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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: Sangria on October 10, 2007, 12:21:58 PM

Title: Interesting
Post by: Sangria on October 10, 2007, 12:21:58 PM
I have been watching the aftermath of the decision to not use "county" taxes to develope the river for the City of Tulsa.

So far I have heard how we are losers from the Tulsa Chamber of Commerse, How disappointed Kathy and her cronies are... ALL city people with the exception of Randi Miller.

I would think that if this was such a good thing for the county - then we would hear more from the county side.

Looks like we did make the right decision.
Title: Interesting
Post by: Townsend on October 10, 2007, 12:25:33 PM
Randi's sitting in a corner sucking her thumb realizing she let her political career go up in smoke with this loss.

She may be having a hard time on the coherent words today.
Title: Interesting
Post by: NellieBly on October 10, 2007, 12:43:28 PM
And ruined a good pair of shoes for nothing.
Title: Interesting
Post by: swake on October 10, 2007, 01:07:02 PM
Originally posted by Sangria

I have been watching the aftermath of the decision to not use "county" taxes to develope the river for the City of Tulsa.

So far I have heard how we are losers from the Tulsa Chamber of Commerse, How disappointed Kathy and her cronies are... ALL city people with the exception of Randi Miller.

I would think that if this was such a good thing for the county - then we would hear more from the county side.

Looks like we did make the right decision.

It is the Tulsa METRO Chamber of Commerce (and it's spelled commerce, not Commerse), but why start worrying about accuracy now?

And no, it doesn't look that way.
Title: Interesting
Post by: AngieB on October 10, 2007, 01:11:52 PM
Well, if you want to be a stickler for accuracy, it's simply Tulsa Metro Chamber. No "of Commerce" in the name.
Title: Interesting
Post by: waterboy on October 10, 2007, 02:57:51 PM
Leave it to Sangria to be on the "winning" side and still find sour grapes and people to hate.
Title: Interesting
Post by: Sangria on October 11, 2007, 05:21:19 PM
Not hating on anyone.

This tax was pushed as a good thing for the COUNTY. I would think that we would hear a lot more from county leaders about the disappointment.

It was not a CITY tax, yet the loudest voices of disappointment come from the city leaders.

Except for Randi Miller, I really didn't know who else on the county end of things were pushing for the tax.

That's what I find interesting. This was a huge thing to only have ONE person from the county pushing it. If that is how it really is... we should be worried.
Title: Interesting
Post by: swake on October 11, 2007, 05:47:25 PM
Originally posted by Sangria

Not hating on anyone.

This tax was pushed as a good thing for the COUNTY. I would think that we would hear a lot more from county leaders about the disappointment.

It was not a CITY tax, yet the loudest voices of disappointment come from the city leaders.

Except for Randi Miller, I really didn't know who else on the county end of things were pushing for the tax.

That's what I find interesting. This was a huge thing to only have ONE person from the county pushing it. If that is how it really is... we should be worried.

Well, the "leaders" of the county would be the commission and all three voted to send it to a vote and two of the three actively campaigned to pass the measure. What more do you want?
Title: Interesting
Post by: shadows on October 11, 2007, 08:31:54 PM
Swake quoted:What more do you want?

Answer: Nothing; the majority of the voters were able to bring Christmas to the working poor and retires early this year.
Title: Interesting
Post by: Breadburner on October 11, 2007, 08:38:47 PM
Originally posted by shadows

Swake quoted:What more do you want?

Answer: Nothing; the majority of the voters were able to bring Christmas to the working poor and retires early this year.

Post of the year.......
Title: Interesting
Post by: Hometown on October 12, 2007, 01:06:32 PM
Originally posted by shadows

Swake quoted:What more do you want?

Answer: Nothing; the majority of the voters were able to bring Christmas to the working poor and retires early this year.

Well then it's going to be a "hard candy" Christmas.  The working poor and low income retirees need a lot more than this for Christmas, Shadows.  Is this the best you can do?  

Seeing things in your terms, I would say you think you won a battle but you have clearly already lost the war.  You need to raise your sights and ask for more for the people you say you represent.

How about a tripling of the food stamp allotment?  How about something that could really make a difference for people that are facing a very difficult situation?

Title: Interesting
Post by: swake on October 12, 2007, 01:24:48 PM
Originally posted by Hometown

Originally posted by shadows

Swake quoted:What more do you want?

Answer: Nothing; the majority of the voters were able to bring Christmas to the working poor and retires early this year.

Well then it's going to be a "hard candy" Christmas.  The working poor and low income retirees need a lot more than this for Christmas, Shadows.  Is this the best you can do?  

Seeing things in your terms, I would say you think you won a battle but you have clearly already lost the war.  You need to raise your sights and ask for more for the people you say you represent.

How about a tripling of the food stamp allotment?  How about something that could really make a difference for people that are facing a very difficult situation?

But you see, a LOT of these "it will hurt the poor" bleeding heart don't really give a damn about the poor. What they care about it their own tax rate, period.

The moral bankruptcy, hypocrisy and selfishness of their position is painfully obvious.
Title: Interesting
Post by: swake on October 12, 2007, 01:38:54 PM
"Friendly Bear" and "Shadows" are excellent examples. They only show up here when it's time for a tax vote. And they rail and rail about taxes and what it costs the "working poor" and how we the poor workers are being ripped off by the Tax Vampires and how evil and wasteful government is. And when the vote for taxes is over, they are gone because it's taxes they really care about.

You could poll 1000 single working mothers on the north side and ask them to write down their top ten worries in life and the sales tax rate is not going to be any of their lists.

They aren't speaking out to protect the poor, they are speaking out to protect their own fat wallet.
Title: Interesting
Post by: shadows on October 13, 2007, 08:11:52 AM

Just suggest that the sales taxes be removed from sales on food and watch the bureaucracy faint.  

The "No tax weekend" caused a glut of shoppers taking advantage to the near 10% reduction on final cost of the many special items.

And you would treat it as a passing unnoticed event?
Title: Interesting
Post by: guido911 on October 13, 2007, 10:27:23 AM
Originally posted by swake

"Friendly Bear" and "Shadows" are excellent examples. They only show up here when it's time for a tax vote. And they rail and rail about taxes and what it costs the "working poor" and how we the poor workers are being ripped off by the Tax Vampires and how evil and wasteful government is. And when the vote for taxes is over, they are gone because it's taxes they really care about.

You could poll 1000 single working mothers on the north side and ask them to write down their top ten worries in life and the sales tax rate is not going to be any of their lists.

They aren't speaking out to protect the poor, they are speaking out to protect their own fat wallet.

Ouch. That will leave a mark.
Title: Interesting
Post by: inteller on October 13, 2007, 09:56:43 PM
Originally posted by swake

"Friendly Bear" and "Shadows" are excellent examples. They only show up here when it's time for a tax vote. And they rail and rail about taxes and what it costs the "working poor" and how we the poor workers are being ripped off by the Tax Vampires and how evil and wasteful government is. And when the vote for taxes is over, they are gone because it's taxes they really care about.

You could poll 1000 single working mothers on the north side and ask them to write down their top ten worries in life and the sales tax rate is not going to be any of their lists.

you are right, but their top 5 worries would be "swake and people like him"
Title: Interesting
Post by: shadows on October 15, 2007, 08:41:43 AM
I believe that the Kansas Bridge and Iron published the machinist hand book on the point that a physical item could be broken down.   The search to find the point of inertia, some test were made by adding a grain of sand at a time until the changes destroyed the structure.  Even a single feather has a weight and enough of them will destroy the their supporting platform.    

History is full of governments that once were given the right by the common people to tax the citizen.  They kept adding them on a little at a time until they reached the point of saturation leading to rebellion against taxation.  

In an effort to save the American way of life we all enjoy, we must first guard against over taxation even if they are added on a mill at a time.  I believe the North Side of the city made their idea on adding another 4 mills to the battle of budgeting their limited amount they have for food,