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Not At My Table - Political Discussions => Local & State Politics => Topic started by: patric on June 21, 2024, 08:24:40 am

Title: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: patric on June 21, 2024, 08:24:40 am

A state representative, a county commissioner, a piano bar owner, a perennial candidate, a former candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates, a Who Wants to be a Millionaire contestant and a man wanted in Creek County filed to run for mayor of Tulsa last week, setting up the most crowded field in the city’s elections this year.

While a prior Tulsa County contest of candidacy hearing in April drew a crowd of observers and media, only about 10 people turned out for perennial candidate and self-described gadfly Paul Tay’s contest of Karen Keith’s eligibility to run for Tulsa mayor. Tay argued that neither Keith nor any other municipal candidate was eligible to seek such office because the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that Tulsa lies within a pair of Indian Country reservations and that non-Indians living there are in violation of federal law.

Calling himself a “gadfly” — a reference to the Greek philosopher Socrates famously executed by Athenians for being generally unlikeable — Tay has run for mayor several times before and even announced a campaign for governor in 2022, though he did not file to appear on the ballot. He is perhaps most famous for interrupting the 2016 Tulsa mayoral debate, wearing dildos on his head, and stirring up minor trouble in Tulsa’s political scene.

Title: Re: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: Hoss on July 31, 2024, 01:14:25 pm
Well, hell no...

Tulsa Mayoral Candidate Says ‘We Need to Get Back’ to Requiring Elected Officials to Be Christians (

Title: Re: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: Red Arrow on July 31, 2024, 04:27:03 pm
Well, hell no...

Tulsa Mayoral Candidate Says ‘We Need to Get Back’ to Requiring Elected Officials to Be Christians (

Maybe he is living in Medieval Europe. 

As such, VanNorman then proclaimed, “my number one qualification for being mayor of Tulsa is that I am an unashamed follower of Jesus.”

Number one qualification.....  WOW!

Title: Re: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: patric on August 01, 2024, 12:24:57 pm
Well, hell no...

Tulsa Mayoral Candidate Says ‘We Need to Get Back’ to Requiring Elected Officials to Be Christians (

Moderator Sheyda Brown Challenges Candidates on Stray Dog Mitigation and Street Lighting Plans.

During the forum, moderator Sheyda Brown posed direct questions to the mayoral candidates:

    “If elected, will you commit to taking action to improve funding and support for stray dog mitigation, starting in North Tulsa? Yes or no?
    “If elected, will you commit to creating a plan to turn street lights back on equitably in Tulsa? Yes or no? As a reminder, you have one minute to answer.”

Karen Keith responded affirmatively to both questions. “Absolutely, yes, to both questions,” she began.
On street lighting, she emphasized the necessity of collaboration between PSO and the city of Tulsa. This collaboration ensures that every neighborhood is adequately lit. “Everyone deserves to have the light they need to feel safe and comfortable in their community,” she said.

On street lighting, VanNorman cited its role in reducing crime by up to 40%. He argued that this improvement could justify its cost through decreased policing needs. “Improving lighting will help people feel safe and reduce crime,” he concluded.

That pretty much pegs the BS meter.

You *can* find industry funded studies saying streetlights eliminate crime, but the underlying theme leans more towards the perception of safety versus actual safety.  Independent studies pretty much show as much crime is facilitated by lighting as is prevented, so its a wash.

VanNorman's numbers are right out of the evidence-free world of make-believe.

Title: Re: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on August 27, 2024, 05:48:25 pm
Maybe he is living in Medieval Europe. 

Number one qualification.....  WOW!

Nope!   He is in Okrahoma, all right!

Title: Re: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: Red Arrow on August 27, 2024, 08:42:36 pm
Nope!   He is in Okrahoma, all right!

Please refrain from insulting Okra that way.  Okra is a fine veggie, easy to grow.

My crop is doing well.  I got enough to make Gumbo and am now building up enough harvest to make pickled okra.  But I have to grill some too.

Yum yum.

Title: Re: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: patric on September 07, 2024, 09:50:29 am
This is a little disturbing:

The central committee of the Oklahoma Democratic Party voted 23-1 to revoke Tulsa County Commissioner Karen Keith’s access to the party’s
voter database Thursday because her campaign is employing prominent Republican campaign consultants.

“She’s registered as a Democrat out of convenience, but not because she believes in the beliefs and ideals of democracy or the Democratic
Party,” Williams said. “If you instead are going to engage on the other side in every race you possibly can against us, there are no
reasons you should have access to one of our greatest assets.

Title: Re: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on September 07, 2024, 05:03:25 pm

Please refrain from insulting Okra that way.  Okra is a fine veggie, easy to grow.

My crop is doing well.  I got enough to make Gumbo and am now building up enough harvest to make pickled okra.  But I have to grill some too.

Yum yum.

I know.  I border on sacrilege at times.

I just picked one of my Burgundy seed pods yesterday.  I am only growing about half a dozen plants this year to get some fresh seed for next year.

I did plant several hundred sq ft of sunflowers last week though.  Should get some good decorative stalks for fall.   And some Hickory King corn - same goal.   And green beans!  Because, why not?   I am betting we have time to get the beans this year.  Would like to can a few dozen jars....

I have about 1,800 sq ft of beds ready to plant for some fall stuff, including some ground cover.  Iron Clay cow peas, red clover, and some rye grain.  Keep growing plants covering everything, all the time!  May just go ahead and put in some more okra just to see if it will work.  The Burgundy (Baker Creek) is only about 60 days.

Title: Re: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: heironymouspasparagus on September 07, 2024, 05:05:21 pm
This is a little disturbing:

The central committee of the Oklahoma Democratic Party voted 23-1 to revoke Tulsa County Commissioner Karen Keith’s access to the party’s
voter database Thursday because her campaign is employing prominent Republican campaign consultants.

“She’s registered as a Democrat out of convenience, but not because she believes in the beliefs and ideals of democracy or the Democratic
Party,” Williams said. “If you instead are going to engage on the other side in every race you possibly can against us, there are no
reasons you should have access to one of our greatest assets.

Geez.... have been a yellow dog for almost 60 years.  But these idiots.... just Geez....

Title: Re: 2024 Race for Mayor
Post by: Chloe on September 16, 2024, 01:59:51 am
Vote for Monroe Nichols! He got my vote as well!

Karen Keith should never have access to Democratic Party voter database since she is a fake democrat and a British Nazi and KKK. She wants to destroy north Tulsa! So defeat Karen Keith before she and her KKK friends can destroy north Tulsa!