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Not At My Table - Political Discussions => Local & State Politics => Topic started by: RecycleMichael on October 09, 2010, 04:36:42 pm

Title: For Jeannie McDaniel
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 09, 2010, 04:36:42 pm
For McDaniel

District 78 incumbent best choice

By World's Editorial Writers
Published: 10/9/2010  

Two years ago, when we endorsed Rep. Jeannie McDaniel for re-election, we said her photo ought to appear next to a dictionary entry for "dedicated public servant." Nothing has happened in the last two years to change our view. A tireless worker, she has spent most of her adult life seeking to improve her city and state.

She worked at the Citizens Crime Commission for a decade, serving as its director through the early 1990s. She then went on to create and oversee the Mayor's Office for Neighborhoods, from which she launched countless missions to improve Tulsa's precious and beautiful residential settlements. She retired from the city in 2004 and promptly went back to school to complete her college studies, and later that same year ran for her first term representing House District 78.

Her work on the House health and education committees has benefited Tulsa specifically and the state at large. Achievements she played a role in include the creation of mental health courts, affordable state-sponsored health insurance, the rescue plan for Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine and the state-supported college tuition program for qualified students. Other education efforts she has championed include early childhood intervention and better compensation for teachers. McDaniel has been a resident of District 78 for more than two decades, and it's safe to assume she is familiar with every street in her district. In fact, she's probably walked up and down each one, knocking on doors to visit with constituents.

A Democrat, she faces Republican Molly McKay, a political newcomer, in the Nov. 2 general election.

In her spare time, McDaniel works with such organizations as the Tulsa Citizens Crime Commission, Habitat for Humanity, the YMCA and Youth Services of Tulsa County. Representation doesn't get much better than that provided by Jeannie McDaniel. As we said two years ago, she is as committed, caring and responsive as any legislator ever has been. We enthusiastically support her return to the Legislature.

Read more from this Tulsa World article at

Title: Re: For Jeannie McDaniel
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 09, 2010, 04:40:02 pm
I feel very lucky to have Jeannie McDaniel as my State Reprepresentative.

Many of you know her from her tireless work on behalf of Tulsans. She has more friends in both the powerful and the powerless parts of our society than anyone I have ever known. Best of all about her is that she treats everyone with great respect.

If you live in her district of Tulsa, please vote for her.

Title: Re: For Jeannie McDaniel
Post by: Conan71 on October 09, 2010, 05:42:33 pm
I had no idea she'd drawn an opponent. I wouldn't vote for anyone but Rep. McDaniel, she's represented our district quite well. I'd like to see someone like her run the city. Maybe when she terms out?

Title: Re: For Jeannie McDaniel
Post by: Hoss on October 09, 2010, 06:01:06 pm
I had no idea she'd drawn an opponent. I wouldn't vote for anyone but Rep. McDaniel, she's represented our district quite well. I'd like to see someone like her run the city. Maybe when she terms out?

I guess our boundaries are pretty close to one another; I'm in district 77 and I keep getting mailers from that Eric Proctor goober.


Title: Re: For Jeannie McDaniel
Post by: guido911 on October 09, 2010, 06:55:39 pm
Her going to friggin Think Progress to rail against Oklahomans who dare to have a different opinion on "reproductive rights" than she speaks volumes as to her leanings.

Title: Re: For Jeannie McDaniel
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 09, 2010, 07:11:12 pm
Think Progress was a group with many interests, including environmental issues, global and domestic issues, even media accountability.

You oppose her by simplifying an unwarranted attack then say she "railed" against people with a different opinion?

Do you own a mirror?

Title: Re: For Jeannie McDaniel
Post by: guido911 on October 09, 2010, 07:57:18 pm
Think Progress was a group with many interests, including environmental issues, global and domestic issues, even media accountability.

You oppose her by simplifying an unwarranted attack then say she "railed" against people with a different opinion?

Do you own a mirror?

Nah, I really do not oppose her mainly because I do not know all her positions. But the fact that Conan and you approve (you are at least sincere and get off your rear and help Tulsa) should give pause to consider her. Still, I put Think Progress, Talking Points Memo, and Daily Kos all in the same class of left wing drivel and Oklahoma politicians that go there to bash Oklahomans pi$$es me off. None of this really matters since she is not from my district.