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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: shadows on October 03, 2007, 08:02:14 AM

Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: shadows on October 03, 2007, 08:02:14 AM
First Bell's, now concrete plant, next ORU?

The foundations seem to be laid to acquire the concrete plant.  

By morning TW there is strong indications that all that prime land ORU is on with those old outdated building need to be replaced with new designs compatible to developing of the river?

How do you feel because it is not DT and it has its own arena?

Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: brunoflipper on October 03, 2007, 08:18:35 AM
Originally posted by shadows

First Bell's, now concrete plant, next ORU?

The foundations seem to be laid to acquire the concrete plant.  

By morning TW there is strong indications that all that prime land ORU is on with those old outdated building need to be replaced with new designs compatible to developing of the river?

How do you feel because it is not DT and it has its own arena?

seriously, what in the world are you talking about?
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: cannon_fodder on October 03, 2007, 08:40:52 AM
I think he is trying to start a discussion about the ORU campaign finance thing coupled with the lawsuit filed by some professors who claim ORU is in a "death spiral."  Clearly this is the man bringing them down.

What this has to do with the river I have no idea, now how the ~8000 seat Mabee center has anything other than a symbiotic effect on the 18,000 area.  Nor do I pretend to know what's going on with that concrete plant, which is in a poor place now anyway and would probably be happy to have a move funded to the North Side somewhere (away from populace, better access to roads, less valuable land).

By best guess Brunno.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: sgrizzle on October 03, 2007, 10:50:36 AM
The prevailing wins move swiftly towards the man with bronze hands. Run now, lest your tower falls upon you.

(thought I'd give shadowspeak a try)
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Townsend on October 03, 2007, 10:54:25 AM
Originally posted by sgrizzle

The prevailing wins move swiftly towards the man with bronze hands. Run now, lest your tower falls upon you.

(thought I'd give shadowspeak a try)

Good try but I understood it.  Try again.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: carltonplace on October 03, 2007, 10:56:50 AM
The foundations of concrete seem to be acquired laid and planted.

Don't know if that helps at all.

Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Renaissance on October 03, 2007, 11:00:15 AM
Under the Shadows of the Towers,

The TAX VAMPIRES plan their next FEAST!

Oh wait, that's more Friendly Bear-ish . . . .
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Johnboy976 on October 03, 2007, 11:17:09 AM
Tanking in, plants grow through every-increasing smog. The taxing thieves insist on building upon the disgusted river. The poor go unwatched by the ever-watchful eye of an old acquaintance. Doom is upon this land, and no concrete to steady our feet.

Almost poetic....
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Townsend on October 03, 2007, 01:36:26 PM
Very nice
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: cks511 on October 03, 2007, 01:38:30 PM
Shall we pray????????????????????
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 03, 2007, 03:00:12 PM
Common thread...Randi Miller.  He's off on a Randi Miller rant.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: waterboy on October 03, 2007, 03:33:25 PM
I think he perceives that the tax vampires are eliminating anything old or competitive. Which in reality
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Sangria on October 03, 2007, 04:52:57 PM
I think Kathy Taylor and Randi Miller should have a "God will strike me dead" campagne.

If people don't donate $800 million dollars then God will strike them dead.

Worked for Oral roberts 2 times. 3rd time he needed assistance from his Dog Tracks. [:D]

Ahhhh, those were the days... If you can't scam the old and down trodden - who can you scam? [:D]
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 03, 2007, 06:08:39 PM
...or maybe they will fall short on their campaign goal and God really will come down on them...

I bet that just made some people smile...
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: perspicuity85 on October 03, 2007, 07:17:44 PM
Shadows, I think you're completely insane.  But that's just my personal opinion.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: inteller on October 03, 2007, 07:46:51 PM
if ORU goes down I get first dibs on the praying hands.  i plan on reshaping them into a pair of hands holding a penis with a fountain coming out the end and emptying into a wishing well....and I will call it "Pissing Away Our Tax Dollars"
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Porky on October 03, 2007, 07:56:53 PM
Originally posted by inteller

if ORU goes down I get first dibs on the praying hands.  i plan on reshaping them into a pair of hands holding a penis with a fountain coming out the end and emptying into a wishing well....and I will call it "Pissing Away Our Tax Dollars"

Too bad this didn't happen a couple of years ago. That campus would of made a great place to set up City Hall and it comes with a huge arena. The River Project would of been just down the street for Mayor Taylor to check on every day. Awww...if we'd only known.

btw.....sht's 7 thru 10 is where all the juicy stuff is: [^]

Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: cannon_fodder on October 04, 2007, 08:17:07 AM
Originally posted by inteller

if ORU goes down I get first dibs on the praying hands.  i plan on reshaping them into a pair of hands holding a penis with a fountain coming out the end and emptying into a wishing well....and I will call it "Pissing Away Our Tax Dollars"

Can we have the statute mounted on one of the new pedestrian bridge and "peeing" into the river.  Man that would rule.  Or on Keystone dam if you are into the whole pee from heights thing.  Another possibility would be to put it in a public park, so we can get peed on if we so desire.

Perhaps we could just hoist the hands and use them on the giant naked Indian statue.  We could make up some BS excuse for the hand gesture, people are stupid and believe what you tell them anyway.  The possibilities are endless.

The Barbarian Wrote

or maybe they will fall short on their campaign goal and God really will come down on them

Yes, yes it did make me smile.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Townsend on October 04, 2007, 09:50:16 AM
Originally posted by Porky

Originally posted by inteller

if ORU goes down I get first dibs on the praying hands.  i plan on reshaping them into a pair of hands holding a penis with a fountain coming out the end and emptying into a wishing well....and I will call it "Pissing Away Our Tax Dollars"

Too bad this didn't happen a couple of years ago. That campus would of made a great place to set up City Hall and it comes with a huge arena. The River Project would of been just down the street for Mayor Taylor to check on every day. Awww...if we'd only known.

btw.....sht's 7 thru 10 is where all the juicy stuff is: [^]

Jeez, Mrs Roberts is a bad person per the charges.  What's up with all the "under aged boys"?  Bow chicka bow bow


Clapping students greeted Richard Roberts, as he took to the stage for Wednesday morning chapel. Roberts told the students he was awakened in the middle of the night by God and told to write.

"We live in a litigious society. Anyone can get mad and file a lawsuit against another person, whether they have a lawsuit or not," says ORU president Richard Roberts.

Yup, sounds like the word of God to me.  Holy crap.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 04, 2007, 11:26:42 AM
When God talks to me while I am sleeping in the middle of the night, it is always about buying my wife jewelry.

Funny, God sounds just like my wife whispering.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: cannon_fodder on October 04, 2007, 11:29:58 AM
God told me to pay for my daughters to go to my University, and then after they gragitate to salary them at $365,000.00 each.

Did you read that?  ORU pays the Roberts daughters $365,000 a year!  Seriously, pancakes.  Tenured law professors at OU don't make that money.  

I used to think the misguided fool was drinking his own Kool-Aid, now I'm convinced he's in it for the money.  Maybe it started out differently, but no non-profit/charity/god factory should be engaged in nepotism to that tune.  No way.

$365,000 a year for each of his daughters.  Plus a plane.  Plus the benni's.  Dear god.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 04, 2007, 12:49:40 PM
ORU has been an easy target for years, as has their mega-ministry- just like any other.  For all the underhanded, greedy things which go on behind the scenes in the name of God, people like Oral and Richard Roberts have managed to do a lot of good for mankind around the world through their graduates who have made a difference (Tim Harris excepted [;)] ), mission programs, etc.

Honestly, reading the court filing, I see a lot of things in it which are not really surprising nor that much different than any other private family business.  I realize universities and ministries are different than say NORDAM, but there are allegations in this lawsuit not unlike those brought by Robin Siegfried against Ray Siegfried and his family in the NORDAM suit.

People who run their own business frequenty reap the perks- company cars, fuel paid for, "business" trips which just happen to be on the ocean, Vegas, or Vail, a house on company property, etc.  Just using all available loop-holes which exist in tax laws.

University presidents, coaches and other staff are frequently given cars and other luxury perks, this is not earth-shattering news.  That's been a tradition for a long time at schools public and private.  I remember when I worked at Metro Motors for Tink Wilkerson (a big ORU booster) back in the mid '80's, Borg-Warner auto credit would have to go out to ORU for their monthly floorplan audit to find the seven or eight Volvo or Jaguar demos which were not accounted for at the dealership.

Honestly, this is a big to-do about nothing.  Do I admire the Roberts family?  I don't admire their apparent arrogance and hypocrasy.  I don't think their rights as operators of a couple of large businesses is that much different than anyone else with a privately-held enterprise which brings in a lot of $$.

I'm not apologizing at all for them.  This just isn't that surprising nor would the allegations be a big deal if it weren't for the lack of apparent Christianity in these people's own personal lives.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: cannon_fodder on October 04, 2007, 01:39:45 PM
Conan, I disagree strongly.  This isn't about how the Roberts run their business... its the fact that it IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A BUSINESS.  They receive amazing tax benefits by being a not-for-profit university and yet more tax advantages from being a charitable organization and a church.

Using these advantages to enrich your family is not only an abuse of the goodwill of thousands of people, its an abuse of University funds and probably of non-profit status.  As much as I think ORU is an asset to this community, such things are a gross abomination.  And that's ignoring the other allegations in the lawsuit and just mentioning the facts concerning amazing salaries for family members.

and, just as a matter of reference, NORDAM requires family members to be employed elsewhere before they can get a job in the company.  Not to mention, they are a stated FOR-PROFIT business, so they can pay whom they like, what they like.  When ORU becomes FOR-PROFIT they can do much more and escape my criticism.    Until then, Oral is a hypocrite using the name of god to enrich himself and his family in whatever way possible.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: waterboy on October 04, 2007, 03:09:00 PM
Originally posted by cannon_fodder

Conan, I disagree strongly.  This isn't about how the Roberts run their business... its the fact that it IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A BUSINESS.  They receive amazing tax benefits by being a not-for-profit university and yet more tax advantages from being a charitable organization and a church.

Using these advantages to enrich your family is not only an abuse of the goodwill of thousands of people, its an abuse of University funds and probably of non-profit status.  As much as I think ORU is an asset to this community, such things are a gross abomination.  And that's ignoring the other allegations in the lawsuit and just mentioning the facts concerning amazing salaries for family members.

and, just as a matter of reference, NORDAM requires family members to be employed elsewhere before they can get a job in the company.  Not to mention, they are a stated FOR-PROFIT business, so they can pay whom they like, what they like.  When ORU becomes FOR-PROFIT they can do much more and escape my criticism.    Until then, Oral is a hypocrite using the name of god to enrich himself and his family in whatever way possible.

Yeah, I gotta go with that. Any adult who watched the religious scandals in the 80's, which included Oral's blessed water sales (which came from a tap and was never even near a Roberts) lost credibility in their not for profit status. Employees routinely tore up letters asking for Oral's prayers for their maladies while immediately shipping the checks off to the bank. Swell operation.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 04, 2007, 03:19:39 PM
I think they are just bad spellers.

They added an "L" to the word God.

Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Double A on October 04, 2007, 03:36:47 PM
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 04, 2007, 04:17:39 PM
Originally posted by cannon_fodder

Conan, I disagree strongly.  This isn't about how the Roberts run their business... its the fact that it IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A BUSINESS.  They receive amazing tax benefits by being a not-for-profit university and yet more tax advantages from being a charitable organization and a church.

Using these advantages to enrich your family is not only an abuse of the goodwill of thousands of people, its an abuse of University funds and probably of non-profit status.  As much as I think ORU is an asset to this community, such things are a gross abomination.  And that's ignoring the other allegations in the lawsuit and just mentioning the facts concerning amazing salaries for family members.

and, just as a matter of reference, NORDAM requires family members to be employed elsewhere before they can get a job in the company.  Not to mention, they are a stated FOR-PROFIT business, so they can pay whom they like, what they like.  When ORU becomes FOR-PROFIT they can do much more and escape my criticism.    Until then, Oral is a hypocrite using the name of god to enrich himself and his family in whatever way possible.

The list is very long of preachers who have and are doing the exact same thing.  I'm not absolving the Roberts, this is nothing new and it's apparently accepted by congregations all over the country.  I don't know if you recall the whole scandal with Robert Tilton that happened about 15 or so years back.  Tulsa was the epicenter for it because his attorney maintained a drop box here in Tulsa for him.  By all appearances Tilton is as rich as ever and people keep giving to that charleton (spelling on the fly today...sorry).

I have a general disdain for organized religion.  I've seen over the years it's an industry.  I'm a very spiritual person, I'm just not real religious about going to church.

Is ORU chartered as a not-for-profit university?  Even still, I believe many universities, public, private, and non-profit (is there really such a thing?) provide housing and vehicles for the president.  That's not so unusual as it sounds.  It's also been a well-known fact throughout Tulsa that the Robertses live on a compound owned by the ministry or university.  Also not unusual for a ministry or church to provide a "parsonage".

If money is budgeted for upkeep for a parsonage and renovating it every year and a half is accepted as being "up-keep".

A minister of an independent church can set his own pay and benefit structure, there are no federally-mandated guidelines, FAIK, for how much a preacher can or cannot pay himself.

Personally, I don't give two sh!ts about the allegations.  It's their greed, it's not on my back, they can reconcile it with their own donors, their own conciences, and God.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Townsend on October 04, 2007, 04:37:50 PM
Did somebody say "Tilton"?

Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: shadows on October 05, 2007, 12:23:42 AM
CF post
What this has to do with the river I have no idea................................
There was no intention on the part of the writer to associate the area as revising the river discussion.

It was to open discussion about the city and the contributions made by three local persons who spent much of their lives trying to fulfill their dreams of making Tulsa more than a dot on the maps.
The  silent governing body of the city can destroy at their pleasure. It was the article in the TW that suggested with such flimsy accusing finger pointing that the whipping boy of ORU might be brought down.  

Bob Bell worked every spare moment he could muster to build a carnival, beginning with a little train in the 67 hundred block of East Admiral place to a multi-million dollar entertainment center that the political system reduced to rubble.  The operation hired local persons who could account for their actions.

The concrete plant was built by a man who started by pouring  driveways in new additions.

The third dreamer in high school set as his goal  to gather thousands of people to hear him talk.    He was able to program himself with the ability to lead and draw people together in a
common cause.

Roberts, so I have been told, was digging the foundations of the ORU complex while the zoning board was telling him he could not have a permit. It is said he told them that he was commanded to do it.   The area is being built up and the University has a large acreage in that area.

The  YP's of yesterday watch today as the downtown mall that fell on its face is torn up and replaced.   The YP's of today are building another downtown where a person cannot walk a block in safety and telling them there is plenty of parking three blocks away.

If one goes over the published IRS returns filed they should be shocked at the "at will" and "high paid city employees" receive a much greater salary than those ORU can pay to teach in their higher education arena.

50% of the city employees, who drive city cars and have expense accounts, eat in the city coffee shop on city time, are subjected to what ORU is accused of.  This in know as "perks for six figure employees".

Many CEO use these perks and they consider them as tips.

Who does one think pays for the expenses half way around the world for the trips taken by board and authority members?  The political meeting yesterday were held in the school cafeterias now have to be held in Vegas

Before we find such fault in ORU lets think what has been given freely to the University,   What you give to the city to pay those above normal salaries you do under threats.

I believe Crawford was an accountant at ORU before he was elected mayor.    


Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: waterboy on October 05, 2007, 07:31:10 AM
Originally posted by shadows

CF post
What this has to do with the river I have no idea................................
There was no intention on the part of the writer to associate the area as revising the river discussion.

It was to open discussion about the city and the contributions made by three local persons who spent much of their lives trying to fulfill their dreams of making Tulsa more than a dot on the maps.
The  silent governing body of the city can destroy at their pleasure. It was the article in the TW that suggested with such flimsy accusing finger pointing that the whipping boy of ORU might be brought down.  

Bob Bell worked every spare moment he could muster to build a carnival, beginning with a little train in the 67 hundred block of East Admiral place to a multi-million dollar entertainment center that the political system reduced to rubble.  The operation hired local persons who could account for their actions.

The concrete plant was built by a man who started by pouring  driveways in new additions.

The third dreamer in high school set as his goal  to gather thousands of people to hear him talk.    He was able to program himself with the ability to lead and draw people together in a
common cause.

Roberts, so I have been told, was digging the foundations of the ORU complex while the zoning board was telling him he could not have a permit. It is said he told them that he was commanded to do it.   The area is being built up and the University has a large acreage in that area.

The  YP's of yesterday watch today as the downtown mall that fell on its face is torn up and replaced.   The YP's of today are building another downtown where a person cannot walk a block in safety and telling them there is plenty of parking three blocks away.

If one goes over the published IRS returns filed they should be shocked at the "at will" and "high paid city employees" receive a much greater salary than those ORU can pay to teach in their higher education arena.

50% of the city employees, who drive city cars and have expense accounts, eat in the city coffee shop on city time, are subjected to what ORU is accused of.  This in know as "perks for six figure employees".

Many CEO use these perks and they consider them as tips.

Who does one think pays for the expenses half way around the world for the trips taken by board and authority members?  The political meeting yesterday were held in the school cafeterias now have to be held in Vegas

Before we find such fault in ORU lets think what has been given freely to the University,   What you give to the city to pay those above normal salaries you do under threats.

I believe Crawford was an accountant at ORU before he was elected mayor.    


Ridiculous. You are comparing city employees to the Roberts' lavish lifestyle? Not even close. Even so, does that justify his behavior? A new low for you Shadow, the protector of the proletariat, the defender of the elderly who can't afford 4cents on a 10 dollar purchase.

And with such weak reasoning as well. "Mommy, the kids next door are doing it! Why can't I?"

The foundations that you speak of...were they the foundations of the asbestos laden white elephant at 17th & Boulder? What a visionary.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 05, 2007, 07:50:02 AM
Shadows hates city employees so much he tries to attack them in any thread.

His writing has reached a new low.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: cannon_fodder on October 05, 2007, 08:20:17 AM
My favorite part is that HE started a thread about ORU and we had to guess what it was about because he tries to be clever and no one understands him.  I've tried to be nice, I've told him his writing may seem clever to him but it just so much ramble to everyone else.  He does care, thus, I rarely respond substantively to his random entries.  His forum speaking is as bad as GW's public speaking.
- - -

That said, I largely agree with your comments Conan.  It is common for a University to give its president a home and even a vehicle.  No real complaints there (except for the fact one would want to see a man enriched by god above  such petty desires of the flesh as mansions and Mercedes).  However, the nepotism and family enrichment is what crossed the line for me.  

I really hope this doesn't bring down the University, I know it has had lots of setbacks in the last decade or so but it still is great for Tulsa.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 05, 2007, 10:38:04 AM
Originally posted by cannon_fodder

My favorite part is that HE started a thread about ORU and we had to guess what it was about because he tries to be clever and no one understands him.  I've tried to be nice, I've told him his writing may seem clever to him but it just so much ramble to everyone else.  He does care, thus, I rarely respond substantively to his random entries.  His forum speaking is as bad as GW's public speaking.
- - -

That said, I largely agree with your comments Conan.  It is common for a University to give its president a home and even a vehicle.  No real complaints there (except for the fact one would want to see a man enriched by god above  such petty desires of the flesh as mansions and Mercedes).  However, the nepotism and family enrichment is what crossed the line for me.  

I really hope this doesn't bring down the University, I know it has had lots of setbacks in the last decade or so but it still is great for Tulsa.

Cannon, it never really seems to bring a ministry down permanently.  PTL is the only example I can think of, but I believe the PTL still exists just not with those freaky Bakkers.  By all accounts Swaggart is doing well, Tilton is doing well, and Roberts obviously survived, as I imagine they will this time.

Remember, they preach a religion of forgiveness.  So hey, who are the poor donors to refuse to forgive (and quit giving).  They might get hit by a lightning bolt if they don't forgive. [B)]

The nepotism and rumored salaries for the daughters is another "feh" for me.  Not really unlike other family enterprises or churches.  That's how Richard ascended to the throne at ORU and ORM.

Not really illegal, just disgusts me when they preach to others self-denial, whilst begging for seed faith money from poor folk for a return of "far greater riches".  Yeah, stories like $39K per year spent at Chico's (and that's just one place) for Mrs. Roberts wardrobe is sickening when you think how many people you could feed on that.  Not saying they don't give back, but sure sounds like there's a few mil a year going to their own enrichment which could help out others if they lived a more humble life-style.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: HazMatCFO on October 05, 2007, 03:13:20 PM
All that money Lindsay spent on clothing either is a scam or she buys a lot of crap for a lot of money.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Breadburner on October 05, 2007, 03:24:00 PM
Originally posted by Townsend

Did somebody say "Tilton"?

I'm crying...Thank you.....
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 05, 2007, 04:00:07 PM
Hah!  I figured you would have seen that one before, Bread....
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Porky on October 07, 2007, 07:14:47 AM
From NewsChannel 8:
ORU President Says He Pays For Family's Personal Expenses
Location: Tulsa
Posted: October 07, 2007 12:08 AM EST

Tulsa (AP) - Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts says in a written statement that he pays for his family's personal expenses each month.

A lawsuit by three former ORU professors alleges that university money was misspent and used to pay personal expenses for the Roberts family.

Roberts' statement says personal expenses are charged to him and he personally pays them on a monthly basis.

The statement was issued following a two-hour meeting of ORU's board of regents' executive committee last night Friday.

It also says the regents have decided to hire an additional independent auditing firm
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: cannon_fodder on October 08, 2007, 10:44:12 AM
Yeah I read that.  But it is only part of the puzzle.

What concerned me most was the hiring at gross salaries of his daughters.  $350,000 a year in Tulsa is obscene for all but a select few positions.  

Though I've admittedly lost interest in this story.  Seems there are 4 camps to the issue:

I hate ORU or TV ministries in general.
I Love ORU/ministries in general.
I'm undecided/will never care.
and the small undecided pool.  

My guess is those set are set and the undecided pool is a scant minority.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: restored2x on October 09, 2007, 08:50:18 AM
"Jesus wept." - John 11:35
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 09, 2007, 11:04:44 AM
Originally posted by Porky

From NewsChannel 8:
ORU President Says He Pays For Family's Personal Expenses
Location: Tulsa
Posted: October 07, 2007 12:08 AM EST

Tulsa (AP) - Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts says in a written statement that he pays for his family's personal expenses each month.

A lawsuit by three former ORU professors alleges that university money was misspent and used to pay personal expenses for the Roberts family.

Roberts' statement says personal expenses are charged to him and he personally pays them on a monthly basis.

The statement was issued following a two-hour meeting of ORU's board of regents' executive committee last night Friday.

It also says the regents have decided to hire an additional independent auditing firm

I'm deeply moved that Rev. Roberts has cleared the issue of personal expenses up.  His salary from the ministry and university is used to pay his personal expenses.  So basically it goes from one pocket to another.  Okaaaaay.

Pretty much like any other "business" though the lack of humility seems pretty appalling to me.

Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: waterboy on October 09, 2007, 03:26:58 PM
The story made ABC Good Morning America today. They did fairly well and gave Brother Roberts his shots. Overall it didn't look good for the University.

Someone tell me if it is true that he keeps his young daughters on salary at $359,000 year!?! Where is the outrage? In my day (yeah, I know...) Students would have walked out and made a pretty big stink.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 09, 2007, 04:21:05 PM
Originally posted by waterboy

The story made ABC Good Morning America today. They did fairly well and gave Brother Roberts his shots. Overall it didn't look good for the University.

Someone tell me if it is true that he keeps his young daughters on salary at $359,000 year!?! Where is the outrage? In my day (yeah, I know...) Students would have walked out and made a pretty big stink.

I'm just pissed off I'm not one of his daughters.  $350K + salary, free horses, help with my homework, probably a new C-class in the driveway...
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: cannon_fodder on October 10, 2007, 08:18:01 AM
It was on Larry King Live last night too, a few of my friends have called to say "Hey, I saw those giant hands things on TV.  I guess people are just figuring out he might be wasting money."


Yes, it is true.  The cited source I saw for those salaries was the IRS.  Presumably they are listed as officers at the University or Ministries and as such their salaries are on file.  

And while short of outrage, their has been some student questions.  Last year a group petitioned the University for an expenditure assessment wondering where all their tuition money went and to try and find out of the ministry and the Family subsidized the University or the other way around.  They were politely told that the Roberts family was doing Gods will and if they did not have faith in that they should go to school elsewhere.

Isn't faith a wonderful thing (when abused)?
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: shadows on October 10, 2007, 11:10:56 AM
Richard has fallen before the old devil in his teen years.  The poster seems to convict the efforts of the father because of the son.  The accusations made on a personal basis are totally without foundation.

Postings that I dislike all city employees show only that the city has taken a personal identity of its own.  In the beginning of forming this type of government the old lamp lighter was an employee of the people now it is considered the city, as a super natural person is set aside from the people.  

The vote yesterday is self-evident the people no longer trust this super person to distribute their money.  Still city employees are taking the attitude that they each are a super person and require salaries up to double those paid the professors of higher education.

In the modern day those who build a church should not be required to live on alms nor live as paupers.  CEO's and city employees are paid on the number of persons they are responsible for but many the leader of the church should beg on the streets for food and clothing. If there is an afterlife then they are trying to lead the way for the people.

There are two kinds of IQ's.  One test can be by one waving a diploma saying "look how intelligent" I am.  The other test can be given on common "horse sense".  Our newest person can be considered in the case of that fellow "Gates"

In the 5 audits I have had with the IRS they were on incidents equal to the ORU audit (the amount of money a heap less) it was quite common to hear "I will allow that".

Seems that many think my post needs to be interpreted while many on my side of the fence could understand my post if I were to interpreted the post being answered.

Let's try that and see if mine are understood better.      
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Townsend on October 10, 2007, 12:30:31 PM
Try what?

"understand my post if I were to interpreted the post being answered."

Holy Geebus
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: shadows on October 12, 2007, 06:06:27 AM
Originally posted by Townsend

Try what?

"understand my post if I were to interpreted the post being answered."

Holy Geebus

There is an assumption that any posting I make needs to be interpreted.  

The post this is answer to allows one on my side of the fence to believe that the previous poster needs some one to read the post to to them.  
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: iplaw on October 12, 2007, 08:29:27 AM
Originally posted by waterboy

The story made ABC Good Morning America today. They did fairly well and gave Brother Roberts his shots. Overall it didn't look good for the University.

Someone tell me if it is true that he keeps his young daughters on salary at $359,000 year!?! Where is the outrage? In my day (yeah, I know...) Students would have walked out and made a pretty big stink.

$359,000 for his daughters salaries...that's more than the sum of the salaries of all the other faculty members combined...

I'm greatful this happened.  I can't stand dear brother Roberts or his delightfully hideous wife.  Dr. Swails' son is a good friend of mine, and there is much more going on than has come out so's going to get worse, much worse.


The only thing that scares me more is the rumors of who is prepared to step in and buy the university when dear Dick steps down... the right reverend Creflo "Gimme a" Dollar
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 12, 2007, 09:44:26 AM
So that's all we had to do was mention Richard Roberts and that conjured you.  Brunoflipper is looking for a patent attorney, FYI.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: cannon_fodder on October 12, 2007, 09:47:12 AM
But Jesus will love me more if I give him a dollar.  He told me so.

I mean, honestly, he only has 2 Rolls Royces and one of them is only a 2005.  A 2005, the things is probably nearly falling apart.  And his 3 private jets aren't even jumbos.  In fact, only one is rated for trans Pacific travel.  And one of the other ones is just a puddle jumper of a private jet and can't even cross the Atlantic.  And the poor jerk only has one mansion and one luxury apartment overlooking Central Park.

He needs my dollar.  I'm in the wrong business.
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: brunoflipper on October 12, 2007, 10:15:55 AM
"Well, the God I believe in isn't short of cash, Mister!"
Title: First Bell’s, now concrete plant, next ORU?
Post by: Conan71 on October 12, 2007, 11:37:52 AM
Originally posted by cannon_fodder

But Jesus will love me more if I give him a dollar.  He told me so.

I mean, honestly, he only has 2 Rolls Royces and one of them is only a 2005.  A 2005, the things is probably nearly falling apart.  And his 3 private jets aren't even jumbos.  In fact, only one is rated for trans Pacific travel.  And one of the other ones is just a puddle jumper of a private jet and can't even cross the Atlantic.  And the poor jerk only has one mansion and one luxury apartment overlooking Central Park.

He needs my dollar.  I'm in the wrong business.

I didn't know he only had one jet for trans-pac travel.  That alone is a sin.  I must send in $1000 now.