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Not At My Table - Political Discussions => Local & State Politics => Topic started by: Teatownclown on April 07, 2011, 09:54:20 pm

Title: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: Teatownclown on April 07, 2011, 09:54:20 pm
A Democrat Praises Koch Industries

Primary the bastard. :) And check his pockets!

Title: Re: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: Breadburner on April 08, 2011, 05:18:14 am
Off your meds..... ???

Title: Re: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: dbacks fan on April 08, 2011, 08:34:32 am

Title: Re: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: Conan71 on April 08, 2011, 08:36:16 am
There were rumors his dad was a backdoor boy when he was in A.C/D.C.

Obviously there are a lot of thinking-impaired people out there who are villfying the Koch's.  For one thing, they employ over 70,000 people around the world with many of those jobs here in the U.S.  I might also add their employment remained pretty stable throughout the recession.

Koch actually does more than pay lip service to improving the environment.  They own John Zink/Coen/Todd/Gordon-Piatt which is one of the largest global suppliers of flares, thermal oxidizers, process burners, etc.  They are a global leader in low emission technology which works to lower greenhouse gasses.  That's a great employer for the Tulsa area.

Title: Re: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: Teatownclown on April 08, 2011, 11:22:26 am

Danny boy, once a Blue Dog, always a Blue Dog! What was his price?

Title: Re: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: Conan71 on April 08, 2011, 11:31:18 am

Danny boy, once a Blue Dog, always a Blue Dog! What was his price?

You really need to stay away from the moonbats.  Their class-envy guano stinks.

"A March 2010 Greenpeace report shows that Koch Industry foundations have contributed (2005-2008) nearly $25 million to organizations that oppose clean energy and climate policy. That does not include oil and gas lobbying of $37.9 million. For more info on Koch Industries' funding of Climate Denial Groups -- See GreenPeace's report "Koch Industries Funding the Climate Denial Machine""

Interesting considering a significant business unit of theirs, HQ'd here in Tulsa, is making great profits on global warming alarmism through low emission technology they've invented and sell.

Boycotts are stupid.  Especially when you try and target congomerates which supply so many basic parts of the manufacturing, consumer goods, and food supply chains.

Title: Re: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: Teatownclown on April 08, 2011, 11:33:57 am
Hey, we got Beck canned through boycotts.... ;D

Sorry, their "environmentally sound" projects pale compared to their ownership of congress and the dastardly deeds.

Title: Re: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: Conan71 on April 08, 2011, 11:39:18 am
Hey, we got Beck canned through boycotts.... ;D

Sorry, their "environmentally sound" projects pale compared to their ownership of congress and the dastardly deeds.

It wasn't boycotts, it was advertisers who saw he was bat smile crazy.

Title: Re: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: Hoss on April 08, 2011, 11:42:18 am
It wasn't boycotts, it was advertisers who saw he was bat smile crazy.

Makes me wonder what happened, really.  He was actually somewhat watchable when he was on HLN.  I guess they pump something in the studios over at FNC to corral in the crazy...

Title: Re: Dan Boren: Back door boy?
Post by: Conan71 on April 08, 2011, 11:43:59 am
Makes me wonder what happened, really.  He was actually somewhat watchable when he was on HLN.  I guess they pump something in the studios over at FNC to corral in the crazy...

He had to keep it balanced at HLN.  He had a captive crowd on Fox and could let it all hang out.  Trouble is, he made conservatism look really bad.