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Non-Tulsa Discussions => Chat and Advice => Topic started by: Breadburner on August 02, 2007, 07:55:16 am

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: Breadburner on August 02, 2007, 07:55:16 am
I think it's only a matter of time before something similar happens here....But not on such a large scale.....I see the government has already pledged 5 mill in aid so far....Does anyone recall if Oklahoma recived any aid for the I-40 brige collapse.....

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: sgrizzle on August 02, 2007, 08:01:00 am
I believe they did, especially since it was an interstate.

Where are the gas tax hike people? "Oklahomans for Safe Bridges and Roads"

Their website is down.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: Townsend on August 02, 2007, 09:00:23 am
So far we just have parts of our bridges falling off.

Maybe this will draw attention to bad infrastructure care.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: NellieBly on August 02, 2007, 01:24:55 pm
I wonder if something like this happened in Tulsa, if we would change our priorities to address our aging infrastructure rather than moving city hall or filling up the river.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: Wilbur on August 02, 2007, 07:42:39 pm
Originally posted by NellieBly

I wonder if something like this happened in Tulsa, if we would change our priorities to address our aging infrastructure rather than moving city hall or filling up the river.

I was thinking the same thing, only on a larger scale.  Perhaps now, instead of filling the transportation bill with huge amounts of pork, perhaps our representatives will realize why we send them to Washington.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: waterboy on August 02, 2007, 08:10:58 pm
I couldn't help but notice yesterday that among the first people on the scene and the first boat airboat. Great rescue vehicles.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: YoungTulsan on August 02, 2007, 08:14:29 pm
Originally posted by Breadburner

I think it's only a matter of time before something similar happens here....But not on such a large scale.....I see the government has already pledged 5 mill in aid so far....Does anyone recall if Oklahoma recived any aid for the I-40 brige collapse.....

I found this article

^ Bush Admin promised $3 million directly after the bridge collapse.

And then this one from when the bridge re-opened:

^ It was completed in 2 months, way ahead of schedule.  Total cost of around $30 million when they took into account all of the repairs that had to be done on the alternate routes during the I-40 closure.

I haven't found a follow up since that article, but it said Congress had already approved $12 million in federal funds, and that Brad Carson was trying to get the rest, or most of the rest, paid for by the feds as well.  The State may have paid for some of it (Or all of it, and got reimbursed for it afterwards), since it mentions the State paying for the bonus paid to the construction company for completing it ahead of schedule.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: cannon_fodder on August 03, 2007, 07:35:23 am
The bridge had known problems since 1990:,8599,1649458,00.html

Most interstate bridges are 50 years old at their core, the ones in the north have salt dumped on them on a regular basis, in Minneapolis that is for 6 months out of the year.

From a politicians perspective, you could either fix a 1 mile bridge (structurally) or 100 miles of surface streets with the same money.  The surface streets are more likely to get you re-elected.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: Townsend on August 03, 2007, 08:14:54 am

Dry table but you can see all the deficient and obsolete bridges listed in Oklahoma.

We're not the worst but we're bad enough to be concerned.  Apparently Oklahoma has been consistently screwed by the federal government for many years.  I wish we could have a Ted Stevens.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: patric on August 03, 2007, 10:21:00 am
Maybe its time (again) to see how well our state leadership is spending money collected for road and bridge repair on, well, road and bridge repair.  

Voters dont like being asked to pay twice for the same thing.  What's to guarantee another new tax to pay for bridges (that were supposed to already be funded) wont itself be raided to pay for some other pork or corporate welfare later on?

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: NellieBly on August 03, 2007, 11:11:37 am
" I wish we could have a Ted Stevens."

You're kidding right?

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: sgrizzle on August 03, 2007, 11:51:13 am
Originally posted by patric

Maybe its time (again) to see how well our state leadership is spending money collected for road and bridge repair on, well, road and bridge repair.  

Voters dont like being asked to pay twice for the same thing.  What's to guarantee another new tax to pay for bridges (that were supposed to already be funded) wont itself be raided to pay for some other pork or corporate welfare later on?

The roads & bridges people suggested a locked fund, as well as raising diesel taxes to match gasoline, and were dismissed.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: Townsend on August 03, 2007, 12:05:57 pm
Originally posted by NellieBly

" I wish we could have a Ted Stevens."

You're kidding right?

His ability to secure federal funding for the state.  Not the bribery.  At least we don't have the brib...

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: sgrizzle on August 03, 2007, 12:06:05 pm
Why was I not surprised that Tulsa had more than any other county on the list. We had 140 out of 422 for the state.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: aoxamaxoa on August 25, 2007, 06:44:42 pm
Pigeon poop....

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: Porky on August 26, 2007, 08:41:24 am
Originally posted by aoxamaxoa

Pigeon poop....

That's what our government is saying. Kind of a hard one to swallow.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: cannon_fodder on August 27, 2007, 08:02:50 am
Well porky, not really that hard to believe if you have ever had something metal under a tree for any period of time.  The obvious problem is that EVERYONE knows that moisture + ammonia + iron = accelerated rust.  So why wasn't the bridge repainted or, at very least, inspected?

No matter the cause, barring another super elaborate government plot (this time to make itself look incompetent), the main cause of the collapse was a failure to adequately inspect.  If adequate inspections saw the problem it could (should) have been fixed.

Title: Bridge Collapse in MN....
Post by: Porky on August 27, 2007, 06:40:55 pm
Well CF, I guess we need to start preparing for an outbreak of bridges falling down..... due to bird poop.