The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Not At My Table - Political Discussions => National & International Politics => Topic started by: cannon_fodder on November 28, 2007, 09:26:40 am

Title: Hugo has lost it
Post by: cannon_fodder on November 28, 2007, 09:26:40 am
In case no one is following the South American model of the three little pigs (Hugo, Iran man, and Putin)... he has hit a new low:

CNN was doing a report on the dead NFL player when they accidentally left Hugo's image up.  The caption thus read "Who killed him?"

In response, Hugo wants to bring charges against CNN for instigating murder in Venezuela.  It is part of the US "war against" him.  At a rally earlier this week he denounced the sniper that tried to kill him sent by the US - never mind the fact that no shots were fired, no one saw a sniper, no one was arrested, and the rally went completely normally.  

Couple that with ever increasing warnings to the US not to invade - in spite of a lack of interest on this side of the gulf and his new found dictatorial powers (he is eliminating term limits, disbanded parliament, and can pass laws by decree) and things are probably NOT going to end well down there.  At first I thought he was just a leftist (who, in spite of my political disagreements, often have the best interests of their countries at heart).  However, I am increasingly fearful that he has gone mad.

Either that or he thinks pretending the US wants to invade him will give him even more power.  Which is hardly better.  I mean come on, Bush has threatened Iraq, Iran, and even N. Korea - but have we even made a gesture or pretense to invade Venezuela?  

Double AA was looking for a fascist:
Stronger Government: check
Dictatorial powers: check
State control of companies: check
extreme nationalism: check

Not going to end well.

Title: Hugo has lost it
Post by: rwarn17588 on November 28, 2007, 10:21:29 am
What do you mean "has"?

Hugo's mind's been done gone for years.

Title: Hugo has lost it
Post by: Rico on November 28, 2007, 07:46:22 pm
His brain loss was caused by drinking the water from Lake Maracaibo....  


Title: Hugo has lost it
Post by: Double A on November 28, 2007, 09:18:19 pm
Bush and Chavez are different sides of the same coin. Dictators masquerading as liberators.

Title: Hugo has lost it
Post by: guido911 on November 29, 2007, 11:28:46 am
Originally posted by Double A

Bush and Chavez are different sides of the same coin. Dictators masquerading as liberators.

Okay, I'll bite. Are you saying Bush did not liberate Afghanistan and Iraq (combined population of approx. 50 million people) from tyrannical dictators and governments? I know historical revisionism is en vogue, but simply ignoring those facts is simply incredible--unless of course you just hate Bush then ignoring such facts would be entirely reasonable.

Title: Hugo has lost it
Post by: cannon_fodder on November 29, 2007, 11:32:00 am
Thank you for taking the bate Double A.

1) Has Bush taken any private property?
2) Has Bush nationalized any industries?
3) Has Bush arrested any political opponents?
4) Has Bush accused any foreign powers repeatedly of trying to assassinate him - with not even a pretense of evidence?
5) Has Bush put media under state control?
6) Has Bush restricted political speech?
7) Has Bush restricted the right to assemble?
8) Has Bush granted himself the right to rule by mandate (ie. invent laws)
9) Has Bush declared himself above the law?
10) Has Bush abolished term limits?
11) Have Bushes political rivals mysteriously died off?
12) Has Bush disbanded any of the courts?

A dictator is "a ruler who is unconstrained by law."  Bush is countered by a Democratic Congress, the courts, and most of the American people.  He will leave office in a short time.  Any perceived constitutional violations have been litigated through Due Process and many of his propositions have been denied.  He has NOT imprisoned rivals, stolen private property, governed by mandate, nor even sought to remain in office past his term.

You use language very loosely.  When you call Bush a dictator what term is left for the man who actually does all the above?  Your hyperbole has cost you most of your credibility.

and I am far, FAR from thinking Bush has done a good job.  Larger Government - bad.  More privacy intrusions - bad.  Higher deficit - bad.  More entitlements - bad.  War effort - bad.  Public Speaking - bad.  Religious agenda - bad.  Diplomatic Relations - bad. Staff management - bad.

But to pretend he is a dictator is absurd.

Title: Hugo has lost it
Post by: Rico on November 29, 2007, 09:32:33 pm
Am I the only one.... or does Hugo look a little bit like this fellow..?

Title: Hugo has lost it
Post by: Conan71 on November 29, 2007, 11:23:59 pm
Originally posted by Rico

Am I the only one.... or does Hugo look a little bit like this fellow..?

Hey!  It's the snowman!

Title: Hugo has lost it
Post by: Conan71 on November 29, 2007, 11:24:48 pm
CF- yes, Hugo is an asshat.  Fits the definition perfectly.