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Talk About Tulsa => Development & New Businesses => Topic started by: titan43112 on April 29, 2011, 03:03:55 pm

Title: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: titan43112 on April 29, 2011, 03:03:55 pm
Like many others on the forum, I think the concpet of the Pearl district and the progress made thus far is really exciting. However, after having a conversation with a friend of mine earlier this week I learned that most of the blighted properties, along 6th street in particular, are owned by one indiviual. Upon checking the story out through the county assessor I found that my friend was indeed, correct. I can only conclude that the property owner is trying to cash in on the hard work of those that are trying to revitalize the area. I understand that there will always be property owners such as this, but for one slum lord to own numerous properties in the heart of the revitalization effort to me seems crippling to the effort. Now guys correct me if I am wrong, but by having so many properties in the area blighted, isn't the slum lord being counterproductive to his investments? 

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: ARGUS on April 29, 2011, 03:32:07 pm
Titan, thats called capitalization. Go buy some properties yourself. Calling someone a slumlord because their properties do not suite your prefernce is not nice. Yes they will benefit from the areas recent interest. Who knows they me be even tempted to make improovements themselves...but who knows...that is called speculation and that same term also applied to actual real estate too.
Good Day.

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: titan43112 on April 29, 2011, 04:05:37 pm
Argus, I respect your point of view. However, as impolite as it may be to refer to someone as being a "slum lord" it doesn't change however true it may be. Sure the properties in question are not of my preference, but by their appearences I would question if they were up to most peoples preference or even code enforcements preference for that matter. If you or anyone else would like to buy speculative property thats great and good luck, but not being a responsible property owner or maintaining the property and letting it rot away effects a number of people and the neighborhood in general. But lets not let such matters as the quality of the neighborhood get in the way capitalization.

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: custosnox on April 29, 2011, 04:22:50 pm
I've talked to some in the area and from what I have gathered the term slum lord is fitting.  It seems this individual is just interested in collecting rent, no matter what condition the property is in.

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: dbacks fan on April 29, 2011, 04:33:27 pm
A lot of the commercial properties along 6th from Peoria going east have been vacant for at least the last 20 years. It's only in the last 10 years that anything new has developed in that area. At one time you couldn't get antone to develop there. As for the resdiential buildings, you can call them slum lords, but you weren't going to attract higher end tenants in the 70' thru the 90's.

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: Teatownclown on April 30, 2011, 05:47:56 pm
dbacks is correct....

Titan, your thread is weak. The owner you speak about is a huge advocate for The Pearl.

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: carltonplace on May 03, 2011, 11:40:17 am
dbacks is correct....

Titan, your thread is weak. The owner you speak about is a huge advocate for The Pearl.

I don't think the thread is without merit and his point is valid. Elliott Nelson and then Blake Ewing moved into empty buildings and now these buildings are productive and the neighborhood is thriving. If the owner was really interested in moving the district forward he would take action rather than waiting for someone to move in next to him or for the public sector to build parks, ponds/basins, canals and street scaping to make his property worth more.   

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: DolfanBob on May 03, 2011, 01:42:21 pm
Kinda reminds me of this.

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: Teatownclown on May 03, 2011, 02:21:06 pm
I don't think the thread is without merit and his point is valid. Elliott Nelson and then Blake Ewing moved into empty buildings and now these buildings are productive and the neighborhood is thriving. If the owner was really interested in moving the district forward he would take action rather than waiting for someone to move in next to him or for the public sector to build parks, ponds/basins, canals and street scaping to make his property worth more.   

The Nelson group has plenty of financial backing.

I am often amazed at the comments regarding development here at TNF....when it comes to government spending, everyone's for cutting back.....on development issues, too many think money grows on trees.

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: Red Arrow on May 03, 2011, 02:27:29 pm
, too many think money grows on trees.

You need to get one of these.


Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: Teatownclown on May 03, 2011, 02:29:56 pm
Better get Carl several to plant along 6th street... ;)

Title: Re: Pearl district slum lord/lords
Post by: DowntownDan on October 08, 2012, 02:42:17 pm
Not sure if this is the correct topic, but I've noticed that the hold quadplex housing in the pearl district is having some work done.  Looks mostly cosmetic, paint, windows, doors, etc.  Just a few weeks ago it looked like just another abandoned housing building.  Are there any plans for this property or is there an owner prettying it up hoping to find someone to buy it and do substantive renovations.  I can't imagine the inside of that building is remotely move-in ready or liveable without some real work considering how long they've been sitting there.  Like I mentioned, there does not appear to be any substantive construction going on.  It looks largely cosmetic, which is at least a start.