The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: KingMutt on October 22, 2007, 01:31:28 AM

Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: KingMutt on October 22, 2007, 01:31:28 AM
Hey Guys, I am not trying to restart my earlier thread.  And I appreciate the responses you guys gave.  So just to be clear I am not trying to drag this thread out, but I wanted to add something....

i saw the couple I originally mentioned in my first post and the man had a pistol strapped to his ankle. I was out with my girlfriend and her parents for dinner.  They saw it too.  His cuff seemed to have come up over it.

They look too rich to be cops, like I said once before I saw the guy in a big new mercedes. He just looks like a gangster, the clothes and jewelry. She looks hot. The few times I have seen them have been at expensive places.

Anyway, I thought I'd get your thoughts.  I mean he could be a local businessman or attorney (like I was told), but who wears a gun on their ankle?  I know people in Oklahoma have guns and permits, but again, who wears one on their ankle?

And no, I am not trying to obsess, just curious.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: sgrizzle on October 22, 2007, 06:43:57 AM
Some lawyers are paranoid. I did some work for one who had an armed assistant/bodyguard with him all day.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Rico on October 22, 2007, 07:02:45 AM
Lawyers have good reasons to be paranoid... in particular.. Divorce Lawyers.

Maybe this guy is looking for his Divorce Lawyer.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Conan71 on October 22, 2007, 08:46:38 AM
A lot more people carry a pistol than you might think...
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Kashmir on October 22, 2007, 09:49:45 AM
Is it wrong that I love this stuff?  Where are you eating?  I guess the exciting people don't hang at  Weber's in their cars or places with high chairs.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: KingMutt on October 22, 2007, 05:00:24 PM
I don't even know the guy is a lawyer.  Listen, the only reason I have brought this up is because Tulsa is kinda boring.This couple looks really out of place.  I'm originally from Cherry Hill, NJ, and these people look like the people my dad said not to make eye contact with when I was a kid.  Plus, I am not a huge guy.

so you take the combination of having seen these people out at some nice places (which means they must go out a lot), throwing around money, big 300 lb+ man with an aura that says "don't F with me", super hot Italian looking babe, expensive clothes, jewelry and cars and gun strapped to his ankle and of course it has my interest.

So, any way that's the reason, I'll let this thread die now.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: jne on October 22, 2007, 05:09:23 PM
Originally posted by KingMutt

I don't even know the guy is a lawyer.  Listen, the only reason I have brought this up is because Tulsa is kinda boring.This couple looks really out of place.  I'm originally from Cherry Hill, NJ, and these people look like the people my dad said not to make eye contact with when I was a kid.  Plus, I am not a huge guy.

so you take the combination of having seen these people out at some nice places (which means they must go out a lot), throwing around money, big 300 lb+ man with an aura that says "don't F with me", super hot Italian looking babe, expensive clothes, jewelry and cars and gun strapped to his ankle and of course it has my interest.

So, any way that's the reason, I'll let this thread die now.

Better it be the thread eh....
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: MH2010 on October 22, 2007, 06:05:03 PM
name the restaurants!
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Conan71 on October 22, 2007, 07:17:36 PM
Interesting timing for your post about gangsters though.  I noticed there was a story on the car bombing of Judge Nelson in 1970.  When my dad was appointed to the bench in 1973, I remember crying hysterically because I didn't want a bomb to go off in our driveway.

Some of the old Dixie Mob, I think.

True story.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: KingMutt on October 22, 2007, 09:05:17 PM
OK MH since you command me to name the restaurants:

In the Raw
Brassiere (sp)
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Breadburner on October 22, 2007, 09:14:20 PM
It's probably Roger Hardesty...
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: mr.jaynes on October 22, 2007, 09:49:30 PM
Originally posted by Conan71

Some of the old Dixie Mob, I think.

The Dixie Mafia is not structured or manned like La Cosa Nostra, but they are no less dangerous. Evenso, I'd prefer a Carlos Marcello over a Kirksey Nix any day.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: MH2010 on October 22, 2007, 11:42:59 PM
Originally posted by KingMutt

OK MH since you command me to name the restaurants:

In the Raw
Brassiere (sp)

When I go there. I will be sure to look around more!
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: kongsuni on October 23, 2007, 01:20:05 AM
Originally posted by MH2010

When I go there. I will be sure to look around more!

why not just walk in & ask "have you seen the guy with the gun strapped to his ankle? if you do, tell him i wanna see him."  [}:)][:D] lmao
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Rose on October 23, 2007, 03:29:50 PM
Don't you think if RH wanted to hurt someone, he could afford to have it taken care of and not be burdened with strapping a gun to his ankle?  Give me a break!
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: citizen72 on October 23, 2007, 11:06:07 PM
Originally posted by Breadburner

It's probably Roger Hardesty...

Jesus man you have nerve. I would think you had better be real anonymous because Roger protects his reputation seriously. I know I would not say anything like that about him.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Breadburner on October 23, 2007, 11:46:07 PM
Originally posted by citizen72

Originally posted by Breadburner

It's probably Roger Hardesty...

Jesus man you have nerve. I would think you had better be real anonymous because Roger protects his reputation seriously. I know I would not say anything like that about him.

Lol...It wasn't meant to be offensive....
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: yayaya on October 25, 2007, 12:54:40 PM
wow-I remember that bomb in the driveway too-the Nelson's lived behind my grandfather-was your dad on the same court?  Since my dad was a lawyer, I remember being scared too.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Conan71 on October 25, 2007, 01:45:00 PM
Originally posted by yayaya

wow-I remember that bomb in the driveway too-the Nelson's lived behind my grandfather-was your dad on the same court?  Since my dad was a lawyer, I remember being scared too.

Tulsa District...general docket.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: mr.jaynes on October 27, 2007, 12:21:43 PM
Although in the predecessor to this this thread, I'd mentioned a girl whose father and uncle I suspected of being mobbed up, I remember 4 others, who'd claimed mob connections: 3 I went to school with, and another I knew in passing, and I doubt any of them met each other.

One had the last name of Carrico, and when examining the origin of that name, it would seem more from Spain and Portugal than from Sicily. Another tried to Italianize his last name but to no avail; he looked too Teutonic to be of Italian extraction.

Now the third, he was a real piece of work. Anytime he didn't get his way on something, he'd huff and puff about having "connections," and whatever. Also claimed to have "friends" with the Crips and the Bloods and the Piru's, as well as Neo-Nazi skinheads. He also liked to cry Wolf too many times, that someone was after him, whatever; I should think his friens could bail him out, lol.

Now this last guy, much older than me, claimed to have been a part of the Mafia, and tried to set the record straight," as it were, about the Mafia. Although not even Italian (much less even Sicilian), he claimed to have been a courier for the Mafia, but was "inactive" at this time. Claimed that it was actually a religious organization founded and run by Dominican monks.

I personally think each of the afforementioned individuals were, shall we say, full of horse manure, and there did seem to be an element of mental instability with each of them. If any of them had any knowledge about Mob life, it'd chill them to their knucklebones.

But hey, it was entertaining....
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: citizen72 on October 27, 2007, 02:32:19 PM
Years ago when my wife and I were still dating we went to the old Avalon steakhouse one evening. We walked in and there was not a single women in that whole place. There was however about two dozen men setting in various locations in the restaurant all with black suits on and black or silver ties. We ate our steaks and all the while we were attracting a lot of interest from these guys. The Avalon had a bit of a reputation back then and after that night I believed most of it.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Conan71 on October 27, 2007, 04:00:55 PM
The last time I was in the "old" Avalon was right at three years ago.  I believe they had a small lobby area you had to be "buzzed in" from at one point back in the day.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: KingMutt on October 27, 2007, 06:01:28 PM
I agree with Mr. Jaynes, anyone who claims to be in the mob is probably full of it.  I never said these people claimed anything.

Again, so you guys get my point, what sparked my interest was a very well dressed couple, he is a big man, fat but looks like an ex linebacker (like the Iceman off HBO), dressed in expensive clothes, gold jewelry, and just a frightening air.  She is a real hottie, jet black hair and great clothes and jewelry.  I once saw this guy driving a new big Mercedes, smoking a cigar.  The times I have seen them out they seem to throw money around.  Then I happened to be out with my girlfriend and her family, and see this couple out, the guy has a pistol strapped to his ankle in a holster.

Now I know a lot of people carry guns in Oklahoma...but on your ankle?  Why not in a holster on your belt, or in your pocket? The ankle just seems like a "professional" place to carry a gun.

Given we are in Tulsa, which is not like Jersey, Philly, NYC, Miami, LA, or even Dallas or KC, seeing these kind of people just strikes me as really strange and interesting.

So, again, that was my reason for the post.  It's not like i talked to this guy and he said he was "connected" or anyone said he said that. In fact if anything, they seemed to be minding their own business.  I have just never seen anyone like these people in Tulsa, I did back in Jersey when I was a kid. Like I said, my dad warned me about them.

So, just to set it straight, I never heard these people have claimed to be in anything.  I am just basing my questions of my own speculation and imagination.  And just wondered if you all had any ideas.

OK, now I really will let this drop, and thank you guys for being patient with me.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: mr.jaynes on October 28, 2007, 10:53:54 AM
Originally posted by KingMutt

I agree with Mr. Jaynes, anyone who claims to be in the mob is probably full of it.  

And what's more, people in the Mob or with those connections aren't exactly gonna advertise it publicly.

Off the subject, the acquaintence who'd claimed to have been a courier for the Mafia made other interesting claims about himself. He'd claimed to have been the backup guitarist for the 1960s folk-rock group The Lovin' Spoonful; claimed that he'd had an extensive collection of comic book art from Captain America artists Jack Kirby and Mike Zeck (I don't keep up with comic books, so whatever); claimed that he was privy to talks with Japanese companies looking to buy the Harley Davidson company; claimed that in the 1960s, he and the late Abbie Hoffman used to run guns to various antiwar groups; and that he served in the Airborne Rangers during the Vietnam War. So that whole routine about the Mob just didn't wash.

As for the guy who'd claimed connections to the Mob, the Crips, the Bloods, the Pirus and the Skinheads, he was sort of the little boy who cried Wolf too many times. So whenever he'd threaten to sic his Mob connections on someone, a friend of mine would toss him a Quarter and say, "bring it on." He's still alive and in one piece and never got taken for a ride, so to speak, so it was probably a bluff all along. Same guy, the boy who cried Wolf, would also threaten to commit suicide if he didn't get a ride here and there. I must conclude that he had a histrionic disorder in his psychological makeup somewhere.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Conan71 on March 17, 2008, 10:15:16 AM
If the fellow mentioned looks like Paul Sorvino, his last name isn't Italian.  I bumped into him over the weekend with a hottie in tow.  The guy is an oil and gas trader.

Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: bigdtottown on March 17, 2008, 12:37:31 PM
Oil & Gas bid'ness eh,definitely some characters in that industry...although it has cleaned up considerably from the "old days".
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: tulsacyclist on March 17, 2008, 12:52:18 PM
Next time you see him, take his picture and post it here. I'm sure he won't mind.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: KingMutt on March 18, 2008, 12:35:26 AM
I am the OP.  Guy doesn't look like Paul Sorvino, looks the ICEMAN from HBO (That guy who was a contract killer in NJ). My girlfriend's parents saw them out with a well known lawyer and his wife. Said when the guy went to pay the bar tab, he pulled a roll of bills from his pocket that would choke a horse. I think I know their names, but evidently the guy is a lawyer, makes a lot of bank and he and his wife are kinda recluses.

Anyway, I am not about to get sued (or worse), live and let live.  To my knowledge, this guy has never claimed to be "mobbed up," or anything, but he is related to a family that had a big Italian restaraunt here years ago.

Maybe he just has the misfortune to look like a gangster. Again, the strange thing for me was he was carrying a pistol on his ankle. Not that he had a gun, just where he was carrying it.

Back East guys who look like that should be avoided.

Anyway, I am not trying to reopen this thread, just responding.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Breadburner on March 18, 2008, 03:33:54 PM
The one on the ankle is more than likely a back up.....
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: PonderInc on March 18, 2008, 04:07:28 PM
I agree that it's a backup weapon.  Unless the guy's a yogi master, the ankle gun is only helpful when seated.  I mean, after a certain age, it's hard enough to put your underwear on while standing up...or get your shoes back on in the airport security line.  Imagine trying to draw your ankle pistol in a pinch (insert visual image of mobster hopping around on one foot, while trying to reach down for gun...)
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: joiei on March 18, 2008, 07:17:22 PM
Originally posted by Conan71

A lot more people carry a pistol than you might think...

I will second this statement.  I have seen occasional flashes of guns on well dressed folks  I never assume they are gangsters, just that they have a carry permit.  I am thinking of getting one myself.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Conan71 on March 18, 2008, 09:32:26 PM
^^I highly recommend it.

Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: TheArtist on March 18, 2008, 10:57:35 PM
Are you sure you should reccommend something like that if you really dont know the person?

I can occasionally get a reeeally bad mood swing. Bout once a year or two on average. I should never have a gun, when I am in that mode, I am not at all myself, its horrible. Hate to think what could happen.
Buildup of stress for some reason, coupled with a bad day, coupled with unthinkingly allowing your thoughts to go in a negative direction, coupled with crankiness from not having eaten/low blood sugar level,,, can all together add up to one insane artist. Then someone pull in front of me in traffic or something, and I have a gun? NOT a good mix.

Do any of you ever get that way, and wouldnt you worry about what could happen if you ever got in that mode and had a gun? Or is it just me? I think I am pretty level headed and even tempered compared to most.  Many more people seem far more hotheaded and short tempered than me and I can only imagine how it would be if they got in an even worse mood and had a gun. Seems to me that if I shouldnt have one, a whooole lot of others aaabsolutely shouldn't. And unfortunately, they often seem the kind of people who dont have sense not to.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Conan71 on March 19, 2008, 09:34:25 AM
It's the people who don't have a conceal carry permit I worry about.  At least you know your personal limitations and boundaries.  If you don't feel you should own a firearm, I appreciate you being honest with yourself.

No, the OSBI check is not a fail-safe for every single person who might twist off and shoot someone else out of the blue.  However, most firearm homicides are caused by those without a CCP.

I think it simply adds an element of responsiblity to gun ownership.

Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: custosnox on March 19, 2008, 09:07:32 PM
Guess I'll throw my three cents in on it.  I have always heard rumors of mob in the area, but never have come across anything that would trully lead me to believe that they are still around here.  

As far as the gun goes, yeah, all kinds of people carry nowadays, including myself.  But, next to no one carries on their ankle.  bungee something to your ankle and see how long it takes you to get it off.  Bad spot.  If someone is wearing one here, it is almost guaranteed that it is a "back up" and they have another somewhere else.  It is also most likely that they expect to be in some interesting situation to carry a back up.  I carry an extra clip, and if I ever need more then those 30 rounds, I'm going to try and get the hell out of there.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: KingMutt on March 21, 2008, 09:50:57 AM
OK.  "A back up gun." That assumes you have a need for a primary gun.  I know some of you guys are lawyers, so riddle me this...why would a lawyer carry two guns????  I mean I could understand maybe if he worked for the DA or something like that. I know this Oklahoma and lots of people have permits. But seriously, why would a private attorney carry two guns?

Very very strange...
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Breadburner on March 21, 2008, 09:59:28 AM
Originally posted by KingMutt

OK.  "A back up gun." That assumes you have a need for a primary gun.  I know some of you guys are lawyers, so riddle me this...why would a lawyer carry two guns????  I mean I could understand maybe if he worked for the DA or something like that. I know this Oklahoma and lots of people have permits. But seriously, why would a private attorney carry two guns?

Very very strange...

Do you really need an answer to that not to mention the fact it does not matter if he is a lawyer or not.....
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: KingMutt on March 21, 2008, 12:51:02 PM
Hey Breadburner:

Is there something wrong with my question?[:D]

Is it normal for someone who is not a cop to carry two guns?

From these posts, I see many people have permits, but almost all have said an ankle holster is a "Back up." So again, understanding and agreeing that many honest people legally carry a gun for self defense, why would a regular person carry two?

So to answer your question, I do not NEED an answer, I am just curious.  This whole thing strikes me as strange.  And, in all due respect, we are in Tulsa...not exactly an exotic town.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: custosnox on March 22, 2008, 10:23:01 PM
Originally posted by KingMutt

Hey Breadburner:

Is there something wrong with my question?[:D]

Is it normal for someone who is not a cop to carry two guns?

From these posts, I see many people have permits, but almost all have said an ankle holster is a "Back up." So again, understanding and agreeing that many honest people legally carry a gun for self defense, why would a regular person carry two?

So to answer your question, I do not NEED an answer, I am just curious.  This whole thing strikes me as strange.  And, in all due respect, we are in Tulsa...not exactly an exotic town.

Honestly, I really don't even know of any cops that carry a back up.  I've met one or two that carried a pocket gun as a back up, but that is obviosly rare in itself.  So, to answer your question the best I can, it is strange and out of place.  But then, he may just wear it for show.  To make people think that he is something he is not.  As I said before, keeping a pistol on the ankle is a really bad place for it.
Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: Conan71 on March 22, 2008, 10:49:55 PM
Odd piece of ankle jewelry, but that's a plausible explaination.  It's not common for civilians to carry two firearms, no.  But legal if you have a CC permit.  Some people are more paranoid than others.  

Title: Mob in Tulsa 2
Post by: zstyles on March 23, 2008, 07:59:15 PM
I have a conceled carry permit and carry two guns with all on the shoulder and another on my ankle..and I am not in the mob lol