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Non-Tulsa Discussions => Chat and Advice => Topic started by: HoneySuckle on August 21, 2013, 09:51:22 pm

Title: Another senseless killing
Post by: HoneySuckle on August 21, 2013, 09:51:22 pm
I was horrified to hear of this news, especially since I have over a dozen Aussie friends in Australia.

Boredom leads to gunning down an innocent person?

Barbaric, punk/thugs should be given a send off in the electric chair!

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Conan71 on August 22, 2013, 07:35:36 am
I'm curious to know why the media isn't clamoring all over this as a hate crime.  Two black youths gun down a white guy and it's assumed it's not racially motivated.  If two bored white youths had shot a black man, it would be immediately assumed it was a hate crime.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: swake on August 22, 2013, 08:06:01 am
I'm curious to know why the media isn't clamoring all over this as a hate crime.  Two black youths gun down a white guy and it's assumed it's not racially motivated.  If two bored white youths had shot a black man, it would be immediately assumed it was a hate crime.

Based on some facebook posts, that should be looked into. However, it was actually two black kids and a white kid together.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 22, 2013, 08:55:35 am
So I guess we will have to pass a special class of "boredom" crimes now....?

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: swake on August 22, 2013, 09:34:47 am
How about, and I am serious about this, sociopathic crime.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: sgrizzle on August 22, 2013, 09:40:50 am
I'm curious to know why the media isn't clamoring all over this as a hate crime.  Two black youths gun down a white guy and it's assumed it's not racially motivated.  If two bored white youths had shot a black man, it would be immediately assumed it was a hate crime.

Read more news stories. On one page you see that one of the culprits posted all sorts of racist tweets against white people and on another you see that other things it was self defense because "obviously the Australian was racist"

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: HoneySuckle on August 22, 2013, 10:36:30 am
I'm curious to know why the media isn't clamoring all over this as a hate crime.  Two black youths gun down a white guy and it's assumed it's not racially motivated.  If two bored white youths had shot a black man, it would be immediately assumed it was a hate crime.

They're too busy on the Trayvon case.

It's all about black America these days.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: DolfanBob on August 22, 2013, 11:14:02 am
Where is the outcry. It goes both ways Al and Jesse. Oh now they drink a big glass of "Shut the Hell up"

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: dbacksfan 2.0 on August 22, 2013, 11:34:53 am
You know this going to turn into a bleeding heart, these children were under served and deprived of the chances that everyone else has and they should be given a light sentence because they deserve a chance at a better life that they were denied of previously.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Townsend on August 22, 2013, 11:37:04 am
You know this going to turn into a bleeding heart, these children were under served and deprived of the chances that everyone else has and they should be given a light sentence because they deserve a chance at a better life that they were denied of previously.

Doesn't seem that way so far.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: dbacksfan 2.0 on August 22, 2013, 11:42:37 am
Doesn't seem that way so far.

I could be wrong, but it was all over the place in the PNW yesterday, even in the little 4,000 population town I'm living in. How long was it before Martin/Zimmerman blew up?

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: swake on August 22, 2013, 11:44:31 am
Again, one of the three killers was WHITE. More than that, outcry over what? These kids were arrested and are being prosecuted, as adults.  If anything, this goes to show that if black kid kills a white kid people want them executed as fast as possible. I’ve seen people asking for the killers to be tortured.

In the Martin case a white guy kills a unarmed black kid buying Skittles and he’s questioned and released and most of the public feels sorry for the shooter.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Townsend on August 22, 2013, 11:47:02 am
Maybe people should care less about the race of the killers and the victim and more about the fact that someone was shot and killed because these assholes decided it'd ease their boredom.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: dbacksfan 2.0 on August 22, 2013, 11:55:08 am
I'm not calling for someone's head to be served up on a platter, and regardless of color, you have a shooter that admits to the crime because he was bored. And yes the prosecutors can say all day long they are going to be tried as adults, it's still in the first couple of days and of course they are going to say that, just like the Court TV refugees want to crucify and convict everyone.

It's either going to gain traction for all the wrong reasons or it's going to just disappear.

Also Martin/Zimmerman was based on perceived self defense. This is a case of "recreational killing".

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: DolfanBob on August 22, 2013, 11:57:22 am
Again, one of the three killers was WHITE. More than that, outcry over what? These kids were arrested and are being prosecuted, as adults.  If anything, this goes to show that if black kid kills a white kid people want them executed as fast as possible. I’ve seen people asking for the killers to be tortured.

In the Martin case a white guy kills a unarmed black kid buying Skittles and he’s questioned and released and most of the public feels sorry for the shooter.

Swake. The caucasian teen was the driver. Not the trigger man.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: swake on August 22, 2013, 11:59:15 am
Swake. The caucasian teen was the driver. Not the trigger man.

I understand that, but that hardly makes him innocent and leads one to think it wasn't a racial killing. If you want to let him off as not being on the of the killers, that also smells racist.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: dbacksfan 2.0 on August 22, 2013, 12:05:42 pm
I understand that, but that hardly makes him innocent and leads one to think it wasn't a racial killing. If you want to let him off as not being on the of the killers, that also smells racist.

I would think that he would be charged as an accessory to a felony that resulted in the death of someone, and would be subject to the same penalty as if he had pulled the trigger.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: DolfanBob on August 22, 2013, 12:14:46 pm

I would think that he would be charged as an accessory to a felony that resulted in the death of someone, and would be subject to the same penalty as if he had pulled the trigger.

Oh he will be prosecuted. Just not to the same extent as the killers.

And did I read that one of the killers laughed and danced into the Court room. A quality raised individual right there.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: rebound on August 22, 2013, 12:19:20 pm
From the Sydney Morning Herald:

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: DolfanBob on August 22, 2013, 12:22:02 pm
From the Sydney Morning Herald:

Good thing it wasn't the "Hells Angels" or it would be racist.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Hoss on August 22, 2013, 12:29:19 pm
Good thing it wasn't the "Hells Angels" or it would be racist.

wow, that response is almost Sauerkratian...  ???

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Conan71 on August 22, 2013, 01:29:55 pm
Again, one of the three killers was WHITE. More than that, outcry over what? These kids were arrested and are being prosecuted, as adults.  If anything, this goes to show that if black kid kills a white kid people want them executed as fast as possible. I’ve seen people asking for the killers to be tortured.

In the Martin case a white guy kills a unarmed black kid buying Skittles and he’s questioned and released and most of the public feels sorry for the shooter.

Based on this photo, Michael Jones is as WHITE as President Obama. Note the very prominent African American facial features.


Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: rebound on August 22, 2013, 01:47:21 pm
Based on this photo, Michael Jones is as WHITE as President Obama. Note the very prominent African American facial features.

I assume that's a joke?  Straight brown hair,  light skin, small lips, etc...   Not seeing it.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: DolfanBob on August 22, 2013, 01:53:51 pm
I assume that's a joke?  Straight brown hair,  light skin, small lips, etc...   Not seeing it.

Either way. It's quite obvious he has social friend issues.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: swake on August 22, 2013, 01:57:21 pm
Based on this photo, Michael Jones is as WHITE as President Obama. Note the very prominent African American facial features.


Seriously? He has dark blond hair and blue eyes in that photo. It does look like he got hit with a stick in his face at some point.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Conan71 on August 22, 2013, 02:01:03 pm
I assume that's a joke?  Straight brown hair,  light skin, small lips, etc...   Not seeing it.

Not a joke at all. Compare his nose and lips to the photo in the center. Very negroid features.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: DolfanBob on August 22, 2013, 02:03:07 pm
Not a joke at all. Compare his nose and lips to the photo in the center. Very negroid features.

You're cracking me up C-Man.  ;D

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Townsend on August 22, 2013, 02:28:48 pm
I'd like to point out that race shouldn't matter here.  They killed someone for fun.

Black or white, they're killers.

These guys killed a person for the hell of it.

This discussion has lost site of that.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: swake on August 22, 2013, 02:29:59 pm
Here's something else interesting.

The kid that was supposed to be victim #2 is black.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Cats Cats Cats on August 22, 2013, 02:31:43 pm
Here's something else interesting.

The kid that was supposed to be victim #2 is black.

Maybe... We will see if he passes the Conan test.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Conan71 on August 22, 2013, 02:35:20 pm
I'd like to point out that race shouldn't matter here.  They killed someone for fun.

Black or white, they're killers.

These guys killed a person for the hell of it.

This discussion has lost site of that.

Race shouldn't have mattered in the Trayvon Martin case either, but that's the conclusion the media arrived at mainly because two very prominent asshats in the racial divide said it was so.

I can say with 99.9% certainty, had this been two white kids who shot a black man out of boredom, race hustlers would be chiming in to claim this was a hate crime because of race.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Conan71 on August 22, 2013, 02:36:35 pm
Here's something else interesting.

The kid that was supposed to be victim #2 is black.

See, they hated blacks too!  ;D

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: DolfanBob on August 22, 2013, 02:38:00 pm
Here's something else interesting.

The kid that was supposed to be victim #2 is black.

That's were the driver would have come in. Then we would have a real uprising on our hands.  ::)

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: guido911 on August 22, 2013, 05:00:30 pm
I frequently criticize folks in here that are "embarrassed" by what happens in this state. In this case, I truly am. If there is something the Australian friends needs, I will humbly help.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: DolfanBob on August 23, 2013, 07:22:45 am
And another senseless killing. And again I ask. Where's the outrage?

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Quinton on August 23, 2013, 07:27:42 am
Where are all the LIBERALS including our so called president. Would he look like his son also. ???

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Townsend on August 23, 2013, 07:38:52 am
And another senseless killing. And again I ask. Where's the outrage?

What outrage do you need?  Should we be flipping cars and lighting your house on fire when someone gets killed?

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Townsend on August 23, 2013, 07:40:55 am
Where are all the LIBERALS including our so called president. Would he look like his son also. ???

Where are all the CONSERVATIVES?  Who do you think is our appropriate President?

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: nathanm on August 23, 2013, 07:46:59 am
Not really sure why a case that is being immediately investigated where the perpetrators were arrested as soon as they were identified is being compared to a case where those things did not happen.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: rebound on August 23, 2013, 07:49:50 am
Where are all the LIBERALS including our so called president. Would he look like his son also. ???

OK, I'll bite...

First, Obama is not our "so called" President, he's our President.  I often thought GWB was an idiot as well, and I've questioned his judgement and policy decisions numerous times, but I always respected the fact that he was the President.  Let's keep the arguments to one point at a time.

But that's beside the point, really.  And like some of the other posters here on this thread, you miss the whole issue of how race plays into this, if it does at all.  Just because the assailant is white or black, and the victim the other, doesn't raise immediately raise "race" to be a societal-level cause-celebre  as part of the event.  Both of the cases in this thread are situations of thugs attacking innocent victims. This is true regardless of white/black, or whatever.  It's sad, even pathetic, that stuff like this happens.  But it's nothing new under the sun.

The Trayvon Martin case is different.  In that case you had a person (who happened to be white) acting in a position of quasi-authority and in conjunction with  actual law enforcement.  If a "normal" person acting in authority allows race to sway them to the point of killing someone, then it needs examination.   (But for the record, I thought the Zimmerman case was way overblown as well.)

A crime that might reflect a significant societal bias, particularly coming from a position of authority, makes news.  Stupid, senseless, street crime is unfortunately too common most of the time to rise above the static of our lives.    

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Conan71 on August 23, 2013, 11:07:42 am
OK, I'll bite...

First, Obama is not our "so called" President, he's our President.  I often thought GWB was an idiot as well, and I've questioned his judgement and policy decisions numerous times, but I always respected the fact that he was the President.  Let's keep the arguments to one point at a time.

But that's beside the point, really.  And like some of the other posters here on this thread, you miss the whole issue of how race plays into this, if it does at all.  Just because the assailant is white or black, and the victim the other, doesn't raise immediately raise "race" to be a societal-level cause-celebre  as part of the event.  Both of the cases in this thread are situations of thugs attacking innocent victims. This is true regardless of white/black, or whatever.  It's sad, even pathetic, that stuff like this happens.  But it's nothing new under the sun.

The Trayvon Martin case is different.  In that case you had a person (who happened to be white) acting in a position of quasi-authority and in conjunction with  actual law enforcement.  If a "normal" person acting in authority allows race to sway them to the point of killing someone, then it needs examination.   (But for the record, I thought the Zimmerman case was way overblown as well.)

A crime that might reflect a significant societal bias, particularly coming from a position of authority, makes news.  Stupid, senseless, street crime is unfortunately too common most of the time to rise above the static of our lives.    

The outrage in the Martin case, at least for thinking people (not implying you are not), was what the media succeeded in cobbling the story into.  The media turned it into a racial issue and even went so far as manipulating the taped 911 call from Zimmerman to make it appear he was racist when evidence to the contrary existed that he wasn't.  I'd never even heard the term "white Hispanic" until this case. No one else I know had either.

It's the immediate assumption by certain corners of society when it's white on black violence it's out of hate or racism.  Certainly those cases are investigated closer so hate crime laws can be applied.  I don't recall ever hearing of hate crime laws being applied in instances of black on white violence. 

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: rebound on August 23, 2013, 11:57:59 am
The outrage in the Martin case, at least for thinking people (not implying you are not), was what the media succeeded in cobbling the story into.  The media turned it into a racial issue and even went so far as manipulating the taped 911 call from Zimmerman to make it appear he was racist when evidence to the contrary existed that he wasn't.  I'd never even heard the term "white Hispanic" until this case. No one else I know had either.

It's the immediate assumption by certain corners of society when it's white on black violence it's out of hate or racism.  Certainly those cases are investigated closer so hate crime laws can be applied.  I don't recall ever hearing of hate crime laws being applied in instances of black on white violence. 

I am pretty much  in agreement with you, and acknowledged that I thought the Zimmerman case was blown out of proportion.  Your points about the media manipulating the tapes, etc, are valid, and that aspect is/was inexcusable.   

Regarding "white Hispanic", that was new to me in that context as well, but I have seen "White/Hispanic" on census or related type forms before.

There is legitimate "hate crime" coming from - and towards - just about every combination of ethnicity and religion and while none of it is excusable or tolerable, it is unfortunately fairly common.  But in the Martin case, I still contend it was the position of power that Zimmerman had acquired (as well as just the general sense of "something not right with the guy") that allowed for the extended interest in that particular case.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: guido911 on August 23, 2013, 06:40:19 pm
What outrage do you need?  Should we be flipping cars and lighting your house on fire when someone gets killed?

You know darn well what folks are talking about when it comes to asking about outrage...

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: sauerkraut on August 24, 2013, 08:46:23 am
Very grim. The problem is guns in the hands of crooks. The gun laws against felons and bad guys with guns need to be tuff and enforced- Bad guy found with a illegal or stolen gun? automatic 25 years. The idea would  be to make guns  so "hot" that a bad guy would not want to have a gun around him or in his possession. A traffic stop and illegal or stolen gun is found? automatic 25 years. Firsk gang members and a gun is found bye bye for 25 years. They do seat belt, DWI and speeding crackdowns at every holiday- but I never heard of a gang crackdown- ever. This event in Duncon goes to show that some 15 year old kids do need to be executed- what would they grow up to be anyhow? The 15 year old posed for a picture in front of stacks of $100.00 bills.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: swake on August 24, 2013, 12:14:03 pm
Very grim. The problem is guns in the hands of crooks. The gun laws against felons and bad guys with guns need to be tuff and enforced- Bad guy found with a illegal or stolen gun? automatic 25 years. The idea would  be to make guns  so "hot" that a bad guy would not want to have a gun around him or in his possession. A traffic stop and illegal or stolen gun is found? automatic 25 years. Firsk gang members and a gun is found bye bye for 25 years. They do seat belt, DWI and speeding crackdowns at every holiday- but I never heard of a gang crackdown- ever. This event in Duncon goes to show that some 15 year old kids do need to be executed- what would they grow up to be anyhow? The 15 year old posed for a picture in front of stacks of $100.00 bills.

And how do you know who is, or is not, a gang member?

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Hoss on August 24, 2013, 02:07:04 pm
And how do you know who is, or is not, a gang member?



Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Townsend on August 25, 2013, 12:24:44 am
You know darn well what folks are talking about when it comes to asking about outrage...

But the people wanting they know what outrage they want?

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: dbacksfan 2.0 on August 25, 2013, 12:38:07 pm
Very grim. The problem is guns in the hands of crooks. The gun laws against felons and bad guys with guns need to be tuff and enforced- Bad guy found with a illegal or stolen gun? automatic 25 years. The idea would  be to make guns  so "hot" that a bad guy would not want to have a gun around him or in his possession. A traffic stop and illegal or stolen gun is found? automatic 25 years. Firsk gang members and a gun is found bye bye for 25 years. They do seat belt, DWI and speeding crackdowns at every holiday- but I never heard of a gang crackdown- ever. This event in Duncon goes to show that some 15 year old kids do need to be executed- what would they grow up to be anyhow? The 15 year old posed for a picture in front of stacks of $100.00 bills.


Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: dbacksfan 2.0 on August 25, 2013, 12:54:15 pm
But the people wanting they know what outrage they want?

I'm not one wanting outrage, but I think that if you look at it, the Martin/Zimmerman was blown into an outrage by local media in FL to be a racially motivated hate crime. This case it's an obvious hate crime, as admitted by the shooter, so there is nothing for the media and the talking heads to blow out of proportion. I think if it had not been an Australian citizen, no one would have noticed.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: Townsend on August 26, 2013, 08:12:03 am
I think if it had not been an Australian citizen, no one would have noticed.

I disagree.  He was good looking and healthy.  That'll get attention from the news organizations too.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: guido911 on August 26, 2013, 10:23:18 pm
If Obama had not opened his mouth and injected himself in the Martin matter, who knows how it would have played out. But we are left with that fact, a sort of precedent that has yielded a race violence score card that many will now keep. Let's see, off hand since the Martin verdict we had the thee black kids beat up a white kid on a bus, the Duncan shooting, and the 88 year old vet murder. Of those three white decedents, how many were on top of their assailant raining down punches before their death? Better yet, how many of them even had a chance to fight or even flee?

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: dbacksfan 2.0 on August 27, 2013, 01:05:15 am
If Obama had not opened his mouth and injected himself in the Martin matter, who knows how it would have played out. But we are left with that fact, a sort of precedent that has yielded a race violence score card that many will now keep. Let's see, off hand since the Martin verdict we had the thee black kids beat up a white kid on a bus, the Duncan shooting, and the 88 year old vet murder. Of those three white decedents, how many were on top of their assailant raining down punches before their death? Better yet, how many of them even had a chance to fight or even flee?

Just my $.02, it's the perceived racism in the Martin/Zimmerman, that Martin was targeted for the confrontation because of his color. The others are perceived as just crimes of opportunity, and the speculation that Lanes murder/13 year old on the bus/elderly Veteran was a gang initiation/shooter was bored/bad parenting/actually hates whites is viewed by the talking heads as "Have pity on these underserved/underprivileged/poor misguided children.

Title: Re: Another senseless killing
Post by: DolfanBob on August 27, 2013, 11:43:31 am
Wow. Looks like it does start early. Gotta love the internet. And the ignorance of the person posting it.