The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Not At My Table - Political Discussions => National & International Politics => Topic started by: Double A on November 30, 2007, 07:22:23 pm

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Double A on November 30, 2007, 07:22:23 pm
will change her voter registration before she seeks re-election. She better change it to Independent. The Democratic Party is the big tent party, but we refuse to allow our party to become the dumping ground for scandal plagued Republican rejects.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: tim huntzinger on December 01, 2007, 12:39:05 pm
Originally posted by Double A

will change her voter registration before she seeks re-election. She better change it to Independent. The Democratic Party is the big tent party, but we refuse to allow our party to become the dumping ground for scandal plagued Republican rejects.

Ha ha! You will not be able to do anything about it if she does.  And what scandal are you referring to? She has not been 'rejected' by the GOP - yet, in fact she has quite a successful operation going.  Losing to an incumbent in a primary can hardly be called 'rejected.'

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: rwarn17588 on December 01, 2007, 01:39:52 pm
Randi would be pretty stupid to change from Republican to Democrat.

Tulsa County is overwhelmingly Republican, and she's unpopular enough as it is.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Conan71 on December 01, 2007, 11:51:22 pm
Either AA has some bum information or she's heard a heavy hitter running against her in the primaries.  Honestly, I think Virginia Jenner, Paul Tay, or Lawrence Kirkpatrick might be able to unseat her at this point (assuming Virginia and Lawrence are still kicking around).

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Double A on December 02, 2007, 01:21:53 am
Originally posted by Conan71

Either AA has some bum information or she's heard a heavy hitter running against her in the primaries.  Honestly, I think Virginia Jenner, Paul Tay, or Lawrence Kirkpatrick might be able to unseat her at this point (assuming Virginia and Lawrence are still kicking around).

Tay's running for Council District 9. That wouldn't rule out a run for the County Commission, though.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Double A on December 02, 2007, 01:33:06 am
Originally posted by tim huntzinger

Originally posted by Double A

will change her voter registration before she seeks re-election. She better change it to Independent. The Democratic Party is the big tent party, but we refuse to allow our party to become the dumping ground for scandal plagued Republican rejects.

Ha ha! You will not be able to do anything about it if she does.  And what scandal are you referring to? She has not been 'rejected' by the GOP - yet, in fact she has quite a successful operation going.  Losing to an incumbent in a primary can hardly be called 'rejected.'

Medlock get more votes in that race than Miller. She's damaged goods, everybody knows it and nobody wants to claim her.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: tim huntzinger on December 02, 2007, 08:14:25 am
I am certainly not here to defend her, but what damage or what scandals are you referring to?  And there was no runoff in the primary so statistically it does not matter if Chris got more votes does it? What did the Dems do to rid itself of Gene Stipe? What is this mess with Kevin Easley all about? How does it feel to have a Mayor who apparently holds dual citizenship? And Lady Kathy voted how many times in the Presidential? Have you checked out Obama's real estate dealings lately? What about Hillary and all her Chinese benefactors? You all about that?

The Dem and GOP are the reason our City, State, and Country are in trouble.  They are the problem.  This kind of 'my party is better because we do not have such-and-such' is not going to cut it.  Another Party is not going to help.

What scandal are you referring to? What makes Miller 'damaged goods'? Careful, now . . .

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Double A on December 02, 2007, 12:13:24 pm
Originally posted by tim huntzinger

I am certainly not here to defend her, but what damage or what scandals are you referring to?  And there was no runoff in the primary so statistically it does not matter if Chris got more votes does it? What did the Dems do to rid itself of Gene Stipe? What is this mess with Kevin Easley all about? How does it feel to have a Mayor who apparently holds dual citizenship? And Lady Kathy voted how many times in the Presidential? Have you checked out Obama's real estate dealings lately? What about Hillary and all her Chinese benefactors? You all about that?

The Dem and GOP are the reason our City, State, and Country are in trouble.  They are the problem.  This kind of 'my party is better because we do not have such-and-such' is not going to cut it.  Another Party is not going to help.

What scandal are you referring to? What makes Miller 'damaged goods'? Careful, now . . .

Let's see Guy, how about the UnFairgrounds, ORU, the Buchert affair, just to name a few? How's that Mr. No, No, No? It's bad enough Democrats have to claim Kathy Taylor. The party can't afford the liability of claiming Randi Miller, too. Careful, now? Or what? Bring it on, beyotch.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: RecycleMichael on December 02, 2007, 12:56:52 pm
What makes a person a democrat or a republican? I believe it is because they identify themselves as such. They feel an affinity for the leaders in that party or agree with a stance that party has taken. But people do change their views and sometimes the political party does as well. have attacked Kathy Taylor since the primary when she was opposed by your candidate, Don McCorkle. Kathy has always been registered as a democrat, but McCorkle was president of the Young Republicans when he was a student at TU. Now you act like you speak for all democrats in what makes them "real democrats". You don't.

There are also examples of republican minded folks leaving their party and supporting Ross Perot because of fiscal irresponsibility and democrats who voted for Ralph Nader because the democrats wouldn't take on corporate polluters.

I am not agreeing with Tim that the reason the city, county and the country is because of the political parties. There are members of both parties who disagree with parts of the party platform. I know environmental republicans who are members of labor unions and I know democrats who are pro-life and demand less governmental control.

The real problems that we face include racism, education, sustainability, fiscal responsibility and public safety among others. They are not necessarily partisan in nature, but could be solved by bi-partisan political will.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: pmcalk on December 02, 2007, 01:31:30 pm
IMO, referring to a woman as "damaged goods" is sexist, and not something that a good Democrat would do.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: RecycleMichael on December 02, 2007, 06:11:22 pm
Originally posted by pmcalk

IMO, referring to a woman as "damaged goods" is sexist, and not something that a good Democrat would do.

He insults all female elected officials...look at the title of the thread...I am sure "brain Candy" was not a compliment.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: tim huntzinger on December 03, 2007, 08:15:46 am
'Damaged goods' does have a certain connotation to it.  With that and the 'Buchert' smear, what is she to conclude but that she has been defamed?  That would be my point about 'careful,' AA.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Conan71 on December 03, 2007, 10:21:53 am
Originally posted by Double A

Originally posted by Conan71

Either AA has some bum information or she's heard a heavy hitter running against her in the primaries.  Honestly, I think Virginia Jenner, Paul Tay, or Lawrence Kirkpatrick might be able to unseat her at this point (assuming Virginia and Lawrence are still kicking around).

Tay's running for Council District 9. That wouldn't rule out a run for the County Commission, though.

PT has enough personalities or voices in his head that he could do both.  Pimp the city and the county, if you will.

Tay could run for TCCD 9 and Santa could run for County Commissioner.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 04, 2007, 09:01:15 pm
Originally posted by recyclemichael

What makes a person a democrat or a republican? I believe it is because they identify themselves as such. They feel an affinity for the leaders in that party or agree with a stance that party has taken. But people do change their views and sometimes the political party does as well. have attacked Kathy Taylor since the primary when she was opposed by your candidate, Don McCorkle. Kathy has always been registered as a democrat, but McCorkle was president of the Young Republicans when he was a student at TU. Now you act like you speak for all democrats in what makes them "real democrats". You don't.

There are also examples of republican minded folks leaving their party and supporting Ross Perot because of fiscal irresponsibility and democrats who voted for Ralph Nader because the democrats wouldn't take on corporate polluters.

I am not agreeing with Tim that the reason the city, county and the country is because of the political parties. There are members of both parties who disagree with parts of the party platform. I know environmental republicans who are members of labor unions and I know democrats who are pro-life and demand less governmental control.

The real problems that we face include racism, education, sustainability, fiscal responsibility and public safety among others. They are not necessarily partisan in nature, but could be solved by bi-partisan political will.

Wonder when some smart-boy will figure out that the reason Mayor Kathy Taylor declines her $105K Tulsa mayoral salary is simply because:

She is still legally a FLORIDA resident?  

If she elected to take the Tulsa mayoral salary, that would provide her with Oklahoma income, and she would then have to file a pro-rata instate return for the State of Oklahoma for the $105K in Oklahoma earnings.

She's a Florida resident.  Land of NO STATE INCOME Tax for Mr. Lobeck wealthy husband of Ms. Home-Wrecker Kathy.  That's the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the living room of her $31 million house, that nobody bothers to see.


Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: RecycleMichael on December 04, 2007, 09:11:05 pm
Friendly Bear...that honey you have been eating must have turned into mead.

Your theory has one big flaw...before this job she actually worked for the State of Oklahoma and kept the salary.

Why would you make up stupid stuff?

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Conan71 on December 05, 2007, 12:10:29 am
File a pro-rata return on $105K???  With her money??? BFD.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 05, 2007, 08:27:01 am
Originally posted by recyclemichael

Friendly Bear...that honey you have been eating must have turned into mead.

Your theory has one big flaw...before this job she actually worked for the State of Oklahoma and kept the salary.

Why would you make up stupid stuff?


You simply do not know whether she maintained a Florida residency when she was employed as the Oklahoma Secretary of Commerce.  Who was going to blow the whistle on her for her Florida residency?  

Her Democratic party chums:  

Brad Henry?  

Scott Meachum?

You simply do NOT know.

Whether the amount is $100.00 or $105K, if she had wage & salary earnings in Oklahoma, she HAS to file an Oklahoma Income Tax return.  That's the law for out-of-state residents, or partial-residents who move into or out of the Great State of Disrepair:  O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A.

Oklahoma:  Just OK.

Not Good;

Not Superior;

Not Excellent.

Just:  OK


Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: RecycleMichael on December 05, 2007, 08:46:25 am
I know you revel in making outragous statements and innuendo. You have no proof, just want to start rumors.

How do we know you are even a bear? If you are, you are probably one of those trained Russian bears.

Friendly Bear is a borsch eating communist. Who is going to blow the whistle on you?

Boris Yeltsin?

Natasha from Bullwinkle?

You simply do NOT know.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 05, 2007, 08:58:16 am
Originally posted by recyclemichael

I know you revel in making outragous statements and innuendo. You have no proof, just want to start rumors.

How do we know you are even a bear? If you are, you are probably one of those trained Russian bears.

Friendly Bear is a borsch eating communist. Who is going to blow the whistle on you?

Boris Yeltsin?

Natasha from Bullwinkle?

You simply do NOT know.

Actually, I'm related to my red-blooded, American cousin, Yogi Bear.  

He's Smarter than the Average Bear.

As your cousin Fred says, Yabba Dabba Doo.

I know the Mayor is motivated to NOT take a $105K salary from the City of Tulsa.


Didn't want to burden the citizens of Tulsa with more spending?  How Sweet?

Hardly, as a principal cheerleader for OurRiverTax, and also for local Fire Districts, she seemed quite happy with the prospects of picking the pockets of her fellow citizens with new taxes for YEARS and YEARS.

The material girl lives in a $30 million house when she's not living in Florida.  I just think it's a big, fat, juicy target that some bright-boy could really score a big news story by outing that blockbuster, buster.



Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: RecycleMichael on December 05, 2007, 11:55:25 pm
Originally posted by Friendly Bear
Actually, I'm related to my red-blooded, American cousin, Yogi Bear.  

He's Smarter than the Average Bear. Yabba dabba dooooo!

You mixed up your quotes. Yogi ended his with BooBoo!

Yabba Dabba Doo came from the Flintstones.

Stupid Bear.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: rwarn17588 on December 06, 2007, 12:01:44 am
That's not all that Friendly Bear gets mixed up about.


Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: RecycleMichael on December 06, 2007, 07:20:13 am
Good edit of your earlier post, Bear.

Maybe you are smarter than the average one.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: spoonbill on December 06, 2007, 07:59:41 am
I considered posting a picture from Google Earth, but I thought it would be fun to issue a challenge.

Find Cathy Taylor and Bill Lobeck's Florida Home and post the image.


1. South Florida
2. William E. Lobeck also has interests in several local businesses.
3. On a canal with dock parking and two nice Yachts.
4. 12,800 sq.ft.
5. Registered Voter and *donor*.

This should be fun. . .

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: waterboy on December 06, 2007, 08:19:40 am
I guess I'm missing something Bear. She turns down $105, that she doesn't have to file a return and pay maybe...$35,000 in tax? Thereby kissing off $70,000? Enough to pay the docking fees for a year I bet. Is there some other reason she would do that?

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 06, 2007, 08:56:57 am
Originally posted by waterboy

I guess I'm missing something Bear. She turns down $105, that she doesn't have to file a return and pay maybe...$35,000 in tax? Thereby kissing off $70,000? Enough to pay the docking fees for a year I bet. Is there some other reason she would do that?

It's all about whether she is a LEGAL resident of Oklahoma.  You can't be a Resident of Florida and also MAYOR of Tulsa.  

If she is actually a legal resident of Florida, which I suspect she is for STATE INCOME TAX and ESTATE PLANNING purposes, then any of her acts since she became Mayor of Tulsa are void and invalid.  

Now, doesn't THAT really make things interesting??

She must be a resident of Oklahoma, and a resident of the City of Tulsa to be Mayor of Tulsa.

In fact, she nor anyone can even live in BIXBY for that matter, and be Mayor of Tulsa.  

You must be a City of Tulsa resident to be Mayor.  

And, if your are a legal resident of the city of Tulsa, that makes you a resident of the great State of Oklahoma.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: waterboy on December 06, 2007, 09:10:22 am
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by waterboy

I guess I'm missing something Bear. She turns down $105, that she doesn't have to file a return and pay maybe...$35,000 in tax? Thereby kissing off $70,000? Enough to pay the docking fees for a year I bet. Is there some other reason she would do that?

It's all about whether she is a LEGAL resident of Oklahoma.  You can't be a Resident of Florida and also MAYOR of Tulsa.  

If she is actually a legal resident of Florida, which I suspect she is for STATE INCOME TAX and ESTATE PLANNING purposes, then any of her acts since she became Mayor of Tulsa are void and invalid.  

Now, doesn't THAT really make things interesting??

She must be a resident of Oklahoma, and a resident of the City of Tulsa to be Mayor of Tulsa.

In fact, she nor anyone can even live in BIXBY for that matter, and be Mayor of Tulsa.  

You must be a City of Tulsa resident to be Mayor.  

And, if your are a legal resident of the city of Tulsa, that makes you a resident of the great State of Oklahoma.

Indeed that would make for an interesting story and perhaps grounds for impeachment. However, I don't think you can jump to such conclusions as all of her acts as mayor would be void or invalid. Unless you're a state Supreme Court justice and have ruled on similar cases. There would be some sort of implied authority or agency type relationship I bet. She was voted in by the people to do the peoples work.

Why wait for a newstory? If your facts are straight, start the impeachment process.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: RecycleMichael on December 06, 2007, 09:15:15 am
OK...bear poop. Define what a "resident" is for us.

The election board says it is any US citizen who "intends to reside in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma divorce courts define it as "an actual resident, in good faith, for six months."

The Oklahoma State regents for higher education define residency as "A resident of Oklahoma is someone who has lived in the state continuously for at least 12 months and whose domicile is in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma tax commission defines a resident as "a person domiciled in the state for the entire tax year."

Stop saying stupid stuff. You don't know any details and are trying to smear her with innuendo.

Go away and hibernate.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 06, 2007, 12:04:11 pm
Originally posted by recyclemichael

OK...bear poop. Define what a "resident" is for us.

The election board says it is any US citizen who "intends to reside in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma divorce courts define it as "an actual resident, in good faith, for six months."

The Oklahoma State regents for higher education define residency as "A resident of Oklahoma is someone who has lived in the state continuously for at least 12 months and whose domicile is in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma tax commission defines a resident as "a person domiciled in the state for the entire tax year."

Stop saying stupid stuff. You don't know any details and are trying to smear her with innuendo.

Go away and hibernate.

First, please try to be nicer.  You are really hurting my tender feelings.  Why SO MUCH anger?  Think nice thoughts, like:  

May you have a nice day.

There, feeling better?

Uh, you left out what the City Charter says about eligibility of candidates, and eligibility of remaining in office.

What's it say?

Either Kathy Taylor is a resident of:




CANNOT be both.  NEVER.

Intent of residency is the heart of Voter Registration.

However, it just ain't the same as legal residency to run for Mayor of Tulsa, or remain Mayor.

She's has Florida residency, for Income Tax and Estate Planning purposes.  It's obvious.

That's why she elected NOT to draw a salary.  

If she draws a salary from the city, she must fill out a W-2.  

If she fills out a W-2, the address listed is the state for which her employer takes out State Tax (if any, which there is NOT any state income tax in Florida).  

But if she lists her Florida address, she cannot be Mayor.  Mayors of Tulsa MUST BE a resident of Tulsa.

Kathy Taylor therefore does NOT qualify to remain as Mayor under the rules of the City Charter, because she is probably NOT a legal resident of Tulsa.

She is a legal resident, I suspect, of FLORIDA.

She and Mr. Lobeck could solve that little problem by releasing their latest Federal Income Tax Form 1040.

We saw the tip of the iceberg in their residency quandry earlier, when they double-claimed homestead exemption in both OK and FL, and since Chatty Kathy had become Mayor, decided to buy themselves out of the RESIDENCY problem by paying another $100K to Florida for breaking their state law concerning Homestead exemption.  

While OK allows you to claim homestead in more than one state, FL does NOT.

And, then there's that little matter of voting in TWO states for President back in 2004......

That's CRAZY.


Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: RecycleMichael on December 06, 2007, 12:16:10 pm
I am sure the Mayor is a resident of Oklahoma by every definition.

Your logic is the same as saying George Bush is a robot because we have never seen him go to the bathroom.

Stupid bear.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 06, 2007, 01:19:27 pm
Originally posted by recyclemichael

I am sure the Mayor is a resident of Oklahoma by every definition.

Your logic is the same as saying George Bush is a robot because we have never seen him go to the bathroom.

Stupid bear.

You might look up the Residency definition in the city charter.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: TeeDub on December 06, 2007, 01:39:41 pm
SECTION 7. QUALIFICATION OF OFFICERS. No person shall be eligible to hold the office of Mayor or City Auditor unless such person shall be a qualified elector and resident of the city at the time of filing for the office.

What makes me wonder is this; Are all of the members of each board, commission, authority and agency have their primary residence in the city of Tulsa?

G. Appoint, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the entire membership of
the Council, the members of all boards, commissions, authorities, and agencies created by this amended Charter, ordinance, agreement, or pursuant to law, and exercise general
control and supervision thereof, provided,
all appointees shall, as a condition of their appointment and continued service, be qualified electors and maintain their principal residence within the city limits of the City of Tulsa;

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 06, 2007, 01:52:21 pm
Originally posted by TeeDub

SECTION 7. QUALIFICATION OF OFFICERS. No person shall be eligible to hold the office of Mayor or City Auditor unless such person shall be a qualified elector and resident of the city at the time of filing for the office.

What makes me wonder is this; Are all of the members of each board, commission, authority and agency have their primary residence in the city of Tulsa?

G. Appoint, subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the entire membership of
the Council, the members of all boards, commissions, authorities, and agencies created by this amended Charter, ordinance, agreement, or pursuant to law, and exercise general
control and supervision thereof, provided,
all appointees shall, as a condition of their appointment and continued service, be qualified electors and maintain their principal residence within the city limits of the City of Tulsa;

It appears that they must maintain their principal residences within the city limits of the City of Tulsa.

Moving outside their city limits would disqualify them.



Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: spoonbill on December 06, 2007, 02:48:53 pm
Next thing we'll find out is that she carries a Florida Driver's License.

Wait. . . Does she carry a Florida Driver's License?

I'm just gonna have to ask for some ID next time she writes a check from her SunTrust Bank account.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 06, 2007, 03:01:58 pm
Originally posted by spoonbill

Next thing we'll find out is that she carries a Florida Driver's License.

Wait. . . Does she carry a Florida Driver's License?

I'm just gonna have to ask for some ID next time she writes a check from her SunTrust Bank account.

A D.L. wouldn't be conclusive proof of residency in and of itself.  

People frequently keep a former states D.L. long after re-locating to a new state, since it's usually a inconvenience to exchange one.

BIG hassle in Tulsa COUNTY as there are only two DPS Drivers License bureaus, with lines usually out of door:

36th Street North, and downtown Jenks.  But, they are building another:  


Oh why, or why does Tulsa (and Tulsans) ALWAYS get the shaft?


Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: spoonbill on December 06, 2007, 03:05:09 pm
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by spoonbill

Next thing we'll find out is that she carries a Florida Driver's License.

Wait. . . Does she carry a Florida Driver's License?

I'm just gonna have to ask for some ID next time she writes a check from her SunTrust Bank account.

A D.L. wouldn't be conclusive proof of residency in and of itself.  

People frequently keep a former states D.L. long after re-locating to a new state, since it's usually a inconvenience to exchange one.

BIG hassle in Tulsa COUNTY as there are only two DPS Drivers License bureaus, with lines usually out of door:

36th Street North, and downtown Jenks.  But, they are building another:  


Oh why, or why does Tulsa (and Tulsans) ALWAYS get the shaft?


Well. . . I hope you haven't done this FB.  

Hassle or not, Oklahoma requires you to get an Oklahoma driver's license within 30 days of establishing residency.

You don't think Mrs. Taylor would break the law do you?

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 06, 2007, 03:26:13 pm
Originally posted by spoonbill

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by spoonbill

Next thing we'll find out is that she carries a Florida Driver's License.

Wait. . . Does she carry a Florida Driver's License?

I'm just gonna have to ask for some ID next time she writes a check from her SunTrust Bank account.

A D.L. wouldn't be conclusive proof of residency in and of itself.  

People frequently keep a former states D.L. long after re-locating to a new state, since it's usually a inconvenience to exchange one.

BIG hassle in Tulsa COUNTY as there are only two DPS Drivers License bureaus, with lines usually out of door:

36th Street North, and downtown Jenks.  But, they are building another:  


Oh why, or why does Tulsa (and Tulsans) ALWAYS get the shaft?


Well. . . I hope you haven't done this FB.  

Hassle or not, Oklahoma requires you to get an Oklahoma driver's license within 30 days of establishing residency.

You don't think Mrs. Taylor would break the law do you?

I plead Not Guilty.

And, I'd prefer to exercise my 5th Amendment rights to remain silent at this time.


Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: TURobY on December 06, 2007, 03:27:57 pm
Oh good grief! If you are so sure of yourself, then do us a favor and file charges. Otherwise, you're just wasting our time with your ramblings.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: spoonbill on December 06, 2007, 04:30:03 pm
Originally posted by spoonbill

I considered posting a picture from Google Earth, but I thought it would be fun to issue a challenge.

Find Cathy Taylor and Bill Lobeck's Florida Home and post the image.


1. South Florida
2. William E. Lobeck also has interests in several local businesses.
3. On a canal with dock parking and two nice Yachts.
4. 12,800 sq.ft.
5. Registered Voter and *donor*.

This should be fun. . .

Ok, No one has decided to take on my little challenge yet.  Here's another hint that will make it easier to find.  In February 2004, Mrs. Kathryn Lobeck of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, gave $2000 to George W. Bush’s reelection campaign.

She and Bill also donated to some local Democrat campaigns for amounts ranging from $250 to $500.

She always uses the name Katheryn Lobeck when doing business in Florida.

Happy searching.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Conan71 on December 06, 2007, 05:46:57 pm
If Bledsoe is lurking around, word around the campfire is he knows some of the answers about the goings on in Ft. Lah-dee-dah.  I bet Don McCorkle knows as well.  My 411 says McCorkle's the reason they got caught in the homestead exemption jangle.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Wrinkle on December 07, 2007, 10:32:41 am
Originally posted by spoonbill

Originally posted by spoonbill

I considered posting a picture from Google Earth, but I thought it would be fun to issue a challenge.

Find Cathy Taylor and Bill Lobeck's Florida Home and post the image.


1. South Florida
2. William E. Lobeck also has interests in several local businesses.
3. On a canal with dock parking and two nice Yachts.
4. 12,800 sq.ft.
5. Registered Voter and *donor*.

This should be fun. . .

Ok, No one has decided to take on my little challenge yet.  Here's another hint that will make it easier to find.  In February 2004, Mrs. Kathryn Lobeck of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, gave $2000 to George W. Bush’s reelection campaign.

She and Bill also donated to some local Democrat campaigns for amounts ranging from $250 to $500.

She always uses the name Katheryn Lobeck when doing business in Florida.

Happy searching.

Best guess, due to size of boat, architecture, addressing (west even) and comparisson to Tulsa home:


...wha'd I win?
If it's not that one, it's surely one of the others in the image.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: spoonbill on December 07, 2007, 02:16:35 pm
Originally posted by Wrinkle

Originally posted by spoonbill

Originally posted by spoonbill

I considered posting a picture from Google Earth, but I thought it would be fun to issue a challenge.

Find Cathy Taylor and Bill Lobeck's Florida Home and post the image.


1. South Florida
2. William E. Lobeck also has interests in several local businesses.
3. On a canal with dock parking and two nice Yachts.
4. 12,800 sq.ft.
5. Registered Voter and *donor*.

This should be fun. . .

Ok, No one has decided to take on my little challenge yet.  Here's another hint that will make it easier to find.  In February 2004, Mrs. Kathryn Lobeck of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, gave $2000 to George W. Bush’s reelection campaign.

She and Bill also donated to some local Democrat campaigns for amounts ranging from $250 to $500.

She always uses the name Katheryn Lobeck when doing business in Florida.

Happy searching.

Best guess, due to size of boat, architecture, addressing (west even) and comparisson to Tulsa home:


...wha'd I win?
If it's not that one, it's surely one of the others in the image.

Correct hood I believe.  Is that the neighborhood just north of the marina?  (another clue).

Wrong house.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Conan71 on December 07, 2007, 07:10:58 pm
Just about all the houses on the canals off Los Olas in FLL are big and have boats in front of them.  How on earth to tell one from another?  I wouldn't be able to unless I'd been there via water or recognize it in relationship to a cross-roads off one of the main streets.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Double A on December 07, 2007, 10:38:43 pm
This thread is for trashing Randi Miller. Let's start another for Queen Kathy bashing.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: USRufnex on December 08, 2007, 03:09:28 pm
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by recyclemichael

OK...bear poop. Define what a "resident" is for us.

The election board says it is any US citizen who "intends to reside in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma divorce courts define it as "an actual resident, in good faith, for six months."

The Oklahoma State regents for higher education define residency as "A resident of Oklahoma is someone who has lived in the state continuously for at least 12 months and whose domicile is in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma tax commission defines a resident as "a person domiciled in the state for the entire tax year."

Stop saying stupid stuff. You don't know any details and are trying to smear her with innuendo.

Go away and hibernate.

First, please try to be nicer.  You are really hurting my tender feelings.  Why SO MUCH anger?  Think nice thoughts, like:  

May you have a nice day.

There, feeling better?

Uh, you left out what the City Charter says about eligibility of candidates, and eligibility of remaining in office.

What's it say?

Either Kathy Taylor is a resident of:




CANNOT be both.  NEVER.

Intent of residency is the heart of Voter Registration.

However, it just ain't the same as legal residency to run for Mayor of Tulsa, or remain Mayor.

She's has Florida residency, for Income Tax and Estate Planning purposes.  It's obvious.

That's why she elected NOT to draw a salary.  

If she draws a salary from the city, she must fill out a W-2.  

If she fills out a W-2, the address listed is the state for which her employer takes out State Tax (if any, which there is NOT any state income tax in Florida).  

But if she lists her Florida address, she cannot be Mayor.  Mayors of Tulsa MUST BE a resident of Tulsa.

Kathy Taylor therefore does NOT qualify to remain as Mayor under the rules of the City Charter, because she is probably NOT a legal resident of Tulsa.

She is a legal resident, I suspect, of FLORIDA.

She and Mr. Lobeck could solve that little problem by releasing their latest Federal Income Tax Form 1040.

We saw the tip of the iceberg in their residency quandry earlier, when they double-claimed homestead exemption in both OK and FL, and since Chatty Kathy had become Mayor, decided to buy themselves out of the RESIDENCY problem by paying another $100K to Florida for breaking their state law concerning Homestead exemption.  

While OK allows you to claim homestead in more than one state, FL does NOT.

And, then there's that little matter of voting in TWO states for President back in 2004......

That's CRAZY.


That's gotta be the stupidest non-starter fake-issue I've ever heard of... only fit for .... wait for it...... CONSIPIRACY THEORISTS...

Taylor may be a lot of things... but stupid enough to be a political figure who votes in TWO states in one presidential election... no, she ain't that stupid.

I voted back in 2001 with Oklahoma registration because I lived here at the time... while I was still registered in Chicago, all it would take is some 70-year old election volunteer with bad hearing and eyesight to check the wrong box and suddenly... presto, change-o... I fraudulantly voted in both Illinois and Oklahoma...

But, I don't know about Florida... are there many elderly folks there??? [}:)] or do you still cling to the hope that Taylor was stupid enough to knowingly vote in two different states for the same presidential candidate??? [:O]

Non-issue.  Please move on.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 08, 2007, 04:39:10 pm
Originally posted by USRufnex

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by recyclemichael

OK...bear poop. Define what a "resident" is for us.

The election board says it is any US citizen who "intends to reside in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma divorce courts define it as "an actual resident, in good faith, for six months."

The Oklahoma State regents for higher education define residency as "A resident of Oklahoma is someone who has lived in the state continuously for at least 12 months and whose domicile is in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma tax commission defines a resident as "a person domiciled in the state for the entire tax year."

Stop saying stupid stuff. You don't know any details and are trying to smear her with innuendo.

Go away and hibernate.

First, please try to be nicer.  You are really hurting my tender feelings.  Why SO MUCH anger?  Think nice thoughts, like:  

May you have a nice day.

There, feeling better?

Uh, you left out what the City Charter says about eligibility of candidates, and eligibility of remaining in office.

What's it say?

Either Kathy Taylor is a resident of:




CANNOT be both.  NEVER.

Intent of residency is the heart of Voter Registration.

However, it just ain't the same as legal residency to run for Mayor of Tulsa, or remain Mayor.

She's has Florida residency, for Income Tax and Estate Planning purposes.  It's obvious.

That's why she elected NOT to draw a salary.  

If she draws a salary from the city, she must fill out a W-2.  

If she fills out a W-2, the address listed is the state for which her employer takes out State Tax (if any, which there is NOT any state income tax in Florida).  

But if she lists her Florida address, she cannot be Mayor.  Mayors of Tulsa MUST BE a resident of Tulsa.

Kathy Taylor therefore does NOT qualify to remain as Mayor under the rules of the City Charter, because she is probably NOT a legal resident of Tulsa.

She is a legal resident, I suspect, of FLORIDA.

She and Mr. Lobeck could solve that little problem by releasing their latest Federal Income Tax Form 1040.

We saw the tip of the iceberg in their residency quandry earlier, when they double-claimed homestead exemption in both OK and FL, and since Chatty Kathy had become Mayor, decided to buy themselves out of the RESIDENCY problem by paying another $100K to Florida for breaking their state law concerning Homestead exemption.  

While OK allows you to claim homestead in more than one state, FL does NOT.

And, then there's that little matter of voting in TWO states for President back in 2004......

That's CRAZY.


That's gotta be the stupidest non-starter fake-issue I've ever heard of... only fit for .... wait for it...... CONSIPIRACY THEORISTS...

Taylor may be a lot of things... but stupid enough to be a political figure who votes in TWO states in one presidential election... no, she ain't that stupid.

I voted back in 2001 with Oklahoma registration because I lived here at the time... while I was still registered in Chicago, all it would take is some 70-year old election volunteer with bad hearing and eyesight to check the wrong box and suddenly... presto, change-o... I fraudulantly voted in both Illinois and Oklahoma...

But, I don't know about Florida... are there many elderly folks there??? [}:)] or do you still cling to the hope that Taylor was stupid enough to knowingly vote in two different states for the same presidential candidate??? [:O]

Non-issue.  Please move on.

THANK you, Mrs. Lobeck.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Double A on December 08, 2007, 10:23:23 pm
Originally posted by USRufnex

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by recyclemichael

OK...bear poop. Define what a "resident" is for us.

The election board says it is any US citizen who "intends to reside in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma divorce courts define it as "an actual resident, in good faith, for six months."

The Oklahoma State regents for higher education define residency as "A resident of Oklahoma is someone who has lived in the state continuously for at least 12 months and whose domicile is in Oklahoma."

The Oklahoma tax commission defines a resident as "a person domiciled in the state for the entire tax year."

Stop saying stupid stuff. You don't know any details and are trying to smear her with innuendo.

Go away and hibernate.

First, please try to be nicer.  You are really hurting my tender feelings.  Why SO MUCH anger?  Think nice thoughts, like:  

May you have a nice day.

There, feeling better?

Uh, you left out what the City Charter says about eligibility of candidates, and eligibility of remaining in office.

What's it say?

Either Kathy Taylor is a resident of:




CANNOT be both.  NEVER.

Intent of residency is the heart of Voter Registration.

However, it just ain't the same as legal residency to run for Mayor of Tulsa, or remain Mayor.

She's has Florida residency, for Income Tax and Estate Planning purposes.  It's obvious.

That's why she elected NOT to draw a salary.  

If she draws a salary from the city, she must fill out a W-2.  

If she fills out a W-2, the address listed is the state for which her employer takes out State Tax (if any, which there is NOT any state income tax in Florida).  

But if she lists her Florida address, she cannot be Mayor.  Mayors of Tulsa MUST BE a resident of Tulsa.

Kathy Taylor therefore does NOT qualify to remain as Mayor under the rules of the City Charter, because she is probably NOT a legal resident of Tulsa.

She is a legal resident, I suspect, of FLORIDA.

She and Mr. Lobeck could solve that little problem by releasing their latest Federal Income Tax Form 1040.

We saw the tip of the iceberg in their residency quandry earlier, when they double-claimed homestead exemption in both OK and FL, and since Chatty Kathy had become Mayor, decided to buy themselves out of the RESIDENCY problem by paying another $100K to Florida for breaking their state law concerning Homestead exemption.  

While OK allows you to claim homestead in more than one state, FL does NOT.

And, then there's that little matter of voting in TWO states for President back in 2004......

That's CRAZY.


That's gotta be the stupidest non-starter fake-issue I've ever heard of... only fit for .... wait for it...... CONSIPIRACY THEORISTS...

Taylor may be a lot of things... but stupid enough to be a political figure who votes in TWO states in one presidential election... no, she ain't that stupid.

I voted back in 2001 with Oklahoma registration because I lived here at the time... while I was still registered in Chicago, all it would take is some 70-year old election volunteer with bad hearing and eyesight to check the wrong box and suddenly... presto, change-o... I fraudulantly voted in both Illinois and Oklahoma...

But, I don't know about Florida... are there many elderly folks there??? [}:)] or do you still cling to the hope that Taylor was stupid enough to knowingly vote in two different states for the same presidential candidate??? [:O]

Non-issue.  Please move on.

Not that stupid, just that crooked.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: USRufnex on December 09, 2007, 07:41:42 pm
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

THANK you, Mrs. Lobeck.

You're welcome, Miss Zero Credibility.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 09, 2007, 08:41:56 pm
Originally posted by Conan71

If Bledsoe is lurking around, word around the campfire is he knows some of the answers about the goings on in Ft. Lah-dee-dah.  I bet Don McCorkle knows as well.  My 411 says McCorkle's the reason they got caught in the homestead exemption jangle.

Calling Greg Bledsoe.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.  

Your guts and brains are needed again, and you've got plenty, are needed again on our Mrs. Lobeck residency quandry.

Please phone in.  

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: USRufnex on December 09, 2007, 10:09:12 pm
Maybe it's Oliver Stone you're looking for...

Or Jimmy Hoffa.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Rico on December 10, 2007, 09:18:41 am
Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Conan71

If Bledsoe is lurking around, word around the campfire is he knows some of the answers about the goings on in Ft. Lah-dee-dah.  I bet Don McCorkle knows as well.  My 411 says McCorkle's the reason they got caught in the homestead exemption jangle.

Calling Greg Bledsoe.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.  

Your guts and brains are needed again, and you've got plenty, are needed again on our Mrs. Lobeck residency quandry.

Please phone in.  

Bear... possibly you can explain a certain inconsistency to the class.

Bledsoe is married to one of the Tulsa Metro Chamber's more active individuals.

You claim that the TMC is filled with GOB's...

Does Bledsoe's courage and your attraction to him have anything to do with his sleeping with the enemy?

This makes me rethink exactly what and who motivates your lobbying efforts.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 11, 2007, 11:57:04 am
Originally posted by Rico

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Conan71

If Bledsoe is lurking around, word around the campfire is he knows some of the answers about the goings on in Ft. Lah-dee-dah.  I bet Don McCorkle knows as well.  My 411 says McCorkle's the reason they got caught in the homestead exemption jangle.

Calling Greg Bledsoe.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.  

Your guts and brains are needed again, and you've got plenty, are needed again on our Mrs. Lobeck residency quandry.

Please phone in.  

Bear... possibly you can explain a certain inconsistency to the class.

Bledsoe is married to one of the Tulsa Metro Chamber's more active individuals.

You claim that the TMC is filled with GOB's...

Does Bledsoe's courage and your attraction to him have anything to do with his sleeping with the enemy?

This makes me rethink exactly what and who motivates your lobbying efforts.

I've actually never meet Greg Bledsoe.

I admire the sterling job he did in the law suit against the City over the old City Commissioner form of government, which essentially disenfrancished the minority North Tulsa from ever being able to elect anyone other than an Uncle Tom to the City Commission.

I also admire him for getting involved again early to stop the Lorton's World organized "At-Large" counselor power grab.  He was very active, including on this Forum, explaining why that change in the city charter would be VERY BAD public policy.

The grassroots, non-partisan Tulsans Defending Democracy website still has his detailed explanation at:

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: RecycleMichael on December 11, 2007, 03:35:55 pm
I know Greg and his wife pretty well. We have worked together on "greening" our church.

Greg and I agree on about 90% of the issues, but have some very different thoughts on others.

Anybody I can agree with 90 percent of the time and can still have a spirited debate with on the other ten is considered a friend in my book.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: chesty on December 17, 2007, 11:20:52 pm
What difference would it make anyway?  In Tulsa (city and county) we have politicos acting and voting in ways that are contradictory to the party platforms.  The party label means much less in local politics (especially here) as it does on the state or federal level.

Title: Rumor has it Randi "Brain Candy" Miller...
Post by: Friendly Bear on December 18, 2007, 01:53:10 pm
Originally posted by chesty

What difference would it make anyway?  In Tulsa (city and county) we have politicos acting and voting in ways that are contradictory to the party platforms.  The party label means much less in local politics (especially here) as it does on the state or federal level.

Today's Lorton's World reports that
At least Randi "Randy" Miller had the good sense to Vote NO to another bent, insider deal involving the Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority purchasing the Off-Track Simulcast Facility from another good buddy of former County Commissioner Dirty Bob Dick.

Spending $3 million to save maybe $200K is not smart business.  

Here's the link:

And, I'm simply ASTOUNDED that Fred Parry and John Small-Ego went along with this round-trip hosing of the tax payer to buy the run-down Simulcast facility from Ralph Jones.

Did another of Dirty Bob's buddies, Bob Parmele, perform the real estate Appraisal?

PAR for the course?

Sage advice to the Authority would be just WAIT until the Simulcast facility goes out of business; THEN, negotiate a market price for a landlocked building buried in the middle of a fairgrounds.

It would not be worth much.

Of course, we've got Dumb and Dumber running the Tulsa County Commission.