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Non-Tulsa Discussions => Chat and Advice => Topic started by: mdunn on June 01, 2006, 09:07:20 PM

Title: A new dad at 40!!!
Post by: mdunn on June 01, 2006, 09:07:20 PM
I very recently found out that I am going to have another child,it shocked the hell out of me.I am 40!My son was born 17 years ago,and I never thought I would go through this again.I have accepted it,but have many concerns.Especially the fact I will be 57 when this child graduates high school.That is if I live to that age.And no this was not planned.But I could never call this child an accident,because thats not how I veiw any of lifes wonders.
Just wondered if anyone has faced this situation so late in life?Any advice?
Title: A new dad at 40!!!
Post by: mdunn on February 01, 2007, 05:12:04 PM
That was my post over 8 mos ago,well Im now the proud father of a bouncin baby boy!Lots of hair on this kid!Born Dec 26, at 7am.

Title: A new dad at 40!!!
Post by: mdunn on February 01, 2007, 05:17:20 PM
Take a cigar!..Ill get more if we run out.

Title: A new dad at 40!!!
Post by: tulsa1603 on February 01, 2007, 07:19:03 PM
Originally posted by mdunn

I very recently found out that I am going to have another child,it shocked the hell out of me.I am 40!My son was born 17 years ago,and I never thought I would go through this again.I have accepted it,but have many concerns.Especially the fact I will be 57 when this child graduates high school.That is if I live to that age.And no this was not planned.But I could never call this child an accident,because thats not how I veiw any of lifes wonders.
Just wondered if anyone has faced this situation so late in life?Any advice?

Well congratulations!

My dad was 36 when I was born and 40 when my little brother was born.  He's now 66, so you can do the math.  It always worked out fine for us, but I guess the difference is that you've already gone through this for 17 years and he might have been older, but he wasn't exhausted from kids previous to us or anything.  I don't think that being an older parent causes any problems as long as you're still "young at heart".  If anything, he had life experiences that were SO far from what we had growing up, that I've always found him fascinating (for instance, he was in college in the late 1950's)  Most people my brother's age had parents that weren't born until then.  Just depends on how much the previous 17 years wore on you, I guess. :)  Good luck.
Title: A new dad at 40!!!
Post by: mdunn on February 01, 2007, 07:45:18 PM
Well I will say that it has made me think in ways I never otherwise would have,for example,I am on my 5th day without a cigarette,just quit cold turkey,and it hasnt been that hard,whenever I want a cigarette,I just pull out my cell phone and pull up my sons picture,it works for me.I want to be alive to see him choose a career path and be successful.
Title: A new dad at 40!!!
Post by: Honeybee on February 02, 2007, 05:42:57 PM
Originally posted by mdunn

That was my post over 8 mos ago,well Im now the proud father of a bouncin baby boy!Lots of hair on this kid!Born Dec 26, at 7am.


Congrats!! on your new Son what a wonderful thing to exp. at your age .Hee-Hee[:)] no fun intended I am 44 now and hubby is 52 and we have 2 grandkids 7, and 4 so we are exp. being grandparents .It is alot of fun . I was 36 yrs. old when my Grandson was born. It doesn't matter your age it is only a No. [}:)]Enjoy your new Son he will bring much Joy to your life [:)]
Title: A new dad at 40!!!
Post by: mdunn on February 02, 2007, 06:42:52 PM
Just waiting for my 18 year old to give me a grandchild,imagine that,my newest son having a nephew few years younger!I hope hes smarter than his dad when it comes to that tho!
Title: A new dad at 40!!!
Post by: AVERAGE JOE on February 03, 2007, 04:51:12 PM
Originally posted by mdunn

Well I will say that it has made me think in ways I never otherwise would have,for example,I am on my 5th day without a cigarette,just quit cold turkey,and it hasnt been that hard,whenever I want a cigarette,I just pull out my cell phone and pull up my sons picture,it works for me.I want to be alive to see him choose a career path and be successful.

That's really one of the more touching things I've heard in awhile. Thanks for sharing that, and congratulations on the little bundle of joy. [:)]
Title: A new dad at 40!!!
Post by: mdunn on February 03, 2007, 06:41:16 PM
Originally posted by AVERAGE JOE

Originally posted by mdunn

Well I will say that it has made me think in ways I never otherwise would have,for example,I am on my 5th day without a cigarette,just quit cold turkey,and it hasnt been that hard,whenever I want a cigarette,I just pull out my cell phone and pull up my sons picture,it works for me.I want to be alive to see him choose a career path and be successful.

That's really one of the more touching things I've heard in awhile. Thanks for sharing that, and congratulations on the little bundle of joy. [:)]

Thanks for the wonderful comment![:)]