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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: cannon_fodder on July 13, 2007, 02:30:56 pm

Title: Metaphor for life
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 13, 2007, 02:30:56 pm
I work in North Tulsa.  There are many roads up here that are quasi rural or at very least have patches of farm field/woods on either side.  So we get some wild life (saw a deer over lunch).

Frequently terrapin wonder onto the road to either cross or just to sun themselves.  I stop often to shuttle them off the road lest they be smashed, someone damage their car, or someone swerve to miss and cause an accident.  It only takes a moment of my time and saves the planet (and all of that).

So today I saw a HUGE turtle on the road.  Smack dab in the middle.  I pulled over to shuttle it off to the side of the road.  As I approached it the thing was large... nearly steering wheel sized and maybe a 10" tall.  It weighed about 20 lbs near as I can tell.  Looked like a red eared slider, but it was ginormous (its a word now!).

I was rather proud of myself for finding this large animal and shuttling it for safety.  As I congratulated myself on being a good person the damn thing sprayed me with what had to be a full gallon of terrapin pee. The turtle is safely on the wooded side of the street and I am soaked in pee.

Moral of the story:
When you try to help someone they usually just piss on you.

(happy friday)

Title: Metaphor for life
Post by: TheArtist on July 13, 2007, 05:55:19 pm
I learned a life lesson from my cat.  "Kitties do what kitties do and every relationship requires compromise." Specifically in this instance, kitties with claws scratch.  Tried all kinds of things got get him to stop scratching the furniture and things. Sprayed water on him...just made him more skittish and crazy acting, sprayed scents like cinnamon apple cider on the spots he would for a bit but the scent wears off, tinfoil... they may hate it but who wants everything covered in tinfoil, scratchie post... completely ignored it, etc. etc. Then one day when he was scratching the edge of the floor rug, I just let him go for it. The 200dollar rug is frayed but the 2,000 dollar couches are safe.

Kitties scratch, the compromise is what he scratches.

Same with his territory. Kitties dont just have horizontal territory they think vertically as well. Most vertical places are fine... except for the kitchen cabinets and table.

There are lots of other things that kitties, turtles, children and some people do and require that are specific to their nature.

Knowing what you can change, what you can not, and where you can compromise makes life a whooole lot easier.

Babies cry, kitties scratch, and turtles pee when you pick them up. Beware [;)]

Title: Metaphor for life
Post by: restored2x on July 17, 2007, 02:24:03 pm
Nicely said, Artist!

I like that!

Title: Metaphor for life
Post by: Wilbur on July 17, 2007, 07:39:27 pm
Originally posted by TheArtist

I learned a life lesson from my cat.  "Kitties do what kitties do and every relationship requires compromise." Specifically in this instance, kitties with claws scratch.  Tried all kinds of things got get him to stop scratching the furniture and things. Sprayed water on him...just made him more skittish and crazy acting, sprayed scents like cinnamon apple cider on the spots he would for a bit but the scent wears off, tinfoil... they may hate it but who wants everything covered in tinfoil, scratchie post... completely ignored it, etc. etc. Then one day when he was scratching the edge of the floor rug, I just let him go for it. The 200dollar rug is frayed but the 2,000 dollar couches are safe.

Kitties scratch, the compromise is what he scratches.

Same with his territory. Kitties dont just have horizontal territory they think vertically as well. Most vertical places are fine... except for the kitchen cabinets and table.

There are lots of other things that kitties, turtles, children and some people do and require that are specific to their nature.

Knowing what you can change, what you can not, and where you can compromise makes life a whooole lot easier.

Babies cry, kitties scratch, and turtles pee when you pick them up. Beware [;)]

Cannon - I think he is saying you now belong to the turtle.

Title: Metaphor for life
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 18, 2007, 08:28:04 am
Ok, I know turtles pee when you pick them up.  I tired to defend myself by holding it out.  It was like a super soaker I tell ya'!

In any event; I, for one, welcome our new turtle overlords.