The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Talk About Tulsa => Development & New Businesses => Topic started by: Tulsa Zephyr on August 31, 2015, 05:56:06 am

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Tulsa Zephyr on August 31, 2015, 05:56:06 am
Buckle up!  It appears that the guy who was so successful running the most recent Shotgun Sam's is planning to run for Sheriff...Should be a "Trump-like" experience for all of us... 8)

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Breadburner on August 31, 2015, 06:56:25 am
Buckle up!  It appears that the guy who was so successful running the most recent Shotgun Sam's is planning to run for Sheriff...Should be a "Trump-like" experience for all of us... 8)

More like Billary.....

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: AngieB on August 31, 2015, 08:02:56 am
Buckle up!  It appears that the guy who was so successful running the most recent Shotgun Sam's is planning to run for Sheriff...Should be a "Trump-like" experience for all of us... 8)

Not hardly. Trump knows how to use the media. This guy...well...  ::)

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: DolfanBob on August 31, 2015, 08:41:11 am
Buckle up!  It appears that the guy who was so successful running the most recent Shotgun Sam's is planning to run for Sheriff...Should be a "Trump-like" experience for all of us... 8)

I didn't want to say anything but.......ya SMH!  ::)

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Townsend on August 31, 2015, 12:15:37 pm
Buckle up!  It appears that the guy who was so successful running the most recent Shotgun Sam's is planning to run for Sheriff...Should be a "Trump-like" experience for all of us... 8)

If Rice comes anywhere close to running for public office he is opening his own can of worms and tossing them about like confetti.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Townsend on August 31, 2015, 12:52:56 pm
Sweet baby Jesus, there's a FB page.

I'm a very very fortunate guy, I have been taken in by the best Campaign Manager in Tulsa County.with the people that are behind me how could I ever loose.
It's kind of like drifting around on a cloud. I never thought anyone like this would be intrested in me.
Thank you to all my friends
Vote: Jim Rice Jr. For Tulsa County Sheriff.

This was taken when I graduated out of the police academy in 1975 can you believe this little handsome devil is me. What happened too me. ????


There's more but you guys get it.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 31, 2015, 12:54:29 pm
Is there a funding site for Stanley Glanz re-election...??   I wanna donate...

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: swake on August 31, 2015, 01:44:41 pm
Rice won't win, but he's certainly going to be entertaining.

I hope he stays in to the end just for purely comedic value. Maybe we can get Tay to run too, the resulting debate would be epic. One candidate hauls a giant inflated d!ildo around in a trailer and one is a giant inflated d!ldo.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Hoss on August 31, 2015, 01:50:42 pm
Rice won't win, but he's certainly going to be entertaining.

I hope he stays in to the end just for purely comedic value. Maybe we can get Tay to run too, the resulting debate would be epic. One candidate hauls a giant inflated d!ildo around in a trailer and one is a giant inflated d!ldo.

well played!  good thing I wasn't drinking anything as I read this.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: DolfanBob on August 31, 2015, 01:55:46 pm
Rice won't win, but he's certainly going to be entertaining.

I hope he stays in to the end just for purely comedic value. Maybe we can get Tay to run too, the resulting debate would be epic. One candidate hauls a giant inflated d!ildo around in a trailer and one is a giant inflated d!ldo.

Funny you should mention that. He and Tay are friends. You just can't make this stuff up.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Conan71 on August 31, 2015, 03:29:50 pm
Here’s his Plat Form (sic)

Okay, As everyone knows I am running for Tulsa County Sheriff, My two Plat Forms are and will be strictly enforced with a strict no tolerance policy signed by me.

My first Plat Form policy Strictly enforced by me will be NO ONE SHOULD DIE IN THE TULSA COUNTY JAIL. (Ever). There's ways to find out if a person is terminally ill. We will be more diligent about making sure the person being arrested should be placed in the county jail.

If a person has been examined by our jail physician and it is determined that he should be hospitalized, that's where he or she will go. That's my Pledge.

My Second Plat Form Issue is. I promise and swear I will take (Race) completely out of the Tulsa County Jail. This will be a 0 tolerance policy. I don't care what color anyone's skin is, everyone will be accepted and treated the same.

Anyone caught violating these two polices will be terminated on the spot. All I can say any further is try me and see. There's things I will tolerate and things I won’t.

VOTE: Jim Rice Jr. Tulsa County Sheriff

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Townsend on August 31, 2015, 03:52:35 pm
Here’s his Plat Form (sic)

This deserves its own thread.  Maybe we can help keep him in the race a while longer before he gets arrested.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Markk on August 31, 2015, 04:02:27 pm
Funny you should mention that. He and Tay are friends. You just can't make this stuff up.

Queue Accountability Burns ...

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: swake on August 31, 2015, 08:09:51 pm
Queue Accountability Burns ...

Blue Jeans Jenner

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Conan71 on August 31, 2015, 08:10:38 pm
Queue Accountability Burns ...

Or Virginia Jenner or Lawrence Kirkpatrick if you’ve been around Tulsa for 30 years or so.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Conan71 on August 31, 2015, 08:11:14 pm
Blue Jeans Jenner


Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Ibanez on September 01, 2015, 08:20:37 am
Here’s his Plat Form (sic)

With a Plat Form like that how can he loose?

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: DolfanBob on October 01, 2015, 09:12:40 am
And just like that. Pizza Man is done.

Okay, Friends and Supporters, I have suspended my Campaign for Sheriff, Now that Stanley Glanz has resigned,that means there will be a Special election in 30 days. These guys will have to spend alot of money, to win this job for less than a year.
Then will have to turn around and do it all again in a year. First of all it will be real hard to raise that kind of money in 30 days. Matter of fact it will be almost impossible.
I appreciate all the people that was going to support me, But honestly it's going to be way to hard to try to win this now. I'm finding out every day that I'm not a politican, So I am no longer a candidate for Tulsa County Sheriff.
Again, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and friendship.
You guys are the best friends in the world..
Jim Rice.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: AngieB on October 01, 2015, 11:26:33 am
So he already knows there's going to be a special election in 30 days? Has the governor already made and announced that decision? Karen Keith said on a news report that she hoped Governor Fallin would *not* order a special election and wait until the regular election next year to replace Glanz.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Townsend on October 01, 2015, 11:29:48 am
So he already knows there's going to be a special election in 30 days? Has the governor already made and announced that decision? Karen Keith said on a news report that she hoped Governor Fallin would *not* order a special election and wait until the regular election next year to replace Glanz.

He knows the ins...the outs...the ins...

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: BluePond on October 01, 2015, 05:00:23 pm
I have just spent the last hour reading this whole thread and it has been HILARIOUS! I knew from the get go Shotgun Sam's would fail, and Jim would continue to do stupid stuff. Sadly I do know him, all too well I might add. I kind of hoped he would have stayed in the sheriff's race longer, just so that more truths about him would come out. It would have been so entertaining and maybe a good slap in the face for him, to get what he sows.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Conan71 on October 02, 2015, 09:57:47 am
I have just spent the last hour reading this whole thread and it has been HILARIOUS! I knew from the get go Shotgun Sam's would fail, and Jim would continue to do stupid stuff. Sadly I do know him, all too well I might add. I kind of hoped he would have stayed in the sheriff's race longer, just so that more truths about him would come out. It would have been so entertaining and maybe a good slap in the face for him, to get what he sows.

Not so fast, Rice says he’s in it to win it.  Oh, and he says he’s run million dollar business’s (into the ground...ahem):

Okay Folks, I know your going to think I have lost my mind, However I'm staying in the Sheriff's race. I didn't realize how many great loyal Friends I really had. Like I have said many many times, I'm not doing this for the money, I want the job.

I promise to make you very proud if you vote for me. I'm going to need everyone's vote.

We're already seeing that the media news groups are only talking to one candidate. So I will have to work extra hard to win this special election.

Just remember this. Just because you work on a police department for 20 years, Does not qualify you to be Sheriff, there's more to running a Sheriff's office then running up and down the streets.

You have to budget for feeding 1300 people a day. And how to budget a week at a time for food and supplies.

I have the experience in running million dollar business's. We need to take the Sheriff's Department and run it like a business. I am the only candidate qualifies to do that.

Please Vote: Jim Rice jr.For Tulsa County Sheriff. Thank you in advance..

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on October 02, 2015, 10:05:22 am
Geez... yet another "run govt like a business clown...."   Can't we ever get beyond that BS ??

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: cynical on October 02, 2015, 10:54:13 am
Yeah, the "business" is Enron.

Geez... yet another "run govt like a business clown...."   Can't we ever get beyond that BS ??

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Townsend on October 02, 2015, 11:31:37 am
Those gosh-durn " the media news groups"

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: BluePond on October 03, 2015, 05:53:07 pm
Not so fast, Rice says he’s in it to win it.  Oh, and he says he’s run million dollar business’s (into the ground...ahem):

He did run three  businesses into the ground, one of which was in fact a multi million dollar business. He loves to spend money as well. Can you imagine what he would to the budget of the sheriff's office? Fortunately we are too smart to elect him. Yes indeed, this is going to be so much fun to watch.

Title: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: carltonplace on October 05, 2015, 06:54:37 am
His spelling errors and parentheticals make my eyes bleed and now my computer screen is covered in red corrections.

D minus.

Title: Re: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: sgrizzle on October 05, 2015, 09:04:49 am
Someone post links, I don't want to Google.

Title: Re: Shotgun Sam for Sheriff
Post by: Pink Panther on November 01, 2015, 05:06:11 am
And just like that. Pizza Man is done.

Okay, Friends and Supporters, I have suspended my Campaign for Sheriff, Now that Stanley Glanz has resigned,that means there will be a Special election in 30 days. These guys will have to spend alot of money, to win this job for less than a year.
Then will have to turn around and do it all again in a year. First of all it will be real hard to raise that kind of money in 30 days. Matter of fact it will be almost impossible.
I appreciate all the people that was going to support me, But honestly it's going to be way to hard to try to win this now. I'm finding out every day that I'm not a politican, So I am no longer a candidate for Tulsa County Sheriff.
Again, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and friendship.
You guys are the best friends in the world..
Jim Rice.