to see the government nurse?
Quote from: Gaspar on July 10, 2012, 01:30:42 PM
There will be (are) fewer insurance companies. Only the big insurance monopolies will be able to survive, but that's ok, because there will be fewer doctors too. Under single payer, perhaps people will be able to see the government nurse?
The Governors Opposing Obamacare: Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, and More
QuoteTexas governor and former candidate for the Republican presidential nomination Rick Perry said he was joining a "growing chorus" of governors when he put his foot down on Obamacare. Yet, as one of the country's most prominent Republican governors, Perry may be the choirmaster. So far, 11 governors have said that they will not implement key elements of the Affordable Care Act, including the Medicaid expansion and the creation of state insurance exchanges, in their states. Others have said that they're simply not fond of the health-care-reform law, or have stayed mum. Whether or not the governors will—or can—mount a crusade of any consequence against the law ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court remains to be seen.
The Daily Beast rounds up the (mostly) Republican rogues who want to flatline Obamacare.
So do they forget Oklahoma exists? Not count Oklahoma? Consider us part of TX? Know our governor really doesn't matter? Realize she doesn't understand? What?
Quote from: Townsend on July 10, 2012, 01:42:50 PM
The Governors Opposing Obamacare: Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, and More
So do they forget Oklahoma exists? Not count Oklahoma? Consider us part of TX? Know our governor really doesn't matter? Realize she doesn't understand? What?
thought I read somewhere when asked that she hasn't decided what she will do yet.
Quote from: Hoss on July 10, 2012, 01:53:54 PM
thought I read somewhere when asked that she hasn't decided what she will do yet.
Ah, she's flustered and confused.
Quote from: Townsend on July 10, 2012, 02:15:54 PM
Ah, she's flustered and confused.
Maybe she is waiting for Michelle Bachman to tell her what to do
Quote from: Townsend on July 10, 2012, 01:42:50 PM
The Governors Opposing Obamacare: Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, and More
Just that simple fact lets any intelligent, thinking person know beyond any doubt that the Affordable Care Act was the right thing to do!
And if Fallin gets on board...well, that's just piling on...
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on July 10, 2012, 04:05:25 PM
Just that simple fact lets any intelligent, thinking person know beyond any doubt that the Affordable Care Act was the right thing to do!
Let's not overstate the case. It wasn't the "right" thing to do. It's better than leaving millions of people without access to health care, and it's better than letting insurance companies continue to price gouge. (too bad that part doesn't extend to everybody in the industry) However, by no means was it a reasonable way of going about it. It was written to protect some of the biggest sleazeballs in our society. The story of taking the non-profit insurers for-profit is pretty much sickening. Once again, we are rewarding people whose only success was being smart enough to commit fraud.
Yeah, you are right - far from a complete 'right thing to do'. It is a step in a direction we should have taken decades ago. In my eternal optimism, I am hopeful that this will be a framework from which to work for improvement.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on July 10, 2012, 10:26:43 PM
I am hopeful that this will be a framework from which to work for improvement.
Still going for that Hope & Change thing are you?
Quote from: Red Arrow on July 10, 2012, 10:39:48 PM
Still going for that Hope & Change thing are you?
Be better than the "Etch-A-Sketch" alternative.
Quote from: Hoss on July 10, 2012, 10:42:55 PM
Be better than the "Etch-A-Sketch" alternative.
This is America, you are entitled to hold an incorrect opinion.
Quote from: Red Arrow on July 10, 2012, 10:47:38 PM
This is America, you are entitled to hold an incorrect opinion.
As are you. :o
Quote from: Hoss on July 10, 2012, 10:59:51 PM
As are you. :o
You've had more creative retorts.
Quote from: Red Arrow on July 10, 2012, 11:16:35 PM
You've had more creative retorts.
Vacation is making me lazy. ;D
Quote from: Hoss on July 10, 2012, 11:43:33 PM
Vacation is making me lazy. ;D
Get back to work.
Quote from: Hoss on July 10, 2012, 10:42:55 PM
Be better than the "Etch-A-Sketch" alternative.
I'll take flexibility over proven failure any day.
Quote from: Conan71 on July 11, 2012, 10:42:25 AM
I'll take flexibility over proven failure any day.
If you call 'flexibility' changing one's opinion on something (like say, healthcare, abortion, gun name it) to placate one's party, then yeah, he's also a failure. I can't believe you would justify that as 'flexibility'. I know you're not that dense.
When the President claimed 'flexibility' on gay marriage, Repubs were up in arms. When their guy does it? It's 'revisiting'.
Quote from: Hoss on July 11, 2012, 10:59:55 AM
When the President claimed 'flexibility' on gay marriage, Repubs were up in arms. When their guy does it? It's 'revisiting'.
There's no difference and I won't engage in a game of semantics. Let's face it, you have two politically expedient people running for office. Obama was actually on record at some point in his past saying he had no problem with gay marriage. He's also "evolved" on many other issues as well.
How much better off are we than we were four years ago? Who shows a far better grasp on business and how jobs are created? I'll take the guy with private sector experience who has also had to lead a very left-leaning state as a Republican.
Personally I think Romney is a solid moderate. Sure, he's going to spout the party line on social issues, but let's face it, gay marriage, decriminalizing pot, and abortion are either states issues or simply are not going to be affected by the POTUS. Roe V. Wade has stood for almost 40 years. It's not going anywhere. I wish he'd simply say: "Stuff it" on social issues. He really doesn't need those to rally the troops on ousting Obama.
The Obama camp will say and do anything to keep the focus off Obama's poor job performance, including going so far as muddling the reality of Romney's record on social and business issues, or an outright whisper campaign on Mormonism to frighten the likes of the TTC's out there.
Quote from: Conan71 on July 11, 2012, 11:09:47 AM
I wish he'd simply say: "Stuff it" on social issues.
Oh man, how much better would all this be if that was the general consensus among all candidates in every race?
In a few minutes the final debate to repeal 'Obamacare' is about to begin. The Republicans will make speeches about why it's a bad thing to help Americans stay alive.
After this debate, the Republicans will then hold speeches as to how to create jobs for America and then they will debate the best way to win a Presidential Election without trying to cheat. :D
Quote from: Conan71 on July 11, 2012, 10:42:25 AM
I'll take flexibility over proven failure any day.
Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive, my pre-existing condition (one yr from cancer-free) cannot be used against me in the coming decades, low interest student loans are available that cut out the middle-man (banks), kids in college now FAR MORE LIKELY to have health insurance because they're covered under their parents until age 26, a dow jones that is close to DOUBLE what it was on 3/9/2009 (6,547), the government took action to stabilize the housing market, a new Fiat-Chrysler stock offering in 2013, FEMA is arguably a much more competent organization under Obama than Dubya, ended the war in Iraq, ended the use of waterboarding (torture), expanded loans for small business, closed the Medicare prescription drug "donut hole," adopted the economic substance doctrine as federal law (a policy that states that tax changes must have significant economic justification), establish a credit card "bill of rights," etc, etc, etc....
Proven failure? Hell no.
Partisan hackery? Yes. The type of hackery I've come to expect from someone who has characterized Obama as an "empty suit" from Day One.
Quote from: TulsaRufnex on July 12, 2012, 09:50:51 AM
Bin Laden is dead, (Let's see which president would not have given orders to go through with this mission? I'm pretty certain others would not have taken so much personal credit for other's work and sacrifice) GM is alive, (you realize Bush approved the bail out in the first place, right?) my pre-existing condition (one yr from cancer-free) cannot be used against me in the coming decades, (I agree that is a good thing but it wasn't necessary to overhaul an entire system where healthcare and insurance already works quite well for many of us) low interest student loans are available that cut out the middle-man (banks)(Kudos, that was a brilliant move which was long overdue. I believe we need more grants than loans though, there is no better investment than higher ed at keeping the US competitive globally. Also consider U/E rates for college grads is lower), kids in college now FAR MORE LIKELY to have health insurance because they're covered under their parents until age 26,(there were plenty of other ways for them to obtain insurance with similar premium costs which parents could pay for) a dow jones that is close to DOUBLE what it was on 3/9/2009 (6,547), (Great for investors and the 1%'ers. Completely meaningless to someone who has been unemployed or under-employed for 3 to 4 years.)the government took action to stabilize the housing market, (Of course they did, that was the only logical thing to do after a major cataclysm)a new Fiat-Chrysler stock offering in 2013 (How is that an Obama success?), FEMA is arguably a much more competent organization under Obama than Dubya (How many major tests has it been put through in 3.5 years? Ever stop to consider the magnitude and frequency of disasters FEMA was put through in a very short amount of time? Bush took criticism of FEMA seriously and made changes where necessary, starting at the top), ended the war in Iraq (on the original Bush timeline), ended the use of waterboarding (torture)(Comfort and aid to sworn enemies of the U.S. has never been high on my list. You really believe rendition has ended? How's that closing Gitmo promise coming?), expanded loans for small business(Funny small business owners are still complaining they can't get loans), closed the Medicare prescription drug "donut hole," adopt the economic substance doctrine as federal law (a policy that states that tax changes must have significant economic justification), establish a credit card "bill of rights," etc, etc, etc....
Proven failure? Hell no.
Partisan hackery? Yes. The type of hackery I've come to expect from someone who has characterized Obama as an "empty suit" from Day One.
QuoteWASHINGTON — The emergency bailout of General Motors and Chrysler announced by President Bush on Friday gives the companies a few months to get their businesses in order, but hands off to President-elect Barack Obama the difficult political task of ruling on their future.
The plan pumps $13.4 billion by mid-January into the companies from the fund that Congress authorized to rescue the financial industry. But the two companies have until March 31 to produce a plan for long-term profitability, including concessions from unions, creditors, suppliers and dealers.
In February, another $4 billion will be available for G.M. if the rest of the $700 billion bailout package has been released.
Even before the March 31 deadline, it might fall to the Obama administration to persuade Congress to release the second $350 billion of the Treasury Department's huge financial system stabilization program — a request that the Bush administration is reluctant to make.
QuoteGeneral Motors Chairman Daniel Akerson tells Newsmax that both President Obama and former President George W. Bush should share credit for the successful bailout of the auto industry.
Akerson also flatly denies allegations that the federal government — which still owns nearly 30 percent of General Motors stock — has been involved in the day-to-day running of the company.
And he warns that while he sees a positive outlook for GM over the next several years, he believes the economy has not fully recovered due to a weak housing market which he predicts won't bottom out for another "couple of years."
And this is the crux of the issue....capitalist doctors. They've lost their way except when it comes to needing more stuff....and vacation homes...and Mercedes...and on and on. I fault the Big Pharma Doctor Insurer triangulation. But the same people want to scapegoat our President.
QuoteInsurers Pay Big Markups as Doctors Dispense Drugs
When a pharmacy sells the heartburn drug Zantac, each pill costs about 35 cents. But doctors dispensing it to patients in their offices have charged nearly 10 times that price, or $3.25 a pill.
The same goes for a popular muscle relaxant known as Soma, insurers say. From a pharmacy, the per-pill price is 60 cents. Sold by a doctor, it can cost more than five times that, or $3.33.
At a time of soaring health care bills, experts say that doctors, middlemen and drug distributors are adding hundreds of millions of dollars annually to the costs borne by taxpayers, insurance companies and employers through the practice of physician dispensing.
Most common among physicians who treat injured workers, it is a twist on a typical doctor's visit. Instead of sending patients to drugstores to get prescriptions filled, doctors dispense the drugs in their offices to patients, with the bills going to insurers. Doctors can make tens of thousands of dollars a year operating their own in-office pharmacies. The practice has become so profitable that private equity firms are buying stakes in the businesses, and political lobbying over the issue is fierce.
Doctor dispensing can be convenient for patients. But rules in many states governing workers' compensation insurance contain loopholes that allow doctors to sell the drugs at huge markups. Profits from the sales are shared by doctors, middlemen who help physicians start in-office pharmacies and drug distributors who repackage medications for office sale.
Alarmed by the costs, some states, including California and Oklahoma, have clamped down on the practice. But legislative and regulatory battles over it are playing out in other states like Florida, Hawaii and Maryland.
In Florida, a company called Automated HealthCare Solutions, a leader in physician dispensing, has defeated repeated efforts to change what doctors can charge. The company, which is partly owned by Abry Partners, a private equity firm, has given more than $3.3 million in political contributions either directly or through entities its principals control, public records show.
Insurers and business groups said they were amazed by the little-known company's spending spree. To plead its case to Florida lawmakers, Automated HealthCare hired one of the state's top lobbyists, Brian Ballard, who is also a major national fund-raiser for the Mitt Romney campaign.
"I consider the fees that these people are charging to be immoral," said Alan Hays, a Republican state senator in Florida who introduced a bill to bar physicians from dispensing pills that was defeated. "They're legal under the current law, but they're immoral."
Physician prescribing works like this: Middlemen like Automated HealthCare help doctors set up office pharmacies by providing them with billing software and connecting them with suppliers who repackage medications for office sale. Doctors sell the drugs but they do not collect payments from insurers. In the case of Automated HealthCare, the company pays the doctor 70 percent of what the doctor charges, then seeks to collect the full amount from insurers.
The number of doctors nationwide who dispense drugs in their office is not known and the practice is prevalent only in states where workers' compensation rules allow for large markups.
Dr. Paul Zimmerman, a founder of Automated HealthCare, said that insurers and other opponents of doctor dispensing were distorting its costs by emphasizing the prices of a few drugs, rather than the typical price spread between physician- and pharmacy-dispensed drugs.
Both Dr. Zimmerman and physicians who sell drugs also said the workers' compensation system was so bureaucratic and complex that an injured employee could wait days before getting a needed medication through a pharmacy.
"We did not institute this because of the money," Dr. Marc Loev, a managing partner of the Spine Center, a chain of clinics in Maryland, testified last year at a public hearing in Baltimore. "We instituted it because we were having significant difficulty providing the care for workers' compensation patients."
The loophole that raises the price of physician-dispensed drugs often involves a benchmark called "average wholesale price." The cost of a medication dispensed through a workers' compensation plan is pegged in some states to that benchmark, which is supposed to represent a drug's typical wholesale cost.
But doctor-dispensed drugs can undergo an "average wholesale price" makeover. It happens when firms that supply doctors with medications buy them in bulk from wholesalers and repackage them for office sale. These "repackagers" can set a new "average wholesale price," one that is often many times higher than the original.
For example, in 2010, a physician associated with the Spine Center, Dr. Loev's practice in Maryland, gave a patient a prescription for 360 patches containing a pain-numbing drug, lidocaine. The worker's insurer was charged $7,304, according to a copy of that bill provided to The New York Times by a lawyer, Michael S. Levin, who represents insurance companies.
A similar number of patches dispensed by a doctor in California, which changed its regulations in 2007, is about $4,068, according to the California Workers' Compensation Institute, a research group.
Warren G. Moseley, the president of a company in Tulsa, Okla., Physicians Total Care, that repackages drugs for office sale by doctors, said it charged physicians $2,863 for 360 patches.
Dr. Loev, who uses Automated HealthCare's services, declined to be interviewed and did not respond to specific written questions from The Times.
Dr. Charles Thorne, a principal at Multi-Specialty HealthCare, another Maryland-based chain of clinics that dispenses drugs, also declined to be interviewed.
Dr. Zimmerman, the co-founder of Automated HealthCare, said that drug prices are set by companies that repackage medications for office sales.
He added that Automated HealthCare referred doctors to about a dozen repackagers. But the company has a relationship with one repackaging company called Quality Care Products, based in the Midwest. The two firms have exhibited their services together and jointly sponsor a charity golf tournament.
The president of Quality Care, Gene Gunderson, declined to be interviewed and the company did not respond to written questions.
Data collected by Florida insurers who handle workers' compensation claims shows that Quality Care supplies about 40 percent of the drugs sold by doctors in the state, a market share three times as high as that of its closest competitor.
Robert M. Mernick, the president of Bryant Ranch Prepack, a company in North Hollywood, Calif., that repackages medications for office sale, said he found it extraordinary that lawmakers in other states like Florida and Maryland were allowing such drug markups to continue.
"I see it as corruption," he said. "I think it is horrible."
In 2010, Abry Partners, a private equity firm in Boston, bought a stake in Automated HealthCare for $85 million. Officials of Abry also declined to be interviewed for this article.
That same year, Florida lawmakers tried to clamp down on how much doctors could charge for drugs. Automated HealthCare responded with a major lobbying and spending campaign, focusing its efforts on state leaders like the president of the Florida senate, Mike Haridopolos.
When the bill was reintroduced this year, Mr. Haridopolos declined to allow a vote. The state's insurance commissioner had backed the move, saying it would annually save firms and taxpayers $62 million, a figure disputed by Automated HealthCare.
Mr. Haridopolos said he didn't believe the bill had a chance of winning. "It seemed like a big political food fight," he said.
Mr. Hays, the legislator who introduced the measure, said he found that hard to believe. "The strategy of the people that were opposed to this bill was to put the right amount of dollars in the right hands and get the bill blocked," he said. "And they were successful in doing that."
Not only has this Medical Industrial Complex turned the USA into a bunch of drug addicts, they've refused to move forward with new science favoring instead to protect their self interests. Conflicts of interest abound.
This industry needs to be single payer...and it needs price controls.
I would just be happy if we could convince Congress to ignore the AMA and open up more residency slots. There's clearly a shortage of doctors. Can't have that, though. It might make existing doctors have to lower their rates. Competition, it's a grumble.
Quote from: nathanm on July 12, 2012, 03:05:31 PM
I would just be happy if we could convince Congress to ignore the AMA and open up more residency slots. There's clearly a shortage of doctors. Can't have that, though. It might make existing doctors have to lower their rates. Competition, it's a grumble.
There again, though are there enough
competent applicants to fill additional slots?
Considering how foobared up and corrupt the FDA is, do we really think Congress is any better a manipulator of AMA policy?
Quote from: Conan71 on July 12, 2012, 03:15:09 PM
There again, though are there enough competent applicants to fill additional slots?
Considering how foobared up and corrupt the FDA is, do we really think Congress is any better a manipulator of AMA policy?
Yes, there are people who could fill the extra space, and the FDA has nothing to do with funding for residency slots. Even if there aren't at the moment, wouldn't it be good to have as many spaces available as there are qualified applicants?
Quote from: nathanm on July 12, 2012, 04:41:24 PM
Yes, there are people who could fill the extra space, and the FDA has nothing to do with funding for residency slots. Even if there aren't at the moment, wouldn't it be good to have as many spaces available as there are qualified applicants?
I brought FDA into the discussion as a perfect example of an agency who claims to have the best interest of the consumer in mind, yet constantly does the bidding of the drug companies.
Trusting 535 mostly corrupt legislators, most of whom have legal backgrounds- not medical, to pretend to know what is best for medicine?
Understand where I'm coming from yet?
Quote from: Conan71 on July 12, 2012, 04:44:58 PM
I brought FDA into the discussion as a perfect example of an agency who claims to have the best interest of the consumer in mind, yet constantly does the bidding of the drug companies.
Trusting 535 mostly corrupt legislators, most of whom have legal backgrounds- not medical, to pretend to know what is best for medicine?
Understand where I'm coming from yet?
Do tell the solution?
Common ground...good day.
Quote from: Conan71 on July 12, 2012, 04:44:58 PM
Trusting 535 mostly corrupt legislators, most of whom have legal backgrounds- not medical, to pretend to know what is best for medicine?
You seem to think this isn't already what's going on. I thought you were a free market kind of guy. Seems to me that artificially restricting the supply of doctors is the opposite of what we need.
A concerned citizen doing his part to provide quality health care, and for free...
Quote from: guido911 on July 13, 2012, 01:33:05 PM
A concerned citizen doing his part to provide quality health care, and for free...
I like your hat.
Quote from: guido911 on July 15, 2012, 03:11:35 PM
Fail. Says the link is forbidden.
I read today that a district court enjoined Obamacare as it applies to religious institutions on "free exercise" grounds. Here is what really caught my attention though:
QuoteCook Medical Inc. had been planning to open five new manufacturing plants over the next five years in small communities around the Midwest, including Indiana, but has shelved those plans because of the hit it will take from a new U.S. tax on medical devices.
The Bloomington-based medical device maker estimates it will pay between $20 million and $30 million once the tax takes effect in January, Pete Yonkman, executive vice president of strategic business units at Cook Medical, said this week.
The 2.3-percent tax on sales of all medical devices was created as part of President Obama's 2010 health reform law to help pay for its expansion of health insurance coverage to as many as 30 million more Americans. The tax is projected to raised about $2.9 billion per year.
"It is a challenge for us, no doubt," Yonkman said in an interview after the IBJ Life Sciences Power Breakfast on Wednesday (see video below). "We have fewer resources to be able to spend on those kinds of projects."
$30,000,000 will not set up 5 manufacturing plants. Moreover, unless the tax is 100%, which it is not, building new production capacity would still be profitable for these fools. Why don't you apply the skepticism you show towards Obama towards things you like, too. It might help you notice when people are feeding you BS.
I don't see Proctor & Gamble whining about sales tax, why are these folks whining?
lets see now
QuoteThe 2.3-percent tax on sales of all medical devices was created as part of President Obama's 2010 health reform law to help pay for its expansion of health insurance coverage to as many as 30 million more Americans. The tax is projected to raised about $2.9 billion per year.
A tax of 2.3% is projected to raise $2,900,000,000 per year. How much in total sales does that ring up to on the cash register?
Quote from: joiei on July 28, 2012, 09:29:58 PM
lets see now
A tax of 2.3% is projected to raise $2,900,000,000 per year. How much in total sales does that ring up to on the cash register?
$Sales x .023 = $2,900,000,000.
$Sales = $2,900,000,000 / .023
$Sales = $126,086,956,522.
Quote from: nathanm on July 28, 2012, 08:36:32 PM
$30,000,000 will not set up 5 manufacturing plants.
He didn't say it would, only that $30M would not be available to set up the plants that were planned.
Quote from: Red Arrow on July 29, 2012, 12:17:09 AM
He didn't say it would, only that $30M would not be available to set up the plants that were planned.
Guido quoted:
Cook Medical Inc. had been planning to open five new manufacturing plants over the next five years in small communities around the Midwest, including Indiana, but has shelved those plans because of the hit it will take from a new U.S. tax on medical devices.
That sentence states that the reason Cook Medical will not open five plants is because it cannot afford to build even one due to the medical device tax. (that's BS in and of itself, but I digress) Later, the article states that the tax will amount to $20 million to $30 million.
Your interpretation is likely closer to the truth, but that is not what the article said. Besides, if a 2.3% tax on medical device sales prevents them from increasing production, there are bigger problems at Cook Medical than the tax. We're not talking about a small company here. They had something like $1.5 billion in revenue a couple of years ago, which agrees reasonably well with their claimed new tax burden. Raising money should not be a problem for them.
More likely they're not building the plants because they know that they're about to get their lunch eaten by SLS systems. The tax just provides a convenient excuse.
Even more good news:
QuoteMoreover, across the country, fewer than half of primary care clinicians were accepting new Medicaid patients as of 2008, making it hard for the poor to find care even when they are eligible for Medicaid. The expansion of Medicaid accounts for more than one-third of the overall growth in coverage in President Obama's health care law.
Providers say they are bracing for the surge of the newly insured into an already strained system.
Temetry Lindsey, the chief executive of Inland Behavioral & Health Services, which provides medical care to about 12,000 area residents, many of them low income, said she was speeding patient-processing systems, packing doctors' schedules tighter and seeking to hire more physicians.
"We know we are going to be overrun at some point," Ms. Lindsey said, estimating that the clinics would see new demand from 10,000 to 25,000 residents by 2014. She added that hiring new doctors had proved a struggle, in part because of the "stigma" of working in this part of California.
Across the country, a factor increasing demand, along with expansion of coverage in the law and simple population growth, is the aging of the baby boom generation. Medicare officials predict that enrollment will surge to 73.2 million in 2025, up 44 percent from 50.7 million this year.
"Older Americans require significantly more health care," said Dr. Darrell G. Kirch, the president of the Association of American Medical Colleges. "Older individuals are more likely to have multiple chronic conditions, requiring more intensive, coordinated care."
The pool of doctors has not kept pace, and will not, health experts said. Medical school enrollment is increasing, but not as fast as the population. The number of training positions for medical school graduates is lagging. Younger doctors are on average working fewer hours than their predecessors. And about a third of the country's doctors are 55 or older, and nearing retirement.
Quote from: guido911 on July 29, 2012, 11:46:42 PM
Even more good news:
Right. The fact that there are fewer docs seems to have started several years ago and was predictable. Obama's fault? Hardly.
When there are too many engineers and plumbers you will see an increase in doctors. Already there's many immigrants filling the void.
Meanwhile, be thankful medical care has improved. It will continue to do so....
So you think the solution to not having enough doctors is...rationing care?
Quote from: Teatownclown on July 30, 2012, 12:09:18 AM
Right. The fact that there are fewer docs seems to have started several years ago and was predictable. Obama's fault? Hardly.
When there are too many engineers and plumbers you will see an increase in doctors. Already there's many immigrants filling the void.
Meanwhile, be thankful medical care has improved. It will continue to do so....
Improving the quality of medical care was one of the stated goals of Obamacare.
How is the quality going to improve when half our medical system is staffed by candidates from Baby Doc University in Haiti?
You don't think there are well trained doctors who would like to come work here? Or that we have a monopoly on good medical programs? If that were the case, I'd expect outcomes to be better relative to other nations.
Quote from: nathanm on July 30, 2012, 11:43:44 AM
You don't think there are well trained doctors who would like to come work here? Or that we have a monopoly on good medical programs? If that were the case, I'd expect outcomes to be better relative to other nations.
That's already happening, as I was going though my mother's lung cancer her pulmonologist was an Arab guy and her pain specialist was from India. They were also the two doctors I trusted the most out of her fleet of physicians.
In case you've depended on political ads for information about medical care...a refresher: (
8 Biggest Mix-Ups About Health Care Reform
QuoteThe public remains sharply divided toward President Barack Obama's historic health care reform legislation, according to polls that show few are undecided. Most people think they know whether they like or dislike the law. But when it comes to knowing what's actually contained within this mammoth retooling of our health insurance system, most of us may not be smarter than a failing fifth grader.
A recent online quiz on the main provisions of health care reform by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that participants, on average, answered just 5 out of 10 questions correctly.
It's understandable. The ambitious law runs to 2,700 pages, some of its regulations have yet to be written, and the benefits that have already taken effect have been overshadowed by the recently resolved Supreme Court challenge. The barrage of political advertising surrounding November's presidential election has further clouded, rather than clarified, things.
Now that the Supreme Court has upheld the health care overhaul law, perhaps it's time to acquaint ourselves with the changes that have already occurred and those soon to come.
[Related: ObamaCare's new price tag: A guide]
Here are the facts to dispel eight fictions that have grown up around the Affordable Care Act.
1. Mandate muddle
Fiction: Everyone must purchase health insurance beginning in 2014, no exceptions.
Fact: While most uninsured Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty (or tax, if you like) beginning in 2014, several groups are exempt from the so-called individual mandate.
They include those whose income is so low, they don't file federal tax returns; anyone who would have to spend more than 8 percent of their income on health insurance; undocumented immigrants; people who are incarcerated; members of Native American tribes; and those who qualify for a religious exemption.
There's also one other large set of people who won't need to buy health insurance.
"Everybody who is eligible for Medicaid or Medicare does not have to purchase additional coverage," notes Deborah Chollet, a senior fellow at Mathematica Policy Research in Washington, D.C., who is helping states set up the new health exchanges where consumers will shop for insurance.
Private researchers have found that only a very small percentage of Americans will be subject to the individual mandate penalty, maintains Kathleen Stoll, director of health policy for the health care consumer group Families USA.
2. Misplaced worker apathy
Fiction: If you're insured through your employer, health care reform won't affect you.
Fact: On the contrary, many new consumer protections under the Affordable Care Act are already benefiting people with job-based health insurance.
For example, the health care reform law bars insurers from placing lifetime limits on what they will pay for a worker's medical care, plus there are new restrictions on annual benefit limits, says Brian Chiglinsky, spokesman for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. "Insurers are no longer able to arbitrarily cancel your insurance policy when you get sick, except in cases of fraud," he adds.
Other new features for job-based policies include: no more copayments or deductibles for preventive health services, including cancer screenings; the right to see obstetricians and gynecologists without a referral; better access to out-of-network services in an emergency; protections against unfair administrative fees; and the right to keep dependents younger than 26 on your policy.
[Related: What health care ruling means for consumers]
3. New government insurance?
Fiction: The Affordable Care Act creates a new government-run insurance plan.
Fact: The health care reform law includes no such provision.
Rather than centralize health insurance, health care reform accomplishes many of the goals of so-called universal coverage through its interwoven expansion of the existing Medicaid program, increased federal regulation of the health insurance industry and tax credits to make private insurance more affordable.
The law does call for the creation of new insurance plans, but the government won't run them, Chollet says. "The federal Office of Personnel Management is required to contract with at least two private insurance carriers, including at least one nonprofit, to offer coverage in every market nationwide," she explains. "They can contract with more than two, and some of these nonprofits are consumer-owned and operated health plans called co-ops."
4. Business befuddlement
Fiction: All businesses will be required to provide employee health insurance.
Fact: The Affordable Care Act does not require employers to provide health coverage.
However, it does impose a penalty on larger employers that either do not offer a plan or offer unaffordable coverage.
"The law specifically exempts all firms that have fewer than 50 employees -- 96 percent of all firms in the United States, or 5.8 million out of 6 million total firms -- from any employer responsibility requirements," says Chiglinsky. "More than 96 percent of firms with 50 or more employees already offer health insurance to their workers. Less than 0.2 percent of all firms (about 10,000 out of 6 million) may face employer responsibility requirements."
The health care law features a variety of incentives meant to encourage small businesses to insure their employees, including tax credits and access to more affordable plans through new Small Business Health Options Programs, or SHOPs, that will be part of the state insurance exchanges.
The SHOPs will give small businesses "the clout that big businesses already enjoy when purchasing insurance," Chiglinsky adds.
5. Immigrant inaccuracy
Fiction: Undocumented immigrants will receive federal aid to purchase health insurance.
Fact: Undocumented immigrants are excluded from health care reform.
And not only that, but they also are ineligible to receive Medicaid insurance for the poor or to purchase health insurance with their own money in the state exchanges when those open in 2014.
Legal immigrants who have resided in the United States for less than five years are similarly ineligible for federal assistance, though the states have the option of extending coverage to pregnant women and children while they await legal status.
"Undocumented immigrants are still in the same difficult situation they have always been in," says Chollet.
6. 'Death panels' notion lives on
Fiction: Health reform creates a "death panel" to make decisions about end-of-life care for seniors.
Fact: Early drafts of health care reform would have allowed Medicare to reimburse physicians for time spent talking with older patients about advance care planning. But these provisions were eliminated in subsequent revisions.
"Given some political space, (the reimbursement) would have been something that families and their doctors would have appreciated having. But it became so politicized so fast that it just threatened to sink the entire bill, so it was struck," says Chollet.
Stoll says savvy Medicare-eligible consumers who want to have these discussions already have discovered a cost-free workaround provided by a previous president.
"In 2003, President George W. Bush signed into law the Medicare Modernization Act, which allows Medicare to cover advance care planning as part of the Welcome to Medicare physical exam," she explains. "Also, if you visit your doctor, for example, to check your diabetes and you also discuss your end-of-life care preferences during that visit, Medicare will cover the appointment."
7. Medicare scare
Fiction: Health care reform will reduce Medicare benefits to all seniors.
Fact: Traditional Medicare benefits will be unaffected by the law, and some seniors will even enjoy better coverage.
"It improves prescription drug coverage for people with Medicare Part D by gradually closing the coverage gap, or 'doughnut hole,'" Stoll says. "Seniors with high drug costs who fall into the doughnut hole are now receiving 50 percent discounts on their brand-name drugs at the pharmacy and other discounts on generics. These discounts will increase each year until the gap is completely closed in 2020."
Health care reform does reduce payments to privately-administered Medicare Advantage plans and requires them to spend at least 85 percent of premiums directly on patient care in order to bring their costs more in line with the average cost of traditional Medicare. These plans may then charge higher premiums and reduce added benefits such as eye and dental care, but all plans will still be required to provide all benefits currently covered under traditional Medicare.
8. States on the sidelines?
Fiction: States that don't set up health exchanges will be exempt from the Affordable Care Act.
Fact: If states fail to establish a health exchange, the federal government will set up and run one for them.
"On Jan. 1, 2014, consumers in every single state will have access to private health insurance options on an Affordable Insurance Exchange, regardless of whether that exchange is run by the state, the federal government or a partnership between the two," says Chiglinsky.
But the Supreme Court's ruling on the Affordable Care Act said states may, in fact, opt out of another part of the health care reform law: its expansion of Medicaid, which is designed to make health insurance affordable for an additional 16 million Americans.
States that do decide to opt out would be turning down millions of dollars in Medicaid funding, because the federal government plans to foot the entire bill for expanding Medicaid in the first few years. After that, states will be expected to pick up 10 percent of the costs.
Oh, and I forgot to add, here's where Oklahoma is...
QuoteStates that do decide to opt out would be turning down millions of dollars in Medicaid funding, because the federal government plans to foot the entire bill for expanding Medicaid in the first few years. After that, states will be expected to pick up 10 percent of the costs.
Quote from: Townsend on August 01, 2012, 09:42:06 AM
In case you've depended on political ads for information about medical care...a refresher: (
8 Biggest Mix-Ups About Health Care Reform
Oh, and I forgot to add, here's where Oklahoma is...
To be fair, I thought Governor Failin' hadn't made a decision regarding that..or at least said she 'would wait until after the election'.
Quote from: Hoss on August 01, 2012, 10:06:11 AM
To be fair, I thought Governor Failin' hadn't made a decision regarding that..or at least said she 'would wait until after the election'.
Oh c'mon
Quote from: Townsend on August 01, 2012, 10:08:59 AM
Oh c'mon
Need to make sure she's 'not taken out of context'. ;D
Curious, under the part of people for whom their insurance cost would be more than 8% of their total income, are they eligible for Medicaid?
Quote from: Conan71 on August 01, 2012, 10:42:50 AM
Curious, under the part of people for whom their insurance cost would be more than 8% of their total income, are they eligible for Medicaid?
What have the guidelines been?
Quote from: Townsend on August 01, 2012, 10:52:42 AM
What have the guidelines been?
No idea. I suppose that falls to state-by-state programs like Soonercare.
Your pizza is about to bump up $.20. (
QuotePizza chain Papa John's told shareholders that President Obama's health care law will cost consumers more on their pizza.
On a conference call last week, CEO and founder John Schnatter (a Mitt Romney supporter and fundraiser) said the health care law's changes — set to go into effect in 2014 — will result in higher costs for the company — which they vowed to pass onto consumers.
"Our best estimate is that the Obamacare will cost 11 to 14 cents per pizza, or 15 to 20 cents per order from a corporate basis," Schnatter said.
"We're not supportive of Obamacare, like most businesses in our industry. But our business model and unit economics are about as ideal as you can get for a food company to absorb Obamacare," he said.
"If Obamacare is in fact not repealed, we will find tactics to shallow out any Obamacare costs and core strategies to pass that cost onto consumers in order to protect our shareholders best interests," Schnatter vowed.
Schnatter is not the first pizza magnate to bemoan proposed or actual changes to federal health care. In 1993, future presidential candidate Herman Cain charged that Bill Clinton's proposed health care reform law would cost his company Godfather's Pizza money and jobs.
"For many many businesses like mine, the cost of your plan is simply a cost that will cause us to eliminate jobs," Cain told Clinton in a famous exchange.
Like Poppa Johns was providing health care to their drivers. Of course they weren't, very few service industries offer health care to their employees, especially their tipped employees.
Quote from: Conan71 on August 01, 2012, 10:42:50 AM
Curious, under the part of people for whom their insurance cost would be more than 8% of their total income, are they eligible for Medicaid?
I believe they're eligible for federal tax credits to the extent that health insurance costs more than the 8% amount, presuming they're not eligible for Medicaid because of low income.
Quote from: Townsend on August 07, 2012, 12:00:07 PM
Your pizza is about to bump up $.20. (
Doesn't really matter to me. Papa John's sucks. Much like Chick-fil-a. Didn't boycott them because of what their moron CEO said, I boycotted them since day one because I think their food sucks.
Quote from: carltonplace on August 07, 2012, 02:47:02 PM
Like Poppa Johns was providing health care to their drivers. Of course they weren't, very few service industries offer health care to their employees, especially their tipped employees.
Well, alot of their employees are under age 26 and would likely be covered under their parents' insurance... and some of their employees over age 26 would be covered under a spouse's insurance, since most other employers have better benefits than those offered to full time fast food employees...
Otherwise, the little industry trick I remember from retail and fast food was to work people a part time schedule of less than 32 hours per week... so they can force their employees who NEED health insurance to pay out the wazoo on the individual market... and then there's CRAP health insurance that is only offered to save face.....
Health Care's Uneven Road to a New EraBy DAVID LEONHARDT
Published: October 5, 2010
QuoteMcDonald's offers its hourly workers two different health care plans, which are known as "mini-med" plans. In one, workers can pay about $730 a year for benefits of up to $2,000. In the other, they can pay about $1,660 a year for benefits of up to $10,000, The Journal reported.
In a memo to federal regulators, McDonald's executives argued that their version of health insurance "positively impacts" the almost 30,000 workers who are covered. And that's true. A plan with a $2,000 or $10,000 cap can cover some modest health problems and is better than being uninsured.
But should the litmus test for American health care really be better than nothing?
Mini-med plans force people to drain their savings accounts for dozens of common medical problems. They also force hospitals to let some bills go unpaid, which drives up costs for everyone else.
Senator Charles Grassley, Republican of Iowa, has previously criticized AARP for marketing similarly limited plans to its members. "It's not better than nothing," Mr. Grassley argued, "to encourage people to buy something described as 'health security' when there's no basic protection against high medical costs."
Dr. Aaron Carroll, an Indiana University pediatrics professor who studies health policy, says of mini-med plans: "They're great if you're healthy, because you feel like you're covered. But if you ever need them, they're so skimpy, they provide very little." Gary Claxton of the Kaiser Family Foundation adds, "They really just shouldn't be considered health insurance."
The plans' skimpiness is the main reason they ran into legal jeopardy. Under the new law, most plans must spend at least 85 percent of their revenue on medical care, rather than administrative overhead. The McDonald's plans aren't generous enough to clear the hurdle.
At the same time, it's probably unrealistic to expect McDonald's to give workers decent health insurance. Many of those workers make less than $20,000 a year. A typical family insurance plan would raise their total compensation by more than half, destroying the McDonald's business model.
The workers, for their part, cannot afford to buy insurance in the so-called individual market. Plans are even more expensive in that market, because it is dominated by people who desperately need insurance — which is to say, sick people.
This is where health reform comes in. It tried to solve the problem by creating what policy experts call a three-legged stool.
First, people will be required to buy insurance, to spread costs among the sick and the healthy. Second, insurers will be prohibited from cherry-picking only the healthiest customers, again to spread costs. Finally, the government will give subsidies to people, like McDonald's workers, who can't afford insurance on their own.
Universal Healthcare: A Conservative Reform (
Quotehe Romney campaign appears on the verge of pivoting and re-embracing the candidate's most important achievement as governor. Some conservatives are already expressing dismay. They should not. To accept the ideal of universal health coverage is not to accept Obamacare in its present form. From a conservative point of view there are many, many changes that need to be made to Obamacare. The most important from my perspective (as I've often argued here) are to change the financing mechanism so that it does not entirely fall on a few people, to rely less on Medicaid, and to accelerate cost controls. (It would also be desirable to end the distinction between Medicare and health insurance for those under-65s, but that' s another story.)
For now, let's just recall why the ideal of universal coverage—Romneycare—fits well and rightly into mainstream modern conservative politics:
1) It saves money. Every other advanced democracy covers virtually all of its people at a cost relative to national income of something like 60% of what the United States pays. That's just wasted money—money that could buy other things.
2) It protects the defense budget. As we saw during the debt ceiling debate of 2011, when the pressure to save money rises, Democrats protect domestic programs as their first priority and Republicans hold the line on taxes. Defense becomes the budget-cutters' target of opportunity.
3) It supports entrepreneurship. People who don't worry about losing their healthcare are more likely to risk quitting a job with an established firm to start something of their own.
4) It provides support to the middle class in a time of anxiety. Globalization has thus far tended to enrich the rich and squeeze the middle, not only in the United States, but in almost every developed country. Many ideas for securing the middle that we hear from e.g. President Obama threaten the whole free-enterprise system. Health security puts a floor under the middle class without radical change to the rest of the economic system.
5) It enhances national unity. The existing health system disproportionately leaves ethnic minorities exposed to risks of premature death, disability, and illness. Universal health coverage makes all feel in this one respect at least equally part of society and nation.
6) It's the right thing to do. "To make men love their country, their country ought to be lovable," wrote Edmund Burke. The United States will be a better country without this unnecessary fear pressing on millions of its people—and a better country will be a stronger country.
Obamacare = slavery?
Hmmm. If Obamacare = slavery, shouldn't there be a plantation somewhere.... oh, wait... here we go...
Location: Stonegate Road, Louisville, KY
Square Feet: 40,000
This 40,000 square foot mega-mansion is owned by John Schnatter. Schnatter is the founder, chairman, and CEO of the Papa John's pizza chain. The castle-like mansion was designed by Don Evans, an Orlando architect. It also has a multilevel subterranean garage with 22 parking spaces, an office for valet parking, a built-in car wash and a giant motorized turntable to help move limousines. It is divided into 14 parking spaces for the family on one level and eight spaces for guests on another, with an elevator between the two floors. John had a net worth of $402.6 million back in 2006, a figure that has definitely risen over recent years.
Sometimes I wonder how people managed to find themselves in a position where they own a business when even simple logic and reason seem to escape them.
Quote from: nathanm on August 08, 2012, 11:32:16 PM
Sometimes I wonder how people managed to find themselves in a position where they own a business when even simple logic and reason seem to escape them.
I used to call on a lot of businessmen when I sold Yellow Pages ads. The few things all the salespeople agreed on was:
-There was absolutely no relationship between the success of a business and the knowledge/ability of the business owner.
-There was a distinct relationship between naked ambition, aggressive lack of ethics, visible excess and the success of a business.
-Family businesses have a better chance than most even with the constant bickering.
-The final element was that even when successful, few businesses last very long.
When I watched Arrow Trucking's demise it seemed normal to me. I know that will upset a lot of those who buy into the latest "made it myself" mantra. Just speaking from experience.
Quote from: AquaMan on August 09, 2012, 08:10:39 AM
I used to call on a lot of businessmen when I sold Yellow Pages ads. The few things all the salespeople agreed on was:
-There was absolutely no relationship between the success of a business and the knowledge/ability of the business owner.
-There was a distinct relationship between naked ambition, aggressive lack of ethics, visible excess and the success of a business.
-Family businesses have a better chance than most even with the constant bickering.
-The final element was that even when successful, few businesses last very long.
When I watched Arrow Trucking's demise it seemed normal to me. I know that will upset a lot of those who buy into the latest "made it myself" mantra. Just speaking from experience.
Never met any of those people.
Everyone i've ever worked for has been a 7am to 10pm owner. The businesses my wife and I have owned have nearly destroyed us.
Your hatred of hard work and success colors . . .well, everything.
The sacrifice of time, energy, and sanity that my current employers endure is unimaginable.
Your post is insulting.
Quote from: Gaspar on August 09, 2012, 08:38:02 AM
Never met any of those people.
Everyone i've ever worked for has been a 7am to 10pm owner. The businesses my wife and I have owned have nearly destroyed us.
Your hatred of hard work and success colors . . .well, everything.
The sacrifice of time, energy, and sanity that my current employers endure is unimaginable.
Your post is insulting.
That's a compliment coming from you. "You ain't been around much, have ya boy?" Anyone involved with starting or running a business knows that time spent on a business is not as important as spending time well. Often, long hours are spent as a refuge from the rest of your life.
You think I should just ignore my hard earned experience in dealing with moron's like you because it doesn't comport with your view? Not going to happen. Express your experience if it differs from mine, but to impugn my work ethic because of your politics is infantile.
note: I have started or been a part of starting, three different businesses. I worked another job while starting one of them which meant 12 hour days and 7day committments. The one I spent the least time operating was the most successful because it involved new technology and came at a time that I had perspective and lots of ambition. The one I loved the most, and which bankrupted me, I spent so much time on that I was close to divorce and suicide. It took a decade to recover. I would still go back and do it again. Had it not been for many kindly old bankers, former business associates and failed businessmen who shared with me their wisdom, I wouldn't be posting anywhere.
Quote from: AquaMan on August 09, 2012, 08:45:34 AM
That's a compliment coming from you. "You ain't been around much, have ya boy?" Anyone involved with starting or running a business knows that time spent on a business is not as important as spending time well. Often, long hours are spent as a refuge from the rest of your life.
You think I should just ignore my hard earned experience in dealing with moron's like you because it doesn't comport with your view? Not going to happen. Express your experience if it differs from mine, but to impugn my work ethic because of your politics is infantile.
note: I have started or been a part of starting, three different businesses. I worked another job while starting one of them which meant 12 hour days and 7day committments. The one I spent the least time operating was the most successful because it involved new technology and came at a time that I had perspective and lots of ambition. The one I loved the most, and which bankrupted me, I spent so much time on that I was close to divorce and suicide. It took a decade to recover. I would still go back and do it again. Had it not been for many kindly old bankers, former business associates and failed businessmen who shared with me their wisdom, I wouldn't be posting anywhere.
You are correct. I count myself as young and I thank God that I have not been put in the circumstances that you have. They have obviously colored your view of the world. Whether that is good or bad is a matter of opinion.
I've also started several businesses and many have failed. I work for a wonderful group of people and am currently partner in another business as well as being an investor in two start-ups.
I admire hard work and see it as the vehicle to success. I also admire risk, and the willingness to sacrifice now for what could be tomorrow. To generalize successful business people as lacking ethics is what I am offended by.
Quote from: Gaspar on August 09, 2012, 09:32:10 AM
You are correct. I count myself as young and I thank God that I have not been put in the circumstances that you have. They have obviously colored your view of the world. Whether that is good or bad is a matter of opinion.
I've also started several businesses and many have failed. I work for a wonderful group of people and am currently partner in another business as well as being an investor in two start-ups.
I admire hard work and see it as the vehicle to success. I also admire risk, and the willingness to sacrifice now for what could be tomorrow. To generalize successful business people as lacking ethics is what I am offended by.
I put myself in those circumstances. They educated me more than any masters degree program would have. FWIW, I think you're wise to go the investor route.
It is not generalizing to make note that there is no particular relationship between knowing what you're doing, hard work, sacrifice, ethical behavior and success. I have found that there are those who possess all those characteristics and succeed. There are those who possess all those and fail. So, there must be other criteria in play.
We did find more success among those who had little reason to be successful. Lazy, indulgent, socially boorish but successful. Real money makers. Like my second business, they had found a particular niche, a particular time, a particularly important relationship and acted upon their basest desires. Experience was helpful but not critical and not as important as insider status.
Those are the keys for most small businesses imo. Timing, creativity, relationships and action (and a good lawyer and CPA of course). Once established they had no qualms about doing whatever necessary to retain that success. But what brought them to success rarely kept them that way. We watched as egos, divorce, philandering, drug and alcohol use, gambling and tax evasion winnowed the field so that more legitimate businessmen could step in, like the guys you work with and for.
I'm sorry the real world of small business is offensive to you. I am just a messenger conveying a reality that I experienced. I could be colored crazy by it but if so I have found plenty of comrades similarly colored. When you have called on hundreds of businesses in a variety of fields and come up with a different reality, feel free to share.
Quote from: TulsaRufnex on August 08, 2012, 11:26:38 PM
Obamacare = slavery?
Hmmm. If Obamacare = slavery, shouldn't there be a plantation somewhere.... oh, wait... here we go...
Location: Stonegate Road, Louisville, KY
Square Feet: 40,000
This 40,000 square foot mega-mansion is owned by John Schnatter. Schnatter is the founder, chairman, and CEO of the Papa John's pizza chain. The castle-like mansion was designed by Don Evans, an Orlando architect. It also has a multilevel subterranean garage with 22 parking spaces, an office for valet parking, a built-in car wash and a giant motorized turntable to help move limousines. It is divided into 14 parking spaces for the family on one level and eight spaces for guests on another, with an elevator between the two floors. John had a net worth of $402.6 million back in 2006, a figure that has definitely risen over recent years.
I can only admire this man. He is an example for me, for my children and perhaps for their children. This is the American dream.
In 1983, at the age of 22, Schnatter started delivering pizza out of his father's co-owned tavern in Jeffersonville, Indiana. In the same year, he sold his 1971 Camaro Z28 to purchase the other half of the tavern in what became his family's first "pizza place."
John Schnatter is a resident and owns about 6% of the land in Anchorage, Kentucky, including much of the city center. He restored an interurban rail station, three historic buildings and built a fourth in a similar style in the city's center, with plans to build a bank, an upscale restaurant, and a hiking trail, which opened as the Anchorage Trail in June 2008.
On August 26, 2009, Schnatter purchased his Camaro back for $250,000. In celebration, Papa John's offered a free pizza to anyone who owned a Camaro. The actual Camaro is on display in the Company's headquarter's in Louisville, Kentucky. The company owns several replicas that are used on tours and for public and TV appearances.
He currently employs 16,000 people.
Property is the fruit of labor. Property is desirable, is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently to build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence. – Abraham Lincoln
The Blaze's story that the pools are filled with the tears of his victims is disturbing.
Quote from: Townsend on August 09, 2012, 12:24:22 PM
The Blaze's story that the pools are filled with the tears of his victims is disturbing.
Garlic dipping sauce.
Whatever the "facts" are about ACA, this is still funny (and true).
You have a bizarre sense of humor. That's OK, though, most people don't even realize I have one. ;)
Quote from: nathanm on September 13, 2012, 04:05:50 PM
You have a bizarre sense of humor. That's OK, though, most people don't even realize I have one. ;)
It reminded me of something Reagan would say. I know that's cheesy, but he had a knack for pointing out the obvious. Traits that normal "folks" would understand if it were done in the real world, not in bizarro world/D.C.
Reagan would have been more likely to use actual facts rather than Fox News talking points, however.
Quote from: nathanm on September 13, 2012, 04:40:53 PM
Reagan would have been more likely to use actual facts rather than Fox News talking points, however.
What exactly are the talking points? Everything she mentioned was common knowledge. It's just that when you put it all together, it sounds ludicrous.
Quote from: erfalf on September 13, 2012, 04:46:36 PM
What exactly are the talking points? Everything she mentioned was common knowledge. It's just that when you put it all together, it sounds ludicrous.
Common knowledge in the sense that everyone has heard the Fox News talking points she listed, yes.
Quote from: Gaspar on August 09, 2012, 12:21:37 PM
I can only admire this man. He is an example for me, for my children and perhaps for their children. This is the American dream.
In 1983, at the age of 22, Schnatter started delivering pizza out of his father's co-owned tavern in Jeffersonville, Indiana. In the same year, he sold his 1971 Camaro Z28 to purchase the other half of the tavern in what became his family's first "pizza place."
John Schnatter is a resident and owns about 6% of the land in Anchorage, Kentucky, including much of the city center. He restored an interurban rail station, three historic buildings and built a fourth in a similar style in the city's center, with plans to build a bank, an upscale restaurant, and a hiking trail, which opened as the Anchorage Trail in June 2008.
On August 26, 2009, Schnatter purchased his Camaro back for $250,000. In celebration, Papa John's offered a free pizza to anyone who owned a Camaro. The actual Camaro is on display in the Company's headquarter's in Louisville, Kentucky. The company owns several replicas that are used on tours and for public and TV appearances.
He currently employs 16,000 people.
Property is the fruit of labor. Property is desirable, is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently to build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence. – Abraham Lincoln
yeah... America really NEEDED yet another national pizza chain. ::)
I hope the extra .20 per pizza puts him out of business. His pizza is no better than Mazzio's.
Maybe you should teach your children that life is not about making as much money as you can any way that you can.... but there I go thinking again. :P
I tried Papa John's once. Does anyone actually eat that stuff??
Kind of like Domino's and Little Caesar's...they are the Taco Mayos of pizza.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on September 17, 2012, 08:32:40 PM
I tried Papa John's once. Does anyone actually eat that stuff??
Kind of like Domino's and Little Caesar's...they are the Taco Mayos of pizza.
I tried it once also. Yuck.
I also noticed they've taken the owner out of their latest string of ads...wonder why....
Prepare to be creeped out by the new twitter trend:
Quote from: guido911 on September 19, 2012, 01:45:46 PM
Prepare to be creeped out by the new twitter trend:
Do I have to get in his van?
Okay, this one is worse...
Quote from: guido911 on September 19, 2012, 11:07:30 PM
Okay, this one is worse...
That may be the creepiest, cultish campaign so far!
. . .and I thought the 2008 stuff was creepy.
Quote from: Gaspar on September 20, 2012, 08:01:42 AM
:o I think I'm going to call in sick. How about a heads up next time.
What's with the glassy-eyed look The Poodle always has? Is she a wake & bake or does stupidity do that to you?
Quote from: Conan71 on September 20, 2012, 10:01:29 AM
What's with the glassy-eyed look The Poodle always has? Is she a wake & bake or does stupidity do that to you?
It seems there is a large glass pipe on the desk behind her.
Quote from: Gaspar on September 20, 2012, 10:11:46 AM
It seems there is a large glass pipe on the desk behind her.
Good eye
Quote from: Gaspar on September 20, 2012, 10:11:46 AM
It seems there is a large glass pipe on the desk behind her.
You really need to get your glasses checked...even I can see what that really is.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on September 20, 2012, 10:32:45 AM
You really need to get your glasses checked...even I can see what that really is.
Yes, it's a crystal crack pipe disguised as a gavel. That explains a few things: lead ingestion along with crack smoke.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on September 20, 2012, 10:32:45 AM
You really need to get your glasses checked...even I can see what that really is.
But he was right to point it out in this circumstance. It resembles a pipe. It was funny.
Whoever is posting these pics has obviously suffered some sort of brain damage. Self induced or not.
Quote from: Townsend on September 20, 2012, 10:58:51 AM
But he was right to point it out in this circumstance. It resembles a pipe. It was funny.
Whoever is posting these pics has obviously suffered some sort of brain damage. Self induced or not.
True. Common cause between right and left - brain damage!
The Emerging Obamacare Truth Is Disarray
By Scott Gottlieb
A remarkable truth about Obamacare is how many aspects of its initial programs and initiatives are already in disarray.
The Obama team is woefully behind its own schedule for implementing features of the legislation. The critical regulations outlining what the Obamacare insurance benefit will look like was supposed to be out more than six months ago. Now it looks like this regulation won't be dropped until after the election. This is just one key aspect of the program that is way behind the administration's own timeline.
These facts alone should give proponents of the law pause. But the early experience with the elements of Obamacare that have already kicked in is downright dismal.
The core of Obamacare doesn't get started until 2014, when state-based exchanges are supposed to be formed as places for consumers to buy the legislation's tightly regulated, subsidized coverage. But early features of Obamacare are already failing.
· The temporary "high risk" pools that Obamacare created, to provide a way for those with pre-existing health conditions to get insurance immediately, are undersubscribed yet way over budget. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the $5 billion allocated to these pools could enroll 200,000 consumers. They envisioned enrollment growing to more than 400,000. But only 77,877 have signed up as of July, yet the program is way over its budget. More than a quarter of these state-based risk pools are short on cash.
· The CLASS Act, which was supposed to provide consumers government-financed long-term care insurance has been abandoned, blowing an $86 billion dollar hole in Obamacare's cost estimates. The CLASS Act was never financially viable. Its costs would have outstripped revenue as soon as it was in full operation. But since it took in money five years before it started to pay out benefits, budget gimmickry let Mr. Obama capture that revenue and use it to finance Obamacare. In abandoning the measure, the President's own health secretary called the scheme "unsustainable."
· The crown jewel of Obamacare's effort to contain healthcare costs, the creation of Accountable Care Organizations, is so unwieldy that major provider groups have said they won't participate. The idea is to consolidate doctors, turning them into employees of large systems, and then pay these systems lump sums of money to take care of groups of patients. A letter from 10 major medical groups that previously ran similar programs said, "it would be difficult, if not impossible" to accept the financial design created by Obamacare. In another rebuke, an umbrella group representing premier medical organizations said 90 percent of its members wouldn't partake.
· New regulations Obamacare puts on insurers have been so unworkable that the Obama team has had to dole out 1,231 waivers. These exemptions are granted when the Obamacare rules are projected to raise healthcare premiums more than 10 percent, or create a "significant decrease in access to healthcare benefits." These waivers haven't been doled out consistently. Entities winning the preferences are over-represented by plans offered by unionized businesses and other administration allies.
· Obamacare can't even settle on an affordable definition to the term "affordable" -- creating the prospect that millions of middle class families will get priced out of coverage. According to a recent editorial in the New York Times, "the people left in the lurch would be those who had lower incomes but were not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid." Because of the way Obamacare defines what's "affordable" to these families, many working-class people would be unable to afford family coverage offered by their employers, and yet they would not qualify for subsidies provided by the law.
Probably out of recognition of this poor track record, the President points largely to the insurance reforms he passed when he is stumping for Obamacare. The story isn't much better here. Some of these new rules cost insurers money, such as regulations ending lifetime limits on medical claims. Others, such as enabling young adults to remain on their parents' policies, can be downright lucrative. But these popular changes, which Mr. Obama touts as a success, have also been badly implemented.
We're in a terrible economic climate, where medical utilization trends are way down. The cost of healthcare coverage should be falling as well. But premiums have risen far faster than overall inflation or GDP growth since Obamacare's passage. The regulations kicked in with no offsetting incentives to get people into the insurance pool to help absorb the costs. If the President wants to take credit for these costly insurance market reforms, he also has to accept blame for the rising costs.
So what's left for the President to tout?
Not much. Obamacare isn't even in full swing, and at every turn, the program is crumbling. The President's team is banking on a second term to try and right all of its fiascos but there's an emerging truth that the scheme is simply unworkable.
Quote from: erfalf on September 20, 2012, 04:00:32 PM
The Emerging Obamacare Truth Is Disarray
By Scott Gottlieb
A remarkable truth about Obamacare is how many aspects of its initial programs and initiatives are already in disarray.
Google Gottlieb. Then ask yourself why someone wouldn't take your post seriously.
Quote from: Townsend on September 20, 2012, 04:04:12 PM
Google Gottlieb. Then ask yourself why someone wouldn't take your post seriously.
Because he is reciting that ultra right-wing source the CBO and The New York Times? ;)
Quote from: Townsend on September 20, 2012, 04:04:12 PM
Google Gottlieb. Then ask yourself why someone wouldn't take your post seriously.
What's your point? If Gottlieb is using actual stats and facts, Obamacare is doing exactly as depicted by it's detractors prior to it's passage. The whole premise of it lowering costs defies logic. There's no wonder it's running behind on certain points of implementation. Welcome to the next Department of Homeland Security/TSA.
Quote from: Conan71 on September 20, 2012, 04:17:18 PM
What's your point? If Gottlieb is using actual stats and facts, Obamacare is doing exactly as depicted by it's detractors prior to it's passage. The whole premise of it lowering costs defies logic. There's no wonder it's running behind on certain points of implementation. Welcome to the next Department of Homeland Security/TSA.
No cited link breeds mistrust.
Once you Google to find out who he is you find what I found. He thinks everything having to do with the present government is out to destroy something else or is destroying something.
I didn't say it was wrong. I said "Google Gottlieb. Then ask yourself why someone wouldn't take your post seriously."
Quote from: Townsend on September 20, 2012, 04:25:30 PM
No cited link breeds mistrust.
Once you Google to find out who he is you find what I found. He thinks everything having to do with the present government is out to destroy something else or is destroying something.
I didn't say it was wrong. I said "Google Gottlieb. Then ask yourself why someone wouldn't take your post seriously."
Would it be better if everyone agreed lockstep with what the government did?
Quote from: erfalf on September 20, 2012, 04:28:14 PM
Would it be better if everyone agreed lockstep with what the government did?
About as good as hiding behind a door and stabbing at it with a grilling fork.
Quote from: Townsend on September 20, 2012, 04:25:30 PM
No cited link breeds mistrust.
Once you Google to find out who he is you find what I found. He thinks everything having to do with the present government is out to destroy something else or is destroying something.
I didn't say it was wrong. I said "Google Gottlieb. Then ask yourself why someone wouldn't take your post seriously."
It does raise a red flag since the Scott Gottlieb I Googled was a drummer and died of leukemia a few years back. Kind of eerie he's writing from beyond the grave.
Where's your linky to support your accusations on Gottlieb anyhow? Don't ridicule others for not posting links then do the same thing yourself. ;D
"He could have just looked it up in a few seconds on Google" :D
Look how effective the strategy is, we aren't even talking about the article anymore. It's brilliant.
Quote from: Conan71 on September 20, 2012, 04:33:40 PM
It does raise a red flag since the Scott Gottlieb I Googled was a drummer and died of leukemia a few years back. Kind of eerie he's writing from beyond the grave.
Where's your linky to support your accusations on Gottlieb anyhow? Don't ridicule others for not posting links then do the same thing yourself. ;D
Scott Gottlieb WSJ: 1st eight on 1st page.
No ridicule. I'm not that mean. It only takes a minute to make sure you're not posting from a far leaning source, one way or the other.
edit - MAW: ( ( ( ( (
Quote from: erfalf on September 20, 2012, 04:37:47 PM
"He could have just looked it up in a few seconds on Google" :D
Look how effective the strategy is, we aren't even talking about the article anymore. It's brilliant.
Sparkly objects.
Quote from: Townsend on September 20, 2012, 04:46:35 PM
Scott Gottlieb WSJ: 1st eight on 1st page.
No ridicule. I'm not that mean. It only takes a minute to make sure you're not posting from a far leaning source, one way or the other.
edit - MAW: ( ( ( ( (
He's a physician. I'd guess he's got a better idea from his view what Obamacare means to medicine and the medical profession than you and I do. Sadly, he echoes the opinions of many other physicians I know. He also seems pretty well researched on the data in his pieces.
I'd trust his commentary on the issue before I would a Matthews or Hannity.
Quote from: Townsend on September 20, 2012, 04:46:35 PM
Scott Gottlieb WSJ: 1st eight on 1st page.
No ridicule. I'm not that mean. It only takes a minute to make sure you're not posting from a far leaning source, one way or the other.
edit - MAW: ( ( ( ( (
I know the Journal is a tad right leaning, but if the guy is credible enough to get his opinion in their at least five times over the last two years, I figure the guy has earned at least some credibility.
Alright, back on topic.
It is looking more and more like that whole "it's not true that businesses aren't hiring because they are worried about healthcare regulations" seems to be a party line more than ever. How could they not be hesitant when the people that wrote the legislation have already been so incredibly wrong on what they thought would happen. That paired with my earlier post about the lack of startup jobs ought to be indications enough that the business community is a tad on the worried side.
Think about this, congress has been pretty well gridlocked, that is about the only thing that seems certain now-a-days. So what are businesses worried about? Democrat or Republican policies?
They're worried about the lack of demand. Surveys show it and average weekly hours confirm.
Not that I blame them for being worried about ObamaCare and regulations and so on. The Republicans have been shouting from the rooftops about what horrible things are sure to be coming down the pike any day now.
Why does one want to protect themselves from Obamacare when the health of the nation is in distress as ill children hobble to an early grave because of the runway inflation has robbed them of the promised quality of life? Many families, jobless, in poverty as the working poor, making the minimum wage has been caught in the down spiral of the economy which has left them in doubt because of the double inflation of the medical profession has been extended beyond their incomes. The billions of dollars we have spent to reorganize world governments at the cost of the helpless children stand with a scepter over the helpless in this land of proclaimed opportunity.
The first signs of our greed are self-evident as we become the world debtor and officials have designated the question of our ability to pay our debts.
The president, recognizing the facts that prevailed in great depression without cooperation, is trying to step over the suffering that the pending depression will bring is trying to establish Obamacare as a way reclaiming our once way of life to the benefit of the children.
Lets give him a chance.
Quote from: erfalf on September 20, 2012, 08:22:01 PM
I know the Journal is a tad right leaning,
True enough. In much the same way the Pope is Catholic....
Pop quiz time: who owns the WSJ??
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on September 21, 2012, 09:08:37 AM
True enough. In much the same way the Pope is Catholic....
Pop quiz time: who owns the WSJ??
I believe Murdoch, however it is still regarded as a pretty middle of the road publication that mainly sticks to publishing hard news (unless you consider the New York Times middle of the road then the Journal is just another Right Wing Rag).
Quote from: erfalf on September 21, 2012, 09:15:45 AM
I believe Murdoch, however it is still regarded as a pretty middle of the road publication that mainly sticks to publishing hard news (unless you consider the New York Times middle of the road then the Journal is just another Right Wing Rag).
Yes. Murdoch. Regarded as middle of the road by Murdoch and his minions...anyone who has an extended view of the real world, though...not much. And while the "hard news" reporting is still done, the opinion content to that news has increased dramatically.
New York Times has never been 'middle of the road' - at least in recent decades - since Eisenhower maybe? But it has never been a far right rag either - nothing like "The Daily Worker", even though Murdoch might want you to believe that.
Seriously, the Journal has got to be the most middle of the road daily out there. Name one that does it better than they do.
Quote from: erfalf on September 21, 2012, 10:23:07 AM
Seriously, the Journal has got to be the most middle of the road daily out there. Name one that does it better than they do.
You still haven't figured out when you are wasting your breath around here, have you? ;D
Quote from: erfalf on September 21, 2012, 10:23:07 AM
Seriously, the Journal has got to be the most middle of the road daily out there. Name one that does it better than they do.
Just shows where you are all the more. But it provides a good counterpoint to the New York Times - between the two, they balance out to Neutral...
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on September 21, 2012, 10:51:00 AM
Just shows where you are all the more. But it provides a good counterpoint to the New York Times - between the two, they balance out to Neutral...
I think it just goes to show that the "if you are not one of us, you are one of them" mentality is alive and well.
Quote from: erfalf on September 21, 2012, 11:04:50 AM
I think it just goes to show that the "if you are not one of us, you are one of them" mentality is alive and well.
Absolutely!! You are finally starting to get is alive and well at ALL the Murdoch outlets. Hannity, Limbaugh, WSJ, Drudge (you subscribe to Drudge?), Savage,.... Rightist extremists.
Check out NPR sometime. You will find a bias that is "visible" behind the curtain - and it is somewhat liberal (again, nowhere near the leftist extremists), but you will also find a truly 'fair and balanced' approach to reporting - even though they have their opinions and you know what they are, the other side is also given equal time and space to present it's view WITHOUT the "rolling of eyes in disdain" approach seen on ALL the Murdochians. Plus it is much more in depth.
One of the complaints I see lately by commenters has to do with just how much time the NRA is getting to present the correct side of the gun control discussions. Many NPR listeners don't like it, but hey, that's the price that must be paid to actually BE fair and balanced.
It is kind of like what would happen in newspaper publishing if you took the New York Times (editorial) staff, combined it with the WSJ staff, and published the resulting output.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on September 21, 2012, 11:42:23 AM
Absolutely!! You are finally starting to get is alive and well at MSNBC...
It is kind of like what would happen in newspaper publishing if you took the New York Times (editorial) staff, combined it with the WSJ staff, and published the resulting output.
The ex-NYT staff would call the ex-WSJ staff obstructionists.
Why today was a good day for Barack Obama (
QuoteEvery day until the election, Slate will offer up one reason to be optimistic for your candidate.
40 days to go:
Today's Good News for Obama: Seven in 10 Americans assume the Affordable Care Act will go into effect—whether they like it or not. Considering Romney promises to repeal all or most of the law on his first day in office, these numbers indicate that Americans—and many conservatives—are slowly resigning themselves to the real possibility that a Romney presidency will never happen. Only 12 percent of those polled believe Obamacare will be repealed in its entirety, even though a mere 32 percent of Americans actually support the law. In spite of its divisiveness, the health care issue has taken a back seat on the campaign trail, and it's looking like an increasingly settled issue. To Obama, this might also look like an increasingly settled election.
Only 32 percent support the law, but a surprising amount of the non-support comes from people who would like a law that went farther.
This one is interesting. Not sure if its Obamacare-related though.
step closer to single payer
vote for Obama
So I'm assuming Oklahoma is going to let the exchange slide and the Federal Government will do it for us.
Anyone know any different?
It is a crying shame to have protection from being dumped for no particular reason. Or being protected from getting dumped or not allowed to get insurance because of pre-existing conditions. Or not being allowed to be covered with stupidly small lifetime limits on coverage. Or having your kids able to stay on your plan. Or not having to continue to 1/3 of all your health care spending pay for uninsured people - instead of you.
Darn the bad luck we didn't get Ryan. That's ok, Wisconsin gets to enjoy him for the next two years.
Employers are not compelled to get part time employees health coverage, correct?
Quote from: guido911 on November 11, 2012, 03:37:22 PM
Employers are not compelled to get part time employees health coverage, correct?
Correct. Many of the very, very wealthy people will find any way possible to not give their employees health care coverage.
Their employees are a dispensable commodity.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 11, 2012, 04:58:38 PM
Correct. Many of the very, very wealthy people will find any way possible to not give their employees health care coverage.
Their employees are a dispensable commodity.
What's the matter with you? I asked a question and you throw that class warfare BS out there? For someone's who's party just won an election you and others in here are behaving like someone kicked your dog.
Quote from: guido911 on November 11, 2012, 05:34:57 PM
What's the matter with you? I asked a question and you throw that class warfare BS out there? For someone's who's party just won an election you and others in here are behaving like someone kicked your dog.
Class warfare BS? ::)
This practice has been going on in many sectors of the economy for decades... prior to Obamacare, it was unwritten law that FULL TIME employees are offered some sort of healthcare benefit, because if they don't, that employer will experience higher turnover.... unfortunately in fast food and discount retail, big employers who pay their CEOs millions in salary/compensation/perks can only "afford" to offer their full time employees crap health insurance like THIS....
QuoteSome in the insurance industry have a hard time taking this coverage seriously. A gathering of 300 insurance agents in Las Vegas erupted into laughter last summer when an insurance-company executive explained a limited-benefit plan offered by Star Human Resources. "The annual cap is $1,000. That's not the deductible," said Gregory Mutz, CEO of Dallas insurer UICI, which had just acquired Star from Mr. Shoumaker.
Mr. Mutz told the agents not to laugh. Economically, the potential customers "are at the bottom of the food chain," he said. "I don't want to make fun" of this coverage.
These aren't "welfare queens." These aren't "moochers." These aren't primarily high school students or college kids picking up a little extra cash. These are hard-working Americans.
QuoteA study released by the National Employment Law Project (NELP), however, shows that it is big corporations not small businesses that benefit from low-wage workers. "Big Business, Corporate Profits, and the Minimum Wage," singles out McDonald's, Wal-Mart, and Yum! Brands as among the large and profitable companies which employ 66 percent of low-wage workers.
Christine Owens, executive director of NELP said "While those businesses have emerged from the recession with strong profits, their lowest-paid workers are still struggling to make ends meet. It's deeply worrisome that the very businesses that can most afford to pay fair wages and boost consumer demand are also driving the stagnant wage growth that is holding the economy back."
And in fact it is more than holding the country back. It is costing state and federal governments millions to subsidize the employees of these profitable businesses. The stories of Wal-Mart employees on food stamps smack of urban legend, but they are not. A 2009 study by the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Service found that 15,000 Wal-Mart employees were receiving Medicaid. The nation's largest civilian employer was not the only welfare queen. In June of that year Ohio paid $28.5 million for Medicaid, $1.4 million for food stamps, and $10.9 million for Welfare for employees of the state's 50 largest employers. Workers with salaries at or near the poverty line are also eligible for subsidized housing, reduced school lunches, and home heating assistance.
Quote from: TulsaRufnex on November 11, 2012, 05:52:28 PM
Class warfare BS? ::)
This practice has been going on in many sectors of the economy for decades... prior to Obamacare, it was unwritten law that FULL TIME employees are offered some sort of healthcare benefit, because if they don't, that employer will experience higher turnover.... unfortunately in fast food and discount retail, big employers who pay their CEOs millions in salary/compensation/perks can only "afford" to offer their full time employees crap health insurance like THIS....
These aren't "welfare queens." These aren't "moochers." These aren't primarily high school students or college kids picking up a little extra cash. These are hard-working Americans.
Why is it an employer's job to insure its employees? I thought that's why insurance, retirement, etc. were called benefits or perks? Tell you what, open your account, start a business, hire a few people, and start insuring them. That way, you can have some understanding what is really happening.
For now, I was wanting to know who was exempt and that's it. Not why. Not how come. Just who.
Quote from: guido911 on November 11, 2012, 05:34:57 PM
What's the matter with you? I asked a question and you throw that class warfare BS out there? For someone's who's party just won an election you and others in here are behaving like someone kicked your dog.
Go ahead and get it out of your system. You are just in one of the stages of grief.
I have you pegged somewhere after denial and guilt and before bargaining. Yes, the anger stage.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 11, 2012, 07:45:00 PM
Go ahead and get it out of your system. You are just in one of the stages of grief.
...Yes, the anger stage.
Um, does Guido have any
other stage?
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 11, 2012, 07:45:00 PM
Go ahead and get it out of your system. You are just in one of the stages of grief.
I have you pegged somewhere after denial and guilt and before bargaining. Yes, the anger stage.
You have taken gloating to a whole new level. Congratulations.
I was just having fun with guido. He gives it back well and I often deserve it.
I guess you and him are just at different stages of grief.
Oh, there I go gloating again.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 12, 2012, 07:09:00 AM
I was just having fun with guido. He gives it back well and I often deserve it.
I guess you and him are just at different stages of grief.
Oh, there I go gloating again.
Like I said; little humor.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 11, 2012, 04:58:38 PM
Correct. Many of the very, very wealthy people will find any way possible to not give their employees health care coverage.
Their employees are a dispensable commodity.
I'm sure a lot of struggling smaller business owners will do so as well.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 12, 2012, 11:03:44 AM
I'm sure a lot of struggling smaller business owners will do so as well.
In which case their problems will continue the spiral that their previous bad decisions/policies led them to in the first place, since now they will be losing their key employees who actually make it all work because they don' t HAVE to sit there and take losing that part of their total compensation when there is another business right down the street who has the vision and clarity of mind to realize how important the "total compensation" package is. Including insurance.
All of you need to be more concerned about the great unknown. Liberalism is bankrupt opening the door for the fascists.
QuoteStern, who sees the same dark, irrational forces at work today that he watched as a boy in Nazi Germany, argues that the spiritually and politically alienated are the prime recruits for a politics centered around cultural hatreds and personal resentments.
When Democrats lose elections, they blame it on not presenting an appealing enough agenda that would get more votes than the Republicans. When Republicans lose elections, it's because of Satan, or the media, or the wrong kind of people voting.
On Veterans Day, remember how the ruling class lets innocent people die for profit.
Fatty material builds up and clogs your heart and mind. Obamacare to the rescue.
Constituencies Bend Governor's Ear on Health Care (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Looming decisions for Governor Mary Fallin on how Oklahoma will respond to the federal health care law are prompting an energetic, behind-the-scenes lobbying effort by hospitals, insurance companies, and other stakeholders.
Fallin is expected to announce within the next week her position on whether the state will move ahead with setting up a state-based online health insurance marketplace required under the sweeping law, or allow the federal government to set one up for the state. Oklahoma policymakers also must decide whether the state will expand its Medicaid eligibility to provide coverage to thousands of low-income, uninsured citizens.
The Republican governor has yet to stake out a position on either proposal and faces a delicate political balancing act in a state where Republicans have bitterly resisted the requirements of the federal health care law.
Remember, her "Constituencies" are below average.
Doesn't she have a proctologist on call?
Poll: Fewer Support Obamacare Repeal (
QuoteA record low number of American voters want to see the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – repealed, according to a new, post-election poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Obamacare was not the top issue driving American to vote, although nearly seven in 10 Americans cited it as a "major factor" in their decision choosing between the candidates, according to Kaiser. Voters who listed Obamacare as a major factor were evenly split between Republican Mitt Romney, 47 percent, and President Obama, 46 percent.
But only 33 percent of Americans now want to see the law repealed. Romney had pledged to repeal the law and replace it with new policy. 43 percent of Americans view the law favorably and 39 percent view it unfavorably, according to the poll.
Seven in 10 Americans also cited the future of Medicare as a "major factor" in their vote. Obama led among this group, 50 percent – 41 percent.
National exit polls conducted on election day found 26 percent of voters wanted the law expanded, 18 percent want it left as-is, 27 percent wanted to repeal some of the law and 25 percent wanted to repeal all of it.
Oklahoma's governor will talk about health insurance exchange with GOP peersGov. Mary Fallin will make an announcement on Oklahoma's participation in the health insurance exchange after meeting with Republican governors later this week in Las Vegas, her spokesman says.
QuoteGov. Mary Fallin will be talking with her Republican counterparts before deciding by Friday's deadline whether Oklahoma is going to form a state electronic health insurance exchange.
"We'll have some kind of an announcement, but after that Republican Governors Association meeting," Alex Weintz, Fallin's communications director, said Monday.
The deadline for states to declare their plans to federal officials remains Friday.
The U.S. Health and Human Services Department late last week extended the deadline until Dec. 14 to submit a plan to develop an insurance exchange, which would align the uninsured with insurance providers.
States also can decide to develop a state-federal partnership or enroll residents in a federal exchange program. Oklahoma is one of several states that has not developed a health insurance exchange, as required under the federal Affordable Care Act.
"Governor Fallin is continuing to explore the state's options as they relate to health insurance exchanges," Weintz said. "Her priority is to ensure the people of Oklahoma are best served by a system that increases access to health care, controls health care costs and does so in a way that is fiscally responsible. Oklahoma is not in a unique position; many other states are continuing to weigh what options best serve their citizens, as is responsible."
Funding among topics
Fallin will be attending the Republican Governors Association annual conference, which begins Wednesday in Las Vegas. She'll be at that conference through Thursday. She leaves Friday for the National Governors Association annual meeting in San Diego. Fallin is vice chairman of the bipartisan organization.
At the Republican governors conference, discussions will take place on health care and other topics, such as looming federal budget cuts on the states.
Read more:
Wisconsin Lawmakers Back Bill To Arrest Federal Officials Who Implement Obamacare (
Nine Republican members of the Wisconsin Legislature say they would back a bill to arrest any federal officials who attempt to implement President Obama's signature health care law in the state.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the nine state lawmakers told the Tea Party-aligned Campaign For Liberty that they support authorizing "state and local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement the unconstitutional health scheme known as Obamacare."
One of the nine lawmakers backing Campaign for Liberty's proposal is state representative Chris Kapenga (R-Delafield), who told the Journal Sentinel that he believes the health care law is unconstitutional.
"Just because Obama was reelected does not mean he's above the constitution," he said.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) has until Friday to notify the federal government if he plans to set up a state-run health care exchange. The governor has received pressure from both sides of the aisle, with Democrats urging Walker to establish a state-run system, while conservative group press him to continue to oppose the law.
Walker is expected to announce his decision later this week.
While governors have had over two years to decide whether or not to implement their own exchanges, many Republican governors like Walker delayed making a decision, holding on to hopes that the Supreme Court would overturn the legislation or that the law would be repealed if Obama lost his reelection bid. However, Obama's victory has reapplied pressure to Walker and others to submit their final plans.
On Tuesday, Ohio became the latest state to opt out of implementing its own exchange.
"We still think it's best at this time to let the federal government run the exchange," Republican lieutenant governor Mary Taylor said.
I guess they don't realize that the Supreme Court is the one that gets to decide whether something is Constitutional? Or does it just take so long for news to get to Wisconsin they haven't heard that a decision was rendered some months back?
I like this idea:
QuoteWhile some business owners threaten to cut workers' hours to avoid paying for their health care, a West Palm Beach, Fla., restaurant owner is going even further. John Metz said he will add a 5 percent surcharge to customers' bills to offset what he said are the increased costs of Obamacare, along with reducing his employees' hours.
"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."
I don't eat in too many restaurants so I'm not paying the surcharge.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 12, 2012, 11:03:44 AM
I'm sure a lot of struggling smaller business owners will do so as well.
You mean the "struggling smaller business owners" who have over 50 employees and make six figure salaries?
Just a reminder, mom-and-pop restaurants with less than 50 employees will be exempt.
If the "unintended consequences" of Obamacare is that there are less restaurant LLC's serving generic, well-marketed fast food, I think that would be a welcome change...
Quote1. Although small-business lobbies tend not to mention it, businesses with fewer than 25 employees that already offer health insurance will be eligible for new tax credits; that will free up money for investment.
Quote from: guido911 on November 15, 2012, 02:50:17 AM
I like this idea:
I don't eat in too many restaurants so I'm not paying the surcharge.
He won't stick with it when he loses his staff and then his clientele when they find out what he's done.
Bringing politics into business and presenting it to your customers is damned stupid.
Quote from: TulsaRufnex on November 15, 2012, 08:17:02 AM
You mean the "struggling smaller business owners" who have over 50 employees and make six figure salaries?
Just a reminder, mom-and-pop restaurants with less than 50 employees will be exempt.
If the "unintended consequences" of Obamacare is that there are less restaurant LLC's serving generic, well-marketed fast food, I think that would be a welcome change...
That's a rather gross generalization that anyone who employs more than 50 employees is making six figures plus or isn't struggling already. If they do make six figures plus, that's doesn't change that the business may already be marginally profitable and will become either a) less profitable or b) less competitive with their global counterparts or domestic counterparts with fewer than 50 employees when they raise prices to cover the cost of Obamacare.
Do you see a likelihood that someone with a workforce of 51 to 60 might find it necessary to cut payroll to remain under 50 employees?
Quote from: TulsaRufnex on November 15, 2012, 08:17:02 AM
You mean the "struggling smaller business owners" who have over 50 employees and make six figure salaries?
Just a reminder, mom-and-pop restaurants with less than 50 employees will be exempt.
If the "unintended consequences" of Obamacare is that there are less restaurant LLC's serving generic, well-marketed fast food, I think that would be a welcome change...
Putting the classy in class warfare again.
I know several business owners who have 50+ employees that don't make 6 figures. Here's a clue. . .If you're an entrepreneur and you've just started a business, it typically takes years to pay back investors and banks for the trust they have put in you. I know folks that have 50+ employees, but struggle every day to pay their mortgage because the distribution they have chosen to take from their venture is respective of the investors first!
Starting a business is a sacrifice and immense risk, not a luxury, and it's not based on some underpants gnome model.
QuoteIf the "unintended consequences" of Obamacare is that there are less restaurant LLC's serving generic, well-marketed fast food, I think that would be a welcome change...
I don't care what kind of business it is, why would you celebrate as an "unintended consequence of Obamacare" a reduction in economic growth and prosperity?
I think that statement is very reflective of how the left views business, and shows an elitist hatred of the free market.
Hatred of the Free Market. Oh Please. ::)
Quote from: guido911 on November 15, 2012, 02:50:17 AM
I like this idea:
I don't eat in too many restaurants so I'm not paying the surcharge.
There was a third choice that he went completely clueless on...piss off enough people with your nonsense and they just won't come there at all.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 15, 2012, 09:44:00 AM
That's a rather gross generalization that anyone who employs more than 50 employees is making six figures plus or isn't struggling already. If they do make six figures plus, that's doesn't change that the business may already be marginally profitable and will become either a) less profitable or b) less competitive with their global counterparts or domestic counterparts with fewer than 50 employees when they raise prices to cover the cost of Obamacare.
Um, if they're making/taxed on "six figures," the business made a profit of at least $100,000. Funny how that works.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 15, 2012, 01:08:11 PM
There was a third choice that he went completely clueless on...piss off enough people with your nonsense and they just won't come there at all.
I like how he's charging this surcharge, but is then reducing everyone's hours so he doesn't actually have to provide health insurance under the law. Christ, what an a**hole.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 15, 2012, 01:08:11 PM
There was a third choice that he went completely clueless on...piss off enough people with your nonsense and they just won't come there at all.
And that's a consequence I suspect this owner is willing to accept/risk. His choice. Your choice. He is right about one thing, someone needs to pay for this program. Either cut overhead, pass the costs to consumers, or some of both. I also see no problem telling people why they are paying more for a product.
Quote from: guido911 on November 15, 2012, 05:52:31 PM
Either cut overhead, pass the costs to consumers, or some of both.
Funny, that's exactly what our government needs to do. I prefer cutting overhead primarily, but I still haven't gotten my pony either...
Quote from: nathanm on November 15, 2012, 01:49:53 PM
Um, if they're making/taxed on "six figures," the business made a profit of at least $100,000. Funny how that works.
Not necessarily, if it's a start up, it may well be still making payroll on borrowed money much like many of the dot bombs in the 1990's. Or even looking at it another way if the business is doing $5 mil a year and it's only making $100,000 profit, that's a pretty precarious margin.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 15, 2012, 07:09:52 PM
Not necessarily, if it's a start up, it may well be still making payroll on borrowed money much like many of the dot bombs in the 1990's. Or even looking at it another way if the business is doing $5 mil a year and it's only making $100,000 profit, that's a pretty precarious margin.
Interest expense isn't generally taxed (IOW, it's a deductible business expense). That's largely how LBO shops make their millions. And if that $5 million a year business only makes a $100,000 profit and is a pass through entity, the individual will not see a tax increase unless the Republicans force us over the cliff by refusing to keep the below $250,000 cuts without keeping the cuts for the $250,000 and above set.
If I were this hypothetical $5 million business making only $100,000 profit, I would be concerned about Obamacare if I wasn't already offering insurance to my employees. Of course if I only have a 2% margin, I've got bigger problems.
Single payer would be better than Obamacare in this respect and others, but we have what we have for now. You'd think the Republicans would be in favor, given how rah rah small business they are. It would certainly reduce the administrative burden on business owners and encourage people to start companies and to be willing to work at a startup that can't yet afford to provide health benefits. Hopefully, the exchanges and elimination of pre-existing condition exclusions will help on that front.
All this bitching and whining from the already successful seems most likely to be about getting more development incentives from state and local governments. "Oh, it's too expensive to open stores now..please give us free land and large tax breaks!"
Arguments Business Owners Used To Oppose Basic Human Rights, Social Safety Net (
QuoteObamacare is hardly the first federal law to come under fire from the nation's business owners.
A Huffington Post search of nearly two centuries of archived news reports reveals that pretty much every law passed by Congress since, well, slave times has sent our nation's executives to paroxysms of hysteria.
The end of child labor was supposed to destroy the glass industry. The railroads faced total collapse because of 8-hour workdays. The cotton industry complained an awful lot about abolishing slavery.
QuoteChild Labor Prohibitions Will Ruin Us
"The new child labor law making the willful employment of children under the age of fourteen years a misdemeanor.. will be fought both in and out of the courts by the glass manufacturers..who claim the glass industry will be ruined by the measure." To Fight Child Labor Law: New Jersey's Statute Will Be Opposed Bitterly by Glass Manufacturers, August 10, 1903
QuoteWithout Slavery We'd Have No Cotton
"The first and most obvious effect, would be to put an end to the cultivation of our great Southern staple... Imagine an extensive rice or cotton plantation cultivated by free laborers, who might perhaps strike for an increase of wages, at a season when the neglect of a few days would insure the destruction of the whole crop. Even if it were possible to procure laborers at all, what planter would venture to carry on his operations under such circumstances?"
"Slavery in the Light of Social Ethics" by Chancelor Harper
Quote8 Hour Work Days Doom The Railroads
"The railroads have estimated that it would cost them $50,000,000 a year to give the members of the four brotherhoods the eight-hour day, and they are by no means assured that other workers, such as telegraphers and switchmen will not try to come in under its benefits, thus increasing the cost still further."
Railroads United In General Attack On the 8-Hour Act, The New York Times, November 16, 19
QuoteSocial Security Will Kill American Prosperity
"One employer tells me this law will increase his costs between 10 and 15 percent. If this is added to selling prices, what will it do to sales, and hence employment? If it is taken out of the labor fund, what will it do to the purchasing power of all who work for a living, and hence to national prosperity?"
Social Security: Effect of Tax on Payrolls Viewed With Alarm, by R.P. Ellis, The New York Times, November 17, 1935
QuoteBan On Cigarette Ads Is Silly!
"The Tobacco Advisory Committee, representing the manufacturers, called the ban unjustified and said it would not solve the question of smoking and health. A spokesman said that all cigarette advertising was brand advertising and that there was little or not evidence that this had increased the consumption of individual smokers."
The Cigarette Companies Would Rather Fight Than Switch by Elizabeth B. Drew, The New York Times, May 4, 1969
QuoteCigarette Taxes Will Kill Small Business Owners
"Re-enactment of the city's 1-cent-a-package tax on cigarettes will defeat its own purpose by driving thousands of small retailers out of business, the finance committee of the City Council was told yesterday at a public hearing."
City Urged To Drop Its Cigarette Tax, The New York Times, June 16, 1939
QuoteMinimum Wage Laws Will Hurt Old People
"The first ill effect of raising the minimum wage to the standard of the average wage would be to cause the weak, slow, and the aged--and especially unskilled young women and girls--to fall by the wayside. These classes of workers are always a drain upon the employer, for the overhead charges of a factory are just as great whether the places be occupied by good, quick workers or poor, slow ones, therefore a smaller output of the latter causes a loss by raising the percentage of these overhead charges. An advance in wages... adds to this loss and forces the employer to discharge the sub-average, giving preference to strong workers who already earn the minimum."
The Minimum Wage: Should Worthy Laborers Be Sacrificed to Establish It? by Marcus M. Marks, The New York Times, March 25, 1913
QuoteSeatbelts Laws Shouldn't Be Legislated
"The auto industry's Big Three told congress today that the public should be educated to use auto safety seat belts and not forced into it by legislation."
Car Makers Oppose Law On Seat Belts, The New York Times, August 8, 1957
Quote from: Townsend on November 16, 2012, 03:37:59 PM
Arguments Business Owners Used To Oppose Basic Human Rights, Social Safety Net (
Health insurance isn't a basic human right.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 16, 2012, 03:57:07 PM
Health insurance isn't a basic human right.
Shhhh! He's on a roll.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 16, 2012, 03:57:07 PM
Health insurance isn't a basic human right.
Neither are 8 hour work days but it's good to have them.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 16, 2012, 04:00:54 PM
Shhhh! He's on a roll.
Your thoughts hardly count for squat.
Quote from: Townsend on November 16, 2012, 04:07:34 PM
Neither are 8 hour work days but it's good to have them.
That would be quite a luxury.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 16, 2012, 04:25:00 PM
That would be quite a luxury.
"Work smarter, not harder." Scrooge McDuck
Quote from: Conan71 on November 16, 2012, 03:57:07 PM
Health insurance isn't a basic human right.
Maybe not, but medicare and medicaid are basic American rights.
And changes are coming. More means testing. If you make over $85,000 (twice that for couples) you will end up with higher costs for drugs and higher premiums. Age will be pushed up to 67 for those under 55 today.
A good sign that parties both want to tackle this .... estimated cost goes from 520 billion next year to 930 billion in 2020.
Cuts and taxes....
Quote from: Teatownclown on November 16, 2012, 05:23:00 PM
Age will be pushed up to 67 for those under 55 today.
So it's OK in your view to screw the darkies and the poor, who haven't seen the same life expectancy increases that white middle class people have?
Quote from: nathanm on November 16, 2012, 06:32:10 PM
So it's OK in your view to screw the darkies and the poor, who haven't seen the same life expectancy increases that white middle class people have?
To that I will say means testing has no blinders on....
Quote from: nathanm on November 16, 2012, 06:32:10 PM
So it's OK in your view to screw the darkies and the poor, who haven't seen the same life expectancy increases that white middle class people have?
What about whites with a family history of heart disease and cancer. One of my friends died in his 40s of a heart attack. He had a family history of heart disease and occasionally said he never expected to see 65. Why do you want to screw people like him?
Quote from: Teatownclown on November 16, 2012, 05:23:00 PM
Maybe not, but medicare and medicaid are basic American rights.
Show me where that's laid out in the Constitution or BOR.
Mebbe since
FDR LBJ was the President, but calling it a
basic right implies it's something our founding fathers envisioned which they didn't.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 16, 2012, 11:33:41 PM
Show me where that's laid out in the Constitution or BOR.
Mebbe since FDR LBJ was the President, but calling it a basic right implies it's something our founding fathers envisioned which they didn't.
FDR was the correct answer. Seems you've whited out the grand entitlements which precipitated from the Great Depression. If you've paid into the system, then you are due your rights.
Just making certain you understand your right to reimbursement. You can always forego yours since it isn't in the BOR. ::)
Oh take it, you bitter American.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 16, 2012, 09:14:51 PM
What about whites with a family history of heart disease and cancer. One of my friends died in his 40s of a heart attack. He had a family history of heart disease and occasionally said he never expected to see 65. Why do you want to screw people like him?
Yeah, it happens. My dad died of a heart attack at 46 or so. That's got love all to do with my point, which is that we often do things in this country that disproportionately hurt minorities and the poor. It's almost like there's been a race and class war on for the past 40 years.
Quote from: nathanm on November 17, 2012, 12:03:59 PM
Yeah, it happens. My dad died of a heart attack at 46 or so. That's got love all to do with my point, which is that we often do things in this country that disproportionately hurt minorities and the poor. It's almost like there's been a race and class war on for the past 40 235 years.
Sad to lose one's Father at such an early age. Cardiovascular disease kills. Be safe. Eat right. Defend yourself against stress.
Quote from: nathanm on November 17, 2012, 12:03:59 PM
Yeah, it happens. My dad died of a heart attack at 46 or so. That's got love all to do with my point, which is that we often do things in this country that disproportionately hurt minorities and the poor. It's almost like there's been a race and class war on for the past 40 years.
We've put more nets under the poor and minorities the last 40 years than at any other time other than the Great Depression.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 17, 2012, 01:54:31 PM
We've put more nets under the poor and minorities the last 40 years than at any other time other than the Great Depression.
No, we put the nets under the poor and minorities between the 30s and the 60s, and we've been slowly cutting them away ever since. I chose that time period for a reason, friend.
Conan, get educated! (please, I know it's PBS but give it a whirl!)
Quote from: nathanm on November 17, 2012, 05:02:09 PM
No, we put the nets under the poor and minorities between the 30s and the 60s, and we've been slowly cutting them away ever since. I chose that time period for a reason, friend.
You don't consider food stamps, unemployment, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare or Obamacare nets?
We extended u/i benefits to 99 weeks, there are now 45+ million people getting SNAP vs. under 30 million in 2008, and Obamacare is heralded as bringing healthcare to everyone.
I hardly see that as evidence of the nets being cut away. Please explain.
Quote from: nathanm on November 17, 2012, 12:03:59 PM
Yeah, it happens. My dad died of a heart attack at 46 or so. That's got love all to do with my point, which is that we often do things in this country that disproportionately hurt minorities and the poor. It's almost like there's been a race and class war on for the past 40 years.
My point is that you are choosing a group that doesn't have a long life expectancy. My chosen group doesn't have a long life expectancy either. Minorities are not the only ones with genetic poor life expectancies. You disappoint me.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 15, 2012, 09:44:00 AM
That's a rather gross generalization that anyone who employs more than 50 employees is making six figures plus or isn't struggling already. If they do make six figures plus, that's doesn't change that the business may already be marginally profitable and will become either a) less profitable or b) less competitive with their global counterparts or domestic counterparts with fewer than 50 employees when they raise prices to cover the cost of Obamacare.
Do you see a likelihood that someone with a workforce of 51 to 60 might find it necessary to cut payroll to remain under 50 employees?
Actually, you've been making gross generalizations about President Obama and Obamacare for years now... ;D
Let's first admit that there'd been a problem with rising healthcare costs and premiums that pre-dates the ACA by at least a decade.
And I believe it had already affected small businesses significantly more than larger ones. When I worked full-time in management at a record store in the 90s, the Rose family was able to "self-insure" full-time employees outright (or close to outright). I don't know the full details, and I know I'm generalizing and oversimplifying, but I believe the options available to small businesses (let's say 0 -100 employees) in the 90s were of less and less value during the 2000s due to rising health costs in general, while businesses with hundreds of employees got a bigger and bigger advantage over smaller businesses due their larger pool of insured full-time employees = bargaining power. In the year 2001, I had a full time job with a medium-sized Chicago company that booked conventions that allowed me to take time off for my singing gigs, and they chose to deal with increasing costs by laying off half the Chicago office and started outsourcing alot of the work to Orlando... many of the remaining Chicago employees smelled a rat and took jobs with the competing small Chicago company that chose to treat their employees more fairly. Guess which company is still in business? I believe many of the loudest voices threatening to cut back on their employees and raise their prices (but can still afford a hefty advertising budget to market 2-million free pizzas?) will pay a steep price for not embracing the change from the unsustainable status quo...
Opinion: Health-care reform puts power of coverage back in small business owners' handsBy Kenneth Wisnefski
QuoteThe bill is loaded with tax credits and incentives for small businesses to provide affordable health-care options to workers. These tax credits can benefit companies like ours by reducing our costs and therefore allowing us to reallocate funds to other key areas of the business.
The bill requires companies with more than 50 employees to provide health coverage to their workers by 2014. The leading reason small businesses have stopped offering coverage is that the average family premium for small business workers increased more than 120 percent in the last decade.
96 percent of businesses have fewer than 50 employees. Of those firms with more than 50 employees, more than 96 percent already offer health insurance to their workers. HHS says that less than 0.2 percent of employers will be hit with the requirement. And, starting in 2014, firms with up to 100 employees will have access to state-based Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Exchanges, which are intended to increase competitive pressure on insurers and bring down costs.
Democrats may not be as strong an advocate for small business as Republicans claim to be, but I can guarantee you the dems don't want to piss off their small business contributors....
So, we're left with the 0.2 percent of employers who may find themselves in a situation in which it makes more financial sense for them to pay a $2,000 per year penalty?/tax? for each full-time employee in excess of 30 full-time employees than use insurance exchanges and offer their full time employees medical benefits. Just as it may make more sense for me to pay the tax?/penalty? for not having mandatory medical insurance starting in 2014 simply because I had to make the excruciating, gut-wrenching decision that I cannot afford it. Or maybe I should just sell my house?
And what of the discount retail/grocery and fast-food/restaurant industries that could be adversely affected? Well, alot of them already benefit by having a majority of their employees who work part-time hours. I mean, how many more employees can they move down to part-time? These same businesses already benefit from a new system in which their younger employees under age 26 will not need coverage or the unchanged fact that oftentimes the full-time worker's spouse will have an employer who offers better benefits...
But please, embrace the old libertarian pseudo-capitalist status quo, and tell me more stories about "class warfare" when, prior to ACA, 50 million Americans had to "self-ration" their healthcare.
Fallin delays decision on Okla. health insurance exchange (
QuoteGov. Mary Fallin decided Friday to announce later whether Oklahoma will set up its own online health insurance exchange under the nation's federal health care law, leave the task to the federal government or share responsibility for the plan. Fallin spokesman Alex Weintz said the governor opted to delay her decision after the federal government pushed back until Dec. 14 what had been a Friday deadline for states to decide how people can shop for coverage. States can set up their own exchanges, have federal workers set one up or operate an exchange in partnership with the federal government.
To pass on Medicaid expansion would be cruel
QuoteAccording to the Oklahoma Policy Institute, Medicaid expansion would provide health insurance coverage to more than 100,000 low-income Oklahomans who would otherwise remain uninsured. Gov. Mary Fallin hasn't yet announced whether she'll support or oppose this expansion of Medicaid. As a medical social worker, I encounter the effects of Oklahomans having no access to health insurance. For uninsured individuals, having medical needs but no resources takes a toll on emotional and physical well-being. The uninsured have a tendency to delay seeking medical attention until symptoms are severe. This often results in costly emergency room visits, generating bills that go unpaid.
CDC report highlights Oklahoma's growing diabetes problem
QuoteOver a 15-year time period, Oklahoma saw the largest increase in its diabetes rate when compared to any other state in the nation, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released Thursday. In 2010, 10 percent of adult Oklahoma residents were diabetic, compared with 3 percent in 1995, the report said. An Oklahoma diabetes expert said Thursday that while the state has a big problem with this disease, the 15-year-old estimates may have been too low, making the increase look too big. However, Oklahoma does have a growing diabetes problem.
Smoking laws in Oklahoma City, Tulsa are weak compared to many major cities
QuoteOklahoma City and Tulsa are among six of the largest cities in the United States that have weak laws regarding secondhand smoke in public places, according to a federal government report released this week. Meanwhile, 30 of the 50 largest cities in the U.S. have provisions that prohibit smoking in any indoor area, including private workplaces, restaurants and bars, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study released this week. State and city leaders say the main reason Oklahoma City and Tulsa do not have their own secondhand smoke ordinances is because they're not allowed to. Oklahoma state law prohibits municipalities from making their smoking laws stricter than state law.
It looks like Oklahoma is going to be expensive to insure.
Governor Mary Fallin Rejects State-Run Insurance Exchange( (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY - Governor Mary Fallin says Oklahoma will not establish a state-run health insurance exchange under the federal health care law or expand its Medicaid eligibility to provide coverage to thousands of low-income, uninsured citizens.
Fallin made the announcement Monday. The Republican governor says the exchange was "forced on the people of Oklahoma by the Obama administration."
It's now up to the federal government to set up the insurance exchange in Oklahoma.
The issue of complying with provisions of the federal health care law has been a politically difficult one for Fallin. Last year, the governor rejected $54 million in federal funding to set up a state-run exchange after bitter opposition from grass-roots activists and conservative members of the Republican-controlled Legislature.
So who's celebrating this decision?
Someone didn't get the memo about not cutting off their nose to spite their face.
To be fair, now the part about Obamacare costing the state a bunch of money might actually come true. If she had accepted the federal money, the anti position would have been proven to be nonsense, at least regarding that claim.
Quote from: nathanm on November 19, 2012, 12:23:36 PM
Someone didn't get the memo about not cutting off their nose to spite their face.
To be fair, now the part about Obamacare costing the state a bunch of money might actually come true. If she had accepted the federal money, the anti position would have been proven to be nonsense, at least regarding that claim.
So will this make sure multi-national companies will be rushing to set up businesses in Oklahoma? We're all set?
Quote from: Townsend on November 19, 2012, 12:28:52 PM
So will this make sure multi-national companies will be rushing to set up businesses in Oklahoma? We're all set?
Who wouldn't want one of the least healthy workforces in the nation? (says the fat guy in between swigs of HFCS-water)
More of the story:
Oklahoma Rejects State-Run Insurance Exchange (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Gov. Mary Fallin says Oklahoma will not establish a state-run health insurance exchange under the federal health care law or expand its Medicaid eligibility to provide coverage to thousands of low-income, uninsured citizens.
Fallin made the announcement Monday. The Republican governor says the exchange was "forced on the people of Oklahoma by the Obama administration."
It's now up to the federal government to set up the insurance exchange in Oklahoma.
The issue of complying with provisions of the federal health care law has been a politically difficult one for Fallin. Last year, the governor rejected $54 million in federal funding to set up a state-run exchange after bitter opposition from grass-roots activists and conservative members of the Republican-controlled Legislature.
Below is the statement released from the Governor's office:
Governor Mary Fallin today released the following statement announcing that Oklahoma will not pursue the creation of a state-based exchange or participate in the Medicaid expansion in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA):
"For the past few months, my staff and I have worked with other lawmakers, Oklahoma stakeholders and health care experts across the country to determine the best course of action for Oklahoma in regards to both the creation of a health insurance exchange and the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Our priority has been to ascertain what can be done to increase quality and access to health care, contain costs, and do so without placing an undue burden on taxpayers or the state. As I have stated many times before, it is my firm belief that PPACA fails to further these goals, and will in fact decrease the quality of health care across the United States while contributing to the nation's growing deficit crisis.
"Despite my ongoing opposition to the federal health care law, the state of Oklahoma is legally obligated to either build an exchange that is PPACA compliant and approved by the Obama Administration, or to default to an exchange run by the federal government. This choice has been forced on the people of Oklahoma by the Obama Administration in spite of the fact that voters have overwhelmingly expressed their opposition to the federal health care law through their support of State Question 756, a constitutional amendment prohibiting the implementation of key components of PPACA.
"After careful consideration, I have today informed U.S. Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius that Oklahoma will not pursue the creation of its own health insurance exchange. Any exchange that is PPACA compliant will necessarily be 'state-run' in name only and would require Oklahoma resources, staff and tax dollars to implement. It does not benefit Oklahoma taxpayers to actively support and fund a new government program that will ultimately be under the control of the federal government, that is opposed by a clear majority of Oklahomans, and that will further the implementation of a law that threatens to erode both the quality of American health care and the fiscal stability of the nation.
"Furthermore, I have also decided that Oklahoma will not be participating in the Obama Administration's proposed expansion of Medicaid. Such an expansion would be unaffordable, costing the state of Oklahoma up to $475 million between now and 2020, with escalating annual expenses in subsequent years. It would also further Oklahoma's reliance on federal money that may or may not be available in the future given the dire fiscal problems facing the federal government. On a state level, massive new costs associated with Medicaid expansion would require cuts to important government priorities such as education and public safety. Furthermore, the proposed Medicaid expansion offers no meaningful reform to a massive entitlement program already contributing to the out-of-control spending of the federal government.
"Moving forward, the state of Oklahoma will pursue two actions simultaneously. The first will be to continue our support for Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt's ongoing legal challenge of PPACA. General Pruitt's lawsuit raises different Constitutional questions than previous legal challenges, and both he and I remain optimistic that Oklahoma's challenge can succeed.
"Our second and equally important task will be to pursue state-based solutions that improve health outcomes and contain costs for Oklahoma families. Serious reform, for instance, should be pursued in the area of Medicaid and public health, where effective chronic disease prevention and management programs could address the trend of skyrocketing medical bills linked to avoidable hospital and emergency room visits. I look forward to working with legislative leaders and lawmakers in both parties to pursue Oklahoma health care solutions for Oklahoma families."
"Such an expansion would be unaffordable, costing the state of Oklahoma up to $475 million between now and 2020"
$475 million divided by 7 years divided by 3,791,508 Oklahomans equals $17.90 per year per Oklahoman.
$1.50 a month per Oklahoman.
STATEMENT: Governor's decision not to join Medicaid expansion is deeply troubling (
QuoteOklahoma Policy Institute Director David Blatt released the following statement in response to Governor Fallin's decision not to join the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act:
Governor Fallin's decision not to expand the Medicaid program to cover uninsured low-income adults is deeply troubling and unfortunate, putting politics over the interests of Oklahomans. We are missing a vital opportunity to improve the health of our citizens, bolster the financial situation of our health care providers, and strengthen our state economy.
If we do not expand Medicaid, some 150,000 low-income uninsured Oklahomans will be stuck in a 'coverage crater', earning too little to qualify for subsidized coverage through the health insurance exchanges that the Affordable Care Act reserves for individuals earning between 100 and 400 percent of poverty. These Oklahomans will be denied coverage that we know ensures better access to health care services, less financial hardship, and better health outcomes.
Not expanding Medicaid also means that federal taxes paid by Oklahomans will be spent on health care in other states, not here in Oklahoma. Hospitals, community health centers, physicians, and other medical providers across Oklahoma will continue to absorb unnecessarily high levels of uncompensated care, while shifting costs to Oklahomans with insurance through higher charges and insurance premiums.
The Governor's statement suggests that Medicaid expansion would impose unmanageable costs on the state. In reality, the expansion is a very favorable deal for Oklahoma. The federal government will pay 100 per cent of the cost for the first three years and ultimately 90 percent of the cost in 2020 and thereafter. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority estimates the state's share of Medicaid costs in 2020 at $28 – $37 million – an amount that is less than 0.5 percent of current state appropriations. In fact, Medicaid expansion could well save the state money, since Medicaid would pick up expenditures currently paid for with state-only dollars by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and Department of Corrections.
We fervently hope that in the coming months, the Governor will reconsider this decision, and along with legislative leaders, choose to do what is best for Oklahoma's citizens by expanding Medicaid for low-income adults.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 19, 2012, 01:04:05 PM
"Such an expansion would be unaffordable, costing the state of Oklahoma up to $475 million between now and 2020"
$475 million divided by 7 years divided by 3,791,508 Oklahomans equals $17.90 per year per Oklahoman.
$1.50 a month per Oklahoman.
How much per Oklahoman that would actually be paying?
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 19, 2012, 02:43:41 PM
How much per Oklahoman that would actually be paying?
Probably just a dollar, since Oklahomans get 1.50 in federal money for each 1.00 of taxes submitted to the feds. know that makes Oklahoma?....
The cigarette tax alone could pay for our share five times over, RA. You wouldn't have to pay a dime.
Quote from: Hoss on November 19, 2012, 02:45:05 PM
Probably just a dollar, since Oklahomans get 1.50 in federal money for each 1.00 of taxes submitted to the feds.
I was just going by what RM posted.
Quote"Such an expansion would be unaffordable, costing the state of Oklahoma up to $475 million between now and 2020"
Feel free to change RM's data as you see fit.
Quote from: nathanm on November 19, 2012, 03:08:54 PM
The cigarette tax alone could pay for our share five times over, RA. You wouldn't have to pay a dime.
Where is that cigarette tax money going now that you would divert?
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 19, 2012, 03:29:21 PM
Where is that cigarette tax money going now that you would divert?
Only about a third presently goes to health care or smoking cessation, despite the cigarette tax collections tripling in the last decade. I would expect that to be the other way around given the justifications for the increases. Instead, the original amount continues to be sent to the Building Bonds Sinking Fund as before, while half of the new collections go to the general fund and city/county governments, while a little under half of the increase goes to pay for the things that were claimed to be the reason for the increased taxes.
You can see the amounts of all the taxes OTC collected in FY2011-12 and how those receipts were apportioned in their annual report (
Just to put the numbers in perspective, OTC collected a bit under $9 billion in taxes, licenses, and fees last fiscal year, not counting county/local sales/use tax and county hotel-motel taxes collected by OTC on their behalf. The amount we need to come up with for this Medicaid expansion, assuming that we see no savings whatsoever from improved health of the newly covered cohort is about 0.4% of the total state collections last year. Not 4%. Zero point four percent.
I would say we are the stupidest people in the country not taking this deal, but there are other states that have also rejected the expansion even when their own projections show that the expense will be entirely offset by savings elsewhere, so we are at least slightly less stupid than those folks, given that we don't have actual studies showing that we'll save money in the long run.
Quote from: nathanm on November 19, 2012, 04:04:16 PM
Just to put the numbers in perspective, OTC collected a bit under $9 billion in taxes, licenses, and fees last fiscal year, not counting county/local sales/use tax and county hotel-motel taxes collected by OTC on their behalf. The amount we need to come up with for this Medicaid expansion, assuming that we see no savings whatsoever from improved health of the newly covered cohort is about 0.4% of the total state collections last year. Not 4%. Zero point four percent.
I would say we are the stupidest people in the country not taking this deal, but there are other states that have also rejected the expansion even when their own projections show that the expense will be entirely offset by savings elsewhere, so we are at least slightly less stupid than those folks, given that we don't have actual studies showing that we'll save money in the long run.
Well that just doesn't make sense. Why, on Earth, would that be a wise decision? There must be an intelligent reason she'd do this. There just must be.
Quote from: nathanm on November 19, 2012, 03:49:25 PM
Only about a third presently goes to health care or smoking cessation, despite the cigarette tax collections tripling in the last decade. I would expect that to be the other way around given the justifications for the increases. Instead, the original amount continues to be sent to the Building Bonds Sinking Fund as before, while half of the new collections go to the general fund and city/county governments, while a little under half of the increase goes to pay for the things that were claimed to be the reason for the increased taxes.
You can see the amounts of all the taxes OTC collected in FY2011-12 and how those receipts were apportioned in their annual report (
OK, now we all know where the money goes. Which of those places would you divert money from?
Quote from: Townsend on November 19, 2012, 12:10:02 PM
Governor Mary Fallin Rejects State-Run Insurance Exchange
( (
So who's celebrating this decision?
She's just announced she's throwing her hat in the ring for 2016 Presidential Election.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 19, 2012, 04:30:17 PM
OK, now we all know where the money goes. Which of those places would you divert money from?
Initially, the general fund. I expect that, as in other states, we would eventually end up saving enough money that we wouldn't have to take away from anything in the long run. Do keep in mind that the first three years are free. ;)
Quote from: nathanm on November 19, 2012, 05:07:03 PM
Initially, the general fund. I expect that, as in other states, we would eventually end up saving enough money that we wouldn't have to take away from anything in the long run. Do keep in mind that the first three years are free. ;)
I see the smiley face but think you may actually believe it.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 19, 2012, 05:22:58 PM
No charge to the state, paid for 100% by you and me and everybody else that pays federal taxes, which puts us at quite an advantage. We may be able to get up to $1.70 worth of federal benefits for every $1 of federal tax paid by Oklahomans. The point being that we may not have to tap the cigarette tax money at all.
Somewhere we have lost the general concept of a federal government being established by the founders in their effort to provide for the defense of the colonies and their general welfare. In the meantime it has evolved to being the most expensive and corrupt being control by a small group of the wealth, instead of listening to the citizens needs when the gap is growing wider at each election. The sitting president is on another traveling spree in Europe whereas the citizens need encouragement to the future to look forward to their future welfare, instead of inferring with those countries that have been is existence thousands of years longer than us. It seems he is dead set on getting WWIII underway without considering we are venerable to rocket attack with a maximum of 30 minutes from launch. Is this why the Mayan Nation calendar ends in December?
The Oklahoma governor's actions on the health bill would indicate the enormous insurance industry and legal utility would be contributors in recent elections.
Quote from: shadows on November 19, 2012, 07:13:18 PM
Somewhere we have lost the general concept of a federal government being established by the founders in their effort to provide for the defense of the colonies and their general welfare. In the meantime it has evolved to being the most expensive and corrupt being control by a small group of the wealth, instead of listening to the citizens needs when the gap is growing wider at each election. The sitting president is on another traveling spree in Europe whereas the citizens need encouragement to the future to look forward to their future welfare, instead of inferring with those countries that have been is existence thousands of years longer than us. It seems he is dead set on getting WWIII underway without considering we are venerable to rocket attack with a maximum of 30 minutes from launch. Is this why the Mayan Nation calendar ends in December?
The Oklahoma governor's actions on the health bill would indicate the enormous insurance industry and legal utility would be contributors in recent elections.
Quote from: shadows on November 19, 2012, 07:13:18 PM
Somewhere we have lost the general concept of a federal government being established by the founders in their effort to provide for the defense of the colonies and their general welfare. In the meantime it has evolved to being the most expensive and corrupt being control by a small group of the wealth, instead of listening to the citizens needs when the gap is growing wider at each election. The sitting president is on another traveling spree in Europe whereas the citizens need encouragement to the future to look forward to their future welfare, instead of inferring with those countries that have been is existence thousands of years longer than us. It seems he is dead set on getting WWIII underway without considering we are venerable to rocket attack with a maximum of 30 minutes from launch. Is this why the Mayan Nation calendar ends in December?
The Oklahoma governor's actions on the health bill would indicate the enormous insurance industry and legal utility would be contributors in recent elections.
It doesn't end in December. It starts over.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 19, 2012, 01:04:05 PM
"Such an expansion would be unaffordable, costing the state of Oklahoma up to $475 million between now and 2020"
$475 million divided by 7 years divided by 3,791,508 Oklahomans equals $17.90 per year per Oklahoman.
$1.50 a month per Oklahoman.
I already have coverage. Could it be better? Yep. But I am happy. Not really interested in paying anything more for insurance.
Quote from: guido911 on November 20, 2012, 02:24:33 AM
I already have coverage. Could it be better? Yep. But I am happy. Not really interested in paying anything more for insurance.
It is only about you.
Quote from: guido911 on November 20, 2012, 02:24:33 AM
I already have coverage. Could it be better? Yep. But I am happy. Not really interested in paying anything more for insurance.
I read last night that Oklahomans pay an extra $1,000,000,000 a year to cover uninsured through premiums and more expensive hospital/medical bills.
You already pay more for insurance.
The TW is calling Governor Fallin a dumbass.
Fallin says no to state health exchange (
QuoteIn one of the most disappointing announcements to come out of the governor's office in years, Gov. Mary Fallin on Monday said she will not "pursue the creation of a state-based exchange or participate in the Medicaid expansion" called for in the federal health-care reform act known as Obamacare.
In recent months, Fallin indicated she was closely conferring with the many involved stakeholders in her decision-making process. Her Monday announcement suggests she listened to only one side.
Fallin has informed U.S. Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius that Oklahoma will not pursue the health insurance exchange, noting that such an effort would be " 'state-run' in name only and would require Oklahoma resources, staff and tax dollars to implement."
She also announced her decision not to participate in Medicaid expansion, which advocates said would have led to as many as 200,000 uninsured Oklahomans receiving coverage. Fallin claims the expansion would cost the state up to $475 million between now and 2020, "with escalating annual expenses in subsequent years."
"It would also further Oklahoma's reliance on federal money that may or may not be available in the future given the dire fiscal problems facing the federal government," she continued, adding that "massive new costs associated with Medicaid expansion would require cuts to important government priorities such as education and public safety."
Never mind that there was compelling evidence to the contrary on all points Fallin made. Those relevant and persuasive claims, it seems, fell on deaf ears. So what is Oklahoma going to do? Two things, according to Fallin: Support Attorney General Scott Pruitt's ongoing legal challenge of Obamacare and continue "to pursue state-based solutions that improve health outcomes and contain costs for Oklahoma families."
And how have those efforts worked out so far? How effective are those state-based solutions Fallin and company are always touting? Just take a look at the levels of uninsured Oklahomans, the levels of serious health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, the levels of tobacco use, the levels of uncompensated care ... etc., etc.
It is disappointing in the extreme that Fallin fell in with the anti-Obama chorus that continues to repeat the usual mantras about health-care reform without giving any consideration whatsoever to other claims and analyses: that health reform could actually save the state money in offsets, that a healthier work force means a better economy, that our tax dollars now will go to help residents of other states, that our health-care facilities will continue to drown in uncompensated care costs, that taxpayers and rate-payers will continue to face escalating costs due to cost-shifting ... etc., etc.
We had hopes that Fallin truly was looking out for the well-being of all Oklahomans. Now those hopes are dashed. It's a dark day in Oklahoma.
Read more from this Tulsa World article at
Quote from: Teatownclown on November 19, 2012, 04:33:30 PM
She's just announced she's throwing her hat in the ring for 2016 Presidential Election.
Funny, I had that thought last night when I heard this on the news. "WTH is she thinking? Posturing for another shot at national office?"
I think it's bad juju throwing this back to the Feds, I think it would be far more manageable on the state level if we have to have it in the first place.
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 07:44:40 AM
I read last night that Oklahomans pay an extra $1,000,000,000 a year to cover uninsured through premiums and more expensive hospital/medical bills.
You already pay more for insurance.
Have a link on the $1,000,000,000?
Quotedivided by 3,791,508 Oklahomans
= $263.75/year/Oklahoman.
It costs more than that to fill my car gas tank just once per month.
Quote from: Townsend on November 19, 2012, 08:37:13 PM
It doesn't end in December. It starts over.
It has started over many times but this time is supposedly the last one.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 10:44:31 AM
Have a link on the $1,000,000,000?
$1,000,000,000 = $263.75/year/Oklahoman.
It costs more than that to fill my car gas tank just once.
It was a tweet I read as I was ending the day. I apologize for not supplying the link.
Whatever the amount, you think it's better to pay extra to cover the uninsured or do you think it's better to insure everyone?
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 10:47:27 AM
It has started over many times but this time is supposedly the last one.
How is this cycle different?
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 10:48:53 AM
How is this cycle different?
I don't know. Ask the Mayans. From what I've seen on the the History Channel or NOVA or similar, they predicted a new cycle every time before but not now. Maybe just an omission but no continuation in the forecast.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 10:52:18 AM
I don't know. Ask the Mayans. From what I've seen on the the History Channel or NOVA or similar, they predicted a new cycle every time before but not now. Maybe just an omission but no continuation in the forecast.
Probably the Spanish Inquisition syndrome.
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 10:48:20 AM
It was a tweet I read as I was ending the day. I apologize for not supplying the link.
Whatever the amount, you think it's better to pay extra to cover the uninsured or do you think it's better to insure everyone?
I read that it was only $15,000. per year for all of Oklahoma. Of course I have no documentation for that either and suspect it was wrong.
Until the details of insuring everyone are fully understood, it
may be less expensive to continue paying extra to cover the uninsured. I think everyone should be able to afford coverage for catastrophic events. No one should lose their life's savings because of a major medical event. I think that people should be required to pay for their own Band-Aids. Somewhere between free Band-Aids and losing one's home and how to pay for the coverage is an answer we haven't located yet.
Turning her back on 693,000....
Shameful.....TW got it right.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 11:03:18 AM
Until the details of insuring everyone are fully understood, it may be less expensive to continue paying extra to cover the uninsured. I think everyone should be able to afford coverage for catastrophic events. No one should lose their life's savings because of a major medical event. I think that people should be required to pay for their own Band-Aids. Somewhere between free Band-Aids and losing one's home and how to pay for the coverage is an answer we haven't located yet.
An MRI this year was almost $2,000 at a local large hospital. I shopped around and was able to get the same MRI at an imaging center for less than $500.
I asked a nurse at the hospital why. I was told the stand alone imaging center didn't have to cover uninsured emergency room visits.
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 11:20:24 AM
An MRI this year was almost $2,000 at a local large hospital. I shopped around and was able to get the same MRI at an imaging center for less than $500.
I asked a nurse at the hospital why. I was told the stand alone imaging center didn't have to cover uninsured emergency room visits.
You don't know of anyone who does hernia repair in their spare time do you?
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 11:20:24 AM
An MRI this year was almost $2,000 at a local large hospital. I shopped around and was able to get the same MRI at an imaging center for less than $500.
I asked a nurse at the hospital why. I was told the stand alone imaging center didn't have to cover uninsured emergency room visits.
I doubt an insurance company would have paid $2,000. at that same hospital. I believe the health care industry jacks up "retail" prices so the insurance companies can feel good about getting a discount.
I recently had an annual wellness physical. The charges submitted to the insurance company were $688.50. My health care providers accepted $232.63 as payment in full. The "office visit" got the least amount of discount by accepting 54% of the submitted charges. Most of the blood-work items were paid at between 20% and 36% of the submitted charges.
The fact that someone off the street cannot get those same discounts is bothersome at the kindest. It reminds me somewhat of the price of automobile parts in the early 70s. If you had the name of a gas station or similar that would let you use their name, you could get wholesale auto parts at places like NAPA even if you paid the sales tax. (Not paying the sales tax would make the gas station liable.) Eventually places like AutoZone, Advance, OReilly's and more forced places like NAPA to offer reasonable prices to everyone. Your imaging center may be the equivalent of discount auto parts stores.
Sometimes you can bargain. A friend who retired in his early 50s lost his dental coverage at retirement. He made a deal with his dentist to continue being a customer/patient by paying what the insurance company would have paid had my friend still had dental insurance.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 20, 2012, 11:23:18 AM
You don't know of anyone who does hernia repair in their spare time do you?
Do you require this person to have an education and experience in hernia repair?
Edit: fixed grammar
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 12:02:52 PM
I doubt an insurance company would have paid $2,000. at that same hospital. I believe the health care industry jacks up "retail" prices so the insurance companies can feel good about getting a discount.
I recently had an annual wellness physical. The charges submitted to the insurance company were $688.50. My health care providers accepted $232.63 as payment in full. The "office visit" got the least amount of discount by accepting 54% of the submitted charges. Most of the blood-work items were paid at between 20% and 36% of the submitted charges.
The fact that someone off the street cannot get those same discounts is bothersome at the kindest. It reminds me somewhat of the price of automobile parts in the early 70s. If you had the name of a gas station or similar that would let you use their name, you could get wholesale auto parts at places like NAPA even if you paid the sales tax. (Not paying the sales tax would make the gas station liable.) Eventually places like AutoZone, Advance, OReilly's and more forced places like NAPA to offer reasonable prices to everyone. Your imaging center may be the equivalent of discount auto parts stores.
Sometimes you can bargain. A friend who retired in his early 50s lost his dental coverage at retirement. He made a deal with his dentist to continue being a customer/patient by paying what the insurance company would have paid had my friend still had dental insurance.
Are you stating no uninsured costs are passed on to us by major hospitals?
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 12:10:05 PM
Are you stating no uninsured costs are passed on to us by major hospitals?
I don't believe I said that. What led you to that conclusion?
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 12:19:42 PM
I don't believe I said that. What led you to that conclusion?
Trying to clarify why you posted what you did. It seemed you were posting to say it wouldn't happen.
I saved over $500 on my overpriced deductible. My deductible could be less if costs weren't so high due to having to pay for people without insurance.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 20, 2012, 11:23:18 AM
You don't know of anyone who does hernia repair in their spare time do you?
I been reading some chapters on it. I simply need some practice.
All I need is for you to trust me and not be afraid of a little electricity.
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 12:28:46 PM
Trying to clarify why you posted what you did. It seemed you were posting to say it wouldn't happen.
A common mistake. Reading what you want something to say rather than what was written.
QuoteI saved over $500 on my overpriced deductible. My deductible could be less if costs weren't so high due to having to pay for people without insurance.
Uninsured costs are certainly passed on to everyone who pays, even insurance companies. I haven't had an MRI so I don't have a number to quote but I would be VERY surprised if the price an insurance company would have paid was close to $2000. I also doubt that hospitals would go out of business if the only payments they received were from insurance companies at negotiated rates. When insurance companies and the government demand a (pick a number) 50% discount, the health care provider industry just raises their prices to accommodate the final cost/payment. Unfortunately, people without access to the discount get hosed.
Deductibles are influenced mostly by what the insurance buyer is willing/able to pay to adjust that deductible. Automobile deductibles are an easy to understand example of that. There may not be as many options in the health care industry as in auto insurance though.
We should all probably be more diligent in calling health care policies "health care" rather than "insurance". I left "insurance" above to be more clear about provider and payer. I doubt a home/auto/boat/life insurance company would be willing to cover an event that happened before you bought a policy.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 20, 2012, 12:42:19 PM
I been reading some chapters on it. I simply need some practice.
All I need is for you to trust me and not be afraid of a little electricity.
Don't do it Conan! He is planning to turn you into a liberal. The electricity is what will do it.
Stop telling people my secret plans.
And I have many other methods to turn people into liberals. You might be next.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 20, 2012, 01:04:12 PM
And I have many other methods to turn people into liberals. You might be next.
Others have tried.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 12:58:36 PM
A common mistake. Reading what you want something to say rather than what was written.
Oh now, reading what I'm accustomed to reading rather than what you think you've written.
You don't even believe in sidewalks.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 12:58:36 PM
Deductibles are influenced mostly by what the insurance buyer is willing/able to pay to adjust that deductible.
Any cap cost reduction will be influenced by other costs. In this case, covering the uninsured.
Quote from: Teatownclown on November 20, 2012, 11:04:19 AM
Turning her back on 693,000....
Shameful.....TW got it right.
Did you read the whole article or stop at 693,000?
QuoteFallin's decision means the federal government will set up a health insurance exchange in the state that will start selling federally subsidized private insurance plans to people who earn between 133 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty level - $30,657 to $92,200 for a family of four under current standards.
But her decision not to accept the Medicaid expansion means there will be a coverage gap for people who earn too much to be eligible for the state's existing Medicaid plan or are categorically ineligible for the program but earn less than 133 percent of the federal poverty level.
For example, a single, 19-year-old man who earns $15,400 a year would be eligible for a $2,921 federal subsidy on a $3,391 insurance plan, according to figures developed by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
But without the Medicaid expansion, the same man would get nothing if he earned $100 a year less.
Fallin acknowledged that gaps are possible and said the state may be able to seek solutions by expanding the Insure Oklahoma program, which is funded with federal Medicaid money and state tobacco tax revenue, or through Medicaid waivers.
"The reality is there have always been some gaps in the system, and we're actually trying to address some of those needs," Fallin said.
Read more from this Tulsa World article at
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 01:23:06 PM
Any cap cost reduction will be influenced by other costs. In this case, covering the uninsured.
The cost of your plan and the deductible with it are certainly influenced by other prices. Covering the uninsured is certainly a
part of it. I have never denied that. The actual deductible is influenced most by what you are willing/able to pay for a certain deductible and if that deductible level is available.
Cap cost. Are you talking about the maximum out of your pocket cost after meeting your deductible? My "insurance" policy has a deductible, a co-insured range where I pay typically 10%, and a cap on my annual out of pocket expense including my deductible and the part where I paid 10%.
Your posts seem to imply (to me) that if everyone had insurance that the $2000 retail price of that MRI at the major hospital would instantly drop to the $500 price at the imaging center. It's possible but unlikely. If everyone were insured, the price of your insurance may come down. You might choose a lower deductible for the same policy cost as your present coverage. There are too many variables to make blanket statements.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 01:36:52 PM
Your posts seem to imply (to me) that if everyone had insurance that the $2000 retail price of that MRI at the major hospital would instantly drop to the $500 price at the imaging center. It's possible but unlikely. If everyone were insured, the price of your insurance may come down. You might choose a lower deductible for the same policy cost as your present coverage. There are too many variables to make blanket statements.
I don't believe it would instantly adjust, no. It reasons that the costs would be reduced at major hospitals if they don't need to cover as many uninsured patients. I don't see why they wouldn't at least try to match the market.
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 01:42:51 PM
It reasons that the costs would be reduced at major hospitals if they don't need to cover as many uninsured patients.
I can agree with that principal.
QuoteI don't see why they wouldn't at least try to match the market.
That would be nice but I expect there are other overhead items that would preclude a real match. I am thinking of things like a 24/7 staff in the emergency room that an imaging center doesn't need to provide. If everyone were insured without limits, the hospitals could increase the retail price of services as much as they wanted because the only price they received would be the negotiated prices with health care payers (formerly known as insurance companies).
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 01:12:46 PM
Oh now, reading what I'm accustomed to reading rather than what you think you've written.
You don't even believe in sidewalks.
Again, you are reading what you want to see.
I have said that sidewalks have appropriate places. You and I just disagree on the extent of that amount and where.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 02:00:46 PM
I have said that sidewalks have appropriate places. You and I just disagree on the extent of that amount and where.
You've been wrong. It's okay. Lots of people are.
Denny's, Papa John's, walk back criticism of Obamacare (
QuoteConservative restauranteurs are discovering that retaliation against the Affordable Care Act is bad for business.
Papa John's CEO John Schnatter took to the Huffington Post to clarify his earlier suggestion that some restaurants might need to increase prices and cut employee hours in order to deal with the cost of Obamacare.
"Many in the media reported that I said Papa John's is going to close stores and cut jobs because of Obamacare," he wrote in a blog post. "I never said that. The fact is we are going to open over hundreds of stores this year and next and increase employment by over 5,000 jobs worldwide. And, we have no plans to cut team hours as a result of the Affordable Care Act."
Though the Affordable Care Act is still somewhat divisive, the trend in public polling is towards broad acceptance of the law. Last week, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that support for the health care law's repeal had hit an all-time low of 33%.
Regardless of how many Americans felt about the law when it was first passed, making them pay extra in return seems to be a public relations loser.
Schnatter isn't the only one feeling the heat. Just days after Denny's franchise owner John Metz said he would add a 5% Obamacare surcharge to all his customers' checks, Denny's CEO John Miller publicly distanced himself from the decision. "We recognize his right to speak on issues, but registered our disappointment that his comments have been interpreted as the company's position," he told the Huffington Post.
Given the public backlash against Metz, Miller has good reason to be disappointed. Denny's franchise owner Abdo Mouannes told the Huffington Post that traffic at his seven Florida locations dropped "overnight" after Metz's comments went viral. His restaurants received so many angry phone calls that one of his managers wanted to unplug the phone, Mouannes said to the Post.
"People didn't like what they heard and were saying they wouldn't support Denny's," Mouannes said. "But we have nothing to do with that decision. I am not a fan of that [5% surcharge] idea."
Oklahoma Policy Institute FB post:
Quote"Hospitals continue to be the safety net for their communities, including the one-in-six Oklahomans who are uninsured. Today, Oklahoma hospitals provide nearly $600 million annually in uncompensated care. Without increased coverage for the uninsured, such as Medicaid expansion would provide, these costs are shifted to businesses and those who have insurance, contributing to increased health care costs. Oklahoma's elected leaders cannot continue to opine on the need for a healthier Oklahoma without supporting and establishing public policies that promote health and improve access to care."
-Craig Jones, President of the Oklahoma Hospital Association
Quote from: Conan71 on November 20, 2012, 11:23:18 AM
You don't know of anyone who does hernia repair in their spare time do you?
My guy quit due to age. He could do them blindfolded.
Quit lifting and schtupin' so much. ;D
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 01:25:14 PM
Did you read the whole article or stop at 693,000?
I thought I got that number off the cartoon...
That's not a gap btw....that's a canyon.
She's bettin' on the failure and Resurrection of the GOP/Teahadists in 2016. "Hillary v. Mary" I see it comin'.
But for now it's just another affair.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 20, 2012, 12:58:36 PM
I also doubt that hospitals would go out of business if the only payments they received were from insurance companies at negotiated rates.
You would be shocked at the amount of care that is given away every year by the hospitals here in Tulsa. Let's just say it's enough to be a very significant financial hardship.
Quote from: nathanm on November 20, 2012, 05:52:04 PM
You would be shocked at the amount of care that is given away every year by the hospitals here in Tulsa. Let's just say it's enough to be a very significant financial hardship.
Is that just a statement or an attempt to disprove: "I also doubt that hospitals would go out of business if the only payments they received were from insurance companies at negotiated rates."?
How much service to local hospitals provide at the "retail" price compared to the negotiated prices with health care payers? Do you have some numbers on that "very signifiant financial hardship"?
Quote from: Townsend on November 20, 2012, 02:25:17 PM
You've been wrong. It's okay. Lots of people are.
I'm sure you know from personal experience of being wrong, again.
You people who think you don't make mistakes are especially annoying to those of us who actually make no mistakes. ;D
Quote from: nathanm on November 20, 2012, 05:52:04 PM
You would be shocked at the amount of care that is given away every year by the hospitals here in Tulsa. Let's just say it's enough to be a very significant financial hardship.
It's not so significant that it keeps St. John or St. Francis from having to reinvest profits into continuous expensive improvements.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 20, 2012, 10:13:01 PM
It's not so significant that it keeps St. John or St. Francis from having to reinvest profits into continuous expensive improvements.
Maybe we need to verify what Nathan means by "very significant financial hardship". It might mean more money than they know what to do with and how to get rid of it without looking like a for-profit organization. Probably not though.
I don't believe the financials are public information, so I can't go into more detail.
Quote from: nathanm on November 20, 2012, 05:52:04 PM
You would be shocked at the amount of care that is given away every year by the hospitals here in Tulsa. Let's just say it's enough to be a very significant financial hardship.
That's actually quite true. When I worked in the ER back in the late 80s and 90s, a significant portion of our "clients" were what we considered NO PAY. They either had no identification, refused to give any, provided false information, or were simply broke. They typically did not use the ER for emergency care, instead, they used it as a clinic and dispensary. It was so prevalent that we had to set up a separate "FAST-TRACK" center. Each night at around 12am we would get at least 6 "baby won't stop crying" charts. BWSC's are expensive because even though we know it's colic, or an ear ache, or gas, the ER doc has to rule out everything from obstruction to injury, and baby's don't talk much. About half the time, we could just give the child some formula and he/she would go right to sleep while we performed a battery of tests, x-rays and examinations that required the services of at least 10 people. A BWSC can cost upwards of $1,000 that the hospital will never see.
Our frequent flyers knew us by name and came in several times a week. Sometimes mom and dad would leave the child with the nurse and just use the time to sleep in the waiting room. If an ER doc was to send baby home for ANY reason while the child was still cranky, the parents would surely lodge a complaint. If it was by chance found that the child had an actual medical problem the parents would sue. For some of these folks, litigation represented a meal ticket.
We had one medicaid family with 7 kids. They were in several times a week. Each child had some rare, and chronic illness that no physician could diagnose. At one point the mother had 4 separate lawsuits against the hospital. She was very intelligent and it was obvious to us that many of the problems that her kids had were a result of Munchausen by proxy. Finally we were able to catch her introducing "foreign matter" (don't ask) into her son's feeding tube and contacted DHS. They investigated, and the hospital was sued again resulting in a significant settlement. She continued to visit weekly, no hard feelings.
Ever wonder why ER docs always want to give you a $2,500 CAT scan every time you come in? Thank a lawyer.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 21, 2012, 07:37:22 AM
That's actually quite true. When I worked in the ER back in the late 80s and 90s, a significant portion of our "clients" were what we considered NO PAY. They either had no identification, refused to give any, provided false information, or were simply broke. They typically did not use the ER for emergency care, instead, they used it as a clinic and dispensary. It was so prevalent that we had to set up a separate "FAST-TRACK" center. Each night at around 12am we would get at least 6 "baby won't stop crying" charts. BWSC's are expensive because even though we know it's colic, or an ear ache, or gas, the ER doc has to rule out everything from obstruction to injury, and baby's don't talk much. About half the time, we could just give the child some formula and he/she would go right to sleep while we performed a battery of tests, x-rays and examinations that required the services of at least 10 people. A BWSC can cost upwards of $1,000 that the hospital will never see.
Our frequent flyers knew us by name and came in several times a week. Sometimes mom and dad would leave the child with the nurse and just use the time to sleep in the waiting room. If an ER doc was to send baby home for ANY reason while the child was still cranky, the parents would surely lodge a complaint. If it was by chance found that the child had an actual medical problem the parents would sue. For some of these folks, litigation represented a meal ticket.
We had one medicaid family with 7 kids. They were in several times a week. Each child had some rare, and chronic illness that no physician could diagnose. At one point the mother had 4 separate lawsuits against the hospital. She was very intelligent and it was obvious to us that many of the problems that her kids had were a result of Munchausen by proxy. Finally we were able to catch her introducing "foreign matter" (don't ask) into her son's feeding tube and contacted DHS. They investigated, and the hospital was sued again resulting in a significant settlement. She continued to visit weekly, no hard feelings.
Ever wonder why ER docs always want to give you a $2,500 CAT scan every time you come in? Thank a lawyer.
So make them get insurance, right?
Gov. Mary Fallin's decision against Medicaid expansion rejects billions in federal aid (
QuoteIn deciding against expanding Medicaid in Oklahoma, Gov. Mary Fallin rejected an estimated $3.6 billion in federal funding over seven years, along with the argument that the additional money would generate jobs while improving the health of the poor. The governor's office is already anticipating much higher Medicaid bills beginning in 2014 because the health care law's individual mandate, the requirement that most people have health coverage, is expected to increase enrollment of thousands of Oklahomans who are currently eligible for the program but not participating. In fact, the costs associated with those people make up more than half of the $475 million in additional state obligations cited by Fallin on Monday when she announced her decision not to expand Medicaid eligibility to an estimated 200,000 uninsured adults.
Edited to add:
QuoteThe majority of those earning between 133-400% of the Federal poverty level are working—without any safety net. They constitute 'the working poor.' They are not, as some suggest, "freeloaders." Quite simply, those with Medicaid attain better health. The data proves it. Your alternative 'plan' of doing more of the same strikes me as both mean-spirited and inhumane to your fellow Oklahomans—whether they voted for you or not.
-Dr. John Schumann, an Oklahoma physician and medical educator, writing an open letter to Governor Fallin
Oklahoma gets 'D' for preterm birth rate (
QuoteOklahoma has reduced its preterm birth rate to the lowest mark in five years but still received a grade of D on a recent report card from the March of Dimes. In 2011, Oklahoma had a preterm birth rate of 13.2 percent, a decrease from 13.9 percent in 2010. The national rate is 11.7 percent, which is the lowest in a decade. The grade given to each state is based on the March of Dimes 2020 goal of 9.6 percent. Dr. Lisa Owens, medical director of the neonatal intensive care unit at Peggy V. Helmerich Women's Health Center, said health and socioeconomic factors lead to Oklahoma's relatively high premature birth rate.
According to an interview I'm listening to on NPR, our prisons would be covered by this medicaid extension if our governor had made a better decision.
That would've been some savings.
Wow. Perhaps she was like me and didn't know that bit. :P
Quote from: Townsend on November 19, 2012, 08:37:13 PM
It doesn't end in December. It starts over.
I have proof positive that we no longer need to worry about health insurance or our 401Ks.
FOX had a special in place of Hannity that the end of the world as predicted by the Mayans is NOT happening on 12/21/2012.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 21, 2012, 09:37:46 PM
? ? ? ?
That the Medicaid money could be used to pay for the health care of prisoners.
Gov. Mary Fallin's office won't release emails on health care decisionCiting executive privilege, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin's office won't release emails explaining the decision to not set up a health insurance exchange.
( (
QuoteGov. Mary Fallin's office will not publicly release emails that could shed light on how she decided to create a state health insurance exchange and then changed her mind.
Last year, she accepted $54 million from the federal government to set up an exchange, an online insurance marketplace under the Affordable Care Act. She later rejected the money under pressure from Republican colleagues.
Monday, she said the state will not set up such an exchange, meaning the federal government will step in to create one for Oklahoma.
In response to a records request from The Oklahoman, Fallin's general counsel, Steve Mullins, said these emails involve the governor's deliberative process and won't be released.
Open records advocates say that there is no exemption in the state's Open Records Act for these emails and that her office is trying to redefine state law to limit public access.
"Governor Fallin wants a privilege of secrecy that apparently none of her predecessors thought was necessary," said Joey Senat, a media law professor at Oklahoma State University.
Citing executive privilege and attorney-client privilege, Mullins said releasing electronic communications that pertain to state deliberations on public policy decisions could hurt policymakers' abilities to have productive internal discussions.
This marks at least the third time this year the governor's office has refused to release public records despite pledging in 2012 that she would respect the act and its spirit. Public records requests by the Tulsa World and The Associated Press were rejected earlier this year for similar reasons.
Fallin's spokesman, Alex Weintz, said Fallin does not believe the act was meant to allow access to "conversations between executive branch employees working on draft documents, brainstorming on public policy ideas, offering advice and counsel to the governor, or otherwise acting in an advisory role."
"Eliminating the possibility of private dialogue inside the executive branch would damage the ability of the governor to design and implement good policy and would harm the public interest," he said.
Court rulings
A 2009 opinion from the Oklahoma attorney general's office indicates emails generated while conducting the public's business are open to the public:
"Emails, text messages, and other electronic communications made or received in connection with the transaction of public business, the expenditure of public funds or the administration of public property, are subject to the Oklahoma Open Records Act."
Similar rulings have been made in Pennsylvania, Iowa, Colorado, Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina and California, and elsewhere.
A 2008 records request in Detroit led to the release of text messages written and received by that city's mayor and ultimately exposed corruption, leading to his ouster.
In 2009, Alaska released more than 24,000 of former Gov. Sarah Palin's emails despite initial claims that they were exempt.
Mullins, who previously worked for the U.S. attorney's office in Oklahoma City, cited federal law and U.S. Supreme Court decisions in explaining the rejection.
He also said verbiage within the act allows exemption for attorney-client communications and for personal notes created by government employees.
"I'm sure I'm influenced by my past — I'm not saying that's not true — but I think this is a fair reading of the state law," Mullins said.
"The privileges that are in litigation in Oklahoma are no different from the privileges that are in litigation in the federal courts."
Former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, also a former U.S. attorney, said he does not remember rejecting a specific records request, but that he would not release emails that demonstrated behind-the-scenes policy discussions by his staff.
"I always would want to err on the side of full disclosure and transparency, however staff advice to the governor as the chief executive of the state is not the governor's opinion," Keating said.
"That should be a matter of confidential deliberation and debate, because otherwise nobody's going to give you their candid opinion if they think it's going to be on the front page of the newspaper."
The critics' take
But Senat said once a personal note or memo becomes a recorded conversation or directive, it's no longer considered personal. And executive privilege, he said, applies to the federal government and is not listed as an exemption under Oklahoma law.
"This ain't the White House," he said.
"Our statute is very clear: If there's not a state statute that applies directly to those records, then it's open. What he's claiming is so broad it would defeat the very purpose of the Open Records Act."
Senat said Fallin's policy would also shift the burden of proving a record is exempt from public disclosure from the record holder to the record requester, contrary to state law.
Another critic of Mullins' decision, Mark Thomas, executive vice president of the Oklahoma Press Association, said he was troubled and puzzled by the rejection.
"Historically when legal counsel throws up a phalanx of privileges to protect the executive branch, there is something amiss," Thomas said.
"We would think, knowing the financial ramifications of the health care exchange, that she would be pushing out every scrap of information, factual and deliberative, to help the public understand why she is right on this issue."
Kelly P. Kissel, Associated Press news editor for Arkansas and Oklahoma, said Mullins rejected a request last spring for documents related to the state's execution procedures.
He said the bureau was eventually able to get the information from Department of Corrections, but that Mullins' initial denial slowed the organization's reporting for several months.
"We were able to get some documents from her office which Mullins described as non-privileged, but they did withhold some documents," Kissel said.
"She claimed executive privilege, which under the constitution and in state law she does not have."
Mullins said Fallin's administration is "more open than anybody else has ever been."
"I'm not sure that anybody was ever clear to the press before that such documents exist," he said.
"What we're doing is we're saying we're not going to hide the ball from anybody. We're trying to be transparent as we can as far as producing a document, and when we don't produce it, we're trying to tell you why."
Robert D. Nelon, who has practiced media law in Oklahoma City for 35-plus years, said he's never heard of an Oklahoma governor refusing to release public records on the basis of executive privilege, though he conceded it is unlikely that anyone would know unless it went to court.
"Certainly Mullins' approach to transparency is more transparent, but still if you don't get the documents the Open Records Act requires you to produce, then transparency is pretty meaningless," he said. "That is a radical departure from what has happened in the past."
You think she'd be protesting if they had been discussing how the exchange would hurt the state, rather than discussing how it would hurt her political career?
Report Finds State Costs of Implementing The Affordable Care Act's Medicaid Expansion Would Be Modest Compared to Increases in Federal Funds, and Some States Would See Net Savings (
QuoteWashington, D.C. – A new report released today by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows modest state costs for implementing the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act compared to significant increases in federal funds, allowing some states to see net budget savings even as millions of low-income uninsured Americans gain health coverage.
The new, updated analysis, conducted by John Holahan, Matt Buettgens, Caitlin Carroll and Stan Dorn at the Urban Institute for the Foundation's Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, shows that if all states were to expand their programs, state Medicaid spending nationally would rise by $76 billion from 2013 to 2022, an increase of less than 3 percent, while federal Medicaid spending would increase by $952 billion, or 26 percent. As a result, an additional 21.3 million individuals could gain Medicaid coverage by 2022 and, together with other coverage provisions of the ACA, that would cut the uninsured by almost half (48%).
"States are deciding whether to expand the Medicaid program, and they clearly will be balancing improvements in coverage against new costs for states," said Diane Rowland, executive vice president of the Foundation and executive director of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. "While some states will see net savings, others will need to weigh the trade-offs between small increases in state spending in return for large gains in coverage supported by mostly federal dollars."
As with all of Medicaid, the coverage and budget impacts of the Medicaid expansion would vary across states. States that had already expanded coverage to adults – such as Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Maine, and Maryland – may see savings under the ACA due primarily to higher matching rates for already covered populations. Meanwhile states with relatively large uninsured populations prior to any coverage expansions – including Nevada, Florida and Mississippi – are likely to see higher increases in state costs, but these increases are expected to be small relative to decreases in the uninsured and increases in federal matching funds.
The report provides key data for state officials to consider in light of the June Supreme Court ruling that effectively made the ACA's expansion of Medicaid eligibility a state option. The ACA set a national floor for Medicaid eligibility for adults with annual incomes at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty level, which is $15,415 for an individual in 2012. The analysis also points out that Medicaid enrollment and spending is expected to rise even in states that elect not to expand coverage. That is because other ACA provisions, including the requirement to simplify enrollment and the implementation of the exchanges, are expected to increase Medicaid enrollment of some adults and especially many children who are already eligible for the program but not yet enrolled. States may want to factor the costs of the currently eligible population into their calculations as they weigh the costs and benefits of undertaking the Medicaid expansion to newly eligible individuals. For states that do adopt the expansion, they will see significant increases in coverage with limited incremental state costs and will see large increases in additional federal funds.
If coverage is expanded, states can expect to see declines in uncompensated care costs tied to spending on hospital care for people without insurance. If all states adopted the Medicaid expansion, it is estimated that states could save $18 billion from 2013-2022. That would help to further mitigate the incremental costs of implementing the Medicaid expansion, particularly for states in the South, which tend to spend more on uncompensated care relative to their current spending on Medicaid than do states in other regions.
We limited this analysis to data available for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, so we were unable to estimate several potential sources of state fiscal gain from the Medicaid expansion including increased federal matching rates for current-law beneficiaries other than those covered through 1115 waivers or limited benefit programs; reduced state spending on non-Medicaid health care previously for uninsured populations (like mental health and substance abuse services), as well as additional revenue state revenues tied to economic activity that would result from increased federal Medicaid dollars being spent within the state. If these factors were taken into account, more states could realize net fiscal gains.
More data on how individual states are expected to be affected by the ACA's Medicaid expansion, as well as a discussion of the methods underlying this analysis, can be found in the full report online.
Wrong Number: Medicaid cost estimates are exaggerated and misleading (
QuoteIn announcing her decision not to participate in the expansion of Medicaid for low-income adults under the Affordable Care Act, Governor Mary Fallin asserted:
"Expanding Medicaid as written in the [Affordable Care Act] would cost the state of Oklahoma as much as $475 million between fiscal years 2014 and 2020. Paying for these increases would necessitate significant cuts to other critical parts of the state's budget like education and public safety. The cost of Medicaid expansion is unsustainable and creates an additional burden on taxpayers and the federal deficit."
The Governor's claim that extending Medicaid would cost the state up to $475 million over seven years is greatly exaggerated and misleading. It is based on unrealistic assumptions of how many people will enroll in Medicaid, includes costs that the state will absorb whether we expand Medicaid or not, and ignores savings and new revenues that will benefit the state budget. When we consider benefits of increased coverage for the health of our citizens and financial well-being of our health care providers, Medicaid expansion is clearly affordable and urgent.
The Affordable Care Act expands Medicaid coverage up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level for all individuals. Currently in Oklahoma, working-age adults are eligible for Medicaid only if they are parents of dependent children and have incomes below 37 percent of the poverty level. Nearly fifty percent of Oklahoma adults with income below 133 percent of poverty are uninsured, and the Medicaid expansion would make some 180,000 uninsured adults Medicaid-eligible. Most of this population is not eligible for premium subsidies to purchase private insurance through the new health insurance exchanges, which only assist individuals with incomes between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level.
To encourage states to expand Medicaid, the federal government will pay 100 percent of a state's cost for covering the newly-eligible population from 2014-2016, and then phase down to paying 90 percent on a permanent basis after 2020. While upholding the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion, the US Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could not withdraw all of a state's Medicaid funds if it opted not to expand Medicaid. This effectively leaves states the choice to expand coverage for low-income adults.
The Governor's projected state costs of up to $475 million over seven years if Oklahoma chooses to expand Medicaid is misleading for several reasons:
It includes costs the state will incur even if it doesn't expand Medicaid. Over sixty percent of the total cost cited by the Governor is attributable to people who can already get Medicaid but are not enrolled. This includes some 45,000 children and 15,000 adults. Since Oklahoma will be on the hook for this population whether we expand Medicaid or not, their cost is not properly attributable to an expansion
It is based on unrealistic participation assumptions. The Governor assumes 100 percent participation of every individual who is eligible for Medicaid – both the newly-eligible and those currently eligible and not enrolled. This is contrary to all prior experiences with participation in public programs. As the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities notes:
No means-tested public program has ever achieved a 100 percent participation rate. Even Medicare, a popular universal program has a participation rate of 96 percent. More credible estimates prepared by the Urban Institute assume that of the uninsured individuals who will be eligible for Medicaid, 10-40 percent of those who are currently eligible but not enrolled and 57-75 percent of those who will be newly eligible, will sign up for coverage.
The Oklahoma Health Care Authority projects that the total state cost for newly-eligible Oklahomans from 2014 to 2020 will range from $120 million, if 57 percent of those eligible participate, to $158 million, if 75 percent participate. At an average annual cost of $17.1 to $22.5 million, this is equivalent to less than 0.5 percent of current state appropriations.
It ignores savings to the state budget. The state currently spends close to $50 million annually providing health care services to uninsured adults through the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Corrections Department and Health Department. Expanding Medicaid would transfer 90 to 100 percent of the cost of services for newly-insured adults from the state budget to the federal government.
It ignores state revenues that will be generated from increased health care spending. Expanding Medicaid would bring hundreds of millions of additional federal dollars each year to Oklahoma that will be spent on health care. This spending will generate additional jobs, which in turn generates additional tax revenues. State tax collections will jump $29.8 million in 2014, assuming that 57 percent of those newly-eligible for Medicaid join, according to an OSU estimate.
Bottom line: If we set aside the population that is already eligible for Medicaid, use realistic participation assumptions, and consider offsetting savings and new revenues, the state will be looking at very modest spending increases by expanding Medicaid and could enjoy net savings. Instead of being a deal we can't afford, Medicaid expansion is a deal we can't afford to pass up.
I'm going to need some Obamacare if this bird keeps biting me. :P
So now we have a governor who is actively violating the law in her refusal to release these emails. Where is the "righteous indignation" of the RWRE to cover ups and "closed" government action?? I have heard comments this last week on Fox about how Obama is the least forthcoming administration...I guess that only applies to Obama...but not Fallin.
Ain't it great...we just keep doing it to ourselves in this state. Another David Hall.
Feds Want Oklahoma's Health Care Lawsuit Tossed (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Lawyers for the federal government want a federal judge to dismiss Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt's lawsuit challenging implementation of the federal health care overhaul law.
A motion filed in U.S. District Court in Muskogee asks U.S. District Judge Ronald White to throw the case out of court. It says the law will expand affordable health care and the state lacks standing to sue the federal government to deprive its residents of the benefits of federal law.
A lawsuit filed by Pruitt in January 2011 challenged the constitutionality of the health care law. Pruitt amended the lawsuit in September after the law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
In a statement Tuesday, Pruitt said he wants to ensure that the federal government complies with implementation of its own law.
Quote from: Townsend on December 05, 2012, 01:11:11 PM
Feds Want Oklahoma's Health Care Lawsuit Tossed
Wow! What a surprise.
Quote from: Red Arrow on December 05, 2012, 02:11:32 PM
Wow! What a surprise.
Yes. I'm sure they're looking at the state's record and how much money we waste on pointless litigation.
Quote from: Townsend on December 05, 2012, 02:13:47 PM
Yes. I'm sure they're looking at the state's record and how much money we waste on pointless litigation.
I doubt they care how much Oklahoma has wasted on pointless litigation. I'm sure they are mostly indignant at the thought of having to defend it. How could anyone dare to question the Feds?
Quote from: Red Arrow on December 05, 2012, 02:50:39 PM
I doubt they care how much Oklahoma has wasted on pointless litigation. I'm sure they are mostly indignant at the thought of having to defend it. How could anyone dare to question the Feds?
Oklahoma's litigation record is probably being used against it.
Did you mean "How could anyone dare to question the Feds during this administration?"
Quote from: Townsend on December 05, 2012, 03:10:01 PM
Did you mean "How could anyone dare to question the Feds during this administration?"
I don't believe I said that.
Medicaid expansion scorecard: 17 states say yes, 9 say no (
QuoteMore than half the states have made their decisions on whether to participate in the health law's Medicaid expansion – the provision aimed at extending health benefits to 17 million Americans.
Twice as many states have said yes than have declined, according to Avalere Health, a consulting firm here in Washington. Here's their map of where states currently stand.
Right now, 17 states have said they will participate in the Medicaid expansion, which will extend coverage to everyone whose income falls below 133 percent of the federal poverty line ($14,893 a year for an individual).
Tallying up state decisions on the Medicaid expansion is a bit of a squishy science. States don't have to make any official declarations, so we have to rely on what governors pledge. That doesn't necessarily predict the future. Take Missouri, for example: Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon has pledged to participate in the Medicaid expansion...but still needs funding from Missouri's Republican-controlled legislature to move forward.
Florida's Republican Gov. Rick Scott, on the other hand, had come out squarely against the expansion but has recently shown some openness to the idea.
What we do know for sure is this: The Medicaid expansion still breaks down along partisan lines. We haven't seen one Republican governor decide to expand nor one Democrat decide not to.
It's also worth keeping in mind that the number of states that participate in the Medicaid expansion isn't a great measure at all of how many Americans will enroll. The states that have opted out are a lot bigger than those who have opted in. In Vermont, which has signed up for the expansion, the Kaiser Family Foundation expects that 3,000 residents will gain coverage. In Texas, which has rejected the provision, that number stands at 1.8 million.
All told, the nine states that have decided to opt out would be expected to cover more Americans than the 17 states that have opted in. The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates enrollment would be 4.3 million among the opt-in states, compared with 5.3 million among the opt-outs. Much of that difference is explained by the fact that the states who have opposed the provision tend to have less expansive Medicaid programs, meaning the Affordable Care Act expansion would have an even greater impact.
The deadline is near and the final number is currently only 15 states who will participate in the Obamacare exchanges.
That was just such a super idea.
Quote from: Gaspar on December 14, 2012, 09:29:51 AM
The deadline is near and the final number is currently only 15 states who will participate in the Obamacare exchanges.
That was just such a super idea.
The GOP/Teabaggers hope lies in the states they have control over.
It really has nothing to do with what the people need and want.
Another attempt by you at make believing the best program for the needy is depriving them of a cost controlled single payer system.
Quote from: Teatownclown on December 14, 2012, 09:54:15 AM
Another attempt by you at make believing the best program for the needy is depriving them of a cost controlled single payer system.
In Gaspar's world, the needy are to be provided for solely through charity. Oddly, his favorite writer thinks that charity is immoral, but whatever. (Also oddly, his go-to economists are in favor of things like a minimum income, but nobody ever said it was a consistent world view)
Quote from: Teatownclown on December 14, 2012, 09:54:15 AM
...the best program for the needy is depriving them of a cost controlled single payer system.
That's what Medicaid and Medicare are. No need to re-jigger the entire system to the favor of a small handful of private insurers for the rest of us though.
Implications of the Affordable Care Act for American Business (
QuoteUpdated results from our Health Insurance Policy Simulation model show that, contrary to critics' claims, the law has a negligible impact on total employer-sponsored coverage and costs, leaves large business costs-per-person-insured largely untouched and makes small businesses-for whom coverage expands the most-financially better off, through tax credits and market efficiencies that lower premiums. Only among mid-size businesses does the ACA noticeably increase costs, largely due to increased enrollment. Our simulation does not reflect ACA cost containment provisions that may contain private as well as public cost growth-potentially slowing the decline of employer-sponsored health insurance that has been occurring for more than a decade
Oklahoma Policy Institute FB post:
QuoteQuote of the day: "John is unable to afford the medication to treat his condition. He certainly can't afford a liver transplant. Unless John moves to a state that is expanding Medicaid under the ACA, he could die of this treatable disease. Living in Oklahoma may be John's death sentence."
-Rep. Doug Cox (R), MD, on the Governor's decision to reject federal money to expand Medicaid to cover more low-income adults
Quote from: Townsend on January 09, 2013, 10:51:00 AM
Implications of the Affordable Care Act for American Business (
Imagine that, a liberal think-tank's model says the impact is negligible. Did you notice it's a "simulation" and not based on any actual reports from businesses?
I was informed our company's premium is set to increase by 23% in March. According to at least one agent we've talked to, many small businesses are electing to simply pay the penalty as it's cheaper for them to do so. Either that or they are giving employees an allowance to help purchase insurance privately. It's not a rosy picture, at least according to agents MC has screened for us to talk to.
Quote from: nathanm on December 14, 2012, 12:39:07 PM
In Gaspar's world, the needy are to be provided for solely through charity. Oddly, his favorite writer thinks that charity is immoral, but whatever. (Also oddly, his go-to economists are in favor of things like a minimum income, but nobody ever said it was a consistent world view)
Quote from: Conan71 on January 09, 2013, 02:44:28 PM
Imagine that, a liberal think-tank's model says the impact is negligible. Did you notice it's a "simulation" and not based on any actual reports from businesses?
Well I guess you have to post one thing or the other. It's either working or it's sending us all to Hell.
There's no middle ground. Huckabee's gone insane with this and the tax deal.
We can always go to his site and have a sunshiny day there.
Here we go: (
Aw mean there's a shift towards single payer mindset, Conan?
Interim pain...long term gain. If I were a middle man (person) selling health insurance I think I'd advise to expand into life and casualty or find a more lucrative living.
Quote from: Teatownclown on January 09, 2013, 03:01:35 PM
Aw mean there's a shift towards single payer mindset, Conan?
Interim pain...long term gain. If I were a middle man (person) selling health insurance I think I'd advise to expand into life and casualty or find a more lucrative living.
That's why I'm glad MC focuses on commercial and personal P & C, and only does the occasional individual HC policy. Tough waters to navigate right now.
Why GOP Governors Are Coming Around on the Medicaid Expansion (
QuoteListen closely and each time a Republican governor decides to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you can hear advocates for President Barack Obama's health reform law and the low-income insurance program softly whisper: We told you so.
In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision last June to give states the option of expanding Medicaid, most GOP governors and legislators rejected the idea, which would increase eligibility to 133 percent of the federal poverty level and add up to 17 million to state Medicaid rolls. But lobbying from key stakeholders (hospitals and doctors chief among them) and the possibility of missing out on hundreds of millions of federal dollars has softened that opposition.
Arizona's Jan Brewer, Nevada's Brian Sandoval and New Mexico's Susana Martinez were the first Republican governors to break from the national party and embrace the expansion -- and they probably won't be the last. Their stated reasons for their change of heart echo what policy analysts and advocates told Governing they would be long before the governors made up their minds.
It all comes down to dollar signs. If states choose to expand Medicaid, the federal government will cover 100 percent of the costs from 2014 to 2016. The feds' contribution will begin to decrease in 2017, but will never be less than 90 percent, under the ACA.
"For many states, it's going to be very difficult for them to leave that money on the table," Linda Blumberg, a health economist and senior fellow at the Urban Institute, told Governing on June 28, the day of the Supreme Court ruling. "I think there is going to be considerable financial pressure -- both from providers and the reality of state budgets -- to go with this."
A few months later, Len Nichols, director of the Center for Health Policy Research and Ethics at George Mason University, said the same thing. He pointed to a past example: the creation of Medicaid back in 1965. In the program's first year, only about half of the states signed on. But within a few years, 49 had come onboard (Arizona was the last to join in 1982). Political will gave way to fiscal realities.
"They all did the math and had to ask, 'Why am I leaving all this money on the table?'" Nichols told Governing. "It's a deal that most states will not be able to refuse in the long run. That's why the administration is acting confident that all states will come in."
Now those premonitions are turning out to be true.
Sandoval (a 2012 Governing Public Official of the Year) was the first Republican governor to officially embrace the Medicaid expansion, back in mid-December. It wasn't exactly an enthusiastic endorsement -- Nevada officials warned that it could place a burden on the state budget when the 100 percent federal match starts to phase down to 90 percent by 2017 -- but there was also recognition that it would be unwise to forego an infusion of federal dollars into the state economy. Sandoval's office estimates that the expansion will enroll 78,000 people and bring more than $700 million federal dollars into the state over the first three years.
"That's a massive leverage of federal dollars," said Jeff Mohlenkamp, Sandoval's budget director. "Considering how many federal dollars we are leveraging, the cost (of expansion) is fairly small."
This week, Brewer made headlines nationwide when she sanctioned the Medicaid expansion in her State of the State address. Her reasoning followed another familiar line from those who were confident that most states would expand: It will be good for hospitals and other health-care providers. Governing reported in the days after the Supreme Court decision that hospitals, traditionally one of the strongest lobbying groups in statehouses, would be pushing hard for expansion. One of their favorite talking points is uncompensated care. If more people are covered by Medicaid, hospitals will perform fewer unpaid services that usually get passed onto insurance premiums and taxpayers to fund.
Brewer cited all of the above in her reasons for backing the expansion.
"We will protect rural and safety-net hospitals from being pushed to the brink by growing their cost in caring for the uninsured,'' she said. "Health-care premiums are raised year after year to account for expenses incurred by our hospitals."
Likewise, Martinez's announcement underscored both motivations, according to the Albuquerque Journal. Expanding Medicaid will be budget-neutral, the governor said, and her decision was praised by New Mexico's health-care providers.
"It does appear to be clear that expanding Medicaid would not jeopardize the state's long-term budget outlook," Martinez said. "We will not only save money each year, but can expect revenue increases, and that will offset the cost of providing these services in the future."
More movement on the Medicaid expansion is likely in the coming weeks, as governors deliver their proposed budgets and state legislative sessions get underway. Democratic-controlled states are expected to sign off on the expansion with relative ease, and there's reason to think that more GOP governors will follow in the path of Brewer, Sandoval and Martinez.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has become the national figure for opposing all implementation of the ACA, especially the Medicaid expansion. But at a National Conference of State Legislatures forum in November, a Texas legislator said that Perry's staff was quietly meeting with lawmakers to at least explore the possibility of expanding. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, another outspoken opponent of the law, declined to outright denounce the expansion in his State of the State address (which is becoming a popular forum for governors to make their announcement). And in Ohio, where Gov. John Kasich has also stopped short of saying his state won't expand, a nonpartisan study estimates that the state could actually reap $1.4 billion in saved spending and new tax revenue under the expansion, according to the Associated Press.
With those kinds of numbers at stake, it's easy to understand why the Republican tune on the Medicaid expansion is changing. As George Mason's Nichols told Governing last year: "Usually, in the history of the world, math trumps ideology."
Anybody notice Jake Henry's induction speech yesterday at the REGIONAL Chamber of Commerce?
It sounded like he was pushing for single payer.
Easiest Path to Mental Health Funding May Be Medicaid Expansion (
QuoteThe recent mass killings in Tucson, Aurora and Newtown have sparked public conversations about the deficiencies in state-run mental health systems across the United States. But few states are poised to spend their own money to reverse as much as a decade of budget cutbacks in those areas.
Instead, many of them are counting on an infusion of federal mental-health dollars. Because Medicaid includes mental-health benefits, those states that opt into the Medicaid expansion included in President Obama's Affordable Care Act will be able to make mental health coverage available to thousands of their citizens who do not now have it.
For the first three years that additional coverage would cost the states nothing: Under terms of the Affordable Care Act, the federal government will cover 100 percent of the costs of new Medicaid enrollees for the first three years and 90 percent after 2020.
So far, 20 governors, some of them Republicans who opposed the health care law, have committed their states to the Medicaid expansion. Ten Republican governors have announced they will not participate. If all states opted into the expansion, an estimated 13 million more Americans would receive mental health benefits through Medicaid next year, according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office. The number would rise to 17 million in 2022.
"This is a golden opportunity to shore up the state public mental health systems where they have seen these major cuts in the last ten years," says Joel Miller, senior director of policy and health care reform at the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD).
Even in states that decline to participate in the Medicaid expansion, the Affordable Care Act will extend mental-health benefits to more people. Under the law, people who don't get health insurance through their employers will be able to purchase it on new insurance exchanges. Because policies on those exchanges are required to offer mental health coverage, another 8 million Americans currently without mental health benefits will have them starting next year, according to Congressional Budget Office figures. That number would grow to 22 million in 2022.
The combined effect of the Medicaid expansion and the health insurance exchanges will begin to reverse what has been a withering in public investment in mental health in the 21st century. Cuts began during the post-9/11 recession and accelerated during the recent economic downturn.
According to a study by Miller and others at NASMHPD, state investment in mental health services dropped by $4.35 billion between 2009 and 2012 even as an additional one million people sought treatment in publicly financed inpatient and out-patient behavioral treatment services during that same period.
In the report, Miller and his colleagues make the case that treating people for mental illness pays huge dividends. For example, they cite studies showing that diagnosis and treatment for depression has an economic return on investment of $7 for every $1 spent. Comprehensive community-based mental health services for the young can cut public hospital admissions and lengths of stay by about 40 percent. And those treated for depression, according to the studies, have experienced huge savings in their overall health care costs, even when they have had other ailments, such as cancer and heart disease.
Nevertheless, most states have followed the opposite path. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), California cut its mental health budget by $587.4 million between 2009 and 2011, New York by $132 million, and Illinois by $113.7 million. In those same years, Alaska slashed its mental health budget by 35 percent and South Carolina and Arizona by 23 percent each.
The result: "Waiting lists are longer," says Mike Fitzpatrick, executive director of NAMI. "There are fewer beds, fewer case workers, fewer programs."
That is why Fitzpatrick and other mental health advocates are pushing hard for all states to opt into the Medicaid expansion. "For people with mental illnesses, this could be a life-changer," he says.
Colorado, scene of a mass killing at an Aurora movie theater in July, is one of the few states that plan to use state money to expand mental health services. Last month, Democratic Governor John Hickenlooper proposed an $18.5 million plan to bolster the state's mental health services. His proposal would create a single, statewide mental-health crisis hotline, establish five around-the-clock mental-health crisis centers, increase the number of state-supported psychiatric beds, and develop housing alternatives for those suffering from mental illness.
In announcing his proposals, Hickenlooper left no doubt that he was prompted by the tragic events in Aurora. He labeled the plan, "Strengthening Colorado's Mental Health System: A Plan to Safeguard All Coloradans."
"This is all very exciting," says state Representative Tracy Kraft-Tharp, who used to lobby on behalf of mental health programs. But the newly-elected Democrat acknowledges that the new money won't come close to restoring the mental health budget to its pre-9/11 levels.
That is true of other states that are also trying to squeeze some additional resources into mental health. In Ohio, Republican Governor John Kasich has authorized $5 million for intervention in cases where families feel threatened by a family member suffering from mental illness. The money would go for emergency treatment, medication, temporary housing and respite care for beleaguered parents.
Other states are also focusing on early intervention. Maryland's Governor Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, has announced several steps related to crisis intervention. "We will invest more to improve mental health services so we can intervene early and reduce the potential for violent behavior," O'Malley said at a Monday news conference, where he also offered gun control measures. "We'll expand crisis intervention teams, expand response services and establish a center for excellence on early intervention for serious mental illness."
Craig Stenning, director of Rhode Island's Department of Mental Health, Retardation and Hospitals, says his state is also undertaking programs to better identify the early signs of mental illness in young people and to get them into effective treatment. He notes that the Medicaid expansion in his state is going to enable it to shift more resources into housing, employment and education programs related to keeping those with mental illness stable. This last effort, he says, wouldn't have been possible if Rhode Island hadn't chosen to opt into the expansion.
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, a Republican, has already announced that her state will not be part of the Medicaid expansion. Haley has proposed increasing state spending for the Department of Mental Health by $11.5 million next year, but South Carolina's annual appropriations for mental health services have dropped $88 million since 2008. The state has been able to offset some of those reductions through a one-time recovery of substantial federal Medicaid dollars.
Aside from increased spending, some states are looking to make changes in laws pertaining to mentally ill people whose behavior is so extreme that they could be considered a risk to others. These measures would make it easier to have those people placed under civil commitment in psychiatric wards and to restrict their ability to purchase guns.
New York was first in line with these measures. Early this week, along with its stringent new gun laws, the legislature passed a law that requires health care professionals to report to law enforcement agencies on mentally ill patients whom they consider dangerous. Maryland will also consider laws to reduce the chance that some severely mentally ill people will purchase guns. And Colorado's General Assembly will take up bills that would make it easier to have those considered dangerous as a result of mental illness civilly committed and prevented from buying guns.
As states take up this legislation, mental health advocates and some state officials express wariness about aggravating the uneasiness many people already feel toward those with mental illness. "People begin to equate mental illness with violence or evil," says NAMI's Fitzpatrick, "but there are very few people with mental illness who become violent."
Looks like it's time to start boycotting universities.
QuoteWhen the Affordable Care Act passed in early 2010, many in academia—faculty and students alike—cheered on. But now that its provisions are going into effect, some of these same people are learning firsthand that Obamacare has some nasty side effects.
A new piece in the Wall Street Journal reports that many colleges are cutting back on the number of hours worked by adjunct professors, in order to avoid new requirements that they provide healthcare to anyone working over 30 hours per week. This is terrible news for a lot of people; 70 percent of professors work as adjuncts and many will now have to cope with a major pay cut just as requirements that they buy their own health insurance go into effect:
Can't help but laugh at this one.
Quote from: guido911 on January 22, 2013, 02:27:16 PM
Can't help but laugh at this one.
The actual article:
Health Law Pinches Colleges
Some Schools Cut Hours of Hard-Pressed Adjuncts to Avoid Rules on InsuranceQuoteThe federal health-care overhaul is prompting some colleges and universities to cut the hours of adjunct professors, renewing a debate about the pay and benefits of these freelance instructors who handle a significant share of teaching at U.S. higher-education institutions.
The Affordable Care Act requires large employers to offer a minimum level of health insurance to employees who work 30 hours a week or more starting in 2014, or face a penalty. The mandate is a particular challenge for colleges and universities, which increasingly rely on adjuncts to help keep costs down as states have scaled back funding for higher education.
A handful of schools, including Community College of Allegheny County in Pennsylvania and Youngstown State University in Ohio, have curbed the number of classes that adjuncts can teach in the current spring semester to limit the schools' exposure to the health-insurance requirement. Others are assessing whether to do so, or to begin offering health care to some adjuncts.
In Ohio, instructor Robert Balla faces a new cap on the number of hours he can teach at Stark State College. In a Dec. 6 letter, the North Canton school told him that "in order to avoid penalties under the Affordable Care Act...employees with part-time or adjunct status will not be assigned more than an average of 29 hours per week."
Mr. Balla, a 41-year-old father of two, had taught seven English composition classes last semester, split between Stark State and two other area schools. This semester, his course load at Stark State is down to one instead of two as a result of the school's new limit on hours, cutting his salary by about a total of $2,000.
Stark State's move came as a blow to Mr. Balla, who said he earns about $40,000 a year and cannot afford health insurance.
"I think it goes against the spirit of the [health-care] law," Mr. Balla said. "In education, we're working for the public good, we are public employees at a public institution; we should be the first ones to uphold the law, to set the example."
Irene Motts, a spokeswoman for Stark State, a two-year community college, said the new rules were necessary "to maintain the fiscal stability of the college. There are a lot of penalties involved if adjuncts go over their 29 hours-per-week average. The college can be fined and the fines are substantial."
Nationally, colleges through trade groups such as the American Association of Community Colleges are asking the Internal Revenue Service to write special rules for adjuncts. The IRS recently acknowledged the issues in higher education, but so far hasn't agreed to take further steps.
For decades, colleges and universities have cut costs by hiring adjuncts instead of tenured or tenure-track faculty. In 1975, adjuncts made up 43% of the faculty at U.S. colleges. By 2009, that number had climbed to nearly 70%, according to John Curtis, director of Research and Public Policy at the American Association of University Professors, a professional group with an affiliated labor union.
Many of the adjuncts have other careers in their subject areas, and teach only a single class each semester. But a sizable number make their living from teaching, and have to pay for their own health insurance. Most adjuncts who don't receive coverage through their employer will be eligible for subsidized insurance starting in 2014 through new exchanges set up by the federal health-care law.
Adjuncts long have complained about the terms of their employment, and unionization by them has steadily increased, said Richard Boris, director of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education at Hunter College in New York. Some 37% of part-time, nontenured faculty are in a union, according to a survey conducted by the center between 2008 and 2012.
Some college administrators fear the fallout of the Affordable Care Act will further motivate unionization efforts, said Dan King, executive director of the American Association of University Administrators.
In the short term, Mr. King said he expects many colleges will hire more adjuncts and have each teach fewer classes. But that could make it harder for schools to find enough qualified adjuncts, he said. As a result, he believes institutions over the long term will need to create more full-time teaching positions that rank between a part-time adjunct and a tenured professor.
"I think colleges and universities are going to have to rethink their model for how they compensate adjuncts. It's clear to me over time the current model isn't going to be sustainable," Mr. King said.
At Community College of Allegheny County, which has an annual budget of around $109 million, administrators estimate it would cost at least $6 million to provide health benefits to the 200 adjuncts whose hours are being cut, plus 200 support staff who also work an equivalent of 30 hours.
That likely would have required a significant tuition increase, at a time when the school is trying to keep down the cost for students while absorbing reductions in state funding, said David Hoovler, executive assistant to the college's president.
As part of the college's decision to lower the cap on the number of classes adjuncts can teach, the administration also raised the pay per class by 2.7% and will start offering a health-care plan that adjuncts can buy through the school, Mr. Hoovler said. The college says the plan should be cheaper than what adjuncts could buy on the open market.
Large employers in the private sector also are examining the cost of insuring more employees. Some companies, particularly restaurant operators, have been moving to cut hours to reduce the number of workers to whom they would be required to offer health insurance. Others are preparing to expand health-benefit offerings to more such employees.
The Department of Health and Human Services doesn't expect the law will have a substantial effect on employment, citing the experience of Massachusetts, which has a similar requirement on the state level, as well as a Congressional Budget Office report on the Affordable Care Act.
Health care is just one issue that has been pushing adjuncts to unionize. Many say they also are looking for better pay, job security and more respect.
While the salary of a full professor with a doctorate at a public university has risen with inflation and now averages $120,000 a year, according to the American Association of University Professors, the pay for adjuncts has stayed flat. Even those with a doctorate earn an average of just $3,200 a course each semester, Mr. Curtis said. For a full-time adjunct with a doctorate, that can translate to less than $20,000 a year.
Many adjuncts who hope to break into the academy have been unwilling to risk antagonizing the faculty or administrators who have the power to elevate them to the tenure-track jobs they covet. But as those jobs have become harder to land, adjuncts have become more motivated to challenge the status quo, said Maria Maisto, an adjunct teaching English composition at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland and president of the New Faculty Majority, an organization created in 2009 to empower adjuncts.
She is hopeful that changes made on campuses because of the Affordable Care Act will help draw increased attention to the plight of adjuncts.
"We think it could definitely raise a number of HR issues that have fallen through the cracks," Ms. Maisto said. "It could open avenues for reform that weren't evident before."
TW FB post:
OKLAHOMA CITY – Gov. Mary Fallin said Wednesday she will ask lawmakers for $16 million to pay for more mental health services.
Mississippi's GOP Governor Says No American Lacks Health Care (
QuoteMississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) doesn't like President Barack Obama's health care reform law. It's too expensive and too intrusive, he says.
And Bryant has another reason to oppose the law, he revealed in an interview with Kaiser Health News: It's not necessary because everyone's doing just fine now.
"There is no one who doesn't have health care in America. No one. Now, they may end up going to the emergency room. There are better ways to deal with people that need health care than this massive new program."
If that sounds familiar, it's because this is a common rationale offered by opponents of expanding government programs that provide health care coverage. Bryant and others are referring to a 1986 federal law requiring hospitals that receive Medicare money (i.e., almost all of them) to stabilize and treat anyone who shows up with an emergency medical condition regardless of ability to pay.
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney repeatedly made such comments during his failed bid to defeat Obama last year. "If someone has a heart attack, they don't sit in their apartment and die. We pick them up in an ambulance and take them to the hospital and give them care," Romney said during an interview on CBS News' "60 Minutes" in September.
If, like Bryant and Romney, you believe that no Americans are forced to go without health care because they can't afford it, there's no compelling reason to support expanding coverage to millions of people under President Barack Obama's health care reform law.
Would that it were so simple.
In 2011, 48.6 million Americans had no health insurance, according to the most recent census data. Among those who do have coverage, many still can't afford medical care so they skip it. The truth is, there's a health care access problem and it's been getting worse. And Mississippi has the fifth-highest rate of uninsured residents in the nation: 19 percent.
Funneling uninsured, "underinsured," and poor people to emergency rooms isn't great for the hospitals, either. Hospitals absorbed $41.1 billion in unpaid bills (known in the business as "uncompensated care") in 2011, according to a report issued by the American Hospital Association this month. And unpaid medical bills can haunt patients for years and subject them to brutal debt collections.
Community health centers and free clinics don't have the capacity to handle all the patients who need help. Even in Massachusetts, where Romney enacted the model for Obamacare in 2006 and where just 4 percent of people were uninsured in 2011, free clinics still see a lot of patients, WBUR reported Tuesday.
The predicament is about to get worse for hospitals in states that don't expand Medicaid under Obamacare. Medicare and Medicaid currently provide extra money to facilities that treat a disproportionate share of patients who can't pay their bills. The health care law makes significant cuts to those funding streams -- because more people are supposed to get private health insurance or Medicaid starting next year. Based on this calculation, the American Hospital Association and other national industry lobbying groups endorsed the health care overhaul.
The hospitals in Bryant's home state see things the same way: The Mississippi Hospital Association backs the Medicaid expansion. "It is a win-win for Missouri," Herb Kuhn, the CEO of the association, said in a November press release. Kuhn was a senior health care official under President George W. Bush.
Bryant, like other Republican governors, opposes Obamacare's Medicaid expansion for poor people and he wants to stop state Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney (R) from establishing a health insurance exchange in the state under the law. Instead, Bryant wants the federal government operate the marketplace for Mississippi residents, which is what 25 other states have opted to do.
Kaiser Health New's Q&A with Bryant touches on a lot of other issues, including his standoff with Chaney, his view that having Medicaid discourages people from getting better jobs and his threat to consider suing the federal government if more MIssissippians sign up for Medicaid benefits when Obamacare enrollment begins Oct. 1.
Quote from: Townsend on January 22, 2013, 02:34:47 PM
The actual article:
I linked to the story. Did you post the entire story to point out something?
Is that just for hers and Sauer's?
Quote from: guido911 on January 23, 2013, 01:21:44 PM
I linked to the story. Did you post the entire story to point out something?
He just wanted to show you that the link works.
Quote from: AquaMan on January 23, 2013, 01:23:46 PM
Is that just for hers and Sauer's?
Same person. Split personality.
Uh oh.
Looks like Mary has some 'splainin to do...
Good article on the Protean option. Many tech companies, like the one I work for, are like this.
Michigan and Ohio accept federal funds.
Mary Fallin needs to fall in line. Otherwise, she's a one termer.
In a switch, GOP governors back expanding Medicaid (
QuoteDES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Once largely united in resisting the Obama administration's new health care overhaul, a growing number of Republican governors are now buying into parts of the system as the financial realities of their states' medical costs begin to counterbalance the fierce election politics of the issue.
This week, Michigan's Rick Snyder became the sixth GOP governor to propose expanding his state's health insurance program to cover more low-income residents, in line with the Democratic administration's strong recommendation. Eleven Republican governors have rejected the idea while a dozen, who have been mostly critical, have not announced a decision.
Although the Democratic president's re-election last fall cleared the way for providing health insurance for millions of Americans who don't have it, many Republican governors have resisted parts of the plan that remained optional. They have been reluctant to expand their Medicaid programs to cover more low-income residents. And many declined to take responsibility for the online exchanges that would offer subsidized private coverage to the middle class.
Both would pose costs to the states and also involved cooperating with a larger government role in health care that many Republicans strongly opposed.
However, the federal government's agreement to pay most of the added Medicaid expense, and belief that fewer residents would be showing up at local hospitals without insurance, have begun to break down some governors' opposition.
"Politically, the dynamic may be shifting," said Matt Benson, a senior aide to Arizona Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, who proposed expanding Medicaid last month. "There may be some folks looking at this anew."
Two high-profile Republican governors, Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Rick Scott of Florida, have voiced skepticism about the federal terms but are still considering the option.
Most Democratic governors have supported expanding their Medicaid programs to cover more low-income residents, mainly adults with no children at home, who don't qualify now. With such an expansion, Medicaid would account for almost all of the state's poor. Under the new federal plan, higher earners would be required to get private insurance. Together, the provisions are aimed at sharply reducing the 15% of Americans who are uninsured.
But many Republican governors shrank from taking on any further costs for Medicaid, which has heavily burdened state budgets. The federal government would pay the full cost for the first three years under the new system, but the states would pay up to 10 percent later. Some governors worried that the federal government could decide to trim back its contribution in the future.
The governors now agreeing to opt in and expand Medicaid include Republicans from different regions of the country and different ideological leanings. This has prompted hope among some health care overhaul supporters of more GOP defections. In addition to Snyder and Brewer, Republican governors who support expanding Medicaid include Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota, John Kasich of Ohio, Brian Sandoval of Nevada and Susana Martinez of New Mexico.
In each state, the proposal must still be approved by the legislature, where there is still Republican opposition.
Snyder said that in Michigan, the expansion would provide coverage for about 500,000 uninsured residents, mostly at federal expense, and save state taxpayers $1.2 billion through 2020. The government now helps hospitals cover some of the cost of treating those without insurance.
"This is a federal program that we would not have necessarily created for Michigan," he said Wednesday, but "this is saving money and improving lives."
Governors have been under immense pressure to opt in from hospital and medical associations, as well as advocates for the poor.
In explaining their decisions, Kasich, Brewer and others have said rejecting an expansion would mean their taxpayers would subsidize care for those in other states, while receiving no benefits themselves. In Ohio, that would be an estimated $2.4 billion over two years, Kasich said Monday.
"Ohio taxpayer dollars are coming back to Ohio to support a significant need we have," he said.
But governors elsewhere said they fear the states would be saddled with huge costs if the federal government later reneged on its commitment.
"The federal government, because of their budget problems, starts cutting back and...then you've just bought into something of a lead sinker," said Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, among the skeptics. He has asked federal officials to allow his state to craft its own plan for low-income residents.
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell has also questioned the terms, saying he didn't "believe the federal government can possibly deliver its commitment to fully fund the program."
Twenty four states have agreed to participate in another optional part of the federal health plan —setting up an online marketplace, either by themselves or in partnership with the federal government, where residents can shop for subsidized insurance coverage. The group includes seven GOP-governed states. Under the new system, the federal government will set up the online marketplaces, or exchanges, for states that decline to do so. The new exchanges are scheduled to go into operation in October, with insurance coverage beginning in January 2014.
I guess I have lost track during all the commotion...tell me again why someone would want to protect themselves from something that is good for them??
Lawmaker asks for AG opinion on whether Oklahoma has to obey federal law (
A member of Oklahoma's House of Representatives has asked the state's attorney general for legal guidance on whether the state legislature can block the Affordable Care Act and other federal laws it considers unconstitutional. Republican Lewis Moore, the chair of the House States' Rights Committee, announced on Friday that he had asked Attorney General Scott Pruitt for a legal opinion on the legislature's ability to nullify the implementation of the federal laws. A spokeswoman for Pruitt, who has filed his own lawsuit challenging the federal government's ability to implement federal health insurance exchanges, said the office was in the process of reviewing correspondence from Moore.
Looks like another one bites:
Governess Mary is quite contrary. Her splintered Teabagging Obama hating coalition of states leaves her looking like the shrew with no sense by denying Federal funding.
Looking like a dismal period coming up between her refusal and the sequester. Lots of pain being induced by the extremists.
Quote from: Teatownclown on February 21, 2013, 12:39:34 AM
Looks like another one bites:
Governess Mary is quite contrary. Her splintered Teabagging Obama hating coalition of states leaves her looking like the shrew with no sense by denying Federal funding.
Looking like a dismal period coming up between her refusal and the sequester. Lots of pain being induced by the extremists.
Yep Obama is an extremist, considering the White House devised the sequester trigger.
Failin' is showing just how profoundly stupid she is by fighting this. Even Florida has figured out the reality....
Fallin remains firm on rejecting Medicaid expansion (
QuoteWith Florida Gov. Rick Scott's Wednesday announcement that he is ready to accept "Obamacare" money to expand his state's Medicaid program for at least three years, the majority of the states — representing 96 percent of the nation's population — have either opted into the plan or are leaning that way.
Not Oklahoma.
A spokesman for Gov. Mary Fallin said Scott's decision that Florida couldn't afford to stay out of the Medicaid expansion doesn't change her stance that Oklahoma can't afford to get into it.
"Governor Fallin has made her decision based on what is best for Oklahoma," spokesman Alex Weintz said. "She does not plan on revisiting the issue."
Scott's announcement makes Florida the 25th state apparently headed toward accepting Medicaid expansion, a key element of the Affordable Care Act's scheme for reducing the number of uninsured Americans.
The federal law would allow anyone in a household earning up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level — currently $31,322 a year for a family of four — to qualify for Medicaid coverage starting in 2014.
The federal government would pick up 100 percent of the costs of new benefits for the first three years. After that a share of the costs would shift to the states, capping at 10 percent in 2020.
Currently in Oklahoma, only members of specific groups — children, pregnant women, the aged, blind and disabled — can qualify for the federal health care program.
Fallin's decision not to accept the Medicaid expansion money means about 180,000 poor, uninsured Oklahomans won't receive health coverage.
She has repeatedly made the point that the federal government would pick up the cost of new benefits but would not pick up additional administrative costs or 100 percent of the benefit costs for people who are already eligible for Medicaid.
Fallin "continues to pursue Oklahoma options for improving health and wellness in the state," Weintz said. "Additionally, she continues to ask the White House to grant states flexibility to expand state-based programs like Insure Oklahoma."
Read more from this Tulsa World article at
Even Arkansas is looking pretty good these days....
Bridenstine weighing in, getting propped up by Mark Levin.
His grammar is atrocious. ::)
Quote from: guido911 on March 01, 2013, 06:56:41 PM
Bridenstine weighing in, getting propped up by Mark Levin.
I love the quote about most Americans wanting healthcare to be controlled by patients and doctors - not the government. And a huge proponent of interfering precisely where he says we shouldn't...telling women what they can and can't do with their own bodies.
Telling doctors they cannot use one of the most effective drugs available for treatment of a wide variety of serious/fatal ailments. I sincerely hope he remains healthy his entire life, but actually endures the nonsense surrounding the interference of treatment of a serious cancer by someone he loves, so maybe he can finally start to understand reality. But hey, he is special... so, like Gabby Gifford, he will get the best care possible - spare no expense - while the majority of his constituents will remain in Oklahoma's standard healthcare system. With Oklahoma's 47th in the nation level of healthcare.
Yes, Oklahoma,...protect yourself from might rise to 46 or even 45 if you don't!!
Oklahoma Taxpayers Could Help Fund Federal Challenges (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahomans who support the attorney general's determination to challenge federal statutes may soon have a way to help pay for the effort.
The Oklahoma House voted 80-15 on Tuesday for a bill that would put a line on individual income tax forms to allow a contribution to be made to a new "Constitutional Challenge Litigation Cost Revolving Fund."
Democratic Rep. Joe Dorman of Rush Springs says many Oklahomans support Attorney General Scott Pruitt's effort to challenge federal laws like the Affordable Care Act, and his bill would give them a chance to help pay for those lawsuits.
Pruitt's office currently is challenging the tax penalty provisions of the federal health care law, Environmental Protection Agency regulations and the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
States' Rights Bills Surge In GOP States (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — One bill would make it a felony to enforce the new federal health care law, punishable by up to five years in prison. Another prohibits a physician from asking a patient about firearms. Yet another is designed to curb the possible influence of the United Nations in local government.
While provocative bills aren't particularly unusual in state legislatures, so many have been offered by conservatives in Oklahoma this year that GOP leaders have established a special committee to handle what is now a major category of business: measures to combat the federal government's influence in the states.
"This gives a platform for what I think are issues that are concerning to a lot of Oklahomans, and that's this continual overreach of the federal government," said House Speaker T.W. Shannon.
Similar states' rights panels have been formed in Texas and Utah, which are also controlled by the GOP, and have been proposed in Alaska, Missouri and Tennessee.
President Barack Obama's re-election last year, while a victory for the Democrats, has made the anti-federal cause a growth industry in states dominated by conservative Republicans. When legislatures reconvened this year, a flood of bills came forth to block enforcement of federal laws, deny authority to federal agencies, and circumvent federal policies related to firearms, religion, the environment and, most of all, health care. Across the country, dozens of bills have been introduced to nullify federal firearms laws alone.
Even though many measures are legally questionable and may never come to a floor vote, the special committees are providing more public attention to sovereignty issues that were sidetracked in previous years.
In Oklahoma, "There's going to be healthy debate and discussion about what the limits of the federal government are and also about where state sovereignty begins," said Shannon. "I think that's a worthy discussion to have."
In marble halls normally bustling with suit-and-tie legislators and lobbyists, witnesses wearing camouflage, jeans and ball caps now file into committee rooms for sessions. Usually somnolent hearings are now sometimes raucous.
When the Oklahoma states' rights committee recently passed a bill that prohibits cities and counties from adopting any environmental recommendations in the United Nations' Agenda 21 plan, many of those in attendance burst into applause.
Some Democrats say they don't know whether to be alarmed or amused.
"Where is Jay Leno when you need him?" said Rep. Mike Shelton of Oklahoma City, one of 29 Democrats in the 101-member state House. "If I didn't know this was reality, I would think this committee was something out of a movie."
At a recent hearing, Democratic Rep. Kay Floyd, who was an administrative law judge before winning election to the Legislature, expressed concern that several bills the committee passed appeared to be unconstitutional. Republican Rep. Gus Blackwell, the author of a measure contravening part of the federal health care law, responded: "The Supreme Court may go on and make another decision. I don't care." His comment drew nods of approval from those in attendance.
The crowd of about two dozen spectators at one recent hearing included tea party members and other grassroots activists, some of whom took time away from work and traveled from towns around the state.
Don Spencer, a truck driver for an oil field supply company, hustled to the statehouse after work to hear the panel discuss amending the constitution to make gun possession easier.
Of the others in attendance, "you'll only see them at meetings dealing with constitutional issues," said Spencer, wearing jeans, a flannel shirt and an empty holster that shows he's not allowed to bring his handgun into the Capitol. "People are realizing they can't control the government creeping into their homes, and the more they learn, the scarier it gets."
Also on the committee agenda are measures barring local police from aiding the U.S. military in detaining Oklahoma citizens under the federal War Powers Resolution, prohibiting judges from considering foreign law, and amending the constitution to limit the Legislature's ability to regulate firearms.
Some critics dismiss the sessions as little more than political grandstanding for conservative voters in a state where Obama failed to carry a single county in either of his presidential races. They warn that any measures passed would only run up the state's legal bills in hopeless court challenges.
Under Supreme Court precedent, a state doesn't have the power to block the enforcement of federal law inside its borders, said Joseph Thai, a constitutional law professor at the University of Oklahoma who served as law clerk to Supreme Court Justices John Paul Stevens and Byron White.
Most such measures "do not merit serious comment — at least, not after the Civil War," Thai said.
But many conservatives insist the panel can help the state find ways to push back against the federal government.
Oklahoma's new Republican Attorney General Scott Pruitt has bolstered the cause by challenging the tax penalty provisions of the federal health care law, filing suit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and joining a multi-state challenge to the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
"We're a country of citizens and not subjects," said Republican Rep. Lewis Moore, chairman of the committee. "It is our fault for not acting as citizens all the time."
Bunches of haters. The Patriot Movement is anything but that.
Forget protecting yourself from Obamacare - who's gonna protect us from the Oklahoma legislature..??
Yeah, they are really doing everything they can to attract new business....let's present ourselves as a bunch of ignorant "hicks from the sticks"...yeah, that will do it...!
Maybe the Koch brothers....oh, wait,...they already came to town.
Obamacare really starting to hit home...
Quote from: guido911 on March 11, 2013, 06:01:57 PM
Obamacare really starting to hit home...
Thank God it will be no great loss to stop eating there.... they are already way overpriced for their product, so I will just let them keep it!
...he could walk this one back.
I see this snippet showing up in campaign videos next year...
Quote from: Hoss on March 12, 2013, 03:36:18 PM
...he could walk this one back.
I see this snippet showing up in campaign videos next year...
First honest comment I have heard him make, so yeah, as Representative, he must walk it back just to stay in the game....
The only thing this idiot could walk back would be his educational level.
Rejecting Medicaid expansion would hit Oklahoma employers hard, study shows (
QuoteOklahoma employers could pay as much as $52.6 million a year in higher taxes under the Affordable Care Act, if the state refuses to accept Medicaid expansion funding under the law, according to a study by Jackson Hewitt Tax Service. Nationally, the 22 states that have rejected the Medicaid money or remain undecided on the issue could cost their employers extra taxes up to $1.3 billion, the report says.
Bring it on back, Jim:
Bridenstine says remarks about Supreme Court misinterpreted (
QuoteFirst District Congressman Jim Bridenstine said Monday his remarks last week about the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act have been misinterpreted.
Bridenstine said he was only disagreeing with the court's majority opinion in last year's Affordable Care Act, not challenging the court's authority as the final arbiter on constitutionality.
"That's never crossed my mind," Bridenstine said by telephone Monday morning.
Last week Bridenstine told the Daily Caller, a conservative website: "Just because the Supreme Court rules on something doesn't necessarily mean that that's constitutional. What that means is that that's what they decided on that particular day, given the makeup of the court on that particular day."
Bridenstine went on to say he believes the so-called individual mandate is unconstitutional, regardless of the court's 5-4 ruling that it is.
Bridenstine's remarks were widely reported, with some sources saying that the freshman congressman considered Marbury v. Madison, the 1803 decision that established the Supreme Court as the final authority on constitutionality, to have been incorrect.
Monday, Bridenstine said he does not remember saying such a thing.
"The Supreme Court justices decide constitutionality," he said. "That's their role."
But, Bridenstine said, the Supreme Court has reversed itself from time to time, and he thinks the Affordable Care Act decision is one that may not stand up.
"What I should have said is that I agree with the dissenting opinion ... and that it will inform my legislation going forward."
Bridenstine is one of several members of Congress attempting to "defund" the Affordable Care Act through the budgetary process. The Republican House leadership has not signed on to their efforts.
Quote from: Townsend on March 18, 2013, 02:02:11 PM
Bring it on back, Jim:
Bridenstine says remarks about Supreme Court misinterpreted (
Baby Face Bridenstein is a mess.... he needs a bib!
This idiots' handlers may be the worst in State history. Everything is either non-sense or crazy.
Here's the latest scribble:
Quote"We are enforcing because Oklahoma notified ... that it has not enacted legislation to enforce or that it is otherwise not enforcing the Affordable Care Act market reform provisions."
-Gary Cohen, director of the federal Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, in a letter to the Oklahoma Insurance Department. The federal government will be taking over regulation of Oklahoma's insurance market because Insurance Commissioner John Doak has refused to enforce the law.
So has this made Doak unnecessary?
Quote from: Townsend on March 20, 2013, 03:47:38 PM
So has this made Doak unnecessary?
Wasn't he always...? unnecessary....
Incarceration is an expensive alternative to mental health care. According to a Texas Department of State Health Services report, the criminal justice system is 27 percent more expensive than the costliest outpatient services. Thus, when police take people with mental illnesses to the hospital rather than jail, we save our county money and provide a more therapeutic option for the patient.
Poll: Most Americans Remain Ignorant of Obamacare ImpactsThe sweeping health care reform package remains unpopular with the public (
QuoteFor all the noise politicians make about the sweeping health care reform law passed three years ago, dubbed 'Obamacare,' Americans are largely in the dark about its implementation.
About 48 percent of those recently surveyed said they know "nothing at all" about whether their state is setting up a new insurance marketplace as prescribed by the law or deferring to the federal government versus just 15 percent have heard "some" about this or 7 percent who have heard "a lot," according to a new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Much ado is also being made in Washington about whether or not Red State governors are taking up the federal government's offer to help fund an expansion of Medicaid, also part of the health care reform overhaul, but the poll shows a majority of public support for the act. About 52 percent say they support expanding Medicaid to cover more low-income people versus 41 percent who oppose the move.
Overall, support for the law has not changed much since it was signed three years ago – just about 37 percent of people have a favorable view of the measure versus 40 percent who have an unfavorable view. Democrats and independents are also much more supportive of Obamacare than are Republicans. But ignorance persists on the measure, as well. About 57 percent of those polled admit they don't have enough information to understand how it will affect them personally, compared to 41 percent who say they do.
There is a disconnect between the public's perception of whether health care costs are increasingfaster or slower than usual, according to the poll.
"Analysis of national data has shown that while health care cost growth continues to outpace inflation, the rate of growth in national health expenditures has slowed markedly in recent years," says a Kaiser Foundation memo that accompanied the poll results.
"The public's perception of the cost trajectory is quite different however. Nearly six in 10 adults say that over the past few years the cost of health care for the nation as a whole has been going up faster than usual," it reads.
The poll highlights issues that have plagued the law since it was being crafted – that the complex overhaul is misunderstood by most (even lawmakers) and unpopular with Republicans. GOP lawmakers continue to demonize the legislation and have repeatedly voted to repeal it, despite the fact that President Barack Obama would veto any measure to remove his signature reforms should it reach his desk.
While some of Obamacare's provisions have already taken effect, full implementation will not happen until 2014.
Quote from: Townsend on March 20, 2013, 03:47:38 PM
So has this made Doak unnecessary?
He can always remind people to change the batteries in their smoke detectors, but beyond that...
He's still just high from getting elected.
Don't say I didn't warn you that there was no way health care premiums could possibly go down with more people coming into the risk and claims pool. Sebelius finally admits what was obvious from the get-go, in spite of Obama's constant lies about the average family saving $2500 per year on their premiums.
QuoteYears after the insurance industry began warning that premiums will rise due to health reform, the Obama administration acknowledged Tuesday that it might actually be the case.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told reporters at the White House that some people may see their premiums rise under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
"These folks will be moving into a really fully insured product for the first time, and so there may be a higher cost associated with getting into that market," Sebelius said. "But we feel pretty strongly that with subsidies available to a lot of that population that they are really going to see much better benefit for the money that they're spending."
Sebelius's comments were published online late Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal.
"This is the first time ever in the history of the United States that insurance companies have to file their rates, it has to be very transparent, they have to offer the same kind of coverage without 5,000 tiny little lines and internal caps, and they have to compete for customers," Sebelius said. "And I am a believer in the market strategies that in and of itself will minimize the rate impact."
Health insurers have long warned that health reform will increase health coverage costs, but the Obama administration has repeatedly said reform will increase coverage while reducing costs.
Though the law eliminates practices that have imposed higher rates on women and people with medical conditions—likely reducing premiums for women, the elderly and the sick—premiums for men, healthy individuals and younger beneficiaries are expected to increase. Insurance premiums could rise for some with individual plans, Sebelius said.
In a report, the Society of Actuaries predicted this week that insurers will pay 32 percent more on average within three years for medical claims under reform, as more patients enter the insurance market and take up higher-value benefits. The study attributes potential premium hikes to the expected influx of sicker people into the health care market. Changes also would vary significantly by state.
"Health care reform's watershed year is almost here, though it will take a while for a stable state to be reached. The projections in this study suggest that when the dust settles by 2017, we can expect mixed results on the reform bill's goals of expanding coverage and reducing costs," Kristi Bohn, consulting health staff fellow at the Society of Actuaries, said in a statement.
Though the law will significantly reduce the number of Americans who are uninsured, the size of the individual market will more than double an increase driven in part by people who are below 200 percent of the federal poverty line coming into the market. "This group of people are considered to be 'good risks' and are generally expected to bring down average costs," Bohn said. "But other changes in composition of the individual market will more than offset these lower costs, and in fact, will drive average costs up."
America's Health Insurance Plans has also argued that PPACA's age rating restrictions will increase premiums for younger individuals, while the health insurance tax will significantly increase costs for consumers and employers in all 50 states.
The bulk of the law—including the health exchanges and the individual mandate—goes into effect in January 2014, which at that time the premium costs will be known.
And just in case you missed this from the March 1 pre-weekend info dump from the Administration:
QuoteThe Internal Revenue Service on Friday unveiled its proposal to raise billions of dollars through annual fees on health insurers, a "$100 billion health insurance tax rule" that the industry says will significantly drive up costs for consumers.
The rule as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act imposes annual fees on health insurers that start at $8 billion in 2014, increases to $14.3 billion in 2018, and will increase every year after that. The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates the tax will exceed $100 billion over the next ten years.
The proposed rule will be published Monday for public consideration in the Federal Register. The IRS will accept comments for 90 days, beginning Monday.
Not paying on time will result in a $10,000 penalty for insurers, plus $1,000 for every day they miss deadline.
America's Health Insurance Plans blasted the rule as a tax that will financially drown both employers and consumers. They warn that the costs will have to be passed along to consumers in the form of higher premiums, a claim that the Congressional Budget Office has also verified in its analysis.
"Imposing a new sales tax on health insurance will add a financial burden on families and employers at a time when they can least afford it," AHIP President and CEO Karen Ignagni said Friday. "This tax alone will mean that next year an individual purchasing coverage on his or her own will pay $110 in higher premiums, small businesses will pay an additional $360 for each family they cover, seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage will face $220 in reduced benefits and higher out-of-pocket costs, and state Medicaid managed care plans will incur an additional $80 in costs for each person enrolled."
There is currently legislation to repeal the fees, recently introduced by Reps. Charles Boustany, R-La., and Jim Matheson, D-Utah, which AHIP strongly supports.
A 2011 report by Oliver Wyman found that nationally the health insurance tax alone "will increase premiums in the insured market on average by 1.9 percent to 2.3 percent in 2014," and by 2023 "will increase premiums 2.8 percent to 3.7 percent."
Families purchasing coverage in the individual market will be hit the hardest in New York while those getting coverage from a small employer will be most impacted in West Virginia, Oliver Wyman analysis also found. Medicare Advantage beneficiaries in New Jersey and the Medicaid managed care program in Washington, DC top their respective lists of those that will be hardest hit by the tax.
Yet one more reason premium costs will go up not down under Obamacare for most of us.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2013, 04:31:01 PM
And just in case you missed this from the March 1 pre-weekend info dump from the Administration:
Yet one more reason premium costs will go up not down under Obamacare for most of us.
give it three years before you rush to judgement. Besides, insurance industry will have raised premiums by even more over the same 3 years. Why do you hate coverage for the poor?
Remember that single payer is the only solution...and Mary Fallin's going to cost our state, our hospitals, and our society.
Quote from: Teatownclown on March 27, 2013, 06:14:04 PM
give it three years before you rush to judgement. Besides, insurance industry will have raised premiums by even more over the same 3 years. Why do you hate coverage for the poor?
Remember that single payer is the only solution...and Mary Fallin's going to cost our state, our hospitals, and our society.
We already had coverage for the poor and it's even single payer for them: it's called Medicaid.
What was the point in re-jiggering the entire insurance industry when all they needed to do was expand Medicaid in the first place? What a bunch of smoke and mirrors for one of the biggest redistribution schemes ever foisted on U.S. citizens.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2013, 08:52:43 PM
We already had coverage for the poor and it's even single payer for them: it's called Medicaid.
What was the point in re-jiggering the entire insurance industry when all they needed to do was expand Medicaid in the first place? What a bunch of smoke and mirrors for one of the biggest redistribution schemes ever foisted on U.S. citizens.
The end game is to get rid of the middle man abusers...agents, insurance companies. It's not re-jiggering as much as eventual termination. You know, socialism. We're just transitioning. Quit fighting it. The new system will save huge dollars over time. Find another "get Obama" issue.
I bet you're lovin our Governess.
Quote from: Teatownclown on March 27, 2013, 09:41:18 PM
The end game is to get rid of the middle man abusers...agents, insurance companies. It's not re-jiggering as much as eventual termination. You know, socialism. We're just transitioning. Quit fighting it. The new system will save huge dollars over time. Find another "get Obama" issue.
I bet you're lovin our Governess.
In no way shape or form can it cost
less if the goal is to improve healthcare for everyone. It's almost as if you have no real grasp on economics or you simply enjoy being a crank.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 28, 2013, 08:50:52 AM
In no way shape or form can it cost less if the goal is to improve healthcare for everyone. It's almost as if you have no real grasp on economics or you simply enjoy being a crank.
Well of course it would Conan. All government programs yield a higher quality of service for a reduced cost. Always!
Get with the program.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2013, 08:52:43 PM
We already had coverage for the poor and it's even single payer for them: it's called Medicaid.
What was the point in re-jiggering the entire insurance industry when all they needed to do was expand Medicaid in the first place? What a bunch of smoke and mirrors for one of the biggest redistribution schemes ever foisted on U.S. citizens.
You are whining about $100 billion over 10 years - or $10 billion a year...actually making life better for people?? As opposed to when your guys spent over $2 trillion (on credit!) and 4,400 of our kids lives and 30,000 + wounded....on the wrong war! And yeah, it IS history. It is also relevant history, because the talk has been since Bush's day, continuing with the latest clown in the White House, that we should go slap the snot out of Iran and remake it into our own image. Like we have done such a great job of in Iraq....
It's all about perspective. Sadly, little exists.
Prosperity Policy: Many sizes fit all (
QuoteA key component of the Affordable Care Act is the extension of Medicaid eligibility to low-income adults. With the Supreme Court's ruling in June, the decision of whether to extend Medicaid was left to each state. The ACA gives states a huge financial incentive to extend Medicaid by committing the federal government to paying 100 percent of the cost of newly insured individuals for three years and 90 percent from 2020 onward. Still, many governors, including Oklahoma's, have come out against accepting federal funds to extend Medicaid or expressed strong concerns. Now the federal administration is showing new flexibility in finding ways to extend health care coverage to low-income adults. Most notably, the Obama administration has given Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe support in principle for a proposal to use Medicaid dollars to purchase private health insurance.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on March 28, 2013, 09:01:25 AM
You are whining about $100 billion over 10 years - or $10 billion a year...actually making life better for people?? As opposed to when your guys spent over $2 trillion (on credit!) and 4,400 of our kids lives and 30,000 + wounded....on the wrong war! And yeah, it IS history. It is also relevant history, because the talk has been since Bush's day, continuing with the latest clown in the White House, that we should go slap the snot out of Iran and remake it into our own image. Like we have done such a great job of in Iraq....
It's all about perspective. Sadly, little exists.
First, Obamacare has zilch to do with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran or other foreign policy issues. Please follow the topic or start another.
Second, justifying reckless spending by pointing to earlier reckless spending is precisely why we are nearly $17 trillion in debt. If you truly believe the WOT is justification for Obamacare, you are part of the problem.
Third, the 100 billion in the story previously cited is NOT the cost of Obamacare, that is new taxes on insurance providers which will be passed on to individuals via higher health insurance premium costs. This alone should be of concern to you if you pay for your own health insurance or your employer does.
The latest CBO numbers as of two weeks ago is $1.76 trillion over ten years, close to double what Obama claimed when he sold this pile to Congress and the taxpayers in 2009.
QuotePresident Obama's landmark healthcare overhaul is projected to cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, reports the Congressional Budget Office, a hefty sum more than the $940 billion estimated when the healthcare legislation was signed into law. To put it mildly, ObamaCare's projected net worth is far off from its original estimate -- in fact, about $820 billion off.
Backtracking to his September 2009 remarks to a joint session of Congress on healthcare, Obama asserted the following: "Now, add it all up, and the plan I'm proposing will cost around $900 billion over 10 years -- less than we have spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and less than the tax cuts for the wealthiest few Americans that Congress passed at the beginning of the previous administration."
When the final CBO report was released before the law's passage, critics surmised that the actual 10-year cost would far exceed the advertised projections. In other words, the numbers were seemingly obscured through a political ploy devised to jam the legislation through Congress.
"Democrats employed many accounting tricks when they were pushing through the national health care legislation," asserted Philip Klein of the Washington Examiner, "the most egregious of which was to delay full implementation of the law until 2014." This accounting maneuver allowed analysts to cloak the true cost of ObamaCare, Klein alleged, making the law appear less expensive under the CBO's budget window.
If that doesn't tickle your fancy, maybe this will: "President Obama's healthcare reform law coverage provisions will cost less but cover fewer people than first thought," the Hill reported, considering data from the CBO's Tuesday report. Revised estimates of ObamaCare's coverage provisions indicate that 2 million fewer people will acquire coverage by 2016.
Moreover, the CBO estimates that 4 million Americans will lose their employer-sponsored health plans by 2016, a far cry from the 1-million-person figure forecasted last year. Further yet, 1 million to 2 million fewer people will be granted access to the federally-subsidized healthcare exchanges, while an additional 1 million are estimated to qualify for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Provision.
In a second blog post published on Tuesday, Mr. Klein summed up the debacle: "It's also worth noting that we were told time and again during the health care debate that the law didn't represent a government takeover of health care. But by 2022, according to the CBO, 3 million fewer people will have health insurance through their employer, while 17 million Americans will be added to Medicaid and 22 million will be getting coverage through government-run exchanges."
This must mean they feel they've been able to hide the bad stuff well enough.
Governor's Office to Release Emails on Medicaid (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Gov. Mary Fallin's office plans to release thousands of documents connected to her decision to reject an expansion of Medicaid that would have provided health insurance to an estimated 200,000 working poor in Oklahoma.
An attorney in Fallin's office, Rebecca Frazier, notified The Associated Press that the documents would be released on Friday.
The AP is one of several media outlets in Oklahoma that requested the documents under the state's Open Records Act.
Despite support from hospital and medical officials, Fallin in November rejected the option under the federal health care law to expand the state's Medicaid program to include Oklahomans earning up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level.
Fallin claimed the expansion would be too costly both to the state and the federal government.
She sucks so big! 1%? SHE'S HIDING SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
Friday's release omitted 31 documents due to executive privilege, or less than 1 percent, according to the governor's office.
Evidence in those docs omitted....impeach her donkey.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 28, 2013, 10:46:15 AM
First, Obamacare has zilch to do with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran or other foreign policy issues. Please follow the topic or start another.
Second, justifying reckless spending by pointing to earlier reckless spending is precisely why we are nearly $17 trillion in debt. If you truly believe the WOT is justification for Obamacare, you are part of the problem.
Absolutely NOT justifying reckless spending - the Affordable Care Act justifies itself by what it has already done and what it is likely to do for a large number of people in this country who previously stayed "hosed" by the previous system.
It has plenty to do with foreign policy ignorance! We have wasted trillions on nonsense for no valid reason - and no benefit to our citizens, but PLENTY of detriment!! And yet, when something that actually does help, the RWRE propaganda machine fires up and spew their litany of lies!! Once again, goes to that old Biblical saw about "mote in one's eye versus the beam in the other".
Still amazes that about half of the population consistently approves of something that is absolutely, diametrically opposed to their best interest - not to mention the lives of their children! And disapproves of something that absolutely, positively will be of benefit to not just them, but ALSO their children! That is psychosis! And the Koch Brothers view of "freedom".
And lest the LWRE feel slighted - they do the same time on many issues! But their issues tend to cost less and kill fewer. Well, except for Viet Nam...which was a collaborative effort from Truman to Nixon, so doesn't really apply....
Side note; the deficit for this year is projected to be about $900 billion. Way down from the last Bushy deficits. Now, if anyone in Washington - meaning Blobama - had any brains or guts, the Bush tax cuts would already be gone, and we would be closing in on parity!
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on March 31, 2013, 10:28:45 PM
Absolutely NOT justifying reckless spending - the Affordable Care Act justifies itself by what it has already done and what it is likely to do for a large number of people in this country who previously stayed "hosed" by the previous system.
It's not an RWRE machine issue. CBO figures are showing the cost of Obamacare was grossly under-stated while coverage expansion was grossly over-stated in the pitch to the American public. In other words fewer people are going to get new coverage than was promised and the cost is nearly double what we were told. No one with any common sense would believe you can bring more people into a risk and claims pool and the cost would go down for everyone.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 01, 2013, 11:03:22 AM
It's not an RWRE machine issue. CBO figures are showing the cost of Obamacare was grossly under-stated while coverage expansion was grossly over-stated in the pitch to the American public. In other words fewer people are going to get new coverage than was promised and the cost is nearly double what we were told. No one with any common sense would believe you can bring more people into a risk and claims pool and the cost would go down for everyone.
How in he!l did that happen? When has any government program EVER over-promised and under-delivered? What a strange anomaly!
I am sure that the American people are so shocked that they are beside themselves. Who would have ever thought that politicians would present a government program that was incapable of meeting its financial obligations or achieving its promoted social goals. This is indeed a shocker.
Whiners...accept the reality. Without the AHCA over the next 5 years there would be huge escalations in insurance premiums, prescription drugs, hospital care, and indigent care etc. This new law has stymied the Medical Industrial Complex. It would be much worse if we had simply done nothing. Quit whining. Move on.
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 01, 2013, 01:35:39 PM
Whiners...accept the reality. Without the AHCA over the next 5 years there would be huge escalations in insurance premiums, prescription drugs, hospital care, and indigent care etc. This new law has stymied the Medical Industrial Complex. It would be much worse if we had simply done nothing. Quit whining. Move on.
Yes, clown, the t-shirts should be available soon.
The other alternative would have been to eliminate the state by state regulation of medical insurance and allow people to purchase from a broader base of offerings therefore increasing competition and forcing decreases in price. Combine that with the elimination of corporate/insurance collusion allowing the individual employee to choose from a multitude of plans through his employeer or independently, and we could have corrected the problem (that government created in the first place).
I'm sure that once this thing morphs into a single payer system, services will expand and costs decrease. :D
We've got to get those doctors unionized too!
Quote from: Gaspar on April 01, 2013, 02:03:08 PM
The other alternative would have been to eliminate the state by state regulation of medical insurance and allow people to purchase from a broader base of offerings therefore increasing competition and forcing decreases in price.
Hi, I thought you believed in federalism? Or is that only when convenient?
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 01, 2013, 01:35:39 PM
Whiners...accept the reality. Without the AHCA over the next 5 years there would be huge escalations in insurance premiums, prescription drugs, hospital care, and indigent care etc. This new law has stymied the Medical Industrial Complex. It would be much worse if we had simply done nothing. Quit whining. Move on.
It hasn't stymied anything. There have been marked cost increases over the last four years in the run up to full implementation of AHCA. When your medical professionals decide to retire early or only accept cash for payment then I suppose you will characterize them as greedy, un-caring individuals.
Government fails to produce a viable solution for small businesses, so the people get a reprieve until 2015.
WASHINGTON — Unable to meet tight deadlines in the new health care law, the Obama administration is delaying parts of a program intended to provide affordable health insurance to small businesses and their employees — a major selling point for the health care legislation.
The law calls for a new insurance marketplace specifically for small businesses, starting next year. But in most states, employers will not be able to get what Congress intended: the option to provide workers with a choice of health plans. They will instead be limited to a single plan.
This choice option, already available to many big businesses, was supposed to become available to small employers in January. But administration officials said they would delay it to 2015 in the 33 states where the federal government will be running insurance markets known as exchanges. And they will delay the requirement for other states as well.
Quote from: Gaspar on April 04, 2013, 07:04:39 AM
Government fails to produce a viable solution for small businesses, so the people get a reprieve until 2015.
WASHINGTON — Unable to meet tight deadlines in the new health care law, the Obama administration is delaying parts of a program intended to provide affordable health insurance to small businesses and their employees — a major selling point for the health care legislation.
The law calls for a new insurance marketplace specifically for small businesses, starting next year. But in most states, employers will not be able to get what Congress intended: the option to provide workers with a choice of health plans. They will instead be limited to a single plan.
This choice option, already available to many big businesses, was supposed to become available to small employers in January. But administration officials said they would delay it to 2015 in the 33 states where the federal government will be running insurance markets known as exchanges. And they will delay the requirement for other states as well.
You do know who is at fault here, right?
The "Told ya so's" just keep rollin in.
Let's do the math: We have nearly 30 million uninsured people about to get medical coverage under the health care law come January. And we have a projected shortage of 45,000 primary care physicians by 2020. Add to that the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), with 43,000 members who say they can offer basic care if state laws would just let them set up an independent practice without doctor supervision.
We're going to have a two class healthcare system. Those who can afford to pay will see the doctor. Those who cannot will see the nurse.
This is insurance companies gouging consumers before 2014 comes around. Did anyone think that the insurance companies would not try to raise premiums before 2014. No private health insurance company has lower overhead than Medicare. Single Payer is the only humane solution for an advanced society.
For profit medicine ? One should receive the death penalty for such a thing, IMO. So yes, we will have a two tier medical system. Elitist have always been able to get preferred treatment. Believe it or not.
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 04, 2013, 03:00:54 PM
This is insurance companies gouging consumers before 2014 comes around. Did anyone think that the insurance companies would not try to raise premiums before 2014. No private health insurance company has lower overhead than Medicare. Single Payer is the only humane solution for an advanced society.
For profit medicine ? One should receive the death penalty for such a thing, IMO. So yes, we will have a two tier medical system. Elitist have always been able to get preferred treatment. Believe it or not.
What about "for profit food production?" or "for profit education?" or "for profit housing?"
Remove incentives and you ultimately eliminate quality and innovation.
In many cases the unintended consequences of social programs are very difficult to identify, however in the case of single payer medical systems, the consequences are very easy to anticipate because we have precedents set by other countries and populations within our own.
The force is weak with you clown.
Quote from: Gaspar on April 04, 2013, 03:20:27 PM
What about "for profit food production?" or "for profit education?" or "for profit housing?"
Remove incentives and you ultimately eliminate quality and innovation.
In many cases the unintended consequences of social programs are very difficult to identify, however in the case of single payer medical systems, the consequences are very easy to anticipate because we have precedents set by other countries and populations within our own.
The force is weak with you clown.
Look around the world. Where does Amerika rank in health care? Why does health care need to be for profit only here? Because it's political.... Maybe you should include defense, social security, and helping the poor in your "for profit" argument? And why should education be "for profit?"
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 04, 2013, 03:29:16 PM
Look around the world. Where does Amerika rank in health care? Why does health care need to be for profit only here? Because it's political.... Maybe you should include defense, social security, and helping the poor in your "for profit" argument? And why should education be "for profit?"
First, I question any research that indicates we are not ranked the highest in healthcare.
Second, the majority the innovation, new drugs, new procedures, new diagnostic equipment, and treatment technology comes from American companies, and is fueled by profit. Remove that element and the incentive is gone. Other countries with socialized programs rely heavily (like socialist countries in general) in the innovation and technology that is borne here.
Profit is the incentive and incentives matter.
Quote from: Gaspar on April 04, 2013, 03:48:43 PM
First, I question any research that indicates we are not ranked the highest in healthcare.
Second, the majority the innovation, new drugs, new procedures, new diagnostic equipment, and treatment technology comes from American companies, and is fueled by profit. Remove that element and the incentive is gone. Other countries with socialized programs rely heavily (like socialist countries in general) in the innovation and technology that is borne here.
Profit is the incentive and incentives matter.
Show me where we are ranked highest...
For profit put us on the moon?
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 04, 2013, 03:00:54 PM
This is insurance companies gouging consumers before 2014 comes around. Did anyone think that the insurance companies would not try to raise premiums before 2014. No private health insurance company has lower overhead than Medicare. Single Payer is the only humane solution for an advanced society.
For profit medicine ? One should receive the death penalty for such a thing, IMO. So yes, we will have a two tier medical system. Elitist have always been able to get preferred treatment. Believe it or not.
If people honestly expected insurance rates were going to rise prior to 2014, then why did they believe the pack of lies that Obama used to sell this plan, like the average family spending $2500 less per year? It really does go so show how little consumers understand about financial products and insurance and how they place far too much trust in politicians to fix things for them.
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 04, 2013, 03:50:45 PM
Show me where we are ranked highest...
For profit put us on the moon?
People confuse the poor habits and lack of proactive healthcare on the part of individuals as some sort of indication our healthcare system has let them down.
The United States leads in obesity and bad habits as well as people who cram down all sorts of food with additives and by-products which cause allergies, obesity, cancer, heart disease, etc. It's not the healthcare system which is at fault for that.
Speaking of the moon, you don't think Rockwell, Lockheed, and all the other contractors who put together the space program did that pro-bono do you?
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2013, 04:40:16 PM
People confuse the poor habits and lack of proactive healthcare on the part of individuals as some sort of indication our healthcare system has let them down.
The United States leads in obesity and bad habits as well as people who cram down all sorts of food with additives and by-products which cause allergies, obesity, cancer, heart disease, etc. It's not the healthcare system which is at fault for that.
Speaking of the moon, you don't think Rockwell, Lockheed, and all the other contractors who put together the space program did that pro-bono do you?
And single payer will further enable Celgene, JandJ, Merck, Abbott etc. to market new products just as outsourcing jobs from NASA. Actually, we'd see quicker advances in science with single payer.
The healthcare system should reject smoker's treatment for cancer and the diabetic's treatment for wound care and heart disease.
You seem to think insurance companies are part of our health care system. Only by fiat.
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 04, 2013, 06:08:05 PM
And single payer will further enable Celgene, JandJ, Merck, Abbott etc. to market new products just as outsourcing jobs from NASA. Actually, we'd see quicker advances in science with single payer.
The healthcare system should reject smoker's treatment for cancer and the diabetic's treatment for wound care and heart disease.
You seem to think insurance companies are part of our health care system. Only by fiat.
No, Obama seems confused on that issue. He re-jiggered the health insurance industry and claimed he fixed healthcare.
The GOP tried and failed to defeat the passage of Obamacare. They tried and failed to defeat the re-election of Obama. So they have changed their strategy.
Now they are trying to minimize or destroy Obamacare, so that Obama's legacy is tarnished, so that they can crow about what a bad idea Obamacare is, and so they can smear as many Democrats as possible in 2014 and 2016.
Quote from: Teatownclown on April 04, 2013, 06:08:05 PM
The healthcare system should reject smoker's treatment for cancer and the diabetic's treatment for wound care and heart disease.
Not only are you an insufferable twit, now you support the idea of death panels. Marvelous. Why don't you turn into a vegan and go out and eat the grass in the field like the rest of the sheeple. Whatever koolaid you are drinking, I won't be a part of. So do we let people that are non-smokers that get cancer die because they are geneticaly predisposed of cancer? How about down syndrome? What about autism? Just put them down like an animal? How about other cancer illnesses? Guess you want to be part of the judge/jury/executioner of people. Guess I should let my father who is diabetic die because he's old and has Parkinsons and potentially dementia, and possibly Alzheimer's as well. What a wonderful perfect little world you live in. Got a serious illness? To bad, go die, and let the rest of us live. That way your not a financial burden to anyone else.
I'm not taking your words out of context, you opened the door with your comment.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 04, 2013, 07:38:40 PM
No, Obama seems confused on that issue. He re-jiggered the health insurance industry and claimed he fixed healthcare.
Will need changes, I suspect, but since he just took the Republican plan and got it passed - well, one would have to expect a certain amount of failure to that based on past performance...!!
Quote from: dbacks fan on April 05, 2013, 02:56:10 AM
Not only are you an insufferable twit, now you support the idea of death panels. Marvelous. Why don't you turn into a vegan and go out and eat the grass in the field like the rest of the sheeple. Whatever koolaid you are drinking, I won't be a part of. So do we let people that are non-smokers that get cancer die because they are geneticaly predisposed of cancer? How about down syndrome? What about autism? Just put them down like an animal? How about other cancer illnesses? Guess you want to be part of the judge/jury/executioner of people. Guess I should let my father who is diabetic die because he's old and has Parkinsons and potentially dementia, and possibly Alzheimer's as well. What a wonderful perfect little world you live in. Got a serious illness? To bad, go die, and let the rest of us live. That way your not a financial burden to anyone else.
I'm not taking your words out of context, you opened the door with your comment.
You do realize that as wacko as he is, he was doing the "jump to the most extreme view" of what Conan was complaining about - and back and forth through the ages.... the whole thread is pretty much a meaningless mess at this point.
Quote from: dbacks fan on April 05, 2013, 02:56:10 AM
Not only are you an insufferable twit, now you support the idea of death panels. Marvelous. Why don't you turn into a vegan and go out and eat the grass in the field like the rest of the sheeple. Whatever koolaid you are drinking, I won't be a part of. So do we let people that are non-smokers that get cancer die because they are geneticaly predisposed of cancer? How about down syndrome? What about autism? Just put them down like an animal? How about other cancer illnesses? Guess you want to be part of the judge/jury/executioner of people. Guess I should let my father who is diabetic die because he's old and has Parkinsons and potentially dementia, and possibly Alzheimer's as well. What a wonderful perfect little world you live in. Got a serious illness? To bad, go die, and let the rest of us live. That way your not a financial burden to anyone else.
I'm not taking your words out of context, you opened the door with your comment.
Socialists hate the freedom to choose because in many cases it leads to the freedom to choose poorly. The consequence for a smoker who pays for his own medical insurance is that he has to pay a higher premium. The consequence for a diabetic who does not comply with his dietary requirements is that he too is forced to pay a higher premium. Under a socialist system those consequences disappear, so the clown is indeed correct, it is necessary for the system to mitigate expenses through denial of service. It however goes far beyond that. There is in fact no need for "Death Panels" because the system regulates itself through attrition.
Today, if a 78 year old man requires a tripple bypass and he is healthy enough for such a procedure, he can have it and spend some extra years with his family (happens every day). Because medicare only covers a fraction of the expense for this, it may be difficult to find a doctor willing unless the patient has a supplemental plan. If Medicare is all he has, and the surgen/hospital are willing to perform the procedure, they will simply recoup the additional expenses from other patients over time, artificially driving up the price of all medical care. Under a single payer system there will be fewer physicians performing such procedures because of the expense, however, there will be far more patients requesting them. As with England, Canada, Astrailia, New Zealand and others, healthy folks enjoy the socialized systems because it offers one less set of personal responsibilities to be concerned about, however the older population and those with chronic health problems are the ones that suffer. Diagnostic tests can take months or years to acquire, unless the patient is willing to pay for a private clinic or travel to another country.
In the US, our 78 year old can have an angeogram the same day the physician detects an arrhythmia. If the doctor then determines that he is 98% occluded on one anterior, and 60-80% on two others, he can book a surgical suite that day and complete a tripple bypass. In a single payer country the patient would need to go on a waiting list for an angeogram, and then another for the surgery. In the case of our 78 year old, there is a high likelihood he would not survive. This is actually by design, because if he did survive to have his angeogram, that would mean that someone else, perhaps someone younger, has to wait longer. If he survived to have is surgery, that would mean that surgical slot would be delayed for someone else who perhaps was more healthy and still paying into the system. Single payer systems are very good at reducing cost by "allowing nature to take its course."
...was initially OK with the ACA grants (even if the 'exchange' was ok'd by former Gov Henry), but caved into political pressure from the fundie Teaheads.
Wonder how that makes Cabbage feel about his beloved governor...
After reading that story and the accompanying stories on meth raids, airport shutdowns due to sequestration and the "brokn generation" remarks, this thread might better be described as How to Survive Idiocracy.
Apparently the central core of idiocracy is not in the rural areas as I suspected, but right here in little ol green country.
Amended to add our new status as #3 in the nation in states with the highest % of hourly paid employess making minimum wage or less! Lookout Texas! We're gunnin' for ya'!!
Quote from: AquaMan on April 06, 2013, 01:01:18 PM
After reading that story and the accompanying stories on meth raids, airport shutdowns due to sequestration
I've seen some stories about closing control towers at low traffic airports but I haven't seen any airports actually closing due to sequestration.
I'm sure OU and OSU would like to keep their control towers as a convenience for training. Part time towers during sporting events would probably suffice.
From what I understand they're even closing the tower at the Oshkosh Airport.
I did hear however that they've delayed the closings until June. They were supposed to close Friday.
Quote from: Hoss on April 06, 2013, 09:00:05 PM
From what I understand they're even closing the tower at the Oshkosh Airport.
I did hear however that they've delayed the closings until June. They were supposed to close Friday.
Anyone familiar with aviation will know that for a week or so they are VERY busy. Otherwise, they average 249 operations per day. Still busy but about 1/2 as much as Riverside (Richard Lloyd Jones) Airport by Jenks. Of course everyone knows that airplanes cannot possibly fly without radios and control towers. The physics of aerodynamics will not allow it.
Anti-Obamacare forces drove Gov. Mary Fallin's health care decisions, emails show
Documents released by Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin's office display critical misunderstanding of costs related to Medicaid expansion, while direct input from the governor herself and from direct stakeholders is notably absent.
As Gov. Mary Fallin approached crucial decisions about health care reform in Oklahoma in the past two years, members of her staff routinely relied on advice from conservative political groups bent on destroying Obamacare.
More than 50,000 pages of emails released by the governor's office are notable for a lack of debate over the merits of various policy options.
Quote from: patric on April 07, 2013, 09:49:06 PM
Anti-Obamacare forces drove Gov. Mary Fallin's health care decisions, emails show
Documents released by Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin's office display critical misunderstanding of costs related to Medicaid expansion, while direct input from the governor herself and from direct stakeholders is notably absent.
As Gov. Mary Fallin approached crucial decisions about health care reform in Oklahoma in the past two years, members of her staff routinely relied on advice from conservative political groups bent on destroying Obamacare.
More than 50,000 pages of emails released by the governor's office are notable for a lack of debate over the merits of various policy options.
She's a political hack. Profoundly stupid. Bet she will be re-elected....
Quote from: Red Arrow on April 07, 2013, 12:18:35 AM
Anyone familiar with aviation will know that for a week or so they are VERY busy. Otherwise, they average 249 operations per day. Still busy but about 1/2 as much as Riverside (Richard Lloyd Jones) Airport by Jenks. Of course everyone knows that airplanes cannot possibly fly without radios and control towers. The physics of aerodynamics will not allow it.
Absolutely!! Just like how not having a flight plan on file results in crashes.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on April 07, 2013, 10:45:39 PM
She's a political hack. Profoundly stupid. Bet she will be re-elected....
If all we wanted was a hottie to protect us from Sharia Law, we could have done much better.
"Im staying to the bitter end to make comment and ask how gov plans to do all this with NO Doctors?" How indeed.
Maybe the government get these guys to cover the medical needs of the country's people needing medical help. They want it, they can administer it.
QuoteCongressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, sources in both parties said.
The talks — which involve Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Obama administration and other top lawmakers — are extraordinarily sensitive, with both sides acutely aware of the potential for political fallout from giving carve-outs from the hugely controversial law to 535 lawmakers and thousands of their aides. Discussions have stretched out for months, sources said.
Read more:
Quote from: Townsend on April 25, 2013, 02:18:59 PM
Looks like folks getting a junk adjustment.
Quote from: guido911 on April 25, 2013, 10:09:47 AM
King Dog crock of crap!! Start writing to your Reps and Senators, girls and boys! (Like it will do any good....)
And the news keeps getting better.
QuoteIn the latest preview of prices for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act, Maryland's dominant insurer says proposed premiums for new policies for individuals will rise by 25 percent on average next year.
Just kidding (apparently)...
I went back to the start of this thread and started reading to see whose expectations of what would actually transpire after passage would be most accurate. The author of the article Bruno cited in 2010 seems to have had a pretty good grasp on what 2013/2014 would look like.
Quote from: brunoflipper on March 24, 2010, 07:25:19 PM
oh yeah... and this is from!?! zut alors! (
"Fact Sheet: The Truth About the Health Care Bill
Jane Hamsher
The Firedoglake health care team has been covering the debate in congress since it began last year. The health care bill will come up for a vote in the House on Sunday, and as Nancy Pelosi works to wrangle votes, we've been running a detailed whip count on where every member of Congress stands, updated throughout the day.
We've also taken a detailed look at the bill, and have come up with 18 often stated myths about this health care reform bill.
Real health care reform is the thing we've fought for from the start. It is desperately needed. But this bill falls short on many levels, and hurts many people more than it helps them.
While details are limited, there is apparently a "Plan B" alternative that the White House was considering as recently as two weeks ago, which would evidently expand existing programs -- Medicaid and SCHIP. It would cover half the people at a quarter of the price, but it would not force an unbearable financial burden to those who are already struggling to get by.
Congress may be too far down the road with this bill to change course. But before Democrats cast this vote which could turn "ban the mandate" into "gay marriage" for the GOP in 2010, they should consider the first rule of patient safety: first, do no harm.
Myth 1: This is a universal health care bill.
Fact: The bill is neither universal health care nor universal health insurance. According to the Congressional Budget Office:
* Total uninsured in 2019 with no bill: 54 million
* Total uninsured in 2019 with Senate bill: 24 million
Myth 2: Insurance companies hate this bill.
Fact: This bill is almost identical to the plan written by AHIP, the insurance company trade association, in 2009.
The original Senate Finance Committee bill was authored by a former Wellpoint vice president. Since Congress released the first of its health care bills on October 30, 2009, health care stocks have risen 28.35%.
Myth 3: The bill will significantly bring down insurance premiums for most Americans.
Fact: The bill will not bring down premiums significantly, and certainly not the $2,500/year that President Obama promised during his campaign.
Annual premiums in 2016: status quo / with bill:
Small group market, single: $7,800 / $7,800
Small group market, family: $19,3oo / $19,200
Large Group market, single: $7,400 / $7,300
Large group market, family: $21,100 / $21,300
Individual market, single: $5,500 / $5,800
Individual market, family: $13,100 / $15,200
(The cost of premiums in the individual market goes up somewhat due to subsidies and mandates of better coverage. The CBO assumes that cost of individual policies goes down 7-10%, and that people will buy more generous policies.)
Myth 4: The bill will make health care affordable for middle class Americans.
Fact: The bill will impose a financial hardship on middle class Americans who will be forced to buy a product that they can't afford to use.
A family of four making $66,370 will be forced to pay $5,243 per year for insurance. After basic necessities, this leaves them with $8,307 in discretionary income -- out of which they would have to cover clothing, credit card and other debt, child care and education costs, in addition to $5,882 in annual out-of-pocket medical expenses for which families will be responsible.
Myth 5: This plan is similar to the Massachusetts plan, which makes health care affordable.
Fact: Many Massachusetts residents forgo health care because they can't afford it. A 2009 study by the state of Massachusetts found that:
* 21% of residents forgo medical treatment because they can't afford it, including 12% of children
* 18% have health insurance but can't afford to use it
Myth 6: This bill provides health care to 31 million people who are currently uninsured.
Fact: This bill will mandate that millions of people who are currently uninsured purchase insurance from private companies, or the IRS will collect up to 2% of their annual income in penalties. Some will be assisted with government subsidies.
Myth 7: You can keep the insurance you have if you like it.
Fact: The excise tax will result in employers switching to plans with higher co-pays and fewer covered services.
Older, less healthy employees with employer-based health care will be forced to pay much more in out-of-pocket expenses than they do now.
Myth 8: The "excise tax" will encourage employers to reduce the scope of health care benefits, and they will pass the savings on to employees in the form of higher wages.
Fact: There is insufficient evidence that employers pass savings from reduced benefits on to employees.
Myth 9: This bill employs nearly every cost control idea available to bring down costs.
Fact: This bill does not bring down costs and leaves out nearly every key cost control measure, including:
* Public Option ($25-$110 billion)
* Medicare buy-in
* Drug re-importation ($19 billion)
* Medicare drug price negotiation ($300 billion)
* Shorter pathway to generic biologics ($71 billion)
Myth 10: The bill will require big companies like Wal-Mart to provide insurance for their employees.
Fact: The bill was written so that most Wal-Mart employees will qualify for subsidies, and taxpayers will pick up a large portion of the cost of their coverage.
Myth 11: The bill "bends the cost curve" on health care.
Fact: "Bends the cost curve" is a misleading and trivial claim, as the U.S. would still spend far more for care than other advanced countries.
* In 2009, health care costs were 17.3% of GDP.
* Annual cost of health care in 2019, status quo: $4,670.6 billion (20.8% of GDP)
* Annual cost of health care in 2019, Senate bill: $4,693.5 billion (20.9% of GDP)
Myth 12: The bill will provide immediate access to insurance for Americans who are uninsured because of a pre-existing condition.
Fact: Access to the "high risk pool" is limited and the pool is underfunded. Only those who have been uninsured for more than six months will qualify for the high-risk pool. Only 0.7% of those without insurance now will get coverage, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services report estimates it will run out of funding by 2011 or 2012.
Myth 13: The bill prohibits dropping people in individual plans from coverage when they get sick.
Fact: The bill does not empower a regulatory body to keep people from being dropped when they're sick. There are already many states that have laws on the books prohibiting people from being dropped when they're sick, but without an enforcement mechanism, there is little to hold the insurance companies in check.
Myth 14: The bill ensures consumers have access to an effective internal and external appeals process to challenge new insurance plan decisions.
Fact: The "internal appeals process" is in the hands of the insurance companies themselves, and the "external" one is up to each state.
Ensuring that consumers have access to "internal appeals" simply means the insurance companies have to review their own decisions. And it is the responsibility of each state to provide an "external appeals process," as there is neither funding nor a regulatory mechanism for enforcement at the federal level.
Myth 15: This bill will stop insurance companies from hiking rates 30%-40% per year.
Fact: This bill does not limit insurance company rate hikes. Private insurers continue to be exempt from anti-trust laws, and are free to raise rates without fear of competition in many areas of the country.
Myth 16: When the bill passes, people will begin receiving benefits under this bill immediately
Fact: Most provisions in this bill, such as an end to the ban on pre-existing conditions for adults, do not take effect until 2014.
Six months from the date of passage, children could not be excluded from coverage due to pre-existing conditions, though insurance companies could charge more to cover them. Children would also be allowed to stay on their parents' plans until age 26. There will be an elimination of lifetime coverage limits, a high risk pool for those who have been uninsured for more than 6 months, and community health centers will start receiving money.
Myth 17: The bill creates a pathway for single payer.
Fact: Bernie Sanders' provision in the Senate bill does not start until 2017, and does not cover the Department of Labor, so no, it doesn't create a pathway for single payer.
Obama told Dennis Kucinich that the Ohio Representative's amendment is similar to Bernie Sanders' provision in the Senate bill, and creates a pathway to single payer. Since the waiver does not start until 2017, and does not cover the Department of Labor, it is nearly impossible to see how it gets around the ERISA laws that stand in the way of any practical state single payer system.
Myth 18: The bill will end medical bankruptcy and provide all Americans with peace of mind.
Fact: Most people with medical bankruptcies already have insurance, and out-of-pocket expenses will continue to be a burden on the middle class.
* In 2009, 1.5 million Americans declared bankruptcy
* Of those, 62% were medically related
* Three-quarters of those had health insurance
* The Obama bill leaves 24 million without insurance
* The maximum yearly out-of-pocket limit for a family will be $11,900 (PDF) on top of premiums
* A family with serious medical problems that last for a few years could easily be financially crushed by medical costs
Real health care reform is needed. But this bill falls short of that on many levels.
1. March 11, Letter from Doug Elmendorf to Harry Reid (PDF)
2. The AHIP Plan in Context, Igor Volsky; The Max Baucus WellPoint/Liz Fowler Plan, Marcy Wheeler
3. CBO Score, 11-30-2009
4. "Affordable" Health Care, Marcy Wheeler
5. Gruber Doesn't Reveal That 21% of Massachusetts Residents Can't Afford Health Care, Marcy Wheeler; Massachusetts Survey (PDF)
6. Health Care on the Road to Neo-Feudalism, Marcy Wheeler
7. CMS: Excise Tax on Insurance Will Make Your Insurane Coverage Worse and Cause Almost No Reduction in NHE, Jon Walker
8. Employer Health Costs Do Not Drive Wage Trends, Lawrence Mishel
9. CBO Estimates Show Public Plan With Higher Savings Rate, Congress Daily; Drug Importation Amendment Likely This Week, Politico; Medicare Part D IAF; A Monopoloy on Biologics Will Drain Health Care Resources, Lancet Student
10. MaxTax Is a Plan to Use Our Taxes to Reward Wal-Mart for Keeping Its Workers in Poverty, Marcy Wheeler
11. Estimated Financial Effects of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009," as Proposed by the Senate Majority Leader on November 18, 2009, CMS (PDF)
12. ibid
13. ibid
14. ibid
15. Health insurance companies hang onto their antitrust exemption, Protect Consumer
16. What passage of health care reform would mean for the average American, DC Examiner
17. How to get a State Single Payer Opt-Out as Part of Reconciliation, Jon Walker
18. Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies,; The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Section-by-Section Analysis (PDF)"
Even one of the bill's chief authors in the Senate has referred to Obamacare as a "train wreck". Why should anyone be surprised?
Quote(CBS News) President Barack Obama makes a new push on Friday for the health care law with an event at the White House. But the law, which has long been a target of Republicans, is now getting pushback from Democrats.
Getting the new health care law successfully launched is the key to Mr. Obama's legacy. But there's a lot of confusion about just how that's going to happen, so you'll see the president talking about it a lot for the next several months, reports CBS News White House correspondent Bill Plante.
On Friday, he'll highlight benefits for women that are already in place -- and urge mothers of young adults to get them signed up when enrollment begins this fall.
"We are pushing very hard to make sure that we're hitting all the deadlines and the benchmarks," Mr. Obama said last month.
The president's health care law goes into effect at the beginning of next year, with signup beginning Oct. 1. But a lot of uncertainty about the plan remains -- and the Obama administration is taking bipartisan critical fire.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said, "The president needs to get out in front of this train wreck before Americans, men and women alike, are completely blindsided by it."
An Democrats have used the phrase, too. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., said recently, "I just see a huge train wreck coming down."
The importance of the health care overhaul to the Obama administration can't be overstated, as Vice President Biden summed it up the day the bill became law: "This is a big (expletive) deal." But there are fears that health insurance costs for small businesses may rise as the law goes into effect. And there's a concern that rules governing the new law are still being written, even though it goes into effect Jan. 1.
But for the White House, the biggest concern is that uninsured Americans won't sign up for coverage. In a speech in April, the president said, "If Americans don't know how to access the new benefits and protections that they're going to receive as we implement this law, then health care reform won't make much of a difference in their lives."
A recent poll by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation shows that four in 10 Americans do not even know the Affordable Care Act was coming into effect, so some states have begun advertising campaigns promoting it. The Department of Health and Human Services has also announced $150 million to help community health centers to enroll more people into the Affordable Care Act.
Meanwhile, the House of Representatives is about to vote again to repeal Obamacare for the 38th time. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, says he's holding the vote because there about 70 freshman House Republicans who haven't yet gotten to express their opinion.
This signature issue of Mr. Obama's presidency is something he now has to sell to the American people for both policy and political reasons, CBS News political director John Dickerson explained on "CTM." "On the policy front, he needs more people to sign up because that will keep costs lower, particularly younger Americans," Dickerson said. "If those younger Americans don't join these new exchanges, the premiums will go up because the people who do join the exchanges will be the chronically ill. So he's got to sell it to make it work better, so that's the policy piece. And politically, Republicans are gunning for this for the 2014 elections. They're hoping to run against all Democrats on this, so the president has to goes out there and provide cover, explain why there are good parts of it and get out there and sort of rebut the attacks as best he can."
For more with Dickerson watch his full interview below.
As implementation of the ACA goes forward, Mr. Obama's explanations are all the more immediate, according to Dickerson. "This is not a pretty piece of legislation," he said. "Remember how it was put together. This is not a sleek operation with Swiss watch timing, and so it's going to be bumpy and it's going to be ugly as it gets implemented. The best thing the president can do is try and accentuate the best parts of it and also educate people because there's no better voice for educating than the president of the United States."
"All legislation is pretty ugly and this was particularly ugly because of the way it was put together and it had to be jammed through at the end," Dickerson added. "It's complicated -- it's dealing with bringing millions of new people into this insurance system. It's forcing people to change the way they do things, and so it's got lots and lots of different moving parts. And also, by the way, when Democrats talk about 'train wreck' here, what they're saying, some of them, is Republicans have not funded this as much as we, the Democrats, would like and also Republicans governors are dragging their feet. So there's some opposition that's constant here."
Quote from: Conan71 on May 10, 2013, 03:40:58 PM
Even one of the bill's chief authors in the Senate has referred to Obamacare as a "train wreck". Why should anyone be surprised?
He has so many legacies now. He has elevated Carter to mediocre.
He got Ben Laden and killed thousands of terrorists.
The disregard is at least the last page of this thread and dang near the whole thread. Its humorous, if not tragic, to see this state run headlong towards less than mediocrity all the while blaming the president. Even though your criticisms are hurled with $20 dollar sentences, they represent 50 cent bumper sticker thoughts (thank you Hemingway). Hospitals will suffer, the state will pay more for its insurance and eventually be punished administratively (funds withheld from Federal programs).
Fallin is a true embarrassment of Inhofe proportions.
But don't let the faint voices of progress and inevitability spoil your parade. Continue' s'il vous plais. Let not the circle jerk be unbroken!
Quote from: AquaMan on May 10, 2013, 05:54:18 PM
The disregard is at least the last page of this thread and dang near the whole thread. Its humorous, if not tragic, to see this state run headlong towards less than mediocrity all the while blaming the president. Even though your criticisms are hurled with $20 dollar sentences, they represent 50 cent bumper sticker thoughts (thank you Hemingway). Hospitals will suffer, the state will pay more for its insurance and eventually be punished administratively (funds withheld from Federal programs).
Fallin is a true embarrassment of Inhofe proportions.
But don't let the faint voices of progress and inevitability spoil your parade. Continue' s'il vous plais. Let not the circle jerk be unbroken!
So I guess the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress is okay by you since it represents "progress"? If they wanted single-payer, they should have been honest and up-front and gone for that instead of crafting something so destined for failure that single payer would be the eventual result. Considering Obama based a lot of his political legacy on this POS, he rightly deserves criticism.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 13, 2013, 08:29:07 AM
So I guess the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress is okay by you since it represents "progress"?
Geez....what a thread drift!! How did you go from this topic to the Patriot Act, the true worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress....?
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on May 13, 2013, 09:19:16 AM
Geez....what a thread drift!! How did you go from this topic to the Patriot Act, the true worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress....?
I'd call it a tie. Both strike terrible and devastating blows to our freedoms. Obamacare however comes with a price-tag and creates a level of uncertainty that we are only now beginning to quantify, and we know it cannot be sustainable. Ultimately it will be a single payer system, and we will end up with two classes of healthcare operated out of separate facilities. Low quality government for most of the middle and lower classes, and private healthcare for upper-middle and rich. The quality of the single-payer option will decline every year as the expense grows, even thought the cost will be the same and in many cases more expensive as the private option. Basically just like public education. We will just have to learn the lesson again. No turning back now.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 13, 2013, 08:29:07 AM
So I guess the worst piece of legislation ever passed by Congress is okay by you since it represents "progress"? If they wanted single-payer, they should have been honest and up-front and gone for that instead of crafting something so destined for failure that single payer would be the eventual result. Considering Obama based a lot of his political legacy on this POS, he rightly deserves criticism.
I do miss our resident BS detector (the clown).
I would remind you that Social Security, Civil Rights legislation and the repeal of prohibition were all viewed as the worst legislation ever passed by Congress. None of them were. The worst was probably legislation designed to thwart the natural progression of those societal trends.
Fallin is stupidly following the advice of hard rock anti-Obama supporters who wouldn't vote for any type of change he proposed.
Quote from: AquaMan on May 13, 2013, 10:13:48 AM
I do miss our resident BS detector (the clown).
He'll be back, alway is, or another will take his seat. Forums abhor a vacuum, and without or resident capitalism hater there is a bit of a hole.
"Capitalism needs neither propaganda nor apostles. Its achievements speak for themselves." -Ludwig von Mises
Quote from: AquaMan on May 13, 2013, 10:13:48 AM
I do miss our resident BS detector (the clown).
I would remind you that Social Security, Civil Rights legislation and the repeal of prohibition were all viewed as the worst legislation ever passed by Congress. None of them were. The worst was probably legislation designed to thwart the natural progression of those societal trends.
Fallin is stupidly following the advice of hard rock anti-Obama supporters who wouldn't vote for any type of change he proposed.
The Social Security Act, CRA's, and repeal of prohibition were not near as intricate and complicated. I've never read the entire content of any of those bills, I suspect they were not 2000 page behemoths. Obamacare is already proving to miss cost estimates and objectives. The roll-out is so complicated and convoluted, even some of the bill's original backers are warning this is a huge train wreck coming. I suspect we are going to see a whole lot of last minute exemptions granted or even a delay in the start of the program implementation unless Secretary Sebelius can get this organized and under control.
Just one example of the consequences of this law: there's currently a gap in coverage for high risk people due to the Obama administration cutting off new enrollment in state high risk pools. My wife is struggling to find coverage for a client whose COBRA coverage is coming to an end next month. He's got health issues which are an automatic reject for an individual health care plan. So now what happens if he has to go to a hospital and long-term care facility after COBRA runs out? Many people are facing this dilemma right now.
Why do I care about that particular issue? The Affordable Care Act was sold as the panacea to pre-existing conditions. It was sold as many things which it is not and will never be. One of those things is "affordable".
Social Security has changed somewhat from the 1935 legislation.
Old age pension rates were from $10 to $85/month. That would be about $142 to $1214/ month in 2013 dollars. There were also a lot of people not included in the original package.
I have only had a little time to read some of this today but here are some links to Social Security history and an inflation calculator.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 13, 2013, 10:53:01 AM
The Social Security Act, CRA's, and repeal of prohibition were not near as intricate and complicated. I've never read the entire content of any of those bills, I suspect they were not 2000 page behemoths.
Doesn't appear to be 2000 pages.
Quote from: Red Arrow on May 13, 2013, 11:12:41 AM
Doesn't appear to be 2000 pages.
Well, that was back when they read legislation.
Quote from: Red Arrow on May 13, 2013, 11:12:41 AM
Doesn't appear to be 2000 pages.
That can't be a proper Congressional bill!
Where's the un-related grant money for studying duck junk, building a huge library named after a legislator, providing potato salad for left-handed pygmy goats, etc?
Quote from: Conan71 on May 13, 2013, 01:43:56 PM
That can't be a proper Congressional bill!
Where's the un-related grant money for studying duck junk, building a huge library named after a legislator, providing potato salad for left-handed pygmy goats, etc?
Hey, it was 1935. "They" didn't realize that we could have ended the depression without a big war.
Quote from: Conan71 on May 13, 2013, 01:43:56 PM
...left-handed pygmy goats, etc?
Goats have hands?
One More Year! Employers and Democrats breathe a sigh of relief.
A Treasury Department official who declined to be named confirmed to MailOnline on Tuesday that the Obama administration will not begin enforcing employer mandates in the Obamacare law until 2015 - one year later than originally planned - and pinned that change of direction on a combination of politics and economic realities in the marketplace.
Mark Mazur, the Assistant Treasury Secretary for Tax Policy, announced on the agency's blog that the administration 'will provide an additional year before the ... mandatory employer and insurer reporting requirements begin.'
The blog post explained that the delay was intended to leave time to simplify reporting requirements and give companies time to adapt.
But the Treasury source said the extra year will give the White House an extra year to persuade health insurers to participate in the exchanges that make up the backbone of the Affordable Care Act.
The politics. . .
First of all, who gave the president the ability to simply announce that a law will be enacted or delayed without congress? The office of the president simply does not have this power.
It is understandable that the administration would want to preserve its anemic job growth until after the election, but actions related to changing a law reside in congress. The president does not get to dictate law. Here are some questions to ask:
1 -Can the administration unilaterally decide when and how a law is implemented?
2- Why is the employer mandate delayed but not the individual mandate?
3 – Why is it that the Obama administration takes executive action on complaints from large companies but individuals have to take their fight all the way to the Supreme Court?
BWAHAHAHA! The National Treasury Employees Union is urging it's members to write congress and ask that they not be required to participate in the Obamacare exchanges. They like their insurance and want to keep it.
The National Treasury Employees Union is the union for IRS employees! Obamacare would cost their union a fortune in dues that they take from their members that we pay with our tax dollars.
So the folks responsible for overseeing Obamacare want nothing to do with it.
Freekin awesome!
Quote from: Gaspar on July 26, 2013, 12:56:08 PM
Freekin awesome!
Trying to find a site that doesn't link to FOX news. Forbes links to FOX and all others link to the story on Forbes.
The rest are links I don't recognize.
Got anything that isn't "F and B'd?
Quote from: Townsend on July 26, 2013, 01:08:28 PM
Trying to find a site that doesn't link to FOX news. Forbes links to FOX and all others link to the story on Forbes.
The rest are links I don't recognize.
Got anything that isn't "F and B'd?
How about the National Treasury Employees Union website above? :D
Of course, I can understand why MSNBC, CNN and the Times would probably make this a page 12 or nothing at all. They have to stand by their man.
It's actually kind of sad that what used to be legitimate media, now refuses to acknowledge news, and only the fringe media is willing to pick it up.
FACT: The IRS employees union wants an exemption.
FACT: The IRS is responsible for implementing Obamacare.
What part of this do you find un-newsworthy?
It's kind of like GM employees refusing to drive Chevy's because they feel they are too dangerous.
Quote from: Gaspar on July 26, 2013, 01:27:47 PM
How about the National Treasury Employees Union website above? :D
Your link sucked. I was trying to find something more informative.
Quote from: Townsend on July 26, 2013, 01:38:46 PM
Your link sucked. I was trying to find something more informative.
Sorry there were no pictures.
Quote from: Gaspar on July 26, 2013, 01:44:36 PM
Sorry there were no pictures.
Good job. More worthless crap.
Tried to give you benefit of the doubt and once again, it was pointless.
Quote from: Townsend on July 26, 2013, 01:50:03 PM
Good job. More worthless crap.
Tried to give you benefit of the doubt and once again, it was pointless.
Interesting. So do you think that employees of the IRS should be exempt from Obamacare regulations?
Why should anyone be exempt? IT'S THE LAW! as the Whitehouse tweeted.
. . .or perhaps this is just a union thing. Perhaps the union realizes that Obamacare is so great that it will decrease the value of unions in general as bargaining entities. I am interested in your thoughts, not just quips.
Quote from: Gaspar on July 26, 2013, 02:06:31 PM
Interesting. So do you think that employees of the IRS should be exempt from Obamacare regulations?
No opinion on the law given.
Your political and financial opinions and links are craptacular. I tried to get better information and you cricketed back without any helpful info.
It's on FOX. Read all about it.
Quote from: Townsend on July 26, 2013, 02:16:27 PM
No opinion on the law given.
Your political and financial opinions and links are craptacular. I tried to get better information and you cricketed back without any helpful info.
It's on FOX. Read all about it.
You seem unhappy lately.
1st. . .I did not find that on Fox. I noticed it trending on Twitter.
2nd. . .When you responded, I attempted to get you to engage in an intellectual answer instead of the typical Townsend quip.
You don't have to like me, or like what I post, but if you wish to leverage a disagreement on the validity of a post, please do so with information instead of insultation.
You still have an opportunity to counter the information presented, or at least apologize for being childish.
You two simmer down there...
Don't make me post casserole recipes.
Quote from: Gaspar on July 26, 2013, 02:32:12 PM
You seem unhappy lately.
1st. . .I did not find that on Fox. I noticed it trending on Twitter.
2nd. . .When you responded, I attempted to get you to engage in an intellectual answer instead of the typical Townsend quip.
You don't have to like me, or like what I post, but if you wish to leverage a disagreement on the validity of a post, please do so with information instead of insulation.
You still have an opportunity to counter the information presented, or at least apologize for being childish.
Insulation? As in, the material used to block the transfer of heat between areas/items of concern?
Quote from: RecycleMichael on July 26, 2013, 02:37:05 PM
You two simmer down there...
Don't make me post casserole recipes.
I have a pretty good tuna casserole recipe...wanna exchange?
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on July 26, 2013, 02:43:43 PM
I have a pretty good tuna casserole recipe...wanna exchange?
More valuable than Gaspar's political posts.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on July 26, 2013, 02:37:05 PM
You two simmer down there...
Don't make me post casserole recipes.
One of my new favs. I've been low carb for about a year now (32 pounds lost). Of course that all goes out the window at WildBrew tomorrow.
Sheppard Pie - Low carb
4-6 pieces bacon, chopped
2 pounds ground beef
Small onion, chopped, 2.5 ounces
Salt and pepper
1/4 teaspoon toasted onion powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 egg, beaten
8 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded and divided
16 ounce package frozen green beans
16 ounce package frozen cauliflower
3 tablespoons butter, divided
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon chives, minced
In a large skillet, fry the bacon until crisp; drain well and set aside. In the same skillet, brown the hamburger and onion, seasoning with salt and pepper; drain the fat. In a 7 1/2 x 11 3/4" baking dish, mix the hamburger, bacon, onion and garlic powders. Check the seasoning for salt and adjust if needed, then stir in the beaten egg and half of the cheese. Spread over the bottom of a baking dish.
Meanwhile, in a medium pot, cook the green beans according to the package directions; drain well then return to the pot and stir in 1 tablespoon butter. Season to taste with salt. Spread the beans over the meat layer. In the same pot, cook the cauliflower 10-12 minutes until very tender; drain well. Put the cauliflower, 2 tablespoons butter and the sour cream in a food processor. Puree until smooth. Add the chives and pulse to blend. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary, then spread evenly over the green beans. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top. Bake at 350º for 35 minutes, until hot and bubbly.
Makes 8 very generous servings
Can be frozen
Quote from: Gaspar on July 26, 2013, 02:45:51 PM
One of my new favs. I've been low carb for about a year now (32 pounds lost). Of course that all goes out the window at WildBrew tomorrow.
Sheppard Pie - Low carb
4-6 pieces bacon, chopped
2 pounds ground beef
Small onion, chopped, 2.5 ounces
Salt and pepper
1/4 teaspoon toasted onion powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 egg, beaten
8 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded and divided
16 ounce package frozen green beans
16 ounce package frozen cauliflower
3 tablespoons butter, divided
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon chives, minced
In a large skillet, fry the bacon until crisp; drain well and set aside. In the same skillet, brown the hamburger and onion, seasoning with salt and pepper; drain the fat. In a 7 1/2 x 11 3/4" baking dish, mix the hamburger, bacon, onion and garlic powders. Check the seasoning for salt and adjust if needed, then stir in the beaten egg and half of the cheese. Spread over the bottom of a baking dish.
Meanwhile, in a medium pot, cook the green beans according to the package directions; drain well then return to the pot and stir in 1 tablespoon butter. Season to taste with salt. Spread the beans over the meat layer. In the same pot, cook the cauliflower 10-12 minutes until very tender; drain well. Put the cauliflower, 2 tablespoons butter and the sour cream in a food processor. Puree until smooth. Add the chives and pulse to blend. Adjust the seasoning, if necessary, then spread evenly over the green beans. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top. Bake at 350º for 35 minutes, until hot and bubbly.
Makes 8 very generous servings
Can be frozen
Any recipe that starts with bacon has to be good. Don't know if it is Shephard's Pie, though. Where are the mashed potatoes?? (I know...low carb, etc.) Still, it just isn't right.
Cauliflower as a substitute for mashed potatoes is pretty popular. You still have the rather starchy/strong taste of the cauliflower. MC tried a recipe she found on Facebook where someone claimed cauliflower could be used to make outstanding tortillas, using it as a substitute for flour apparently. It ended up more like baked hummus- useless for use as a tortilla shell. As a chip dip, not too bad, but no matter how much chile powder you put on it, it's still cauliflower underneath it all!
Quote from: Conan71 on July 26, 2013, 03:29:20 PM
Cauliflower as a substitute for mashed potatoes is pretty popular.
Tried it. You can load it up with salt and butter and it still tastes like salted buttered cauliflower.
Quote from: Gaspar on July 26, 2013, 02:45:51 PM
Sheppard Pie - Low carb
4-6 pieces bacon, chopped
2 pounds ground beef
Small onion, chopped, 2.5 ounces
Salt and pepper
1/4 teaspoon toasted onion powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 egg, beaten
8 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded and divided
16 ounce package frozen green beans
16 ounce package frozen cauliflower
3 tablespoons butter, divided
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon chives, minced
Your crazy idea of mixing cow and pig in the same dish makes me wonder if you are really a liberal. Then I read that you want the cheese divided and the butter divided. Typical conservative trying to be divisive.
And I thought Sheppard Pie came from England. Our Forefathers fought a war so we wouldn't have to eat British food.
For a real American dish...
1 pound lean ground beef
1 onion, finely diced
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 cup instant rice
1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 teaspoon dried oregano
2 teaspoons white sugar
6 slices
American cheese
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Place ground beef and onions in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat until beef is evenly brown. Drain any excess fat.
3. Add the soup, rice, tomatoes, garlic powder, thyme, oregano and sugar. Mix well and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Place in a 9x13 inch casserole dish.
4. Top with cheese slices and bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until cheese is bubbling and browning.
Quote from: Townsend on July 26, 2013, 03:56:34 PM
Tried it. You can load it up with salt and butter and it still tastes like salted buttered cauliflower.
My wife adds cream cheese. That makes all the difference. The kids and I actually prefer it to potatoes.
Quote from: Gaspar on July 26, 2013, 04:07:28 PM
My wife adds cream cheese. That makes all the difference. The kids and I actually prefer it to potatoes.
I'll give it a shot
A little nugget I saw yesterday.
QuoteThe local newspaper in the care, the Contra Costa Times, reported, "about half the jobs are part-time, with no health benefits – a stinging disappointment to workers and local politicians who believed the positions would be full time."
The employees hired are currently in training and the call center, one of three expected to be set up in California, is expected to open on October 1 of this year.
National Review Online reported, "The Times indiciates that a job posting advertised all of the jobs as full-time, and one call center employee, who said no reason for the apparent change was providerd, told the paper, "It reminded me of that George Clooney moview where he goes around the country firing people [Up in the Air]. The woman said, 'I know you were led to believe you would be full-time, but things have are actually 'part-time intermittent.'"
Next thing the IRS unions will be fighting against Obamacare.
I don't think the Times is even pretending to be a newspaper any more. :D
When 'BamaCare starts it's going to be grim. "Death Panels" making our medical choices, health care rationing and it'll be run by the friendly folks of the IRS... It's too late now to cry about it- The stupid votes re-elected that radical doofus for another term. Man up I guess~ and the only way to protect yourself from 'BamaCare is not to get ill.
Quote from: guido911 on July 27, 2013, 04:15:51 PM
A little nugget I saw yesterday.
Next thing the IRS unions will be fighting against Obamacare.
This just frosts me why are they making all that noise now? It's too late now the law is passed. It's the unions who worked to put "Bama back in power for another term now the unions have voter remorse it seems. The time to make noise about "BamaCare was back in 2009 not now in 2013 when 'BamaCare is about to take effect. In Two months the exchanges open up. Too late to cry about it now.
Quote from: sauerkraut on July 29, 2013, 10:03:44 AM
When 'BamaCare starts it's going to be grim. "Death Panels" making our medical choices, health care rationing and it'll be run by the friendly folks of the IRS... It's too late now to cry about it- The stupid votes re-elected that radical doofus for another term. Man up I guess~ and the only way to protect yourself from 'BamaCare is not to get ill.
You may be able to have your noggin scanned.
Quote from: Townsend on July 29, 2013, 10:13:59 AM
You may be able to have your noggin scanned.
No scan needed. It's empty.
Interesting article today in the WSJ written by Howard Dean. He seems to be using some language that was previously taboo among Democrats. Perhaps they are easing their way into the term "Death Pannel?" :D
"The IPAB is essentially a health-care rationing body. By setting doctor reimbursement rates for Medicare and determining which procedures and drugs will be covered and at what price, the IPAB will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them.
There does have to be control of costs in our health-care system. However, rate setting—the essential mechanism of the IPAB—has a 40-year track record of failure. What ends up happening in these schemes (which many states including my home state of Vermont have implemented with virtually no long-term effect on costs) is that patients and physicians get aggravated because bureaucrats in either the private or public sector are making medical decisions without knowing the patients. Most important, once again, these kinds of schemes do not control costs. The medical system simply becomes more bureaucratic.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has indicated that the IPAB, in its current form, won't save a single dime before 2021. As everyone in Washington knows, but less frequently admits, CBO projections of any kind—past five years or so—are really just speculation. I believe the IPAB will never control costs based on the long record of previous attempts in many of the states, including my own state of Vermont.
If Medicare is to have a secure future, we have to move away from fee-for-service medicine, which is all about incentives to spend more, and has no incentives in the system to keep patients healthy. The IPAB has no possibility of helping to solve this major problem and will almost certainly make the system more bureaucratic and therefore drive up administrative costs.
To date, 22 Democrats have joined Republicans in the House and Senate in support of legislation to do away with the IPAB. Yet because of the extraordinary partisanship on Capitol Hill and Republican threats to defund the law through the appropriations process, it is unlikely that any change in the Affordable Care Act will take place soon.
The IPAB will cause frustration to providers and patients alike, and it will fail to control costs. When, and if, the atmosphere on Capitol Hill improves and leadership becomes interested again in addressing real problems instead of posturing, getting rid of the IPAB is something Democrats and Republicans ought to agree on."
House Votes To Quash Obamacare, For The 40th Time (
Gettin' it done.
At the same time, the White House approved an exemption for members of Congress.
Congress, unions and big business have dodged the bullet.
Remember how "death panels" was the lie of the year?
Quote from: Gaspar on August 02, 2013, 06:48:49 PM
At the same time, the White House approved an exemption for members of Congress.
Congress, unions and big business have dodged the bullet.
You know that's not what that link says, right?
Quote from: Townsend on August 04, 2013, 11:13:43 PM
You know that's not what that link says, right?
You mean, Gas misinterprets another story? Naw! Really?
Quote from: Townsend on August 04, 2013, 11:13:43 PM
You know that's not what that link says, right?
You do understand what they did right? I'll take it slow.
The Affordable Care Act contains a provision which says members of Congress and their aides must be covered by plans "created" by the law or "offered through an exchange" just like what is available to their constituency.
. . .and, just like their constituency, if they are provided a "top-tier" plan through their employer, in this case the gov't, they must face higher out-of-pocket costs to help subsidize the exchange for those less fortunate.
. . .but Congress wants nothing to do with that, so the President and his staff worked with the Office of Personnel Managment LINKY ( to come up with a solution. That solution was that the OPM would go ahead and pay the increased premium, so that congress (and their staff) would not face any of the increased expenses of Obamacare that their constituency will face.
So Congress with get the top tier plan under the exchanges, but be exempt from the additional out-of-pocket costs that us peasants have to pay.
Quote from: Gaspar on August 05, 2013, 07:05:28 AM
You do understand what they did right? I'll take it slow.
The Affordable Care Act contains a provision which says members of Congress and their aides must be covered by plans "created" by the law or "offered through an exchange" just like what is available to their constituency.
. . .and, just like their constituency, if they are provided a "top-tier" plan through their employer, in this case the gov't, they must face higher out-of-pocket costs to help subsidize the exchange for those less fortunate.
. . .but Congress wants nothing to do with that, so the President and his staff worked with the Office of Personnel Managment LINKY ( to come up with a solution. That solution was that the OPM would go ahead and pay the increased premium, so that congress (and their staff) would not face any of the increased expenses of Obamacare that their constituency will face.
So Congress with get the top tier plan under the exchanges, but be exempt from the additional out-of-pocket costs that us peasants have to pay.
So get on out there and get it fixed. Let us know how it goes.
Quote from: Townsend on August 05, 2013, 09:47:12 AM
So get on out there and get it fixed. Let us know how it goes.
May not have to. It turns out that the president's fix is illegal.
OPM has no authority to pay for insurance plans that lack FEHBP contracts, nor does the Affordable Care Act permit either exchange contributions or a unilateral bump in congressional pay in return for less overall compensation. Those things require appropriations bills passed by Congress and signed by the President.
Quote from: Gaspar on August 05, 2013, 01:04:45 PM
May not have to. It turns out that the president's fix is illegal.
OPM has no authority to pay for insurance plans that lack FEHBP contracts, nor does the Affordable Care Act permit either exchange contributions or a unilateral bump in congressional pay in return for less overall compensation. Those things require appropriations bills passed by Congress and signed by the President.
Think that'll stop it?
Quote from: Townsend on August 05, 2013, 01:07:13 PM
Think that'll stop it?
Nope! Just bumps in the road. ;)
More bumps.
Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay: Out-Of-Pocket Caps Waived Until 2015
Paul, Cruz plan anti-Obamacare rally( (
QuoteObamacare opponents are planning a defunding rally for the first day lawmakers return from August recess and just three weeks before millions can start enrolling in coverage.
Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah), who have been leading calls in the Senate to defund the law in any spending bills, will headline the Sept. 10 Exempt America from Obamacare event, organized by Tea Party Patriots and ForAmerica, along with other conservative groups.
Betcha that'll be some good people watchin'.
Quote from: Townsend on August 26, 2013, 04:25:48 PM
Paul, Cruz plan anti-Obamacare rally
Betcha that'll be some good people watchin'.
You mean the Ted Cruz who is a Canadian and ineligible to be President...??
Why isn't Donald Trump all over this potential travesty to the American Way of Life and the blasphemy potential to the US Constitution?? Come on, Donald...don't abandon us now!!! He already failed us big time when he let John McCain run for President - in spite of being a Panamanian!! Oh, where does it end....?? The inhumanity of it all (like flying turkeys, if anyone remembers WKRP)....the horror of it all...!!!
Jay Carney has become our own little Bagdad Bob.
Without a doubt the most entertaining press secretary ever!
This is how AHCA/Obamacare is being sold here........
These are on heavy rotation on TV.
Who's going to go get their Obamacare today?
If you sign up today, your benefits start in January, If you wait support may collapse. Your president is counting on you!
Quote from: dbacksfan 2.0 on September 27, 2013, 02:53:36 AM
This is how AHCA/Obamacare is being sold here........
These are on heavy rotation on TV.
Interesting contrast - Oregon is number 13 in health rankings (near the top of healthiest), while Oklahoma is at 43 in health rankings (near the bottom). And that is why this whole state should disparage Oregon...they obviously don't deserve to have better health (or healthcare) than us!! Even if they DID think ahead and do things to make it happen....
I wonder how many people I know that will need to sign up.
Not many that I can think of off the top of my head.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on September 30, 2013, 01:01:41 PM
Interesting contrast - Oregon is number 13 in health rankings (near the top of healthiest), while Oklahoma is at 43 in health rankings (near the bottom). And that is why this whole state should disparage Oregon...they obviously don't deserve to have better health (or healthcare) than us!! Even if they DID think ahead and do things to make it happen....
Obamacare accomplishes nothing in improving mortality rates, health care, nor "health" rankings, it simply re-jiggers the payment mechanism for those that need medical treatment, that's it.
Aside from that, you'd be hard pressed to find two metro areas with better health care facilities than Tulsa or OKC. I suspect healthier lifestyle choices in Oregon has far more to do with their higher ranking than anything else.
Quote from: Conan71 on September 30, 2013, 02:45:26 PM
Obamacare accomplishes nothing in improving mortality rates, health care, nor "health" rankings, it simply re-jiggers the payment mechanism for those that need medical treatment, that's it.
Aside from that, you'd be hard pressed to find two metro areas with better health care facilities than Tulsa or OKC. I suspect healthier lifestyle choices in Oregon has far more to do with their higher ranking than anything else.
Obamacare does accomplish one major thing. It shifts individual responsibility to a mandate from the government, and creates a new level of entitlement that (as with all entitlement) can only grow until it either collapses of it's own weight or becomes another government weapon to enforce the false belief that people couldn't manage such things on their own.
"Make us your slaves, but feed us."
"If you elect anyone but us, they will take away your Obamacare and push your family off a cliff."
Quote from: Gaspar on September 30, 2013, 03:24:33 PM
Obamacare does accomplish one major thing. It shifts individual responsibility to a mandate from the government, and creates a new level of entitlement that (as with all entitlement) can only grow until it either collapses of it's own weight or becomes another government weapon to enforce the false belief that people couldn't manage such things on their own.
"Make us your slaves, but feed us."
"If you elect anyone but us, they will take away your Obamacare and push your family off a cliff."
Do you know many people that are signing up?
Quote from: Townsend on September 30, 2013, 01:43:22 PM
I wonder how many people I know that will need to sign up.
Not many that I can think of off the top of my head.
You and they are very lucky. Not to be part of the 45 million....
I won't need to sign up, but know plenty who will... maybe that's my problem - I need to hang out with richer friends and I should have chosen to be born into a richer family!! Darn the bad choices I made before birth!!
System crashed in nearly every state.
Oklahoma exchange crashed at 7:40 a.m.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 01, 2013, 07:44:39 AM
System crashed in nearly every state.
Oklahoma exchange crashed at 7:40 a.m.
I'm sure you'll be able to sign up sooner or later.
Quote from: Townsend on October 01, 2013, 07:53:50 AM
I'm sure you'll be able to sign up sooner or later.
Only if he can input all his pertinent information in blue
Quote from: Hoss on October 01, 2013, 08:08:09 AM
Only if he can input all his pertinent information in blue
It's the IRS. They already have all my pertinent information in blue and red! :D
Quote from: Conan71 on September 30, 2013, 02:45:26 PM
Obamacare accomplishes nothing in improving mortality rates, health care, nor "health" rankings, it simply re-jiggers the payment mechanism for those that need medical treatment, that's it.
People who don't have health insurance often end up letting health problems get to crisis levels before seeking treatment and have worse outcomes because of it, so yes, it will indeed accomplish something on that front, assuming that more people are in fact covered than before.
Quote from: nathanm on October 01, 2013, 11:51:24 AM
People who don't have health insurance often end up letting health problems get to crisis levels before seeking treatment and have worse outcomes because of it, so yes, it will indeed accomplish something on that front, assuming that more people are in fact covered than before.
At least in my experience, with people I know, having insurance doesn't seem to be much more of an incentive for people to get regular check ups and to see a doctor before something which might have been minor six months or a year earlier becomes a major health crisis. Some people are afraid of what the doctor will say in either changing their lifestyle or revealing a scary condition.
Even active, healthy people need to have regular check ups. Many don't because they assume their lifestyle makes them invincible against disease. I see this attitude quite a bit even in my cycling peer group. We lost one about six weeks ago. A 20-plus year cyclist who rode 100-200 miles a week for years dropped dead on the bike while out in Colorado. Height and weight in check, great job with full benefits including insurance. Other riders said they noticed a drop in his performance about a year ago, he was getting more winded "and should have known". Rather than check with the doctor, he assumed it was his advancing years.
I realize this doesn't happen in every case, but people who have the financial ability to use the health system make choices not to use it until it's too late.
I've done annual check ups for as long as I can remember and even did so when I didn't have health insurance and was dead broke. It's always been a priority to me since I have a father who died when he was 41 and grand parents who had heart issues of one sort or another. Without that in the back of my mind, I honestly can't say whether or not it would have always been such a priority or not though.
It's a simple fact in this country pro-active healthcare isn't the priority it should be with individuals and it's got precious little to do with who is paying for it.
As far as more people getting coverage, that seems to be a huge "if" at this point.
You're right, health insurance is not a panacea, but people who have it are much more likely to have a regular doctor and people who have an ongoing relationship with a doctor have better health outcomes. In other words, it makes a difference despite not solving everything.
Why do you think the law won't significantly decrease the number of uninsured?
Apparently the traffic at exchange has been brisk today.
Not a big fan of KOS, but yeah, this was entertaining...
Dear GOP, here's how you change a lawTue Oct 01, 2013 at 09:12 AM PDT
QuoteUs liberals weren't thrilled when it passed. Just relieved. We didn't get anything near what we wanted. After all, we're not in the business of fighting for Heritage Foundation-created ideas championed by the likes of Newt Gingrich and first adopted by Republican governors (the guy you nominated, in fact!). If we couldn't get single payer, we at least wanted a public option—an expansion of Medicare for all. But alas, we went to D.C. with the Congress we had, not the one we wanted. And really, given the dysfunction in D.C., it's amazing we got anything at all.
So now that the law is about to be fully implemented, you're still not happy. You're still shrieking about death panels and communism, and even the death of freedom! Yeah, yeah, we get it. The 42 (or whatever) votes in the House to repeal Obamacare have made it very clear.
But here's the thing: If you want to truly get rid of the law, you have to do it the proper way, as specified in that Constitution you pretend to cherish. Those House votes? Those are a good start! Great job! You're a third of the way there. Because you still have to get that bill passed by the Senate. And then, you have to get the president to sign it. And if the president doesn't sign it, then you have to overturn that veto which requires a two-thirds majority, which you don't have even in the House.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 01, 2013, 07:44:39 AM
System crashed in nearly every state.
Oklahoma exchange crashed at 7:40 a.m.
Did your company supply the software??
Quote from: Gaspar on September 30, 2013, 03:24:33 PM
Obamacare does accomplish one major thing. It shifts individual responsibility to a mandate from the government, and creates a new level of entitlement that (as with all entitlement) can only grow until it either collapses of it's own weight or becomes another government weapon to enforce the false belief that people couldn't manage such things on their own.
It is sad that it takes a mandate from the government to push people toward their individual responsibility - getting health insurance, rather than letting the rest of us pay the bill for them. But somehow, the RWRE doesn't seem to think that this individual responsibility is a good thing. What's with that?? Oh, wait...those are the same ones who gave a trillion dollars to the pharmaceutical industry here a few years ago under Bush...that's right...I almost forgot. And they are afraid this will take away the opportunity to repeat that little bit of pillaging anytime soon...
On Fox news:
Five reasons Americans already love ObamaCare — plus one reason why they're gonna love it even more, soon (
QuoteThere's a reason Republicans have been rushing to try and defund the Affordable Care Act before October 1, when major sections of the law take effect.
Republicans know what polls show — that most Americans don't know what's in ObamaCare, but when told what the law actually includes, a strong majority support the law.
Once state health insurance exchanges take effect, and premiums for all Americans go down, Republicans know the law will only become more popular and harder to repeal.
As Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said, "It's a lot harder to undo something than it is to stop it in the first place."
Because just like Republicans railed against Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare when they were first proposed, those programs are now highly effective and broadly popular parts of our social safety net — supported even by strong majorities of Republican voters.
So, for those of you who have been too busy criticizing ObamaCare for partisan reasons to actually look at what's in the law — and see what Americans like about it — here is a handy-dandy review:
1. ACA allows young Americans to stay on their parents' insurance plans
Because of ObamaCare, which allows kids to stay on their parents insurance plans until age 26, 3.4 million young Americans now have coverage.
The percentage of uninsured young people (ages 19 to 25) fell accordingly, from 48% in 2010 to 21% in 2012.
According to polling, three-in-four Americans support this part of the Affordable Care Act including, yes, over two-thirds of Republicans.
2. ACA bans insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions
Another aspect of ObamaCare that has already taken effect is the ban on insurance companies denying coverage to patients based on pre-existing conditions.
That means an end to insurance company horror stories like four-month-old Alex Lange being denied health insurance because he was too chubby.
This is why the conservative allegation about death panels is so ironic; while the actual ACA law does not contain death panels or anything remotely like them, the fact is that prior to ObamaCare, insurance companies were effectively operating like death panels in denying life-saving coverage to anyone with a pre-existing condition and by applying life-time spending caps on coverage.
The ban on pre-existing condition limits, which will apply to every single American by 2014, is supported by 83% of Americans.
3. ACA offers tax credits to small businesses to buy insurance
The Affordable Care Act expands tax credits to help small businesses provide health insurance to their workers. Companies with fewer than 50 employees do not have to provide insurance, but even for these businesses, ObamaCare will make it easier and cheaper if they choose to do so.
According to polling, 88% of Americans think these small business tax credits are great, including — wait for it ... yes, 83% of Republicans. That's right, over eight-in-ten Republicans support the provision of ObamaCare that helps small businesses afford and expand their health insurance offerings to employees.
4. ACA requires companies with more than 50 employees to provide health insurance
Over 96% of companies with more than 50 employees already provide health insurance to their employees. And contrary to Republicans claiming otherwise, studies show the vast majority of those employers do not plan to drop or reduce that coverage because of ObamaCare.
Also, there is no evidence that ObamaCare has led to companies slashing full-time workers. In fact, since ObamaCare passed in March 2010, over 90% of the gain in employment has been full-time positions.
Still, we know that companies that can afford to provide health insurance to their workers and yet fail to do so off-set the costs of care onto the rest of us — whether the cost of emergency room treatment that gets passed on to other consumers, or Medicaid coverage that we pay for as taxpayers.
In Florida alone, more than 50,000 workers at companies like McDonald's and Burger King are on the state's Medicaid rolls. Especially with tax credits available to small businesses, there is no excuse for companies to pass the buck. And 75% of Americanssupport this element of ObamaCare.
5. ACA provides subsidies to help individuals afford coverage
Many of the 45 million Americans who lack health insurance simply don't have enough money to afford coverage. ObamaCare will lower the cost of premiums but also provide subsidies to help low- and middle-income Americans purchase insurance.
Americans who earn $45,000 per year (about 400% of the federal poverty level) will qualify for some form of subsidy. The amount of the subsidy will be based on income as well as the cost of health coverage in a particular state but, for instance, according to a subsidy calculator created by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a 27-year-old living in Houston, Texas, who earns just $15,000 a year could sign-up for a mid-level plan for about $300 per year with the help of subsidies. Without subsidies, that plan would cost $2,400 per year.
The few Americans who think subsidizing care is a bad idea should, again, note that we already subsidize health care to a far greater degree in the form of Medicaid and also when the uninsured rely on free emergency room care and pass those astronomical costs on to the rest of us. But most Americans — 76% to be exact — support the individual subsidy. That includes 61% of Republicans.
There's even more aspects of ObamaCare that the American people already support — including the employer mandate, the increased Medicare payroll tax on higher-income Americans and the expansion of Medicaid.
And then, starting October 1, here's one more:
6. State-based health insurance exchanges
Americans of all political stripes like choice and competition, which is precisely what the ObamaCare health insurance exchanges will create. So it's no wonder that 80% of Americans — including 72% of Republicans — support the health insurance exchange program in ObamaCare. And that's even before the exchanges have taken effect!
Plus, a new report shows that health insurance premiums will be even lower under ObamaCare than originally projected.
Personally, as someone who pays through the nose for individual insurance in New York State — a state where, historically, few individual insurance options have even been available — I can't wait to enroll in ObamaCare and see my premiums plummet, as they are expected to by at least 50%.
Again, all this is why Republicans are in such a desperate rush to try and defund ObamaCare before October 1 — even if it means holding our economy hostage and even if most voters, including Republicans, oppose the repeated and wasteful defunding attempts.
After all, the law is already popular when it's not fully in effect and most people haven't felt its benefits. We all know what will happen when ObamaCare takes effect — and works!
Republicans who are throwing temper tantrums over sour grapes need to grow up.
Congress passed the Affordable Care Act, President Obama signed it into law and the Supreme Court upheld its constitutionality.
The cost of doing nothing on health care reform was too great and the cost of repeatedly refighting the political battles of the past is obscene. But then again, it makes perfect sense why Republicans refuse to just give up and shut up — because the minute they do, there will be no more distractions from all the good things about ObamaCare.
Sally Kohn is a Fox News contributor and writer.
Weird huh?
Quote from: Townsend on October 02, 2013, 03:36:30 PM
On Fox news:
Five reasons Americans already love ObamaCare — plus one reason why they're gonna love it even more, soon (
Weird huh?
Ah, she's a FINO... ;D
I like her. But you DO know who Sally Kohn is; correct?
Quote from: guido911 on October 02, 2013, 11:55:25 PM
I like her. But you DO know who Sally Kohn is; correct?
QuoteSally Kohn is a Fox News contributor and writer.
Quote from: Townsend on October 03, 2013, 07:56:41 AM
Yeah, that much was pretty obvious. I guess not to some.
. . .and now it starts to sink in
"I really don't like the Republican tactics, but at least now I can understand why they are so pissed about this. When you take $10,000 out of my family's pocket each year, that's otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that will not be going into our local economy."
Both Vinson and Waschura have adjusted gross incomes greater than four times the federal poverty level -- the cutoff for a tax credit. And while both said they anticipated their rates would go up, they didn't realize they would rise so much.
"Of course, I want people to have health care," Vinson said. "I just didn't realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally."
Quote from: Gaspar on October 07, 2013, 09:00:19 AM
. . .and now it starts to sink in
Probably want to read the rest of the article you linked.
I'm sure your talking points were outlined in the angry conservative blog you found this on.
Quote from: Townsend on October 07, 2013, 09:33:27 AM
Probably want to read the rest of the article you linked.
I'm sure your talking points were outlined in the angry conservative blog you found this on.
I did. There is nothing wrong with more coverage for more people. That is the idea of any healthcare reform. The mechanism is what is at fault, and as more and more people realize that, it will be harder and harder to get participation. The general numbers and messaging that took place to sell the program is not the reality that the majority of participants will encounter.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 07, 2013, 09:39:04 AM
The general numbers and messaging that took place to sell the program is not the reality that the majority of participants will encounter.
How do you know?
Quote from: Townsend on October 07, 2013, 09:40:15 AM
How do you know?
Quote from: Townsend on October 07, 2013, 09:40:15 AM
How do you know?
I admire your hope and faith in government. Unfortunately, I can't run on hope or faith.
We've been over all of this, but lets take a look:
1. it's already caused insurers to increase premiums and decrease offerings to makeup for regulations that require them to cover pre-existing conditions that will exceed the premium amounts for those people. In fact, the high-risk pooling has already failed. The administration cut payments to doctors and hospitals before it ran out of money to fund the pre-existing condition insurance plan for people with cancer, heart disease and other serious conditions. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius simply announced "health care facilities and providers will get paid less" for providing the same services.
2. There is no increase in physicians, on the contrary their has been a steady decrease. This translates into increased scarcity. People will begin to rely more on clinics for prescriptions and general healthcare because "practitioners" will be more accessible than traditional healthcare providers.
3. While the program is designed to show short-term (imaginary) savings, The GAO reports Obamacare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion.
4. We have already seen the uncertainty in the private sector for the past few years generated by an inability to forecast costs. A Gallup poll found more than 40 percent of small businesses have frozen hiring because of Obamacare. As the increases have now become realities, we can expect this to continue.
5. U.S. Chamber of Commerce found half of small businesses affected by Obamacare plan to either replace their current full-time workers with part-timers or cut their workers' hours because of the law's requirements.
6. The same survey found 24 percent of small businesses plan to cut staff to less than 50 to avoid paying penalties for not providing health insurance.
7. The program has become a political tool for the administration to reward or punish as they see fit. HHS acknowledged issuing businesses more than 1,200 waivers from parts of Obamacare by January 2012. After that, the department stopped updating the total number of waivers because of monthly ridicule from the public. So, HHS stopped accepting applications for one-year waivers and simply granted or denied waivers through the end of the year.
8. Fewer healthcare insurance providers means fewer options and increased gov/corp collusion. Those participating in the co-op program are failing and that will leave only the largest and most powerful insurance companies. The Inspector General for HHS reported most of the 24 health care cop-ops created under Obamacare are in danger of running out of money before they even provide health insurance.
9. Because much of the country has been converted into a part-time economy due to the never-ending recession, to sell the program it was necessary to redefine (with little regard for the consequences) what constitutes full-time employment. The leaders of three major U.S. unions (including the Teamsters), which strongly supported Obamacare, now warn Democratic leaders that unless the health-care law undergoes major changes, it will "destroy the very health and well-being of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans." It will also "destroy the foundation of the 40-hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class."
10. Expectations are declining, and the initial roll-out failures are not helping that. A Rasmussen poll finds 61 percent of Americans expect health care to get worse under Obamacare. Many doctors fear they will be unable to continue private practice because of low reimbursement rates from Medicaid and Medicare and will end up working for a corporation hospital where the profits are distributed to shareholders. These physicians are already punished under Medicare for spending too much time with patients, and now expect the same from private insurance regulated through the exchanges.
11. The major selling point for businesses has been suspended by executive mandate. The law, and it is a law, mandating businesses to meet the standards regulated by the government through the exchanges was suspended by the president. How? Who knows? The president does not have the authority to change a law, but he did. He also did this for the unions, but it wasn't enough to mitigate the threat.
12. To combat medical scarcity, as Howard Dean describes it, the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB, "is essentially a health-care rationing body" that will "be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them." The rationing board will decide whether or not some patients get potentially life-saving treatments, which is basically how Palin described "death panel" in 2009, and was eviscerated by the media for it.
13. Only 17 states are participating in the exchange program at the state level. This has completely overturned the original costing model for the program making it unsustainable. This would have forced the law back to congress, but The Obama administration used the IRS to unilaterally rewrite the health-care law to fix a problem it did not anticipate, again without consulting Congress.
14. Cross-Subsudy not expected to work. Obamacare needs enough healthy people ages 18-34 to join health insurance exchanges to "cross-subsidize" people who are older and not as healthy.
15. Federal workers don't want to participate, neither does congress, nor do most of the president's primary campaign funding organizations, so they have all been branded wavers, extensions, and subsidies, effectively establishing the existence of a ruling class exempt to the burdens placed on the public.
16. Charity has been established as a threat to Obamacare, so part of the bill (that was never read) that changes IRS code, Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code taking effect under Obamacare, creates a web of bureaucratic paperwork to treat or offer discounted treatment to poor or indigent patients. While this won't likely shut down most mission based hospitals (catholic, jewish, and other charitable) it will likely increase administrative costs and therefore make it more difficult for them to compete. Below:
The Affordable Care Act added new requirements for charitable hospitals. (See Notice 2010-39 and Notice 2011-52.) On June 22, 2012, the IRS issued proposed regulations which provide information on the requirements for charitable hospitals relating to financial assistance and emergency medical care policies, charges for emergency or medically necessary care provided to individuals eligible for financial assistance, and billing and collections. On April 3, 2013, the IRS issued proposed regulations on the requirement that charitable hospitals conduct community health needs assessments (CHNAs) and adopt implementation strategies at least once every three years. The proposed regulations also discuss the related excise tax and reporting requirements for charitable hospitals and the consequences for failure to satisfy the requirements. On Aug. 14, 2013, the IRS issued temporary regulations and proposed regulations. The temporary regulations provide information on which form to use when making an excise tax payment for failure to meet the community health needs assessment requirements and the due date for filing the form. The proposed regulations solicit public comments.I mean there's a start.
Hoss, you are precious.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 07, 2013, 10:50:59 AM
I admire your hope and faith in government. Unfortunately, I can't run on hope or faith.
You have hope and faith in the websites you frequent and the articles you pick to post.
Your past performance in prognostication for government and finance has been lacking. You might look again.
Quote from: Townsend on October 07, 2013, 11:03:27 AM
You have hope and faith in the websites you frequent and the articles you pick to post.
I have no hope or faith in anyone who posts links to anything from nationalreview or the wsj. What's next? Newsmax? Free Republic? I'm sure they're at the top of Gaspar's favorites. ::)
Quote from: Gaspar on October 07, 2013, 10:50:59 AM
14. Cross-Subsudy not expected to work. Obamacare needs enough healthy people ages 18-34 to join health insurance exchanges to "cross-subsidize" people who are older and not as healthy.
Is that not the case with any health insurance plan?
Quote from: RecycleMichael on October 07, 2013, 02:35:20 PM
Is that not the case with any health insurance plan?
It is a secret!
Quote from: RecycleMichael on October 07, 2013, 02:35:20 PM
Is that not the case with any health insurance plan?
To some extent, yes, but insurance companies used to be free to charge young healthy people less, and even offer discounts for their lifestyle choices (smoking, gym membership, skydiving). Many young folks also opted for minimal coverage knowing that they would need to increase their coverage as they get older.
The burden on the young and healthy under Obamacare is much greater, because the subsidy for the lower income participants is "pooled" from the younger healthy folks. Also most people (with any degree of financial intelligence) will only purchase a bronze or silver plan, because if you get sick or injured, there is no penalty for switching. Why would you pay $1,200/mo for a family of four, when you can pay $600 and just upgrade your coverage when someone gets sick?
As in the article posted earlier
Folks are learning this, and as Maryland reported today out of the 174,000 people who visited their exchange site, 13,532 accounts were created but only 326 have signed up, because once they learn the cost they fail to complete the application.
Under the exchange, it's more expensive than what I pay now, but it is very attractive for low income folks, meaning they will sign up, and the people who are required to pay their way will not.
Quote from: tulsabug on October 07, 2013, 02:28:11 PM
I have no hope or faith in anyone who posts links to anything from nationalreview or the wsj. What's next? Newsmax? Free Republic? I'm sure they're at the top of Gaspar's favorites. ::)
I don't ask for your faith. I have cited some very liberal and some very conservative sources. This conversation was started today with an article from San Jose Mercury, a very liberal publication.
Don't put your faith in any media. Simply attempt to apply the filter of reason to all of them.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 07, 2013, 03:08:01 PM
Simply attempt to apply the filter of reason to all of them.
Anyone want to run with this?
Quote from: Townsend on October 07, 2013, 03:10:48 PM
Anyone want to run with this?
Maybe you should wait until it actually would help people to sign up before crowing that they're just browsing. There's almost 3 months to go before January 1st, bud.
Also, while the rates for very young people with no pre-existing conditions has in fact increased, that's not where the subsidies are coming from. (that's not a subsidy, that's how insurance works..odd that you don't have a problem with your employer putting people of all ages in their risk pool)
The subsidies are mainly paid for by the medical device tax, and it's a good thing we've got them. If you were in your 30s making $1200 a month before taxes could you afford to pay $225 a month for coverage? (That's what BCBS is charging in Oklahoma) If that still bothers you, what solution do you have that doesn't involve forcing hospitals to pay for care of the indigent and ensures the indigent have no way of getting care until they're literally dying?
Maybe next we can shut down SNAP and require that grocery stores supply food to any starving person that shows up on their doorstep?
Very **Dangerous** If they lose Jon Stewart, they lose the young Obama supporters.
For someone who's been highly critical of Republicans opposed to Obamacare, Jon Stewart was really adamant in pressing Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about issues he has with the health care bill, from the website bugs to the one-year business delay that individuals didn't get. He repeatedly pressed that last point and got noticeably frustrated at the lack of a clear response.
Stewart did not receive an answer after asking how many people signed up for the website, before bringing up the "legitimate criticism" about individuals not receiving the one-year delay. Stewart said it looks like "you were favoring small business," and despite Sebelius attempting to explain that this is only a small percentage of businesses and small businesses have no mandates, Stewart still couldn't figure the logic out.
When he went to commercial break, Stewart asked, "Can we come back and ask some more questions? Can I ask the same one?"
In the second part of the interview, Stewart kept going, calling the issues with Obamacare "frustrating" due to the "level of incompetence that's larger than what it should be." He pointed out that businesses are cutting worker hours to exploit a loophole in the law, but Sebelius said that's not true. Stewart also wondered if they could actually run it well, pointing out the issues the government has had managing the VA.
And then, very briefly at the end of the show, Stewart expressed his exasperation with the non-answers, and even wondered aloud if Sebelius was lying to him.
Stewart brings up good points, and he does it from a progressive interpretation of what is wrong with Obamacare, that echoes what conservatives said would be wrong with such a system.
Mullin hears support for Obamacare during telephone town hallQuoteSecond District Congressman Markwayne Mullin heard a different story and told a different tale during his one-hour telephone town hall Monday night. Of the roughly two dozen callers who got through, none demanded the impeachment of President Barack Obama or seemed very supportive of Republicans' continued demand for changes to the Affordable Care Act in exchange for a budget deal. Two callers said they had signed up for insurance through the ACA, commonly called Obamacare. Another said co-workers had. When Mullin tried to tell her that insurance enrollment through the online exchanges that went active on Oct. 1 "isn't happening," she said, "It absolutely is!" (
Quote from: Townsend on October 08, 2013, 08:48:44 AM
Mullin hears support for Obamacare during telephone town hall (
It's what the Teahadists fear; that people (even Republicans!) will like it.
Quote from: Hoss on October 08, 2013, 08:55:39 AM
It's what the Teahadists fear; that people (even Republicans!) will like it.
Or what the Obamabots fear; that people (even Democrats) will hate it.
Can't wait until it starts working, so that we can see what's in it.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 08, 2013, 09:00:02 AM
Or what the Obamabots fear; that people (even Democrats) will hate it.
No, maybe you didn't see the post...
QuoteSecond District Congressman Markwayne Mullin heard a different story and told a different tale during his one-hour telephone town hall Monday night. Of the roughly two dozen callers who got through, none demanded the impeachment of President Barack Obama or seemed very supportive of Republicans' continued demand for changes to the Affordable Care Act in exchange for a budget deal. Two callers said they had signed up for insurance through the ACA, commonly called Obamacare. Another said co-workers had. When Mullin tried to tell her that insurance enrollment through the online exchanges that went active on Oct. 1 "isn't happening," she said, "It absolutely is!"
That's probably not what the people in favor of Obamacare fear.
If you can't or choose not to see the posts, then there's nothing we can do to help you.
Quote from: Townsend on October 08, 2013, 09:04:31 AM
No, maybe you didn't see the post...
That's probably not what the people in favor of Obamacare fear.
If you can't or choose not to see the posts, then there's nothing we can do to help you.
It's probably a wasted effort T. Just let him back to his pretty blue fonts. He'll be happy that way. :o
Any one else find it curious that the government shutdown (sorry gas, slimdown) may mean that fewer employees are around to handle the 8.6 million unique inquiries about the ACA (sorry gas, Obamacare, Barrycare) or the attendant problems that historic level of interest has created? If I were conspiratorial (sorry gas, tin hat, spiteful) i might think that opponents of the plan may have planned (once again for Gas...spitefully planned) such a tactic to play upon common beliefs that government is unable to handle such a huge task and thus it must be revised or repealed. I know its Charles Manson race war thinking, but we're talking TP'ers here.*
Bottom line is that opponents are fighting a losing battle over existing law that has been court tested and has tremendous public interest. If they had spent the last four years smoothing out potential problems, fine tuning the legislation instead of demonizing it and using it to elect crazies, the whole country would have benefitted. If this were a product being brought to market and this kind of problem happened, the stock would be soaring. You can solve administrative problems with enough technology and manpower. You can't create demand as easily.
*for those who may not be aware of the reasoning behind Manson's plan- In the annals of crime, there might never have been a more bizarre motive for killing than that revealed in the 1970-71 trial of four Manson "Family" members. In the twisted mind of thirty-four-year-old Charles Manson, a wave of bloody killings of high-society types in Los Angeles would be the spark that would set off a revolution by blacks against the white establishment. When "blackie," as Manson called black people, proved unable to govern, they would turn to Manson and his tribe of followers, who would have survived "Helter Skelter" by hiding out in an underground cave in the Death Valley area of California while the chaos raged above. Doug Linder 2002
Quote from: AquaMan on October 08, 2013, 10:18:25 AM
Any one else find it curious that the government shutdown (sorry gas, slimdown) may mean that fewer employees are around to handle the 8.6 million unique inquiries about the ACA (sorry gas, Obamacare, Barrycare) or the attendant problems that historic level of interest has created? If I were conspiratorial (sorry gas, tin hat, spiteful) i might think that opponents of the plan may have planned (once again for Gas...spitefully planned) such a tactic to play upon common beliefs that government is unable to handle such a huge task and thus it must be revised or repealed. I know its Charles Manson race war thinking, but we're talking TP'ers here.*
Bottom line is that opponents are fighting a losing battle over existing law that has been court tested and has tremendous public interest. If they had spent the last four years smoothing out potential problems, fine tuning the legislation instead of demonizing it and using it to elect crazies, the whole country would have benefitted. If this were a product being brought to market and this kind of problem happened, the stock would be soaring. You can solve administrative problems with enough technology and manpower. You can't create demand as easily.
*for those who may not be aware of the reasoning behind Manson's plan- In the annals of crime, there might never have been a more bizarre motive for killing than that revealed in the 1970-71 trial of four Manson "Family" members. In the twisted mind of thirty-four-year-old Charles Manson, a wave of bloody killings of high-society types in Los Angeles would be the spark that would set off a revolution by blacks against the white establishment. When "blackie," as Manson called black people, proved unable to govern, they would turn to Manson and his tribe of followers, who would have survived "Helter Skelter" by hiding out in an underground cave in the Death Valley area of California while the chaos raged above. Doug Linder 2002
Manson reference? (,550x550,075,f.jpg)
The Constitution lays out a two-step process for a law to be enacted. First, the measure has to be passed and signed by the president, but then it has to be paid for by Congress. This funding takes place through the House Appropriations Committee.
In practice, the separation between policy making and funding, and the division between appropriations and authorization activities are imperfect. Authorizations for many programs have long lapsed, yet still receive appropriated amounts. Other programs that are authorized receive no funds at all. In addition, policy language—that is legislative text changing permanent law—is included in appropriation measures.
In the absence of a permanent budget, a debate on existing funding levels and current debt gets to take place more frequently.
You excel at sidestepping. Is that a country dance move? The founders could hardly have imagined that a small minority of anti government looneys would be able to throw wrenches in the mechanics of government and call it "the peoples will". What good is representative govt. if when you lose, you simply close the bank account til you get what you want?
Manson also had constructs that he thought were so powerful that the population would rise up and mobilize to end "black power". They were based on numerous erroneous assumptions that came from his limited view of the world. Most of that view was from media, drugs, alcohol and jail, mostly in California. He considered himself an expert on politics, law, economics, music, sociology, psychology and biology. His ability to expound on these subjects, even though his views had little basis in fact or reality, convinced those around him of his superior insider knowledge. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. So, his followers were willing to sign on to helter skelter.
Sounds a whole lot like Tea Partiers, Boehner, freshmen House members and Fox who all steadfastly believe the public is supportive even when their own constituents and many fellow republicans say the opposite.
I doubt you listened to the interviews of the founder and leader of the Tea Party, Jenny Martin and Texas representative Ted Cruz on NPR last week. They are delusional and unable to grasp that there is any support or reasoning behind their opponents. Cruz couldn't even answer questions. He just filibustered the interviewer. The lady who leads the Tea Party doesn't live in our world. Find the interview and enjoy. Then look up Tate-LaBianca.
Hey, I like the Manson reference. A little non-linear thought is way more interesting than simply arguing "my side is better" all the time...
Quote from: AquaMan on October 08, 2013, 12:48:35 PM
You excel at sidestepping. Is that a country dance move? The founders could hardly have imagined that a small minority of anti government looneys would be able to throw wrenches in the mechanics of government and call it "the peoples will". What good is representative govt. if when you lose, you simply close the bank account til you get what you want?
So, Imagine that the company you work for held a poll, and asked everyone if they thought it would be a good idea to put a soda machine in the break room. The poll came back, and the majority of your colleagues said "Yes", indicating that they would like a soda machine.
That's a great analogy. Be interesting to see how our locals spin it.
President Obama just lost Wolf.
Turns out the Wolf learned that Obama was aware that the exchanges were not ready and had been warned several times that roll-out would be a disaster.
Wolf just bought himself an IRS audit!
Quote from: Gaspar on October 09, 2013, 01:25:16 PM
Turns out the Wolf learned that Obama was aware that the exchanges were not ready and had been warned several times that roll-out would be a disaster.
You got that from 25 seconds of video?
Quote from: Townsend on October 09, 2013, 01:43:44 PM
You got that from 25 seconds of video?
Here is the transcript of the whole exchange (no pun intended). :D
In blue to illicit a Hossyfit."A week into it, still a lot of glitches," CNN correspondent Brian Todd reported to Blitzer. "People not able to create accounts, just to get information to possibly enroll, much less not being able to enroll in the plan."
"We're also hearing now that the administration was warned about these potential problems months in advance," Todd continued. "We spoke to a health care consultant who has clients who are insurers. He says his insurers, who dealt with the administration in the months ahead of time, had contentious meetings with people at [Health and Human Services] and other health care officials who were in charge of this, warning them, 'This isn't working, it's not going to be smooth, don't do it.' He says those warnings were ignored, they went full speed ahead, and said we'll work these problems out. There's been a bit of pushback from the White House, we'll hope to get more later from them."
"If they had three years to get this ready—if they weren't fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them, delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works," Blitzer said. "There are government health care-related websites that work great., a whole bunch of others. They know how to do it. But if they didn't get it ready on time, then maybe fix the problem, make sure people don't have to worry about it."
What's even more funny is the estimated cost for the website was $93 million. The final cost was $634 million. How much is that in Alaskan Smooters?
Domino effect. Not Time!!
They have one month. If the officials running the new Affordable Care Act insurance exchanges cannot fix crippling computer glitches by then, the health law's future could be imperiled, according to a former high-ranking health care official.
Read more:
So, part of the the claim is all this sudden interest in the ACA created a log-jam, eh? I'm no software expert, but seems like they could have avoided a lot of problems (well other than passing Obamacare in the first place) by doing a rolling roll-out by area code, zip codes, or the like to keep from over-whelming the system.
Who all got their nose in the trough for the $634 million? Nice contracts!
Quote from: Conan71 on October 09, 2013, 03:34:26 PM
So, part of the the claim is all this sudden interest in the ACA created a log-jam, eh? I'm no software expert, but seems like they could have avoided a lot of problems (well other than passing Obamacare in the first place) by doing a rolling roll-out by area code, zip codes, or the like to keep from over-whelming the system.
Who all got their nose in the trough for the $634 million? Nice contracts!
We have clients that can take 250K hits a day. I'm at a loss. Apparently, much like the healthcare bill, the exchange sites were clumsily cobbled together just to get something out there.
Five outside technology experts interviewed by Reuters, however, say they believe flaws in system architecture, not traffic alone, contributed to the problems.
For instance, when a user tries to create an account on, which serves insurance exchanges in 36 states, it prompts the computer to load an unusually large amount of files and software, overwhelming the browser, experts said.
If they are right, then just bringing more servers online, as officials say they are doing, will not fix the site.
"Adding capacity sounds great until you realize that if you didn't design it right that won't help," said Bill Curtis, chief scientist at CAST, a software quality analysis firm, and director of the Consortium for IT Software Quality. "The architecture of the software may limit how much you can add on to it. I suspect they'll have to reconfigure a lot of it."
One possible cause of the problems is that hitting "apply" on causes 92 separate files, plug-ins and other mammoth swarms of data to stream between the user's computer and the servers powering the government website, said Matthew Hancock, an independent expert in website design. He was able to track the files being requested through a feature in the Firefox browser.
Of the 92 he found, 56 were JavaScript files, including plug-ins that make it easier for code to work on multiple browsers (such as Microsoft Corp's Internet Explorer and Google Inc's Chrome) and let users upload files to
It is not clear why the upload function was included.
"They set up the website in such a way that too many requests to the server arrived at the same time," Hancock said.
He said because so much traffic was going back and forth between the users' computers and the server hosting the government website, it was as if the system was attacking itself.
All I can think of is $634 million that will need to be re-spent before it's all done. The GOP offer of a year delay is looking more and more like a lifeline.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 09, 2013, 04:18:45 PM
Apparently, much like the healthcare bill, the exchange sites were clumsily cobbled together just to get something out there.
There's never time to do it right the first time but there is always time to fix it later.
Quote from: Red Arrow on October 09, 2013, 06:22:02 PM
There's never time to do it right the first time but there is always time to fix it later.
That's the story of any engineer's life.....
Oh,....yeah....going through that now....just like always....
Since we are talking software for a minute - anyone here ever use or hear of for web hosting? (Compelling advertising and pricing...)
Gaspar, you seem to have trouble counting. 8.6 million uniques in four days is 2.1 million a day, which puts you in spitting distance of being one of the top 10 sites on the Internet, although as I'm sure you're aware, the top 3 are all around 3 or 4 times as popular as #10. And you ought to know that unique visitors and hits are not equivalent. And the person quoted in the article should know that web browsers cache assets or that any unexpectedly large amount of traffic is "just like a DDoS," even if it comes in the form of people clicking on a link from freakin' Reddit. I just checked,'s caching is not broken like some other sites on the Internets. Even the bloated login page that has 2.8MB worth of assets loads in half the time facebook does.
That said, Alexa (you know how..reliable..that can be) shows a significant dropoff after the first couple of days, which would explain why the site seems to be working fine now.
In any event, it's a hell of a lot easier to snipe from the sidelines than it is to build a system that will handle a wave of traffic like that. Most companies take years (and have years) to get it right.
All that said, they could have stood to combine some CSS files and otherwise clean things up, but it wouldn't have made a big difference as far as the performance on the server side. Static file serving is fast.
Quote from: nathanm on October 09, 2013, 09:01:54 PM
Gaspar, you seem to have trouble counting. 8.6 million uniques in four days is 2.1 million a day, which puts you in spitting distance of being one of the top 10 sites on the Internet, although as I'm sure you're aware, the top 3 are all around 3 or 4 times as popular as #10. And you ought to know that unique visitors and hits are not equivalent. And the person quoted in the article should know that web browsers cache assets or that any unexpectedly large amount of traffic is "just like a DDoS," even if it comes in the form of people clicking on a link from freakin' Reddit. I just checked,'s caching is not broken like some other sites on the Internets. Even the bloated login page that has 2.8MB worth of assets loads in half the time facebook does.
That said, Alexa (you know how..reliable..that can be) shows a significant dropoff after the first couple of days, which would explain why the site seems to be working fine now.
In any event, it's a hell of a lot easier to snipe from the sidelines than it is to build a system that will handle a wave of traffic like that. Most companies take years (and have years) to get it right.
All that said, they could have stood to combine some CSS files and otherwise clean things up, but it wouldn't have made a big difference as far as the performance on the server side. Static file serving is fast.
There is a big difference between hits and actual traffic. Your opinion echoes that of our developers. They built this thing over three years, knowing that they would need significant infrastructure to manage it. The point is that the code shouldn't' have been the weakness. Here's the registration script They are not doing anything earth-shattering with the online signup forms, but the data is another issue. Connecting to all of the legacy data systems probably presents a challenge, but $634 million dollars should have been enough to configure the proper connectors to send and receive an insurance application, but that's not what they are doing. They are trying to use the system as far more than it should be used for. They are pulling IRS data, law enforcement data (at least Maryland's exchange admits that your application information can be used for law enforcement), credit scores, and God knows what else. After they have put together this "information package" they then pass it to the appropriate exchange offerings in your state. As John McAffee said last week:
'What Idiot Set This Up?' 'This Is A Hacker's Wet Dream!'"
"It's seriously bad," McAfee said. "Somebody made a grave error, not in designing the program but in simply implementing the web aspect of it. I mean, for example, anybody can put up a web page and claim to be a broker for this system. There is no central place where I can go and say, 'OK, here are all the legitimate brokers, the examiners for all of the states and pick and choose one.'"
As for the insurance companies like BCBS, all they want is a complete application from the exchange. We fill these out every year. They are not rocket science, and with the elimination of the pre-existing conditions requirements, they are even simpler. It's hard to defend what they have delivered for over half a billion dollars.
TW FB post:
QuoteState Rep. Mike Ritze, R-Broken Arrow, called for Oklahoma legislators to "nullify" the federal Affordable Care Act. Another panelist encouraged people not to pay fines for not having health insurance, saying, "The IRS doesn't even have a mechanism to enforce it." Still another told the audience that as far as resisting the law's requirements, "There are other things that you can do that I will talk to you about later when the camera's not rolling." (
Health Exchange Tech Problems Point To A Thornier Issue (
QuoteOne week after its rocky rollout, the federal site to help you sign up for health insurance exchanges went down again overnight for additional software fixes. The Obama administration says the technology powering the marketplaces buckled under unexpectedly high traffic. But the ongoing software hiccups for point to a much thornier problem: procurement processes.
Procurement, the process by which governments decide which contractors to hire for various products and services — like software — is not a sexy topic. But it's linked to the software problems that continue to plague the behemoth system built to help millions of Americans enroll in a health insurance marketplace under the Affordable Care Act.
The shorter-term tech problem is too many people taxing a complex software system that was rushed to launch. President Obama's Chief Technology Adviser Todd Park told USA Today that contractors built a system that could handle 50,000 people using the site at once. But when coverage signup opened Oct. 1, the traffic was five times larger than what officials planned for.
"We are doing several things at once, including adding server capacity and making software changes to make the system more efficient to handle higher volume," White House press secretary Jay Carney said on Monday.
(High volume may not mean high enrollment, but we don't know until the administration releases enrollment numbers in another month.)
It's an unprecedented system, too. In order for the exchange marketplace software to check on which coverage and subsidies you're eligible for, it has to ping requests to the Internal Revenue Service database, Social Security records and Homeland Security data within seconds.
"It's called an integration catastrophe really where you've got lots of different software talking to lots of different things, and an unprecedented amount of scale," says Clay Johnson, a programmer who worked inside government as a White House Innovation Fellow. The fellows looked for ways that the federal government could improve its tech services and save money. He says that while is glitchy, the real "cancer" is how the government selects the contractors hired to build these IT behemoths.
"One might look at this and go: Why can't we get the smartest people from Facebook and Google and from Twitter to come and work out these problems?" Johnson says. "The problem is that the way that federal contracting works is so burdensome that the only people who get contracts like this are experts at lobbying and experts at regulations that require you to get these sorts of contracts. And they're not experts at doing the job of building these websites."
The primary contractor behind the federal health exchange software is a global firm called CGI Federal, which didn't want to comment for this story. Johnson says it's not that CGI or other contractors behind are bad. They're probably just not the best, because the best people at these tech solutions don't bother applying.
"In order to fix these problems in the long term, what we've gotta do is encourage the federal government to open its doors to smaller, more agile vendors who are better at solving these larger problems," Johnson says.
He calls for a cultural shift, simplifying the bidding process so more firms compete against incumbents, making everyone up his game. Johnson proposes starting small, with tiny contracts, because changing a deeply entrenched contracting environment is a systemic and long-term challenge.
Maybe they contracted it to the guy in his mother's basement?
Quote from: Conan71 on October 10, 2013, 09:57:49 AM
Maybe they contracted it to the guy in his mother's basement?
That guy and Star Wars kid.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 10, 2013, 06:36:06 AM
They built this thing over three years, knowing that they would need significant infrastructure to manage it.
Bad specs (IOW, a serious underestimate of traffic) leads to bad performance. And it was made doubly worse by the need to connect to legacy systems. It's easy enough to toss some more web servers at the problem. If you're beating up one of the IRS' database servers, on the other hand, that's not something with a quick fix. That was my point about most companies having years to get it right. They launch a product and its traffic builds slowly over a period of time. Granted, HHS could have phased in the introduction of the exchanges, but I understand their desire to reduce confusion by having them all go live on the same day. There's enough confusion around the law as it is.
Quote from: nathanm on October 10, 2013, 12:11:18 PM
Granted, HHS could have phased in the introduction of the exchanges, but I understand their desire to reduce confusion by having them all go live on the same day.
Anyone else remember when Oklahoma car tags were all due in January? What a mess that was.
So the Tulsa World had this article about people getting kicked off Insure Oklahoma:
I'm a bit confused, though. She says her IO premium is $75 a month, which is clearly so low as to be heavily subsidized. IO's maximum out of pocket is 4%. ($75/0.04)*12 is $22,500 a year, which is less than the poverty line for a family of four and thus still eligible for Insure Oklahoma. If she actually makes a thousand dollars more a year, her maximum premium on the exchange is only 2% of income plus she gets cost sharing on the deductible (which doesn't apply to PCP visits and such), leaving her with a $500/yr out of pocket max. So at worst she'd be paying an extra $4 or so a month including the necessary saving to have $500 to pay the deductible.
Am I missing something here, or is TW just burying the fact that an exchange plan would be no worse and possibly better than her existing coverage (assuming I'm working back to income correctly)? Seems like they could have found someone at 175% of poverty (a bit more than $40k a year for a family of four) who would have to pay 5% of income for the premium alone and doesn't get the aggressive cost sharing that people lower on the income scale do. If she does make that much, why are her IO subsidies so much higher than they should be? Or am I misunderstanding and the 4% only applies to people covered through the employer-based IO program?
^^No answer to that though I can tell you BCBS premiums did go up at roll out the first of the month. My wife quoted a health policy to a prospective client in her mid '20's last month. For this plan: 80% coinsurance, $5,000 deductible, $40 copay, and $10/50%/100% on Rx plan........prior to October 1st, $78.00 per month. Post October 1st..........$186.77 per month. Her client doesn't qualify for a subsidy.
Welcome to Obamacare! :o
Quote from: Conan71 on October 13, 2013, 02:49:22 PM
^^No answer to that though I can tell you BCBS premiums did go up at roll out the first of the month.
My understanding was that Blue Cross Blue Shield is wanting existing policyholders to switch their old plans, hence the price hikes.
As for the Tea Party citing website overload as proof that ACA is the "worse law ever," I guess I could apply the same logic to Cher being a terrible singer because I wasn't able to buy concert tickets online.
Come on, the TP anarchists dont have connections with some clever 14-year-old that could put together a DDoS attack?
Quote from: patric on October 13, 2013, 04:42:57 PM
My understanding was that Blue Cross Blue Shield is wanting existing policyholders to switch their old plans, hence the price hikes.
As for the Tea Party citing website overload as proof that ACA is the "worse law ever," I guess I could apply the same logic to Cher being a terrible singer because I wasn't able to buy concert tickets online.
Come on, the TP anarchists dont have connections with some clever 14-year-old that could put together a DDoS attack?
It's not a matter of "wanting" their policyholders to change plans. That's the direct result of the new federal mandate. That's why so many people are royally pissed off, hence the standoff with HOR Republicans.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 13, 2013, 02:49:22 PM
^^No answer to that though I can tell you BCBS premiums did go up at roll out the first of the month. My wife quoted a health policy to a prospective client in her mid '20's last month. For this plan: 80% coinsurance, $5,000 deductible, $40 copay, and $10/50%/100% on Rx plan........prior to October 1st, $78.00 per month. Post October 1st..........$186.77 per month. Her client doesn't qualify for a subsidy.
Welcome to Obamacare! :o
And what were the lifetime limits and out of pocket maximums before and now? I ask because I overheard a conference call the other day where an insurer was complaining about another insurer's excessively high deductibles on their exchange plans.
BCBS is perfectly free to continue offering the old policies to people already on them (and possibly even those who sign up before the end of the year, not sure on that).
..and deciding to look for myself I find that the old plan, which is listed on their site as $56.00 a month for a 25 year old female nonsmoker, has a $2 million lifetime benefit limit, a $15,000 a year max out of pocket, does not cover immunizations at all, mental health services at all, is straight coinsurance for all covered services, and the prescription drug coverage is 50% after a $200 deductible up to a $750 a year maximum benefit. The one listed at $88 is identical except for a lower deductible of only $1500 and thus a $11500 out of pocket maximum.
The Silver-level exchange plan with the same network (Options Silver PPO 004) costs $181.08 for this hypothetical 25 year old and has a $3000 deductible, $6350 out of pocket max, and 80% coinsurance, a $35 copay for office visits and no lifetime maximum. On that plan, preventive care is covered 100%, outpatient surgery is 100% covered after the copay and deductible, and prescription drugs are $0 or $10 for generics and $50 for preferred brand names.
Blue Choice Bronze is closer to the existing coverage (that is listed on the website, anyway), and has a $5000 deductible, $6250 yearly out of pocket maximum, 100% coverage for preventative care (before deductible), and 80% coinsurance, except on outpatient surgery, which is covered 100% after the deductible but with no limits. Even that plan is better than what I can buy on the website today.
Part of the reason for the regulations on what insurance plans have to offer is that many people have been going around for years with insurance that doesn't actually pay enough to keep them from stiffing the hospital/doctor/whoever in a crisis because of lifetime limits or the lack of a yearly out of pocket maximum. Obviously, providing better insurance costs more money. That's the cost of personal responsibility.
Edited to add: If it does turn out they are overcharging, that's OK. It just means a refund to policyholders next year when they don't meet the medical loss ratio requirement.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 10, 2013, 06:36:06 AM
There is a big difference between hits and actual traffic. Your opinion echoes that of our developers. They built this thing over three years, knowing that they would need significant infrastructure to manage it. The point is that the code shouldn't' have been the weakness. Here's the registration script They are not doing anything earth-shattering with the online signup forms, but the data is another issue. Connecting to all of the legacy data systems probably presents a challenge, but $634 million dollars should have been enough to configure the proper connectors to send and receive an insurance application, but that's not what they are doing. They are trying to use the system as far more than it should be used for. They are pulling IRS data, law enforcement data (at least Maryland's exchange admits that your application information can be used for law enforcement), credit scores, and God knows what else. After they have put together this "information package" they then pass it to the appropriate exchange offerings in your state.
Isn't that connection to all the other governmental entities something that you are jazzed about?? As in the "Patriot Act"...? Shouldn't we be able to ensure that no illegals, drug users (take a drug test!), sex offenders (especially those who crime was pissing in the weeds while drunk) or other nondescript ne'er-do-wells are allowed into the system?
This IS the logical conclusion to the Republicontin nonsense of the last 30+ some Dummycrat nonsense. But the Dummycrats BS has been dwarfed by the truly epoch scale of the other side's stupidity.... (Perspective 101... 4,000 : 1)
Yes, policies are becoming more comprehensive.
But why would a 50 year old woman want maternal and prenatal care as well as pediatric vision and dental care?
What's the likelihood a 25 year old woman will need ambulatory or rehabilitative care?
It has removed a lot of the cafeteria option and people are being FORCED to purchase coverage they do not want or need at a given point in their life.
Do you like being forced by mandate to purchase something you don't need?
Quote from: Conan71 on October 14, 2013, 03:10:46 PM
Do you like being forced by mandate to purchase something you don't need?
Glad you! I absolutely abhor being forced by mandate to purchase something that not only do I NOT need, but is totally and completely and absolutely against not just my own and the country's self interest, but the very fiber of my being - the disgusting, despicable actions taken to the tune of nearly 2 Trillion dollars by George Bush and his bunch of gangster buds who sent us into Iraq for no valid reason. Squandering not just the wealth of the country, but the future of so many!
And not only is it also stacked into the rest of the debt that the Republicontins have piled onto us just so their 1/2%er buddies could have massive tax cuts larger than even Reagan envisioned, but it killed over 4,000 of our kids and wounded tens of thousands more. IF we could have those kids back and make whole those tens of thousands, I would gladly - and cheerfully - have NO complaint about the $2 trillion. In fact, double or triple that would be fine with me! But since we can't get there from here, that abominable debt on top of the rest of it just adds massive insult to horrendous injury!
And yeah, I do have some blame for Blowbama in this - he is worse than useless as a President on a couple of fronts - first his ignorance and stupidstition about the 2nd Amendment, but even more, his absolutely spineless caving in when it came to letting the Bush temporary cuts expire! At this point in our recovery, based on 70 years or more of very well documented past experience, we would have been MUCH further along the road to recovery - we would have reached "recovered" by now - and many more people would no doubt be enjoying gainful employment. Well, except for us old people - we would still be out of luck....but everyone else would be healed up for several years!
How about you? How you liking that nearly $1 trillion dollars Bush got you to pay to the pharmaceuticals for so-called Medicare drug benefit? Adding over $400 billion to the debt according to the Congressional Budget Office. And those same CBO guys are still guessing that ACA will reduce the budget deficit over the next 20 years or so....always a good thing. How is it again that one would want to protect themselves from fiscal responsibility and reduced debt? Oh, yeah...we keep electing Jim Inhofe.....sorry - irrelevant question.
Beautiful weekend last, wonderful mild day with some rain today...great day for a rant!
Quote from: Conan71 on October 14, 2013, 03:10:46 PM
But why would a 50 year old woman want maternal and prenatal care as well as pediatric vision and dental care?
It's not now and has never been uncommon to have..surprises, even at 50. Yeah, you got the snip, but part of pooling risk and enabling easy comparison shopping is (mostly) standardizing coverage. The idea is to make it more like Wal-Mart and less like a car dealer.
What's the likelihood a 25 year old woman will need ambulatory or rehabilitative care?
Pretty high, if she gets in a car wreck. Or, for a lower chance thing, turns out to have multiple sclerosis, which will start to become evident around then. Or maybe breaks her neck in a skydiving accident. Whatever. Back when I was a kid a friend's dad tripped on the stairs coming out of a courthouse and hit his head. Usually that's no big deal. In his case it resulted in a brain hemorrhage necessitating brain surgery, from which he ended up getting meningitis and became paralyzed for a while, although he recovered. There were lasting effects on mood and personality. Point being that smile happens. You're buying the insurance as much for the protection of the people who have to fix you up regardless of your ability to pay as much as yourself. Having a patchwork of exceptions defeats the purpose.
I'm going to say this just one time, and I've infuriated many right-leaning friends of mine when I ask this when they can't give me an acceptable answer.
We are required to carry insurance on our car or cars in almost every state. Why?
Why don't republicans/tea party members hoot and holler about repealing auto insurance? What's the difference?
Just an honest question.
Quote from: Hoss on October 15, 2013, 12:40:25 AM
I'm going to say this just one time, and I've infuriated many right-leaning friends of mine when I ask this when they can't give me an acceptable answer.
We are required to carry insurance on our car or cars in almost every state. Why?
Why don't republicans/tea party members hoot and holler about repealing auto insurance? What's the difference?
Just an honest question.
I'm going to say this just one time, and I've infuriated many left-leaning friends of mine when I ask this when they don't accept this as an acceptable answer because they refuse to employ logic.
We are not required to purchase a car!
That is why. :D
Quote from: Gaspar on October 15, 2013, 07:23:06 AM
I'm going to say this just one time, and I've infuriated many left-leaning friends of mine when I ask this when they don't accept this as an acceptable answer because they refuse to employ logic.
We are not required to purchase a car!
That is why. :D
Did you know, however, that if you drive, even if you don't own a car, you're expected to carry insurance?
So the design of the Obamacare website was a no-bid contract awarded to a Canadian company known for spotty performance and inconsistent pricing. The company was previously fired by the Canadian government for failure to meet deadlines. Should be fun to follow the money on this one!
CGI Federal is a subsidiary of Montreal-based CGI Group. With offices in Fairfax, Va., the subsidiary has been a darling of the Obama administration, which since 2009 has bestowed it with $1.4 billion in federal contracts, according to
CGI Federal's parent company, Montreal-based CGI Group, was officially terminated in September 2012 by an Ontario government health agency after the firm missed three years of deadlines and failed to deliver the province's flagship online medical registry.
CGI was a much smaller vendor when it was approved by HHS in 2007. With the approval, CGI became eligible for multiple awards without public notice and in circumvention of the normal competitive bidding procurement process.
General Accountability Office acting counsel Linda H. Gibson noted that at the time CMS officials had only rated some of CGI's previous services as "fair."
Former Spite House press secretary Robert Gibbs says heads should roll.
Quote from: Hoss on October 15, 2013, 12:40:25 AM
I'm going to say this just one time, and I've infuriated many right-leaning friends of mine when I ask this when they can't give me an acceptable answer.
We are required to carry insurance on our car or cars in almost every state. Why?
Why don't republicans/tea party members hoot and holler about repealing auto insurance? What's the difference?
Just an honest question.
Two different issues. With one type of insurance, you purchase it to protect others from your neglect. With the other you purchase it to protect yourself from your own neglect.
I can mitigate my own risks and determine how much of the costs I'm ultimately able or willing to pay out of my own pocket if my car is damaged. Therefore I select higher deductibles on the parts of my auto insurance which protect my investment in my car: comp and collision.
The requirement for liability insurance is to protect others from my own negligent behavior. If I were texting, crossed the center line and sent a family of four to the hospital, it helps to remunerate them for someone else's negligent behavior, regardless of how much they chose to self-insure themselves on their vehicle and/or split the risk with their insurer. If it's an accident with injuries, chances are a good portion of that liability settlement are going to medical bills and rehab costs. If someone hits me in my car, on my motorcycle, or on my bicycle it's far more likely than not they don't have the personal funds to pay for two weeks of hospitalization, months of re-hab, and lost wages. From that aspect, it's a joke how low they allow the liability limits to be. You can blow through $50K in under a week in the ICU alone coupled with surgeries.
Sure there's benefit to me in helping to create a financial shield should I get sued for auto negligence, but that is not the reason it's mandatory to be purchased, it's simply to protect other folk.
The government makes all sorts of laws to protect citizens from the negligent acts of other citizens. Compulsory auto liability is but one of them.
Forcing me or my employer to purchase health insurance on my behalf with many coverages I do not need is an entirely different issue. Should I decline to purchase that insurance even though I may have the funds to self-insure against a health crisis, I'm assessed a penalty. This also mandates employers over a certain size to now provide something which was an optional employee benefit in the past and forces them to make it a part of compensation packages...or else.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 15, 2013, 08:14:15 AM
Former Spite House press secretary Robert Gibbs says heads should roll.
I agree wholeheartedly! Let's start with the ACA's namesake and work our way down!
BTW, congrats papa!
Quote from: nathanm on October 15, 2013, 12:26:31 AM
It's not now and has never been uncommon to have..surprises, even at 50. Yeah, you got the snip, but part of pooling risk and enabling easy comparison shopping is (mostly) standardizing coverage. The idea is to make it more like Wal-Mart and less like a car dealer.
Pretty high, if she gets in a car wreck. Or, for a lower chance thing, turns out to have multiple sclerosis, which will start to become evident around then. Or maybe breaks her neck in a skydiving accident. Whatever. Back when I was a kid a friend's dad tripped on the stairs coming out of a courthouse and hit his head. Usually that's no big deal. In his case it resulted in a brain hemorrhage necessitating brain surgery, from which he ended up getting meningitis and became paralyzed for a while, although he recovered. There were lasting effects on mood and personality. Point being that smile happens. You're buying the insurance as much for the protection of the people who have to fix you up regardless of your ability to pay as much as yourself. Having a patchwork of exceptions defeats the purpose.
Wow, that's a lot of hypotheticals which deal with "small chances". Let's be honest here. By far, more money is spent on ambulatory and re-hab care on 60+ citizens than any other group.
In the past, if a 50 year old woman wanted to be knocked up, she could choose to purchase maternity and well baby coverage as a part of her plan. Or if said 50 year old wanted to be knocked up, chances are she can afford the out of pocket costs.
Quote from: Hoss on October 15, 2013, 07:26:24 AM
Did you know, however, that if you drive, even if you don't own a car, you're expected to carry insurance?
You are not required to drive.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 15, 2013, 08:55:32 AM
I agree wholeheartedly! Let's start with the ACA's namesake and work our way down!
BTW, congrats papa!
Thanks. We're probably headed home this afternoon. Much easier than the last two kids!
Quote from: Gaspar on October 15, 2013, 07:23:06 AM
I'm going to say this just one time, and I've infuriated many left-leaning friends of mine when I ask this when they don't accept this as an acceptable answer because they refuse to employ logic.
We are not required to purchase a car!
That is why. :D
Nice try, but rather intellectually plebian. What you say MIGHT be true in a universe where the people who don't want to buy insurance actually, truly wanted to accept the personal responsibility of their own actions and not burden the rest of us with going to a hospital for care when there narcissistic approach gets them into some kind of adverse health situation due to inattention to surroundings/circumstances, or self-inflicted issues, or just random accidents.
If someone doesn't want to buy insurance - fine - stay out of the health care system completely. Even if you can pay cash - someone has had to subsidize the health care you are wanting to mooch off of, no matter what the source....even private providers (hospitals, pharmaceuticals, equipment, etc) are getting public dole money to help support their operations and about 1/3 of that is extra the rest of us have to end up paying because of the uninsured.
We are interconnected - it is a shared risk pool. But people with that attitude who don't participate are merely parasites trying to leech off the work of others. (Isn't that one of the articles of faith of the RWRE? And why is it again that they are so against the plan that THEY cooked up? Oh, yeah....I remember now...)
Quote from: Conan71 on October 15, 2013, 08:51:36 AM
Sure there's benefit to me in helping to create a financial shield should I get sued for auto negligence, but that is not the reason it's mandatory to be purchased, it's simply to protect other folk.
Those precise words can be used to describe health insurance. It is there to protect the hospital and the doctors from getting stiffed when you can't pay. And it's not as if this is a rare issue. Uncompensated care was $41 billion in 2011. It's as much a matter of responsibility as liability insurance on your auto. You don't get a choice as to whether or not you carry insurance because the hospital and doctors working there don't get a choice as to whether or not they try to keep you from dying.
Granted, there is also the part of the law that is more about improving outcomes (and thus lowering lifetime cost) by getting earlier treatment, which is why qualifying plans are required to be relatively comprehensive. At present, people wait until they're on Medicare to get stuff treated that would be cheaper if treatment was begun earlier in life, driving the cost of that program up. We shouldn't be allowed to foist our costs onto hospitals and doctors and insurance companies should not be allowed to foist their costs onto Medicare.
Quote from: nathanm on October 15, 2013, 12:55:37 PM
Those precise words can be used to describe health insurance. It is there to protect the hospital and the doctors from getting stiffed when you can't pay. And it's not as if this is a rare issue. Uncompensated care was $41 billion in 2011. It's as much a matter of responsibility as liability insurance on your auto. You don't get a choice as to whether or not you carry insurance because the hospital and doctors working there don't get a choice as to whether or not they try to keep you from dying.
That's nowhere close to an accurate comparison and you know it.
The price of health care already takes into consideration expected losses from charge-off. No different than how retail business adds in shrinkage from theft and spoilage into the prices you pay at the register.
All Obamacare accomplishes by heavily subsidizing insurance for those who would have been charge-offs before is simply tax the other users of the system via penalty or higher premium costs. It really doesn't solve any problem by the time you wash it out. Rate payers still end up picking up the tab for non-rate payers, it's just the payment point is re-jiggered assuming that the price per procedure comes down as a result of ACA, which I don't see any initial signs that will be the case.
Keep in mind, 30 million Americans still will not have coverage. That doesn't do a whole lot to mitigate charge offs as hospitals can't turn away someone with critical injuries and no way to pay.
QuoteWhen we talk about the Affordable Care Act, we mostly focus on the millions of Americans who will gain health insurance coverage. We talk less about the millions who will remain uninsured.
And there are a lot of them: 30 million Americans will not have coverage under Obamacare, according to a new analysis in the journal Health Affairs.
"Even if the law were fully implemented, there would have been 26 million uninsured people," co-author Steffie Woolhandler said in an interview Thursday. "This isn't just about the Medicaid expansion. This is the system as originally designed."
Thirty million is a lot smaller than the 48.6 million Americans who lack insurance coverage right now. It's also, as Woolhandler points out, not exactly breaking news: The Congressional Budget Office estimated over a year ago that between 26 million and 27 million Americans would not have insurance under the expansion.
Quote from: nathanm on October 15, 2013, 12:55:37 PM
Granted, there is also the part of the law that is more about improving outcomes (and thus lowering lifetime cost) by getting earlier treatment, which is why qualifying plans are required to be relatively comprehensive. At present, people wait until they're on Medicare to get stuff treated that would be cheaper if treatment was begun earlier in life, driving the cost of that program up. We shouldn't be allowed to foist our costs onto hospitals and doctors and insurance companies should not be allowed to foist their costs onto Medicare.
Regardless of how accessible you make health care there are simply some people who won't go to the doctor until that lump on the side of their neck is the size of an orange or until those nagging headaches are now accompanied by vertigo and black-out sessions. People are naturally afraid of bad news. If someone buys a bronze plan with a high co-pay due to household budget concerns, they still won't prioritize going to the doctor because they can't afford the office visit cost.
There needs to be a whole lot more awareness of a proactive approach to health. That's the primary reason other countries have better "outcomes". They commute by foot and bicycle more. Their governments ban suspect food additives, and people's attitudes about diet and health are much different than ours are. Americans are far too accustomed to making poor choices based on convenience. I consider myself very blessed that I no longer have to travel quite a bit in my career. I can make better intake choices and have time for exercise as well as commuting to work by bicycle when it's convenient.
The single best things I've done to improve my outcomes since I turned 40 are quitting tobacco use, losing 60 pounds, changing my eating habits to avoid suspected and known carcinogens and agents which help cause all sorts of allergies, making daily exercise a priority. I've always done annual check-ups and gone to the Dr. when I knew "something wasn't right".
That in itself wouldn't result in better outcomes if I still had a cigarette hanging out of my mouth and I weighed 225 pounds.
Daily Kos "diarist" has been hit in the face with the reality of ACA:
QuoteMy wife and I just got our updates from Kaiser telling us what our 2014 rates will be. Her monthly has been $168 this year, mine $150. We have a high deductible. We are generally healthy people who don't go to the doctor often. I barely ever go. The insurance is in case of a major catastrophe.
Well, now, because of Obamacare, my wife's rate is gong to $302 per month and mine is jumping to $284.
I am canceling insurance for us and I am not paying any bucking penalty. What the hell kind of reform is this?
Oh, ok, if we qualify, we can get some government assistance. Great. So now I have to jump through another hoop to just chisel some of this off. And we don't qualify, anyway, so what's the point?
I never felt too good about how this was passed and what it entailed, but I figured if it saved Americans money, I could go along with it.
I don't know what to think now. This appears, in my experience, to not be a reform for the people.
What am I missing?
I realize I will probably get screamed at for posting this, but I can't imagine I am the only Californian who just received a rate increase from Kaiser based on these new laws.
Sounds like they don't want in the HDHP game any more.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 16, 2013, 02:08:05 PM
Daily Kos "diarist" has been hit in the face with the reality of ACA:
These are the people that are going to pay more. The people that only have the catastrophic coverage. ACA requires certain minimum levels of coverage that are more expensive than what just catastrophic covered.
My coverage goes up about $30 a month. Less than 10% increase...three years ago it went up by $64 a month with no particular justification at all. So, no biggie....
Unfortunately "saving Americans money" does not mean "saving every individual American money," at least in the short run. In the long run, probably, if the Heritage Foundation was right back when they were for it before they were against it and it does actually bend the cost curve downward. And even then, it's savings in the sense of lower growth in cost, not actual decline.
Young people's costs go up, old people's costs go down, and a bunch of people who couldn't previously get health insurance at any price now can. Unless your insurance-sponsoring employer hasn't been unnecessarily messing with their plans, in which case things remain about the same for you, except that the cost increases have slowed. (Whether or not due to Obamacare, it is what has happened)
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on October 16, 2013, 03:22:36 PM
My coverage goes up about $30 a month. Less than 10% increase...three years ago it went up by $64 a month with no particular justification at all. So, no biggie....
So did many others. Our company's outlay for health premiums has gone up by 50% over three years. The primary reason claimed is a direct result of the passage of Obamacare.
Sorry, I'm just gloating about the people who only heard: "The average family's premium costs will go down $2500 per year." and bought it hook line and sinker.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 16, 2013, 03:39:47 PM
Sorry, I'm just gloating about the people who only heard: "The average family's premium costs will go down $2500 per year." and bought it hook line and sinker.
Just like many were convinced there was going to be death panels.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on October 16, 2013, 03:22:36 PM
My coverage goes up about $30 a month. Less than 10% increase...three years ago it went up by $64 a month with no particular justification at all. So, no biggie....
I'm also not seeing my insurance go up a whole lot. Nothing more than I would normally expect given the last 10 years of increases. I guess it is a miracle.
Investigation into Obamacare launch now being launched!. . .by Democrats.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 16, 2013, 03:39:47 PM
So did many others. Our company's outlay for health premiums has gone up by 50% over three years. The primary reason claimed is a direct result of the passage of Obamacare.
Sorry, I'm just gloating about the people who only heard: "The average family's premium costs will go down $2500 per year." and bought it hook line and sinker.
The highest increases I have experienced were WAY before Affordable Care Act. What I expect is with more people covered, over the next several years, my subsidizing of uninsured will let those increases be more reasonable.
Tweaking (to improve) the current law will be necessary to make it work better. As of the last couple years, I have a dependent grandkid on insurance who would have fallen off. Big relief.
And pre-existing conditions can kiss my fat furry small horse-like creature that can carry small bundled loads! Well, I don't actually have any pre-existing, but if I did, they could kiss it!!
Quote from: CharlieSheen on October 16, 2013, 04:37:07 PM
I'm also not seeing my insurance go up a whole lot. Nothing more than I would normally expect given the last 10 years of increases. I guess it is a miracle.
Wow! Ours did. United pooped out because of the new regs, so our company had to purchase a similar plan from BCBS this year. That took ours up around 30% for the same coverage.
Health insurance premiums this year were expected to be about 5% up from last year. That growth rate was projected as a 15 year low.
In reality premiums came in even lower than that, at around a 4% increase.
This despite an increase in benefits by removing preexisting conditions, lifetime maximums and raising the age that children age out to 26.
So far what I have learned from this thread is that premiums went way up for republicans and not so much for democrats.
That is some trick.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on October 16, 2013, 07:41:26 PM
So far what I have learned from this thread is that premiums went way up for republicans and not so much for democrats.
That is some trick.
Or you either are or work for people who don't know what they are doing.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on October 16, 2013, 07:41:26 PM
So far what I have learned from this thread is that premiums went way up for republicans and not so much for democrats.
That is some trick.
Mine went up $30 a month. That's almost 10%.... won't be a biggie to pay that, but it seems like "way up" compared to other cost increases I have in life. When I keep it in context to the coverage, and the possibility that we might need it, well, I don't complain too much. Our annual medical costs (if paid for directly without insurance) have almost always been less - usually much less - than the total premium cost. Even with the grandkid recently, it is still less. I feel blessed for that - the doc never ceases to be amazed that I am not about to die of something - and look at it as paying that money to not have medical issues.
It IS a whole lot more than car insurance and house insurance...combined. One car and the house is about 1/3 of that annual cost. But I can replace those things relatively cheaply - tougher to replace this old carcass without major expense.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on October 16, 2013, 07:41:26 PM
So far what I have learned from this thread is that premiums went way up for republicans and not so much for democrats.
That is some trick.
Not really Dem/Repub. Most everyone I know has seen a rather significant increase and/or reduction of service. The cost of low end plans has remained relatively stable because they already have high deductibles and limited options. My company likes to provide employees with the best plan available from the provider and then pays 50% (typical for many companies). Two years ago when Prudential pulled out, we were transitioned into United. They increased our deductibles and co-pays for essentially the same coverage and doctor network. The rep at that time cited the anticipated cost of compliance as a reason for the changes. Last year when United stopped offering our plan we were left with BSBC. I like their coverage and service, but they are significantly higher on deductible and co-pay if you want to get the monthly fee down. To soften the blow my employer pays each employee an additional cash bonus each year of $500 to be dedicated to medical expenses.
Basically the difference you see is not Repup vs. Dem, because we have a few Dems that work for us. I also have many friends and clients that are small business owners with both full and part time staff, some are even still Democrats. Each and every one has cited increases in their plans, and most (anyone who did not have BCBS to begin with) have had to switch companies as the competitive landscape shrinks in the face of increased regulation.
If you actually read the articles that Swake proudly posted, the "slow growth" of insurance price increases back in March was due to continued high unemployment, a slow economy, and fewer employers participating in health plans. Not really much of a victory. Yey! No one has to pay more for insurance because they are unemployed!
I don't have many friends that work for the government, unions or similar sectors, so I can't comment on how the protected labor sectors have been affected so far, but they have secured many wavers and have the negotiating power to better protect their folks. It's really just the small business person and their employees that suffer.
RM- I do believe the three who are saying premiums didn't increase that much work for larger employers. No one seems to mention if it's their personal share of the premium which has gone up or the premium that the company pays on their behalf. Personally, I only pay for my dependent coverage, mine has been completely comped by the company since my fifth anniversary with the company. That was a long-standing policy of the company for years but is being phased out due to the costs. /edit: fortunately, those of us who already have this benefit are grandfathered in.
Assuming that larger corporations likely have had lower overall premium increases since they are a big catch and bring in a larger pool of premiums.
A small company like ours brings 12 insureds and their dependents to the table. Increases are simply the reality for small businesses and has nothing to do with "people not knowing what they are doing" as Sheen claims.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 17, 2013, 09:40:43 AM
RM- I do believe the three who are saying premiums didn't increase that much work for larger employers. No one seems to mention if it's their personal share of the premium which has gone up or the premium that the company pays on their behalf. Personally, I only pay for my dependent coverage, mine has been completely comped by the company since my fifth anniversary with the company. That was a long-standing policy of the company for years but is being phased out due to the costs.
Assuming that larger corporations Larger companies likely have had lower overall premium increases since they are a big catch and bring in a larger pool of premiums.
A small company like ours brings 12 insureds and their dependents to the table. Increases are simply the reality for small businesses and has nothing to do with "people not knowing what they are doing" as Sheen claims.
Sounds like there needs to be a larger pool that you could buy into like the bigger businesses to keep your premiums lower.
Quote from: swake on October 16, 2013, 07:32:21 PM
Health insurance premiums this year were expected to be about 5% up from last year. That growth rate was projected as a 15 year low.
This despite an increase in benefits by removing preexisting conditions, lifetime maximums and raising the age that children age out to 26.
Did you read this article? The only good news was in the headline. Read on:
QuoteEmployer health care costs slowed this year to a five percent increase, the slowest growth in 15 years, but just one in four companies say they are "very confident" they will offer medical benefits 10 years from now even as more costs are shifted to their workers, a new analysis shows.
A report linked here from benefits consulting firm Towers Watson and the National Business Group on Health, a coalition of large employers, said employers expect total costs for "active employees" to rise 5.1 percent in 2013 to $12,136. That compares to $11,457 in 2012.
The slowing of the rate of health care cost increases comes amid a sluggish economy and a period of high unemployment that has made it easier for companies to reduce benefits of their workers. And like other surveys, the Towers Watson report shows employers are continuing to shift the cost of the total premium onto their workers with the employee share of the costs rising to 37 percent this year from 34 percent in 2011.
The cost-shifting trend is expected to continue as employers wrestle with the uncertainty that lies ahead with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, which will expand health benefits to millions of uninsured Americans via an expanded Medicaid program for the poor or through online exchanges where uninsured will buy government-subsidized private coverage.
"We expect employers to take more aggressive action, using emerging strategies to improve delivery, cost management and employee accountability," said Ron Fontanetta, senior health care consultant for Towers Watson.
As the health law is rolled out and uninsured individuals and small businesses turn to the online marketplaces known as "exchanges" to purchase their benefits, large employers are bracing to see how that may impact them.
Some employers are thinking about whether they will even offer benefits in the future. Just 26 percent, or about one in four employers in the survey, said they are "very confident that health care benefits will be offered by their organization 10 years from now," the report said.
The net result is those who end up paying a higher share of their premium costs or those who already have a catastrophic personal plan and now have to buy a more comprehensive plan is that money gets sucked out of the consumer economy. That's yet one more reason I'm not an enthusiastic supporter of Obamacare. I've been giving serious thought about shifting gears and doing something different in the next few years career-wise but losing employer-paid health benefits may well put a damper on that depending on what exchange costs are at that point.
I'm willing to admit, not near enough is known at this point as to what all the real costs will be to employers, employees, and the overall effects on the economy. I'd hope I can look back two or three years from now and see that a lot of the predictions of even higher premium costs as more previously uninsurable risks enter the pool are wrong as well as deleterious effects on the economy. I'm just not that optimistic that will happen given the realities of economics.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on October 17, 2013, 09:43:27 AM
Sounds like there needs to be a larger pool that you could buy into like the bigger businesses to keep your premiums lower.
Unfortunately there isn't. We work with a broker out of OKC who specializes in small business plans. There are basically three insurers left serving Oklahoma so options are limited. If Oklahoma were deemed a more lucrative market, I would assume we'd have 30+ companies clamoring for business. That's what happens when competition shrinks: prices tend to go up.
Insurance companies won't treat smaller businesses as one large pool. It may also have to do with higher risk with smaller companies. Being in the heat exchange fabrication and mechanical contracting business might not help us either as the risk for injury is greater and lets just say that the guys who work in the shop aren't exactly as health-conscious as I am these days.
I have a friend who is an actuary for BCBS, I'll quiz him about whether or not small businesses are deemed more of a risk than larger pools.
Other part I hadn't thought of is many large companies actually self-insure and have the plan managed and administrated by an insurance company. At least a Fortune 500 company I used to work for did that. I'm not sure how many are doing so these days and how much that has mitigated rising costs to the company since in reality, they pay your medical bill and pay a percentage for someone else to actually manage that, rather than the insurer taking on a lot of new risk.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 17, 2013, 09:54:58 AM
Did you read this article? The only good news was in the headline. Read on:
The net result is those who end up paying a higher share of their premium costs or those who already have a catastrophic personal plan and now have to buy a more comprehensive plan is that money gets sucked out of the consumer economy. That's yet one more reason I'm not an enthusiastic supporter of Obamacare. I've been giving serious thought about shifting gears and doing something different in the next few years career-wise but losing employer-paid health benefits may well put a damper on that depending on what exchange costs are at that point.
I'm willing to admit, not near enough is known at this point as to what all the real costs will be to employers, employees, and the overall effects on the economy. I'd hope I can look back two or three years from now and see that a lot of the predictions of even higher premium costs as more previously uninsurable risks enter the pool are wrong as well as deleterious effects on the economy. I'm just not that optimistic that will happen given the realities of economics.
Some of the stuff you bolded. 25% of companies "are very confident they will offer medical benefits in 10 years?" This doesn't have anything to do with ACA. It has been coming for quite a while. Is the ACA a great thing to point at and blame so they company doesn't take the heat? Hell yes it is! If there are any more healthcare laws passed closer to that time they will blame that one. A great cost savings to the businesses. They cut your insurance and then pay you 80% of what they were spending before in increased wages to compensate. Then the next generation of workers will eventually not get the 80% increase in pay because they benefit wasn't there when they started.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 17, 2013, 10:04:27 AM
Unfortunately there isn't. We work with a broker out of OKC who specializes in small business plans. There are basically three insurers left serving Oklahoma so options are limited. If Oklahoma were deemed a more lucrative market, I would assume we'd have 30+ companies clamoring for business. That's what happens when competition shrinks: prices tend to go up.
Insurance companies won't treat smaller businesses as one large pool. It may also have to do with higher risk with smaller companies. Being in the heat exchange fabrication and mechanical contracting business might not help us either as the risk for injury is greater and lets just say that the guys who work in the shop aren't exactly as health-conscious as I am these days.
I have a friend who is an actuary for BCBS, I'll quiz him about whether or not small businesses are deemed more of a risk than larger pools.
Other part I hadn't thought of is many large companies actually self-insure and have the plan managed and administrated by an insurance company. At least a Fortune 500 company I used to work for did that. I'm not sure how many are doing so these days and how much that has mitigated rising costs to the company since in reality, they pay your medical bill and pay a percentage for someone else to actually manage that, rather than the insurer taking on a lot of new risk.
My company is self insured. To me since my company is self insured the full effects of the ACA should be very direct. They did say the ACA cause rates to go up. Those 22-26 year olds and pre-existing conditions will cost more. Obviously it isn't much more than we have had in the past or I would feel it. But I think we need to see what 2015 brings. They could be over or under estimating.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on October 17, 2013, 10:06:42 AM
Some of the stuff you bolded. 25% of companies "are very confident they will offer medical benefits in 10 years?" This doesn't have anything to do with ACA. It has been coming for quite a while. A great cost savings to the businesses. They cut your insurance and then pay you 80% of what they were spending before in increased wages to compensate. Then the next generation of workers will eventually not get the 80% increase in pay because they benefit wasn't there when they started.
Care to cite something which shows ACA is not a factor in reduced benefits?
There's article upon article over the last three years which have shown that Obamacare is a factor in decreasing benefits to employees and their families. The larger point is Obamacare was cited as a panacea for health insurance and it wasn't supposed to change a thing for those with coverage already. That's simply not true.
Question: Are companies cutting employees' benefits because of Obamacare?
Answer: Yes
The simple answer is yes. But, this doesn't mean all companies are pulling back on employee benefits, and for those that are, Obamacare may not be the only reason for the cutbacks. So the explanation is two-fold.
This past spring, President Obama said that little will change for the 85% to 90% of Americans who already have health coverage. He said all that will change is that "their insurance is stronger, better, more secure than it was before."
But over the past few months, we've discovered that's actually not the case at a growing number of companies -- big and small.
Several employers, including UPS, Delta Air Lines, the University of Virginia, Trader Joe's, and Home Depot have announced changes to their employee benefits and cited Obamacare as the reason for the cutbacks on benefits.
The employer mandate only pertains to companies with at least 50 full-time workers. Those employers must offer coverage for full-time workers and dependents, and the plans must cost no more than 9.5% of a worker's income. By 2015, employers will have to contribute at least 50% of an employee's premium cost to receive tax credits in the new exchanges. If an employer with 50 or more workers does not offer its employees health coverage, or the coverage is not deemed sufficient under Obamacare, the company will be required to pay penalties. The company will be required to pay a fine per employee who's not covered, but the first 30 full-time workers are exempted, so smaller businesses that don't provide coverage will be burdened less than bigger businesses that don't provide coverage.
The law only pertains to full-time workers -- those who work an average of 30 or more hours a week -- which means some employers may cut worker hours below that 30-hour threshold to avoid the expense of providing health coverage. Workers who aren't provided coverage by their employers must purchase coverage through the new exchange in their state, or obtain an exemption.
As a result of these new requirements under Obamacare, some workers will not have coverage that's "better, more secure than it was before." UPS told employees that health reform is contributing a 4% increase to the cost of coverage for 2014, while health care inflation adds another 7.25% increase in costs. Delta said that Obamacare and inflation would increase costs by $100 million for the major airliner -- contributing $38 million to health reform. As a result, UPS said it's dropping coverage for employees' spouses who have access to coverage elsewhere. Delta said it will have to pass along some of its rising costs to employees. Plus, Home Depot and Trader Joe's announced they will drop part-time workers from their coverage.
The individual mandate will also impact employers. Since Americans are required to have coverage beginning January 1, 2014, many people who previously opted out of their employer-sponsored coverage will now enroll for coverage. Delta estimates this will add $14 million to its annual costs.
Part of the idea behind Obamacare was to maintain Americans' current health coverage as much as possible, increase consumer protections in the health insurance marketplace, reduce costs and to cover Americans who are currently uninsured. So although jobs will remain the most common source of coverage for Americans, people who work part-time, low-wage jobs or for smaller companies, are most likely to lose their employer-based coverage. They then must use the exchanges to purchase individual insurance.
But remember, only companies with 50 or more full-time workers are impacted by the employer mandate, so businesses smaller than that may not be impacted very much at all by the new reform (unless employees who previously opted out of the employer's coverage decide to opt in to meet their individual requirement). As of 2010, there were roughly 5.7 million small employers -- defined as those with fewer than 500 workers -- in the U.S. About 97% of them had fewer than 50 employees. That means Obamacare's employer mandate would apply only to 3% of America's small businesses. That's fewer than 200,000 companies.
So while it is true that Obamacare is raising costs on employers, health care reform isn't solely to blame. There are other factors increasing health care costs, such as the improving economy. When the economy is healthier, people typically use more medical care, and costs increase across the board.
Although many companies have announced cutbacks and shifting costs to employees, not all employers are planning to do the same. Starbucks' CEO Howard Schultz told CNN that Obamacare may raise the company's insurance costs, but Starbucks will not change its coverage.
Here's a list of employers both public and private who are cutting hours to 30 hours or less a week to avoid having to participate in Obamacare or at least limit their benefit costs. The ACA is directly cited as the cause:
The point you appeared to be trying to make from the bolded section was that because of Obamacare a lot of employers weren't going to offer insurance.
There are more articles like this and it is been going for a while. ( (
"Shifting a greater share of spiraling healthcare costs to employees is a trend that is likely to continue"
Eventually that trend will be 100%.
I don't think we have enough information on how much more everything will cost next year. Based on the numbers now I don't think it will change the time table when my company decides to no longer provide subsidized health benefits. It still seems like even if we all paid 100% we would be better off than small businesses.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on October 17, 2013, 10:44:53 AM
The point you appeared to be trying to make from the bolded section was that because of Obamacare a lot of employers weren't going to offer insurance.
There are more articles like this and it is been going for a while. ( (
"Shifting a greater share of spiraling healthcare costs to employees is a trend that is likely to continue"
Eventually that trend will be 100%.
I don't think we have enough information on how much more everything will cost next year. Based on the numbers now I don't think it will change the time table when my company decides to no longer provide subsidized health benefits. It still seems like even if we all paid 100% we would be better off than small businesses.
You quote two articles that pre-date enactment of ACA by five years to refute articles published three years after ACA was passed which spell out the reasons for employers making even more cuts to benefits? Growing benefit costs have always been a detriment to employers. Surprise! Eight years later, they still are! Specifically, employers are citing the ACA as a factor in cutting benefits. What is so hard to accept about that?
If you recall, Obamacare was supposed to help get more employers on board. It does not appear to be achieving this lofty goal.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 17, 2013, 11:36:26 AM
You quote two articles that pre-date enactment of ACA by five years to refute articles published three years after ACA was passed which spell out the reasons for employers making even more cuts to benefits? Growing benefit costs have always been a detriment to employers. Surprise! Eight years later, they still are! Specifically, employers are citing the ACA as a factor in cutting benefits. What is so hard to accept about that?
If you recall, Obamacare was supposed to help get more employers on board. It does not appear to be achieving this lofty goal.
How else do you show that employers are trying to ween themselves out of the healthcare business prior to ACA? If it wasn't before Obama was elected they will just blame the ACA. Employers like to act like the car salesman/manager bit. Your company is your friend and is looking out for you. They want you to have sunshine and rainbows and be happy. It's not them that you are negotiating with its the manager (ACA). Its outside of their hands so you can't blame them. So with that I agree that dropping your part time workers to less hours will save businesses money. But I don't trust what businesses say about much else. Because they want out and they have somebody to blame.
Quote from: Conan71 on October 17, 2013, 09:40:43 AM
RM- I do believe the three who are saying premiums didn't increase that much work for larger employers. No one seems to mention if it's their personal share of the premium which has gone up or the premium that the company pays on their behalf. Personally, I only pay for my dependent coverage, mine has been completely comped by the company since my fifth anniversary with the company. That was a long-standing policy of the company for years but is being phased out due to the costs. /edit: fortunately, those of us who already have this benefit are grandfathered in.
I probably work for the biggest company of anyone here (unless someone is at Walmart - almost triple AMR). It is my personal premium that went up just under 10%. Could have been much worse, but they also have a health and wellness program that cuts one some slack if participate. We self insure, so don't know how much the costs of that part have gone up. Probably about the normal national rate.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on October 17, 2013, 02:44:00 PM
I probably work for the biggest company of anyone here (unless someone is at Walmart - almost triple AMR). It is my personal premium that went up just under 10%. Could have been much worse, but they also have a health and wellness program that cuts one some slack if participate. We self insure, so don't know how much the costs of that part have gone up. Probably about the normal national rate.
Hmm. Sounds suspciously like where I work, but my company isn't extremely large. Probably about 500 employees globally. We self-insure and my premiums last year to this year increased about 3 percent. Which is less of an increase than at my old place of employment. We have a wellness program that does the same (actually cuts insurance nearly in half for participants).
My company has about 3,000 employees and we have open enrollment going on now. There's no increase on employee contributions this year. None last year either. Aetna is the insurance company in Oklahoma but I think there are others in other states. I'm actually insured through my wife with BCBS. She works for one of the tribes with no increase that I know of. My company pays me enough to NOT be insured with them that it covers our cost of insurance on her plan. And her plan is better than mine. And it's not Aetna, which is always good.
Quote from: swake on October 17, 2013, 03:10:52 PM
My company has about 3,000 employees and we have open enrollment going on now. There's no increase on employee contributions this year. None last year either. Aetna is the insurance company in Oklahoma but I think there are others in other states. I'm actually insured through my wife with BCBS. She works for one of the tribes with no increase that I know of. My company pays me enough to NOT be insured with them that it covers our cost of insurance on her plan. And her plan is better than mine. And it's not Aetna, which is always good.
Back in the eighties, Aetna was a really good insurance company to have. When my mother got hurt, her hospital bills were in the low 6 figure range. With my dad's insurance at Sunoco, I think he wound up paying about 500 dollars out of pocket for that. Now..well, before the companies would have likely cut her off after a certain amount, because face it..low six figures today is probably closer to mid or high six figures now.
Quote from: swake on October 17, 2013, 03:10:52 PM
My company has about 3,000 employees and we have open enrollment going on now. There's no increase on employee contributions this year. None last year either. Aetna is the insurance company in Oklahoma but I think there are others in other states. I'm actually insured through my wife with BCBS. She works for one of the tribes with no increase that I know of. My company pays me enough to NOT be insured with them that it covers our cost of insurance on her plan. And her plan is better than mine. And it's not Aetna, which is always good.
Definitely big enough to self-insure, Aetna is another clue that may be the case. IIRC, Aetna was who managed the program at the company I used to work at and that is one of the services they offer.
Looks like they are now making that service available for medium sized employers:
QuoteHARTFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aetna (NYSE: AET) is making it easier for mid-sized employers to provide health benefits directly to employees and assume the financial risk for their employees' claims, with Aetna's administrative support. Aetna Funding Advantage (AFA) delivers all the benefits of traditional self-insurance, plus enhanced billing and banking features to meet the cost stability needs of employers with 100-500 enrolled employees.
Traditionally, mid-sized employers have offered fully insured plans. With a fully insured plan, the employer pays a premium to their health insurer to cover both the medical and administrative costs of the plan.
More employers, however, are seeking self-funded options in order to provide a more consistent benefits experience to employees in multiple states with different mandates. The enhanced features of Aetna Funding Advantage have made it easier for employers to make this funding change.
"Employers are looking for consistent payments and simple plan administration. Aetna Funding Advantage allows mid-sized employers to make one monthly payment that includes all administration fees, stop loss premium and claims liability charges, making it easier for employers to self-fund," said Jill Serin, head of Middle Market Business for Aetna.
Employers who move to AFA can get money back in years when medical costs are lower than expected. Alternatively, the plan provides financial protection in years when medical costs are higher than anticipated.
"Aetna Funding Advantage gives employers the control they want, along with Aetna's leading wellness programs, consumer engagement tools, and enhanced reporting, allowing them to better manage their health care costs," said Serin.
Quote from: Hoss on October 17, 2013, 03:34:23 PM
Back in the eighties, Aetna was a really good insurance company to have. When my mother got hurt, her hospital bills were in the low 6 figure range. With my dad's insurance at Sunoco, I think he wound up paying about 500 dollars out of pocket for that. Now..well, before the companies would have likely cut her off after a certain amount, because face it..low six figures today is probably closer to mid or high six figures now.
Most lifetime limits have been in the $2mil to $5mil range for some time. High six wouldn't have been very likely to cut her off.
So it being open enrollment I just checked and we offer Aetna in all states, in some states we also have Kaiser and Blue Cross. Oklahoma's rates with Aetna are higher than with other plans in other states. My wife's rates are not going up. I know we used to be self insured but are not now. I think the tribe my wife works for is self insured.
My company also has offices around the world, but I can't find, or don't have access to, what is offered in other countries, if anything. Most are universal coverage single payer nations; UK, Germany, Luxembourg, South Korea, Taiwan and Russia; so there is no insurance at all. From what I can find China and Japan have universal coverage but also do have private insurance as part of universal coverage but I don't know what we offer there.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on October 17, 2013, 09:43:27 AM
Sounds like there needs to be a larger pool that you could buy into like the bigger businesses to keep your premiums lower.
That's what SHOP is for.
Maybe wait until open enrollment is over before crowing about the number of people who have signed up, there Gassy.
Quote from: nathanm on October 18, 2013, 05:15:26 PM
Maybe wait until open enrollment is over before crowing about the number of people who have signed up, there Gassy.
Perhaps you are right. Force is an excellent motivator. It motivates in more than one direction..
Quote from: nathanm on October 18, 2013, 05:15:26 PM
Maybe wait until open enrollment is over before crowing about the number of people who have signed up, there Gassy.
What happens if all these previously uninsured young, good risks decide it's better to pay the $95
penalty tax than to enroll to help balance losses from poorer risks? If purchasing insurance prior to now hasn't been a financial priority, I don't see much incentive to move someone to purchase it, not even when the
penalty tax jumps to $695 in 2016.,34294/
WASHINGTON—Responding to widespread criticism regarding its health care website, the federal government today unveiled its new, improved Obamacare program, which allows Americans to purchase health insurance after installing a software bundle contained on 35 floppy disks. "I have heard the complaints about the existing website, and I can assure you that with this revised system, finding the right health care option for you and your family is as easy as loading 35 floppy disks sequentially into your disk drive and following the onscreen prompts," President Obama told reporters this morning, explaining that the nearly three dozen 3.5-inch diskettes contain all the data needed for individuals to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace, while noting that the updated Obamacare software is mouse-compatible and requires a 386 Pentium processor with at least 8 MB of system RAM to function properly.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 22, 2013, 03:16:29 PM,34294/
WASHINGTON—Responding to widespread criticism regarding its health care website, the federal government today unveiled its new, improved Obamacare program, which allows Americans to purchase health insurance after installing a software bundle contained on 35 floppy disks. "I have heard the complaints about the existing website, and I can assure you that with this revised system, finding the right health care option for you and your family is as easy as loading 35 floppy disks sequentially into your disk drive and following the onscreen prompts," President Obama told reporters this morning, explaining that the nearly three dozen 3.5-inch diskettes contain all the data needed for individuals to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace, while noting that the updated Obamacare software is mouse-compatible and requires a 386 Pentium processor with at least 8 MB of system RAM to function properly.
Saw that yesterday. You really need to break away from your real job duties more to search the int...wait, what?
Quote from: Hoss on October 22, 2013, 03:23:05 PM
Saw that yesterday. You really need to break away from your real job duties more to search the int...wait, what?
Yeah, I'm a bit late to the party. Had a new tax incentive last week.
Jon Stewart had a lot of fun with Obamacare last night:
QuoteOn his Monday night program, Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" anchor Jon Stewart gave a scathing critique of the rollout of Obamacare, saying "Democrats can't spin this turd."
Stewart noted that following the government shutdown, which some circles have blamed on the GOP, the United States was poised to turn "bluer than a Smurf's balls after dry humping a bottle of Windex," but following the roll out of Obamacare, those possibilities have been hurt. Noting the number of people that have visited the site and their success ratio, the host unloaded:
"Oh my God, less than 10 percent?" Stewart said. "How bad is that? Twenty percent is the number of dentists who recommend sugared gum. How low is it? According to a recent poll, more of this country believes Obamacare has been repealed than have been able to sign up for Obamacare. The whole point of web sites is to design them so that it is nearly impossible to not sign up for something. Every time I go on Amazon there's a 40 percent chance I'll mistakenly overnight myself six seasons of 'Night Court.' It's just the way it's designed. 'Are you sure you want to leave this page?' Yes I am — oops, turns out I ordered something. So how are the Democrats going to spin this turd?"
Read more:
Quote from: Gaspar on October 22, 2013, 03:16:29 PM
WASHINGTON—Responding to widespread criticism regarding its health care website, the federal government today unveiled its new, improved Obamacare program, which allows Americans to purchase health insurance after installing a software bundle contained on 35 floppy disks. "I have heard the complaints about the existing website, and I can assure you that with this revised system, finding the right health care option for you and your family is as easy as loading 35 floppy disks sequentially into your disk drive and following the onscreen prompts," President Obama told reporters this morning, explaining that the nearly three dozen 3.5-inch diskettes contain all the data needed for individuals to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace, while noting that the updated Obamacare software is mouse-compatible and requires a 386 Pentium processor with at least 8 MB of system RAM to function properly.
There is an organization called the Standish Group who issue what they call their "CHAOS Report". (I suspect you have heard of them already, but if not, Google is your friend!)
They state that zero percent of software projects that cost more than $10m to develop are deemed successful. Zero percent doesn't mean zero, of course, but successes are in the noise. "Successful" means a project delivered mostly on-time, on-budget with most of the promised features. Only 38% costing under $500k are considered successful.
And the contractor chosen has a poor record of performance - obviously a political patronage thing, probably funneled through Chicago Machine Politics, Inc. Big Cluster no matter how it is parsed.
Maybe that means the good news is that things can't get worse...?? (No, I definitely don't believe that - no matter how bad something gets, it can always get worse!)
This should get interesting. As the Obamacare signup continues to experience delays, a group of Senate Dems have now changed their stance and are pushing for a delay of the individual mandate.
Even the poodle is growing open to extending the enrollment and delaying the penalty. During an interview with MSNBC on Wednesday, Wasserman Schultz said "there should absolutely be an openness to extending the open enrollment period."
My bet is that no matter how many Dems come on board with a delay, and no matter how close people get to being penalized for the inability to acquire insurance through the exchanges, President Obama won't agree, because that would have avoided the 16 day shutdown in the first place, and to agree to it now would make it appear that the Republicans were right.
Quote from: Gaspar on October 24, 2013, 10:12:39 AM
My bet is that no matter how many Dems come on board with a delay, and no matter how close people get to being penalized for the inability to acquire insurance through the exchanges, President Obama won't agree, because that would have avoided the 16 day shutdown in the first place, and to agree to it now would make it appear that the Republicans were right.
Insurance companies won't go for it. They ranged their premiums with the standing rules. The dishes are done.
Quote from: Townsend on October 24, 2013, 10:42:32 AM
Insurance companies won't go for it. They ranged their premiums with the standing rules. The dishes are done.
Apparently they are having trouble receiving accurate applications from the exchanges and call centers, and their quotes are not reconciling with the calculators. In some cases they are off by as much as $300. BCBS has set up their own websites to offer quotes and circumvent the exchange in many states. Here is the site for Kansas The BCBS sites give accurate quotes and calculate the available subsidies accurately. BCBS was able to throw these up in a matter of days to capitalize on frustrated shoppers. Other insurance companies are doing the same, therefore making the exchanges obsolete before they even have a chance to be used.
The downside for the government is that people are less likely to SHOP options, and the IRS loses the ability to track participant data on the front end. It also focuses more scrutiny on the half a billion dollar investment made on behalf of the american people to create a functional solution.
The downside for the megga-insurance companies participating in the exchanges, is that smaller companies not affiliated with the government sponsored monopolies will be able to more effectively market products that meet minimum requirements to help people avoid penalties. In essence, the glitch is stimulating free-market solutions, and that could be devastating to Obamacare, and shed a poor light on the administration as a whole.
It seems that President Obama was right when he said Obamacare will create more competition!
The deadline has been delayed. . .but only for political reasons.
The White House is delaying the deadline to buy health insurance by six weeks amid growing House Democratic concerns that the ObamaCare enrollment site's botched rollout will prevent them from winning the House in 2014.
Congressional Democrats believe they have a real opportunity to bump Republicans from power because of the government shutdown, which dealt a serious blow to GOP poll numbers.
Their momentum will disappear, they say, if problems persist with, the portal where millions of people were meant to purchase healthcare coverage.
Dysfunction at has "provided cannon fodder for the opposition," said Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), co-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
"The problems could have an effect if not clipped and clipped early," he said.
"We've been through 2010, so we know that this is not good," one high-ranking Democrat said, referring to the party's loss of House control three years ago after ObamaCare was signed into law.
The change of the requirement for when people must buy insurance could give the administration more time to fix some of the problems with
Read more:
Quote from: Gaspar on October 24, 2013, 12:14:05 PM
BCBS was able to throw these up in a matter of days to capitalize on frustrated shoppers.
No. BCBS had their exchange plan sites, including the subsidy estimation tool, up before October 1st. Well, I should say it was on before the 1st. I looked because I was curious as to how their quoted rates compared to what HHS' database said they should be. ;)
Democrats showing front cracks. Why they didn't use that as a headline I will never know.
The great Democratic unity of 2013 held for five-and-a-half days.
For weeks leading up to the shutdown — and over the 16 days it dragged on — President Barack Obama did the unthinkable: he held every Democrat in the House and Senate together. There weren't any defectors. There wasn't even anyone running to reporters to question his strategy. The man who'd disappointed them so many times was suddenly exciting them, with his newly apparent backbone and successful resistance to Republicans. They were rushing to do whatever they could to stand by him, next to him, with him.
That's led a growing number of people on the Hill to push the White House to change its current position that it can fix the problems with the website without changing the deadlines or time frame.
"I can't honestly say that we've tried our hardest to fix things," said Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who chose Bill O'Reilly's talk show as his venue to unveil a plan to delay the individual mandate penalty for a year. "You have to give me a reason I want to buy what you want to sell me. And until they get that in their minds, they're going to have a lot of headwinds, if you will."
Quote from: nathanm on October 24, 2013, 02:33:08 PM
No. BCBS had their exchange plan sites, including the subsidy estimation tool, up before October 1st. Well, I should say it was on before the 1st. I looked because I was curious as to how their quoted rates compared to what HHS' database said they should be. ;)
Now is your chance to make a difference.
I guess Gas has ODS - Obamacare Derangement Syndrome.
I've never seen anyone reply to his own posts with the frequency you do. I think they have a word for that...
Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance
50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a "cancellation" letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don't meet the standards mandated by the new health care law.
Quote from: sgrizzle on October 29, 2013, 09:55:05 AM
Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance
As if we didn't know that at the time he made the promise.
Quote from: sgrizzle on October 29, 2013, 09:55:05 AM
Obama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance
So did Faux News. In 2010. Sheesh.
Watched the crazy chick from Tennessee act like this morning's hearing was a criminal trial and witch hunt... comedy of errors.
1. When Republicans embrace "mandates" it's in the name of "personal responsibility" but when Democrats embrace it, it is an affront to freedom and personal liberty.
2. Republicans are only concerned about the sorry state of the individual insurance market when it suits their political agenda to defend the freedom of individuals to "choose" CRAP INSURANCE plans that have always had very high churn rates among their customers -- so much so, that many people (like myself when I was younger) would "choose" to go uninsured rather than pay monthly for worthless insurance that effectively covered nothing-- and if you ever actually got sick and needed to be hospitalized, they could jack up your rates, AFTER you pay through the nose with a high deductible and stupidly high co-pays, of course...
3. When Republicans talk about "choice" in the healthcare debate, they ignore the elephant in the room... most individuals have never had any REAL HONEST OPEN CHOICE in the health insurance "marketplace"-- employers have always made those choices for them-- and large employers get special deals not available to individuals. So when individuals are "forced" to lose their current healthcare plans, it is primarily due to decisions made by their employer. But, then again, corporations are people, isn't that right GOP?
This was rather funny this morning and it came from CNN. As madam Secretary was testifying that "The website has never crashed!", CNN split the screen and took viewers live to the website.
Come on people, they're not bugs, they're features!
Quote from: Gaspar on October 30, 2013, 12:51:30 PM
This was rather funny this morning and it came from CNN. As madam Secretary was testifying that "The website has never crashed!", CNN split the screen and took viewers live to the website.
Come on people, they're not bugs, they're features!
Yes, they are. I bet it is Microsoft based SQL development...that's how they become features!
Gets better every day!
Turns out UnitedHealth Group owns QSSI, the company that built the Obamacare data hub, and has now been appointed the GC to fix the problem.
The EVP of UnitedHealth and QSSI is Anthony Welters. . .
You guessed it, top bundler for Obama, responsible for raising millions for his 2008 and 2012 runs, and spending even more in lobbying for Obamacare. His wife Beatrice has also been listed as a donor and in return, President Obama appointed her as ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago.
Welters company was given $150 million taxpayer dollars to build the hub, and may make as much or more on the repairs to the website.
This thing makes it's own gravy!
Looks like the website is working perfectly!
Quote from: Gaspar on November 01, 2013, 12:54:05 PM
Gets better every day!
Turns out UnitedHealth Group owns QSSI, the company that built the Obamacare data hub, and has now been appointed the GC to fix the problem.
Can you link that article for us? I'd google but the NSA is watching google.
Quote from: Townsend on November 01, 2013, 01:15:17 PM
Can you link that article for us? I'd google but the NSA is watching google.
Wouldn't worry so much about NSA as I would about the weekly endpoint report. ;)
Not New Yorker!
Quote from: Gaspar on November 01, 2013, 01:39:26 PM
Wouldn't worry so much about NSA as I would about the weekly endpoint report. ;)
I've not looked at the articles. Are they explaining how lobbying should be illegal?
Quote from: Townsend on November 01, 2013, 01:15:17 PM
Can you link that article for us? I'd google but the NSA is watching google.
Three years ago, a trusted Obama health care adviser warned the White House it was losing control of Obamacare. A memo obtained by CBS News said strong leadership was missing and the law's successful implementation was in jeopardy. The warnings were specific and dire -- and ignored.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 04, 2013, 03:02:56 PM
Three years ago, a trusted Obama health care adviser warned the White House it was losing control of Obamacare. A memo obtained by CBS News said strong leadership was missing and the law's successful implementation was in jeopardy. The warnings were specific and dire -- and ignored.
Cronyism with Chicago Machine Politics is always a bad combination. At least the cronyism in Massachusetts with Mitt's plan was awarded to people who eventually got it right...after rollout issues.
A full 123 people got to sign up in MA's first month....
From a center-right website, but interesting nevertheless. Especially the map at the end of the blog post. Okla. doing okay.
Gee what happened to that story several months back touting how California premiums would be cheaper as some sort of indication this was full of WIN for every state?
According to internal Whitehouse memos just released, Obamacare now has a confirmed 700+ enrollees.
Nothing defeats inept policy better than it's own implementation.
They needed to hit their goal of 500,000 in the first month, with a majority of that being the young and employed to carry the old and unemployed. Most of the trickle they have received has ended up being medicaid enrollment.
I believe we have just witnessed the largest and most expensive failure in domestic policy ever implemented.
At this point there are only two options available to the President. He will need to sign an executive order instating the 2015 tax penalty immediately, therefore forcing people to enroll or face significant tax penalties. OR, he can delay the mandate and expand enrollment through 2015. Both options are bad, and the cost is monumental.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 06, 2013, 04:39:11 PM
I believe we have just witnessed the largest and most expensive failure in domestic policy ever implemented.
Never challenge "worse".
(From Bill Cosby, I believe).
At 2:00 pm., my son fell of the jungle gym at school and had an obvious elbow fracture. From that moment, through ER admittance (no, not THAT one), x-ray, diagnosis, child pediatric surgeon referral and visit, surgery scheduled at a separate facility, admittance to another facility,surgery with wires, post-op, discharge, and pharmacy fill? 6 hours. Not a damned thing wrong with healthcare today. But by all means let's f#ck with it.
Quote from: guido911 on November 06, 2013, 10:18:50 PM
. Not a damned thing wrong with healthcare today. But by all means let's f#ck with it.
Get back to us when you start getting the bills in the mail.
Quote from: guido911 on November 06, 2013, 10:18:50 PM
At 2:00 pm., my son fell of the jungle gym at school and had an obvious elbow fracture. From that moment, through ER admittance (no, not THAT one), x-ray, diagnosis, child pediatric surgeon referral and visit, surgery scheduled at a separate facility, admittance to another facility,surgery with wires, post-op, discharge, and pharmacy fill? 6 hours. Not a damned thing wrong with healthcare today. But by all means let's f#ck with it.
Wait until you see the itemized costs if you were a cash paying customer able to pay without insurance.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 06, 2013, 10:34:22 PM
Wait until you see the itemized costs if you were a cash paying customer able to pay without insurance.
Not caring about the cost, caring about the care.
Quote from: guido911 on November 06, 2013, 10:52:42 PM
Not caring about the cost, caring about the care.
I understand.
I'm glad mom's insurance covered her $5,000 trip to the ER for a really bad nose bleed that wouldn't stop. Blood thinners do that to older people.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 06, 2013, 11:19:30 PM
I understand.
I'm glad mom's insurance covered her $5,000 trip to the ER for a really bad nose bleed that wouldn't stop. Blood thinners do that to older people.
That can be horrific. For today, I saw up close and personal my 8 year old tough out a nasty looking injury, get it surgically repaired, and back home in hours. Hats off to St. Francis and Oklahoma Surgical Hospital.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 06, 2013, 10:32:45 PM
Get back to us when you start getting the bills in the mail.
LOL! Government never makes anything less expensive. It just makes service and quality worse, spreads out the increased cost, and continues to grow the bureaucracy necessary to increase funding and minimize delivery.
'If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.' P.J. O'Rourke
Quote from: Gaspar on November 07, 2013, 06:38:35 AM
LOL! Government never makes anything less expensive. It just makes service and quality worse, spreads out the increased cost, and continues to grow the bureaucracy necessary to increase funding and minimize delivery.
'If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.' P.J. O'Rourke
So you think care by going in to the ER when not needed doesn't spread out the increased cost?
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 06, 2013, 11:19:30 PM
I understand.
I'm glad mom's insurance covered her $5,000 trip to the ER for a really bad nose bleed that wouldn't stop. Blood thinners do that to older people.
My blood thinner was over prescribed from day one and a bump on my eye turned into my whole head and neck swelling up. Told the nurses I was Tick Man, half human, half tick...
Can't work looking like that. New job = no insurance. Thought I was semi-retired. If it wasn't for the VA care (that everyone in it tells me is so good because of our current President), I would be dead.
Quote from: Hoss on November 07, 2013, 07:15:44 AM
So you think care by going in to the ER when not needed doesn't spread out the increased cost?
Absolutely! Obamacare will not change that. Not one single bit. The addition of millions (or at least 700+ :D ) medicaid patients will have no impact on where they seek care, unless you forbid them from using "the drive through" as we used to call it.
I worked in an ER for 6 years, and even people with great insurance used us as a clinic. So much so, that Dr. Sacra created the St. Francis FastTrack system, which was an offshoot of the ER, designed to be a quick-service clinic. The cost to the patient or their insurance company was more than double what a visit to the doctor would cost, but that stopped no one.
The hospital will not deny care and medicaid will not deny payment. They may reduce the amount of reimbursement, but that will only serve to decrease the quality of care and delivery of service.
It's not rocket science. You can't decrease cost and increase service without creating efficiency, and government is the opposite of that.
Typically liberal ideas invite the need for "reform" regularly and that becomes a never ending trough of campaign fodder for politicians. Obamacare may be the first law I have ever seen were the people who passed it were already talking about reforming it before it even took effect. :D
Have you ever noticed how statists are constantly "reforming" their own handiwork? Education reform. Health-care reform. Welfare reform. Tax reform. The very fact that they're always busy "reforming" is an implicit admission that they didn't get it right the first 50 times. – Lawrence W. Reed, economist
Quote from: Gaspar on November 07, 2013, 08:57:38 AM
Have you ever noticed how statists are constantly "reforming" their own handiwork? Education reform. Health-care reform. Welfare reform. Tax reform. The very fact that they're always busy "reforming" is an implicit admission that they didn't get it right the first 50 times. – Lawrence W. Reed, economist
I just had this discussion related to some of the changes (reforms) proposed for the current farm bill. (As an aside, while I come from a farm family I do think we need to rein in some of this spending.) But to suggest that because a program should be regularly modified (reformed), does not discount the need/desire for that program. Nothing in this country, up to and including the constitution, is static and we are the better for that. To reform public education is not to negate the need for it. Same for healthcare, same for Farm Bills, etc. Change is good, and it would far worse to assume perfection, whether in govt or in ourselves.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 06, 2013, 10:32:45 PM
Get back to us when you start getting the bills in the mail.
C'mon Michael he can afford it. Screw the kid who has parents without money. They sit around a few days to see if it gets better and possibly cause the child life long damage which could impact the rest of his life. He should have had parents with money and good insurance.
St John's, Hillcrest, St Francis in the same sentence as efficiency. That's humorous. The surgical center at the Natalie is great but the hospital isn't anything special. Don't think you're the only person to ever have worked for a hospital or because your daddy was a doc that you have superior insights. My wife and I both have as well as family and friends. They all provide good care, not great, in spite of their often maniacal, greedy, inbred management. The only place run worse than those hospitals in my experience was the newspaper and TPS. Running in some pretty fast fubar company there.
I see lots of really smart people using their education to further their politics without much regard to the logic of their arguments. Thus, the HealthCare act must be bad because of its political nature. Change bad. Maybe that's what makes Tulsa so special.
Government works Gas, in spite of your hatred for it, in spite of its complexity and failures, it works. Its employees move back and forth between government and private enterprise, so if you think they are by nature inefficient, wasteful and incompetent you have to expect it from and blame both parties.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 07, 2013, 10:06:21 AM
C'mon Michael he can afford it. Screw the kid who has parents without money. They sit around a few days to see if it gets better and possibly cause the child life long damage which could impact the rest of his life. He should have had parents with money and good insurance.
Yeah. Screw em. Because everyone knows in this forum that I don't give a crap about kids. Besides, when I saw my kids mangled elbow and his obvious pain, all I was thinking about was "Gee, glad I have insurance" but not, "These providers are operating like a machine and genuinely care about my child's plight".
Quote from: AquaMan on November 07, 2013, 10:27:16 AM
St John's, Hillcrest, St Francis in the same sentence as efficiency. That's humorous. The surgical center at the Natalie is great but the hospital isn't anything special. Don't think you're the only person to ever have worked for a hospital or because your daddy was a doc that you have superior insights.
Are you directing that to me? If you are, then there's this as far as what you know about my background, as well as my better half.
Quote from: AquaMan on November 07, 2013, 10:27:16 AM
St John's, Hillcrest, St Francis in the same sentence as efficiency. That's humorous. The surgical center at the Natalie is great but the hospital isn't anything special. Don't think you're the only person to ever have worked for a hospital or because your daddy was a doc that you have superior insights. My wife and I both have as well as family and friends. They all provide good care, not great, in spite of their often maniacal, greedy, inbred management. The only place run worse than those hospitals in my experience was the newspaper and TPS. Running in some pretty fast fubar company there.
I see lots of really smart people using their education to further their politics without much regard to the logic of their arguments. Thus, the HealthCare act must be bad because of its political nature. Change bad. Maybe that's what makes Tulsa so special.
Government works Gas, in spite of your hatred for it, in spite of its complexity and failures, it works. Its employees move back and forth between government and private enterprise, so if you think they are by nature inefficient, wasteful and incompetent you have to expect it from and blame both parties.
I'm glad to see you are still a master of condescension, Aqua!!
And I get chastised for thread drift...??
Quote from: guido911 on November 07, 2013, 12:06:30 PM
Yeah. Screw em. Because everyone knows in this forum that I don't give a crap about kids. Besides, when I saw my kids mangled elbow and his obvious pain, all I was thinking about was "Gee, glad I have insurance" but not, "These providers are operating like a machine and genuinely care about my child's plight".
Thats the thing. You don't have to think like that. I'm sorry you can't see that not everybody has your means for it not to matter. If you don't have the money to pay for the service then your insurance and how you pay for it becomes a little bit of an issue.
No, Guido. I was referring to Gas and his anti-govt views. But thanks for the visual. I'm sure it applies to me on other topics as well!
Quote from: Conan71 on November 07, 2013, 12:10:15 PM
I'm glad to see you are still a master of condescension, Aqua!!
Its a gift.
Quote from: AquaMan on November 07, 2013, 01:07:22 PM
No, Guido. I was referring to Gas and his anti-govt views. But thanks for the visual. I'm sure it applies to me on other topics as well!
Hoss doesn't mind me sharing his Christmas picture with others.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 07, 2013, 01:02:27 PM
Thats the thing. You don't have to think like that. I'm sorry you can't see that not everybody has your means for it not to matter. If you don't have the money to pay for the service then your insurance and how you pay for it becomes a little bit of an issue.
I refuse to believe that the service I received, the compassion illustrated, and the effectiveness had anything to do with the means to pay. That level of presumptuousness and cynicism demeans hard work and professionalism.
Quote from: guido911 on November 07, 2013, 07:14:33 PM
I refuse to believe that the service I received, the compassion illustrated, and the effectiveness had anything to do with the means to pay. That level of presumptuousness and cynicism demeans hard work and professionalism.
Who was your doc? I still keep up with all of those guys & gals. They practice medicine. They don't care about the insurance or financial aspect. They are rather $hurry business people. Closer to artists or scientists than finance folks.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 07, 2013, 08:01:05 PM
Who was your doc? I still keep up with all of those guys & gals. They practice medicine. They don't care about the insurance or financial aspect. They are rather $hurry business people. Closer to artists or scientists than finance folks.
EOOC--Dr. Rahhal. Good man.
Quote from: guido911 on November 06, 2013, 11:52:23 PM
That can be horrific. For today, I saw up close and personal my 8 year old tough out a nasty looking injury, get it surgically repaired, and back home in hours. Hats off to St. Francis and Oklahoma Surgical Hospital.
I have to admit that the care my mom got for her 3 trips to the ER (at about $5,000 each) for excessive nose bleeds in the last 1-1/2 years was very good. The first two happened when I was home and called I called 911. EMSA was very good. Care at Southcrest and the recommendation for further care was good, at additional expense to the insurance company. The third trip, I was unavailable and two co-workers took personal time off, came to our home and took my mom to the Southcrest ER. Again, the care was very good. I would be lying if the cost of the care was not a serious thought after the bleeding stopped. Between that and my father's fight with cancer, if not for insurance, my brother, sister and I would be my mom's total support. We fall into the category of just enough assets to bankrupt us for care if not for insurance.
Quote from: guido911 on November 07, 2013, 07:14:33 PM
I refuse to believe that the service I received, the compassion illustrated, and the effectiveness had anything to do with the means to pay. That level of presumptuousness and cynicism demeans hard work and professionalism.
Have a granddaughter and new great grandbaby that have been to St. John's in Tulsa and BA several times over the last year. Part of the time with insurance, part without. Doctors, Nurses, and other people treated them well. Wife and son of National Guard member who was deployed for a year that overlapped the first half of that last year. (There is a whole other story there about how military members - guard members - are sometimes received upon return...)
What happens later, without insurance shows why and how the whole system was broken and why there finally is at least a start toward insurance availability for everyone, even if it is still inadequate.
Quote from: guido911 on November 07, 2013, 07:14:33 PM
I refuse to believe that the service I received, the compassion illustrated, and the effectiveness had anything to do with the means to pay. That level of presumptuousness and cynicism demeans hard work and professionalism.
Who is talking about doctors?
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 07, 2013, 10:41:13 PM
Who is talking about doctors?
You are. If not, then why make ability to pay for medical treatment (or for not caring about the cost) an issue in response to my praising the present health care system?
Quote from: guido911 on November 08, 2013, 12:04:00 AM
You are. If not, then why make ability to pay for medical treatment (or for not caring about the cost) an issue in response to my praising the present health care system?
Because the present health care system costs too much and not everybody can afford it or insurance. But lets just leave it there. Everything is good for you now so that means its good for everybody else. Don't change anything. Got it
Quote from: guido911 on November 07, 2013, 09:30:25 PM
EOOC--Dr. Rahhal. Good man.
I will second that. He's done both my knees and one shoulder. Great family as well, our kids went to school together and he was at my daughter's wedding.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 08, 2013, 08:17:14 AM
Because the present health care system costs too much and not everybody can afford it or insurance. But lets just leave it there. Everything is good for you now so that means its good for everybody else. Don't change anything. Got it
And it doesn't appear Obamacare is going to solve that problem. For every person it makes it more affordable for, someone else gets shanked. This is nothing more than a redistribution scheme which won't lower net costs and doesn't ensure that everyone gets coverage. It really doesn't look like it will do a damn thing that was promised.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 08, 2013, 08:17:14 AM
Because the present health care system costs too much and not everybody can afford it or insurance. But lets just leave it there. Everything is good for you now so that means its good for everybody else. Don't change anything. Got it
We've been over this before but what the heck. . .
Is it smarter to treat the symptoms or the disease?
Symptoms: Healthcare costs rising. Insurance companies eliminating or inflating individual costs far above comparable group policies. Fewer people insured as a result, and those who are insured must absorb the costs for those who are not.
Disease: Lack of competition as a result of government collusion and regulation. Trust situations between states, large companies and insurance companies limiting employee choice. Laws lobbied for by insurance companies that make it difficult, and in many cases impossible, for the operation of small independent clinics outside of insurance company control (networks). Physicians forced to become employees of insurance company controlled clinics, and hospitals, instead of operating as independent contractors with the ability to offer diverse and competitive services.
Treatment for the symptoms: Placement of tight controls on insurance purchasing. Standardization of plans to allow only price competition between established tiers. Centrally administered subsidy based on income level regardless of usage.
RESULT: The only impact this can have on price channel is a reduction in total number of uninsured. Cost will continue to rise because demand will increase as supply decreases. There is no sustainability here, however a continuous flow of power is delivered to policy makers and large insurers in the form of control.
Treatment for the disease: Introduce legislation allowing individuals in all states to purchase healthcare across state lines and allow insurance companies the opportunity to compete against each other. Eliminate insurance company restrictions to group purchasing and allow individuals to join pools outside of employer control. Let individuals decide what level of insurance they desire (within state established standards), therefore forcing insurance companies to compete with innovative offerings and plans. Pass laws abolishing insurance company, and hospital restriction of physicians that bars them from accepting competitive insurance plans. Basically, you make medical insurance as easy to purchase as car, home, or life insurance. Destroy the web of collusion, instead of protecting it.
RESULT: This impacts price channel from several directions. Increased competitive pressure on the basis of quality, price, availability, service, and diversity of offerings. An increase in the number of insured because the value proposition of being insured overcomes the cost of the product. Physicians and other healthcare practitioners are encouraged to innovate and offer services above and beyond those established by insurance providers alone. Removes control of care from the insurance companies and government and delivers it to the consumer.
Flame away libs!
Quote from: Gaspar on November 08, 2013, 09:23:05 AM
We've been over this before but what the heck. . .
Is it smarter to treat the symptoms or the disease?
Flame away libs!
Healthcare for profit & the fact that people do not want to die. I'll have mine with fries.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 08, 2013, 09:23:05 AM
...Basically, you make medical insurance as easy to purchase as car, home, or life insurance. ...
How many cars do you see driving around with dents, or pieces falling off? How many houses do you see with broken windows or the half-donkey repair where the Tyvek is still showing? Is this the kind of healthcare we want in this country, because that's what would result.
(OK, that is wild. There is an auto-replace for "a@@" to "donkey"? How old are we, twelve?)
The particular merits (or lack thereof) of the current ACA are definitely open for debate. But whether a person accepts (because the consumer cannot simply ignore the problem and must seek to fix it, and so must pay for the service one way or the other) that a pure free market does not work in healthcare, or they don't. If the market does not act in true free-market fashion, it should not be treated as such.
Free-market health care... would it work. The reason Indian Casinos are not regulated is that the Free Market was suppose to promote the payout numbers. That works good, doesn't it. I puts my quarters in and...
Just saying, without regulation, greed rules.
Read closer. No one is advocating an elimination of standards, only an elimination of the restrictions designed to protect the insurance companies and empower the politicians. Standards and protections to the consumer must exist, but must not extend into a system that limits competition or innovation as we have today.
Carry on.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 08, 2013, 09:54:22 AM
Read closer. No one is advocating an elimination of standards, only an elimination of the restrictions designed to protect the insurance companies and empower the politicians. Standards and protections to the consumer must exist, but must not extend into a system that limits competition or innovation as we have today.
Carry on.
My words are not worthy. Or I lack the words. Not regulation in the sense of standards. What is the word?
I know that the USA has a failed system. Other nations have better systems and they are not all, if any, based on a free enterprise market. Competition in the Health Care industry... doesn't that sound like an ugly greedy way of offering care of any kind.
And Death, people: get over it. If someone had not asked if I was a veteran I would not have known that the VA could help me get the medical treatment I needed, BUT! I was willing to die. Heck, I've had a stinking great life, no kids and two ex-wives... life has been great so when I go, Woo-hoo. But I am not everyone. When I saw a 5-year old waiting in the same x-ray room with me and two giezers that looked like mummies I thought only one thing, let the three of us old guys go, save the kid. But enough.
Greed and the desire to live. Got to get rid of one of them or what is the solution.
Quote from: MyDogHunts on November 08, 2013, 10:31:59 AM
And Death, people: get over it. ... BUT! I was willing to die. Heck, I've had a stinking great life, no kids and two ex-wives... life has been great so when I go, Woo-hoo. But I am not everyone.
It's unfortunate that you think the future has nothing to offer you or you to the future.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 08, 2013, 09:54:22 AM
Read closer. No one is advocating an elimination of standards, only an elimination of the restrictions designed to protect the insurance companies and empower the politicians. Standards and protections to the consumer must exist, but must not extend into a system that limits competition or innovation as we have today.
Carry on.
I'm all for innovation and cost control, and that is obviously and sorely needed in healthcare today. But my point was specific to the comparison of healthcare insurance to auto and home insurance. Even in a free market (and even though some level of insurance is required to own and drive a car, etc...) there is still a significant portion that either (a) doesn't have it, or (b) has the bare minimum, and so doesn't adequately address "fixing" their vehicle or home. While this is OK (at least for argument's sake) for a car, I would posit that it is not OK for person. I.E., everybody should (must) have access to true healthcare services, and should use them.
I'm for any and all options that assure (ensure?) healthcare coverage for all. Either some form of private insurance competitive model, or as a single-payer system, is fine with me.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 08, 2013, 11:03:50 AM
It's unfortunate that you think the future has nothing to offer you or you to the future.
Red Arrow speaks wrong... present tense is me now... I spoke of me when... How I felt was that if this is the end of the wind I will lay on the earth and listen. I did. The wind picked up again. I am born in the wind, like an arrow, but arrows must drop.
I am fortunate. I get medicine I could not afford thanks to me being in the military for three years. I never would have guessed. Got lucky... I guess. That is me. Some people are far from lucky. They are less willing to accept that the wind under their feathers is ending and so their flight. And they were not afforded the medicine I was given.
Fly well, Red Arrow. I wish you peace when the time comes.
I keep thinking a nice logical discussion would be appropriate... and then... there's stuff like this...
Quote from: MyDogHunts on November 08, 2013, 11:24:13 AM
Red Arrow speaks wrong... present tense is me now... I spoke of me when... How I felt was that if this is the end of the wind I will lay on the earth and listen. I did. The wind picked up again. I am born in the wind, like an arrow, but arrows must drop.
I am fortunate. I get medicine I could not afford thanks to me being in the military for three years. I never would have guessed. Got lucky... I guess. That is me. Some people are far from lucky. They are less willing to accept that the wind under their feathers is ending and so their flight. And they were not afforded the medicine I was given.
Fly well, Red Arrow. I wish you peace when the time comes.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 08, 2013, 01:35:44 PM
Are only afforded by direct sunlight.
There are no answers, only shadows.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 08, 2013, 01:35:44 PM
Too coherent for too long for that to be possible. Shadows can't go a single sentence without reminiscing about 1933, back when men were men and roads were dirt.
On a happy note: I sit with 66.6%. Suck it. That turkey will go to John 3:16 and be some happy fat food for most likely (whisper: Most likely), a very gracious family. When I can reciprocate, I shall, Good man. I shall, Good man.
By the way, the thought of Chris Farley playing the Mayor of T... makes me so sad not to see the fruition of such.
Quote from: MyDogHunts on November 08, 2013, 11:24:13 AM
Red Arrow speaks wrong... present tense is me now... I spoke of me when... How I felt was that if this is the end of the wind I will lay on the earth and listen. I did. The wind picked up again. I am born in the wind, like an arrow, but arrows must drop.
I recognize the words but you speak a different dialect than I understand. The only reference to "arrow" for my TNF name has to do with the name of a (real) Trolley Company in suburban Philadelphia, PA from the early 1900s to about 1968. Nothing poetic or related to Native Americans. Your attempted poetic endeavors are wasted on me.
I still think you don't (didn't) care if you lived or died. Unfortunate. I have more things I want to do and see.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 08, 2013, 09:45:18 PM
I recognize the words but you speak a different dialect than I understand. The only reference to "arrow" for my TNF name has to do with the name of a (real) Trolley Company in suburban Philadelphia, PA from the early 1900s to about 1968. Nothing poetic or related to Native Americans. Your attempted poetic endeavors are wasted on me.
I still think you don't (didn't) care if you lived or died. Unfortunate. I have more things I want to do and see.
As a buddhist in concept I make only that point. Not caring. Craving is the cause of illness, pain, and suffering. You end with you "want." I say, just be. Like I said.
Quote from: MyDogHunts on November 08, 2013, 09:59:17 PM
As a buddhist in concept I make only that point. Not caring. Craving is the cause of illness, pain, and suffering. You end with you "want." I say, just be. Like I said.
You obviously live in a different world than I do.
Craving or wanting something leads to actions that can result in achieving a goal and the satisfaction that comes with achieving that goal.
I have no intention of sitting around in a (drug induced?) stupor taking whatever happens to me. I believe I can positively affect the events in my life.
Plus, I like to eat each day, have a roof over my head, air conditioning in the summer, heat in the winter...... I don't expect someone else to provide that without some action on my part.
If you choose to take whatever comes your way, that's fine. Just don't come to me for help if you decide you don't like the outcome.
The lack of having the safety net of health insurance did not stop us back in the day of great things just as the lack of having any insurance stopped us until the history of insurance came into being. Oh, can't sail across that ocean without insurance, now it is down to dental, eye, finger, whatever. Do insurance companies make money? Absolutely, yes. Should healthcare be a product of a profit endeavor? Well, it is in this country and what with the drugs and such it is in most countries. By the way, if I remember right, slaving paid 25% of profits in insurance.
Obama and most everyone recognize that there is an inherent need for people to pay for their health care. ELSE: others pay for it. And with a profit driven market, it can cost a lot.
I'd like to see everyone under a certain age get free health care. What age: I ASK YOU? 35?
Then after that, limited health care, say to $100,000 or until you are 55.
Then after that, very limited health care and the option to go to an island where drugs and self-induced euthanasia are legal.
We really are monkeys with money and guns. We can imagine a paradise that would never exist.
Quote from: MyDogHunts on November 08, 2013, 10:49:06 PM
I'd like to see everyone under a certain age get free health care. What age: I ASK YOU? 35?
Then after that, limited health care, say to $100,000 or until you are 55.
Then after that, very limited health care and the option to go to an island where drugs and self-induced euthanasia are legal.
You must be a fan of the movie "Logan's Run".
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 08, 2013, 08:17:14 AM
Because the present health care system costs too much and not everybody can afford it or insurance. But lets just leave it there. Everything is good for you now so that means its good for everybody else. Don't change anything. Got it
In honor of Charlie Sheen, I am going to return my "expensive" car I bought recently because, gosh darnit, it ain't right that I can afford it. Same for healthcare, since apparently I can "afford it" because I have insurance--which only "rich" people have--I need to just clam up about how wonderful the healthcare system was in helping my son through a very traumatic injury.
There, feel better? I denounced wealth and privilege because you apparently can't get/have nice things.
Like your doctor? Tough apparently.
Quote from: guido911 on November 09, 2013, 01:11:01 PM
In honor of Charlie Sheen, I am going to return my "expensive" car I bought recently because, gosh darnit, it ain't right that I can afford it.
You can "return" it to me if you want. I don't care what CharlieSheen thinks.
Quote from: guido911 on November 09, 2013, 01:11:01 PM
In honor of Charlie Sheen, I am going to return my "expensive" car I bought recently because, gosh darnit, it ain't right that I can afford it. Same for healthcare, since apparently I can "afford it" because I have insurance--which only "rich" people have--I need to just clam up about how wonderful the healthcare system was in helping my son through a very traumatic injury.
There, feel better? I denounced wealth and privilege because you apparently can't get/have nice things.
You forgot to mention you were in the military.
Here is the conversation
My child got great healthcare
Yes, everybody should be able to get and afford the same level of care that you got. Sadly this isn't the case.
You are jealous of my money. You must not have money.
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 08, 2013, 10:08:52 PM
I have no intention of sitting around in a (drug induced?) stupor taking whatever happens to me. I believe I can positively affect the events in my life.
Therein lies one little sticking point... hopefully, you won't, but too many people do reach the point where no matter the attitude, they can not positively affect the events in their life. If you have been able to do that your entire life, you are indeed blessed - way beyond the norm.
Quote from: guido911 on November 06, 2013, 11:52:23 PM
That can be horrific. For today, I saw up close and personal my 8 year old tough out a nasty looking injury, get it surgically repaired, and back home in hours. Hats off to St. Francis and Oklahoma Surgical Hospital.
We had the misfortune of testing out the ER at St. John BA yesterday. MC ended up with a 3" or so de-gloving just below the elbow during a bike race not quite a mile from the ER. First rate care from start to finish. Fortunately, they were able to put her back together only under local and just a little bit of morphine with 42 stitches. She's doing great and tending the pain with nothing more than ibuprofen. I on the other hand am still sort of a wreck after seeing my wife's arm like that.
Main point is, I never once sensed that her care was prioritized due our ability to pay or not pay and that is never the main consideration for an ER doc. It takes a pretty special kind of person to work in the ER. My hat is off to those of you who have done time there or as an EMT.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 11, 2013, 11:55:55 AM
We had the misfortune of testing out the ER at St. John BA yesterday. MC ended up with a 3" or so de-gloving just below the elbow during a bike race not quite a mile from the ER. First rate care from start to finish. Fortunately, they were able to put her back together only under local and just a little bit of morphine with 42 stitches. She's doing great and tending the pain with nothing more than ibuprofen. I on the other hand am still sort of a wreck after seeing my wife's arm like that.
Main point is, I never once sensed that her care was prioritized due our ability to pay or not pay and that is never the main consideration for an ER doc. It takes a pretty special kind of person to work in the ER. My hat is off to those of you who have done time there or as an EMT.
Sorry to hear that! Give her my (our?) best wishes! Really is distressing, isn't it?
BA has come through very nicely several times for the family. And right now, they never seem to be extremely busy. Late night Friday and Saturday's seem to be busy times in ER, and all the times we have been there, only 2 or 3 people were ahead of us, worst case. Most times none or only one other.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 11, 2013, 11:55:55 AM
We had the misfortune of testing out the ER at St. John BA yesterday. MC ended up with a 3" or so de-gloving just below the elbow during a bike race not quite a mile from the ER. First rate care from start to finish. Fortunately, they were able to put her back together only under local and just a little bit of morphine with 42 stitches. She's doing great and tending the pain with nothing more than ibuprofen. I on the other hand am still sort of a wreck after seeing my wife's arm like that.
Main point is, I never once sensed that her care was prioritized due our ability to pay or not pay and that is never the main consideration for an ER doc. It takes a pretty special kind of person to work in the ER. My hat is off to those of you who have done time there or as an EMT.
Ouch! Give her my and Megan's condolences. The only time we usually saw de-glovings was when a tight wedding ring got caught on something. Typically always started the same way. . ."Jim, hold my beer". . .**250lb man then attempts to swing from tree-branch**.
Hopefully you weren't holding MC's beer?
Nothing ever phased me much working in the trauma center . . .except. . .the procedure used to remove an infected, or damaged toenail.
I have never fainted in my life. I have had my arm up to the elbow in a person's chest, and seen things you could not imagine, but still to this day the thought of tearing off a toenail makes me go green! I must stop typing now.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 11, 2013, 11:55:55 AM
Fortunately, they were able to put her back together only under local and just a little bit of morphine with 42 stitches. She's doing great and tending the pain with nothing more than ibuprofen.
I would take advantage of the situation. I would re-arrange the furniture, buy a bigger TV, and fill the bar with expensive Bourbon. Then I would say that it was all her idea while she was drugged.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 11, 2013, 11:55:55 AM
We had the misfortune of testing out the ER at St. John BA yesterday. MC ended up with a 3" or so de-gloving just below the elbow during a bike race not quite a mile from the ER. First rate care from start to finish. Fortunately, they were able to put her back together only under local and just a little bit of morphine with 42 stitches. She's doing great and tending the pain with nothing more than ibuprofen. I on the other hand am still sort of a wreck after seeing my wife's arm like that.
Main point is, I never once sensed that her care was prioritized due our ability to pay or not pay and that is never the main consideration for an ER doc. It takes a pretty special kind of person to work in the ER. My hat is off to those of you who have done time there or as an EMT.
de-gloving is probably the worst sounding thing you can have happen. I think its probably way worse than it sounds too.
Quote from: MyDogHunts on November 08, 2013, 10:49:06 PM
The lack of having the safety net of health insurance did not stop us back in the day of great things just as the lack of having any insurance stopped us until the history of insurance came into being. Oh, can't sail across that ocean without insurance, now it is down to dental, eye, finger, whatever. Do insurance companies make money? Absolutely, yes. Should healthcare be a product of a profit endeavor? Well, it is in this country and what with the drugs and such it is in most countries. By the way, if I remember right, slaving paid 25% of profits in insurance.
Obama and most everyone recognize that there is an inherent need for people to pay for their health care. ELSE: others pay for it. And with a profit driven market, it can cost a lot.
I'd like to see everyone under a certain age get free health care. What age: I ASK YOU? 35?
Then after that, limited health care, say to $100,000 or until you are 55.
Then after that, very limited health care and the option to go to an island where drugs and self-induced euthanasia are legal.
We really are monkeys with money and guns. We can imagine a paradise that would never exist.
Beware what you ask for. When you remove profit from any market, you remove the primary motivation behind innovation and invention. There is no such thing as free.
Profit is not what created the monster we call health insurance, as that those margins are relatively thin compared with other markets. What gave birth to the monster was collusion and all of the remoria's that come with it, as well as liability associated with perceived tort..
Back in the day, the doctor sent a copy of the bill to the insurance company and received a check. If the doctor prescribed the wrong thing and you got worse, you went back and he would try something different. There were only three parties involved and only a few people to pay or get paid.
Today the patient has to be in-network (employer/state/Insurance company collusion), and the procedure must be coded by a medical coding specialist and meet the requirements set for treatment by the insurance company and commission in that state (state/insurance company collusion). Any medication prescribed must be listed on the clinic or hospital approved formulary, as well as the approved formulary for the insurance company for the specified employer plan in that state, and in some cases approved prior to reimbursement (government/corporate/pharma/clinical/insurance company collusion). X-rays and lab tests and many procedures can no longer be performed or interpreted in-office, and are restricted by the insurance company to age limit (chest, abdominal), risk pool, or pre-approval (pharma/clinical/insurance company collusion). When the patient arrives at the pharmacy the prescribed treatment must again be reviewed and approvals obtained. The patient must also choose an approved pharmacy (pharma/clinical/insurance/retail collusion). Today, your trip to the doctor means thousands of extra people are involved in paying and being paid, and they each take their share.
Physicians are no longer the sole providers. Your employer, the state and the insurance company (as well as hundreds of extra bureaucracies) share this position. The state hates competition. Employers hate cost. Insurance companies hate risk. Together they build bureaucracy, because bureaucracy limits competition, spreads out cost, and mitigates direct risk.
Unfortunately bureaucracy is never sustainable because its only purpose is to grow itself, and its only enemy is competition.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 11, 2013, 12:17:06 PM
Nothing ever phased me much working in the trauma center . . .except. . .the procedure used to remove an infected, or damaged toenail.
I have never fainted in my life. I have had my arm up to the elbow in a person's chest, and seen things you could not imagine, but still to this day the thought of tearing off a toenail makes me go green! I must stop typing now.
How about when you drop something on a toenail or thumbnail and have to drill through the nail to relieve the pressure? Dremel is your friend!!
Using the published information from the obamacare exchange and the database hub provided by the insurance companies, 3 20yo kids build a fully functional Obamacare website in 3 days, and they did it for free.
Meanwhile it looks like healthcare.gove may end up being the first billion dollar website.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 11, 2013, 01:40:51 PM
How about when you drop something on a toenail or thumbnail and have to drill through the nail to relieve the pressure? Dremel is your friend!!
Done it several times. Here is the best way. Heat a paperclip under a lighter and then just let it sizzle through. More sterile than the Dremel. Dr. Redding (good man R.I.P.) used to do it for patients in the waiting room to avoid them from having to fill out a chart and pay an ER fee.
OOps! I guess the statute of limitations is expired on that, and he has since passed away, so the hospital can't come after him. He was one of the best ER docs to work for.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 11, 2013, 01:44:48 PM
Using the published information from the obamacare exchange and the database hub provided by the insurance companies, 3 20yo kids build a fully functional Obamacare website in 3 days, and they did it for free.
Meanwhile it looks like healthcare.gove may end up being the first billion dollar website.
Just giving quotes isn't the only thing the websites do. I can do that in an afternoon on a spreadsheet.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 11, 2013, 01:59:37 PM
Just giving quotes isn't the only thing the websites do. I can do that in an afternoon on a spreadsheet.
Actually, yes it is. The participant still has to deal directly with the insurance company to receive the final quote. The data hub, simply passes information through the federal government (or state exchange). Hell of a way to add efficiency.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 11, 2013, 12:36:34 PM
I would take advantage of the situation. I would re-arrange the furniture, buy a bigger TV, and fill the bar with expensive Bourbon. Then I would say that it was all her idea while she was drugged.
The kegerator was just delivered about an hour ago.
They gave her about 1/2 a push of morphine and she said that was enough. She never went loopy, never cried, and wasn't in shock. Her pain threshold must be off the charts. I took her lunch and she said the bruises and scrapes on her legs are what hurt the most right now.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 11, 2013, 02:29:12 PM
The kegerator was just delivered about an hour ago.
They gave her about 1/2 a push of morphine and she said that was enough. She never went loopy, never cried, and wasn't in shock. Her pain threshold must be off the charts. I took her lunch and she said the bruises and scrapes on her legs are what hurt the most right now.
Somebody I know had that happen and said that the fact all the nerve endings aren't exactly connected after that happens. Which is why it isn't a crazy amount of pain. ACK lets just stop talking about it. I'll get PTSD from thinking about it.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 11, 2013, 03:05:38 PM
Somebody I know had that happen and said that the fact all the nerve endings aren't exactly connected after that happens. Which is why it isn't a crazy amount of pain. ACK lets just stop talking about it. I'll get PTSD from thinking about it.
You and me both. Too many flashbacks from that today.
Not even funny any more.
Remember the silly "Cover Oregon" ads that went viral on youtube weeks before October?
Turns out the governor of Oregon, John Kitzhaber, spent over (are you ready for this?) $300 million on the website and several million more on billboards and TV commercials to promote the site. To complicate things, they have refused to release their exchange pricing data to websites like, so there is currently no way for enrollees to obtain quotes, except to do so by paper form. As a result they are now hiring 400 additional employees to process forms manually.
So far:
0 Enrolled
"We stuck to the vision, and we're experiencing now the bumps that go along with having a grand vision that doesn't work out exactly the way you hope it will," said Amy Fauver, chief communications officer for Cover Oregon.
Grand Vision: DMV style healthcare that will be a model for the nation.
Here is a story that makes me smile, although I will not believe any "numbers" from the media. We are supposed to hear something from the gov. this week, and their numbers are probably accurate. Must be because no one has lied to us thus far about Obamacare.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on November 11, 2013, 12:36:34 PM
I would take advantage of the situation. I would re-arrange the furniture, buy a bigger TV, and fill the bar with expensive Bourbon.
I like the way you think. BUT, you know who from above will not like Conan buying expensive things...
Quote from: Gaspar on November 11, 2013, 01:48:44 PM
Done it several times. Here is the best way. Heat a paperclip under a lighter and then just let it sizzle through. More sterile than the Dremel. Dr. Redding (good man R.I.P.) used to do it for patients in the waiting room to avoid them from having to fill out a chart and pay an ER fee.
OOps! I guess the statute of limitations is expired on that, and he has since passed away, so the hospital can't come after him. He was one of the best ER docs to work for.
Might have to try that....the reason I haven't used the hot needle (paperclip) approach is it always started out requiring to much pressure, so I thought it would go badly on the break through. Reading that, it seems like the idea is to let the heat do the work rather than applying pressure.
Dremel is still, if use it on a kid, it sets their nerves on edge from the grinding....kind of like a coarse burr at the dentist's office will rattle your head.
In case anyone thought I was kidding. RM, your timing is immaculate!
( (
Quote from: Gaspar on November 11, 2013, 01:20:02 PM
Beware what you ask for. When you remove profit from any market, you remove the primary motivation behind innovation and invention. There is no such thing as free.
Profit is not what created the monster we call health insurance, as that those margins are relatively thin compared with other markets. What gave birth to the monster was collusion and all of the remoria's that come with it, as well as liability associated with perceived tort..
Back in the day, the doctor sent a copy of the bill to the insurance company and received a check. If the doctor prescribed the wrong thing and you got worse, you went back and he would try something different. There were only three parties involved and only a few people to pay or get paid.
Today the patient has to be in-network (employer/state/Insurance company collusion), and the procedure must be coded by a medical coding specialist and meet the requirements set for treatment by the insurance company and commission in that state (state/insurance company collusion). Any medication prescribed must be listed on the clinic or hospital approved formulary, as well as the approved formulary for the insurance company for the specified employer plan in that state, and in some cases approved prior to reimbursement (government/corporate/pharma/clinical/insurance company collusion). X-rays and lab tests and many procedures can no longer be performed or interpreted in-office, and are restricted by the insurance company to age limit (chest, abdominal), risk pool, or pre-approval (pharma/clinical/insurance company collusion). When the patient arrives at the pharmacy the prescribed treatment must again be reviewed and approvals obtained. The patient must also choose an approved pharmacy (pharma/clinical/insurance/retail collusion). Today, your trip to the doctor means thousands of extra people are involved in paying and being paid, and they each take their share.
Physicians are no longer the sole providers. Your employer, the state and the insurance company (as well as hundreds of extra bureaucracies) share this position. The state hates competition. Employers hate cost. Insurance companies hate risk. Together they build bureaucracy, because bureaucracy limits competition, spreads out cost, and mitigates direct risk.
Unfortunately bureaucracy is never sustainable because its only purpose is to grow itself, and its only enemy is competition.
I boil it down to a simple aspect. We want to live longer. We will die. People make money.
I watched an old movie based on James Michner (SP?)'s Hawaii. In it some babies were left to die. Is this wrong... oh, such an age old question. Caesar, your slip is showing. It's fun, but life is an illusion
We don't care. So long as we are OK, it is hard to give enough that some slacker gets to have a heart transplant. We are funny humans. I find myself going back towards a Super Human concept. Should I argue with the psychos? Super Humans don't care. If we care that weakness will only bog us down. shoot... feeling German.
Enter Mr. Bill Clinton, aside from Jimmy Carter, the only president to consistently criticize his successors, has now joined the attack on Obama. Get ready for the "I told you so" offensive.
"So I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got,"
Quote from: Conan71 on November 11, 2013, 11:02:31 PM
In case anyone thought I was kidding. RM, your timing is immaculate!
( (
This wasn't some sort of plan was it?
Quote from: Conan71 on November 11, 2013, 11:02:31 PM
In case anyone thought I was kidding. RM, your timing is immaculate!
( (
You need to change your profile to read "Tap into quality."
I recently started home brewing again after a long hiatus. Bottling sucks. I wanted the ability to lager as well as cold crash and force carbonate beer. Our house isn't real large so a second full size fridge was out of the question. I also realized Marshall's does come in 1/6 barrel torpedoes, so with a triple tapper I can keep whatever seasonal Eric has out as well as a home brew and be able to cold condition or lager at the same time.
It was a funny text exchange when it arrived: "What is this, where does it go?" "Beer box". "Oh Okay" I thought about saying: "Don't you remember? You ordered it the other day, maybe we should get a cat scan and make sure you didn't get a concussion as well" Fortunately, MC is cool with my hobbies.
I've got a framed caricature over my bar that was drawn of my father when he was in the Army in London in 1955. He's in his dress uniform holding a beer glass and the artist had scrawled: "My life's ambition: to own a brewery". I'm sure Dad would be quite amused with my hobby.
Wow, that's some thread hi-jack. I forgot we were talking about Obamacare. Well not much else to say about it but so far it sucks. Beer doesn't suck, it's a better conversation that everyone seems in universal agreement on.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 12, 2013, 11:09:23 AM
Wow, that's some thread hi-jack. I forgot we were talking about Obamacare. Well not much else to say about it but so far it sucks. Beer doesn't suck, it's a better conversation that everyone seems in universal agreement on.
My theory is that we progress through life, getting either smarter or dumber... but we will always make beer.
I change my vote to 66.69
Oh My Gowd!
Remember the other day when Jay Carney said their plan to increase participation in Obamacare would include an "aggressive marketing campaign" targeted at young people? Well. . .here it is, and I'm sure it cost millions of dollars!
Hey young folks, look at how you are viewed.
Hey young women, this is how they define you.
It was irresponsible for young adults to not have insurance, right?
Now they are encouraged to be irresponsible because any and all their stupidity will be covered by the rest of the insurance pool. Nice.
For anyone who was thinking this was pulled from The Onion or something like it, it's not. These are from The Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and Progress Now.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 12, 2013, 02:49:08 PM
It was irresponsible for young adults to not have insurance, right?
Now they are encouraged to be irresponsible because any and all their stupidity will be covered by the rest of the insurance pool. Nice.
For anyone who was thinking this was pulled from The Onion or something like it, it's not. These are from The Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and Progress Now.
No it can't be from those two privately funded groups. Gaspar implied that it was from the Whitehouse marketing campaign. That would be dishonest to imply otherwise. (
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 12, 2013, 02:52:40 PM
No it can't be from those two privately funded groups. Gaspar implied that it was from the Whitehouse marketing campaign. That would be dishonest to imply otherwise. (
Alan Franklin, political director of ProgressNow put together the adds. They were paid for by the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative who operates under grant from DHHS. In 2011 they received $17.9 million. In July 2013, they recieved a $116 million Level 2 Grant. They also receive grants from other federal entities.
On June 1, 2011, Governor John Hickenlooper (D) signed SB 11-200 into law, establishing the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange.1 In January 2013, the Exchange announced that its new name would be Connect for Health Colorado (C4HCO).
A little more concise list:
Quote from: Gaspar on November 12, 2013, 03:17:17 PM
Alan Franklin, political director of ProgressNow put together the adds. They were paid for by the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative who operates under grant from DHHS. In 2011 they received $17.9 million. In July 2013, they recieved a $116 million Level 2 Grant. They also receive grants from other federal entities.
On June 1, 2011, Governor John Hickenlooper (D) signed SB 11-200 into law, establishing the Colorado Health Benefit Exchange.1 In January 2013, the Exchange announced that its new name would be Connect for Health Colorado (C4HCO).
A little more concise list:
Still missing where Obama and the Whitehouse did the ads.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 12, 2013, 04:00:48 PM
Still missing where Obama and the Whitehouse did the ads.
You're right. They probably didn't approve this. It's unfortunate that Carney would mention the DHHS "aggressive marketing campaign" targeting young people and then a DHHS funded group would release something like this.
I'm sure we won't see anything similar coming from other exchanges or directly from DHHS.
:D You know, I think this is the first legislation I have ever seen that actually repeals itself!
The hilarious part about this is how great those advertisements are. I mean they aren't even directed at you and aren't from the state you are in. You have absolutely no reason to even see them. Yet you are spreading them around and it appears like they will go viral.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 12, 2013, 04:29:37 PM
The hilarious part about this is how great those advertisements are. I mean they aren't even directed at you and aren't from the state you are in. You have absolutely no reason to even see them. Yet you are spreading them around and it appears like they will go viral.
Yes. They will, and the spoofs are fantastic. Can't wait to see what SNL does with them.
Obamacare has successfully made itself into a joke. There is indeed such a thing as bad press.
I just love the constant crying about it :'(. I think that is my favorite part of AHCA. ;D
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 12, 2013, 04:44:35 PM
I just love the constant crying about it :'(. I think that is my favorite part of AHCA. ;D
Hush, hush, it will all be over soon.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 12, 2013, 04:47:56 PM
Hush, hush, it will all be over soon.
I hope not because the tears taste so sweet.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 12, 2013, 04:29:37 PM
The hilarious part about this is how great those advertisements are. I mean they aren't even directed at you and aren't from the state you are in. You have absolutely no reason to even see them. Yet you are spreading them around and it appears like they will go viral.
What's hilarious is these ads are directed at young people, those that showed up in droves for hope and change. Now, they have to begged to sign up for what they voted for to help finance those uninsured or with preexisting conditions that benefit from Obamacare. That's freakin hilarious!!!
No real point in a group of middle aged men judging the ads.
Unless we're trying to make the decisions for groups of which we have no middle aged men have a tendency to do.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 12, 2013, 04:47:56 PM
Hush, hush, it will all be over soon.
Sheen will get his, so screw everyone else. Now where have I had that argument thrown at me before... ::)
Quote from: Townsend on November 12, 2013, 05:04:51 PM
Unless we're trying to make the decisions for groups of which we have no middle aged men have a tendency to do.
Finally a sense of reason. So non-military people can shut up about what goes on with the military, men can shut up about abortion rights, whites can shut up about race issues, poor people can shut up about tax policy, etc...
James O'Keefe acting up again...
Quote from: guido911 on November 12, 2013, 07:48:35 PM
James O'Keefe acting up again...
Classic O'Keefe - from the most massively verified liar in the whole field of Fox False journalism. As always, it is extremely obvious that it was heavily edited, so will be interesting to see the unedited version... but I'm gonna just bet that he finally figured out to destroy the evidence by now!
Notice his appeal to the "good ole boys" in the bar as intro...? It is Texas, after all....
Quote from: Gaspar on November 12, 2013, 12:37:35 PM
Oh My Gowd!
Remember the other day when Jay Carney said their plan to increase participation in Obamacare would include an "aggressive marketing campaign" targeted at young people? Well. . .here it is, and I'm sure it cost millions of dollars!
Hey young folks, look at how you are viewed.
Hey young women, this is how they define you.
Don't worry. That website crashed too. Proof positive that everything Obamacare fails...
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 13, 2013, 06:21:59 AM
Classic O'Keefe - from the most massively verified liar in the whole field of Fox False journalism. As always, it is extremely obvious that it was heavily edited, so will be interesting to see the unedited version... but I'm gonna just bet that he finally figured out to destroy the evidence by now!
Notice his appeal to the "good ole boys" in the bar as intro...? It is Texas, after all....
Do you really think bringing up "massively verified liar" in the context of Obamacare means anything? More importantly, I bet those people that got fired as a result of his lies are back to work; right?
Quote from: guido911 on November 13, 2013, 08:12:58 AM
Don't worry. That website crashed too. Proof positive that everything Obamacare fails...
So now instead of saying: "That's a major train wreck!" or "That's a sinking ship!"
We can just say: "That's so full of Obamacare!"
Quote from: guido911 on November 13, 2013, 08:15:05 AM
Do you really think bringing up "massively verified liar" in the context of Obamacare means anything? More importantly, I bet those people that got fired as a result of his lies are back to work; right?
Goes to the magnitude of the lies, doesn't it? It's all about perspective again... Obama's really "Big Lie" still goes to his gun control efforts - and don't think for a second that he has let up on that - lead mines and smelters in this country are pretty much gone due to his EPA goons. And what are bullets made of (mostly)??
Nothing to do with health care reform.
They may well be back to work. I haven't followed any of them. But again, perspective would seem to indicate that the combined total of all the wages all of those people make would be pretty much peanuts compared to the pension the Dick Cheney gets from the Fed. So, if O'Keefe wanted to do something actually worthwhile, he could do one of his little Fox-Dramas on Cheney and rouse up the rabble to get his pension taken away....that would be a good thing. But wait...that's right...truth, justice, and the American way it isn't in The Script, is it?
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 13, 2013, 05:13:37 PM
Goes to the magnitude of the lies, doesn't it? It's all about perspective again... Obama's really "Big Lie" still goes to his gun control efforts - and don't think for a second that he has let up on that - lead mines and smelters in this country are pretty much gone due to his EPA goons. And what are bullets made of (mostly)??
Nothing to do with health care reform.
They may well be back to work. I haven't followed any of them. But again, perspective would seem to indicate that the combined total of all the wages all of those people make would be pretty much peanuts compared to the pension the Dick Cheney gets from the Fed. So, if O'Keefe wanted to do something actually worthwhile, he could do one of his little Fox-Dramas on Cheney and rouse up the rabble to get his pension taken away....that would be a good thing. But wait...that's right...truth, justice, and the American way it isn't in The Script, is it?
O'Keefe is a partisan, and appears to be trained on just embarrassing/going after dems and "liberal" policies. As for going after Cheney, I guess the entire mainstream media isn't good enough?
Quote from: guido911 on November 13, 2013, 05:53:07 PM
O'Keefe is a partisan, and appears to be trained on just embarrassing/going after dems and "liberal" policies. As for going after Cheney, I guess the entire mainstream media isn't good enough?
True - he IS Rupert's trained lap dog. When you go to RMU, you just leave all scruples/morals/sense of human decency at the door. He has learned well.
I guess not....after all, he IS the "Teflon Dick"....probably even more so than the "Teflon Ronald"....
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 13, 2013, 06:50:23 PM
True - he IS Rupert's trained lap dog. When you go to RMU, you just leave all scruples/morals/sense of human decency at the door. He has learned well.
You earned it...
And the reason why Obamacare is going teets up? You guessed it..FOX NEWS!!!
Quote from: guido911 on November 13, 2013, 09:50:53 PM
You earned it...
YOU are the well-trained, successful, literate, rich, connected lawyer in the room... and that's the BEST you got?? Geez, guido, come on... I know you can do better!
Failure Eminent!
Repeal in 3. . .2. . .1
You can buy back your old plan now!
President Barack Obama has decided to allow the sale of canceled individual health insurance policies to existing customers, part of a plan to satisfy public discontent with "Obamacare."
It boggles my mind to see how many Democrat legislators were in lock-step the entire time this was in the legislative process, in spite of warnings with really good evidence to back it up, this would be the end result.
It was so important to Obama's legacy that he decided to tackle this prior to doing anything substantive on the economy. So if we are back to people can have their original policies back, let's talk about how much money the federal and state governments have blown on this boondoggle and how many billions insurance companies and major employers have needlessly spent preparing for the roll-out of the ACA.
His legacy is now in the sh!tburger range.
Exciting new item available for Obama speeches...
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 14, 2013, 09:22:24 AM
YOU are the well-trained, successful, literate, rich, connected lawyer in the room... and that's the BEST you got?? Geez, guido, come on... I know you can do better!
Well thank you. And rich? I guess by Obama rules/definitions I
could be.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 14, 2013, 10:27:07 AM
It boggles my mind to see how many Democrat legislators were in lock-step the entire time this was in the legislative process, in spite of warnings with really good evidence to back it up, this would be the end result.
It was so important to Obama's legacy that he decided to tackle this prior to doing anything substantive on the economy. So if we are back to people can have their original policies back, let's talk about how much money the federal and state governments have blown on this boondoggle and how many billions insurance companies and major employers have needlessly spent preparing for the roll-out of the ACA.
His legacy is now in the sh!tburger range.
But what about the Philippines...
Quote from: guido911 on November 14, 2013, 11:42:30 AM
I guess by Obama rules/definitions I could be.
Since I know approximately where I am on the income percent scale and you are way beyond that, yeah... you are one of the rich.
If someone (household) cannot make a Roth IRA contribution, they are in the "very well off" zone. According to all the pundits on both sides, $250,000 seems to be a magic number of some sort - anyone above that appears to be considered at least mostly rich, and that puts one well into the top 5%, I hereby follow the pundit pack and declare 250k + household income as a rich.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 14, 2013, 12:46:38 PM
Since I know approximately where I am on the income percent scale and you are way beyond that, yeah... you are one of the rich.
If someone (household) cannot make a Roth IRA contribution, they are in the "very well off" zone. According to all the pundits on both sides, $250,000 seems to be a magic number of some sort - anyone above that appears to be considered at least mostly rich, and that puts one well into the top 5%, I hereby follow the pundit pack and declare 250k + household income as a rich.
Joint Roth IRA is $191,000 filed jointly. But just because you make a lot doesn't mean you are "rich". Some people are really really dumb with money. Here is a pretty good article about how much money you have vs retirement income etc. (
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 14, 2013, 12:46:38 PM
Since I know approximately where I am on the income percent scale and you are way beyond that, yeah... you are one of the rich.
It's sad that some people spend so much time upset about the successes of others.
We all have fortune and misfortune, the goal is to increase the fortune and mitigate the misfortune. The status of those around you matters not unless you are smart enough to learn from their example (both good and bad).
Learn from successful people how to be successful, and learn from unsuccessful people how to fail. Envy teaches nothing!
^^^^And along those lines, here is a genius comment that genetic lottery winners have been getting off too damned easy when it comes to paying low insurance premiums. It's just not fair that eating right and exercising should go unpunished.
Well then, I guess it's just damned unfair that people with spotless driving records pay artificially low premiums and those with no claims experience on their homeowners are paying artificially low premiums too.
What a jackass moron.
Quote from: Gaspar on November 14, 2013, 02:16:43 PM
It's sad that some people spend so much time upset about the successes of others.
We all have fortune and misfortune, the goal is to increase the fortune and mitigate the misfortune. The status of those around you matters not unless you are smart enough to learn from their example (both good and bad).
Learn from successful people how to be successful, and learn from unsuccessful people how to fail. Envy teaches nothing!
I am never upset about the success of others regarding money. I have always had enough to do most of what I want to do and missing the rest keeps me "hungry" enough to keep working towards those goals. Probably the only thing I really miss not having is a John Deere tractor, and truth be known, if I wanted it bad enough I could buy one today, but then I gotta find somewhere to put it, so that can wait. All the other 'big' wants in my life center around stuff that I want/plan to make myself, and time is the controlling factor there, so money does me absolutely no good whatsoever for that....I already have enough for all the parts to make those things, and in many cases, the parts.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 14, 2013, 03:03:06 PM
Well then, I guess it's just damned unfair that people with spotless driving records pay artificially low premiums and those with no claims experience on their homeowners are paying artificially low premiums too.
What a jackass moron.
It's discriminatory to treat good drivers favorably Conman....
Quote from: Conan71 on November 14, 2013, 03:03:06 PM
Well then, I guess it's just damned unfair that people with spotless driving records pay artificially low premiums and those with no claims experience on their homeowners are paying artificially low premiums too.
What a jackass moron.
Hmm. I'd like to know then how you explain MY auto insurance, going up every year, despite that fact that I haven't had an offense in 15 years and haven't had a claim in over 20 years. Every agency does that to me.
Not a fair comparison, IMO.
I'm curious. Who in here has managed to get signed up on the exchanges and who has had their insurance canceled?
Quote from: guido911 on November 14, 2013, 04:38:27 PM
I'm curious. Who in here has managed to get signed up on the exchanges and who has had their insurance canceled?
Kidding, right? Not likely anyone here.
Quote from: Hoss on November 14, 2013, 04:34:50 PM
Hmm. I'd like to know then how you explain MY auto insurance, going up every year, despite that fact that I haven't had an offense in 15 years and haven't had a claim in over 20 years.
It's most likely related to the fact that any claim you might have will be more expensive than in years past. Plus, I believe you bought a new(er) car a few months back. I'm not saying you are getting a good deal, just giving the explanation you would get from the insurance company.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 14, 2013, 05:14:18 PM
Kidding, right? Not likely anyone here.
100% serious. There is so much man love for either Obama or ACA (or both) that someone liking the ACA should have at least used it; correct?
Quote from: guido911 on November 14, 2013, 07:55:16 PM
100% serious. There is so much man love for either Obama or ACA (or both) that someone liking the ACA should have at least used it; correct?
Well, they haven't dumped me from this job yet, but if it happens, I will sign up and keep you posted....
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 14, 2013, 08:43:35 PM
Well, they haven't dumped me from this job yet, but if it happens, I will sign up and keep you posted....
That's next year. Be patient, you'll get yours. Start updating the ol' resume.
Quote from: guido911 on November 14, 2013, 08:45:27 PM
That's next year. Be patient, you'll get yours. Start updating the ol' resume.
ALWAYS up to date! Always keeping my eyes open and networking like a fiend...when you get to my age, it takes about 9 times as long to find the same kind of job a 40 year old can get easily. (And yet, corporate America STILL claims to need H1-B's...)
Know anyone that needs a pretty good EE with a very decent patent and commercialized product portfolio??
Quote from: guido911 on November 14, 2013, 04:38:27 PM
I'm curious. Who in here has managed to get signed up on the exchanges and who has had their insurance canceled?
I've got a good friend in New York City (..he never called me by name, just "hillbilly"... Sorry, an old Hank Junior lyric crept into my head as I wrote that..) who runs a small business and so is self-employed. He has managed to enroll through the exchange in NY and actually ended up saving money over his old policy. That's an anomaly from what I've heard elsewhere, but he at least is happy about how things are working out.
Quote from: Hoss on November 14, 2013, 04:34:50 PM
Hmm. I'd like to know then how you explain MY auto insurance, going up every year, despite that fact that I haven't had an offense in 15 years and haven't had a claim in over 20 years. Every agency does that to me.
Not a fair comparison, IMO.
Absolutely a fair comparison. Your increasing premium has nothing to do with your personal driving record. The premiums keep going up for your entire risk pool due to claims of others. Kind of a bummer that you get penalized via higher premiums due to the carelessness of others, eh? That's essentially what is happening with people who are finding out their health premiums took a steep increase, because previously undesirable risks are now in their risk pool. Not only that, everyone is now required by government decree, to carry coverage in their health insurance that they do not need.
Now wipe the front end off your car and then see how dramatically your premium increases the following year.
Wait, no, don't go wipe the front end off, but you get my point. And if you want a second look at your home and auto insurance, you know who to call. ;D
The really sad thing is that for every 50 people canceled, one has signed up for Obamacare. It's been a rather bad month for the president, who is still under the impression that he is some form of imperial leader who can just change laws at will without the consent of congress. Unfortunately his retreat on Obamacare may be too late, and even though it will have broad support in congress among both parties, it may have little affect on those canceled by their insurers because you just cant create new underwritten plans out of nothing. It's going to cost the insurance companies a great deal of money to restructure plans, market, and reissue them to former customers, and I doubt many of the megga-insurers protected from competition through collusion provided through the exchanges will be thrilled to do so. It's kinda like coming back after the failure of Cash-For-Clunkers and telling car dealers they can sell the old cars again (after they've been reduced to scrap).
On the bright side:
The president still gets to devote much of his time to the things he enjoys most. After a quick two hour flight on AF1 (costing taxpayers $719,000 for the trip there and back) The president shot an excellent game at Grande Oaks Golf Club in Ft. Lauderdale with NBA star Alonzo Mourning, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, and Valery Jerrett's cousin, Cyrus. You may remember this is the famous private course where Caddyshack was filmed. The Secret Service erected a perimeter around the course which was closed for six hours while the president's foursome played, and then enjoyed the club's signature French Dip Prime Rib samiches in the Member's Dining room.
There is no report on whether a friendly wager was agreed upon by the four, and of course there is no gambling at Bushwood!
Meh, Bushwood's a dump. (
This is a good story to ignore about not having insurance and quality of care.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 15, 2013, 02:06:17 PM (
This is a good story to ignore about not having insurance and quality of care.
Dead link. Wait...behaves just like the ACA website!
Quote from: Conan71 on November 15, 2013, 02:27:31 PM
Dead link. Wait...behaves just like the ACA website!
Works fine for me.
Get off your AOL connection.
Quote from: Hoss on November 15, 2013, 02:29:08 PM
Works fine for me.
Get off your AOL connection.
I got Compuserve!
While I could get to the link I took off the /fb and it made it load faster (original link updated above)
Quote from: Conan71 on November 15, 2013, 02:32:55 PM
I got Compuserve!
Were you attempting to access it on your WebTV device?
Quote from: Gaspar on November 15, 2013, 03:07:06 PM
Were you attempting to access it on your WebTV device?
Commodore 64.
This healthcare debate is brutal. Pelosi's spackling and caulking is chipping away...
Quote from: guido911 on November 17, 2013, 11:32:25 PM
This healthcare debate is brutal. Pelosi's spackling and caulking is chipping away...
Should have seen her on Meet The Press yesterday. She is still attempting to promote the idea that it's the insurance company's fault if your plan gets canceled. Apparently she is the only one left who is still pushing that BS.
This week United Health dropped thousands of doctors from their system under the exchanges. So I suppose now we will see some executive jockeying on the "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" BS too. What a mess, and a mess that is playing out exactly as anticipated even without the website debacle.
As midterm pressures increase, so will motivation to kill the monster. What an amazing teachable moment. Perhaps it is time for some wise legislator to introduce the "Read The Bill" bill, requiring congress to read and understand all legislation prior to allowing a vote!
Quote from: Gaspar on November 18, 2013, 07:48:58 AM
Should have seen her on Meet The Press yesterday. She is still attempting to promote the idea that it's the insurance company's fault if your plan gets canceled. Apparently she is the only one left who is still pushing that BS.
This week United Health dropped thousands of doctors from their system under the exchanges. So I suppose now we will see some executive jockeying on the "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" BS too. What a mess, and a mess that is playing out exactly as anticipated even without the website debacle.
As midterm pressures increase, so will motivation to kill the monster. What an amazing teachable moment. Perhaps it is time for some wise legislator to introduce the "Read The Bill" bill, requiring congress to read and understand all legislation prior to allowing a vote!
Did they bother to ridicule her for "We need to pass this bill to see what's in it!"?
Quote from: Conan71 on November 18, 2013, 09:12:26 AM
Did they bother to ridicule her for "We need to pass this bill to see what's in it!"?
Just being reminded of that POS smiling and walking with that large gavel on the way to pass ACA, and the subsequent panty-wetting by the left in here, still disgusts me. I even said in here let the law play out and see what happens. Man, am I sorry for that.
This country will be plucking splinters out of our hosses from that gavel for generations.
Walk down memory lane...
Majority of Americans now think universal health care is not the fed's job.
Sheen still expected to benefit, tho. As are your pets.
This is just freakin hilarious.
Quote from: guido911 on November 21, 2013, 06:14:01 PM
This is just freakin hilarious.
What's amazing is how many people lack a grasp on simple economics and how insurance works. Including our President, apparently.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 21, 2013, 06:32:30 PM
What's amazing is how many people lack a grasp on simple economics and how insurance works. Including our President, apparently.
Not sure if "amazing" is the right word, especially since the pres had ZERO experience in managing anything. The only saving grace is that this f up is affecting those that supported this guy.
And here is a story on my last sentence.
Quote from: guido911 on November 21, 2013, 07:44:00 PM
Not sure if "amazing" is the right word, especially since the pres had ZERO experience in managing anything. The only saving grace is that this f up is affecting those that supported this guy.
And here is a story on my last sentence.
B...b...but wait! He managed his presidential campaign in '07 and '08, remember?
I see what you are saying and fair enough. But I'm not sure anything really prepares you to be President. Maybe being Vice President?
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 22, 2013, 02:27:19 PM
I see what you are saying and fair enough. But I'm not sure anything really prepares you to be President. Maybe being Vice President?
Being a governor, running a large government agency, being a military officer, or a leader in the House or Senate can teach one how to be a leader in government. I think roughly 1/3 of our presidents have served as governors prior to becoming POTUS. Four out of the last six have.
Obama has proven he's a great campaigner, but he's not a very competent leader. Even after five years, his leadership style seems somewhat aloof and tepid when it comes to decision making. His idea of compromise is "not unless you do it my way". That's doesn't even make him much of a politician. Prior to becoming president he had a rather undistinguished career as a state legislator and a junior senator who didn't even complete a full term. I've never seen anything on his resume which indicated any sort of leadership roles in his life prior to running for the White House.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 22, 2013, 02:27:19 PM
I see what you are saying and fair enough. But I'm not sure anything really prepares you to be President. Maybe being Vice President?
Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Bush I
Quote from: Conan71 on November 22, 2013, 10:05:03 AM
B...b...but wait! He managed his presidential campaign in '07 and '08, remember?
Did he actually manage it by himself or did he have some "helpers"?
Quote from: Red Arrow on November 22, 2013, 06:07:33 PM
Did he actually manage it by himself or did he have some "helpers"?
If he took credit for it, you can be sure someone else did the heavy lifting.
Obamacare event (attended by 4 people) gives out free condoms for attendance!
Hey, as long as you're getting screwed, you might as well use protection!
Wow Central Arkansas is doing something wrong. I had an Obamacare event in my pants and 6 people showed up.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on November 27, 2013, 10:37:30 AM
Wow Central Arkansas is doing something wrong. I had an Obamacare event in my pants and 6 people showed up.
That's actually where most of them are being held now. :D
Quote from: Gaspar on November 27, 2013, 10:38:35 AM
That's actually where most of them are being held now. :D
Front or back?
If you want to protect yourself from Obamacare, you could go to work for Harry Reid.
The politically expedient and/or `interest-group driven selective enforcement of laws by the president took center stage this week. This exchange is exceptionally informative (and listen to the lefty Turley at the end).
QuoteSpeaker of the House John Boehner is discovering — and sharing — the aspects of his new Obamacare insurance plan. "My health insurance premiums are going to double, my co-pays and deductibles triple under Obamacare," Boehner said during a recent weekly address. "I'm thrilled to death, as you can tell."
Boehner's predicament may become commonplace. Sector & Sovereign Research issued a report in early December analyzing health plans offered for 2014. The focus was on individual insurance plans, and if people want to match 2013 coverage to 2014 coverage, the cost to do so will be "substantially more in 2014 than in 2013."
...In the individual market, the young and old will see the highest deductible increases. A 21-year-old, Sector & Sovereign says, would see an increase in costs of 81 percent; at 64, the increase in cost is 64 percent. For a 40 year old, the increase is more modest in comparison, but is still 29 percent higher.
The subsidies will provide assistance and make health insurance more likely for certain groups, such as those who are 21 years old who have incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. However, when an individual falls outside of the age/income threshold, they become less likely to purchase insurance on the exchange due to the prohibitively high deductible costs. Sector & Sovereign says this is because "health insurance in the market for individually-purchased coverage will offer less value for money in 2014; accordingly these persons are more likely to be uninsured in 2014 than in 2013."
On Fox News Sunday, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel was asked about people who want to maintain their current doctor, and if the President's promise about being able to keep your doctor was truthful. "Yes," Emanuel said, "If you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that. This is a matter of choice."
According to the AP, Sebelius is now demanding that the inspector general investigate. . .uh. . .her own department's contracting practices that she developed. Meanwhile the networks are a flutter with the fantastic news of the 300,000 that have now signed up for Obamacare (but not paid), even though that is just a tiny fraction of the necessary paying customers needed to keep the boat above water.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's top health official is asking for an investigation into the administration's botched rollout of
The website was supposed to have been the online portal to insurance coverage under the new health care law, but technical problems turned it into a frustrating bottleneck for millions of consumers. It's working better now after two months of repairs.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a blog post early Wednesday that she is asking the department's inspector general to investigate the contracting process, management and performance and payment issues that may have contributed to the flawed launch.
The announcement comes as Sebelius heads to Capitol Hill for another round of grilling before the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Politifact has named their "Lie of The Year".
. . .and Jake Tapper just featured it on CNN.
How desperate are supporters of Obamacare getting? This:
Anyone know about this tax? Don't know what it actually means, plus, I got this from faux news..
Quote from: guido911 on December 17, 2013, 06:22:52 PM
How desperate are supporters of Obamacare getting? This:
It gets worse. Much worse!
I love this parody.
. . .and almost as soon as Obama's pajamaboy hit the scene, Chris Christie fired back with this one:
Quote from: guido911 on December 18, 2013, 05:34:32 PM
Madcow sure is a handsome fella...
Quote from: Conan71 on December 19, 2013, 11:07:38 AM
Madcow sure is a handsome fella...
So is that dude on the right.
Quote from: guido911 on December 19, 2013, 12:07:53 PM
So is that dude on the right.
Does Obamacare cover the cost of an addadicktomy operation?
I believe we have a winner!
In a "Hail Mary" act, the administration lifts mandate 4 days before deadline!
What idiots! Obama now says young people can go ahead an purchase just catastrophic only coverage. The problem is that there are no such policies available. They will have to be written, underwritten, and marketed in the next three days. Apparently he still thinks he can will things into being.
"This latest rule change could cause significant instability in the marketplace and lead to further confusion and disruption for consumers," said Karen Ignagni, president of America's Health Insurance Plans, the industry's main trade group.
Another health insurance official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he lacked authorization to discuss the matter publicly, pointed out that the hardship exemption also gives one group the ability to buy coverage whenever they want, rather than during annual open-enrollment periods. As a result, he said, more people might not buy insurance unless they get sick.
Any such policy thrown together at the last minute, would still be required to fund subsidized policies, likely making them only slightly more affordable than the standard bronze plan.
It's been since the 27th of November for anyone wondering.
Quote from: Townsend on December 23, 2013, 01:00:30 PM
It's been since the 27th of November for anyone wondering.
Well someone better tell most everyone else in the world then...
Quote from: guido911 on December 23, 2013, 04:21:47 PM
Well someone better tell most everyone else in the world then...
They have no idea about this.
Quote from: Townsend on December 23, 2013, 10:59:25 PM
They have no idea about this.
Neither does the Obama Administration. Maybe we could fire off a memo?
Barry signed up for ACA. Well, sort of,......... (
Quote from: Conan71 on December 24, 2013, 12:03:21 AM
Neither does the Obama Administration. Maybe we could fire off a memo?
Well, no, I doubt the administration would know. We must be talking about two different things.
Quote from: Townsend on December 24, 2013, 07:38:01 AM
Well, no, I doubt the administration would know. We must be talking about two different things.
The Obama Administration needs to visit the clue shop at Sears, as they appear clueless on most issues these days.
Quote from: Conan71 on December 24, 2013, 10:10:50 AM
The Obama Administration needs to visit the clue shop at Sears, as they appear clueless on most issues these days.
No one visits Sears anymore, judging by the sad Christmas shopping trip I made there.
What are you talking about Townsend?
Quote from: AquaMan on December 24, 2013, 04:40:12 PM
What are you talking about Townsend?
Only Gaspar, Guido and Conan had commented on the thread since then.
Quote from: Townsend on December 25, 2013, 11:10:42 PM
Only Gaspar, Guido and Conan had commented on the thread since then.
What's the term Gweed uses when that happens?...oh wait, that only happens when liberals do it.
So, still nothing really to add from Tweedledum and Tweedledee except snark. Anywhoo. . .
BCBS has started itemizing the new taxes that will hit next year on people's not-so-affordable plans.
The new taxes on one customer's bill added up to $23.14 a month, or $277.68 annually, according to Kaiser Health News. It boosted the monthly premium from $322.26 to $345.40 for that individual.
The new taxes and fees include a 2 percent levy on every health plan, which is expected to net about $8 billion for the government in 2014 and increase to $14.3 billion in 2018.
There's also a $2 fee per policy that goes into a new medical-research trust fund called the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute.
Insurers pay a 3.5 percent user fee to sell medical plans on the Web site.
ObamaCare supporters argue that federal subsidies for many low-income Americans will not only cover the taxes, but pay a big chunk of the premiums.
But ObamaCare taxes don't stop with health-plan premiums.
Americans also will pay hidden taxes, such as the 2.3 percent medical-device tax that will inflate the cost of items such as pacemakers, stents and prosthetic limbs.
Under ObamaCare, individual tax filers earning more than $200,000 and families earning more than $250,000 will pay an added 0.9 percent Medicare surtax on top of the existing 1.45 percent Medicare payroll tax. They'll also pay an extra 3.8 percent Medicare tax on unearned income, such as investment dividends, rental income and capital gains.
and meanwhile because of President Obama's landmark legislation. . .CNN is reporting that polling shows Republicans have gained a 13 point swing over Democrats in the Midterm elections. A reversal from a strong 50% to 42% Democrat lead to a moderate 49% to 47% Republican lead and this is mostly due to female voters. There is also quite an enthusiasm gap against Democrat voters in the midterms with only 22% saying they are enthusiastic about voting vs 36% of Republicans.
Looks like Obamacare (and the other displays of ineptitude) may effectively deliver the Senate and a larger majority in the house to Republicans. All because of the misconception that government has the power to effectively and efficiently control the price and delivery of health insurance.
Throughout forty centuries of human experience, price controls at their best have always been a miserable failure. At their worst, they have led to famine and bloodshed – to defeat and to disaster. – Irving S. Olds
Good NPR article this morning:
And finally the 4th (or 5th) shoe to drop (but who's counting):
According to Kaiser Health nearly 40% of the Bronze plans sold will require patients to pay the entire $5,000 deductible before contributing a cent to pay for doctor's visits. Most young people don't spend $5,000 a year on healthcare costs (except Sandra Fluke). So if you do need medical care you may pay up to $5,000 cash AND your $400 - $500 a month premium without receiving a single benefit (except of course peace of mind and Hope & Change).
If you buy one of the less expensive insurance plans sold through the new health law's marketplaces, you may be in for a surprise: Some plans won't pay for doctor visits before you meet your annual deductible, which could be thousands of dollars.
"This could be the next shoe to drop, as people don't realize that if they're buying a bronze plan, they may have to pay $5,000 out of pocket before it contributes a penny," said Carl McDonald, senior analyst with Citi Investment Research, speaking at a conference last month in Washington.
Experts are worrying that some new enrollees will be discouraged from seeing doctors if they have to pay the full charge, rather than simply a copayment. In Miami, for example, 40 percent of bronze plans require consumers to pay the full deductible before coverage kicks in, according to an analysis by online broker, a private online marketplace, for Kaiser Health News. The average deductible among the examined bronze plans in Miami is $5,735.
Patients in those plans who haven't yet met their annual deductibles would have to pay the full cost of the visits, unless they were for preventive services mandated by the law. A typical office visit can run $65 to $85, while more complex visits may cost more.
This is just plain sad. I hope the small percentage of people that were supposedly the target of this entire mess are happy. That's what is important after all.
It has begun.
Hospital staff in Northern Virginia are turning away sick people on a frigid Thursday morning because they can't determine whether their Obamacare insurance plans are in effect.
Patients in a close-in DC suburb who think they've signed up for new insurance plans are struggling to show their December enrollments are in force, and health care administrators aren't taking their word for it.
Read more:
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Quote from: Gaspar on January 03, 2014, 07:14:52 AM
It has begun.
Hospital staff in Northern Virginia are turning away sick people on a frigid Thursday morning because they can't determine whether their Obamacare insurance plans are in effect.
Read more:
But once you read the article, they arent actually "turning away sick people" so the paper seems to be playing a shell game with the facts.
The Birth of A New Child Not Anticipated?
It seems that even the most basic of life changes was not anticipated by Consumers currently have no way to add a new child to their plan. Don't you think these folks would have at least sat down in a room and talked through all of the simple basic things before engaging in development?
Good thing this is only affecting the 2 million folks who have been successful in signing up.
"It's just another example of 'We'll fix that later,'" said Bob Laszewski, an industry consultant who said he's gotten complaints from several insurer clients. "This needed to be done well before January. It's sort of a fly-by-night approach."
Quote from: patric on January 03, 2014, 09:13:39 AM
But once you read the article, they arent actually "turning away sick people" so the paper seems to be playing a shell game with the facts.
They can't by law turn them away, but they can certainly bill them for the cost, and patients that think they might get a bill will likely seek care elsewhere or at least hold off until they can figure out if they have coverage. Either way you slice it, it represents an incompetent and incomplete implementation.
And the inevitable tweet complaining (grain of salt worthy, but still funny)..
Quote from: Hoss on January 12, 2014, 06:40:59 PM
One anecdote hardly supports the POS that Obamacare is.
My son-in-law would have been a great doctor. He had his choice of medical schools and had a real passion for medicine. His father, a cardiologist, is also an innovator in the cardiac field, much like Dr. Foker. Their take is the opposite of Dr. Foker, and that's why my SIL chose a career in something construction-related. That, after the donkey-pain of suffering and studying for the MCAT and registering a very high MCAT score. I don't know I'd be so bold to walk away from that opportunity after that much work in pre-med and then working for a high MCAT. To me it's telling.
He's hardly alone.
But as I said, one anecdote isn't absolute proof whether it's a turd or a winner. The preponderance of evidence so far, though, suggests, it's something brown, squishy, and has a slightly sulfuric odor.
Quote from: Conan71 on January 12, 2014, 07:36:45 PM
One anecdote hardly supports the POS that Obamacare is.
My son-in-law would have been a great doctor. He had his choice of medical schools and had a real passion for medicine. His father, a cardiologist, is also an innovator in the cardiac field, much like Dr. Foker. Their take is the opposite of Dr. Foker, and that's why my SIL chose a career in something construction-related. That, after the donkey-pain of suffering and studying for the MCAT and registering a very high MCAT score. I don't know I'd be so bold to walk away from that opportunity after that much work in pre-med and then working for a high MCAT. To me it's telling.
He's hardly alone.
But as I said, one anecdote isn't absolute proof whether it's a turd or a winner. The preponderance of evidence so far, though, suggests, it's something brown, squishy, and has a slightly sulfuric odor.
12 days in and one won't be able to tell.
My opinion? It should have been single-payer.
Hell, this thread got started well before the law got started. My feeling is that opponents are afraid it will be a success. I count you in that group.
It's already a partial success in that it makes dropping someone's coverage due to pre-existing conditions unlawful.
Quote from: Hoss on January 12, 2014, 07:48:05 PM
My opinion? It should have been single-payer.
Even Medicare isn't single payer when you consider all the necessary supplemental private policies.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 12, 2014, 09:13:53 PM
Even Medicare isn't single payer when you consider all the necessary supplemental private policies.
True, but I'm not talking about Medicare for all. I'm talking about a true, single payer system. I've seen first-hand what happens to families when insurance cuts you off after so long. It nearly happened to my family when I was in high school.
My mother has medicare, but has Soonercare as her supplement (she's considered disabled). I cannot remember a time where she has had to pay out of pocket (aside from the $1.20 prescriptions of which she has exactly three monthly) for anything that has happened to her, including the pulmonary embolism they found last year when they were looking at a hernia she had.
Wonder what would have happened without that evil old government subsidy?
Quote from: Hoss on January 12, 2014, 09:26:13 PM
True, but I'm not talking about Medicare for all. I'm talking about a true, single payer system. I've seen first-hand what happens to families when insurance cuts you off after so long. It nearly happened to my family when I was in high school.
My mother has medicare, but has Soonercare as her supplement (she's considered disabled). I cannot remember a time where she has had to pay out of pocket (aside from the $1.20 prescriptions of which she has exactly three monthly) for anything that has happened to her, including the pulmonary embolism they found last year when they were looking at a hernia she had.
Wonder what would have happened without that evil old government subsidy?
I think maybe the government should be only the umbrella for young folks. Pick a deductible, maybe $1 Million. You buy insurance for up to $1M (MM for you guys in the natural gas business) and if you exceed that, the government covers it. This would be paid for by a tax on EVERYONE similar to Social Security. Flat rate for all on the first dollar you earn. Medicare is, at least in theory, a paid for insurance policy. My mom has deductions from her Social Security for Medicare. I assume your mom does too. I believe that the UK has a single payer program. I also believe I have read that private insurance in the UK is used to cover what the wonderful single payer system does not.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 12, 2014, 10:10:32 PM
I think maybe the government should be only the umbrella for young folks. Pick a deductible, maybe $1 Million. You buy insurance for up to $1M (MM for you guys in the natural gas business) and if you exceed that, the government covers it. This would be paid for by a tax on EVERYONE similar to Social Security. Flat rate for all on the first dollar you earn. Medicare is, at least in theory, a paid for insurance policy. My mom has deductions from her Social Security for Medicare. I assume your mom does too. I believe that the UK has a single payer program. I also believe I have read that private insurance in the UK is used to cover what the wonderful single payer system does not.
Most diagnostics beyond x-ray or CT scan, as well as any medicines off state formulary. We have British friends who say it's great if you fall off a barstool at the pub, but if you are really sick, it sucks.
I think the rapid growth of private and boutique care systems in Canada and the UK is evidence of how great those systems are. I have a client in Saskatoon that was down here a few months ago, and we had a nice long conversation on healthcare over dinner. Basically the Canadian system provides excellent first-aid, but if you require continued care or have something chronic, you end up paying cash for one of the new private diagnostic clinics because most tests have a long wait list. Even the private clinics now have fairly lengthy waits for diagnostic care, and many still travel to the US and even India. Apparently India has created a huge medical tourism program that they market heavily in Canada.
OMG this just keeps getting funnier. How hard is it to hire an interpreter instead of using Google translate? They spent billions on the Spanish site alone!
Apparently the new Healthcare.Gov site for those who speak Spanish was written in Spanglish, and is pissing off Hispanic visitors.
Mirroring problems with the federal health care website, people around the nation attempting to navigate the Spanish version have discovered their own set of difficulties.
The site,, launched more than two months late.
A Web page with Spanish instructions linked users to an English form.
And the translations were so clunky and full of grammatical mistakes that critics say they must have been computer-generated — the name of the site itself can literally be read "for the caution of health."
"When you get into the details of the plans, it's not all written in Spanish. It's written in Spanglish, so we end up having to translate it for them," said Adrian Madriz, a health care navigator who helps with enrollment in Miami.
The count still stands at 2.1 million signed up as opposed to the 6 million canceled. Looks like Obamacare may have maxed out. A glorious way to spend more than a trillion dollars!
Quote from: Gaspar on January 13, 2014, 08:53:34 AM
The count still stands at 2.1 million signed up as opposed to the 6 million canceled. Looks like Obamacare may have maxed out. A glorious way to spend more than a trillion dollars!
You keep forgetting all the good that is coming from this. I mean, no one is being inconvenienced by this idea designed to benefit
everyone, I mean a very small percentage of Americans--most importantly Sheen.
As for the trillion in cost, let me remind you that Bush wasted that much on his illegal wars, so Obama is therefore entitled to waste money also on his policy. That's how this logically works.
Quote from: guido911 on January 13, 2014, 04:35:23 PM
As for the trillion in cost, let me remind you that Bush wasted that much on his illegal wars, so Obama is therefore entitled to waste money also on his policy.
No. Obama is not entitled to waste money.
But you seem to think that unlimited and unchecked money for war is perfectly justified, but trying to help Americans stay healthy is somehow wrong. Yes, the government has screwed this up. But at least they are trying to do some good for Americans rather than interfere with other countries and steal their oil under the premise that we were fighting for democracy.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on January 13, 2014, 06:18:10 PM
. But at least they are trying to do some good for Americans rather than interfere with other countries and steal their oil under the premise that we were fighting for democracy.
You earned it.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on January 13, 2014, 06:18:10 PM
Yes, the government has screwed this up. But at least they are trying to do some good for Americans
Quote from: guido911 on January 13, 2014, 06:27:17 PM
You earned it.
Nice bong.
That is what guido posts when he loses an argument.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on January 13, 2014, 08:37:47 PM
That is what guido posts when he loses an argument.
In this case, he would be correct.
Quote from: Red Arrow on January 13, 2014, 08:45:41 PM
In this case, he would be correct.
Correct in losing the argument?
Target nixing insurance coverage for part-timers?
Screw them. All that is important is that a very small percentage of folks are happy.
On today's Google Hangout with President Obama a Fry cook asks Obama about getting cut back to part time b/c of Obamacare, Obama tells him Congress needs to pass a minimum wage increase.
Wish I could find a capture of the video. I'm sure some of the networks will pick it up.
Quote from: Gaspar on January 31, 2014, 03:29:53 PM
On today's Google Hangout with President Obama a Fry cook asks Obama about getting cut back to part time b/c of Obamacare, Obama tells him Congress needs to pass a minimum wage increase.
Wish I could find a capture of the video. I'm sure some of the networks will pick it up.
Here's the video. Go to 14:00 min. mark. This seemed to be a question about minimum wage that had a lesser Obamacare component.
Here is what is considered a more callous view of government responsibility about the failed Obamacare roll out--from the person that said we had to vote for it before we could know what was in it (or something). Go to 3:00ish for the "explanation":
The administration has polished this turd so much now that it's a glossy brown. I don't know how Jay Carney stands up straight with all the spinning he does.
QuoteWASHINGTON — Several million American workers will cut back their hours on the job or leave the nation's workforce entirely because of President Barack Obama's health-care overhaul, congressional analysts said Tuesday, adding fresh fuel to the political fight over "Obamacare."
The workforce changes would mean nationwide losses equal to 2.3 million full-time jobs by 2021, in large part because people would opt to keep their income low to stay eligible for federal health-care subsidies or Medicaid, the Congressional Budget Office said. It had estimated previously that the law would lead to 800,000 fewer jobs by that year.
Republican lawmakers seized on the report as major new evidence of what they consider the failures of Obama's overhaul, the huge change in U.S. health coverage that they're trying to overturn and planning to use as a main argument against Democrats in November's midterm elections.
It's the latest indication that "the president's health-care law is destroying full-time jobs," said Republican Rep. John Kline of Minnesota, chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee.
But the White House said the possible reduction would be due to voluntary steps by workers rather than businesses cutting jobs — people having the freedom to retire early or spend more time as stay-at-home parents because they no longer had to depend only on their employers for health insurance.
The law means people "will be empowered to make choices about their own lives and livelihoods," said White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.
CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf said the top reasons people would reduce work would be to qualify for subsidized coverage and an expanded Medicaid program but that lower wages — because of penalties on employers who don't provide coverage and looming taxes on generous health-care plans — would also be a factor.
The agency also reduced its estimate of the number of uninsured people who will get coverage through the health-care law. The budget experts now say 1 million more people will be uninsured this year than had been expected, partly because of the website problems that prevented people from signing up last fall.
However, it wasn't all bad news for the Obama administration. The CBO's wide-ranging report predicted that the federal budget deficit will fall to $514 billion this year, down from last year's $680 billion and the lowest by far since Obama took office five years ago.
The new estimates also say that the health-care law will, in the short run, benefit the economy by boosting demand for goods and services because the lower-income people it helps will have more purchasing power. The report noted that the 2014 premiums that people pay for exchange coverage are coming in about 15 percent lower than projected, and the health-care law, on balance, still is expected to reduce the federal deficit.
However, the budget experts see the long-term federal deficit picture worsening by about $100 billion a year through the end of the decade because of slower growth in the economy than they had previously predicted.
As for health-care signups, the website woes have largely been cleared up, but the nonpartisan congressional analysts estimated that about 1 million fewer people will enroll through the new insurance exchanges than had been expected this year, for a total of 6 million.
Enrollment is predicted to pick up, topping 20 million in 2016. The exchanges, or online marketplaces, offer subsidized private coverage and cater mainly to middle-class people who don't have health-care on the job.
The Congressional Budget Office also revised its Medicaid enrollment projection downward by about 1 million, for a new total of 8 million signups in 2014. About half the states have accepted the health law's Medicaid expansion.
What about those people whose decisions about work might be affected by the new law?
Lower-wage workers are more likely to reduce their hours or quit their jobs because of Obamacare incentives, the report said.
Although some employers will choose not to hire additional workers, or will reduce hours, the budget office said that does not appear to be the main factor.
"The estimated reduction stems almost entirely from a net decline in the amount of labor that workers choose to supply, rather than from a net drop in businesses' demand for labor," the report said.
The health-care analysis is layered with complexity. The job losses are measured in "full-time-equivalent workers," which means more people are actually affected than, say, the 2 million full-time-equivalent jobs lost in 2017. It could take several part-time workers or people deciding to reduce their hours to produce the wage loss of one full-time equivalent.
The report also contains an important caveat, that the estimate of job losses is "subject to substantial uncertainty" and could be larger or smaller than predicted. There now are more than 130 million jobs in the economy.
Unemployment offers an excellent opportunity to spend more time with family. The Obama administration is very focused on family.
DC has gone into full spin mode now. Let's see, up to 2.5 million people may
choose not to participate in the workforce because the ACA creates disincentives for people to work which decreases overall productivity. But in no way does extending jobless benefits create a disincentive for people to find work. Assuming these are low-level wage jobs, where's the incentive for others to move into the workforce in place of those leaving because of the disincentives that will supposedly make them leave the workforce?
I'm curious if Elmendorf got some talking points emailed to him by the White House.
QuoteAs noted here yesterday, Republicans went mad with glee at the new Congressional Budget Office report on deficits and the Affordable Care Act, with multiple GOP officials claiming it showed the law will kill over two million jobs. That was false.
Under questioning today before the House Budget Committee from Dem Rep. Chris Van Hollen, CBO director Douglas Elmendorf confirmed that in reality, his report suggests Obamacare will reduce unemployment:
The CBO report found that Obamacare — through subsidizing health coverage – would reduce the amount of hours workers choose to work, to the equivalent of 2.5 million full-time workers over 10 years. This was widely spun by Republicans as a loss of 2.5 million jobs.
To counter this, Van Hollen cited the report's findings on Obamacare's impact on labor demand, rather than supply. On page 124, the report estimates that the ACA will "boost overall demand for goods and services over the next few years because the people who will benefit from the expansion of Medicaid and from access to the exchange subsidies are predominantly in lower-income households and thus are likely to spend a considerable fraction of their additional resources on goods and services." This, the report says, "will in turn boost demand for labor over the next few years."
"When you boost demand for labor in this kind of economy, you actually reduce the unemployment rate, because those people who are looking for work can find more work, right?" Van Hollen asked Elmendorf.
"Yes, that's right," Elmendorf said.
Elmendorf added that the factor Van Hollen had identified was something CBO thinks "spurs employment and would reduce unemployment over the next few years."
So there it is: The CBO report found the opposite of what some foes of the law claimed.
Now, it's true that elsewhere in his testimony — when questioned by Paul Ryan — Elmendorf confirmed that the subsidies from Obamacare would reduce the incentive to work, and that this would reduce economic growth. But as Brian Beutler explains well, for many people this incentive to work is not even necessarily a good thing, because it flows from "job lock," i.e., they are tied to their jobs in order to have health care.
As Jonathan Cohn points out, conservatives might have a principled policy disagreement with that point, arguing that some people will have bad reasons for working less (they don't want to work more), but even if they do, a similar impact is felt from any policy offering financial assistance that's conditioned on income level — even conservative health reform ideas.
Wherever you come down on that debate, conservatives making that case are at least remaining within the parameters of what the CBO report actually said. The claim by GOP officials that Obamacare will snuff out over two million jobs does not fall within the parameters of what the CBO report actually said.
What this really comes down to is that Republicans mischaracterized the report's findings because they don't want to let go of their "Obamacare is a job killer" talking point. After all, it's much harder politically to argue that helping poor people get health coverage is a bad idea because it reduces their incentive to work than it is to argue that Big Bad Government Regulations (in the form of unpopular Obamacare) are killing millions of jobs, driving up unemployment, and strangling the recovery.
But the CBO report just doesn't support that latter claim, and the director of the CBO himself has now confirmed it.
Quote from: Conan71 on February 06, 2014, 09:36:52 AM
DC has gone into full spin mode now. Lets see, up to 2.5 million people may choose not to participate in the workforce because the ACA creates disincentives for people to work which decreases overall productivity. But in no way does extending jobless benefits create a disincentive for people to find work. Assuming these are low-level wage jobs, wheres the incentive for others to move into the workforce in place of those leaving because of the disincentives that will supposedly make them leave the workforce?
Im curious if Elmendorf got some talking points emailed to him by the White House.
Sometimes the only way to overcome failure is to redefine it.
AOL/Huffington Post announces cuts to employees retirement plans due to Obamacare. WHAT?
What's that? Stiffing employees for the sake of profit???
AOL made more money in one day last quarter than their change in health care costs this year.
You mean they feel that healthcare is the obligation of their employees rather than their investors?
Lightbulbs coming on yet?
Quote from: Gaspar on February 06, 2014, 03:21:44 PM
You mean they feel that healthcare is the obligation of their employees rather than their investors?
Lightbulbs coming on yet?
Yeah, good thing there is something in place when they decide that they don't need to offer healthcare in order to get employees.
If you refuse to take responsibility for the problems you create, you have no right to take credit for the solutions.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on February 06, 2014, 03:42:39 PM
Yeah, good thing there is something in place when they decide that they don't need to offer healthcare in order to get employees.
There already was such a mechanism in place prior to Obamacare. Blue Cross ringing a bell? (
AOL backed off. Also from the article. "Armstrong did not describe the examples, but on the employee call Thursday he cited two distressed pregnancies costing $1 million each as a reason for the annual 401(k) matching."
Wow 2 preganancies and $2 million dollars. That is criminal.
BREAKING: The employer mandate for businesses that have 50-99 employees is being delayed until 2016, by decree of the king.
Gotta get through the elections.
Thank you Lord Obama.
The sad part of this most recent delay is that millions of people won't be freed from their jobs.
^^^^ Here's hoping you-know-who in this forum isn't affected.
When Hillary runs, she's going to tear this law apart. Clintons like polls, so they're going to do whatever the polls tell them to do. Don't think single payer will ever become an option now. The water is tainted.
Quote from: Gaspar on February 10, 2014, 04:28:11 PM
Clintons like polls, so they're going to do whatever the polls tell them to do.
You have no clue. Go ahead and make up lies about Hillary now. It is what you do.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on February 10, 2014, 04:38:24 PM
You have no clue. Go ahead and make up lies about Hillary now. It is what you do.
Gassy has long been a part of the "vast right-wing conspiracy" that Hillary Clinton never mentioned.
Quote from: Gaspar on February 10, 2014, 03:30:27 PM
BREAKING: The employer mandate for businesses that have 50-99 employees is being delayed until 2016
Only four percent of all businesses fall under this category and half of them already provide health insurance for the employees.
This is a realization that there are still issues to work out (both politically and for implementation). I am proud that the President realizes this and is willing to compromise his timeframe for implementation. Such decisions should be applauded.
The health insurance system is broke in America. It has been broken for decades. We have to realize that such a sweeping reform will take time.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on February 10, 2014, 05:56:00 PM
Only four percent of all businesses fall under this category and half of them already provide health insurance for the employees.
This is a realization that there are still issues to work out (both politically and for implementation). I am proud that the President realizes this and is willing to compromise his timeframe for implementation. Such decisions should be applauded.
The health insurance system is broke in America. It has been broken for decades. We have to realize that such a sweeping reform will take time.
And the fact that it's an election year has nothing to do with delaying the mandate which would further hurt people.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on February 10, 2014, 05:56:00 PM
Only four percent of all businesses fall under this category and half of them already provide health insurance for the employees.
This is a realization that there are still issues to work out (both politically and for implementation). I am proud that the President realizes this and is willing to compromise his timeframe for implementation. Such decisions should be applauded.
The health insurance system is broke in America. It has been broken for decades. We have to realize that such a sweeping reform will take time.
Don't you think it's pretty sad we, as well as the administration, are
just now finding out what is in that bill that Nancy Pelosi said we needed to pass to see what was in it?
I knew what was in it: feces, lots and lots of feces.
I don't agree the system was broken, though there needed to be some protection for people with pre-existing conditions as well as insurance portability. Insurance as an employee benefit has always been for higher paying career positions, not entry level jobs. Additional funding for Medicaid would have accomplished a lot of good things for many uninsured Americans without messing with the benefits of those who have a higher income level.
Instead, the narrative became that "Your wealthy, healthy neighbor has better insurance than you. That should piss you off to the point that you will empower the government to punish him by reducing his benefits, options, and that he should pay a tax on a plan that is 'just too good'."
Now we learn that the whole program was over-sold. People who it was claimed ACA would benefit aren't going to benefit. People who had great coverage no longer have coverage or are forced to choose less coverage to keep health insurance within their budget. We are just supposed to shove our hands in our pockets and say: "Hey nothing's perfect, but we did our best!"
Let's just take things which function for most people and turn it into something as dysfunctional for as many people as possible out of good intention or to make people feel better.
Quote from: Conan71 on February 10, 2014, 06:49:51 PM
Don't you think it's pretty sad we, as well as the administration, are just now finding out what is in that bill that Nancy Pelosi said we needed to pass to see what was in it?
I knew what was in it: feces, lots and lots of feces.
I would behave like it's sad, but I am too busy applauding Obama for his keen business sense in delaying the mandate.
Quote from: guido911 on February 10, 2014, 06:01:06 PM
And the fact that it's an election year has nothing to do with delaying the mandate which would further hurt people.
Everything is political. Anything you do, or don't do, in Washington D.C. can be said is related to the election of somebody.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on February 10, 2014, 04:38:24 PM
You have no clue. Go ahead and make up lies about Hillary now. It is what you do.
Not really making anything up. In fact, The truth of it is that Obamacare will never actually take effect if Hillary is elected, because she and Bill are so poll focused.
The law is gonna fall apart under the weight of it's own provisions and at the worst, give rise to layer upon layer of new healthcare legislation related to choice rather than control.
If you think that Obamacare may just be a path to single-payer, you are also incorrect. Democrats will quickly give up that idea because this bill has poisoned the water so much that any similar centralized proposal will never achieve traction.
Obamacare is gonna go down historically as poorly conceived, poorly executed, and as the primary reason Democrats let the balance of power go to Republicans.
If you don't believe me, just look at the full speed run away from the legislation that most candidates facing an election are taking. Public support for the law has sunk down below 35%. This is why a more controlling (single payer) bill will never pass now.
I'm gonna have to give some credit to Obama for actually saving us from socialized medicine by producing such failure as to forever taint public opinion of the centralized control of healthcare.
Next year, Hillary will begin her run, and I expect her to address what is left of Obamacare on the campaign trail with phrases like "we've learned a lot" and "we now know what does not work" and I would expect her to turn around and embrace whatever the public sees as popular, and whatever works well in the polls.
She is a Clinton, meaning she will never desert polling for principal. You will see a very well organized transition from her previous policy positions and she will never be challenged on that by an adoring media.
It's gonna be interesting to see her make people believe that Obamacare was not in any way similar to Hillarycare. I think you will be amazed at how successful she is. By that time there will be very few who cry about how president Obama was treated unfairly or that everything was always someone else's fault.
She would never spend time pushing a narrative that SHE was incapable of implementing change, and that will certainly be regressing difference.
She is cunning and ruthless and she's not gonna let challengers pin her with Obamacare or say that she had anything to do with it's architecture.
So basically I think we can bid goodbye to Obamacare because it's never gonna be the "law of the land," especially when it keeps being pushed to someone else's watch.
You can already tell that both sides are looking for a way out, and because many cannot lie about their connection to the law, they will wiggle and morph their position, acting hurt that they were fooled, just like you. ;)
Here is how it will happen. (
Quote from: Gaspar on February 11, 2014, 07:36:07 AM
Not really making anything up. In fact, The truth of it is that Obamacare will never actually take effect if Hillary is elected, because she and Bill are so poll focused.
The law is gonna fall apart under the weight of it's own provisions and at the worst, give rise to layer upon layer of new healthcare legislation related to choice rather than control.
If you think that Obamacare may just be a path to single-payer, you are also incorrect. Democrats will quickly give up that idea because this bill has poisoned the water so much that any similar centralized proposal will never achieve traction.
Obamacare is gonna go down historically as poorly conceived, poorly executed, and as the primary reason Democrats let the balance of power go to Republicans.
If you don't believe me, just look at the full speed run away from the legislation that most candidates facing an election are taking. Public support for the law has sunk down below 35%. This is why a more controlling (single payer) bill will never pass now.
I'm gonna have to give some credit to Obama for actually saving us from socialized medicine by producing such failure as to forever taint public opinion of the centralized control of healthcare.
Next year, Hillary will begin her run, and I expect her to address what is left of Obamacare on the campaign trail with phrases like "we've learned a lot" and "we now know what does not work" and I would expect her to turn around and embrace whatever the public sees as popular, and whatever works well in the polls.
She is a Clinton, meaning she will never desert polling for principal. You will see a very well organized transition from her previous policy positions and she will never be challenged on that by an adoring media.
It's gonna be interesting to see her make people believe that Obamacare was not in any way similar to Hillarycare. I think you will be amazed at how successful she is. By that time there will be very few who cry about how president Obama was treated unfairly or that everything was always someone else's fault.
She would never spend time pushing a narrative that SHE was incapable of implementing change, and that will certainly be regressing difference.
She is cunning and ruthless and she's not gonna let challengers pin her with Obamacare or say that she had anything to do with it's architecture.
So basically I think we can bid goodbye to Obamacare because it's never gonna be the "law of the land," especially when it keeps being pushed to someone else's watch.
You can already tell that both sides are looking for a way out, and because many cannot lie about their connection to the law, they will wiggle and morph their position, acting hurt that they were fooled, just like you. ;)
Here is how it will happen. (
Thanks for the laugh, Scott. You never cease to amaze.
Trey Gowdy hit the nail on the head. The ACA is the legacy of Obama's presidency. It's his centerpiece, legislative accomplishment. And even he doesn't want it implemented.
Quote from: Conan71 on February 10, 2014, 06:49:51 PM
I don't agree the system was broken, though there needed to be some protection for people with pre-existing conditions as well as insurance portability. Insurance as an employee benefit has always been for higher paying career positions, not entry level jobs. Additional funding for Medicaid would have accomplished a lot of good things for many uninsured Americans without messing with the benefits of those who have a higher income level.
You don't agree only because you aren't part of the half of this country that have been directly exposed to that massively broken system for the last many, many decades. While enjoying erosion of your standard of living by 30% and more over the last 40 years.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on February 11, 2014, 10:24:58 PM
You don't agree only because you aren't part of the half of this country that have been directly exposed to that massively broken system for the last many, many decades. While enjoying erosion of your standard of living by 30% and more over the last 40 years.
More LWRE spew. ;D
Actually no. My standard of living has improved by a very good margin over the last 40 years.
The reason I don't agree, is I don't see the point in revamping an entire system which did not need to be revamped as a whole. As previously mentioned there certainly were things the government could have done different to help those who don't have proper coverage while keeping from meddling with coverage that did work for many Americans.
I've been uninsured and under-insured in the past. I paid for my second daughter's birth entirely out of pocket as I had a personal policy on my family and did not elect to get maternity coverage because my wife and I weren't planning on another child at that point in time. That's just the way it goes when you are young and your priorities are different. I also ended up paying for a hand surgery as the result of a motorcycle crash when I was 20 also entirely out of pocket. Never once did I think to myself that was the result of a broken system, nor did I ever think the entire insurance system should be overhauled to keep that from happening to me again. Those were the results of my choices.
There are a lot of young people who could have been buying their own insurance coverage prior to the ACA who simply did not make it a priority. Guess what? There's growing evidence many of those same young adults are electing to pay the penalty under ACA rather than purchase insurance.
The moment people were restricted as to who, when, and where they could purchase their health insurance, that is when the decline in quality and increase in price started. Of course state and federal government tried to fix this by limiting the market even further, until finally through supreme collusion the big insurers were able to lobby government to regulate and select what remained of their competition out of the market, leaving only a handful of players free of competitive price pressure. The icing on the top is when these insurers were successful in forcing the consumer to purchase their product. President Obama was just a tool.
Now, what they did not anticipate was how inept the federal government is at marketing and executing anything. That combined with an administration that literally thought they could wait until the very last minute to build the mechanics lead us to what we have now. A glorious teachable moment.
About a week ago Aetna admitted that they were going to experience a loss from the plans under ACA, but that it would be manageable, anticipating that more people would sign up to avoid the penalties. This week we hear that there are additional delays until 2016 and perhaps even more to be considered. I am fairly sure that Aetna did not anticipate that.
No matter whether this ends up helping the insurance industry by weeding out the remaining smaller players or hurting them as a whole, the people that will ultimately suffer are the consumers as quality declines to meet demand at fixed cost.
I can see no way forward without the insurance industry requesting some form of bailout from the federal government to cover the cost of slow participation and delay. I think we can probably expect that as the next change to the law that will take place independent of Congress.
It's the law!
Quote from: Conan71 on February 12, 2014, 11:19:19 AM
Actually no. My standard of living has improved by a very good margin over the last 40 years.
The reason I don't agree, is I don't see the point in revamping an entire system which did not need to be revamped as a whole. As previously mentioned there certainly were things the government could have done different to help those who don't have proper coverage while keeping from meddling with coverage that did work for many Americans.
Exactly what I was getting at - your standard of living has gone up, while most people's has gone down - especially those in the lower 1/3...where the minimum wage has lost 30% in the last 40 years!
The entire system was in dramatic need of revamping. Not surprising that the highest have so badly lost sight of the lowest such that they think everything was just fine, thank you! Like management at McDonald's who keep telling their people how they should be saving money for the future.... on $8 an hour! It's one of those "slap to the head - I coulda had a V8" moments!! Gee, why didn't they think of that...?? Just can't imagine what they have been thinking all this time! But I am sure they are comforted to know their fearless leader - CEO - got a massive raise last year - going from only 588 times the average McDonald's wage to right at 700 times the average McDonald's wage! But he is more than worth it, of course....
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on February 18, 2014, 06:46:29 PM
Exactly what I was getting at - your standard of living has gone up, while most people's has gone down - especially those in the lower 1/3...where the minimum wage has lost 30% in the last 40 years!
The entire system was in dramatic need of revamping. Not surprising that the highest have so badly lost sight of the lowest such that they think everything was just fine, thank you! Like management at McDonald's who keep telling their people how they should be saving money for the future.... on $8 an hour! It's one of those "slap to the head - I coulda had a V8" moments!! Gee, why didn't they think of that...?? Just can't imagine what they have been thinking all this time! But I am sure they are comforted to know their fearless leader - CEO - got a massive raise last year - going from only 588 times the average McDonald's wage to right at 700 times the average McDonald's wage! But he is more than worth it, of course....
You only have one gear, don't you?
While you rail on about economic injustice between people working what are considered temporary jobs at the low end of the job pool and the leaders of multi-billion dollar companies, you are completely oblivious to the average middle class family who has seen their health care costs go up dramatically as a result of the ACA.
There was no need to re-jigger the entire system to the point it has caused premium costs to escalate for middle class families who were barely making it while either increasing their deductibles or forcing them to select less coverage than they had before. How can anyone call that necessary? The middle class were completely forgotten in the ACA and there are still millions of Americans who will not qualify for coverage under ACA.
Further, people on the lower end of the job scale watched as their hours have been cut so their employers didn't have to provide insurance benefits. Other employers have simply asked for and gotten waivers to not have to provide coverage.
Please explain in detail how all this was necessary and some sort of a victory again?
Quote from: Conan71 on February 18, 2014, 07:58:42 PM
There was no need to re-jigger the entire system to the point it has caused premium costs to escalate for middle class families who were barely making it while either increasing their deductibles or forcing them to select less coverage than they had before. How can anyone call that necessary? The middle class were completely forgotten in the ACA and there are still millions of Americans who will not qualify for coverage under ACA.
Never mind that the rate of both overall health care expenditures and premium increases for both employer and employee shares have been lower than trend for the past several years. You're complaining about increases that would have been larger in the absence of ACA (and the economy during the crisis years), at least up to this point. When was the last time you didn't see an increase in your premium for the same coverage? Maybe there's some gigantic premium increase coming for us all in the next couple of years like there was between 2005 and 2007 (for small group coverage, large firms were not as affected), but it hasn't happened yet, but somehow you talk like it has. Aside from the immediate post-crisis years, overall health care cost growth is lower than it has been since 1965.
Yes, some people have seen larger increases than others. That's how it has always been and will always be.
tl;dr: Much like the much ballyhooed hyperinflation, stagnation on Wall Street, the defeat of Barack Obama, and global cooling, the thing you are complaining about has yet to actually show up. Maybe it will, maybe it won't, we'll see.
Quote from: nathanm on February 18, 2014, 09:42:13 PM
Never mind that the rate of both overall health care expenditures and premium increases for both employer and employee shares have been lower than trend for the past several years. You're complaining about increases that would have been larger in the absence of ACA (and the economy during the crisis years), at least up to this point. When was the last time you didn't see an increase in your premium for the same coverage? Maybe there's some gigantic premium increase coming for us all in the next couple of years like there was between 2005 and 2007 (for small group coverage, large firms were not as affected), but it hasn't happened yet, but somehow you talk like it has. Aside from the immediate post-crisis years, overall health care cost growth is lower than it has been since 1965.
Yes, some people have seen larger increases than others. That's how it has always been and will always be.
tl;dr: Much like the much ballyhooed hyperinflation, stagnation on Wall Street, the defeat of Barack Obama, and global cooling, the thing you are complaining about has yet to actually show up. Maybe it will, maybe it won't, we'll see.
You sure are putting a lot of faith in Jason Furman's insistence that the ACA was responsible for the slowdown in cost growth, not the recession and sluggish recovery. Rather he cherry-picked stats from the study by the Kaiser Family Foundation whose studies have generally been considered to provide very good analysis of the effects of the ACA.
For those who don't have a clue who Jason Furman is, he is Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers for the White House. In other words, he works for Obama. Naturally he is going to find an angle to help make the ACA look better than it is.
QuoteObamacare Hasn't Slowed The Growth of Health Care Costs – It's The Economy, Stupid!
Obama administration advisors and supporters have been arguing that Obamacare and its grand designs to reshape health care have been a primary reason why health care costs have slowed. Yet, the facts and data the real world – rather than the world of unreality in which people can keep their doctors and plans if they like them until they can't – show that the old James Carville adage is still correct. When it comes to the slowdown in health costs, it's the economy, stupid.
This week, Jason Furman, head of the President's council of economic advisers, penned a piece in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Obamacare is slowing health inflation" in which he pointed to an annual report on health care spending from the Office of the Actuary at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to show that Obamacare has helped slow or reduce health costs.
The problem is the report does not say what Furman suggests it says. In fact, the report actually acknowledged that the main driver of the temporary slowdown in the rate of health care growth was not Obamacare, but an economy shaken by the Great Recession. Since World War II, the historical pattern is that the annual increase in the rate of health care spending slows a bit during periods of economic turmoil or recession, as consumers lose their health coverage or have fewer dollars to spend on care.
In a comprehensive study on this phenomenon, the Kaiser Family Foundation used statistical analysis to examine 50 years of health spending and economic trends. The study found that the economy produces a major but delayed effect on the nation's health spending, and attributes 77 percent of the slowdown due to poor economic conditions. In other words, the economy is not a factor, but the factor.
The CMS report itself underscored that the slower-than-average annual growth in health care spending was attributable to a weak economy. "The relative stability since 2009 primarily reflects the lagged impacts of the recent severe economic recession," the report explained. Because millions of individuals lost their employer-provided health insurance or could not afford to keep their health coverage, "there was a slow recovery from private health insurance enrollment losses that occurred in 2008-2010" the analysts concluded.
This sentiment is echoed numerous times throughout the report, and is also consistent with the actuary's analysis in January 2013. CMS analysts even went out of their way to be clear that the health care law was not a big driver in the small reduction in cost growth in 2012. They write that provisions in "the Affordable Care Act ... had a minimal impact on overall national health spending growth through 2012." In fact, Anne Martin, a CMS economist and the primary author of the study, pointed out to the press that we spent "more on health care between 2010 and 2012 due to the Affordable Care Act."
Furman also purposefully chose to cherry-pick a few rosy examples to obscure the bigger picture. For example, he says "the ACA is directly responsible for a substantial portion of slowdown in Medicare's growth over the past few years." That claim sounds great, but the CMS report actually notes that the slowdown in 2012 was "driven primarily by a one-time payment reduction to skilled nursing facilities."
Here's another example. Furman says the health care law "is helping to boost employment, lower deficits, and bolster wage growth." While employment has made slow gains rebounding since the depths of the 2008-2009 recessions, millions of Americans are still struggling to find work or are underemployed. Deficits have declined marginally, but that's hardly because of the President. The Administration is still advocating the same Big Government spending agenda that will slow our economy through debt and the demand for higher taxes.
Perhaps the most egregious citation sleight-of-hand is Furman's attempted rebuttal of the claim that the health care law would be a "job-killer" by noting there have been "7.9 million private jobs added since the ACA." Any new job is a good thing but the economy has yet to demonstrate it is on track to fill jobs at a level that will reach full employment any time soon.
Moreover, the claim that the ACA will kill jobs is not mere rhetoric. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that, thanks to the ACA, if you like your job, there's no guarantee you can keep it. CBO found the health care law will reduce the workforce by 800,000 jobs over a decade. And because the CBO does not conduct industry-specific assessments of potential job losses, the job loss tally could grow far higher.
Plus, headlines for months have warned of companies reducing workers' hours and choosing not to hire new employees because of the law's overly restrictive regulatory definition of a full-time employee as anyone who works 30 hours. Other headlines have told the story of health care providers and medical device manufacturers who have had to lay off staff due to the law's damaging cuts and taxes.
Finally, while Furman argued the CMS report demonstrates "important progress" in curbing runaway health spending, he ignores the coming flood of health spending and other mandates that are set to kick in this year. Does the administration plan to say that cancelling people's health insurance and setting up rationing boards is one way to curb costs?
But the big data point that has been missed is that last fall, the actuary's office at CMS explained the ACA will actually increase health care costs moving forward. They noted, "In 2014 the implementation of provisions of the [law] related to major coverage expansions are expected to accelerate health spending growth."
The CBO also projects that under Obamacare, the annual Medicaid spending will grow at a rate of eight percent. By 2022, annual Medicaid spending will approach three-quarters of a trillion dollars. The total cost of the insurance coverage expansion under the law is $1.3 trillion dollars over the coming decade.
Time will tell who is correct but the American people have little reason to trust the administration's predictions. All sides want to slow health costs but history shows innovation, competition and free markets are far better at making scarce and costly goods and services more available and affordable than government. The ACA is likely to once again confirm that the best way to make something expensive is for government to make it "affordable."
It's come to this. The new ads are all about being "taken care of" and living in Mom & Dad's basement.
They are at least honest. No one is going to race to hire people with this mindset. Hopefully they are all working on an english lit or gender studies major.
Dependency is awesome!
Quote from: Gaspar on February 19, 2014, 10:42:40 AM
It's come to this. The new ads are all about being "taken care of" and living in Mom & Dad's basement.
I'm a person that thinks we need the ACA, or at least something something similar. But even to me, this almost looks like a parody ad. Goodness, who is in charge of making these things?
Quote from: rebound on February 19, 2014, 10:47:56 AM
I'm a person that thinks we need the ACA, or at least something something similar. But even to me, this almost looks like a parody ad. Goodness, who is in charge of making these things?
Haven't found on that doesn't look like a parody. They, however, are not. This is apparently how they define their public.
They do, however, invite parody.
Quote from: Conan71 on February 19, 2014, 08:54:52 AM
Rather he cherry-picked stats from the study by the Kaiser Family Foundation whose studies have generally been considered to provide very good analysis of the effects of the ACA.
Sorry to disappoint, but I was cherry picking from KFF's latest cost report. You might note at no point did I say that the slowed growth in cost was
due to the ACA, only that it has happened. Even if the slowing rate of increase isn't due to ACA, it irrefutably has yet to spark the massive cost increases that you and all the other naysayers predicted.
Quote from: nathanm on February 19, 2014, 01:38:41 PM
Sorry to disappoint, but I was cherry picking from KFF's latest cost report. You might note at no point did I say that the slowed growth in cost was due to the ACA, only that it has happened. Even if the slowing rate of increase isn't due to ACA, it irrefutably has yet to spark the massive cost increases that you and all the other naysayers predicted.
Then what is this quote of yours all about, Nate:
"You're complaining about increases that
would have been larger in the absence of ACA"
Secondly, you used data on overall healthcare costs from 2010 to 2013 conflate the point I made that there is plenty evidence published in the last few months that many in the middle class are now paying more for insurance or selecting lesser levels of coverage with higher deductibles than what they paid before the ACA
roll-out fall-out last fall.
Quote from: Conan71 on February 19, 2014, 01:51:37 PM
Secondly, you used data on overall healthcare costs from 2010 to 2013 conflate the point I made that there is plenty evidence published in the last few months that many in the middle class are now paying more for insurance or selecting lesser levels of coverage with higher deductibles than what they paid before the ACA roll-out fall-out last fall.
No conflation. The KFF report includes data on overall cost as well as the employer and employee shares of premiums and also employee out of pocket expenses, all of which have increased more slowly in the 2010-2012 period than they did in the 2005-2007 period. Yes, people's premiums have gone up. On average, they have gone up more slowly than they were before ACA. We can argue about whether or not that has anything to do with ACA, (best data is that it's in the ballpark of half ACA and half the economic meltdown) but the fact of the matter is that premium growth and spending growth are both down from what they were.
Employer premium growth is only down slightly, but employee premium growth is down significantly. Still growing, sadly, but more slowly.
As far as these types of "protest vids" go, this one is pretty funny.
Okay knuckleheads, get yourself signed up.
So, after all that pushback, the Obama Administration finally admits that Obamacare will raise costs for small businesses, and just acts all MEH about it.
Nearly two-thirds of small businesses that currently offer health insurance to their workers will pay more for coverage as a result of new rules in the health care law, as will millions of small-business employees and their family members, according to new estimates released by the Obama administration.
Consequently, according to the estimates, which the agency says are based on industry research and conversations with insurance experts, roughly 11 million of the 17 million individuals who have health care plans through a small employer will see their premiums increase as a result of the law, while 6 million people will enjoy lower premiums.
Our long national nightmare continues....
Quote from: guido911 on March 02, 2014, 02:10:43 PM
Our long national nightmare continues....
He's like the Wagon Queen Family Truckster, you think you hate him now, wait until he's president.
He is the Dan Quayle of the new Millennium.
It didn't occur to me quite how short sighted not taking the Medicaid expansion money really is. We're essentially saying we're too stupid to understand that increased economic activity paid for by the feds won't increase employment, and therefore tax revenues, enough to pay for the remaining 10%. Even farking Arizona figured this out.
Quote from: dbacksfan 2.0 on March 02, 2014, 02:49:37 PM
He's like the Wagon Queen Family Truckster, you think you hate him now, wait until he's president.
All historical evidence aside, I had never until this moment even had the thought that Joe might run for President enter into my mind.....
Just another indication of the mixed up, topsy turvey weirdness that is Joe Biden. It has always just kind of been understood that Hillary would run and be next Pres. And perhaps Joe would be given VP again if he wanted it.....this old world just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on March 02, 2014, 03:37:25 PM
All historical evidence aside, I had never until this moment even had the thought that Joe might run for President enter into my mind.....
Just another indication of the mixed up, topsy turvey weirdness that is Joe Biden. It has always just kind of been understood that Hillary would run and be next Pres. And perhaps Joe would be given VP again if he wanted it.....this old world just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
It was after the SOTU that he was interviewed and asked if he would run, and he said it was possible. (
Quote from: dbacksfan 2.0 on March 02, 2014, 03:51:26 PM
It was after the SOTU that he was interviewed and asked if he would run, and he said it was possible. (
I have seen every VP try to run for P, so it should not have been a surprise - it should have been understood that would happen. It just never impinged on my consciousness about Joe, though. How strange....
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 02, 2014, 02:54:09 PM
He is the Dan Quayle of the new Millennium.
I wouldn't go that far. But there is this one similarity I suppose:
But Nanna said they were going to run on ACA?
The Obama administration is set to announce another major delay in implementing the Affordable Care Act, easing election pressure on Democrats.
As early as this week, according to two sources, the White House will announce a new directive allowing insurers to continue offering health plans that do not meet ObamaCare's minimum coverage requirements.
Prolonging the "keep your plan" fix will avoid another wave of health policy cancellations otherwise expected this fall.
The cancellations would have created a firestorm for Democratic candidates in the last, crucial weeks before Election Day.
The White House is intent on protecting its allies in the Senate, where Democrats face a battle to keep control of the chamber.
Read more:
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Thought this would be worth mentioning. . .
We had a baby last October, and during my wife's pregnancy she was considered high-risk because of her age and being a cancer survivor. It was necessary for her to have a very specialized blood test that cost $2,800 according to the hospital.
The cost was submitted to our high-end BCBS policy and today, almost 10 months later we received a notice that our insurance does not cover this particular test. So my wife called the hospital and explained that this test was not covered and that we needed to pay for it (completely prepared to write a $2,800 check). She was told by the billing department that they would only charge us $200 for the test if it's not covered by insurance. :o
The hospital charged our insurance a little over $20,000 for the birth of our son, with $5,000 of that being charged to us. Wonder what I could have gotten that down to if I had offered to pay cash?
I had my tonsils out and the doctor wanted me to go to an out of network hospital for the surgery. I didn't know this until I showed up. Anyway, they told me that they wouldn't charge me for anything that my insurance didn't pay. I explained that I had a high deductible plan. Sadly the hospital hit last out of all the doctors. But they basically ate about $2000 of my deductible. Basically they get more money being out of network and eating the cost to me than being in the network. It's crazy
Fabulous examples of collusive market practices.
Extract the consumer from the process of shopping, and remove the provider from the pressure of competition and this is what you get.
It only happens 100% of the time.
Quote from: CharlieSheen on March 05, 2014, 04:26:27 PM
I had my tonsils out and the doctor wanted me to go to an out of network hospital for the surgery. I didn't know this until I showed up. Anyway, they told me that they wouldn't charge me for anything that my insurance didn't pay. I explained that I had a high deductible plan. Sadly the hospital hit last out of all the doctors. But they basically ate about $2000 of my deductible. Basically they get more money being out of network and eating the cost to me than being in the network. It's crazy
An artifact from the previous system. That's one of the reasons the previous system was broken. And needed change. And will need more change.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on March 06, 2014, 06:56:10 PM
An artifact from the previous system. That's one of the reasons the previous system was broken. And needed change. And will need more change.
Would be simple to fix, but no one wants to hear that broken record again. ;)
Of course we could always just turn it all over to the government, that always works.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 07, 2014, 07:11:24 AM
Would be simple to fix, but no one wants to hear that broken record again. ;)
Of course we could always just turn it all over to the government, that always works.
Still waiting for that 'alternative plan' the Republicontins have been spewing about for the last few years. Never have heard an actual set of words beyond "repeal". That's why we have what we have - first, they abandoned their original plan - which was also Mitt's - which was agreed to by the Democrats - then abandoned by the Republicontins. They have had decades to act, but didn't. (See how they are so circular..?)
You got a better idea?? Let's hear some details - keep waiting to hear specifics and we never seem to get them - either here or on the national stage. Gonna be tough to improve on coverage no longer denied due to pre-existing conditions. Or letting the kids stay on until 26 so they can get out of college and step up to become full, productive members of society. Or getting cancelled at the first claim....before any gets paid. Or limits to coverage - one friend in particular is good with that one, since he just went over his $1 million lifetime with a couple of extended stints in the hospital - recovered nicely and since he is another engineer, he is outproducing the vast majority of top business people, who with the exception of REAL business people like Buffet and Gates, seem to be on the bandwagon against - except for themselves of course...they won't forgo any advanced coverage.
Yep, all those horrible things that have come about in recent years. Actually, I can see why the RWRE is against it. It actually helps people outside of their little circle of rich a-hole buddies...and we can't have that now, can we? Nor does it advance the spending of wealth and kids on a contrived war. Now it makes perfect sense.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on March 07, 2014, 12:53:30 PM
Still waiting for that 'alternative plan' the Republicontins have been spewing about for the last few years. Never have heard an actual set of words beyond "repeal". That's why we have what we have - first, they abandoned their original plan - which was also Mitt's - which was agreed to by the Democrats - then abandoned by the Republicontins. They have had decades to act, but didn't. (See how they are so circular..?)
You got a better idea?? Let's hear some details - keep waiting to hear specifics and we never seem to get them - either here or on the national stage. Gonna be tough to improve on coverage no longer denied due to pre-existing conditions. Or letting the kids stay on until 26 so they can get out of college and step up to become full, productive members of society. Or getting cancelled at the first claim....before any gets paid. Or limits to coverage - one friend in particular is good with that one, since he just went over his $1 million lifetime with a couple of extended stints in the hospital - recovered nicely and since he is another engineer, he is outproducing the vast majority of top business people, who with the exception of REAL business people like Buffet and Gates, seem to be on the bandwagon against - except for themselves of course...they won't forgo any advanced coverage.
Yep, all those horrible things that have come about in recent years. Actually, I can see why the RWRE is against it. It actually helps people outside of their little circle of rich a-hole buddies...and we can't have that now, can we? Nor does it advance the spending of wealth and kids on a contrived war. Now it makes perfect sense.
You shouldn't have to wait. That's sad. If you were only to veer away from MSNBC and KOS, you might have heard about several.
Like H.R. 3400 Empowering Patients First Act
H.R. 3121, The American Health Care Reform Act.
They keep passing the house.
This is just heart-breaking...
A national union that represents 300,000 low-wage hospitality workers charges in a new report that Obamacare will slam wages, cut hours, limit access to health insurance and worsen the very "income equality" President Obama says he is campaigning to fix.
Unite Here warned that due to Obamacare's much higher costs for health insurance than what union workers currently pay, the result will be a pay cut of up to $5 an hour. "If employers follow the incentives in the law, they will push families onto the exchanges to buy coverage. This will force low-wage service industry employees to spend $2.00, $3.00 or even $5.00 an hour of their pay to buy similar coverage," said the union in a new report.
"Only in Washington could asking the bottom of the middle class to finance health care for the poorest families be seen as reducing inequality," said the report from Unite Here. "Without smart fixes, the ACA threatens the middle class with higher premiums, loss of hours, and a shift to part-time work and less comprehensive coverage," said the report, titled, "The Irony of Obamacare: Making Inequality Worse."
Quote from: Gaspar on March 07, 2014, 01:19:30 PM
You shouldn't have to wait. That's sad. If you were only to veer away from MSNBC and KOS, you might have heard about several.
Like H.R. 3400 Empowering Patients First Act
H.R. 3121, The American Health Care Reform Act.
They keep passing the house.
Yep....just like I said....nothing past repeal, except for the attempts to get rid of abortion - a totally different discussion, but one that has to muddy the water at every opportunity.
Nothing to actually solve the systemic issues that made the Affordable Care Act at least a start. Regardless of whatever other faults it may (or may not) have, the things I talked about are huge! And a good start!
It will likely be a similar landmark event to Social Security! And I know how badly you want to gut that program, too, but the FACT - something that completely eludes Fox and Friends - is that Social Security has been a remarkable success and has helped massive numbers of people. Not just the exclusionary elitists who have benefited so greatly from the hijacking of America that has happened over the last 30 years or so. You know the ones - they are the ones who decry the "transfer of wealth" in this country - while accepting that transfer to themselves to the tune of trillions of dollars....
So this is now the place to advertise Obamacare. No one really thought that through did they? The president really has some bad advisors. As of today only 4.2 million have chosen a plan through the exchange. Only about 1 million are the young people they need to pay for everyone else, and they have collected no numbers on actual paid enrollments, or the number of uninsured (their original target) that have signed up.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 11, 2014, 04:19:18 PM
So this is now the place to advertise Obamacare. No one really thought that through did they? The president really has some bad advisors. As of today only 4.2 million have chosen a plan through the exchange. Only about 1 million are the young people they need to pay for everyone else, and they have collected no numbers on actual paid enrollments, or the number of uninsured (their original target) that have signed up.
Haha...your ODS is showing..oh wait, I guess it has never really stopped.
Only people I've seen who hated it are the same usual suspects...the crazies on the right who hate the fact this president appeals to younger voters.
Can you imagine if Mitt Romney had tried that? John McCain? Dubya?
Don't know why I even post responses to your posts. Maybe to break them up so it doesn't appear that you are replying to yourself...
I saw that earlier today. It was kinda funny, but in parts damned awkward/painful. Obama has a great sense of humor on the fly. Edited to add this link to someone that found the video to sorta suck.
Quote from: guido911 on March 11, 2014, 06:33:08 PM
I saw that earlier today. It was kinda funny, but in parts damned awkward/painful. Obama has a great sense of humor on the fly. Edited to add this link to someone that found the video to sorta suck.
Looked like Max Headroom. Are we sure he's not a CGI character?
Today's timeline:
1. Media glee as they see Obama's Funny or Die for the 1st time.
2. Repeat around lunch.
3. Russia invades something.
What ACA Means to Rural Oklahoma (
QuoteThe nation's top farmer says the Affordable Care Act will mean stability in the nation's breadbasket, when it comes to health care.
In an interview with KWGS' Matt Trotter, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack discussed why the ACA is good for rural Oklahoma.
Quote from: Townsend on March 12, 2014, 12:09:23 PM
What ACA Means to Rural Oklahoma (
Only 14,999 Oklahoman's have gotten to the point of "choosing an Obamacare plan." There are no numbers for the actual fraction of who have been enrolled, because they are "not tracking that data" for some odd reason (**CAUGHS "Bullshit"**).
So Obama minion Tom Vilsack, who campaigned for president Obama (after his own anemic run for president). A man who's went from being governor to co-chair of the DNC, to becoming a lobbyist, to being appointed as secretary of agriculture by President Obama (who doesn't hire lobbyists) says that Obamacare is super awesome!
Got it.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 12, 2014, 12:54:00 PM
Only 14,999 Oklahoman's have gotten to the point of "choosing an Obamacare plan." There are no numbers for the actual fraction of who have been enrolled, because they are "not tracking that data" for some odd reason (**CAUGHS "Bullshit"**).
So Obama minion Tom Vilsack, who campaigned for president Obama (after his own anemic run for president). A man who's went from being governor to co-chair of the DNC, to becoming a lobbyist, to being appointed as secretary of agriculture by President Obama (who doesn't hire lobbyists) says that Obamacare is super awesome!
Got it.
You might take your calming meds.
I can't imagine Oklahoma's "racist tea bagger" farmers would be big Obama anything fans. ;D
Quote from: Conan71 on March 12, 2014, 01:40:08 PM
I can't imagine Oklahoma's "racist tea bagger" farmers would be big Obama anything fans. ;D
It's good for them damn it!. . .and Obama has given them no other choice because he knows what's good for them! Stupid heartland hicks, clinging to their God and guns.
Quote from: Gaspar on March 12, 2014, 01:59:16 PM
It's good for them damn it!. . .and Obama has given them no other choice because he knows what's good for them! Stupid heartland hicks, clinging to their God and guns.
Something tells me not a F would be given about any of that. I doubt his administration wants those folks to be healthy and live longer.
I've come to the conclusion that the corporate mandate, the individual mandate and all of the other provisions in Obamacare need to be enforced thoroughly, and as written.
The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.--Abraham Lincoln
Quote from: Gaspar on March 12, 2014, 02:25:26 PM
I've come to the conclusion that the corporate mandate, the individual mandate and all of the other provisions in Obamacare need to be enforced thoroughly, and as written.
The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.--Abraham Lincoln
This is what I have been saying. It's passed, it's gotten a sort of seal of approval from the courts, and Obama was reelected. Quit screwing around.
This is a pretty funny republican gambit addressing Obama's refusal to enforce laws as written...
And now, the take down from Trey Gowdy:
Looks like another "executive change" to Obamacare is in the works. This time the president is going to "relax" the 80% rule that requires insurers to spend 80% of premiums on actual healthcare. This will give the insurance companies some leeway in covering the costs associated with the low enrollment #s and lack of young participants required to fund the system.
I expect that after March, we will begin to see plans form for a "bailout" of the healthcare industry to avoid losing insurer participation in the exchanges.
I'm surprised the admin hasn't tried this to get young folks to sign up yet?
This last-ditch-effort is about the saddest thing I've ever seen. This is who they think we are?
How's that single payer idea working out for ya, Vermont?
Quote from: Gaspar on March 17, 2014, 01:15:27 PM
This last-ditch-effort is about the saddest thing I've ever seen. This is who they think we are?
President Obama jumbled his facts when asked about "skyrocketing" premiums for people who get insurance through work. He was correct to say that, generally, the Affordable Care Act isn't to blame for "skyrocketing" employer-sponsored premiums, but he made two dubious claims to back up his argument:
• Obama said "people forget that the average premium was going up 15% a year before the Affordable Care Act," leaving the mistaken impression that he was talking about employer plans. That's true of premiums in the individual insurance market — for people who buy their own insurance — but not of rates in the large employer market, which was the context of the conversation.
• The president also went a bit too far in saying that the only impact on employer plans was a requirement to offer a minimum set of benefits. Employer plans do face other new requirements, some of which have had a small impact on premiums.Most Americans get their insurance through work, and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that that won't change. It estimates that 158 million Americans will get insurance through their employer in 2018, 7 million fewer than if the law hadn't passed. That's a net decrease, which is a combination of some workers gaining coverage, some losing an offer of coverage and others choosing to not take the employer's offer.
How bad is getting? This bad:
Quote from: Gaspar on March 19, 2014, 12:05:22 PM
• Obama said "people forget that the average premium was going up 15% a year before the Affordable Care Act," leaving the mistaken impression that he was talking about employer plans. That's true of premiums in the individual insurance market — for people who buy their own insurance — but not of rates in the large employer market, which was the context of the conversation.
That's not what KFF has to say. Obviously at any given company, the employer portion may increase more or less than the total increase, but the employee and employer paid bits in sum total had been rising at about the same rate as premiums in the individual market. Those increases have been lower in the past few years than they were previously. My personal opinion is that the temporary decrease in the rate of increase probably has more to do with the 80% rule and the relatively decent stock market than anything else, but nobody really knows at this point, AFAIK.
I bet Pelosi wishes she had never held that presser this morning to celebrate the 4th anniversary of Obamacare. No one showed up.
Only two more weeks to sign up. Come on young people. It's for your own good!
Quote from: Gaspar on March 20, 2014, 02:39:31 PM
Only two more weeks to sign up. Come on young people. It's for your own good!
State-sponsored genocide on minorities and the poor.
Nice job taking a stock photo and mocking it up to look like actual things disseminated by HHS. It's much funnier when you use actual ads instead of making them up, G.
Quote from: nathanm on March 20, 2014, 03:24:30 PM
Nice job taking a stock photo and mocking it up to look like actual things disseminated by HHS. It's much funnier when you use actual ads instead of making them up, G.
It's "affordable", "affordable" blah blah blah. I wish this turd backsplash would just go away. This whole mess is in large part her fault.
Not sure if anyone has been following this "story" about Drudge paying the Obamacare penalty, but here is a take from the right-leaning Washington Times as an fyi.
If you have to pay quarterlies, this could affect you according to sources.
What a joke.
Look at the sources. The Washington Times (founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon for the Unification Church), reports that Breitbart News (named after the late founder Andrew Breitbart, a Tea Party speaker who spent years defending racist and homophobic slurs) says that an anonymous Senate Budget committee Aide says is true.
That's right. Guido quotes an anonymous source telling a crazy news source who told it to a newspaper founded by a crazy religious zealot.
Good source guido. Rock solid.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 23, 2014, 03:52:26 PM
What a joke.
Look at the sources. The Washington Times (founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon for the Unification Church), reports that Breitbart News (named after the late founder Andrew Breitbart, a Tea Party speaker who spent years defending racist and homophobic slurs) says that an anonymous Senate Budget committee Aide says is true.
That's right. Guido quotes an anonymous source telling a crazy news source who told it to a newspaper founded by a crazy religious zealot.
Good source guido. Rock solid.
If you read the article, look and see the sources of those rejecting the story--REAL reputable Huffington Post and TPM. You best HOPE that this story pans out your way, or you will look like a complete jackhole.
Oh. You post gibberish innuendo from idiots and I am the one who needs to be worried about looking bad.
Look in the mirror.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 23, 2014, 06:30:11 PM
Oh. You post gibberish innuendo from idiots and I am the one who needs to be worried about looking bad.
Look in the mirror.
Jackhole-ness coming into focus.
I just love your sources. The writer of the article (Jack Minor) you referenced is quite the piece of work. Here is some of headlines of articles he has written recently...
Forgive me if I want to wait for a little more confirmation than these guys are providing. Go ahead and believe them if you have to.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 24, 2014, 10:01:40 PM
I just love your sources. The writer of the article (Jack Minor) you referenced is quite the piece of work. Here is some of headlines of articles he has written recently...
Forgive me if I want to wait for a little more confirmation than these guys are providing. Go ahead and believe them if you have to.
ABC News, The Hill, and Wash Post weighing in...
You are quoting Greta Van Susteren?
And of course, Drudge is paying this so-called 'liberty tax' well before the processes for paying the penalty are in place. He didn't even have to pay it.
Can anyone say 'media attention whore'?
Quote from: Hoss on March 25, 2014, 09:49:11 AM
And of course, Drudge is paying this so-called 'liberty tax' well before the processes for paying the penalty are in place. He didn't even have to pay it.
Can anyone say 'media attention whore'?
Did you not read the part that the self-employed who are required to pay quarterly taxes for tax year 2014 are starting to pay this with this quarter's remittance?
Otherwise, taxpayers who do not fall into this requirement won't have to pay until next April.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 25, 2014, 10:26:03 AM
Did you not read the part that the self-employed who are required to pay quarterly taxes for tax year 2014 are starting to pay this with this quarter's remittance?
Otherwise, taxpayers who do not fall into this requirement won't have to pay until next April.
I didn't say they weren't. What I am saying, however, is that the process for paying penalties is not yet even completed, and still not a requirement.
Did you not read THAT?
Quote from: Hoss on March 25, 2014, 11:06:14 AM
I didn't say they weren't. What I am saying, however, is that the process for paying penalties is not yet even completed, and still not a requirement.
One of my friends once got into difficulty with the IRS for not anticipating a stock dividend and paying the quarterly estimate of the tax on that dividend before he even got the dividend. They wanted penalties and interest on top of the tax. He didn't object to the tax part, just the penalties and interest.
Better to be safe than sorry with the IRS.
"got into difficulty"? Don't you get your taxes, realize you under paid and if its over a certain amount you pay a penalty? I would figure your only difficulty is if you didn't do your taxes right and pay the penalty that was owed.
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 25, 2014, 12:44:20 PM
One of my friends once got into difficulty with the IRS for not anticipating a stock dividend and paying the quarterly estimate of the tax on that dividend before he even got the dividend.
Your friend should have pointed the IRS at their own rulebook. If you pay at least last year's total tax due in quarterly payments this year you qualify for safe harbor, despite having technically underpaid (tax is due when the income is earned, not on April 15th). It's more complicated if you have both W2 and non-W2 income, since the benchmark is no longer total tax, but the effect is the same. In no case do you owe tax on income that is not yet income. For most people, that means when it is received, but again, things can get more complicated for some people. That does not mean that the IRS won't have questions for you to determine if you paid the tax when due, of course.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on March 25, 2014, 09:30:57 AM
You are quoting Greta Van Susteren?
Did you not watch the video? ABC News political director, The Hill, and Washington Post people were on it you confirmed jackhole.
Quote from: nathanm on March 25, 2014, 01:26:02 PM
Your friend should have pointed the IRS at their own rulebook. If you pay at least last year's total tax due in quarterly payments this year you qualify for safe harbor, despite having technically underpaid (tax is due when the income is earned, not on April 15th). It's more complicated if you have both W2 and non-W2 income, since the benchmark is no longer total tax, but the effect is the same. In no case do you owe tax on income that is not yet income. For most people, that means when it is received, but again, things can get more complicated for some people. That does not mean that the IRS won't have questions for you to determine if you paid the tax when due, of course.
Charlie missed it. You are close. I don't remember the details as it happened at least 15 years ago and since my friend has passed away (age 92), I can't ask him. He was retired at that time and a good portion of his income was from investments. As such, his income varied from year to year. This was not an April 15th deal but more like a dividend larger than he expected that he got mid year shortly after a quarterly filing date. He paid the quarterly payment based on what he thought he was going to get. I believe he also adjusted his next quarterly payment for the amount that was underpaid. I think he eventually got it settled but of course dealing with the IRS was less than a pleasant experience. Timing was the issue and as I indicated, he never contested the amount of actual tax.
As someone who has W-2 income plus pays quarterlies, and is penalty-averse, you pay everything you think you will owe. I'm not into giving the government interest-free loans and I'm pretty good at not doing that. As the saying goes amongst tax accountants: "If you are getting $5000 back, you are definitely doing it wrong!"
That said, the ACA penalty isn't something I have to worry about since I have employer-provided insurance, but if I did not, I would be paying my anticipated "penalty" or "liberty tax".
Quote from: Hoss on March 25, 2014, 09:49:11 AM
And of course, Drudge is paying this so-called 'liberty tax' well before the processes for paying the penalty are in place. He didn't even have to pay it.
Can anyone say 'media attention whore'?
That plus just a plain ole liar. That's what Matt Sludge has always been about. And there's a lot of Okies who really like that.....
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 25, 2014, 12:44:20 PM
One of my friends once got into difficulty with the IRS for not anticipating a stock dividend and paying the quarterly estimate of the tax on that dividend before he even got the dividend. They wanted penalties and interest on top of the tax. He didn't object to the tax part, just the penalties and interest.
Better to be safe than sorry with the IRS.
That ain't how it works. There is more to that story.
Another extension of enroll.
But just two weeks ago...
Good! I spoke with a co worker yesterday who is way down the social ladder from us. I asked her if she had insurance and, if not, was she aware of the new Health Care act and its deadline approaching. She said she was on her husband's policy but her married niece was not insured because she has narcolepsy and they had been told she was uninsurable. Didn't matter anyway she said because they were too broke to pay the premium.
I told her the couple needed to sign up for insurance on the new website, which she promptly wrote down. I told her that not only is it legally required but that there was help for those making small incomes, and they cannot refuse you for a pre-existing condition like her niece's. In fact, some policies range from pennies to just a few dollars per month. She had heard something about a new insurance offered but didn't know how to get it.
She actually cried and said she had been so worried about them and thanked me profusely. For what, I wondered.
We live in a different world with insurance, investments, homeowners assoc. fees, etc. Our education and income have separated us from an entire segment of workers unless you are lucky enough to have served in health, retail, social work or lower level education. Most people who don't have health insurance are not aware of its importance, only its expense. These are the people the rest of us pay for and who Blue Cross Blue Shield hasn't been able to reach. Extend it again if necessary. And again.
Quote from: AquaMan on March 26, 2014, 10:40:56 AM
Good! I spoke with a co worker yesterday who is way down the social ladder from us. I asked her if she had insurance and, if not, was she aware of the new Health Care act and its deadline approaching. She said she was on her husband's policy but her married niece was not insured because she has narcolepsy and they had been told she was uninsurable. Didn't matter anyway she said because they were too broke to pay the premium.
I told her the couple needed to sign up for insurance on the new website, which she promptly wrote down. I told her that not only is it legally required but that there was help for those making small incomes, and they cannot refuse you for a pre-existing condition like her niece's. In fact, some policies range from pennies to just a few dollars per month. She had heard something about a new insurance offered but didn't know how to get it.
She actually cried and said she had been so worried about them and thanked me profusely. For what, I wondered.
We live in a different world with insurance, investments, homeowners assoc. fees, etc. Our education and income have separated us from an entire segment of workers unless you are lucky enough to have served in health, retail, social work or lower level education. Most people who don't have health insurance are not aware of its importance, only its expense. These are the people the rest of us pay for and who Blue Cross Blue Shield hasn't been able to reach. Extend it again if necessary. And again.
WE live in a world that is informed, successful, and probably paying for this monstrosity, and that's secondary to those that are not informed, unsuccessful, and not paying for it? Sucks to be tuned in. And are you suggesting that this "segment", being this one person you know, is the reason for the extension and not because it is politically expedient to the dems?
Point is, there are groups of people just hammering away at those that say "repeal", but ignore that this POS bill has been extended and "rewritten" a huge number of times. I am on "record" wanting this thing to start moving, mainly because I want to put to bed the speculation on all sides as to its chances for success. The more I sit around and watch folks like the HHS secretary come out as a flat LIAR as I posted, the more I just want to kill the damned thing and start over.
Quote from: guido911 on March 26, 2014, 04:12:30 PM
Point is, there are groups of people just hammering away at those that say "repeal", but ignore that this POS bill has been extended and "rewritten" a huge number of times.
What bill?
I don't even know how to respond Guido. Not very Catholic of you. And not very informed about your co-inhabitants on this part of the planet. You will pay for those uninformed whether you want to or not. At least by signing up they have a chance to change the culture that forces your insurance premiums to cover their poor health practices. Except that I hope your wish to have it fully implemented is granted.
Quote from: AquaMan on March 26, 2014, 05:35:58 PM
I don't even know how to respond Guido. Not very Catholic of you. And not very informed about your co-inhabitants on this part of the planet. You will pay for those uninformed whether you want to or not. At least by signing up they have a chance to change the culture that forces your insurance premiums to cover their poor health practices. Except that I hope your wish to have it fully implemented is granted.
Are you kidding? You have to be. Obamacare was passed in 2010.
Four years ago. And you think I am not being "Catholic" enough to expect people in this country to know what is going on?
Do you ever fatigue from being so far out of touch with the rest of the country outside of Tulsa?
Quote from: AquaMan on March 27, 2014, 10:13:18 AM
Do you ever fatigue from being so far out of touch with the rest of the country outside of Tulsa?
How can so many people not be aware of the deadline or that the program exists? It's not like it's been a well-concealed secret.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2014, 11:30:46 AM
How can so many people not be aware of the deadline or that the program exists?
They don't watch FOX News
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 27, 2014, 11:45:49 AM
They don't watch FOX News
Couldn't they page out texts on their Obamaphones or put a notice in with their monthly check? :o
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2014, 11:49:43 AM
Couldn't they page out texts on their Obamaphones or put a notice in with their monthly check? :o
Who? The folks who brought us the Obamacare website?
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2014, 11:30:46 AM
How can so many people not be aware of the deadline or that the program exists? It's not like it's been a well-concealed secret.
The un-informed and ill-informed abound in this country.
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2014, 11:30:46 AM
How can so many people not be aware of the deadline or that the program exists? It's not like it's been a well-concealed secret.
Step outside your well earned, well educated, upscale existence for just a moment. Put yourself in a mobile home, a westside dump or a ghetto out north. Or, think about living in Questa, New Mexico in a rural setting where you don't have great Cox cable, AT&T and your prime social gathering and source of current events is your church or local bar. Then dumb down, way down to where you are only thinking about your long shifts at the mine, your idiot co-workers and bosses at the factory or your first job at McDonalds. The father(s) of your children are long since gone or ignoring court orders. Your neighbor deals drugs and steals from your house whenever possible. The local school that failed you is now failing your children and they don't want to go to school anyway. You owe so you can't answer the phone for fear of collectors. Your computer is outdated, your phone is cheap or way beyond your abilities to use it and the kids have messed up your internet with facebook and porn. You steal toilet paper from the office bathroom and gamble at the casino when they send you those $5 coupons cause you just know one score clears the decks. Your car is in jeopardy of being repossessed because you bought it from a "buy here, pay here" and they did you no favors. The transmission failed, you can't afford to fix it and the bus gets you to work. I'm not even going to venture into the realm of how drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and mental illness affect their lives.
The last thing you think you can afford is the crappy insurance policy your employer offers. He shopped around and got the best deal he could for him and his managers with little regard for $10 hr employees.
But your kid has a fever of 102 and the local ER at the hospital has to take you and spread the cost of his treatment to the rest of its patients.
Now you're in the setting of about 25% of Americans.
I'm not trying to lecture Conan. I was surprised to see how few Americans have the education, the foundation, the upbringing, the culture to understand what we've spent 108 pages arguing over. 30% have a formal college education. Another 11% or so have post high school at either community colleges or for profit private colleges (debatable worth) and another 10%(est. but dropping) have vocational training. 15% have no high school education.
No, they aren't much aware of The Affordable Care Act, are confused about "Obamacare" (but it must be bad cause the pastor and the boss hate it) and don't know the deadline. Like most things, they think they'll fly under the radar, or deal with it when something happens that forces them to. In business we call that "Crisis Management". And it works sometimes.
Note: %'s modified to match current census data.
Quote from: AquaMan on March 27, 2014, 12:07:23 PM
Step outside your well earned, well educated, upscale existence for just a moment. Put yourself in a mobile home, a westside dump or a ghetto out north. Or, think about living in Questa, New Mexico in a rural setting where you don't have great Cox cable, AT&T and your prime social gathering and source of current events is your church or local bar. Then dumb down, way down to where you are only thinking about your long shifts at the mine, your idiot co-workers and bosses at the factory or your first job at McDonalds. The father(s) of your children are long since gone or ignoring court orders. Your neighbor deals drugs and steals from your house whenever possible. The local school that failed you is now failing your children and they don't want to go to school anyway. You owe so you can't answer the phone for fear of collectors. Your computer is outdated, your phone is cheap or way beyond your abilities to use it and the kids have messed up your internet with facebook and porn. You steal toilet paper from the office bathroom and gamble at the casino when they send you those $5 coupons cause you just know one score clears the decks. Your car is in jeopardy of being repossessed because you bought it from a "buy here, pay here" and they did you no favors. The transmission failed, you can't afford to fix it and the bus gets you to work. I'm not even going to venture into the realm of how drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and mental illness affect their lives.
The last thing you think you can afford is the crappy insurance policy your employer offers. He shopped around and got the best deal he could for him and his managers with little regard for $10 hr employees.
But your kid has a fever of 102 and the local ER at the hospital has to take you and spread the cost of his treatment to the rest of its patients.
Now you're in the setting of about 25% of Americans.
I'm not trying to lecture Conan. I was surprised to see how few Americans have the education, the foundation, the upbringing, the culture to understand what we've spent 108 pages arguing over. 30% have a formal college education. Another 11% or so have post high school at either community colleges or for profit private colleges (debatable worth) and another 10%(est. but dropping) have vocational training. 15% have no high school education.
No, they aren't much aware of The Affordable Care Act, are confused about "Obamacare" (but it must be bad cause the pastor and the boss hate it) and don't know the deadline. Like most things, they think they'll fly under the radar, or deal with it when something happens that forces them to. In business we call that "Crisis Management". And it works sometimes.
Note: %'s modified to match current census data.
Have you ever considered writing children's books? That's some damn cheery stuff right there. ;)
I admit, I'm very information-addicted so it can be a little hard for me to fathom people not being aware of one of the most topical issues in America today.
I assumed people who needed coverage and who receive some sort of public assistance now would have been notified either via the mail, through a social service agency, or hospital/medical provider they have visited recently that they must purchase insurance or get on medicaid. Heck, it's even a popular topic in cafes and bars. It's simply hard to imagine there are that many people disengaged from politics and the workings of our country. Of course I say "so many" or "that many" but the Kaiser poll never puts the percentages into numbers of Americans. Is it thousands? Millions?
It simply seems that with all the money put into this program, HHS would have done a far better job making sure they reached all the people they intended to reach with this program. I'm also curious how many of the people who claimed to not know when the deadline was realize they are supposed to get insurance but didn't care about a deadline because they are in the 50% who have no intention of complying.
That's the section of life I'm juxtaposed with right now. Its been ...very interesting and yet often depressing. I feel for social workers. Wife says I'm just too dramatic but God put me in this cross section for a reason and I'm going to report what I see best I can.
Social workers btw are way too backlogged and understaffed to get the info across to enough people and I really can't tell how many there are either. I was surprised to only recently see an effort on local news to offer help to sign up the uninsured at local "Y"'s. Seems like they could have done that a lot earlier but then no one is really championing the sign up in this state. HHS ads didn't do much for me but weren't aimed at me and , as any advertiser will tell you, its hard and expensive to get a message out to any demographic right now much less this segment.
Of some note is the concept of a "sign up period" for insurance which is common to those of us with corporate experience. Those without that frame of reference think they can sign up at any time and may be putting it off till later.
Quote from: guido911 on March 25, 2014, 10:40:47 PM
Another extension of enroll.
But just two weeks ago...
How quickly they forget....
Bush extended deadlines for Medicare Part D. But did we hear bitching about it? Nope.
And its not really a full extension. Just lets those who are already in progress (in line) get to finish the process. Of course its honor system but like I've said, what's the problem with that? More signups means larger pool of insureds, less cost to the rest of us. Its like some people want it to fail for political reasons. :)
The whole idea that business is supposed to be more proficient than government is not well founded. BC/BS still hasn't contacted my wife for payment on her signup. When she visited their website it refused to acknowledge her. A phone call took care of it.
Quote from: guido911 on March 26, 2014, 04:12:30 PM
WE live in a world that is informed, successful, and probably paying for this monstrosity, and that's secondary to those that are not informed, unsuccessful, and not paying for it? Sucks to be tuned in. And are you suggesting that this "segment", being this one person you know, is the reason for the extension and not because it is politically expedient to the dems?
It's always great to be the lead sled dog, ain't it...?? 'Cause the view for the last one sure isn't the same..!!
Quote from: Red Arrow on March 27, 2014, 11:45:49 AM
They don't watch FOX News
Exactly. Or they were mislead by all the Fox BS into believing it was already repealed...
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2014, 01:58:57 PM
Have you ever considered writing children's books? That's some damn cheery stuff right there. ;)
I admit, I'm very information-addicted so it can be a little hard for me to fathom people not being aware of one of the most topical issues in America today.
Your information addiction, plus relative position on the 'food chain' economically is what makes it so tough for you and guido and Gas to understand that his description fits about 1/3 (probably a little more) of the country. The ones in the minimum wage merry-go-round. The ones whose real income has gone DOWN by 30% over the last 30+ years - as opposed to yours! The ones that Fox is targeting with fear, uncertainty, doubt (you've heard of FUD before, I'm sure) as well as a massive overlay of ignorance and stupidstition. The ones who get fired if they express a thought outside of the boss's diatribe - you remember those upstanding members of the business community who go looking around the parking lots looking for bumper stickers on the car of the next person they are gonna dump...and then brag about it on tv!!
Quote from: Conan71 on March 27, 2014, 01:58:57 PM
It's simply hard to imagine there are that many people disengaged from politics and the workings of our country. Of course I say "so many" or "that many" but the Kaiser poll never puts the percentages into numbers of Americans. Is it thousands? Millions?
Well, we know of at least 6 million + as of this week. Probably triple that number or more who haven't joined in for whatever reason....
Hopefully it will be as successful as it's Mass role model. They are down to about 3% uninsured since 2008 - Thanks, Mitt!! You really did do something very good for your state!!
As opposed to what - our 30 - 40% or so who are uninsured nationally??
Quote from: guido911 on March 28, 2014, 01:27:07 AM
And how quickly we go off the does relating what Putin is doing in Ukraine to what we did in Iraq - have anything to do with Affordable Care Act??
Conflation moment??
This does not sound good. Although lots of empty stretchers in the room.
Wow, was Cruz actually THIS stupid to ask the question on social media? Hilarity ensues... (
But Cruella Pelosi said it would create 4 million jobs........... snark (
double snark
Quote from: Hoss on April 05, 2014, 02:21:47 PM
Wow, was Cruz actually THIS stupid to ask the question on social media? Hilarity ensues...
Why, yes...yes he is just that stupid! (
Sebelious is transitioning to a new position under the bus. Crowded down there!
Oh noze!
Quote from: Hoss on April 16, 2014, 08:02:13 AM
Oh noze!
I like that you try but this will not matter on this thread.
Spend $1.38 trillion over the next 10 years. Report a savings of $104billion off of that number, and insure a net 3.2 million new participants so far (not including the medicare expansion or those who simply moved from one plan to another).
It would seem that you are still spending $363,000 per person over the next decade, or about $36,000 a year to insure each. Just seems a bit excessive and unsustainable, even though it's slightly less unsustainable.
There is good news. The total number of uninsured in the country has decreased, and is now lower than in 2008. The bad news is that the majority of this group are not the young folks necessary to pay for the system, and consist primarily of those who's incomes prevent them from paying in at all.
We are curing a toothache by removing the teeth. . .but we are curing the toothache!
Told ya
That's great news but CBO has been all over the place on this. Their numbers seem about as reliable as the Metro Chamber of Commerce.
Quote from: Conan71 on April 16, 2014, 03:00:22 PM
That's great news but CBO has been all over the place on this. Their numbers seem about as reliable as the Metro Chamber of Commerce.
I trust them. When have they ever been wrong about the cost of a social program?
Quote from: Conan71 on April 16, 2014, 03:00:22 PM
That's great news but CBO has been all over the place on this. Their numbers seem about as reliable as the Metro Chamber of Commerce.
And people will quote them when they agree with them.
The GOP was loving them when they had less than positive things to say about the program.
Quote from: Townsend on April 16, 2014, 04:45:23 PM
And people will quote them when they agree with them.
The GOP was loving them when they had less than positive things to say about the program.
Well that there is a ringing endorsement of a source of information. "The republicans like it sometimes, the democrats are therefore entitled to like it sometimes...."
Quote from: guido911 on April 16, 2014, 07:35:25 PM
Well that there is a ringing endorsement of a source of information. "The republicans like it sometimes, the democrats are therefore entitled to like it sometimes...."
Not an endorcement. Just not giving much of a crap.
Quote from: Gaspar on April 16, 2014, 04:11:29 PM
I trust them. When have they ever been wrong about the cost of a social program?
Thanks for the coffee spew, Gas.
Quote from: Townsend on April 16, 2014, 10:13:05 PM
Not an endorcement. Just not giving much of a crap.
Good one Guido. Tell me, how much has this thread changed your mind?
I'm sure you've gone "deep thought" due to something someone's posted on here.
Quote from: Townsend on April 17, 2014, 04:40:14 PM
Good one Guido. Tell me, how much has this thread changed your mind?
I'm sure you've gone "deep thought" due to something someone's posted on here.
Perhaps the better question would be how many threads in this entire forum has changed anyone's mind on any subject.
Quote from: guido911 on April 17, 2014, 04:47:09 PM
Perhaps the better question would be how many threads in this entire forum has changed anyone's mind on any subject.
I think we finally convinced Sauerkraut that the '57 Belvedere was a complete piece of sh!t on the aught seven time capsule thread. That's one I can think of. That means the other eight years I've spent here are complete drivel then. :-\
Quote from: Conan71 on April 17, 2014, 10:22:13 PM
I think we finally convinced Sauerkraut that the '57 Belvedere was a complete piece of sh!t on the aught seven time capsule thread. That's one I can think of. That means the other eight years I've spent here are complete drivel then. :-\
7 years of drivel here.
Great. Now my life is meaningless.
Quote from: AquaMan on April 18, 2014, 10:50:38 AM
Great. Now my life is meaningless.
Nonsense. It's an election year. Get on over to local politics and start some smile.
Aww, c'mon guys, ACA is as effective and wonderful as the policy in Crimea and the Ukraine, and that's working so well isn't it? It's the greatest thing since the Cold War, when have we lived in the most harmonious time as now? ::)
Quote from: AquaMan on April 18, 2014, 10:50:38 AM
Great. Now my life is meaningless.
old are you? You are only figuring this out
Those last few posts have relit the pilot light. There is more work to be done!
Fitting isn't it? Happy Easter!
Quote from: AquaMan on April 18, 2014, 06:22:26 PM
Those last few posts have relit the pilot light. There is more work to be done!
Fitting isn't it? Happy Easter!
May your pilot light be a Bunsen Burner!
Happy Easter to you too.
Why is it called Easter and not Northster, Wester or Southster? Just asking.
Quote from: AquaMan on April 18, 2014, 10:50:38 AM
Great. Now my life is meaningless.
Don't be so light on yourself. Your life has always been meaningless. ;D
Everyone have a blessed Easter weekend.
Quote from: guido911 on April 17, 2014, 04:47:09 PM
Perhaps the better question would be how many threads in this entire forum has changed anyone's mind on any subject.
Death penalty discussion have come close to changing my mind....
I still believe in killing 'rabid dogs', but if there is the kind of economic incentive that appears to exist, PLUS the fact that Ohio and Texas are so fast and loose with their particular forms of "justice", then I say put them all on hold. Or at the very least, don't let Ohio or Texas execute anyone....especially people who have been shown to be not guilty of the crime they are being killed for.
Quote from: AquaMan on April 18, 2014, 10:50:38 AM
Great. Now my life is meaningless.
Bernie LaPlante hit the nail right on the head....explanation of life!!
How to protect yourself from Obamacare......
Like this guy.
Ain't reality a b$tch...??
There is none so pious as a repentant sinner.....
Not sure this is an "Obamacare" story, but it is some good news worth sharing.
Not sure whose fault this is, though. :)
Probably should have a thread on this because it is such a tragic situation. But what is happening in the VA health care system is very disturbing. Phony wait lists, etc. Here is one such story:
Here's some background from a few days ago:
QuoteOutrage has been building since claims emerged last week that at least 40 veterans died while waiting for treatment from a Phoenix VA hospital. A whistleblower who had worked at the Phoenix VA alleged that the facility placed veterans on a secret waiting list to hide the fact that they had even sought care. But in the furor over the latest revelations, an even larger and more serious problem may be getting lost. It's likely that there are more secret wait lists concealing patient delays throughout the VA medical system, putting untold numbers of veterans in jeopardy.
Well this ain't good:
QuoteWASHINGTON — The Obama administration is contacting hundreds of thousands of people with subsidized health insurance to resolve questions about their eligibility, as consumer advocates express concern that many will be required to repay some or all of the subsidies.
Of the eight million people who signed up for private health plans through insurance exchanges under the new health care law, two million reported personal information that differed from data in government records, according to federal officials and Serco, the company hired to resolve such inconsistencies.
The government is asking consumers for additional documents to verify their income, citizenship, immigration status and Social Security numbers, as well as any health coverage that they may have from employers. People who do not provide the information risk losing their subsidized coverage and may have to repay subsidies next April.
Quote from: guido911 on June 16, 2014, 12:31:05 AM
Well this ain't good:
But they
fixed health care!
Our company was notified that our high-end BCBS Blue Choice PPO was going up 60% for our next enrollment period (in two weeks). We've had to scramble because none of the big companies have any interest in insuring small companies (under 50 employees) any more. Finally found a plan under Assurant Health for our group. It will cost us about 30% more, but that's the best we can get. Boss was so frustrated he almost considered dropping employee insurance completely in leu of increasing our medical allowance program (we currently have a cash amount the the company pays each employee to cover out-of-pocket). But, as he put it, that would be like "admitting defeat."
This whole thing is going to get really sucky before it collapses.
"Sucks to be you, dude."--the small percent of people that now get free healthcare.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 16, 2014, 09:05:49 AM
Our company was notified that our high-end BCBS Blue Choice PPO was going up 60% for our next enrollment period (in two weeks). We've had to scramble because none of the big companies have any interest in insuring small companies (under 50 employees) any more. Finally found a plan under Assurant Health for our group. It will cost us about 30% more, but that's the best we can get. Boss was so frustrated he almost considered dropping employee insurance completely in leu of increasing our medical allowance program (we currently have a cash amount the the company pays each employee to cover out-of-pocket). But, as he put it, that would be like "admitting defeat."
This whole thing is going to get really sucky before it collapses.
Definitely not a function of Affordable Care Act - no matter what FauxNews tells you. This was almost identical scenario at a little place in about 2002 where I worked with about 40 employees. BCBS jerked them around to the point where the guy (who was also jerking the company around - as evidenced by a JAG investigation of him personally) decided to go with a $5000 deductible policy with no company payment of premiums. Mine was costing about $275 per pay period - 2 a month. For just the two of us.
Law of Supply and Demand led to the exit of everyone who had good options. Gee...that didn't hurt the company at all....
Health care costs rose at twice the rate of inflation during the Bush Presidency. They doubled.
Go ahead and blame Obama.
When I worked at my last employer, my insurance rates went up at about a rate of 50 percent every year I had insurance with them (from 2006 until I left in 2012). We switched providers however a ton of times (at least 4). This doesn't have as much to do with the ACA as it does the insurance companies trying to tell you it does.
My current employer has had to raise rates on my insurance both years the ACA was enforced. Strange though; mine went up about $1.15 every pay period. I am single, however. But those I know with family plans said theirs went down instead of up.
Thanks Obama.
Oh, and if it's of any importance, the company owner hates Obama more than Guido and Gaspar combined. AND he's an attorney as well. He makes both of you look liberal in comparison. I'm talking bleeding heart liberal.
Quote from: Hoss on June 16, 2014, 09:02:13 PM
When I worked at my last employer, my insurance rates went up at about a rate of 50 percent every year I had insurance with them (from 2006 until I left in 2012). We switched providers however a ton of times (at least 4). This doesn't have as much to do with the ACA as it does the insurance companies trying to tell you it does.
My current employer has had to raise rates on my insurance both years the ACA was enforced. Strange though; mine went up about $1.15 every pay period. I am single, however. But those I know with family plans said theirs went down instead of up.
Thanks Obama.
Oh, and if it's of any importance, the company owner hates Obama more than Guido and Gaspar combined. AND he's an attorney as well. He makes both of you look liberal in comparison. I'm talking bleeding heart liberal.
Condolences! That you have to work for such a person....
This year my rate went up about $12 a pay period. Four years ago or so - the two years before that ACA, the rate went up about $35 one year and $18 the next. Blue Cross.... I'm betting "justified" by pending ACA.
Quote from: RecycleMichael on June 16, 2014, 08:49:50 PM
Health care costs rose at twice the rate of inflation during the Bush Presidency. They doubled.
Go ahead and blame Obama.
Of course it's Obama's fault. The insurance companies knew he would be elected and made the appropriate preparations.
Quote from: Red Arrow on June 16, 2014, 09:49:23 PM
Of course it's Obama's fault. The insurance companies knew he would be elected and made the appropriate preparations.
That's the Faux line....
Quote from: Red Arrow on June 16, 2014, 09:49:23 PM
Of course it's Obama's fault. The insurance companies knew he would be elected and made the appropriate preparations.
You are buying into the Murdochian plot again.
Quote from: guido911 on June 16, 2014, 11:14:29 PM
You are buying into the Murdochian plot again.
Yes, he is! And I have had such great hopes for both of you - as well as others!! There are these occasional, tiny little glimmers of light that seem to show progress....and then... Well, I can only endeavor to persevere to bring light to the dark places!!
I don't share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds of people who think differently.
I share my thoughts to show the people who already think like me that they are not alone.
How Does The Federal Health Law Affect Insurance Price Hikes? (
QuoteBuying health insurance, even on the exchanges created by the health law, can be an expensive proposition. And some consumers are already wondering how much coverage will cost next year. That led to a recent question about the rules that apply to insurance premiums.
I understood that under the health law, premiums for individuals could not increase by double digits, that rate increases were capped at under 10 percent unless approved by the government. Isn't that right?
The health law requires insurers in the individual and small group markets that propose premium increases of 10 percent or more to disclose publicly that information and explain why they think the increase is justified. You can find details of proposed increases on many state websites, and a consumer-friendly version of the information will soon be available on, according to an official at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
States, which have primary responsibility for regulating insurance rates, provide varying degrees of oversight. Some don't permit insurers to raise rates without state insurance department approval, while others require insurers to inform states of proposed changes, and states may retroactively reject them.
Some states have no authority over premium rate hikes at all. Under the health law, the federal government reviews rate increases if states don't have an effective process in place.
However, unless states that have the authority to do so step in, "once an insurer files a justification [for an increase over 10 percent], nothing in the Affordable Care Act prohibits them from proceeding," says Timothy Jost, a law professor at Washington and Lee University who is an expert on the health law.
The health insurance marketplaces also have the authority to take insurers' proposed rates into consideration when deciding whether to accept a plan on the exchange, says Jost.
Other provisions of the health law act as a brake on unreasonable rate increases. For example, insurers are required to spend at least 80 percent of the premiums they collect on medical claims or quality of care improvements. If they don't meet that standard, called a medical loss ratio, insurers have to return the extra premium amounts to consumers.
I am concerned that few family doctors in my area are accepting new Medicare patients. Is there a requirement that doctors who work for hospitals accept them? For example, if hospital X buys physician practice Y and pays those physicians a salary, are they required to accept Medicare patients?
No, physicians aren't generally required to accept new Medicare patients, whether or not the doctors are employed by a hospital.
There are many reasons a doctor might refuse a new patient. Her practice may already be full, for example, or she may decide she lacks the necessary expertise to treat someone's condition.
But the vast majority of physicians do in fact accept new Medicare patients, according to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation (Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)
In its analysis of the 2012 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey-National Electronic Health Records Survey, the foundation found that 91 percent of physicians reported that they were accepting new Medicare patients, the same rate as those accepting privately insured patients. Among primary care physicians, the figure was slightly lower, 88 percent.
The study also found that the number of physicians who bill Medicare continues to grow at the same rate as the growth in beneficiaries, staying constant at 3.8 primary care physicians per 1,000 beneficiaries.
Copyright 2014 Kaiser Health News. To see more, visit
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on June 17, 2014, 08:37:25 AM
I share my thoughts to show the people who already think like me that they are not alone.
I bet THAT makes people feel a crap ton better...
Quote from: Townsend on June 17, 2014, 01:08:08 PM
How Does The Federal Health Law Affect Insurance Price Hikes? (
I wonder if this is the survey your article was discussing?
Quote from: guido911 on June 18, 2014, 12:46:19 AM
I bet THAT makes people feel a crap ton better...
Like I would really give a carp anyway....!?
According to the Manhattan Institute the average increase is now 49% as a result of Obamacare.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 18, 2014, 01:17:00 PM
According to the Manhattan Institute the average increase is now 49% as a result of Obamacare.
Looks like women 40 and up and men over 64 should be super excited in Tulsa County.
The rest of us...not so much.
Hmm...and I was just reading this:
Quote from: Hoss on June 18, 2014, 02:01:12 PM
Hmm...and I was just reading this:
That's nice for the .8% of Oklahomans on Obamacare.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 18, 2014, 02:16:14 PM
That's nice for the .8% of Oklahomans on Obamacare.
Can't you just imagine how much better it would have been had the state exchange been set up?
Come on, you can do it. You're the clairvoyant.
Quote from: Hoss on June 18, 2014, 02:17:47 PM
Can't you just imagine how much better it would have been had the state exchange been set up?
Come on, you can do it. You're the clairvoyant.
Don't need to. You can use this nifty map to look at states like Nevada, Oregon, Kentucky, Minnesota, California, Connecticut or New Mexico?
We could have been looking at 150% increases!
Quote from: Gaspar on June 18, 2014, 01:17:00 PM
According to the Manhattan Institute the average increase is now 49% as a result of Obamacare.
I didn't look. Does the cost increase percentage include the people who weren't paying for insurance at all/didn't have insurance?
Quote from: Townsend on June 18, 2014, 02:34:11 PM
I didn't look. Does the cost increase percentage include the people who weren't paying for insurance at all/didn't have insurance?
Don't think it would make much of a dent since the total # of enrollees is so small, and the vast majority of those were simply transfers from medicaid.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 18, 2014, 03:02:32 PM
Don't think it would make much of a dent since the total # of enrollees is so small, and the vast majority of those were simply transfers from medicaid.
QuoteThis map illustrates the effect of the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") on individuals who do not get health insurance through their employers, or through government programs like Medicaid or Medicare.
Quote from: Townsend on June 18, 2014, 03:48:46 PM
So if you throw in the folks who are seeing the huge group spikes through their employers, like me, this would probably really blow up the data.
Has anyone had their group plan go down last year?
Quote from: Gaspar on June 18, 2014, 03:56:15 PM
So if you throw in the folks who are seeing the huge group spikes through their employers, like me, this would probably really blow up the data.
Has anyone had their group plan go down last year?
I know many at my employer who had their family rates go down. Mine (single only) went up. About a dollar a pay period (I get 24 a year).
Quote from: Gaspar on June 18, 2014, 03:56:15 PM
So if you throw in the folks who are seeing the huge group spikes through their employers, like me, this would probably really blow up the data.
Has anyone had their group plan go down last year?
Not at my work. We've got 12-15 employees on average.
Quote from: Gaspar on June 18, 2014, 03:56:15 PM
So if you throw in the folks who are seeing the huge group spikes through their employers, like me, this would probably really blow up the data.
Has anyone had their group plan go down last year?
How many folks are seeing huge group spikes through their employers?
Quote from: Gaspar on June 18, 2014, 03:56:15 PM
So if you throw in the folks who are seeing the huge group spikes through their employers, like me, this would probably really blow up the data.
Has anyone had their group plan go down last year?
Not last year, but the company had a plan for this year that cut the rates by $40 a month by doing the survey, and has already announced a plan to lower rates for next year if I jump through some hoops....basically answer a survey that asks some really "softball" questions like, "Do you eat a good diet?". "Do you ever do any physical exercise?" Multiple choice - "Do you participate in any of the following?" Possible answers include walking, hiking, bicycle riding, etc. Tough stuff.
Will reduce premiums by about $60 a month....NOT based on whether you do any, but just for answering the questions. Don't even have to listen to a "sermon".... Yeah, I'm gonna answer the questions for next year just like I did for this year!!
ERs backing up in California.
Quote from: guido911 on July 07, 2014, 02:44:51 PM
ERs backing up in California.
Nationwide average is about 6 hours. So CA is ahead of the curve at 5 - IF you believe Faux. 400,000 waited over 24 hours nationally.
20 minutes....
15 minutes from a satisfied customer...
15 minutes or less
20 minutes
December 2013. Way different from the Faux News distortions/lies. From dozens of hospitals.
2010 average - 4.5 hours... 2 minutes longer than during Bush regime....
Now, we have 6 sources that say something similar. And the news from 2010 showed that CA average was 4.5 hours...about the same as the Bush times. What could have possibly changed in the last 4 years or so that could have changed average wait times from 4.5 hours to about 30 minutes?? Oh....wait.....
Just because Faux News says can count on it being distorted. If not an outright lie.
Quote from: guido911 on July 07, 2014, 02:44:51 PM
ERs backing up in California.
Had a guy at work saying a friend was having trouble getting Dr to treat him under Obamacare here in OK. Except for the fact that there is no such thing - a patient deals with BlueCross/BlueShield, Aetna, Coventry.... those sound a lot like insurance companies, not Obama. Oh, yeah...that's because they ARE insurance companies! A couple of which I have had in the past - one is current!!
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on July 07, 2014, 04:51:26 PM
Had a guy at work saying a friend was having trouble getting Dr to treat him under Obamacare here in OK. Except for the fact that there is no such thing - a patient deals with BlueCross/BlueShield, Aetna, Coventry.... those sound a lot like insurance companies, not Obama. Oh, yeah...that's because they ARE insurance companies! A couple of which I have had in the past - one is current!!
Obviously your friend is lying then????
Quote from: guido911 on July 07, 2014, 04:57:00 PM
Obviously your friend is lying then????
Obviously he is having trouble with his chosen insurance company.
Which given the trouble other friends have had with both BC/BS and Aetna, it is no big surprise. But that is not the same as an Obamacare issue, regardless of how badly Murdochian World wants it to be.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on July 07, 2014, 05:23:01 PM
Obviously he is having trouble with his chosen insurance company.
Which given the trouble other friends have had with both BC/BS and Aetna, it is no big surprise. But that is not the same as an Obamacare issue, regardless of how badly Murdochian World wants it to be.
I had trouble with both of those insurance companies (BC/BS and Aetna, as I had one or the other as part of my employer insurance from 1996 to about 2007). So it's not just the ACA era that people are having the issues with.
Context. It's a grumble.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on July 07, 2014, 05:23:01 PM
Obviously he is having trouble with his chosen insurance company.
Which given the trouble other friends have had with both BC/BS and Aetna, it is no big surprise. But that is not the same as an Obamacare issue, regardless of how badly Murdochian World wants it to be.
I KNEW IT!!! A Murdochian plot.
Quote from: guido911 on July 07, 2014, 08:51:03 PM
I KNEW IT!!! A Murdochian plot.
The tiresome whining and lying and dissemination (not to be confused with insemination) is the Murdochian Plot. It is worse than the LWRE and their BS about gun control...!! These insurance issues are totally unrelated to any aspect of the ACA, and yet, surprise, surprise....guess what Faux News is all about? Didn't you watch the video clip YOU posted?? You also must have known that is a Faux Non-News channel station....
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on July 07, 2014, 09:57:37 PM
The tiresome whining and lying and dissemination (not to be confused with insemination) is the Murdochian Plot. It is worse than the LWRE and their BS about gun control...!! These insurance issues are totally unrelated to any aspect of the ACA, and yet, surprise, surprise....guess what Faux News is all about? Didn't you watch the video clip YOU posted?? You also must have known that is a Faux Non-News channel station....
Dude, it's Monday. No need for this so early in the week...
Quote from: guido911 on July 07, 2014, 11:22:19 PM
Dude, it's Monday. No need for this so early in the week...
It's Monday EVERY day!! Right up until Friday afternoon about 3:00 pm!! Then it's the weekend!
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on July 08, 2014, 08:42:01 AM
It's Monday EVERY day!! Right up until Friday afternoon about 3:004:20 pm!! Then it's the weekend!
As I understand it, this latest appellate litigation is over subsidies, and who may receive one based on which exchange they purchased insurance plans. It sounds more like the Horton Hears a Who argument, the legislature "meant what it says and said what [it] meant" in Obamacare. While we get the chance to hear more of the Pelosi BS about passing the bill to see what is in it, I am sick of hearing about Obamacare now.
Is there anyone in this forum that gets a subsidy?
Even the Cubs?
Guess it sometimes does matter what the constituents say and not what your handlers want you to do.
Quote from: Hoss on August 30, 2014, 10:24:16 PM
Guess it sometimes does matter what the constituents say and not what your handlers want you to do.
Hope it works better than this pile of smile: ( (
Quote from: dbacksfan 2.0 on August 31, 2014, 04:49:32 AM
Hope it works better than this pile of smile:
Tennessee has the same level of state and local corruption - especially local - as Oklahoma. Seems to be a common theme in these United States.
Yet another deep-red state (with a deep-red governor) looking to expand Medicaid.
Quote from: Hoss on September 01, 2014, 09:13:06 AM
Yet another deep-red state (with a deep-red governor) looking to expand Medicaid.
Finally, recognition that something that is good for a group other than the top 1% is good for a large number of citizens. Too bad Oklahoma still has a Failin' governor!
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on September 01, 2014, 09:41:56 AM
Finally, recognition that something that is good for a group other than the top 1% is good for a large number of citizens. Too bad Oklahoma still has a Failin' governor!
I chatted with Joe Dorman at the Oklahom Rifle Association annual banquet Saturday night. A+ rating from the NRA, and he seems to get some love from keynote speaker, Rep. Frank Lucas. The one question I did not get a chance to ask was his thoughts on the Medicaid expansion or lack thereof. I'm doing more digging to make sure he's definitely a better choice than Failin', but that bar is so low, he really does need to be vetted carefully. Failin' was supposed to be the best thing for Oklahoma in ages, she's been a bitter disappointment. Askins would have been a far better and more pragmatic governor than this walking disaster.
Quote from: Conan71 on September 01, 2014, 11:47:00 PM
I chatted with Joe Dorman at the Oklahom Rifle Association annual banquet Saturday night. A+ rating from the NRA, and he seems to get some love from keynote speaker, Rep. Frank Lucas. The one question I did not get a chance to ask was his thoughts on the Medicaid expansion or lack thereof. I'm doing more digging to make sure he's definitely a better choice than Failin', but that bar is so low, he really does need to be vetted carefully. Failin' was supposed to be the best thing for Oklahoma in ages, she's been a bitter disappointment. Askins would have been a far better and more pragmatic governor than this walking disaster.
About Askins - yeah...I said that a lot in the campaign but there is just so much institutionalized ignorance around, it's tough to get people to see reality.
I have read a little about Joe and like you said, he doesn't have to do much to be an improvement - like just sit around and breath - but I think he will. As for better than Failin', well I have a pile of well-rotted compost on the side of the house that would be a better governor than Failin'. Plus, good, wholesome organic fertilizer for the garden!! I can actually live with a governor that doesn't do much - but one who actively, repeatedly, and consciously goes out of their way to HURT the people of this state - as this one has - well, that has got to go!!
Have been reluctant to mention him here, just because it might "jinx" him in certain areas of northeast OK if it was known that I like him so far. One comment - what is that stuff he is carrying around on his face - make up your mind....either grow a beard or not! Don't go in half way!! First, it's not at all stylish and second, points to a possible character flaw - inability to make up one's mind! Haven't seen a pic of him lately, so maybe that has changed....??
If you look at the wiki list of what he has done in the state House, the bills he has supported have all been sound and leading to improvements for the state.
I won't hold it against him that he was a frat boy....
Looks like the Republican in-fighting about repeal is reaching critical mass now that the ACA hasn't quite turned out to be the turd sandwich that everyone prophesized it would be. But I'm sure those on here will continue to rail on about it.
Quote from: Hoss on September 09, 2014, 10:01:43 PM
Looks like the Republican in-fighting about repeal is reaching critical mass now that the ACA hasn't quite turned out to be the turd sandwich that everyone prophesized it would be. But I'm sure those on here will continue to rail on about it.
"word salad"....that's appropriate! I'm gonna keep that and use it.
Quote from: Hoss on September 09, 2014, 10:01:43 PM
Looks like the Republican in-fighting about repeal is reaching critical mass now that the ACA hasn't quite turned out to be the turd sandwich that everyone prophesized it would be. But I'm sure those on here will continue to rail on about it.
Funny, the only solid sources cited in this article are blog posts or fringe media. The only hard stats are from Kaiser Family Foundation. Certainly, they have tracked the stats on the ACA for quite some time and should be given some credibility.
However, the federal government seems curiously silent when it comes to premium growth or shrinkage and overall expenditures as a result of the ACA. It's almost as if they don't know or simply want it to remain cloaked in relative secrecy to be analyzed by think tanks like HKFF. It takes a whole lot more analysis to figure out why premiums and expenditures are higher in some areas and less in others than this article tries to provide.
Hmm...against Obamacare but won't say if she's on it. Interesting.
Quote from: Hoss on September 16, 2014, 10:45:15 AM
Well, there's "slavery", and then there is "slavery"....
Email from Fallin's team. Painful because people will treat this as accurate.
QuoteDear Friends,
This Sunday, President Obama's political machine is coming to Oklahoma to support expanding Obamacare in our state., a group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros that took out a full page ad in the New York Times insulting our combat troops while they were serving our nation in Iraq, is now teaming up with Change Oklahoma, an organization "created by volunteers who supported [President] Obama's candidacy." They are holding a rally to attack Governor Fallin and other Oklahoma elected officials who have stood up to Washington and rejected Obamacare.
Mary Fallin opposes Obamacare, and she opposes expanding it in Oklahoma. The Medicaid expansion found in Obamacare, which liberal groups like MoveOn.Org support, is a billion dollar cost to Oklahoma taxpayers that will drain money from education, public safety, roads and bridges, and even other health care programs.
QuoteMary's opponent, Representative Joe Dorman, is in lockstep with the Obama Administration, attacking the Governor for her opposition to Obamacare. Now Representative Dorman is even joining forces with President Obama's political machine, holding a rally to try to pressure Oklahomans into embracing a policy they don't want.
We don't want Washington, the president, or radical liberal interest groups telling us how we do things in Oklahoma. President Obama, MoveOn.Org, and Joe Dorman may support Obamacare. But they are simply wrong.
We're asking you today to sign our petition and tell MoveOn.Org and Joe Dorman that Oklahomans stand with Mary Fallin as she opposes their efforts to bring Obamacare to the Sooner State.
Thank you for your participation.
Fallin for Governor Team
Quote from: Townsend on September 26, 2014, 12:37:55 PM
Email from Fallin's team. Painful because people will treat this as accurate.
She's not been looking at the news a lot lately then. Indiana, Tennessee....hell, even Wyoming are considering allowing the expansion. All fairly red states (especially Wyoming and Tennessee).
But oh well, lets not do the will of the people as they say.
Quote from: Hoss on September 26, 2014, 02:01:14 PM
She's not been looking at the news a lot lately then. Indiana, Tennessee....hell, even Wyoming are considering allowing the expansion. All fairly red states (especially Wyoming and Tennessee).
But oh well, lets not do the will of the people as they say.
She looks at it. It just doesn't mean anything to her. I think Sauerkraut is actually Mary Failin' in disguise....
Quote from: Hoss on September 26, 2014, 02:01:14 PM
She's not been looking at the news a lot lately then. Indiana, Tennessee....hell, even Wyoming are considering allowing the expansion. All fairly red states (especially Wyoming and Tennessee).
But oh well, lets not do the will of the people as they say.
Here's the problem for Oklahoma right now: Hospitals are losing quite a bit of money on reimbursements. You will hear of smaller facilities closing in the coming months and years.
Quote from: Conan71 on September 26, 2014, 03:48:14 PM
Here's the problem for Oklahoma right now: Hospitals are losing quite a bit of money on reimbursements. You will hear of smaller facilities closing in the coming months and years.
And this is because of whom?
Quote from: Townsend on September 26, 2014, 04:10:25 PM
And this is because of whom?
Failure to accept the Medicaid expansion which was required under ACA.
Not near enough time to delve back into that shitsandwich today.
Quote from: Conan71 on September 26, 2014, 04:37:01 PM
Failure to accept the Medicaid expansion which was required under ACA.
Not near enough time to delve back into that shitsandwich today.
Oh c'mon...a quick review.
Quote from: Conan71 on September 26, 2014, 04:37:01 PM
Failure to accept the Medicaid expansion which was required under ACA.
Not near enough time to delve back into that shitsandwich today.
So in simpler speak, you're saying it's the Governor's fault for not accepting the expansion...
Quote from: Hoss on September 26, 2014, 04:50:31 PM
So in simpler speak, you're saying it's the Governor's fault for not accepting the expansion...
In the immediate sense, yes. She did what she thought was right at the time (I'm NOT a Fallin defender in any way shape or form) which was looking at the long picture when Oklahoma would foot the larger share of Medicaid payments.
It's attractive in the short term, but it's like taking out a loan for a $70,000 Lexus when you are a medical student with a $15,000 a year income from student loans because you think you can make the payments in five years when you graduate because the economic picture will be far better. Will it? You hope anyhow.
None of this would have happened without the ACA. It simply put more on the backs of states in order to make the ACA appear more revenue or deficit neutral. They can pay for it now or pay for it later. Either the pain is felt in medical facilities who treat the poor now, or there is a crisis in 5-7 years for states to figure out how to fund it when the feds pull the rug out. The states who have gone ahead and joined in are hoping the predictions of "thousands of jobs will be created by Medicaid expansion", but that remains to be seen and there are many gratuitous claims as to how this mechanism works in every state which accepts the expansion. I still have not seen one article which clearly maps out how this is an economic boon for any state which opted in.
I don't recall there being such a calamity awaiting Medicaid users prior to the passage of the ACA.
I'll search harder next week. Really I will.
Judge White rules in favor of Oklahoma's claim as to ACA subsidies/penalties.
More smileburger....
Quote from: guido911 on September 30, 2014, 01:17:50 PM
Judge White rules in favor of Oklahoma's claim as to ACA subsidies/penalties.
More smileburger....
Bet it won't stand.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on September 30, 2014, 02:56:21 PM
Bet it won't stand.
What about his opinion do you find objectionable?
Quote from: guido911 on September 30, 2014, 03:48:47 PM
What about his opinion do you find objectionable?
Well now Guido, he never said he objected to it. He just said "Bet it won't stand."
Quote from: Townsend on September 30, 2014, 04:14:05 PM
Well now Guido, he never said he objected to it. He just said "Bet it won't stand."
He can answer for himself. He's a big boy. And if it makes you feel better, I'll rephrase: Why will it not stand?
I think I am record for wanting this thing to get going, so I really do not have an interest in these legal stratagems any further. With that proviso, if you read the opinion, my first thought was Horton Hears a Who. The statute says what it means, and means what is says.
Quote from: guido911 on September 30, 2014, 04:30:27 PM
He can answer for himself. He's a big boy.
Thank you for the update.
Officials say Oklahoma Medicaid needs $164 Million (
QuoteOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — The Oklahoma Health Care Authority says it needs at least $164 million in extra state funds to keep up the state's Medicaid program.
Leaders of the state's Medicaid agency say it needs the money to replace lost federal funding and address a 4 percent expected growth in the program. There's a $61 million hole because it received one-time carryover money from the state Legislature.
The organization plans to request $275 million in additional state dollars for the next fiscal year. The Oklahoman reports it already receives $953 million in base funding. The agency hopes to increase the rate it pays to physicians and other medical professionals.
Quote from: guido911 on September 30, 2014, 03:48:47 PM
What about his opinion do you find objectionable?
Just a gut feel. And the fact the district court is reviewing what they did in another similar case....Halbig....
In a similar vein - Maurice Greenberg thinks it was extortion to force his company (AIG) to take $184 billion dollars during the bailout! Ahh....what a disgusting maggot! The very DAY his company cashed the check, the entire stock of the company was admittedly down 58% that $5 a share or $15 billion dollars! So, he only got over 1000% MORE than it was worth!!
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on October 10, 2014, 02:18:56 PM
Just a gut feel. And the fact the district court is reviewing what they did in another similar case....Halbig....
In a similar vein - Maurice Greenberg thinks it was extortion to force his company (AIG) to take $184 billion dollars during the bailout! Ahh....what a disgusting maggot! The very DAY his company cashed the check, the entire stock of the company was admittedly down 58% that $5 a share or $15 billion dollars! So, he only got over 1000% MORE than it was worth!!
I'm sorry, what exactly does Jon Stewart riffing on Hank Greenberg have to do with the ruling on the ACA? Other than NOTHING at all?
Quote from: Conan71 on October 10, 2014, 03:17:52 PM
I'm sorry, what exactly does Jon Stewart riffing on Hank Greenberg have to do with the ruling on the ACA? Other than NOTHING at all?
You got it....nothing at all....we just need an occasional interlude just once in a while to provide a little lightness and relief from the intensity.
Here is today's - The End by the Door....perhaps more in keeping with the feel of this thread....
Ugly truth for Affordable Care least the the RWRE.....
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 03, 2014, 04:06:45 PM
Ugly truth for Affordable Care least the the RWRE.....
How are higher premiums and people selecting lower levels of coverage good news? I fail to see any glee in this study.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 03, 2014, 04:22:35 PM
How are higher premiums and people selecting lower levels of coverage good news? I fail to see any glee in this study.
And the premiums didn't increase pre-AACA? At least now people aren't being disallowed insurance for pre-existing conditions.
My biggest insurance increase was in the 2008-2009 transition. I had an increase last year. Of exactly 1 dollar and 8 cents per pay period.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 03, 2014, 04:22:35 PM
How are higher premiums and people selecting lower levels of coverage good news? I fail to see any glee in this study.
Did you bother to read any of it? More carriers getting on board. Increases are averaging about they ask, when did you ever see an increase as low as 5% year to year??
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 03, 2014, 04:59:55 PM
Did you bother to read any of it? More carriers getting on board. Increases are averaging about they ask, when did you ever see an increase as low as 5% year to year??
Absolutely I read it. I also read some people may see increases as much as 35%, some might see decreases of 35%. Many will choose less coverage with higher deductibles. If I keep wrapping silk around a turd it will eventually quit looking like a turd, but it stinks just as bad.
Quote from: Hoss on November 03, 2014, 04:27:51 PM
And the premiums didn't increase pre-AACA? At least now people aren't being disallowed insurance for pre-existing conditions.
My biggest insurance increase was in the 2008-2009 transition. I had an increase last year. Of exactly 1 dollar and 8 cents per pay period.
There's been plenty of evidence people who were happy with their program prior to ACA lost their coverage and/or their PCP/treatment network in the midst of all this. As well, many with pre-existing conditions don't qualify for subsidy, can't afford insurance, and therefore will now pay a penalty for not having insurance. How is that just?
My entire insurance tab is comped by my company. I only pay for a portion of MC's coverage. It's a great deal, work for the company five years and they will cover 100% of the employee's cost of health insurance. I'm not sure how much longer that will be their policy for newer hires though.
Far as I know, our costs have been fairly well-contained the last couple of year. Unfortunately, that's not the case for everyone. Imagine if you were one of the people who had their coverage increase by 35% or had to lower your coverage and take a higher deductible to afford your insurance. It's wonderful if you are on the winning end, it sucks if you got the short end of the stick. It's unfortunate not everyone came out a winner.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 03, 2014, 06:33:37 PM
It's wonderful if you are on the winning end, it sucks if you got the short end of the stick. It's unfortunate not everyone came out a winner.
Obamacare was about those without insurance only. Those having insurance? Sucks to be you. That'll learn ya to be successful or work for a solid company.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 03, 2014, 06:18:44 PM
Absolutely I read it. I also read some people may see increases as much as 35%, some might see decreases of 35%. Many will choose less coverage with higher deductibles. If I keep wrapping silk around a turd it will eventually quit looking like a turd, but it stinks just as bad.
Well, this turd may end up being a good thing for people who depend on AT&T for insurance - they have been screwing with it for years and it just gets worse every year - 50%....100%....bigger...increases. But that's kind of a corporate America thing, isn't it, so it's ok...the whole corporate welfare thing?
A bit late, but the Supreme Court is taking up the "Horton Hears a Who" argument opposing Obamacare.
The Administration is admitting enrollment is lagging as much as 4 million off the CBO estimates. I'm starting to wonder if the CBO uses the same wonky calculator our Chamber uses to calculate economic impacts which are seldom realistic.
The Obama administration on Monday released new estimates for how many people will sign up through the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplaces in 2015 — and it's much lower than the 13 million projected by the Congressional Budget Office. The Obama administration now predicts anywhere between 9 million and 9.9 million people will be enrolled in marketplace coverage this coming year, down from the 13 million the CBO previously expected.
HHS also gave a new measure of marketplace enrollment to date. The administration actually beat expectations in the first enrollment period that ended in March, with 8 million people signing up instead of the projected 6 million. But that's since declined to 7.1 million, as people have lost their insurance due to non-payment or other issues.
The CBO's latest projections come from April 2014. As you can see, the nonpartisan scorekeeper essentially expects full ramp-up in marketplace enrollment to occur 2016 — three years into the ACA coverage expansion. The CBO expects marketplace enrollment will hit 24 million in 2016, and then tick up to 25 million in 2017 and stay there.
But under the administration's new analysis, that processes could take another year or two.
One of reasons the projection is shifting downward comes from uncertainty over the number of people expected to leave employer coverage or individual health plans purchased outside the marketplaces, or exchanges. The CBO, for example, projects 7 million fewer people will have employer-based health insurance by 2016, creating a new pool of people potentially eligible for marketplace coverage. The administration says it's still not clear how dramatic the shift in employer coverage will be.
"Thus, there is considerable uncertainty that a large shift will occur in the next two years," according to a report from the Department of Health and Human Services. "This contributes to an analysis that the ramp up to 25 million will take more than three years."
The administration argues the trajectory of marketplace enrollment will probably look much closer to take-up in recent government coverage expansions. It cited as a model the rise in enrollment in the Children's Health Insurance Program after its enactment in 1997.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 10, 2014, 01:40:41 PM
The Administration is admitting enrollment is lagging as much as 4 million off the CBO estimates. I'm starting to wonder if the CBO uses the same wonky calculator our Chamber uses to calculate economic impacts which are seldom realistic.
That cannot be Conan. I was told that Obamacare was working, was successful, and was meeting its enrollment quotas. People in here were gloating over it.
No wonder Pelosi said we needed to pass the ACA so we could see what was in it. It was intentionally written to hide information from us dumb@ssed voters and those rubes at the CBO says, one of the ACA;s architects?
This cannot be true.
Quote from: guido911 on November 11, 2014, 03:48:34 AM
That cannot be Conan. I was told that Obamacare was working, was successful, and was meeting its enrollment quotas. People in here were gloating over it.
You're right. The Obama admin has never gotten anything wrong. I apologize.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 11, 2014, 10:33:49 AM
You're right. The Obama admin has never gotten anything wrong. I apologize.
Bush lied about Iraq though (channeling my inner dem). So Obama being wrong about Obamacare is allowable.
Quote from: Conan71 on November 03, 2014, 06:33:37 PM
It's wonderful if you are on the winning end, it sucks if you got the short end of the stick. It's unfortunate not everyone came out a winner.
Well, the consolation is that for the several hundred who came out worse, there are about 8 million or so who came out better....and even some of those who originally said they came out worse were actually benefiting....there were several "poster children" - some posted here if memory serves - who said how "bad" it had been for them, but then it actually was the opposite.
Quote from: guido911 on November 11, 2014, 03:48:34 AM
That cannot be Conan. I was told that Obamacare was working, was successful, and was meeting its enrollment quotas. People in here were gloating over it.
Amazing how 8 million newly insured (or 7...either way) can be considered a failure...only in RWRE-Speak.....
Jake Tapper explains the Grubering of the ACA.
Republicans File Suit Against Obama Administration Over Health Law (
QuoteHouse Republicans on Friday followed through on a threat to sue President Obama over actions he has taken concerning the Affordable Care Act.
The lawsuit was filed in a federal court against the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Treasury.
"Time after time, the president has chosen to ignore the will of the American people and rewrite federal law on his own without a vote of Congress," House Speaker John Boehner, a Republican from Ohio, said in announcing the lawsuit. "That's not the way our system of government was designed to work. If this president can get away with making his own laws, future presidents will have the ability to as well. The House has an obligation to stand up for the Constitution, and that is exactly why we are pursuing this course of action."
If you remember, the House voted last July to authorize a lawsuit. At the time, House Republicans complained that Obama had overstepped his authority when he on two occasions unilaterally delayed the employer mandate for insurance coverage under Obamacare.
The lawsuit challenges those extensions as well as the subsidies the government pays insurance companies on behalf of people who meet certain income requirements.
The New York Times reports:
"Democrats have cast a legal challenge as strange. Republicans, they say, are attacking Mr. Obama for delaying enforcement of a law that they vehemently oppose. The health care law was passed in 2010 without any Republican votes, and House Republicans have voted dozens of times to repeal all or part of it. ...
"House Republicans struggled to find a law firm willing to take their case. Two withdrew, but on Tuesday, Mr. Boehner hired Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington University."
The move also comes just a day after President Obama announced a series of executive actions that would protect millions of immigrants from deportation.
Obama argued the action was well within his authority, while Republicans have argued it's yet another example of Obama ruling by fiat.
In a press conference before the suit was filed, Boehner complained bitterly that Obama was undermining the rule of law and "damaging the presidency" by leap-frogging congress with his executive action.
Repubs want to take away insurance availability from tens of millions.
They want to shut down the insurance programs of the 7 million or so who are already in a plan.
They are complaining about Obama doing something that Repubs have done 3 times - give illegals amnesty of one form or other - Bush, Reagan, Eisenhower.
They refuse to actually pass a real, comprehensive immigration law - other than an amnesty granting law (Bush, Reagan) - after decades of mouthings about it.
Tell me again how these guys get elected?
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 21, 2014, 11:46:42 AM
Repubs want to take away insurance availability from tens of millions.
They want to shut down the insurance programs of the 7 million or so who are already in a plan.
They are complaining about Obama doing something that Repubs have done 3 times - give illegals amnesty of one form or other - Bush, Reagan, Eisenhower.
They refuse to actually pass a real, comprehensive immigration law - other than an amnesty granting law (Bush, Reagan) - after decades of mouthings about it.
Tell me again how these guys get elected?
I'd like to clarify, being a Republican does not place you into these categories.
Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on November 21, 2014, 11:46:42 AM
Repubs want to take away insurance availability from tens of millions.
They want to shut down the insurance programs of the 7 million or so who are already in a plan.
They are complaining about Obama doing something that Repubs have done 3 times - give illegals amnesty of one form or other - Bush, Reagan, Eisenhower.
They refuse to actually pass a real, comprehensive immigration law - other than an amnesty granting law (Bush, Reagan) - after decades of mouthings about it.
Tell me again how these guys get elected?
I think I understand you. If the democrats lie and cheat their way into health care reform, it's okay. Because "republicans".
Quote from: guido911 on November 21, 2014, 01:49:16 PM
I think I understand you. If the democrats lie and cheat politic their way into health care reform, it's okay. Because "republicans".
Quote from: Townsend on November 21, 2014, 11:50:02 AM
I'd like to clarify, being a Republican does not place you into these categories.
So....where are all those "silent majority" Republicans who don't want to do those things...?? None are in Congress right now....
But you are right - I have some real Republican family members - not the hijacked tea-bagger types - who recognize reality and want things to get better in this country. Problem is, their party was hijacked.....
Quote from: guido911 on November 21, 2014, 01:49:16 PM
I think I understand you. If the democrats lie and cheat their way into health care reform, it's okay. Because "republicans".
How good of you to bring us back to this area.... as compared to doing nothing for 60+ years to at least make an attempt to fix the broken system we have that has taken us from nearly number 1 in health care systems to number 38! Yeah, I guess so...those kind of "lies and cheats"....
Or the Patriot Act. Ooops....wait, what??
Or the lies and cheats they told to get us into Iraq to kill our kids "for Daddy".... uh-oh... hold on a second...
Or the lies and cheats they told to keep people from voting... Wait...nope, that wasn't Democrats either...
Hmmm....well, just how far back do we wanna go?
More rabid right wing foaming at the mouth over Obamacare. When will they ever shut up!!!
Quote from: guido911 on November 26, 2014, 11:24:12 AM
More rabid right wing foaming at the mouth over Obamacare. When will they ever shut up!!!
What do you expect? They're like rats leaving a sinking ship so they can put their support behind Billary.
Quote from: dbacksfan 2.0 on November 26, 2014, 11:44:21 AM
What do you expect? They're like rats leaving a sinking ship so they can put their support behind Billary.
Man, can't they wait until she announces before they kick dirt on Obama's face then?
Tax Time Gets New Ritual: Proof Of Health Insurance
QuoteIn addition to the normal thrills and chills of the income tax filing season, this year people will have the added excitement of figuring out how the health law figures in their 2014 taxes.
The good news is that for most folks the only change to their filing routine will be to check the box on their Form 1040 that says they had health insurance all year.
"Someone who had employer-based coverage or Medicaid or Medicare, that's all they have to do," says Tricia Brooks, a senior fellow at Georgetown University's Center for Children and Families.
But for others, there are several situations to keep in mind.
If you were uninsured for some or all of the year
If you had health insurance for only part of 2014 or didn't have coverage at all, it's a bit more complicated. In that case, you'll have to file Form 8965, which allows you to claim an exemption from the requirement to have insurance or calculate your penalty for the months that you weren't covered.
On page 2 of the instructions for Form 8965 you'll see a lengthy list of the coverage exemptions for which you may qualify. If your income is below the filing threshold ($10,150 for an individual in 2014), for example, you're exempt. Likewise if coverage was unaffordable because it would have cost more than 8 percent of your household income or you had a short coverage gap of less than three consecutive months.
Some of the exemptions have to be granted by the health insurance marketplace, but many can be claimed right on your tax return. The tax form instructions spell out where to claim each type of exemption.
If you do have to go to the marketplace to get an exemption, be aware that it may take two weeks or more to process the application. Act promptly if you want to avoid bumping up against the April 15 filing deadline, says Timothy Jost, a professor and specialist in health law at Washington and Lee University who is an expert on the health law.
If you don't qualify for a coverage exemption
If none of the exemptions apply to you, you'll owe a penalty of either $95 or 1 percent of your income above the tax filing threshold, whichever is greater. The penalty will be prorated if you had coverage for at least part of the year. The instructions for Form 8965 include a worksheet to calculate the amount of your penalty.
If you received a premium tax credit for a marketplace plan
Under the health law, people with incomes between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level ($11,490 to $45,960 for an individual in 2013) could qualify for premium tax credits for 2014 coverage bought on the exchanges.
The marketplace determined the amount of premium tax credit people were eligible for based on their estimated income. At tax time those estimates will be reconciled against actual income. People whose income was lower than they estimated may have received too little in advance premium tax credits. They can claim the amount they're owed as a tax refund.
People whose income was higher than estimated and received too much in advance premium tax credits will generally have to pay back some or all of it.
If you bought a plan on the marketplace, you'll receive a Form 1095-A from your state marketplace by Jan. 31 that spells out how much your insurer received in advance premium tax credits. You'll use that information to complete Form 8962.
Assuming the information on the form is correct, "It should be easy to reconcile," says Judith Solomon, vice president for health policy at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Tax software programs and tax preparers also should know how to make the calculations, she said.
Many lower income consumers and seniors can get free tax preparation assistance through the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and the Tax Counseling for the Elderly programs
Copyright 2015 Kaiser Health News. To see more, visit
In other words, people who supported Obamacare and didn't plan correctly will be pissed off when they figure they are not getting a refund or actually owe for the first time.
Wyoming Republican governor, who is against the ACA, is hoping the subsidies aren't struck down in the SCOTUS case to be heard this summer.
Not unlike what our own governor has stated, if I'm not mistaken.
Quote from: Hoss on March 16, 2015, 01:27:34 PM
Wyoming Republican governor, who is against the ACA, is hoping the subsidies aren't struck down in the SCOTUS case to be heard this summer.
Not unlike what our own governor has stated, if I'm not mistaken. tends to rubber glove the people without any lubricant.
Mooooooon Riverrrr
Quote from: Townsend on March 16, 2015, 01:31:28 PM tends to rubber glove the people without any lubricant.
Mooooooon Riverrrr
I get that exam every year at tax time.