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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: janle on March 26, 2007, 09:55:24 AM

Title: Closure of the trash to energy plant?
Post by: janle on March 26, 2007, 09:55:24 AM
Are you concerned with the possibility that the trash to energy plant  will be closed? I am.
Title: Closure of the trash to energy plant?
Post by: MichaelC on March 26, 2007, 10:01:27 AM
As long as they don't put an Energy to Trash Plant in it's place, it's all good.
Title: Closure of the trash to energy plant?
Post by: Steve on March 26, 2007, 10:35:39 AM
Originally posted by janle

Are you concerned with the possibility that the trash to energy plant  will be closed? I am.

Me too.  It would seem like such a "waste" to abandon this facility and revert totally to landfills after the citizens of Tulsa have spent 20 years paying for it with higher trash collection rates.  Now that the plant is paid for, our collection rates should decrease.  Don't bet on it.

I think it rather odd that after Tulsa citizens have paid for the plant, we don't own it.  I understand that the City declined ownership because of liability issues.  Seems to have been a dumb move to me.

Our city council is wasting time with the ill-advised fairgrounds annexation and moving city hall offices, when the trash plant is a far more pressing issue.  There is very loud silence coming from city hall on this trash issue.  The fears about disappearing landfill space that spawned the plant's construction never panned out, but it is still a worthwhile facility that reduces trash volume 90% and produces steam energy for resale.  If it is shut down, our city council members are far dumber than I ever imagined.
Title: Closure of the trash to energy plant?
Post by: sgrizzle on March 26, 2007, 10:36:23 AM
Originally posted by MichaelC

As long as they don't put an Energy to Trash Plant in it's place, it's all good.

A McDonald's?
Title: Closure of the trash to energy plant?
Post by: Conan71 on March 26, 2007, 01:55:36 PM
Financially-speaking, the TTE plant was a boondoggle from the git-go.

Perhaps the city should assume operation of it after the contract runs out, raise the price of steam they are selling to Sun Oil and turn it into a profit center.
Title: Closure of the trash to energy plant?
Post by: blindnil on March 26, 2007, 03:17:24 PM
This weekend's Tulsa World story doesn't make it sound like they have much of a choice, legally, to stay with the burn plant.
Title: Closure of the trash to energy plant?
Post by: inteller on March 26, 2007, 04:56:27 PM
i want to know when the $6 on the trash bill we pay for getting rid of the mortgage is going away.  it is supposed to be paid for by May 1st.