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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: RecycleMichael on June 28, 2010, 09:55:52 am

Title: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: RecycleMichael on June 28, 2010, 09:55:52 am
The funeral is tonight in Owasso. Luckily, a group of bikers called the Patriot Guard is going to block the access of the protestors to the funeral procession.

What kind of person protests a funeral?

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Conan71 on June 28, 2010, 10:06:13 am
The funeral is tonight in Owasso. Luckily, a group of bikers called the Patriot Guard is going to block the access of the protestors to the funeral procession.

What kind of person protests a funeral?

What time and where?  I'm not a member of the Patriot Guard, but I've been needing to get the Harley out.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Townsend on June 28, 2010, 10:06:24 am
What kind of person protests a funeral?

The whacko kind RM.

Stupid bastards.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: RecycleMichael on June 28, 2010, 10:09:14 am
This from a friend's facebook page...

Date: Monday, June 28, 2010
Time: 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Location: 76th St North Behind QT

Description.UPDATE I spoke to the head of the Patriot Guard and the are meeting at 5:30 behind the QT at 76th St North. Please meet there instead of 86th and 128th E ave. Attention all bikers: As you guys maybe know 22 year old Spc. Andrew R. Looney was killed in action while serving this great counrty. On June 28th there is going to be a procession in Owasso on 129th E. Ave between 76th and 86th St north. Unfortunately Westboro Baptist Church will be there to protest his funeral. (Westboro Baptist Church is a clan of family members that protest the funerals of our fallen. They say things like thank god for dead soldiers and other stupid things) We need as many bikers as possible to meet at the QT at 76th St north. We want to ensure that the family is respected and so I need all bikers to meet here. We will do our own protest by drowning out thier voice with our engines. Please help with this. Please pass this event around. Lets get out and support this young man. Thank you.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: sgrizzle on June 28, 2010, 11:01:45 am
Here's their version:

   Owasso High School 12901 E. 86th Street North WBC to picket a respectful distance from the funeral of Army Spc. Andrew R. Looney, to warn this nation of the dangers of promoting fag filth and of worshipping dead Doomed american soldiers. Anti-Christ Beast Obama has pledged to repeal DADT so the US military can be taken over by in-your-face sodomites, leading to this nation's full destruction. You will never win another war. You turned the nation over to the fags, and now your soldiers are coming home in body bags. You raised your children to be good for nothing but fodder for dirt-poor Afghani IEDs. When God punishes you for these sins, the LAST THING YOU SHOULD DO IS WORSHIP THAT DEAD CARCASS. If you want the soldiers to stop dying, OBEY GOD -- TODAY!! Nothing else will do!

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Conan71 on June 28, 2010, 11:04:24 am
Here's their version:

Fred Phelps is one massively foobared up individual.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Gold on June 28, 2010, 11:30:49 am
This garbage must be stopped.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Gaspar on June 28, 2010, 11:36:38 am
That makes me so angry.  >:(

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Hoss on June 28, 2010, 11:38:40 am
Fred Phelps is one massively foobared up individual.

Karma is a b*tch.  The Phelps family will reap what they sow...

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: we vs us on June 28, 2010, 11:42:09 am
They're a despicable group, but it's comforting to know that, even in this politically polarized time, we can all agree that what these guys do is completely out of bounds.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: sgrizzle on June 28, 2010, 11:45:49 am
Karma is a b*tch.  The Phelps family will reap what they sow...

Apparently he is anti-gay, anti-jew, anti-catholic and... wait for it.... anti-swedish.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: kylieosu on June 28, 2010, 11:47:06 am
Those people make me absolutely nauseous....pathetic excuses for human beings. >:(

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Hoss on June 28, 2010, 11:48:03 am
For me, this church ranks right up there with the Church of Scientology in the 'loony' factor.  Sometimes I wonder if Phelps isn't a former Xenuite taking massive quantities of psychedelic drugs.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: sgrizzle on June 28, 2010, 11:53:33 am
For me, this church ranks right up there with the Church of Scientology in the 'loony' factor.  Sometimes I wonder if Phelps isn't a former Xenuite taking massive quantities of psychedelic drugs.

That's your body thetans talking.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Gaspar on June 28, 2010, 11:56:45 am
Who establishes what distance is respectful?  Perhaps the Owasso Police could suggest 5 miles as a respectful distance.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Hoss on June 28, 2010, 12:09:46 pm
Who establishes what distance is respectful?  Perhaps the Owasso Police could suggest 5 miles as a respectful distance.

I might suggest somewhere outside the International Space Station, but that might be construed as being mean...

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: BKDotCom on June 28, 2010, 12:21:54 pm
I might suggest somewhere outside the International Space Station, but that might be construed as being mean...

That'd be 215 miles (when overhead)...   Which happens to pretty much be the distance to Topeka, KS  (ie, they should just stay home)

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Hoss on June 28, 2010, 12:22:47 pm
That'd be 215 miles (when overhead)...   Which happens to pretty much be the distance to Topeka, KS  (ie, they should just stay home)

Yeah, but there's still breathable air in Topeka KS...

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Gaspar on June 28, 2010, 01:09:14 pm

The great thing about the first amendment is that it gives idiots the ability identify themselves. 

We see you, and through your words, we are repulsed.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Ed W on June 28, 2010, 03:29:30 pm
My kids knew Andrew Looney.  My daughter was in his graduating class and my son remembers him from football.  My wife and daughter are planning to attend the memorial tonight.  My son (aka Seaman Recruit Wagner) and I will be outside.  I'm planning to photograph as much as possible.  The shots will be posted on my Picasa page later tonight.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: custosnox on June 28, 2010, 03:44:14 pm
I say we get some sheets, attach them to broomsticks, paint anti-westboro idea's/prosoldier idea's on them, and protest the westboro's. We can protest directly between them and the funeral.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Ed W on June 28, 2010, 07:20:46 pm
Photo dump is at: (

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: dbacks fan on June 29, 2010, 10:12:43 am
Thanks for the pics Ed, it looks as though the Phelps people were just a bit out numbered, and thanks to those that cam out to honor Andrew Looney.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: custosnox on June 29, 2010, 11:54:16 am
Thanks for the pics Ed, it looks as though the Phelps people were just a bit out numbered, and thanks to those that cam out to honor Andrew Looney.
I counted more cops keeping an eye on the protesters than protesters.  I found it interesting that they only news they got was a mention on the 10o'clock lastnight, and it was more of a "and some protesters somewhere down the street a few blocks". 

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Hoss on June 29, 2010, 12:24:47 pm
I counted more cops keeping an eye on the protesters than protesters.  I found it interesting that they only news they got was a mention on the 10o'clock lastnight, and it was more of a "and some protesters somewhere down the street a few blocks". 

Yeah, I thought it was good of the media (Ch 6 and Ch 2 both did this) to not even mention the protesters/church.  I mean after all, that's what they want, is the media attention.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Mike 01Hawk on June 29, 2010, 12:35:05 pm
What's up w/ the Japan Flag?

Nissan billboard or somethin?

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Townsend on June 29, 2010, 12:49:27 pm
What's up w/ the Japan Flag?

It's Sauron.  Took a wrong turn at Albuqurque on his way to Mordor.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Hoss on June 29, 2010, 01:22:34 pm
It's Sauron.  Took a wrong turn at Albuqurque on his way to Mordor.

Where's that Gandalf goes to the World Cup video....

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: YoungTulsan on June 29, 2010, 01:37:00 pm
Those Westboro fools are just real life trolls.  It actually made me mad that they got as much news coverage as they did  (I caught the 10'o clock on Channel 8 ).  I'm not one for media blackouts, but in the case of them, I would make an editorial decision to completely ignore them and pretend they didn't exist.  Media coverage is what they want.

That being said, epic win by the community for turning out the way they did.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Ed W on June 29, 2010, 02:26:58 pm
What's up w/ the Japan Flag?

Nissan billboard or somethin?

That's the Owasso Ram symbol.


Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: sgrizzle on June 29, 2010, 02:45:00 pm
That's the Owasso Ram symbol.


Seeingn how Owasso Cheerleaders are attracted to the traffic circle, maybe putting a circle up high is their way of helping cheerleaders make it to school.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: custosnox on June 29, 2010, 02:50:22 pm
Someone just pointed out to me that one of the Protesters have a sign that says "don't worship the dead".  Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Christians worship (I know, Christians don't really consider it worship, but it really is) Jesus, who died?

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Conan71 on June 29, 2010, 02:52:15 pm
Someone just pointed out to me that one of the Protesters have a sign that says "don't worship the dead".  Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Christians worship (I know, Christians don't really consider it worship, but it really is) Jesus, who died?

Point of technicality- on the third day he rose again, so he was only dead for three days or 2 1/2 or something close to that.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Townsend on June 29, 2010, 02:52:45 pm
Someone just pointed out to me that one of the Protesters have a sign that says "don't worship the dead".  Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Christians worship (I know, Christians don't really consider it worship, but it really is) Jesus, who died?

I doubt logic really matters to them.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: custosnox on June 29, 2010, 03:04:20 pm
Point of technicality- on the third day he rose again, so he was only dead for three days or 2 1/2 or something close to that.
But he is in heaven now, and to get to heaven you are supposed to die.  Or did he ascend as a full, living being, and is still a living, breathing person?

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Conan71 on June 29, 2010, 03:07:10 pm
But he is in heaven now, and to get to heaven you are supposed to die.  Or did he ascend as a full, living being, and is still a living, breathing person?

Accoring to scripture, he ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father, so my take would be he's alive. 

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: custosnox on June 29, 2010, 03:11:52 pm
Accoring to scripture, he ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father, so my take would be he's alive. 
meh, one of those "never was really specified" things, so it is in the eye of the believer.  But I thought the point was funny.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Mike 01Hawk on June 29, 2010, 03:18:16 pm
Aren't church tax records public knowledge? I wonder how much the WBC is 'worth'.

Seeing as how that's really what they are after.... $ from assault litigation.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Conan71 on June 29, 2010, 03:27:06 pm
meh, one of those "never was really specified" things, so it is in the eye of the believer.  But I thought the point was funny.

Quite funny irony, it wasn't lost on me.

I'm sure God hates us too, Custo he only likes the Westies.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: Jammie on June 29, 2010, 05:17:53 pm
What an awful thing for a church to do! I thought they were all about preaching love and brotherhood! Hopefully this will open a few parishioner's eyes and they'll find a REAL church soon.

The Patriot Guard is a wonderful group and they are so well organized. We're members, but don't join in anymore. They keep the nut jobs from Topeka away from many military funerals. How can anyone be so cruel to take their warped politics and mix it into a funeral where loved ones are grieving? It's groups like that who give churches a bad rep.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: GG on June 29, 2010, 05:32:59 pm
My kids knew Andrew Looney.  My daughter was in his graduating class and my son remembers him from football.  My wife and daughter are planning to attend the memorial tonight.  My son (aka Seaman Recruit Wagner) and I will be outside.  I'm planning to photograph as much as possible.  The shots will be posted on my Picasa page later tonight.

Your daughter must have been in my son's class.   He knew Andrew too going to back to their days at Mills Elementary, he said he lived a couple of blocks from us and had even been over at our house before.   Living across the street from Mills that is understandable as kids were always in and out of the house back in those days.   

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: GG on June 29, 2010, 05:40:22 pm
I was stationed across the street from the 6th grade center.   

I counted 157 motorcycles that drove by.   

It was heart warming to see the Owasso Community come out to pay their respects to the Looney family and to keep the Westboro crazies at bay. 

My wife was at the First Bank of Owasso parking lot, she said the Owasso Fire Dept had a truck stationed to where the Westboro crazies could get any closer than Freckles.   Then a Big Yellow 4 wheel drive diesel pick up pulled up on the grass in front of the crazies, started reeving up it's engine real loud for about 10 minutes creating a lot of diesel smoke.   She said the police just stood there letting it happen and the crazies finally left.   

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: nathanm on June 29, 2010, 07:30:17 pm
What an awful thing for a church to do!
It's a church in name only. Fred Phelps took it over and turned it into a cult. All of the members are Phelps' family, aside from a couple of trusted non-family lieutenants.

It's all pretty disturbing and it's quite unfortunate the police haven't been able to gather enough evidence of Fred's..proclivities to put him in jail thanks to the cult wall of silence.

Title: Re: Westboro Church protesting Owasso Soldiers funeral tonight
Post by: GG on June 29, 2010, 08:48:21 pm

here is a video of a portion of the service.

The 2nd young man to speak is his brother, he has a difficult time speaking.