We could have a thread to practice...
¿Quieren aprender?
Hola HoneySuckle -
Yo vivi en Puerto Rico por mucho tiempo - hablo y escribo - me gustaria ver mas gente hispana aqui en el foro -
Hola, amigos!
Hola! Para, no hablo espanol. :(
Well I do, but very little and very poorly.
With all the Hispanos in Tulsa, you would think more people would be speaking the language by now! :'(
Que triste! Espero que este cambio pronto!
Maybe the Spanish speakers are learning enough English to function in English when needed. There's nothing wrong with learning a 2nd language. How about English?
Quote from: Red Arrow on May 01, 2010, 04:45:45 PM
Maybe the Spanish speakers are learning enough English to function in English when needed. There's nothing wrong with learning a 2nd language. How about English?
English is my first language. I studied Spanish at TU and then later on in Mexico. I am currently studying French. Nothing wrong with learning a 3rd language, n'est-ce pas? ;D
Quote from: HoneySuckle on May 01, 2010, 07:51:32 PM
English is my first language. I studied Spanish at TU and then later on in Mexico. I am currently studying French. Nothing wrong with learning a 3rd language, n'est-ce pas? ;D
I had a little bit of Spanish lessons in Jr High School and 4 years of German in High School. I remember a few phrases in Spanish but that's all. When I visited Germany in 1995, I could ask simple questions but didn't have enough vocabulary to hold a conversation. It was still fun to try.
I picked up a little bit when I lived in Sout East New Mexico. Most of what I remember now is just about enough to get me into a number of bar fights.
¡Hola, amigos! ¿Como estan?
Yo no sé mucho Español, pero me gusta la idioma muy mucho y quiero a aprender tan mucho puedo.
Hace tres años, yo empecé a estudiar el español. Comprendo mucho español cuando habla despacio, pero cuando hablan rapído ¡no puedo comprender! Tengo una maestra buena y voy a saccar español tres.
Me gusta practicar mi español en aquí. Voy a hacer este mas.