The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: southerngirl on July 21, 2006, 10:03:34 am

Title: Schools/Teaching Daycares in Midtown/Downtown
Post by: southerngirl on July 21, 2006, 10:03:34 am
Happy Friday everyone-
My 18 month old daughter has attended Happy Campers on 15th for the last year.  We have been fairly pleased, but I do want to look around every so often to see what other programs are offering and if they might be a better fit.

I know there are several places at the churches downtown. It seems like most of the midtown schools start around three years old, although Marquette's website says they can be two and a half.    

If anyone can recommend other schools or teaching daycares we might consider, and/or experiences with any, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!