The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: iplaw on June 29, 2007, 08:48:00 am

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: iplaw on June 29, 2007, 08:48:00 am

I personally am not going to purchase one of them since it's first generation technology.  It also only runs on Cingular's pathetic "EDGE" data service and not the new 3G.  Just bought a new TREO 750 that I'm happy with, so I don't think I'll be changing anytime soon, and with Apple's "new product every 14 days" mentality, I'm sure the IPhone 2.0 will be out by the end of the summer.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: Conan71 on June 29, 2007, 09:22:26 am
Are you kidding?  If a phone doesn't look like a candy bar or bigger and have the fewest features possible, I break out in hives...

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: brunoflipper on June 29, 2007, 09:32:34 am
ummm, no thanks... it is a toy...

my reasons which may not matter to most people-
no 3g
no one touch dialing
no voice dialing
no stereo bluetooth- no a2dp
no expandable storage
no mms
no im client
no gps support- even with external bluetooth
no user replacable battery
no stylus support
no flash support
no java
no sdk- means limited apps
no mp3 ringtones
no blackberry server support
limited exchange serever support- pull only
only plays itunes aac music files
only 2mp camera
only available locked to att with a contract extension

i'll keep my hacked/modded htc tytn, which can do all of the above and then some, for another couple of months and get a htc kaiser in august...

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: patric on June 29, 2007, 10:01:49 am
I wonder if the people waiting in line to get one will get into another line to send it back...

With it's slow EDGE internet connection it wont be capable of doing all the broadband magic people will be paying $600 upfront and $100 monthly for.

The phone it was allegedly copied from, the LG PRADA, isnt locked into AT&T and Apple, has expandable memory, stereo bluetooth and plays real MP3's, for example.

I think Id rather spend the money on a 3G air card or a 3G handset I can tether to a laptop.  


Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on June 29, 2007, 10:06:35 am
I am getting one as my personal phone. I have a work phone (blackberry) as well which has a lot of the stuff brunoflipper mentions but I wouldn't give $50 for it. I have used a lot of 3g stuff and have not been impressed with the data speeds on 3g over edge, especially since AT&T updated the edge network yesterday.

The LG prada look is a coincidence and coincidentally it, and many other phones are currently banned from import into the US due to copyright violations.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: iplaw on June 29, 2007, 10:14:44 am
no user replacable battery
This part really pisses me off.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: RecycleMichael on June 29, 2007, 10:19:37 am
I want to go the other direction.

My phone already does things I don't use...I swear it can land airplanes and bake potatoes.

I want to be like Sheriff Taylor on the old Andy Griffith show.

I want a phone I just pick up and say "Sarah, give me the diner".

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: iplaw on June 29, 2007, 10:27:24 am
bake potatoes
They already bake our brains, why not?

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: restored2x on June 29, 2007, 10:28:12 am
I'm still on the fence. The cool factor cannot be denied - but it won't be so cool in December (Christmas gift, new gadget month) when the new wave of iphones inevitably will leave this one in the dust after I invested $500 and committed to 2 more years with Cingular, AT&T, Cingular, the NEW AT&T.

Who knows, my inner geek might take over and I'll find myself in line behind sgrizzle giggling like a fat schoolgirl on pizza day at the cafeteria.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: brunoflipper on June 29, 2007, 11:06:24 am
no kidding... planned obsolescence drives me nuts...

it's just not all that and a bag a chips... i can't stand it when people call it revolutionary... it is asinine...

finally, run the numbers... you are looking at a $3000 commitment for that phone...

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on June 29, 2007, 11:12:10 am
Originally posted by brunoflipper

no kidding... planned obsolescence drives me nuts...

it's just not all that and a bag a chips... i can't stand it when people call it revolutionary... it is asinine...

The iphone is the phones like the ipod was to mp3 players. The ipod had the worst battery life and the lowest capacity. However, they had the best marketing and smoothest interface. In that sense, they are both like Windows as well. Overpriced, low on features, and horribly made. In all 3 cases, everyone snagged them up. However since the iphone runs unix and the rest of the smartphones run windows or palmOs, I'm happy to use it. Not to mention they have said additional features will be added after the phone goes live. Youtube was not originally included but added already.

What is your computer running?

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: Breadburner on June 29, 2007, 11:18:53 am

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on June 29, 2007, 12:06:16 pm
Originally posted by patric

I wonder if the people waiting in line to get one will get into another line to send it back...

With it's slow EDGE internet connection it wont be capable of doing all the broadband magic people will be paying $600 upfront and $100 monthly for.

The phone it was allegedly copied from, the LG PRADA, isnt locked into AT&T and Apple, has expandable memory, stereo bluetooth and plays real MP3's, for example.

I think Id rather spend the money on a 3G air card or a 3G handset I can tether to a laptop.  


The LG Prada costs $800, is not 3G, has no internal memory (only expansion card), lower battery life and has the same camera. Unlike your previous statements allude to, the iphone plan is the same as any other phone plan ($59 and up with unlimited internet) as opposed to the $90 to get a blackberry up and going on a similar plan. And yes, the iphone plays mp3's just like every other ipod. Only zune has been dumb enough to lock out other file types.

The prada phone may also be an AT&T exclusive.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: Wilbur on June 29, 2007, 03:39:50 pm
Originally posted by iplaw

no user replacable battery
This part really pisses me off.

That's what they say about ipods too, but that is not correct.  Apple will replace you ipod battery for around $80.  I bought one off the internet for $9.99 (and the battery lasts twice as long), which came with tools to open the ipod and simple instructions for changing it out.

It's an Apple thing!

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: Wilbur on June 29, 2007, 03:43:07 pm
I'd actually like to have one, but will absolutely not deal with AT&T.  So, as long as that phone is only available through AT&T, I guess I'll have to do without.[V]

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: inteller on June 29, 2007, 03:56:52 pm
this phone is a ripoff, just like the apple store that opened in the mall today.  but in other news, a few more idiots in tulsa were parted with their money today.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: TheArtist on June 29, 2007, 06:36:38 pm
I think its really kewl and has a fun interface. The artist/non computer type person in me likes easy to use, visually intuitive stuff. However I just re-upped my sprint plan bout 6 months ago so got a year and a half left on it which gives me time to wait till the IPhone gets tweaked up and any bugs worked out. Now, no, next phone, could be. As for batteries, my batteries have always outlasted my phones so not worried about that.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on June 29, 2007, 10:13:10 pm
this post brought to you by iPhone

Don't hate the playa hate the game.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: patric on June 29, 2007, 10:39:35 pm
Originally posted by sgrizzle

Unlike your previous statements allude to, the iphone plan is the same as any other phone plan

This was Apple's statement:
"ATLANTA and CUPERTINO, California—June 26, 2007—AT&T Inc. and Apple® today announced three simple, affordable service plans for iPhone™ which start at just $59.99 per month." opposed to $39.99 for AT&T's basic voice plan in the Tulsa market.
(Further down they eventually mention that you can use other plans, though... Sort of marketing smoke-and mirrors).

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: AMP on June 29, 2007, 11:15:52 pm
I will stick with the Cricket. Makes and receives calls 24/7 UNLIMITED TALK TIME local or Long Distance, all I ever need from a phone.

All the other bells and whistles runs the battery down even faster, and I am constantly having to plug into the Pensacola Dam Turbines to run my stupid low voltage device as it is.

1. And who was the Einstone that came up with these new phones that do not allow a spare battery to be charged without using the friggin phone.  Even the old NOKIA phone batteries were chargable out of the stupid phone.  DUH !  

2. And why do cell phones not work without a battery when plugged into the WALL 110 VOLT Outlet?  Every other portable battery/110 volt device I own works either on battery power, or 110 volt power.  Does not need the batteries to be in the thing to operate when plugged into a 110 volt outlet.  DUH!

3. And why the stupid Blue Screen type Nag Window that states "Unable To Charge" or "Not Charging" when the thing is plugged in to a power outlet. Like what does it want you to do, go find an alternative power outlet?   DUH !  

4. Larger capacity batteries for cell phones would be nice for a start so you can actually get away from a 110 or 12 volt outlet for more than 3 hours at a time.  Manufactures need to get a clue. Do they not get millions of complaints about the lack of battery capacity?  I know I have complained every month when I pay my bill.  Hey, stupid Cell Phone Manufactures, get a clue and put in a longer lasting battery, then people will make longer phone calls and use their phones more ofte. DUH

5. Why did the engineers not make all these portable electrical devices operate on 12 volts DC to begin with?  Let's see now, how many motor vehicles are their on planet Earth that operate on 12 volts DC ?   Guess they just wanted to screw us by forcing us to purchase an ADAPTOR for every friggin' new model they could dream up every month.  

6. Not to mention the original black Nokia phones were very durable.  These new cheap flip phones cannot withstand much use at all without a maintenance visit to the new Cell Phone repair stations that have popped up everwhere since they started pawning off these Cheap China

White Plastic Pieces of crap phones on us.  Made of the same Cheap garbage China White plastic as most stuff in your kitchen and bathroom.  Similar to our money, candy coated outside to make it shiny silver and bright, while it is cheap China White Plastic underneath.   Just like a new penny, they are some type of cheap metal plated with a thin thin coating of copper to fake you out.  Take a carbide cutting tool and scrape off the outer shell, it is FAKE money underneath.  Just like the China White material the phones are made of.

I rest my case....

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: AMP on June 29, 2007, 11:55:15 pm
I have been though many batteries for each of my cell phones I have owned since the early bag phone days. I have not owned a phone that outlasted the case, protective cover, battery, number pads, front cover, or battery charger adapters. All those have failed during the life of every phone I have owned.

Started out with the Bag Phone, then the tall walkie talkie type hand held, switched to the Erickson SWB deal, then to US Cellular, then to Sprint I disliked their service beyond words especially the foreign off shore people that called me constantly at all hours.

Then I bought my Cricket Phone and have never been happier in my life with a cell service. Plus they have real people living in the United States that speak fluent English and answer the phone when you call, wow now that is a new idea.

Handsets could be better, and battery life could defiantly improve, but from research all seem to suffer from the 2.5 hour talk time syndrome. I talk for 8 to 10 hours a day on my cell phone because it is unlimited talk time local or long distance. Only draw back is the battery time.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on June 30, 2007, 12:22:27 am
Originally posted by patric

Originally posted by sgrizzle

Unlike your previous statements allude to, the iphone plan is the same as any other phone plan

This was Apple's statement:
"ATLANTA and CUPERTINO, California—June 26, 2007—AT&T Inc. and Apple® today announced three simple, affordable service plans for iPhone™ which start at just $59.99 per month." opposed to $39.99 for AT&T's basic voice plan in the Tulsa market.
(Further down they eventually mention that you can use other plans, though... Sort of marketing smoke-and mirrors).

Yes, 39 for voice and 20 for the unlimited data plan, like every other phone (except blackberries which are more)

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: brunoflipper on June 30, 2007, 06:54:36 am
don't get me wrong... the iphone is very pretty, a very pretty toy... nonetheless, i'd have considered one if it had the feature set i listed above...

i've preordered this


Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: TheArtist on June 30, 2007, 08:35:43 am
Goodness sounds like several of you have had some bad phones.  I almost always go for 2 or 3 days without charging mine before it needs recharging.  I don't know where I rank in the "number of typical calls made". Just looked at my plan and last month I used about 800 minutes, and I think that was a low call month lol. I have had 2 cell phones before this one and the only reason I got rid of them was because they were looking dated and "huge" lol  Is that a phone in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?[;)]  I do however notice that if I go on trips out of town that the phone can lose its charge faster, probably from searching for a signal and such.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: AngieB on June 30, 2007, 08:59:37 am
Originally posted by AMP

Then I bought my Cricket Phone and have never been happier in my life with a cell service. Plus they have real people living in the United States that speak fluent English and answer the phone when you call, wow now that is a new idea.

This is also the case with T-Mobile. Oh, how I love T-Mobile. I finally escaped the grasp of the devil that is/was AT&T/Cingular/Now the new AT&T about a year ago. My T-Mobile service is great, the customer service people are nice and helpful, and we pay about $60 a month for two phones, unlimited mobile-to-mobile, 600 anytime minutes, free nights and weekends. It's really all we need and could feasibly get rid of the landline and we probably will when 911 will find you on your cell.

A friend showed me her sweet new Motorola Ming phone last night. It isn't available in the U.S. but she bought an unlocked one from someplace in China.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: inteller on June 30, 2007, 09:16:48 am
Originally posted by TulsaMINI

Originally posted by AMP

Then I bought my Cricket Phone and have never been happier in my life with a cell service. Plus they have real people living in the United States that speak fluent English and answer the phone when you call, wow now that is a new idea.

This is also the case with T-Mobile. Oh, how I love T-Mobile. I finally escaped the grasp of the devil that is/was AT&T/Cingular/Now the new AT&T about a year ago. My T-Mobile service is great, the customer service people are nice and helpful, and we pay about $60 a month for two phones, unlimited mobile-to-mobile, 600 anytime minutes, free nights and weekends. It's really all we need and could feasibly get rid of the landline and we probably will when 911 will find you on your cell.

A friend showed me her sweet new Motorola Ming phone last night. It isn't available in the U.S. but she bought an unlocked one from someplace in China.

you and I must have the same friend then, because my friend showed that to me and I thought it was craptastic.  For starters everything is in Chinese.....not much help if you speak English.  Secondly it runs a proprietary flavor of linux.  no thanks.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: inteller on June 30, 2007, 09:19:53 am
Originally posted by brunoflipper

don't get me wrong... the iphone is very pretty, a very pretty toy... nonetheless, i'd have considered one if it had the feature set i listed above...

i've preordered this


just looks like an 8525 that tilts....not really earth shattering.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: brunoflipper on June 30, 2007, 09:35:17 am
Originally posted by inteller

Originally posted by brunoflipper

don't get me wrong... the iphone is very pretty, a very pretty toy... nonetheless, i'd have considered one if it had the feature set i listed above...

i've preordered this


just looks like an 8525 that tilts....not really earth shattering.

try again...

yes it tilts... but-
it also is lighter
has a stock wm6 rom
comes with 256mb of flash rom and 128mb of ram
has the 32bit Qualcomm MSM7200 Chipset at 384mhz (which is revolutionary)
has hsupa
is usb2.0
has nmea gps built-in
has a 3mp camera

other than that there are exactly the same...
and i've had my tytn since last summer...
i always order my phones unlocked before they are available in the US...
and live contract free...

finally that other phone in the previous post is a motorola ming... it was announced in 05... and started shipping in march 06... has no 3g or wifi and people claim, despite being linux, it runs like crap and has piss poor standby battery life...
and it is not "in chinese"...
it is readily available unlocked contract free for $270... jeez.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on June 30, 2007, 09:59:15 am
Supposedly bush is blocking all phones with qualcomm g3 chips from entering the US. I bet that means through standard channels though and not unlocked imports.

I was one of about 600 people in line last night at the apple store. Many were just there for the apple store grand opening and free shirt though.

The safari browser on the iPhone makes the blackberry and windows mobile browser look like lynx. The keyboard works when turned sideways too if it is cramped for you. Whenever you are filling in blanks on a form or forum, it zooms to the field you are working in automatically and out when you're done. I used to think motorola had the best predictive text (blackberry's is laughable) but the iphone's works very well and learns well too.

I also tried out the edge on the worst site I could think of, myspace. I have trouble getting it at home due to slow servers and high number of server resets. AT&T must've done something to the edge network because it loaded in about 7 seconds.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: inteller on June 30, 2007, 09:59:56 am
the one I saw was definitely in chinese.  i'm sure other language options are available now.  It has been a while since I saw it, closer to when it was released.  She paid like $600 for it....craptastic.

and why would you buy a phone that has HSUPA when ATT only does HSDPA?  buying an unlocked phone might seen cool and "sticking it to the man" until you realize half the functionalities cant really be taken advantage of.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: AngieB on June 30, 2007, 10:03:24 am
Originally posted by inteller


you and I must have the same friend then, because my friend showed that to me and I thought it was craptastic.  For starters everything is in Chinese.....not much help if you speak English.  Secondly it runs a proprietary flavor of linux.  no thanks.

Obviously you and I don't have the same friend. No big surprise.

And, no, it's all in English. Very intuitive. She has called me on it and it sounds SO much better than her old Moto Slvr. Her only complaint is that she can't text while driving!

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: RecycleMichael on June 30, 2007, 10:05:41 am
Originally posted by sgrizzle
I was one of about 600 people in line last night at the apple store.

I thought it was great that people stood in line for 11 hours to get a phone that didn't sell out that day.

You could have just gone on with your life and showed up right before closing and got the same deal. Of course, then you would have missed the Super Bowl for nerds/techies.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: AMP on June 30, 2007, 10:09:39 am
Artist 800 minutes is only 200 minutes per week or around 28 minutes per day.  I use around four hours in a 24 hour day talk time.  

These new phones have digital and analog roaming signals.  Since there are but only a few licensed towers and more phone customers than tower capability, you are bumpped from tower to tower and when your phone changes gears to run in analog it eats the battery life up quicker than on digital.  Much quicker and that is always a challenge, I struggle with batteries constantly swiching on the fly I carry four batteries.  Found replacement batteries at that Cell repair station at 71st and Memorial on the South East corner around from the Cricket Store for $15 a copy, retial is $39.95 for the same exact battery made in China.  

The batteries will last for two days if you do not talk on the phone and it is in standby mode on a digital signal tower.   With Cricket it is UNLIMITED TALK TIME no crap with numbers of minutes alloted like a stupid allowance.  UNLIMITED 24/7 talk all you want.

If you read the manual majority of the batteries only last 2.5 hours of TALK TIME.  That is where the problem is.  Not the idle time battery life, the TALK TIME.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: brunoflipper on June 30, 2007, 10:46:47 am
Originally posted by inteller

the one I saw was definitely in chinese.  i'm sure other language options are available now.  It has been a while since I saw it, closer to when it was released.  She paid like $600 for it....craptastic.

and why would you buy a phone that has HSUPA when ATT only does HSDPA?  buying an unlocked phone might seen cool and "sticking it to the man" until you realize half the functionalities cant really be taken advantage of.

how old are you? i am not "sticking it to the man"... i buy what i want, when it is available and don't see the point in the bogus subsidies...

of course att is not hsupa, but it was not hsdpa when i first got my tytn... att's hsupa rollout is underway and will include approx. 60 markets before the end of 07... i was merely listing the differences... i'd hardly call having hsupa "half the functionalities" especially when it will be here in 6 months... i just refuse to by outdated tech...

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: mr.jaynes on June 30, 2007, 03:59:31 pm
Ain't got the time to learn a new cel-phone. I'm having too much fun with the one I have.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on June 30, 2007, 05:36:59 pm
Superbowl for nerds...

More like nerdapalooza.

The apple store opening was insane. A ton of just Mac people all sitting in portable chairs on their macbooks bluetoothing each other. The resultant radiation temporarily boosted everyone's IQ like 5 points. Plus the apple employees were handing out smart water. Not sure if the water itself is smart or it makes you smarter. I didn't see anyone break out into complex trigonometry after taking a drink though.

Some places did sell out. The apple store had some, but not tons this morning. I think they are disallowed from giving any hard figures to the general public.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: inteller on June 30, 2007, 06:35:49 pm
Originally posted by brunoflipper

Originally posted by inteller

the one I saw was definitely in chinese.  i'm sure other language options are available now.  It has been a while since I saw it, closer to when it was released.  She paid like $600 for it....craptastic.

and why would you buy a phone that has HSUPA when ATT only does HSDPA?  buying an unlocked phone might seen cool and "sticking it to the man" until you realize half the functionalities cant really be taken advantage of.

how old are you? i am not "sticking it to the man"... i buy what i want, when it is available and don't see the point in the bogus subsidies...

of course att is not hsupa, but it was not hsdpa when i first got my tytn... att's hsupa rollout is underway and will include approx. 60 markets before the end of 07... i was merely listing the differences... i'd hardly call having hsupa "half the functionalities" especially when it will be here in 6 months... i just refuse to by outdated tech...

when HSUPA is available from ATT, a device that surpasses the one you have on preorder will be out and cost less.  pointless to pay for tech that cant be taken advantage of...except to brag to your friends, most of whom wont understand anyways.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: Noodlez on June 30, 2007, 10:11:14 pm
Originally posted by sgrizzle

I was one of about 600 people in line last night at the apple store. Many were just there for the apple store grand opening and free shirt though.

oh man nutz, I can afford a free shirt.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: brunoflipper on July 01, 2007, 08:39:20 am
Originally posted by inteller

Originally posted by brunoflipper

Originally posted by inteller

the one I saw was definitely in chinese.  i'm sure other language options are available now.  It has been a while since I saw it, closer to when it was released.  She paid like $600 for it....craptastic.

and why would you buy a phone that has HSUPA when ATT only does HSDPA?  buying an unlocked phone might seen cool and "sticking it to the man" until you realize half the functionalities cant really be taken advantage of.

how old are you? i am not "sticking it to the man"... i buy what i want, when it is available and don't see the point in the bogus subsidies...

of course att is not hsupa, but it was not hsdpa when i first got my tytn... att's hsupa rollout is underway and will include approx. 60 markets before the end of 07... i was merely listing the differences... i'd hardly call having hsupa "half the functionalities" especially when it will be here in 6 months... i just refuse to by outdated tech...

when HSUPA is available from ATT, a device that surpasses the one you have on preorder will be out and cost less.  pointless to pay for tech that cant be taken advantage of...except to brag to your friends, most of whom wont understand anyways.

so brilliant... you've got it all sussed out... i don't know why i did not just listen to you in the first place... thank you for showing me the way...

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: patric on July 01, 2007, 10:28:14 am
Originally posted by brunoflipper

att's hsupa rollout is underway and will include approx. 60 markets before the end of 07...

Here is AT&T's map of the current HSDPA (3G) coverage in Tulsa (blue area), overlapping the older EDGE coverage in orange.

I recently got to play with a data card (for laptops) and it was reporting a 3G signal in midtown.

(If the link doesnt work, search "74101" in the AT&T Coverage Viewer at  and check the "3G Coverage Available" box.)

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on July 01, 2007, 12:43:48 pm
Originally posted by patric

Originally posted by brunoflipper

att's hsupa rollout is underway and will include approx. 60 markets before the end of 07...

Here is AT&T's map of the current HSDPA (3G) coverage in Tulsa (blue area), overlapping the older EDGE coverage in orange.

I recently got to play with a data card (for laptops) and it was reporting a 3G signal in midtown.

(If the link doesnt work, search "74101" in the AT&T Coverage Viewer at  and check the "3G Coverage Available" box.)

I've used hsdpa on cingular from downtown and can verify it works. With the card I was using I was peaking at 700k though and seemed like a decent amount of latency.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: brunoflipper on July 01, 2007, 01:15:52 pm
Originally posted by sgrizzle

Originally posted by patric

Originally posted by brunoflipper

att's hsupa rollout is underway and will include approx. 60 markets before the end of 07...

Here is AT&T's map of the current HSDPA (3G) coverage in Tulsa (blue area), overlapping the older EDGE coverage in orange.

I recently got to play with a data card (for laptops) and it was reporting a 3G signal in midtown.

(If the link doesnt work, search "74101" in the AT&T Coverage Viewer at  and check the "3G Coverage Available" box.)

I've used hsdpa on cingular from downtown and can verify it works. With the card I was using I was peaking at 700k though and seemed like a decent amount of latency.

its been on since december...

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: restored2x on July 02, 2007, 07:47:17 am
Well, I got my iphone on Friday, too. The store at 14th St only had about 60 people in line. I'm not much of a phone-nerd and could probably be OK if we had old rotary phones. I've had nice phones and never used the extras because there were too many menus to go through to get to stuff.

The iphone is super intuitive - was up and running in no time, assigning pics and ringtones to contacts that I downloaded from my Outlook at home - it also uploaded my phone contacts to Outlook.

My daughter played with it for about three hours (mostly youtube) before the battery indicator started lowering. This phone (surprisingly) is actually better than advertised. Now I have a phone with bells and whistles that I can actually use and enjoy.

Also, I plugged it into my ipod car adapter from Mazda, and the ipod works perfectly - now I can sell my 30GB video ipod.

Any takers?

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: AMP on July 02, 2007, 09:10:54 am

Tearing into an iPhone.

Must be a stolen iPhone...

Wonder what the value of the phone is in weight of the material used to make it?  

Around $1.00 ?

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: RecycleMichael on July 02, 2007, 09:29:21 am
What does the "I" in IPhone stand for?


If that is the case, I am going to drive my ICar to IWendy's and get an IBurger.

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: tim huntzinger on July 02, 2007, 10:12:46 am
I was present for the live birth of an iPhone today and boy was it easy! That is a sleek, bad-a$$ device!  The 8G model is going for about $750 on eBay despite e's supposed agreement not to let them be auctioned off.

Stores can help one place an advanced order, but otherwise cannot reserve units when a shipment comes in.


Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on July 02, 2007, 01:02:47 pm
Originally posted by recyclemichael

What does the "I" in IPhone stand for?


If that is the case, I am going to drive my ICar to IWendy's and get an IBurger.

I = I have one and you don't.


Some stores sold out in a matter of hours, some sold out over the weekend.

Steve Jobs beat Bill Gates at his own game. A+

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: AMP on July 03, 2007, 10:57:32 am
My final complaint about Cell Phone Handsets is the lack of a ring sound that is audible over normal background noises.  

I have yet to find one that I can hear while driving down the highway with the windows rolled down, or in a shop with machines running or at the racetracks with engines idling in the background.  

Anyone have a ringer on their handset they can hear over that type of background noise ?

Title: Anyone buying an IPhone today?
Post by: sgrizzle on July 03, 2007, 12:39:17 pm
Originally posted by AMP

My final complaint about Cell Phone Handsets is the lack of a ring sound that is audible over normal background noises.  

I have yet to find one that I can hear while driving down the highway with the windows rolled down, or in a shop with machines running or at the racetracks with engines idling in the background.  

Anyone have a ringer on their handset they can hear over that type of background noise ?

Nope, but vibrate works in most of those cases. If you have a bluetooth headset, it will ring loudly in your ear too.