The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: Steve on July 14, 2007, 03:43:56 pm

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: Steve on July 14, 2007, 03:43:56 pm
Quotes from today's Tulsa World 7-14-07:

"Tulsa's medians, trails, vacant lots, and rights-of-way will be mowed more frequently in advance of the PGA Championship next month, city officials said Friday."

"Tulsa must absolutely be at its best as we host visitors from around the world.  We will...make a special push to make sure visitors see our city at its best."  Kathy Taylor

As Tulsa tax-paying citizens, does anyone else find the city's attitude and Kathy Taylor's remarks insulting?  As a resident and taxpayer that pays the salaries of city officials and maintenance workers, I expect our city to look its best all year round for me and all residents, not just when a bunch of overly rich golfers and golf fans in godawful outfits come to town.

The city blames recent rains on lack of mowing.  Pure B.S.  I have managed to mow my own yard a minimum of twice a week since April, rain or not.  

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 14, 2007, 03:47:04 pm
Originally posted by Steve

Quotes from today's Tulsa World 7-14-07:

"Tulsa's medians, trails, vacant lots, and rights-of-way will be mowed more frequently in advance of the PGA Championship next month, city officials said Friday."

"Tulsa must absolutely be at its best as we host visitors from around the world.  We will...make a special push to make sure visitors see our city at its best."  Kathy Taylor

As Tulsa tax-paying citizens, does anyone else find the city's attitude and Kathy Taylor's remarks insulting?  As a resident and taxpayer that pays the salaries of city officials and maintenance workers, I expect our city to look its best all year round for me and all residents, not just when a bunch of overly rich golfers in godawful golf outfits come to town.

The city blames recent rains on lack of mowing.  Pure B.S.  I have managed to mow my own yard a minimum of twice a week since April, rain or not.  

calling the Waaaaahbulance.

Tell us all about the troubles you've seen.

Twice a week. Fabulous.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: TURobY on July 14, 2007, 04:17:37 pm
No, I definately agree. The city right-of-ways need to mowed more often. I just don't understand why every other city can do this, but we can't...

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: AMP on July 14, 2007, 04:24:04 pm
They would all be mowed, streets repaired, all the overhead street and highway lights would be operating properly if there were an NFL Football game coming to play here. LOL

Most any other type of promotion they would hand out a rental or usage fee for to event organizers.  

Stick and Ball Sports rule in Oklahoma don't ya know.  :)

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 14, 2007, 04:31:56 pm
Which do you want, streetlights on, pools open, potholes fixed, more police, good fire coverage or more mowing? And I’m just sure you aren’t willing to pay anymore for anything are you?

Tulsa is a city, like many in Oklahoma, that is rich in available capital funds and poor in operational money due to cities near total dependence on sales tax for operational money in Oklahoma. Tulsa is in a crunch due to untaxed internet spending and the growth in suburban shopping. Simple.

So, the city of Tulsa is in the position of needing to leverage capital money, like the spending on the arena, downtown and in the river, to spur sales tax growth by encouraging infill development and visitors from both suburban areas and from outside the metro. This will then help alleviate the operational budget crunch. This is also pretty simple.

The situation with the PGA is the same. If a little extra spending on mowing and other items can provide a positive image to the world when we are on stage, then we may well be though of positively for all sorts of things, new offices, stores, residents. Who knows.

There will be tens of thousands of people visiting Tulsa, and many tens of millions watching on TV around the world. It’s time to put the city’s best foot forward. If you don’t understand that or more likely as just another damn whiner and probably just don’t care, then you are stupid and please move away soon. You aren’t wanted here. Your absence will improve the local gene pool.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: AMP on July 14, 2007, 04:40:41 pm
When we produce one of our events in Oklahoma, we are greeted by the facility management and handed a list of itmes we are not allowed to do. Then given an ultimatum regarding running past 10pm with the penalty being a $500 fine and they also place engineers at the light switch to turn off the power so we cannot run past 10pm.  

At the conslusion we are presented with a bill that includes additional fees abover the rantal agreement for trash removal which was caused by the venue not following our instructions and although we ordered trash barrels for specific areas which were not delivered and set up, use of any chairs or tables, cost of sweeping the empty parking lots prior to and following our event, and any other fees they may think to add on.   I always wondered if the last organizer that rented the facility was also charged for sweeping prior to and following the event.  Onc thing for certain, the parking lot was clean both coming and going.  

One building we lease that has a parking garage beneath it, were not allowed to have dirt more than 12" deep due to the load limit on the floor, however they allowed the dirt contractor to drive a Semi Truck pulling a low boy trailer hauling a Front End Loader onto the same floor.
Then load dump trucks on the floor using the front end loader?  That one still has me wondering what the engineers that designed the multipurpose building were thinking when they drew up the plans.
Always a never ending educational process doing business in a City/County owned facility in Oklahoma compared to Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana.

I could wirte a book on it.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: Markk on July 14, 2007, 05:21:26 pm
Good.  The grass will be mowed.  

The streets will still be a disaster.  The Section 8 housing within a mile or two of SHCC will still be there.  What a wonderful site for visitors to Tulsa to see a boarded up convenience store across the street from the tournament.  

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: 1shot on July 14, 2007, 06:28:01 pm
Swake said "Tulsa is in a crunch due to untaxed internet spending and the growth in suburban shopping. Simple."

And why is this? Is it because the city of Tulsa seems bent on sending people out of the city to do their shopping? It sure seems like it at times.


Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 14, 2007, 07:00:07 pm
Originally posted by 1shot

Swake said "Tulsa is in a crunch due to untaxed internet spending and the growth in suburban shopping. Simple."

And why is this? Is it because the city of Tulsa seems bent on sending people out of the city to do their shopping? It sure seems like it at times.


No, it's because suburban residents spend less money in the city.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: TURobY on July 14, 2007, 07:20:17 pm
Originally posted by swake

Which do you want, streetlights on, pools open, potholes fixed, more police, good fire coverage or more mowing? And I’m just sure you aren’t willing to pay anymore for anything are you?

[:O] I'm all for paying more if it means good services (roads, public safety, beautification). pancakes would have made you believe that I thought differently? (Just out of curiosity)

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: TulsaSooner on July 14, 2007, 08:05:44 pm
Originally posted by swake

Which do you want, streetlights on, pools open, potholes fixed, more police, good fire coverage or more mowing? And I’m just sure you aren’t willing to pay anymore for anything are you?

Tulsa is a city, like many in Oklahoma, that is rich in available capital funds and poor in operational money due to cities near total dependence on sales tax for operational money in Oklahoma. Tulsa is in a crunch due to untaxed internet spending and the growth in suburban shopping. Simple.

So, the city of Tulsa is in the position of needing to leverage capital money, like the spending on the arena, downtown and in the river, to spur sales tax growth by encouraging infill development and visitors from both suburban areas and from outside the metro. This will then help alleviate the operational budget crunch. This is also pretty simple.

The situation with the PGA is the same. If a little extra spending on mowing and other items can provide a positive image to the world when we are on stage, then we may well be though of positively for all sorts of things, new offices, stores, residents. Who knows.

There will be tens of thousands of people visiting Tulsa, and many tens of millions watching on TV around the world. It’s time to put the city’s best foot forward. If you don’t understand that or more likely as just another damn whiner and probably just don’t care, then you are stupid and please move away soon. You aren’t wanted here. Your absence will improve the local gene pool.

Bingo.  Nail, meet hammer.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: YoungTulsan on July 14, 2007, 10:01:16 pm
The grass grows much faster with all of these rains.  It is legitimate to link rains with mowing issues.  The grass at I-44 and Peoria is like 4 feet high for crying out loud.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: Bumby on July 14, 2007, 10:10:14 pm
I want hiways/streets resurfaced...more canopies at the airport, orange barrels removed like magic from ongoing street projects, things we received before during PGA events. The city seems like a host that's had this guest many times..the house cleaning gets a little more lax each time.  Mulching the litter on 244 and putting up "PGA Visitors Exit Here" signs won't fool anyone.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 14, 2007, 10:39:12 pm
Originally posted by Bumby

I want hiways/streets resurfaced...more canopies at the airport, orange barrels removed like magic from ongoing street projects, things we received before during PGA events. The city seems like a host that's had this guest many times..the house cleaning gets a little more lax each time.  Mulching the litter on 244 and putting up "PGA Visitors Exit Here" signs won't fool anyone.

Overall I don't think streets are awful, there are spots, and with all the rain we have had, there are going to be bad spots. But for the most part the streets are in fair to good condition.

Our highways are another story. They are deplorable and dangerous.

Guess what, the state maintains highways, not the city. And, tell me, did you vote yes or no on the state fuel tax for highways maintenance?

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: Double A on July 15, 2007, 01:09:13 am
Isn't it ironic that Kathy Taylor is busy trying to close public golf courses to sell them at fire sale prices to her hand picked no bid private developers, while she is bending over backwards and sparing no expense to benefit a private golf course? Don't ya think?

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: Bumby on July 15, 2007, 07:33:03 am
17 cents per gallon is already too high...I voted and voted no back in 2005.  The state needs to spend the money they already collect for motor fuel tax instead of diverting it to non transportation needs.

While I realize that federal monies had been appropriated years before the 2001 resurfacing of 244, I am still amused by Tulsa's efforts to put lipstick on a pig for the PGA. I'm glad this dog and pony show comes to town periodically.  

Hopefully, this mowing effort will allow a clear line of sight of oncoming traffic. My attention is often diverted as I navigate Tulsa streets. I welcome any elimination of preventable abstractions.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 15, 2007, 08:28:22 am
Originally posted by Bumby

17 cents per gallon is already too high...I voted and voted no back in 2005.  The state needs to spend the money they already collect for motor fuel tax instead of diverting it to non transportation needs.

While I realize that federal monies had been appropriated years before the 2001 resurfacing of 244, I am still amused by Tulsa's efforts to put lipstick on a pig for the PGA. I'm glad this dog and pony show comes to town periodically.  

Hopefully, this mowing effort will allow a clear line of sight of oncoming traffic. My attention is often diverted as I navigate Tulsa streets. I welcome any elimination of preventable abstractions.

Of course you voted no.

We have bad highways because we have the seventh lowest fuel tax in the nation, the diversion in the past of a portion what little money the state collected to the general fund was just a bonus. Toss in ODOT screwing the rest of the state for OKC highways and the story is complete.

We get what we pay for. There is no free lunch.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 15, 2007, 08:33:15 am
Originally posted by Double A

Isn't it ironic that Kathy Taylor is busy trying to close public golf courses to sell them at fire sale prices to her hand picked no bid private developers, while she is bending over backwards and sparing no expense to benefit a private golf course? Don't ya think?

Hey Mr Union backer, isn't it ironic that the reason that the city courses lose money, and that the county courses make money is that the city has to use Union labor to do the upkeep on the courses and the county doesn't?

By the way, the courses aren't being sold or closed, either the county or a private group is going to run the courses for the city, without the Union labor cost that is killing the cost structure for the city.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: waterboy on July 15, 2007, 09:02:27 am
Swake is right on with his remarks on this thread. We are becoming a city of whiners who are not willing to put up with any real or perceived problems. Our failures are not personally Taylors or LaFortune's poor management, even though LaFortune made that a difficult argument. Our problems are systemic and directly related to the low tax rate in Oklahoma, the craziness of our city having one tax source for capital maintenance (sales tax) and the strength and corruption of the county system of government.

Who in their right mind would not want to spruce up the city a bit when company is coming. And I don't even like golf.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 15, 2007, 11:16:48 am
Originally posted by YoungTulsan

The grass grows much faster with all of these rains.  It is legitimate to link rains with mowing issues.  The grass at I-44 and Peoria is like 4 feet high for crying out loud.

And, the grass on I-44, that's the state's responsibility to mow. Again, not the city of Tulsa.

Quit the blame the city game. it's the state we all should have a real issue with.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: TURobY on July 15, 2007, 11:36:17 am
Woah, calm down Swake. YoungTulsan didn't say anything about the City. There was an observation made, and you assumed that it was an attack on the city. [:)]

And I'm glad that the City is doing some housework for the PGA. But it always makes me wonder why we can't move with such intensity all the time.

If it is the state that is not consistently mowing properties, then you are right that we should be upset at the state (and no one has argued against that). Could you be pro-active and possibly provide a telephone number that we can contact so that we can voice our opinions to the state? I would love to call and let the state know that I am upset by the grass situation along the highways.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 15, 2007, 12:09:05 pm
Originally posted by TURobY

Woah, calm down Swake. YoungTulsan didn't say anything about the City. There was an observation made, and you assumed that it was an attack on the city. [:)]

And I'm glad that the City is doing some housework for the PGA. But it always makes me wonder why we can't move with such intensity all the time.

If it is the state that is not consistently mowing properties, then you are right that we should be upset at the state (and no one has argued against that). Could you be pro-active and possibly provide a telephone number that we can contact so that we can voice our opinions to the state? I would love to call and let the state know that I am upset by the grass situation along the highways.

Sorry, I was not intending to attack you or youngtulsan, I am after the whine and don't pay for any cheese crowd. His location that needed mowing was just a good example of an area that needs mowing that this crowd has complained about and the spot is not even mowed by the city. And the state has plenty of money, is flush with oil money and is doing nothing to help cities and yet they aren't mowing either.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: Double A on July 15, 2007, 12:46:04 pm
Originally posted by swake

Originally posted by Double A

Isn't it ironic that Kathy Taylor is busy trying to close public golf courses to sell them at fire sale prices to her hand picked no bid private developers, while she is bending over backwards and sparing no expense to benefit a private golf course? Don't ya think?

Hey Mr Union backer, isn't it ironic that the reason that the city courses lose money, and that the county courses make money is that the city has to use Union labor to do the upkeep on the courses and the county doesn't?

By the way, the courses aren't being sold or closed, either the county or a private group is going to run the courses for the city, without the Union labor cost that is killing the cost structure for the city.

How can that be the case, when our city employees are paid below the regional average even for private courses. She sure didn't have any problem keeping the courses open after the huge public backlash to closing them? Did you you really think you could throw off my game by baseless attacks on Unions? The mayoral mismanagement and misplaced priorities are to blame IMO. Since you brought up city employees and Kathy Taylor, I thought you might want to hear how our city employees feel about Kathy Taylor. From Urban Tulsa weeekly: "Morale is horrible (on the police force)," said one officer, who didn't want to be named as he gave his boss such a mediocre rating.

"Morale is at an all-time low from her lack of backing us and lack of positive feedback, plus I've never seen a Democratic mayor who was so anti-union in my life," he added.

He also cited "how she handled the chief situation" as a factor in his rating.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 15, 2007, 01:17:10 pm
Originally posted by Double A

Originally posted by swake

Originally posted by Double A

Isn't it ironic that Kathy Taylor is busy trying to close public golf courses to sell them at fire sale prices to her hand picked no bid private developers, while she is bending over backwards and sparing no expense to benefit a private golf course? Don't ya think?

Hey Mr Union backer, isn't it ironic that the reason that the city courses lose money, and that the county courses make money is that the city has to use Union labor to do the upkeep on the courses and the county doesn't?

By the way, the courses aren't being sold or closed, either the county or a private group is going to run the courses for the city, without the Union labor cost that is killing the cost structure for the city.

How can that be the case, when our city employees are paid below the regional average even for private courses. She sure didn't have any problem keeping the courses open after the huge public backlash to closing them? Did you you really think you could throw off my game by baseless attacks on Unions? The mayoral mismanagement and misplaced priorities are to blame IMO. Since you brought up city employees and Kathy Taylor, I thought you might want to hear how our city employees feel about Kathy Taylor. From Urban Tulsa weeekly: "Morale is horrible (on the police force)," said one officer, who didn't want to be named as he gave his boss such a mediocre rating.

"Morale is at an all-time low from her lack of backing us and lack of positive feedback, plus I've never seen a Democratic mayor who was so anti-union in my life," he added.

He also cited "how she handled the chief situation" as a factor in his rating.

Firefighters and Police often dislike mayors that make budget choices that impact them. It's an American tradition. Look at the anti-Giuliani  FDNY group that has popped up recently.

And, add to that this: Tulsa's police force is a mess. Top to bottom.

I know a number of officers and I hear things. First and foremost, it's not uncommon for a large percentage of the force to put in far less than 40 hours in a week. And then charge overtime for any time spent outside of shift time. I don't know names and I don't want to, but I hear it's quite common.

I have heard of cases of very dirty cops that never made the news. And some that did. I recall the one officer recently that made the news that was taking money from drug dealers and giving up informants. Those informants might easily have ended up dead. A TPD officer potentially adding directly to Tulsa's too high murder rate. Think on that. I've also heard other stories like that and they don't make the news.

The vast majority of officers do a great job for all the right reasons, but there are a lot that don't, and keep their jobs. That has to be fixed.
Do you remember that report about problems at the top of TPD that got Lafortune in trouble? He may have handled it badly, but his handling of the report didn't change the particulars of the report. TPD is a sick organization, and it's not Taylor's fault or even really LaFortune's.

I personally don't think the issues can be solved by someone from the inside. Taylor is making the right choice by going outside. Fixing TPD is going to take new leadership that does not have a vested interest in any current part of TPD.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: RecycleMichael on July 15, 2007, 01:34:24 pm
DoubleA would have complained about Mayor Taylor if she did make an effort to add extra mowers before the PGA or if she had not done anything.

If you ask 100 people should the city spend extra time and money to try to spruce up before thousands of wealthy visitors and televison crews from around the world come to town...99 of those hundred would say yes.

DoubleA is the other one.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: Double A on July 15, 2007, 01:41:23 pm
Especially when that mayor was elected based on broken campaign promises to give our police and firefighters the resources they need. Instead we have a divided police department that feels like it is under attack from the Mayor's office and morale is at an all time low. I can't say I blame them considering that the Mayor used them as political pawns to pander to Hispanic socioethnic special interest groups by spreading fear that our officers would engage in widespread racial profiling if we checked the immigration status of inmates booked into our jail(which is a ridiculous claim in and of itself). She should be ashamed of herself for slandering our officers that way, she owes them an apology for that.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: rwarn17588 on July 15, 2007, 02:48:51 pm
Somebody call the waaaaaahhhmbulance.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: RecycleMichael on July 15, 2007, 03:25:23 pm
The internal problems and morale issues in the police department were evident during the LaFortune admistration.

You just want to blame Mayor Kathy Taylor for everything. Your act is getting old.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: swake on July 15, 2007, 03:28:40 pm
Originally posted by Double A

Especially when that mayor was elected based on broken campaign promises to give our police and firefighters the resources they need. Instead we have a divided police department that feels like it is under attack from the Mayor's office and morale is at an all time low. I can't say I blame them considering that the Mayor used them as political pawns to pander to Hispanic socioethnic special interest groups by spreading fear that our officers would engage in widespread racial profiling if we checked the immigration status of inmates booked into our jail(which is a ridiculous claim in and of itself). She should be ashamed of herself for slandering our officers that way, she owes them an apology for that.

Ah, race baiting. Nice.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: Kenosha on July 15, 2007, 08:32:43 pm
Originally posted by Double A

Isn't it ironic that Kathy Taylor is busy trying to close public golf courses to sell them at fire sale prices to her hand picked no bid private developers, while she is bending over backwards and sparing no expense to benefit a private golf course? Don't ya think?

Hey!  You say stupid stuff sometimes AA.

No I don't the way.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 16, 2007, 08:06:00 am
Here's an idea... let the citizens enforce the cities laws against the city.  Right of way not mowed and the grass is knee high and going to seed?  Citizens go mow it and send a bill to the city.  Cops speeding past you, running red lights, and making wild lane changes?  Pull 'em over and do a sobriety test along the side of the road.

When the rules don't apply to government it is no longer a government of the people.
- - -

Aside from that tirade, they had best get a start on it.  It will take several week of actual mowing for them to look like mowed medians instead of cut hay.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: dbacks fan on July 16, 2007, 08:55:21 am
I borrowed this link from another thread. I think this is an example of "Deffered Maintenance"(The snapped pole is not part of what I am refering to). I seem to remember years ago that the city had routine mowing and trimming of the right of ways and it was never put off because of excessive rains, and TPS also was regular about the upkeep of the landscape as well. The last time I was in Tulsa was '04 for a funeral, and the thing that amazed me the most was how overgrown and unkept things had become since my previous visit in '99. I was amazed as to the change in such a short period of time. It just makes me wonder what happened. (http://"http://")

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: Hometown on July 16, 2007, 11:48:24 am
Steve, It’s unbelievable to me that the city budgeted money to mow city property 6 times this year.  If a neighbor of mine did that I would be writing letters and trying to file a complaint.  What if you lived next to city property and had an open house planned to sell your home the day before they mowed, and the grass was up to your waist.

I say increase personal and corporate income taxes and make them more progressive.  Eliminate the sales tax on groceries.  Allow cities to capture some of those income taxes.  Tulsa may even want to enact her own city income tax.

There is a direct correlation between Oklahoma’s low income taxes and our poor quality of life.  

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: RecycleMichael on July 16, 2007, 12:18:00 pm
City Councilor Cason Carter tried to add a couple of hundred thousand dollars into the city budget for extra mowing of parks and rights-of-way, but was unable to get the other councilors to support the idea.

We should contact our local elected officials and tell them more often mowing is a priority to us.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 16, 2007, 12:26:59 pm
Originally posted by Hometown

There is a direct correlation between Oklahoma’s low income taxes and our poor quality of life.  

New Hampshire has lower taxes than we do.  But somehow they have one of the highest quality of life indexes.  Mississippi has higher taxes than we do, yet they are consistently one of the lowest quality of life states.  

Alaska has the lowest taxes, Georgia the highest.  I would say your claim of a direct correlation is a bit of a stretch.

If only "RAISE TAXES" was really the solution to all of our problems, things would be so easy.  The problem is, when you raise taxes the public infrastructure may improve but personal property, local businesses, and real property suffers.  Shiny new streets running along side neglected houses with crappy cards...

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: TulsaSooner on July 16, 2007, 12:43:32 pm
On the bright side, since they mow so infrequently, perhaps the city could realize a small profit by selling off the hay.  [:D]

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: RecycleMichael on July 16, 2007, 12:48:52 pm
I still think that we could employ goats in our parks. Goats are also fun for all ages.

I am dyslexic...I once got invited to a toga party and brought a goat.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: patric on July 16, 2007, 01:00:34 pm
Originally posted by cannon_fodder

If only "RAISE TAXES" was really the solution to all of our problems, things would be so easy.

Raising taxes is the only solution when you're not willing to address waste.

Of course, my suggestion has been to take a look at the millions squandered on poorly-designed streetlighting -- the cost of which has doubled (http://"") between 2003 and 2006!    

...but that's just one suggestion, from one area.  Ill bet there are more if we put our minds to it and realize it's not rocket science to keep our grass cut.

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: dbacks fan on July 16, 2007, 02:11:23 pm
I've been thinking about this for a little while today, and have come to a conclusion, (admittedly, it's rather tounge in cheek) it seems as the mayor is trying to spruce Tulsa up with the PGA coming to town (so she can try and pitch Tulsa as a destination for trade and tourism). Think about it, tearing down the Camelot with QT buying the land = "The City is working with local businesses to revitalize an area of town", moving city hall = "The City is saving the taxpayers money buy moving into a newer facility to better serve the community", annex the Fairgrounds = "The City is improving on the number of venues for potential users while not increasing the tax rate charged to the citizens, and looking to build new attractions where a rundown amusement park was" (not a jab at Bell's, just looking at the way the mayor might try and spin it), more grass cutting = "Aggressive maintenance of the cities landscaping".

Forgive me, it's just the cynic in me coming out. [}:)]

Title: City to Increase Mowing for PGA
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 16, 2007, 02:28:49 pm
I change my vote to goats.

Think of it, shock collars to keep them on the medians.  Man that would rule.  Just goats standing around everywhere being all goat like.  It would be therapy too, when upset you could just go pat a goat (you'd have to find a nice one).

As a side note, goats are against city ordinance.  A buddy of mine wanted one to 'mow' his backyard.