The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: RecycleMichael on October 25, 2007, 06:05:12 pm

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 25, 2007, 06:05:12 pm
I guess I am honored that radio guy Chris Medlock reads my posts on TulsaNow. His words probably are not meant as a compliment, however.

The Tulsa Now Forum began as a fairly even handed, on-line opportunity for Tulsans to discuss local issues on politics, culture and development. However, of late, it has degenerated into a very one-sided rant that is very intolerant of those who might enter to express opposing viewpoints. Most troubling about this forum, and most such forums, is the ability of posters to hide behind on-line "handles," which allow them to make anonymous accusations (often personal attacks) against others without scrutiny into their own vocations, political affiliations or personal pasts. When anonymity is granted, falsehoods get ranted.

Currently the carping assemblage is waxing outraged on the decision of Rep. Rex Duncan to not accept a freebie Koran offered by a Islamic group formed by Governor Henry. In this polylogue of opinion and mock-shock, it seems fair game to mix facts in with outright falsehoods to make a good point. One poster who goes by the nom-de-keyboard of "RecyleMichael" is widely known to be local enviromentalist Michael Patton. Patton's style of rhetoric is to play the part of the diplomat, often feigning fair mindedness as his primary concern, but then slipping in some damning statement amid all of the diplopmatic speech.

In regard to Representative Duncan, Patton utilized just such a strategy, hoping when the lie hit, the slander would be just that more effective. Here's what Patton wrote in a forum string entitled "Oklahoma lawmaker shows predjudice against Islam:"

Posted - 10/24/2007 : 19:36:51
As disappointed as I am with these legislators refusing a gift from a
different faith, I am not taking the side of the Muslim group passing these out

They had to know that certain legislators were going to make a big deal out
of refusing the books. I believe they did this in full knowledge that this would
identify the elected officials.It was a set up and 22 of the legislators fell
for it.

The elected officials should have quietly accepted the books, then given
them away or disposed of them in some other manner. Instead, the idiot Rex
Duncan called a press conference to sound like an uniformed bigot. [emphasis added by me]

There are no winners here and all of Oklahoma lost on this one.

Dear Mr. Patton, please get your facts straight. It seems it is you, who is uninformed. I just got off the phone with Rep. Rex Duncan and asked him a very simple question. Did you call a press conference or directly contact the press with regard to this story?

His answer?

"No, Mick Hinton [Tulsa World reporter] called me."

In fact, I learned through my conversation with Rep. Duncan, Mr. Hinton called him within just a few hours after Duncan had sent an e-mail to Ms. Marjaneh Seirafi-Pour stating his desire not to receive the Koran. Just a mere two or three hours, Mr. Patton!

Rep. Duncan had placed a phone call to Ms. Seirafi-Pour on Monday to "opt out" of the gift, as requested by Ms. Seirafi-Pour, and to also inquire as to whether or not tax payer dollars were used to purchase the Korans. She assured Duncan that they were bought with private funds, but asked Duncan if he would send her an e-mail stating he didn't want the Koran "for their records."

This he did. Hours later, he was called by Hinton for the story that ran in the next days' newspaper.

I agree, Mr. Patton. This WAS a set up by this Islamic group, which obviously has political intentions. However, you owe Rep. Duncan an apology [both in the forum and to the man directly] for your idiotic remarks.

posted by Chris Medlock

It was reported that Representative Duncan did not just send an-e-mail to the group offering the gift. He issued a statement by e-mail to fellow legislators, obviously including the press corps that follows the legislature.

You are right, Chris. He did not "call a press conference...he just issued a release. Don't try and act as though his actions were not intended for publicity.      

Your spotlight is much greater than mine. I just write opinions (mostly on silly topics like hamburgers, hats and what we remember as kids)on a local forum. You have a personal blog and a daily morning radio show talking politics.
I can't compete with you on either bluster nor volume and because you say I "feign fair-mindiness", it wouldn't matter to you if I made a sincere apology. I call myself an idiot often on the forum because of what I have done, said or written. I know idiocy when I see it.

For Representative Duncan to refuse the gift and issue a statement saying so has cost him politically and the unflattering news coverage proves it was an idiotic move.

That's the truth.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: MichaelC on October 25, 2007, 06:30:35 pm
Dude, that's so awesome.

I'm jealous.

Medlock's such a stooge.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Renaissance on October 25, 2007, 07:35:37 pm
Hey--I'm a straight-ticket Republican, nationally, but I have very low tolerance for this local partisan crap.  You get a bunch of low-level, no-talent hacks together and just wait and see the crap they pump out.  It's the same on both sides of the political divide.  Don't get me started.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: cannon_fodder on October 26, 2007, 07:25:22 am
I kinda see both sides of the story.  I think some in the Islam group probably wanted a response of some kind, but most probably were just trying to get some understanding.  The reaction seemed polite in nature but was also clearly intended to garner a reacted (reference sending an email out instead of saying "no thank you" and moving on).

Nonetheless, another feather in the hat for Oklahoma on the national radar as the "hate" state.  True or not we hate science (creationism at the zoo), minorities (immigration bill), and now Islam.  I don't like being in the news as an intolerant state this often.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: MichaelBates on October 26, 2007, 07:56:47 am
Originally posted by recyclemichael

You are right, Chris. He did not "call a press conference...he just issued a release. Don't try and act as though his actions were not intended for publicity.

Did Duncan issue the release (I thought it was an e-mail to his fellow legislators, not a press release) before or after he was contacted by the [em]Tulsa World[/em] reporter? If I knew the paper was going to write a story about me, I might issue a pre-emptive release to get my side of the story out before they could go to press. That wouldn't be a publicity-seeking action.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: guido911 on October 26, 2007, 08:35:30 am
CF: "Nonetheless, another feather in the hat for Oklahoma on the national radar as the "hate" state. True or not we hate science (creationism at the zoo), minorities (immigration bill), and now Islam. I don't like being in the news as an intolerant state this often."

Come on CF, the "hate state"? "Creationism at the zoo" was basically one guy, not the entire state; I guess the "immigration bill" was a hate bill in the sense that Oklahomans "hate" crime and illegal immigration is a burdensome, expensive crime that Oklahoma taxpayers should not be required to finance or tolerate;  and Duncan and the other legislators's refusal to accept a book they believe is contrary to his faith is their choice.

Perhaps you do not see the irony that by accusing others of being intolerant you actually are practicing intolerance. Or, maybe I just not as enlightened as you on this point.  

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Conan71 on October 26, 2007, 09:04:42 am

The Tulsa Now Forum began as a fairly even handed, on-line opportunity for Tulsans to discuss local issues on politics, culture and development. However, of late, it has degenerated into a very one-sided rant that is very intolerant of those who might enter to express opposing viewpoints. Most troubling about this forum, and most such forums, is the ability of posters to hide behind on-line "handles," which allow them to make anonymous accusations (often personal attacks) against others without scrutiny into their own vocations, political affiliations or personal pasts. When anonymity is granted, falsehoods get ranted.

Hello pot?  Talk about one-sided rants.  I wonder if he ever listens to tapes of his radio program?

What is Mudlock's problem with those who wish to remain anonymous?  The first amendment does not demand that someone must identify themselves by given name in a public forum.  

For RM, it's really not an outing, but I've seen Mudlock do that on his blog to at least one other member of TN who does not have their real name under their member info.  

The true identity of any member on this forum is totally irrelevant, since this is a discussion forum, and it's an exchange of ideas.

At least those of us on here are willing to have an opinion refuted, rather than maintaining a blog or hosting a radio show in which our opinion becomes a personal Gospel without any sort of rebuttal.


Mr. Conan E. 70

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: MichaelC on October 26, 2007, 09:16:53 am
I think they get ammo from here.   They aren't creative enough to come up with something on their own.  Particularly Meatlock.  

But be careful of Batesy, if he finds out who you are, there's a decent chance you'll be outted right here on the forum.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 26, 2007, 09:26:58 am
I was also confused about the part where Chris talked about anonymous posters on this forum and then talks about me.

Does anyone on this forum not know who I am?

My real name is in my profile and I constantly answer work related questions to other posters. I have never posted under a false name and respect posters who post under their real names as well.

I understand why some of you can't. You are elected officials, government employees, work for an employer who doesn't share your views, etc. I know who many of you are, by the way, but keep the information to myself. I have often been tempted to make up a new profile, just so I can say things I want to get off my chest. So far, I have avoided the temptation.

My writings on this forum, now up to almost 4,000 posts, are my own and reflect the mood I am in that moment. I have often posted things I shouldn't have, things that only I thought was funny, or posts challenging those attacking people I consider my friends.

I hope that Chris Medlock just wrote about me because he was defending his friend. I don't know the legislator he defends, but he must have some redeeming qualities in order to convince his constituents that he is worthy to serve them. I stand by my comments. It was idiotic to refuse a gift and send out a mass e-mail in order to pander to a anti-muslim feeling found in some of his constituents.  

Chris is no longer an elected official. He is now employed by an industry where success is measured by volume and outrageousness. Radio talk show hosts have to constantly find people and topics to discuss and it seems most of the noise is just like what I hear from him in the morning.

I guess I should have realized that my comments would become a target by others. This is the most popular public forum in town and probably the state. I should also probably be honored that my comments were worthy of the attention of him.

Now that I know that Chris Medlock reads what I write, I would like to take the opportunity to express my thoughts about him. I don't know him well, but he used to be involved in the children's education at my church, used to be a councilor in my city, I read his blog and now I sometimes listen to him on the radio.

I never liked him and he has always been rude to me. My opinion of him hasn't changed.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: TheArtist on October 26, 2007, 09:41:20 am
Yes, falsehoods get ranted just as easily when people are not anonymous. What I like about this forum is that those falsehoods are there in writing, people can catch you in a "falsehood" and everyone can see that. I have made plenty of mistakes on here and I hopefully learn from every one of them. And I probably have a lot more mistakes on the way, so stay tuned lol. Despite how the prevailing opinions may be on this forum I have seen opposing viewpoints change those opinions.

 More than that, even if opinions on a matter are not changed, the facts and fallacies on different points within the matter often get laid out for everyone to see. We can all then take the balance of those points and use our own offices to frame our opinion. This thread is a perfect example of that.

Michael may have been wrong on the point of the "press release". But here it is for all to see and judge for themselves. Despite Medlocks opinion that this forum is one sided, this very thread is an example that it is not.

The "mix of facts in with outright falsehoods to make a good point" are to be found in any venue. Yet we on here often find those falsehoods and lay them out for all to see, and I for one welcome anyone who does so. None of us are going to be perfect every day on every point. Let the passioned debates and arguments continue.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: swake on October 26, 2007, 09:52:49 am
On Medlock's blog, in the comments, our own USRufnex says that Tulsanow's famous Tulsa hater Oil Capital is none other then Chris Medlock.

To have had someone that hates this city that much to have served on the city council and to have the bully pulpit of that radio show is scary.

So much for slamming anonymity.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Breadburner on October 26, 2007, 09:54:39 am
Off topic but this has been on my mind....Where can I drop off glass for recycling......

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Conan71 on October 26, 2007, 10:05:04 am
Originally posted by swake

On Medlock's blog, in the comments, our own USRufnex says that Tulsanow's famous Tulsa hater Oil Capital is none other then Chris Medlock.

To have had someone that hates this city that much to have served on the city council and to have the bully pulpit of that radio show is scary.

So much for slamming anonymity.

How would Ruf be privy to that info?  Pretty damn funny if that's true.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 26, 2007, 10:05:51 am
11 locations open seven days a week

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: MichaelC on October 26, 2007, 10:12:51 am
Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by swake

On Medlock's blog, in the comments, our own USRufnex says that Tulsanow's famous Tulsa hater Oil Capital is none other then Chris Medlock.

To have had someone that hates this city that much to have served on the city council and to have the bully pulpit of that radio show is scary.

So much for slamming anonymity.

How would Ruf be privy to that info?  Pretty damn funny if that's true.

Man, that's a very good rumor.  And I'd rather be spreading it than busting it, seeing as how Medlock is a no talent hack, more of a never-was than a has-been.

But, that's not exactly what USRufnex said.  That's not what i gathered anyway.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: rwarn17588 on October 26, 2007, 10:37:44 am
It's obvious that Medlock and Bates are simply trying the cover the *ss of a fellow Republican who's acting like knucklehead.

Whether Duncan called a press conference or not is immaterial. He did the dumb thing and said the dumb thing. That's what we -- and everyone else -- are reacting to.

OMG, the Muslim group gave a gift book! Horrors!

Here's a hint for future politicians that don't want to get in trouble in the future: Don't act like a jerk and a bigot.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Breadburner on October 26, 2007, 10:55:37 am
Originally posted by recyclemichael

11 locations open seven days a week

Thank You......

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: swake on October 26, 2007, 11:06:45 am
I read it again, and I guess I did misread what Ruf said.

But it sure would explain a lot.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: MichaelC on October 26, 2007, 11:26:25 am
Sure it would, I always kind of figured Medlock was most likely guido.  But, I knew it would be a serious put down if I accused guido of being Medlock.  You know, Medlock has no feelings, but I'm sure guido does.  And it's not like I hate the guy.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: swake on October 26, 2007, 11:48:09 am
Originally posted by MichaelC

Sure it would, I always kind of figured Medlock was most likely guido.  But, I knew it would be a serious put down if I accused guido of being Medlock.  You know, Medlock has no feelings, but I'm sure guido does.  And it's not like I hate the guy.

I have also personally suspected for some time that Guido was Medlock. Hmm.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: guido911 on October 26, 2007, 12:05:02 pm
Originally posted by swake

Originally posted by MichaelC

Sure it would, I always kind of figured Medlock was most likely guido.  But, I knew it would be a serious put down if I accused guido of being Medlock.  You know, Medlock has no feelings, but I'm sure guido does.  And it's not like I hate the guy.

I have also personally suspected for some time that Guido was Medlock. Hmm.

Sorry to disappoint, but, nope. I thought my recent posts re: river tax would have answered that question.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: MichaelC on October 26, 2007, 12:14:21 pm
Originally posted by guido911

Sorry to disappoint, but, nope. I thought my recent posts re: river tax would have answered that question.

Oh that definitely sounds like something Medlock would say, if he wanted us to believe he wasn't Medlock.

Just jackin with you guido.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 26, 2007, 12:17:03 pm
Was that a compliment or an insult to Guido?

I don't assume that Chris Medlock has an guys must all have a bunch of fake names.

Here I was thinking I was talking with dozens of informed posters, being read by hundreds of interested locals. Turns out it is just three guys named Sybil and a spybot program.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: swake on October 26, 2007, 12:31:43 pm
Originally posted by guido911

Originally posted by swake

Originally posted by MichaelC

Sure it would, I always kind of figured Medlock was most likely guido.  But, I knew it would be a serious put down if I accused guido of being Medlock.  You know, Medlock has no feelings, but I'm sure guido does.  And it's not like I hate the guy.

I have also personally suspected for some time that Guido was Medlock. Hmm.

Sorry to disappoint, but, nope. I thought my recent posts re: river tax would have answered that question.

Thanks Guido and I hope there’s no offence taken there.

I also don’t believe that the talking heads on radio and TV always actually believe the crap they spout, they just say whatever will earn ratings. I think Medlock is very guilty of that.

I never suspected you were he enough to say anything, you are just a conservative with a strong liberal streak in places. I’ve long suspected that Medlock was a liberal (or at least a moderate) that pretends to be conservative for ratings and to try to win elections.

Youth Ministers at All Souls Unitarian don’t just all of the sudden become a Republican politicians and born again Christian.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: rwarn17588 on October 26, 2007, 12:32:23 pm
Yup. And I'm just a figment of your imagination.

I am on the Web, therefore I am.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Conan71 on October 26, 2007, 12:39:41 pm
Originally posted by recyclemichael

Was that a compliment or an insult to Guido?

I don't assume that Chris Medlock has an guys must all have a bunch of fake names.

Here I was thinking I was talking with dozens of informed posters, being read by hundreds of interested locals. Turns out it is just three guys named Sybil and a spybot program.

Well, I'm totally deflated.  Since I haven't revealed my identity on the forum (though quite a few of the regulars know who I am) so most of you can consider my vocation, political leanings (pretty hard to figure out, eh?), my past, what I drive, my favorite ice cream, dog's name, sexual proclivities, etc. I guess I'm just a marginalized little turd.

Chris Mudlock just ruined my day. [:(]

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: tim huntzinger on October 26, 2007, 12:44:38 pm
Originally posted by swake


. . . they just say whatever will earn ratings.

Youth Ministers at All Souls Unitarian don’t just all of the sudden become a Republican politicians and born again Christian.

I listen about ten minutes a morning, I wonder what their ratings are.  Do you think it is helping really?

See, Chris' response to the All Souls deal was that he was a conservative Republican even then.  Like joining the liberal PCUSA is much different.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: rwarn17588 on October 26, 2007, 01:06:14 pm
According to, the latest ratings number, 3.4, has KFAQ at 12th in the Tulsa market, which is in the bottom half.

Not good in what's a medium-sized market to begin with.

Radio and Records has been around for more than 30 years, and it's owned by Nielsen, which knows a few things about media ratings.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: guido911 on October 26, 2007, 01:14:09 pm
Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by recyclemichael

Was that a compliment or an insult to Guido?

I don't assume that Chris Medlock has an guys must all have a bunch of fake names.

Here I was thinking I was talking with dozens of informed posters, being read by hundreds of interested locals. Turns out it is just three guys named Sybil and a spybot program.

Well, I'm totally deflated.  Since I haven't revealed my identity on the forum (though quite a few of the regulars know who I am) so most of you can consider my vocation, political leanings (pretty hard to figure out, eh?), my past, what I drive, my favorite ice cream, dog's name, sexual proclivities, etc. I guess I'm just a marginalized little turd.

Chris Mudlock just ruined my day. [:(]

Conan: Acceptance is the healthy first step..[:D]

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: guido911 on October 26, 2007, 01:16:03 pm
SWAKE:  "I[Y]ou are just a conservative with a strong liberal streak in places."

You nailed it.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Conan71 on October 26, 2007, 01:46:48 pm
Originally posted by guido911

Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by recyclemichael

Was that a compliment or an insult to Guido?

I don't assume that Chris Medlock has an guys must all have a bunch of fake names.

Here I was thinking I was talking with dozens of informed posters, being read by hundreds of interested locals. Turns out it is just three guys named Sybil and a spybot program.

Well, I'm totally deflated.  Since I haven't revealed my identity on the forum (though quite a few of the regulars know who I am) so most of you can consider my vocation, political leanings (pretty hard to figure out, eh?), my past, what I drive, my favorite ice cream, dog's name, sexual proclivities, etc. I guess I'm just a marginalized little turd.

Chris Mudlock just ruined my day. [:(]

Conan: Acceptance is the healthy first step..[:D]

Yeah, I'll turn it over to my higher power now. [8D]

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Chicken Little on October 26, 2007, 02:13:44 pm
As I've heard it, the poor ratings are easy to explain.

Arthur Nielson was a very good tennis player in the 1930's along with TU Hall of Famer Gerin Cameron (TU 1936-8) and seven others, who met in September 1940 to form the US Tennis Kitchen Cabal (pre-war configuration).  

After Hiroshima (refer to Diagram C, "Close Company: the Tennis-Danish-Manhattan Project-Loebeck Connection"), the Tennis Cabal continued to manipulate US media markets through early 1970's, until disrupted by an ailing J Edgar Hoover, who used private investigators (loyal ex-FBI) to infiltrate and bring down the Committee to Elect Arthur Ashe.  

Picking up the pieces after the "Haymarket Assassinations", the lone surviving Cabal member, Billie Jean King, reestablished control of the American media market though a complex, discreet, communications network.

Jim Cameron, Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority, keeps in constant contact with King via passenger pigeon (NOT extinct) and coded messages contained within Bazooka Joe bubblegum.  Ever wonder why those jokes weren't funny?

And you know the rest, Cameron>Miller>IVI Bridge.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: jne on October 26, 2007, 02:24:24 pm
Originally posted by Chicken Little

As I've heard it, the ratings are easy to explain.

Arthur Nielson was a very good tennis player in the 1930's along with TU Hall of Famer Gerin Cameron (TU 1936-8) and seven others, who met in September 1940 to form the US Tennis Kitchen Cabal (pre-war configuration).  

After Hiroshima (refer to Diagram C, "Close Company: the Tennis-Danish-Manhattan Project-Loebeck Connection"), the Tennis Cabal continued to manipulate US media markets through early 1970's, until disrupted by an ailing J Edgar Hoover, who used private investigators (loyal ex-FBI) to infiltrate and bring down the Committee to Elect Arthur Ashe.  

Picking up the pieces after the "Haymarket Assassinations", the lone surviving Cabal member, Billie Jean King, reestablished control of the American media market though a complex, discreet, communications network.

Jim Cameron, Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority, keeps in constant contact with King via passenger pigeon (NOT extinct) and coded messages contained within Bazooka Joe bubblegum.

And you know the rest, Cameron>Miller>IVI Bridge.

Shadows must be using Chicken's PC....

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Chicken Little on October 26, 2007, 02:39:36 pm
Sharon KING, Larry KING, Billie Jean KING.  It's all a little too coincidental.  Think about it.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Ed W on October 26, 2007, 02:50:52 pm
Originally posted by Chicken Little

As I've heard it, the ratings are easy to explain.

Arthur Nielson was a very good tennis player in the 1930's along with TU Hall of Famer Gerin Cameron (TU 1936-8) and seven others, who met in September 1940 to form the US Tennis Kitchen Cabal (pre-war configuration).  

After Hiroshima (refer to Diagram C, "Close Company: the Tennis-Danish-Manhattan Project-Loebeck Connection"), the Tennis Cabal continued to manipulate US media markets through early 1970's, until disrupted by an ailing J Edgar Hoover, who used private investigators (loyal ex-FBI) to infiltrate and bring down the Committee to Elect Arthur Ashe.  

Picking up the pieces after the "Haymarket Assassinations", the lone surviving Cabal member, Billie Jean King, reestablished control of the American media market though a complex, discreet, communications network.

Jim Cameron, Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority, keeps in constant contact with King via passenger pigeon (NOT extinct) and coded messages contained within Bazooka Joe bubblegum.  Ever wonder why those jokes weren't funny?

And you know the rest, Cameron>Miller>IVI Bridge.

And here I was thinking all this time it was the  Pro Golf Association that was bent on world domination!  C'mon - guys in plaid pants - who'd suspect THEM?  But sadly, I was wrong.

It's simply amazing to see what you can learn here.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: PonderInc on October 26, 2007, 03:11:06 pm
Sorry I'm jumping on this train a little late.  So, a State Representative makes one of the most stupid public statements I've heard in a long time when justifying why he refused a gift copy of the Koran: “Most Oklahomans do not endorse the idea of killing innocent women and children in the name of ideology.” ...and as a result, Medlock is slamming...the TulsaNow forum and RecycleMichael?

That's quite a ricochet!  

I guess the best defense is a good offense (though it hasn't proven true for TU football...).  It kind of reminds me of the classic diversionary tactics used on elementary school playgrounds:  "Your shoe's untied!"  or "Look! Behind you! A monster!"

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Conan71 on October 26, 2007, 03:35:03 pm
Originally posted by tim huntzinger

Originally posted by swake


. . . they just say whatever will earn ratings.

Youth Ministers at All Souls Unitarian don’t just all of the sudden become a Republican politicians and born again Christian.

I listen about ten minutes a morning, I wonder what their ratings are.  Do you think it is helping really?

See, Chris' response to the All Souls deal was that he was a conservative Republican even then.  Like joining the liberal PCUSA is much different.


How can you even take that much?  Gotta say Joe Kelley isn't much better but at least it's not a one-pony show regurgitating the same crap over and over.

God I miss Ehrling in the morning.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 26, 2007, 04:13:41 pm
Chris Medlock answered US Rufnex and finishes his answer with this...

As for USRufnex' assertion that Michael Patton's identity is widly known on the site, that may be true for regulars, but those that find the forum via a search for Rex Duncan in Google, or who lurk but don't participate in real world activities will not know this.

If he was comfortable with his identity being known, why not just use his real name like Michael Bates or I do?

What does he expect from me? Should I list my middle initial or my mother's maiden name?

Hasn't he ever heard of a nickname?

One of the reasons I use RecycleMichael is because I have introduced by this nickname hundreds of times when I gave a speech to a Tulsa area function.

Secondly, there are ten Michael Pattons in the metro area including six who are registered to vote in Tulsa County alone. There is only one Chris Medlock that I know of around here.

Anyone who clicks on my nickname on TulsaNow knows my real name. No hiding here.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: MichaelC on October 26, 2007, 04:19:23 pm
Medlock just comes off as needy.

Maybe he's on the hot-seat over there, taking stabs at the dark.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: tim huntzinger on October 26, 2007, 04:33:27 pm
Originally posted by recyclemichael
What does he expect from me? Should I list my middle initial or my mother's maiden name?

I would not take it personal even if he wants to make it that way.  Your DNA would be nice, SS# . . .

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 26, 2007, 04:57:06 pm
Defense Attorney: "I have good news and bad news," "First the bad news: The blood test came back, and your DNA is an exact match with the sample found on the victim."

Client: "Oh, no - I'm ruined! What's the good news?"

Attorney: "Your cholesterol is down to 140!"

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: sgrizzle on October 26, 2007, 07:58:57 pm
I'm depressed I haven't pissed anyone off enough to get pseudo-famous on a bates or medlock blog.

People suprised that RecycleMichael is Michael Patton of Recycling Fame would also be surprised by some other facts:
1. "medblog" is a blog run by a guy named medlock
2. "Batesline" is a blog run by a guy named bates
3. Meeciteewurkor can spell correctly in real life
4. New Mexico is part of the United States
5. The world is round

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: RecycleMichael on October 26, 2007, 08:44:16 pm
It's a gift.

Sorry, are too nice.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: TheArtist on October 26, 2007, 09:23:03 pm
Originally posted by sgrizzle

I'm depressed I haven't pissed anyone off enough to get pseudo-famous on a bates or medlock blog.

People suprised that RecycleMichael is Michael Patton of Recycling Fame would also be surprised by some other facts:
1. "medblog" is a blog run by a guy named medlock
2. "Batesline" is a blog run by a guy named bates
3. Meeciteewurkor can spell correctly in real life
4. New Mexico is part of the United States
5. The world is round

Ummm aaactually, the world is an Oblate Spheroid.

Your geek status is in danger of being revoked.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: sgrizzle on October 26, 2007, 10:17:59 pm
Originally posted by TheArtist

Originally posted by sgrizzle

I'm depressed I haven't pissed anyone off enough to get pseudo-famous on a bates or medlock blog.

People suprised that RecycleMichael is Michael Patton of Recycling Fame would also be surprised by some other facts:
1. "medblog" is a blog run by a guy named medlock
2. "Batesline" is a blog run by a guy named bates
3. Meeciteewurkor can spell correctly in real life
4. New Mexico is part of the United States
5. The world is round

Ummm aaactually, the world is an Oblate Spheroid.

Your geek status is in danger of being revoked.

The specific definition is oblate spheroid but the general definition is round. Round being any surface without a defined angle. Round is also a synonym for globular, meaning like a globe.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Conan71 on October 26, 2007, 11:27:44 pm
Originally posted by highroadtaker

Do any of you remember when Medlock tried to start a "moderate" Republican group called "Mainstream"?  He admitted publicly that he voted for Clinton in the '92 presidential election.  Not long before that he claimed to be a liberal Democrat...

Check this out:

Um, I'm not a Mudlock apologist, but I do have an OCD problem when it comes to accuracy of cited sources.  There's nothing even remotely indicating he voted for Clinton in '92 in the article you posted.  Best I could read out of it is that he was taking credit for being the leader of a group which wanted to attract local Republicans who voted for Clinton in the Tulsa area back into the fold.  Your reading comprehension sucks.  How on earth did you get the idea he voted for Clinton out of that????

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: mr.jaynes on October 27, 2007, 10:27:35 am
Originally posted by Floyd

Hey--I'm a straight-ticket Republican, nationally, but I have very low tolerance for this local partisan crap.  You get a bunch of low-level, no-talent hacks together and just wait and see the crap they pump out.  It's the same on both sides of the political divide.  Don't get me started.

Yes, one day they're on talk radio and the next, they're given a show on Fox News Channel.

Originally posted by highroadtaker

One more interesting thing about Medlock:

Up until about the year 2000 or so, he used to do this comedy routine about "Cheeses" in which he'd mock Christians.  I'm sure that at least one performance was videotaped.  Of course, Chris probably destroyed the tape before leaving his job at the Unitarian church.

Haven't yet had the privelege of hearing this Medlocke fellow (but in about 6 months, I'm coming back, so I'll probably give him a listen), but I seem to remmeber that the best comic mind emanating from the Unitarian Church (specifically All Souls on I think Peoria), was Dr. John Wolfe. Dr. Wolfe did a sermon called Heaven Can Wait concerning the Televangelist scandals of 1987 and it was just top-drawer!

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: Porky on October 27, 2007, 07:15:54 pm
About a month ago I made a remark on here about Chris and Gwen's efforts on KFAQ, to my surprise they have been absolutely awesome since then. I don't know what it was that turned them around but I can give credence it wasn't what I wrote on here nor anyone else.

A couple of years ago I could understand why this forum had a voice and our news media in Tulsa listened. But I got to admit guys and gals, this forum has become so bitter and bias without any form of constructive thought I'm completely surprised that Chris gave any thought to you at all.

This past week Chris even gave posters on here a positive response. I about spilled my coffee at the drive thru at McDonalds when I heard it. It seems many of you have chosen to overlook that response from him trying to use this forum as a vital voice of Tulsa.

But instead this forum uses him and Gwen to bash and lets not forget the Michael Bates bashing you all enjoy handing out. Michael Bates is the one guy that works his tail off for the people of Tulsa and you all choose to use his efforts as a form of sacrifice for your non efforts.

I have no idea where this forum has disappeared to over the past two years but it is obvious that a cancer has set in and it shouldn't be worthy of reply from any news media source.

Hopefully KFAQ will soon understand this and start their own forum for a better Tulsa and leave this cancerous enigma in the dust.

Title: Medlock lectures me on "truthiness"
Post by: rwarn17588 on October 28, 2007, 12:41:55 am
Porkster, channeling David Arnett, I see. [}:)]

Seriously, though, no one likely heard Medlock talking about TulsaNow because many of us became bored with his and Gwen's show and turned it off. It's not like there's a stampede of people tuning to 1070 on the AM dial (although I do make an exception for Kilmeade and Napolitano).

Michael Bates gets his share of cheers -- and jeers -- here. He's a big boy. He can take it, and he can dish it out.

And it's not like he's the only person here working for the betterment of the Republican Party, errr, I meant Tulsa. [:P]

As for KFAQ starting its own forum, that's already been tried in the failed experiment that is the Voice of Tulsa. I remember seeing Bates posting there a few times many months ago, asking for some sort of response regarding his Urban Tulsa columns. It was nothing but crickets. All that's left now are about a dozen or so posters.

Meanwhile, as Recyclemichael dutifully reports, TulsaNow keeps adding members. The discussions here are sometimes heated, but they also are lively and interesting.

I strongly suspect, Porky, that there is no "cancer" that you claim. I strongly suspect you simply don't like TulsaNow members challenging beliefs that you hold dear.

You would do well, Porky, to remember that this is a forum, not an echo chamber.