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Not At My Table - Political Discussions => National & International Politics => Topic started by: sgrizzle on January 07, 2008, 12:09:51 pm

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: sgrizzle on January 07, 2008, 12:09:51 pm


Bates wrong about Tulsa County
By Fred Perry, Tulsa County Commissioner  
Monday, 07 January 2008

In an oped piece in the Urban Tulsa Weekly of November 28th, Michael D. Bates made a statement which, for someone who presents himself as an expert on local government, was extremely misinformed and inaccurate.

Michael is a smart man but if he is going to be a computer programmer turned journalist, he might do some basic research.....(continued)

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: tim huntzinger on January 07, 2008, 12:19:47 pm
It took Perry 1.5 months to formulate a response to an op-ed in a scarcely-read ragazine? Really? Bates said 'primary' role, which means its first designation, not its only designation.  Goody, Perry can list County agencies and understands his role. Wowwwww.

I just to want to know why the City is saddled with the A-ream-a when it was sold to Tulsans on its value to the Region.  And also, could you GOP idiots please leave your infighting out of the public? Embarassing.

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: Conan71 on January 07, 2008, 12:25:34 pm
This proven plagiarist seems to be sinking even further into a dyspeptic fit.

Arnett will stop at nothing in his petty jealousy over Michael Bates.  I have a feeling Perry was coaxed into his little op-ed piece by the publisher.  This cat-fight was dead when Perry had a response to the Nov. 28 MB piece in UTW.  What's the point of a re-hash if it wasn't self-serving to Arnett?  Sorry David, your old nemesis Urban Tulsa scooped you on this one as well.  I haven't dug back, but I'm willing to bet this was a quick edit of Perry's letter in UTW back in early Dec.

I think Arnett is still bitter and thinking that somehow Michael Bates single-handedly tanked the river tax vote, of which Arnett was a principal architect.  

I'm not saying that Bates is perfect but this obsession with him by Arnett is un-healthy.  

From Tulsa Today, Jan. 7, 2008 (It's proper to cite other's work):

"Edit Note:

Never elected or formally educated in government or journalism, Michael D. Bates continues a career promoting fabricated negatives on Tulsa.  Primary among his victims are those who supported Vision 2025, a public development effort approved by voters in 2003.  Bates led the failed opposition to that effort and has been demonizing Tulsa people and institutions ever since.  His favorite targets include Tulsa County because the constituencies are too large for his small group of fruitcake activists to impact.  While never proving charges against elected public officials, Bates has himself been guilty of failing to disclose his own interests in two published instances Tulsa Today has found to date including political payola and professional self-interest.  As marginal media loves polarizing figures; Bates has found his niche with his blog, an entertainment rag, and the radical radio station that promoted and defended disgraced former host Michael DelGiorno."

And, what pray-tell is Mr. Arnett's credentials other than "I've been publishing Tulsa Today since 1996" and "I have 20 years experience in media, government, and being a consultant to the media...blah, blah, blah."

Real credentials, please????

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: Kiah on January 07, 2008, 12:38:53 pm
The whole point of Perry's statement is that Tulsa County maintains responsibility for areas, even after they're incorporated by a municipality?

That's a stunning concession from someone who insisted loudly and repeatedly that Tulsa County (particularly the Sheriff) will 'wash its hands' of any governmental responsibility at Expo Square, once it's annexed by the City of Tulsa.

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: cannon_fodder on January 07, 2008, 02:19:32 pm
OK now, I just figured out the relationship between Bates and Arnett (and Tim and RM, as it were).  Where does Perry fit into all this (and who is Perry, as far as I care).

I'm ignorant in this area, clearly.

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: tim huntzinger on January 07, 2008, 02:29:58 pm
I have no relationships with anyone.  Me and RM are just in a lovefest [:I].

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: Kiah on January 07, 2008, 02:34:08 pm
Originally posted by cannon_fodder

OK now, I just figured out the relationship between Bates and Arnett (and Tim and RM, as it were).  Where does Perry fit into all this (and who is Perry, as far as I care).

I'm ignorant in this area, clearly.

County Commission Chairman Fred/writer of referenced article (http://"") . . . .

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: waterboy on January 07, 2008, 02:50:54 pm
Conan, I know Arnett was a journalism student at TCC back in the late 70's or early 80's. I don't know if he graduated. He was editor of the school's student publication which printed editorial content that was against administration wishes. He stood up for the students right to publish without censorship. Playboy honored him with a free speech award for those efforts. He then spent many years in print advertising efforts, including his own publication, before changing to an internet format. Thats what I know of his credentials since I doubt he will respond himself.

I am more suspicious of Perry's credentials!

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: mr.jaynes on January 07, 2008, 05:02:09 pm
Originally posted by sgrizzle


Bates wrong about Tulsa County
By Fred Perry, Tulsa County Commissioner  
Monday, 07 January 2008

In an oped piece in the Urban Tulsa Weekly of November 28th, Michael D. Bates made a statement which, for someone who presents himself as an expert on local government, was extremely misinformed and inaccurate.

Michael is a smart man but if he is going to be a computer programmer turned journalist, he might do some basic research.....(continued)

Is this Fred Perry any kin to a Greg Perry? He was an instructor of mine back in the day!

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: Wrinkle on January 07, 2008, 05:05:46 pm
Originally posted by tim huntzinger

It took Perry 1.5 months to formulate a response to an op-ed in a scarcely-read ragazine? Really? Bates said 'primary' role, which means its first designation, not its only designation.  Goody, Perry can list County agencies and understands his role. Wowwwww.

I just to want to know why the City is saddled with the A-ream-a when it was sold to Tulsans on its value to the Region.  And also, could you GOP idiots please leave your infighting out of the public? Embarassing.

No, Arnett wrote and posted this story on his blog (I love saying that) a month ago or so and reposted it today, I guess 'cuz no one read it before but me, and I don't acknowledge it, or him anymore.

'nuf said.

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: RecycleMichael on January 07, 2008, 06:00:22 pm
Originally posted by tim huntzinger

I have no relationships with anyone.  Me and RM are just in a lovefest [:I].

Please Tim, you promised you destroyed those negatives...

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: Breadburner on January 07, 2008, 09:08:43 pm
Originally posted by RecycleMichael

Originally posted by tim huntzinger

I have no relationships with anyone.  Me and RM are just in a lovefest [:I].

Please Tim, you promised you destroyed those negatives...

Now I have to go slaughter a hog to get that vision out of my mind......[;)]

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: Conan71 on January 08, 2008, 12:05:10 am
Originally posted by Breadburner

Originally posted by RecycleMichael

Originally posted by tim huntzinger

I have no relationships with anyone.  Me and RM are just in a lovefest [:I].

Please Tim, you promised you destroyed those negatives...

Now I have to go slaughter a hog to get that vision out of my mind......[;)]

I thought you were going to say that it would take the jaws of life to get that one out of your head.

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: cannon_fodder on January 08, 2008, 09:05:00 am
Is "slaughter a hog" code for...  oh never mind.  I'd just get myself in trouble.

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: Conan71 on January 08, 2008, 11:36:06 am
Originally posted by cannon_fodder

Is "slaughter a hog" code for...  oh never mind.  I'd just get myself in trouble.

No, I don't think that's like "flogging the Major"

Title: Perry & Arnett ♥ Bates
Post by: Breadburner on January 08, 2008, 09:46:37 pm
Flogging the dolphin....