The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Not At My Table - Political Discussions => National & International Politics => Topic started by: RecycleMichael on August 19, 2011, 10:56:30 am

Title: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: RecycleMichael on August 19, 2011, 10:56:30 am
Texas has the highest rate of unemployment for the states that surround it at 8.4% That rate is the highest since 1987. Texas also has the highest rate of employment at minimum wage or below. Since the recession started, The U.S. has eliminated over 400,000 government jobs. In that same time period, Texas has created over 100,000 new government jobs.

Texas in number 1 in workplace fatalities. Texas is 50th in rates of workers with worker's compensation insurance. So we kill a few of least Texas are rich...oh, but wait...

Texas is 48th in median household net worth. Texas is 50th in average credit score.

Almost 10% of the workforce in Texas is paid at or below minimum wage. Many of these jobs are dangerous and they are not insured. The workers have no value in their homes and terrible credit ratings.

But he is the front-runner in the republican race...

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Gaspar on August 19, 2011, 11:26:42 am
Wow!  Sounds like Texas is a really horrible place.  Hellish!


Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Red Arrow on August 19, 2011, 11:44:18 am
Wow!  Sounds like Texas is a really horrible place.  Hellish!

It sounds so bad I'd rather live in Oklahoma.  Oh, wait a minute.  I do live in Oklahoma.


Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 19, 2011, 11:49:53 am
Scary...another point we agree on completely!

I thought at one time that I might have to move to Baja Oklahoma just to find work.  Was sleepless for weeks!

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: dbacks fan on August 19, 2011, 11:52:43 am
I guess that means that Perry had good teachers when he served under "W" and Ann Richards for learning how to destroy Texas.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Red Arrow on August 19, 2011, 11:54:06 am
I thought at one time that I might have to move to Baja Oklahoma just to find work.  Was sleepless for weeks!

You claim to have been out of work for nearly 3 years but were only sleepless for weeks?

Don't worry, be happy....

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Red Arrow on August 19, 2011, 11:55:47 am
I guess that means that Perry had good teachers when he served under "W" and Ann Richards for learning how to destroy Texas.

Wait just a minute....

Ann Richards is/was a Democrat.  She cannot possibly be responsible for anything bad in Texas.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Hoss on August 19, 2011, 11:58:21 am
Wait just a minute....

Ann Richards is/was a Democrat.  She cannot possibly be responsible for anything bad in Texas.

YOU said it...

BTW, I lived in Houston during the Ann Richards reign.  It was crappy then, too...

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: dbacks fan on August 19, 2011, 12:03:54 pm
Wait just a minute....

Ann Richards is/was a Democrat.  She cannot possibly be responsible for anything bad in Texas.

Just saying that all three have been Governor since 1991, four years after there lowest unemploument rate.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 19, 2011, 12:17:48 pm
Ah yes, the requisite RM drive-by on the GOP front-runner!

Here's an interesting take from someone who is NOT a Perry supporter.

Texas has fantastic job growth, but apparently people are moving there quicker than new job opportunities are popping up, so the u/e rate is staying about static.  There's plenty of job growth, just more demand than supply.

Interesting read.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Hoss on August 19, 2011, 12:28:47 pm
Ah yes, the requisite RM drive-by on the GOP front-runner!

Here's an interesting take from someone who is NOT a Perry supporter.

Texas has fantastic job growth, but apparently people are moving there quicker than new job opportunities are popping up, so the u/e rate is staying about static.  There's plenty of job growth, just more demand than supply.

Interesting read.

If Perry's the best they've got, they're in for trouble.  Especially now that this stem-cell treatment he got for his back has come to light.  Not saying it's right, but that whole stem-cell thing rolls right off the abortion issue and he's going to have some 'splainin to do to the base.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: AquaMan on August 19, 2011, 12:33:23 pm
Maybe we should take Perry up on his offer to secede......might increase the overall IQ of the nation, decrease our unemp rate and give us a new low labor cost trade partner!

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: RecycleMichael on August 19, 2011, 12:35:36 pm
Yes. I start posts about many republican candidates. gaspar doubles my effort on Obama alone.

I haven't written about all the republican presidential candidates...yet. But it should be said by someone about the ones with terrible baggage. You are the one who stays an (R) with the likes of Newt, Bachman, and Perry.

The issue to me is that this guy is running on a platform that he can create jobs. Looking  at the employment that he claims to created, I am not sure America can afford a president like him.

He has created nothing but government jobs or minimum wage jobs. Nobody is protected with work insurance and many people are getting hurt on the job. Everybody has terrible credit and no net worth.

For Rick Perry to claim he has the answers to the ecomony and jobs is more hypocritical than Newt defending marriage.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Teatownclown on August 19, 2011, 12:39:16 pm
If Perry's the best they've got, they're in for trouble.  Especially now that this stem-cell treatment he got for his back has come to light.  Not saying it's right, but that whole stem-cell thing rolls right off the abortion issue and he's going to have some 'splainin to do to the base.

Did you know they were adult stem cells? Do you think that's the most hypocritical issue for Perry? Do you realize he doesn't understand the role of the Fed and the importance of maintaining their independence? Do you think he understands treasonous behavior?

I have sent my check to Pastor Perry. Do you think he wears his pants too tight?

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: AquaMan on August 19, 2011, 12:49:50 pm
I saw a close-up camera shot of him talking to what I think was a young child. He was reassuring whoever it was that "In Texas, we teach creationism along with Darwinism" as though that was a truly important issue to be quoted on in a presidential election. He won't last long.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Teatownclown on August 19, 2011, 12:55:08 pm
Don't you think this country could be put back on the right track with another Texas Governor?


Please, support Rick Perry.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 19, 2011, 01:02:15 pm
Yes. I start posts about many republican candidates. gaspar doubles my effort on Obama alone.

I haven't written about all the republican presidential candidates...yet. But it should be said by someone about the ones with terrible baggage. You are the one who stays an (R) with the likes of Newt, Bachman, and Perry.

The issue to me is that this guy is running on a platform that he can create jobs. Looking  at the employment that he claims to created, I am not sure America can afford a president like him.

He has created nothing but government jobs or minimum wage jobs. Nobody is protected with work insurance and many people are getting hurt on the job. Everybody has terrible credit and no net worth.

For Rick Perry to claim he has the answers to the ecomony and jobs is more hypocritical than Newt defending marriage.

When 800,000 people flock to a state, naturally there are going to be lots of lower paying service jobs created as well as government jobs (teachers, admin, public safety) which become necessary to serve that influx.  Read the blog I posted, or are you afraid to have the wind let out of your sails?

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Teatownclown on August 19, 2011, 01:17:02 pm

When 800,000 people flock to a state, naturally there are going to be lots of lower paying service jobs created as well as government jobs (teachers, admin, public safety) which become necessary to serve that influx.  Read the blog I posted, or are you afraid to have the wind let out of your sails?

Do you think all those people flocked there because of all the wonderful thingy's Perry did?


Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 19, 2011, 01:22:41 pm
Do you think all those people flocked there because of all the wonderful thingy's Perry did?



Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Hoss on August 19, 2011, 01:25:32 pm
Did you know they were adult stem cells? Do you think that's the most hypocritical issue for Perry? Do you realize he doesn't understand the role of the Fed and the importance of maintaining their independence? Do you think he understands treasonous behavior?

I have sent my check to Pastor Perry. Do you think he wears his pants too tight?

It doesn't matter that they were adult or embryonic.  And yes, I did know it.  The problem is the right has made 'stem-cell' synonymous with 'embryonic stem-cell' so there's going to be some knee-jerk reaction to it.  It's the fact that he'll have to explain it.  Like Newt and the Tiffany's debt, among others.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Teatownclown on August 19, 2011, 01:30:12 pm
It doesn't matter that they were adult or embryonic.  And yes, I did know it.  The problem is the right has made 'stem-cell' synonymous with 'embryonic stem-cell' so there's going to be some knee-jerk reaction to it.  It's the fact that he'll have to explain it.  Like Newt and the Tiffany's debt, among others.

I made a mistake thinking the knee-jerkers knew better.... I have to remind myself what Brian sez:[youtube][/youtube]

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Gaspar on August 19, 2011, 02:48:35 pm
We could always look at the other side of the policy coin.  California just hit 12% unemployment today.  Perhaps we could find a candidate from there. 

It's gong to be hard for the fringe to criticize Perry's record, so I think we will see a whole lot of "Oh smile he likes God!" and "Oh smile he hates black people," and "Oh smile he wears cowboy boots."

Personally, he's not my front runner but I do like the fact that he aint afraid to get smile on those boots!  It's that old Texas in-your-face politics that may be just what we need.

Even if he doesn't get the nomination (and he wont), he's gonna flush out a bunch roaches on the way!

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: JCnOwasso on August 19, 2011, 03:06:08 pm
I will freely admit that he scares the smile out of me.  I don't know where I heard it but someone said that where Bush was a practicing conservative, to this guy it is dogma (paraphrasing because I can't remember the actual quote).

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Gaspar on August 19, 2011, 03:12:03 pm
I will freely admit that he scares the smile out of me.  I don't know where I heard it but someone said that where Bush was a practicing conservative, to this guy it is dogma (paraphrasing because I can't remember the actual quote).


Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: JCnOwasso on August 19, 2011, 03:13:37 pm

Gaspar... I have a whole new level of respect for you.  You pulled a Buddy Christ out of the hat.  Very nice.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Gaspar on August 19, 2011, 03:14:16 pm

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Hoss on August 19, 2011, 03:58:51 pm

Wonder if Kevin's looking to sell...

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Red Arrow on August 19, 2011, 08:10:48 pm
YOU said it...

BTW, I lived in Houston during the Ann Richards reign.  It was crappy then, too...

The sarcasm should have been intuitively obvious to the most casual observer.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Red Arrow on August 19, 2011, 08:12:43 pm
I made a mistake thinking the knee-jerkers knew better....

That'll teach you to think.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Red Arrow on August 19, 2011, 09:00:45 pm
Almost 10% of the workforce in Texas is paid at or below minimum wage.

I actually know not to ask questions I don't know the answer to but I will anyway.

How does that compare to other states?

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: dbacks fan on August 19, 2011, 09:07:56 pm
I actually know not to ask questions I don't know the answer to but I will anyway.

How does that compare to other states?

As a guess, it's probably close to some other states, but the "below minimum wage" how can you count that, other than wait staff in restauraunts, since it is illegal to pay below minimum wage?

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Red Arrow on August 19, 2011, 09:15:46 pm
As a guess, it's probably close to some other states, but the "below minimum wage" how can you count that, other than wait staff in restauraunts, since it is illegal to pay below minimum wage?

I don't know about counting wait staff wages beyond assuming a certain tip level for the IRS and SS.  My sister worked in some "cowboy bars" in the OKC area in the early 80s and was making more $ than me with a Masters degree in engineering.  Admittedly, she worked some double shifts but she was still hauling in the $.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: RecycleMichael on August 20, 2011, 08:41:56 am
The national average of workers being paid at or below minimum wage is 3%.

Here is the New York Times take...

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: azbadpuppy on August 20, 2011, 12:27:12 pm
And here's another take on the "Texas Mirace" myth:

I can't stand Perry for so many reasons, but the main one, which goes for all the Tea Party darlings, is the hypocrisy (and the irony) of those who claim to have this disdain and loathing of the federal government, and who want to completely dismantle and diminish it, yet are so desperate to become a part of it, and get paid by it, and become famous from it.


Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: nathanm on August 20, 2011, 07:09:36 pm
Or Connecticuters.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Teatownclown on August 21, 2011, 07:31:48 pm
Do you think he's dumb enough?

Rick Perry Knocks Evolution Again: 'God Is How We Got Here'

Send Perry contributions!

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 24, 2011, 12:06:19 pm
You claim to have been out of work for nearly 3 years but were only sleepless for weeks?

Don't worry, be happy....

Out of work for 3 years is nowhere near as scary as thinking for a few weeks that I might have to move to Baja Oklahoma!!!

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 24, 2011, 12:13:23 pm
I don't know about counting wait staff wages beyond assuming a certain tip level for the IRS and SS.  My sister worked in some "cowboy bars" in the OKC area in the early 80s and was making more $ than me with a Masters degree in engineering.  Admittedly, she worked some double shifts but she was still hauling in the $.

I will bet you any odds you want that she is much prettier than you!  Brains don't mean squat.  Looks will trump them every time!

Corollary; did you ever see a pretty engineer??

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Teatownclown on August 24, 2011, 01:54:56 pm

Way to go Inhofe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe said Wednesday that he plans to endorse Texas Gov. Rick Perry for president.

"I called Rick Perry a year ago and told him, 'If you're running for president, I'll be the first to endorse you,'" Inhofe said at a State Chamber of Commerce breakfast at the Tulsa Press Club.

"I'm going to be that person on Monday."

Inhofe said he "likes Mitt Romney, but he's a little mushy on environmental issues" and "Newt Gingrich, I always have this vision of him sitting on the couch holding hands with Nancy Pelosi," but that he has no reservations about Perry.

Inhofe said he also thinks Perry has the best chance of any Republican to defeat Democratic incumbent Barack Obama.

Inhofe had previously thought another potential candidate had a chance against Obama.

"That person was John Thune, the senator from South Dakota. The reason I say that is he's taller than Obama is, he's better looking than Obama is, and he's the same age Obama is. He would have made a good candidate, but he's not running."

Come on Jim....mushy? Tell the truth, your constituents would go batty if you backed a candidate from that Christian cult. :o Whatever, Ricky Perry and you are twins.

Remember, send your checks to Perry for President NOW!

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Gaspar on August 24, 2011, 02:20:55 pm
Wow!  His "pull no punches" approach has now put him in the lead.  Romney is choking on his dust.

Title: Re: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Hoss on August 24, 2011, 02:27:51 pm
Wow. All this and the elections are still 15 months away. It make my brain hurt.

Sent from my AT&T Atrix4G with Tapatalk

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 24, 2011, 02:52:23 pm
Wow, Pawlenty for all his hype, simply never took off.  So let's say Perry is the nominee, would Cain be a smart choice for VP since he could appeal to the minority vote and bring a message that he could get black people back to work?

Or do you worry more about white moderates who would like Romney involved somewhere in the Admin?

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Gaspar on August 24, 2011, 03:20:19 pm
Wow, Pawlenty for all his hype, simply never took off.  So let's say Perry is the nominee, would Cain be a smart choice for VP since he could appeal to the minority vote and bring a message that he could get black people back to work?

Or do you worry more about white moderates who would like Romney involved somewhere in the Admin?

I think Cain would be a good choice. . .and frankly race is not something to be concerned about.  If the message is clear, and opportunity is promoted over dependency, people of all races, religions, and sleep-numbers will be attracted.  I know it's politics and people feel that they need to tailor their messages to different groups, but I find that practice repugnant, because it demonstrates the need to change your message based on your audience.

Neither Cain or Perry will be successful in cultivating any liberal cross-over because neither of them are offering to give away free smile!

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: AquaMan on August 24, 2011, 04:29:00 pm
I see Inhofe and his followers around here are still into "fantasy politics". Good. Keeps you away from those fantasy football leagues. Have you all considered Palin for Interior and Bachman for Secretary of State? I know, she's a natural for Defense but....

Huntsman is the only reasonable Republican left. Too smart for Inhofe I'm sure.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Red Arrow on August 24, 2011, 05:27:05 pm
I will bet you any odds you want that she is much prettier than you!  Brains don't mean squat.  Looks will trump them every time!

Corollary; did you ever see a pretty engineer??

Yep, she (even still) looks a lot better than me.  She's smart too, PHD in societal effects of the hunta (I know the spelling is incorrect) carried by mice etc.

I have met met female engineers, some of them were not too bad looking.  There's not too many Miss America category women in most careers.  They are kind of average like most guys are.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Hoss on August 24, 2011, 06:38:13 pm
I see Inhofe and his followers around here are still into "fantasy politics". Good. Keeps you away from those fantasy football leagues. Have you all considered Palin for Interior and Bachman for Secretary of State? I know, she's a natural for Defense but....

Huntsman is the only reasonable Republican left. Too smart for Inhofe I'm sure.

I've actually been fairly impressed with Huntsman.  If he makes it through, and as long as he doesn't go all McCain and let his handler select a mental midget for a running mate, he has a chance.  Simply because he appeals to moderates and independents.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 25, 2011, 08:25:51 am
I've actually been fairly impressed with Huntsman.  If he makes it through, and as long as he doesn't go all McCain and let his handler select a mental midget for a running mate, he has a chance.  Simply because he appeals to moderates and independents.

Huntsman is done.  Not officially out mind you, but he doesn't have traction in the party.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Gaspar on August 25, 2011, 08:30:32 am
Huntsman is done.  Not officially out mind you, but he doesn't have traction in the party.

2nd week in September he will throw in the towel.

No one really ever knew where he stood on issues, and he did little to clarify.  I suppose that's the mark of a moderate, and it seems that that is exactly what the country is NOT interested in at this time.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: we vs us on August 25, 2011, 08:36:55 am
Huntsman is done.  Not officially out mind you, but he doesn't have traction in the party.

Agreed.   He's out.  Which is a shame, if you ask me, but there's no room for him as a party leader right now.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 25, 2011, 08:43:18 am
2nd week in September he will throw in the towel.

No one really ever knew where he stood on issues, and he did little to clarify.  I suppose that's the mark of a moderate, and it seems that that is exactly what the country is NOT interested in at this time.

The country should embrace a moderate philosophy as deep partisanship is going nowhere.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Hoss on August 25, 2011, 08:49:39 am
The country should embrace a moderate philosophy as deep partisanship is going nowhere.


Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 25, 2011, 11:12:48 am
Inhofe just reinforces everything I have ever said about him.

Talked to a friend of his family a few weeks ago, and you remember how he brags about never having a gay in his family?  Well, apparently a son makes up for it dramatically in the other direction.  Many more women than average...
that's gotta be better...

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Townsend on August 26, 2011, 01:57:37 pm
I know it's not real but I don't disagree.


Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 29, 2011, 07:15:41 am

Huntsman is the only reasonable Republican left. Too smart for Inhofe I'm sure.

I have a large decorative rock in the front yard that is too smart for Inhofe.  Heck, it is smarter than Inhofe.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 29, 2011, 07:17:59 am
The country should embrace a moderate philosophy as deep partisanship is going nowhere.


Are you kidding around?  (Can't tell since inflection is missing in notes...)

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: we vs us on August 29, 2011, 08:02:25 am
I've been really surprised by Perry's traction so far.  I thought sure there'd be more of a Bachmann-Perry deathmatch-thing for the far right wing.  But it looks like Perry's got the momentum big time and Bachmann seems to have faded.  Time will tell, I suppose.

It's telling, I think, that Bachmann never put Romney too far back on his heels; Perry's already beating him in the polls.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 29, 2011, 08:05:26 am

Are you kidding around?  (Can't tell since inflection is missing in notes...)

No, serious as a heart attack.  What good has come from deep partisanship?

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: RecycleMichael on August 29, 2011, 08:07:22 am
I wouldn't count out Mitt Romney just yet. Republicans adore the rich and he is smarter than Perry, Bachman and Palin combined.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on August 29, 2011, 08:16:47 am
I wouldn't count out Mitt Romney just yet. Republicans adore the rich and he is smarter than Perry, Bachman and Palin combined.

These are Republican's RecycleMichael.  Being smarter than Perry, Bachmann and Palin combined is seen as a bad thing.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Hoss on August 29, 2011, 08:28:40 am
These are Republican's RecycleMichael.  Being smarter than Perry, Bachmann and Palin combined is seen as a bad thing.

My sig line tells all...

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 29, 2011, 12:27:54 pm
No, serious as a heart attack.  What good has come from deep partisanship?

Not much.

Which is one of the lesser points I have tried to make.  The problem is and has been for many years is that "what I believe in is non-partisan; what the other side believes in is extremely partisan."  And vice versa...

I really don't believe there is much moderation left in this country right now.  I, too, hope it changes.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: nathanm on August 29, 2011, 12:36:37 pm
What good has come from deep partisanship?

That depends entirely on your definition of "deep partisanship." I'm sure mine owners considered it quite partisan when miners struck for safer working conditions and voted for candidates who supported organized labor, to use one example. On the other side of the coin, I'm sure the air traffic controllers considered Reagan firing the lot of them rather partisan.

If you mean the inability for our elected officials to comprehend the fact that they, in fact, represent all of their constituents and not just the portion most closely aligned with them ideologically or those with the loosest checkbook, I wholeheartedly agree.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 29, 2011, 01:19:54 pm

If you mean the inability for our elected officials to comprehend the fact that they, in fact, represent all of their constituents and not just the portion most closely aligned with them ideologically or those with the loosest checkbook, I wholeheartedly agree.


Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 29, 2011, 04:02:06 pm
So when a pretty sizable majority understands reality and is willing to put up with it in the form of expired Bush tax cuts, then the people elected to represent us should go with it, in addition to spending cuts.

Or when the vast majority consider the "war on drugs" a lame excuse for a failed policy and just another way to enrich big chemical interests (can you spell Dupont?), the representatives should represent accordingly and decriminalize Mother Nature.

Or when a growing majority - for many years now, not just the last 3 - realizes how lame this Bush War in Iraq was and how Afghanistan is becoming the same type of "Trillion Dollar Baby", we should be stopping them.

Or when...well, you get the idea.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 29, 2011, 09:45:27 pm
Since we seem to want to pin job creation or loss on the President, shouldn't all those minimum wage jobs in Texas actually be credited to President Obama and not Governor Perry?

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: RecycleMichael on August 30, 2011, 05:50:38 am
Since we seem to want to pin job creation or loss on the President, shouldn't all those minimum wage jobs in Texas actually be credited to President Obama and not Governor Perry?

You can't. In another thread you gave credit for a positive economy to the republican House of Representatives instead of the President and now you want to blame the president for minimum wage jobs (that Governor Perry has been taking credit for).

How convenient. When good news, it is all the republican effort, when bad, it is the President's fault.

Stop channeling gaspar. Both parties get blame and credit.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 30, 2011, 07:18:36 am
Since we seem to want to pin job creation or loss on the President, shouldn't all those minimum wage jobs in Texas actually be credited to President Obama and not Governor Perry?

I heard or read somewhere that Perry created all those jobs - 80% of which were with the government of Texas.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 30, 2011, 08:50:16 am
You can't. In another thread you gave credit for a positive economy to the republican House of Representatives instead of the President and now you want to blame the president for minimum wage jobs (that Governor Perry has been taking credit for).

How convenient. When good news, it is all the republican effort, when bad, it is the President's fault.

Stop channeling gaspar. Both parties get blame and credit.

At what point did I credit the HOR with the economy?  They are nothing but a dysfunctional clusterfark.  Unless you are confusing what I said about Congress controlling the budget purse strings on a debt/deficit discussion.  

Please provide a link as I think you are putting words in my mouth and I'm on a vocabulary diet.

And here's something to read while you look for that:
Over the last couple of weeks, the left-leaning, mainstream media has decided that Governor Rick Perry's job creation record needs to be discredited if Obama wants to be reelected. As a consequence, the media has centered on the "quality" of the jobs that were created in Texas while trying to bury the fact that it has created nearly 40% of all the jobs in the United States since the recession began and that Texas has an unemployment rate that is 1% point below Obama's national number.

In doing so, the Obama defenders have noted three specific facts: (1) 9.2% of all hourly-paid jobs are being paid below the minimum wage when the national average is only 3%; and, (2) Texas has created more minimum wage jobs than anywhere else in the U.S.;and, (3) the average hourly wage is lower than the national average of all hourly wages across the country. All of those arguments are both specious and dishonest and take statistics out of context.

In terms of the "below minimum wage" argument, a significant fact isn't being told. That's the fact that Texas has the 3rd or 4th lowest cost of living (depending on the survey) of all 50 states (Click here to See Story). As a consequence, people making less than the minimum wage in Texas are quite better off than in a high cost of living state like California, where even a minimum wage might not be enough live on. As a result, only 1 in 10 Texans are on food stamp assistance. Compare that with the national average of 1 out every 7 people receiving food stamps; thanks to Obama's record on employment.

Then there's the "more minimum wage earners" argument. Well...dah...if you have a high job creation rate, it's only logical that you will, similarly, have a high creation of minimum wage jobs. But, as noted above, getting paid minimum wage in a low cost of living state is a helluva lot better than in much higher cost of living states; like the ones that most liberals seem to live in.

Lastly, the average hourly wage" argument doesn't hold water either when you put it, again, into the context of cost of living. When it comes to average hourly wages, there's one statistic the press and liberals seem eager to ignore; and, that's how fast wages are rising in Texas. Just last year, the average hourly wage rose by 3.5% and is expected to meet that number again in 2011. In comparison, the national average hourly wage only increased by 0.5% in the same period. Again, this is hardly a record that Obama can be proud of.

I'll never forget my economics professor who, in my very first class with him, wrote on the board behind him: "There are lies, damn lies, and, then, there are statistics." He then proceeded to take this famous Mark Twain quote and hammer home the fact that you should always look beyond a single statistic and put it into a clear context. All too often, the press, the pundits and the politicians, alike, play the game of cherry picking statistics. That's why I write this blog. It's always my intent to clear the "fog" because I understand the truth in what Mark Twain had once said.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: nathanm on August 30, 2011, 09:51:24 pm

I've seen people make the argument that Texas' low food stamp enrollment is actually because the eligibility requirements in Texas are calculated such that it's harder to qualify than it is in other states. Basically, the pot doesn't grow like it does elsewhere, so some people get cut even if they would have been eligible with the same income before the recession.

I haven't researched Texas law to verify that claim, though, so I make no claim as to accuracy, only that it was some smile I saw on the Internet.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Gaspar on August 31, 2011, 06:28:26 am
I've seen people make the argument that Texas' low food stamp enrollment is actually because the eligibility requirements in Texas are calculated such that it's harder to qualify than it is in other states. Basically, the pot doesn't grow like it does elsewhere, so some people get cut even if they would have been eligible with the same income before the recession.

I haven't researched Texas law to verify that claim, though, so I make no claim as to accuracy, only that it was some smile I saw on the Internet.

I've heard that it's because of a large alien population.  Not illegal aliens (though you could make that argument too), but actual aliens from outer space who poop food that the poor can then eat.  This drastically drops food stamp enrollment.

I am also not sure of the accuracy of this.

Give me a break.  One of my largest customers (here in Oklahoma) just cut their workforce by 140 and is packing up shop and moving to Dallas where they intend to hire 300.  Their primary reason is that it's easier to do business there, and the incentives that the state offers to small businesses completely offsets the cost of the move.

Sales tax collection is up in Texas where the national average is going down.  That means that people are buying smile.  Fuel tax revenue is also up, meaning that people are buying and shipping stuff.  Single family home sales tax is up 17%!!  People are moving there in droves.  Foreclosures is down 9.9%.

So we can talk about food stamps and free lunches all we want, the fact is that the state of Texas is offering more opportunity than most other states, and because of this people and businesses are going there to work.  If you are on food stamps in Texas you have a far greater chance of obtaining work and getting off food stamps than you do in Illinois or three dozen other states.  Sure, the bucket has a few holes in it, but when compared to other state economies it simply holds more water!

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: AngieB on August 31, 2011, 11:38:24 am
Where's that LIKE button when you need it?

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 31, 2011, 12:56:33 pm

Give me a break.  One of my largest customers (here in Oklahoma) just cut their workforce by 140 and is packing up shop and moving to Dallas where they intend to hire 300.  Their primary reason is that it's easier to do business there, and the incentives that the state offers to small businesses completely offsets the cost of the move.

Centrilift in Claremore (Baker Hughes company) has wanted to move to Texas for quite a while, but every time they look at the real cost of doing so, it is always much cheaper to stay here in Claremore.  Those "incentives" just aren't enough to overcome the basic desire to keep costs low. 

And for people who move there, it is a huge shock.  Yep, they miss out on max 5% income tax.  Property taxes on the other hand are vicious if you can afford to buy a house.  What costs $2,250 here is closer to $6,500 there - plus it ain't as much house for the same price.  Figure that in and the difference is even bigger.  Makes up for a whole lot of income tax savings!

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: JeffM on August 31, 2011, 01:13:17 pm

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 31, 2011, 01:32:32 pm

And for people who move there, it is a huge shock.  Yep, they miss out on max 5% income tax.  Property taxes on the other hand are vicious if you can afford to buy a house.  What costs $2,250 here is closer to $6,500 there - plus it ain't as much house for the same price.  Figure that in and the difference is even bigger.  Makes up for a whole lot of income tax savings!

Apparently that's not killing job creation there.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Townsend on August 31, 2011, 01:35:23 pm

Although titter inducing I have a difficult time ever trusting these are real.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on August 31, 2011, 02:09:58 pm
Texas is tied for fifth highest increase in unemployment over the last year.

Title: Re: Rick Perry has almost killed Texas and now he wants to be President of America
Post by: Conan71 on August 31, 2011, 02:40:09 pm
Texas is tied for fifth highest increase in unemployment over the last year.

Well, isn't that interesting?

I suspect some of that could well be a rapid influx of job refugees who are glutting the market.  Not making excuses for Perry, simply seeing a trend there similar to what happened to Oklahoma in the early 1980's before our jobs picture went tits up.  Everywhere you went, there were Missouri and Texas tags- all people who came here looking for work because word had gotten out about our great jobs picture at the time.

Looks like Gov. Fallin is doing a better job at jobs creation, but don't let the Texicans know that ;)