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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: sgrizzle on January 10, 2008, 12:17:21 pm

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: sgrizzle on January 10, 2008, 12:17:21 pm
From our friends at KTUL:


Troopers Warn Slow Drivers About Left Lane Violations
   posted 9:53 pm Tue January 08, 2008 - Tulsa
from NewsChannel 8 -
A warning to slow drivers and a bit of relief to those who get stuck behind them. If you drive too slowly in the left lane of the roadway, it's very likely you will get a ticket.

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is pulling people over who drive under the speed limit in the left lane. The law says the left lane is only meant for drivers who are passing or turning. It's a law not many people know about.

We went out with a trooper today and the drivers he pulled over were very surprised. The danger is, if someone is camping out in the left lane, emergency vehicles cannot pass. That's the main reason the law was put into place.

By driving 60 or 62 on a 65 mile per hour highway, most drivers think they're playing it safe. Think again.

"If you're driving 65 or slower, you have to be in the right lane. Are you aware of that law?"

Charles Casey got a warning for driving under the speed limit in the left lane.

(Abby) "Do you think it's a good law?"
(Charles) "Not really. No, I don't think so. I think it's a cheap shot, really."

Cheap shot or not, the law says drivers going under the speed limit must stay out of the left lane. That lane is only meant for passing and turning left.

"You were going 62. That's under the limit."
"That's the first time. I was going to call my mom because I have never gotten pulled over for that," says Kristen McKeever.

For OHP troopers, the left lane law is very much on the radar. They say too many drivers don't follow it, creating a dangerous situation for other cars on the road. Trooper Troy Gilmore|Oklahoma Highway "It does become a problem," says Trooper Troy Gilmore. "A lot of times if we're trying to get somewhere quick and we're running lights and sirens or if the fire department or an ambulance is going quick we need to slow down before we can get over."

"I agree with it because people drive me crazy when they drive too slow. It's supposed to be a passing lane."

"I think its absurd."

Fortunately for drivers, so far troopers have only given out warnings. But, they say soon that's going to change. Left lane violators will get a 206-dollar ticket -- a hefty price for supposedly 'playing it safe.'

"I'll stay out of the left lane from now on."

If you see someone driving too slowly in the left lane, you can take down the tag number and call *55 on your cell phone.

A couple of other laws trooper say many drivers may not know about are people not using their turn signals and also people who don't move over to the far lane when an officer has pulled someone over on the side of the road. Both of those violations could also cost you more than 200 dollars.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: EricP on January 10, 2008, 01:00:36 pm
Good. May the tickets for these drivers flow like water. Sorry, but if you are putting along under the speed limit in the left lane, you clearly aren't aware of your impact on your surroundings nor the law.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: safetyguy on January 10, 2008, 01:03:33 pm
How many troopers will they have to hire to really see a real impact? It's great that the law exists, but it's another thing to be able to enforce it.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: AngieB on January 10, 2008, 01:08:17 pm
Yes! It's about freaking time they enforced this!


Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 01:08:58 pm
Does this mean they're going to remove the 30mph signs they just finished installing from all the left lane exits?

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: EricP on January 10, 2008, 01:20:10 pm
Originally posted by Wrinkle

Does this mean they're going to remove the 30mph signs they just finished installing from all the left lane exits?

If you're talking about some of those left lane exits on 244(the only ones I can think of,) I would think that'd be a highway with some exceptions to the left lane rule, personally. In order to stay on the fast side of traffic when I used to take 244 home it took a lot of avoiding merging traffic and switching sides.. pretty much a big fark :) Somewhere in the middle is probably  the right place for your average driver there, because no lazy inattentive driver is going to be on their toes enough to shift right to left and back again to stay with slower merging traffic.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 01:21:35 pm
I think this is unenforceable for the most part.
Sure, there's times people are actually inhibiting traffic flow. But, the law does not _require_ you to go the speed limit, even in the 'passing' lane. Seems as long as you're going faster than the car you're passing, there's no foul.

The trooper who was interviewed on the news seemed more concerned about his open road than ours. Seems they have to slow down when there's cars in front of them. I was trying to recall the last time I saw a trooper going under the speed limit, even without lights and/or sirens.

Given that, if they're stopping to give a ticket instead of proceeding to the 'emergency', then there's another problem.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 01:27:54 pm
Hope you never get 'parked' in the left lane during rush hour. Remember, single file. Leave the left lane for troopers.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 01:35:32 pm
Personally, I've had more near misses from people passing on the right. Even though I go the speed limit, they don't wait for you to move over and jump into your cover, causing a near catastrophy, probably a real one in many cases.

Not only are they speeding, they create a real hazard much more serious than a semi-pokey left laner.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: TeeDub on January 10, 2008, 01:38:58 pm
Originally posted by Wrinkle

Personally, I've had more near misses from people passing on the right. Even though I go the speed limit, they don't wait for you to move over and jump into your cover, causing a near catastrophy, probably a real one in many cases.

Not only are they speeding, they create a real hazard much more serious than a semi-pokey left laner.

If you have given them enough room to pass you on the right, then you had more than ample time to semi-pokey your donkey into the right lane.

The real problem is people like you who don't understand that the left lane is for passing and not for "holier-than-thou" drivers to help the police enforce speed limits.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: EricP on January 10, 2008, 01:40:53 pm
Originally posted by Wrinkle

Hope you never get 'parked' in the left lane during rush hour. Remember, single file. Leave the left lane for troopers.

Anybody who pulls over onto the left shoulder of a narrow highway for a traffic stop should get another ticket.. I've seen this several times. It screws up traffic 10 times worse than a normal stop and is more dangerous.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: tulsa_fan on January 10, 2008, 01:45:06 pm
Hmmm, I've never heard the going below the speed limit in the left hand lane, I was always told the left hand lane is for passing only.  So if two slow people are going down the road and one decides to pass, they can pass, but I didn't know there was some MPH requirement!

Does it make it OK to be in the left lane if you are going the speed limit?  That's not correct.

I'm glad they are working to get people out of the left lane.  I think drivers believe it is there personal right to get in the left lane to slow people down, they are not the speed patrol!  It ought to help some in road rage as well.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 02:02:03 pm
Originally posted by TeeDub

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Personally, I've had more near misses from people passing on the right. Even though I go the speed limit, they don't wait for you to move over and jump into your cover, causing a near catastrophy, probably a real one in many cases.

Not only are they speeding, they create a real hazard much more serious than a semi-pokey left laner.

If you have given them enough room to pass you on the right, then you had more than ample time to semi-pokey your donkey into the right lane.

The real problem is people like you who don't understand that the left lane is for passing and not for "holier-than-thou" drivers to help the police enforce speed limits.

...yep, you're probably the one of whom I speak.

If I'm going the speed limit in the left lane, you are the problem, especially since you'd be breaking the law going faster than me. Selective enforcement, right? And, to accomodate who?

btw, just what is the proper clearance between you and vehicle you just passed at 65mph before you slam it back into his lane, 3-feet?, a car length? Because, often if it's a car length + 1-foot, you're the guy who racks the works.

The law also says car-to-car clearance in one lane is one car length for each 10mph.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wingnut on January 10, 2008, 02:13:59 pm
Getting on northbound 169 at 21st this morning, some dufus was doing about 55 and, of course, cut in front of me on their trek into the left lane. There was almost no traffic, but they apparently needed to be there going slow.

It's time to arm the missles....

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 02:33:14 pm
Originally posted by EricP

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Hope you never get 'parked' in the left lane during rush hour. Remember, single file. Leave the left lane for troopers.

Anybody who pulls over onto the left shoulder of a narrow highway for a traffic stop should get another ticket.. I've seen this several times. It screws up traffic 10 times worse than a normal stop and is more dangerous.

Who said anything about shoulders?
I'm talking about when all lanes are full and parked.

But, yeah, that also screws up flow.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: EricP on January 10, 2008, 02:44:04 pm
Everyone has a nice opinion on this subject and they are all always right. My thoughts are:

Dear left lane speed limit nazi: Congratulations on going exactly the speed limit, I'm pretty sure even the holiest of nuns go 5mph over... but alas, you have bested them and guaranteed your spot in anal retentive self-righteous heaven. Your award will be mailed to you and you should receive it in 6-8 weeks. However, if you have open road in the form of 957,416 car lengths in front of you and the average flow of traffic is faster than the speed limit, you have about 5 seconds before I am going around you while your motor accumulates carbon buildup from lack of use and your tired brake rotors continue to spin at a slow speed while they await the next hill in which your car will reach 65.1mph and you will do a panicstop, so can you please get out of the way? It's like I'm driving in slow motion and I am about to fall asleep at the wheel.

Sincerely, a more attentive driver.

PS: for those of you that do actually move over.. you brighten my day and renew my faith in society.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: grahambino on January 10, 2008, 02:47:32 pm
I want the car from the 80s video game Spy Hunter.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 02:59:22 pm
Originally posted by inteller

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Personally, I've had more near misses from people passing on the right. Even though I go the speed limit, they don't wait for you to move over and jump into your cover, causing a near catastrophy, probably a real one in many cases.

Not only are they speeding, they create a real hazard much more serious than a semi-pokey left laner.

you must be that [expletive] that I am always having to pass in the center or right lane.  Thanks Ace.  Here is some advice, blinker, mirror check, change lanes.  All can be accomplished in about 3 seconds if you aren't retarded.

Like the other poster said, I hope these kinds of tickets flow like water.  If you cant maintain traffic flow at any speed, get the fock out of the way.

Oh and you people driving POS cars who can't handle the Sheridan curve on the BA at 65 need to get the fock over too.

Passing on the right is a far more dangerous practice, and illegal. So, if they're going to ticket at 64mph in the left lane, then they'd best be passing out as many for passing on the right (most often without signaling, improper clearance and speeding).

And, any of you who think you're saving 5 minutes an hour by doing so are as crazy as you drive.

See you in the papers.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: EricP on January 10, 2008, 03:07:31 pm
Originally posted by Wrinkle
Passing on the right is a far more dangerous practice, and illegal. So, if they're going to ticket at 64mph in the left lane, then they'd best be passing out as many for passing on the right (most often without signaling, improper clearance and speeding).

And, any of you who think you're saving 5 minutes an hour by doing so are as crazy as you drive.

See you in the papers.

I'm am not sure, but I think passing on the right is legal on highways with >3 or 4 lanes in each direction, can't remember which :) If I am passing you on the right, I'm leaving plenty of clearance, signaling, and making sure that the speed differential is not too great. I don't like to do it but sometimes it is necessary to avoid being completely blocked in by mopes.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: grahambino on January 10, 2008, 03:27:50 pm
Originally posted by Wrinkle

Originally posted by inteller

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Personally, I've had more near misses from people passing on the right. Even though I go the speed limit, they don't wait for you to move over and jump into your cover, causing a near catastrophy, probably a real one in many cases.

Not only are they speeding, they create a real hazard much more serious than a semi-pokey left laner.

you must be that [expletive] that I am always having to pass in the center or right lane.  Thanks Ace.  Here is some advice, blinker, mirror check, change lanes.  All can be accomplished in about 3 seconds if you aren't retarded.

Like the other poster said, I hope these kinds of tickets flow like water.  If you cant maintain traffic flow at any speed, get the fock out of the way.

Oh and you people driving POS cars who can't handle the Sheridan curve on the BA at 65 need to get the fock over too.

Passing on the right is a far more dangerous practice, and illegal. So, if they're going to ticket at 64mph in the left lane, then they'd best be passing out as many for passing on the right (most often without signaling, improper clearance and speeding).

And, any of you who think you're saving 5 minutes an hour by doing so are as crazy as you drive.

See you in the papers.

if youre driving the speed limit in the left hand lane of a busy freeway and forcing others to pass you on the're the idiot. Period.

you keep bringing up the fact that is more dangerous to pass on the right.  

HEY GENIUS...has it occurred to you that YOU ARE THE DRIVER causing this dangerous situation to happen?  

Its not up to you to decide how fast others wish to drive.  

Move to a real city and try that self-righteous sh*t.  You'll get shot eventually.

See you in the papers.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: dggriffi on January 10, 2008, 03:32:30 pm
Passing on the right is a far more dangerous practice, and illegal

Which is exactly why you need to get over.   My understanding of the rule is that if you are in the passing lane and approached from behind,  then you MUST give way.  

If you think that you can sit in the left lane as long as your going the speed limit your mistaken.  That creates great danger for everyone.

i thought i would also add that if you are doing this in front of me AND talking on a cell phone,  i will be sure to make look like a close call on the back and the front.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 04:03:43 pm
Originally posted by grahambino

if youre driving the speed limit in the left hand lane of a busy freeway and forcing others to pass you on the're the idiot. Period.

you keep bringing up the fact that is more dangerous to pass on the right.  

HEY GENIUS...has it occurred to you that YOU ARE THE DRIVER causing this dangerous situation to happen?  

Its not up to you to decide how fast others wish to drive.  

Move to a real city and try that self-righteous sh*t.  You'll get shot eventually.

See you in the papers.

Its not up to you to decide how fast others wish to drive.  

Nor you...Hypocroties
Where'd you get your driver's education, Fireball Roberts' School of Etiquette?

A speeding driver on a busy freeway doesn't create a hazardous situation, but someone driving the speed limit does. Only in your dreams. This isn't a PC game.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Ed W on January 10, 2008, 04:09:25 pm
I think Jackie Stewart said that if you force another driver to change speed or direction, you fail as a driver.  That would probably indicate that all of us would fail.

Regardless, this law will rarely be enforced.  Think about it for a moment.  If there are two lanes of traffic with the left hand lane moving 5mph faster, there's no cause to pull anyone over.  But is there cause when the speed difference is only 2 mph?  

Sorry, but this strikes me as more of a get-the-hell-out-of-my-way measure to be used by cops at their discretion.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: grahambino on January 10, 2008, 04:23:11 pm
Originally posted by Wrinkle

Originally posted by grahambino

if youre driving the speed limit in the left hand lane of a busy freeway and forcing others to pass you on the're the idiot. Period.

you keep bringing up the fact that is more dangerous to pass on the right.  

HEY GENIUS...has it occurred to you that YOU ARE THE DRIVER causing this dangerous situation to happen?  

Its not up to you to decide how fast others wish to drive.  

Move to a real city and try that self-righteous sh*t.  You'll get shot eventually.

See you in the papers.

Its not up to you to decide how fast others wish to drive.  

Nor you...Hypocroties
Where'd you get your driver's education, Fireball Roberts' School of Etiquette?

A speeding driver on a busy freeway doesn't create a hazardous situation, but someone driving the speed limit does. Only in your dreams. This isn't a PC game.

I don't care how fast or slow you drive.  Just don't do it in the left lane.  Its not a matter of how, its where.  If I'm driving 80 down the freeway and someone wants to drive 85, i move over. I really don't give a crap how fast they are driving.  It's not up to me to decide.  I don't have this 'ego' complex you're apparently saddled with.

But based on previous statements you've made its apparent that YOU care how fast or slow I choose to.  

"And, any of you who think you're saving 5 minutes an hour by doing so are as crazy as you drive"

its my 5 minutes, not yours.

care to try again?

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 04:33:08 pm
Originally posted by inteller

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Originally posted by inteller

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Personally, I've had more near misses from people passing on the right. Even though I go the speed limit, they don't wait for you to move over and jump into your cover, causing a near catastrophy, probably a real one in many cases.

Not only are they speeding, they create a real hazard much more serious than a semi-pokey left laner.

you must be that [expletive] that I am always having to pass in the center or right lane.  Thanks Ace.  Here is some advice, blinker, mirror check, change lanes.  All can be accomplished in about 3 seconds if you aren't retarded.

Like the other poster said, I hope these kinds of tickets flow like water.  If you cant maintain traffic flow at any speed, get the fock out of the way.

Oh and you people driving POS cars who can't handle the Sheridan curve on the BA at 65 need to get the fock over too.

Passing on the right is a far more dangerous practice, and illegal. So, if they're going to ticket at 64mph in the left lane, then they'd best be passing out as many for passing on the right (most often without signaling, improper clearance and speeding).

And, any of you who think you're saving 5 minutes an hour by doing so are as crazy as you drive.

See you in the papers.

 that is such a ****ing crock of ****.  So if I'm plodding along at 65 in the middle lane and come up on you doing 60 in the left lane, I can't pass by you?  That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard this year.

Oh and 5 minutes an hour for a year is 30 hours of more things I have been able to accomplish than you.

Please be sure and drive really slow today so I can confirm which idiot on the road you are.

Apparently comprehension is as low as driving skills.

If I'm driving the speed limit and you're passing on the right, you're speeding, besides passing on the right. Who said anything about poking along at 60 in the left lane?

FWIW, I always attempt to move over when someone wishes to pass. But, it appears this crowd demands I do it in precisely their expected way, or they cut around in a truly dangerous manuver endangering themselves, me and everyone else in the area. All, so they have the right to speed that they expect.

And, 30 hours of your jacking off isn't even worth the extra sight seeing I get.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Wrinkle on January 10, 2008, 04:57:46 pm
Originally posted by grahambino

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Originally posted by grahambino

if youre driving the speed limit in the left hand lane of a busy freeway and forcing others to pass you on the're the idiot. Period.

you keep bringing up the fact that is more dangerous to pass on the right.  

HEY GENIUS...has it occurred to you that YOU ARE THE DRIVER causing this dangerous situation to happen?  

Its not up to you to decide how fast others wish to drive.  

Move to a real city and try that self-righteous sh*t.  You'll get shot eventually.

See you in the papers.

Its not up to you to decide how fast others wish to drive.  

Nor you...Hypocroties
Where'd you get your driver's education, Fireball Roberts' School of Etiquette?

A speeding driver on a busy freeway doesn't create a hazardous situation, but someone driving the speed limit does. Only in your dreams. This isn't a PC game.

I don't care how fast or slow you drive.  Just don't do it in the left lane.  Its not a matter of how, its where.  If I'm driving 80 down the freeway and someone wants to drive 85, i move over. I really don't give a crap how fast they are driving.  It's not up to me to decide.  I don't have this 'ego' complex you're apparently saddled with.

But based on previous statements you've made its apparent that YOU care how fast or slow I choose to.  

"And, any of you who think you're saving 5 minutes an hour by doing so are as crazy as you drive"

its my 5 minutes, not yours.

care to try again?

Most people who think they're actually saving 5 minutes by endangering everyone else end up being passed by me while their at McD's picking up a Big Gulp and Large Fry.

It doesn't appear to occur to you at all that sometimes there's a reason for a speed limit, beisdes it being the law. What other laws do you selectively choose to obey? Or, is it just the ones you don't think apply specifically to you. How egotistical is that?

Let me quess, you think those handicapped parking places are for your personal use, even though mental handicaps usually don't qualify.

Better yet, your in the rig I have to walk around to get to the store entrance because parking four spaces down is for cruds.

It is my 5-minutes when you cause a crash, killing three people and the next six hours are spent trying to decide if this piece goes to that body. Meanwhile, hundreds, perhaps thousands of other drivers are delayed, rerouted and late for their appointments.

Pretty selfish attitude you've got there, bud.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: TUalum0982 on January 10, 2008, 07:25:30 pm
Originally posted by TeeDub

Originally posted by Wrinkle

Personally, I've had more near misses from people passing on the right. Even though I go the speed limit, they don't wait for you to move over and jump into your cover, causing a near catastrophy, probably a real one in many cases.

Not only are they speeding, they create a real hazard much more serious than a semi-pokey left laner.

If you have given them enough room to pass you on the right, then you had more than ample time to semi-pokey your donkey into the right lane.

The real problem is people like you who don't understand that the left lane is for passing and not for "holier-than-thou" drivers to help the police enforce speed limits.

my nominee for post of the month!!!

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: waterboy on January 10, 2008, 08:46:50 pm
I drive a lot and I drive hard and smart. But no matter how fast you drive in the left lane some guy pulls up behind you and can't understand why you don't just move over and let him pursue his own interests. Never mind that the bulk of traffic is in the other two lanes and you would have to brake, cut in then dog someone else's donkey till you could get back over into the left lane. Just so I can see your sorry butt at the next exit waiting at the light? You think your so damn important that 85 is justified for you and those who don't drive that fast are just chumps? You're wrong on both counts.

Okay, I see both sides. But to be fair those who drive in the middle and right lanes who are closer to obeying the speed limit and yet are tailgated, cut off and otherwise harrassed by you Daytona wannabes have a case. Justice in this case appears heavily slanted towards the fast lane crowd who can always stay in that lane as they are always passing someone even if they have to do 85 to accomplish it. The law is to enable law enforcement and rescue vehicles...NOT to make sure leadfoots have a clear path.

A simple solution would be to acknowledge reality and make the left lane speed limit 10mph over the middle and access lanes. That way Speedracer can tailgate his own kind and if they exceed that 10+ they can pay the majority of the speeding tickets to fund the city. Then police can start ticketing the impatient tailgating morons in the other two lanes who are too lazy to change lanes and have never used their turn signal to do so cause it might "alert" someone of their intentions.

Those who stop on entrance lanes need to have their license yanked.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: EricP on January 10, 2008, 10:43:23 pm
Originally posted by waterboy

A simple solution would be to acknowledge reality and make the left lane speed limit 10mph over the middle and access lanes. That way Speedracer can tailgate his own kind and if they exceed that 10+ they can pay the majority of the speeding tickets to fund the city. Then police can start ticketing the impatient tailgating morons in the other two lanes who are too lazy to change lanes and have never used their turn signal to do so cause it might "alert" someone of their intentions.

Those who stop on entrance lanes need to have their license yanked.

I think the idea is that the general public does accept the left lane is the "10 over" lane, some people try and enforce the law themselves and it pisses others off. That's all there is to it.

As far as stopping on entrance ramps... oh my gawd. I wish I had a bigass boot I could extend out of the front of my car to kick their bumper with, or the ability to instantly revoke their license on the spot.. ugh.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: dggriffi on January 11, 2008, 08:51:42 am
For your discussion pleasure.  The oklahoma law regarding this topic

Section 11-303 - Overtaking a Vehicle on the Left - Signal
Cite as: O.S. §, __ __

The following requirements shall govern the overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction, subject to those limitations, exceptions and special requirements hereinafter stated:

1. The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle.

2. Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on audible signal and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.

3. Every driver who intends to pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, which requires moving his vehicle from one lane of traffic to another, shall first see that such movement can be made with safety and shall proceed to pass only after giving a proper signal by hand or mechanical device.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: AngieB on January 11, 2008, 09:02:04 am
Originally posted by inteller

Originally posted by dggriffi

For your discussion pleasure.  The oklahoma law regarding this topic

Section 11-303 - Overtaking a Vehicle on the Left - Signal
Cite as: O.S. §, __ __

The following requirements shall govern the overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction, subject to those limitations, exceptions and special requirements hereinafter stated:

1. The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle.

2. Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on audible signal and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.

3. Every driver who intends to pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, which requires moving his vehicle from one lane of traffic to another, shall first see that such movement can be made with safety and shall proceed to pass only after giving a proper signal by hand or mechanical device.

wait a minute, is #2 saying you can honk at the vehicle and they have to move over?  If so that is AWESOME!

A headlight flash is usually pretty effective. And slightly less obnoxious than honking.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Conan71 on January 11, 2008, 09:07:33 am
Some idiot driving a black Chevy Aveo (I'm hoping he/she reads TN) around 4:45 northbound on Hwy 75 yesterday afternoon should have been run over.

Going onto the Arkansas River bridge there are three northbound through lanes, (right lane  terminates at an exit for 7th St. by OSU MC).  Another lane on the right starts for the 17th St. entry ramp and is also the exit ramp on to the BA eastbound.  

This knucklehead was in the lane adjacent to the BA exit lane, decided 500 feet from the divider he/she was going to get onto the BA.  They started progressively slowing down to a crawl to try and get on the BA.  That scattered cars everywhere.  Last I saw in my rearview, it looked like they had stopped altogether in the lane next to the BA exit.

Either stand on the gas or slow down just a little to merge in w/ traffic, or forget it and get off the next exit and double back.  Your stupid indecision, or trying to save two minutes on your drive home might kill someone else.  Buttmunch![xx(]

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: dggriffi on January 11, 2008, 12:01:15 pm
yes, but the law doesn't say you can do that. it says it has to be AUDIBLE. I'm guessing because if the idiot is taking up the left lane, they probably aren't checkig their mirrors either

The also doesn't say that it has to be loud enough for them to hear it so i would assume that technically speaking, the things im saying about them when its occurring could be considered an "audible signal"

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Mike G on January 12, 2008, 07:33:22 am
Originally posted by Wrinkle
Does this mean they're going to remove the 30mph signs they just finished installing from all the left lane exits?

Those are suggested speed limits, but you can go as fast as the posted speed limit.

Originally posted by Wrinkle
The law also says car-to-car clearance in one lane is one car length for each 10mph.

There's not a distance (measurable) law.  It just states that you shouldn't drive too close.  The only way to determine if you are too close is if you actually hit the car in front of you, otherwise you aren't too close.

47 O.S. §11-310(a) - Following Too Closely
"The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicles and the traffic upon and the condition of the highway."

Originally posted by Wrinkle
Passing on the right is a far more dangerous practice, and illegal.

Not illegal on same side of road with multiple lanes.

47 O.S. §11-304(a) - When Overtaking On The Right Is Permitted
"3. Upon a one-way street, or upon any roadway on which traffic is restricted to one direction of movement, where the roadway is free from obstructions and of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles."

Originally posted by Ed W
Regardless, this law will rarely be enforced.

A lot of other states enforce it very often and very well.  Why should Oklahoma be any different?

Originally posted by waterboy
Those who stop on entrance lanes need to have their license yanked.

Originally posted by EricP
As far as stopping on entrance ramps... oh my gawd. I wish I had a bigass boot I could extend out of the front of my car to kick their bumper with, or the ability to instantly revoke their license on the spot.. ugh.

Most entrance ramps have a yield sign, so they are obeying the law for the most part (there are the exception drivers).

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: waterboy on January 12, 2008, 09:34:37 am
Your last statement is a misinterpretation of the word. Yield does not mean stop, otherwise all signs would say "yield" instead of "Stop". You are not obeying the law when you stop on an entrance anymore than if you stopped before changing lanes to "yield" to the existing traffic. You are causing traffic accidents with that behavior and that is driving in a dangerous manner which is illegal.

Yield simply means that if someone is in a position on the roadway that precludes you from moving into that position, then you must yield (give way) to them. You adjust your speed to match the existing lane of traffic and merge. Neither the existing lane or the entrance ramp should need to brake severely if they are paying attention.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: TUalum0982 on January 12, 2008, 12:14:35 pm
Originally posted by waterboy

Your last statement is a misinterpretation of the word. Yield does not mean stop, otherwise all signs would say "yield" instead of "Stop". You are not obeying the law when you stop on an entrance anymore than if you stopped before changing lanes to "yield" to the existing traffic. You are causing traffic accidents with that behavior and that is driving in a dangerous manner which is illegal.

Yield simply means that if someone is in a position on the roadway that precludes you from moving into that position, then you must yield (give way) to them. You adjust your speed to match the existing lane of traffic and merge. Neither the existing lane or the entrance ramp should need to brake severely if they are paying attention.

I agree with what you said.  Too many times especially on I44 where the entrance ramps are really short you see people coming to a dead stop to try and merge on the highway.  If they couldnt merge into traffic going 45-60mph what makes them think they can do it from a dead stop?

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Mike G on January 12, 2008, 10:18:38 pm
Originally posted by waterboy

Your last statement is a misinterpretation of the word. Yield does not mean stop, otherwise all signs would say "yield" instead of "Stop". You are not obeying the law when you stop on an entrance anymore than if you stopped before changing lanes to "yield" to the existing traffic. You are causing traffic accidents with that behavior and...

Actually it isn't a misinterpretation, it's the law.

Oklahoma Driver Manual (http://"")
Page 6-2

"At intersections with yield signs - Slow down to a reasonable speed, and be ready to stop if other vehicles or pedestrians are approaching the intersection.  Cross or enter the flow of traffic when it's safe to do so."


47"]O.S. §11-703(e) (http://" - Stop Signs and Yield Signs
"The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign if required for safety to stop shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, in the event there is no crosswalk, at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway."


Yield simply means that if someone is in a position on the roadway that precludes you from moving into that position, then you must yield (give way) to them. You adjust your speed to match the existing lane of traffic and merge. Neither the existing lane or the entrance ramp should need to brake severely if they are paying attention.

What you're referring to is a merge sign, where both the flow of highway traffic and the on-ramp traffic have to adjust their speed to merge with each other.

...that is driving in a dangerous manner which is illegal.

You might want to actually look up the law before you claim to know it.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: tulsascoot on January 13, 2008, 09:57:50 pm
The drive right rule/law gets a bit in a grey area on congested highways. However, on the open highway or interstate, it should be followed at all times. I hate being forced to pass slow poke jackasses on the right because they are too stubborn to let me pass safely at a higher speed.

And as far as driving fast and safe, it is possible. I wish everyone had the opportunity to see how German highways (Autobahns) operate. The drive right rule is adhered to by EVERY driver. Faster moving traffic (I had to move over for a car to pass me while I was going 105 MPH) drives in the right lane, and only goes to the left to pass.

It's amazing to see all of the cars move left, then right as soon as they can. The best part is, the highway actually moves along smoother and with less congestion.

People who are only driving 70-80 MPH can stay right, and those going over 100MPH are welcome to move ahead and pass when necessary. There are no slow bozos hanging out in the left lane. You can't do that when AMG Mercedes are cruising along at 140+ MPH. You would cause a wreck if you did. And you would get a ticket.

That's the result of drivers' training being extensive and costly. They are taught how to drive at high speed, and how to do it safely.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: waterboy on January 14, 2008, 07:25:24 am
Originally posted by Mike G

Originally posted by waterboy

Your last statement is a misinterpretation of the word. Yield does not mean stop, otherwise all signs would say "yield" instead of "Stop". You are not obeying the law when you stop on an entrance anymore than if you stopped before changing lanes to "yield" to the existing traffic. You are causing traffic accidents with that behavior and...

Actually it isn't a misinterpretation, it's the law.

Oklahoma Driver Manual (http://"")
Page 6-2

"At intersections with yield signs - Slow down to a reasonable speed, and be ready to stop if other vehicles or pedestrians are approaching the intersection.  Cross or enter the flow of traffic when it's safe to do so."


47"]O.S. §11-703(e) (http://" - Stop Signs and Yield Signs
"The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign if required for safety to stop shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or, in the event there is no crosswalk, at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway."


Yield simply means that if someone is in a position on the roadway that precludes you from moving into that position, then you must yield (give way) to them. You adjust your speed to match the existing lane of traffic and merge. Neither the existing lane or the entrance ramp should need to brake severely if they are paying attention.

What you're referring to is a merge sign, where both the flow of highway traffic and the on-ramp traffic have to adjust their speed to merge with each other.

...that is driving in a dangerous manner which is illegal.

You might want to actually look up the law before you claim to know it.

I sure get tired of smart asses who quote codes and ordinances but have no idea what they mean or where they apply. Read the code you moron. It doesn't say what you interpret it as. We are talking about an entrance to a high speed expressway, not an intersection or a crosswalk! Seen any pedestrians on those expressway entrances?

It even says "slow and prepare to stop" NOT stop and prepare to enter high speed traffic from a dead stop. Give your license up if you can't understand the ordinance or if you're one of those idiots who stop instead of yield and merge on expressway entrances.

Title: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: waterboy on January 14, 2008, 03:00:31 pm
Originally posted by inteller

well, you are just arguing symantics at this point.  You are saying that all people stop on the BA ramps.  I never see that to be the case.  What I see is people run up the the ramp entrance, see a car is in the lane, and then they slam on their brakes and come to an abrupt stop (as they should be since it is a yield)

As I thought about it later this am, i realized it is semantics. A Yield sign means slow down and be prepared to stop just like flashing yellows. Yielding to existing traffic does not mean you have to stop. It is a judgement call as to whether one needs to stop or speed up to fit in traffic. However, the situation you describe is the one accident I see most often on the BA expressway entering eastward at 21st. The lead car doesn't look back at the right hand lane of expwy traffic until its too late, then he suddenly brakes to near dead which causes chain reaction rearend accidents. He then blissfully drives off leaving the carnage secure in the thought that he had to stop.

If he had sat all day and watched people entering, he would realize HE is the exception. Most people know how to adjust by speeding up, slowing down or continuuing farther along the entrance till someone makes space for him. If you can't master that skill, you shouldn't be using an exprwy.

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Townsend on December 23, 2009, 02:15:18 pm
I thought this was already being done. (

TULSA, OK -- Just in time for Christmas travelers, News on 6 Crime Reporter Lori Fullbright tells us about a newly passed law in Oklahoma that's aimed at moving left lane drivers over to the right.

The law went into effect November 1st, but not many people know about it yet.

Housebill 1368 was co-authored by Bud Smithson from Sallisaw. He's a former OHP Trooper and says drivers who hover in the left lane have long caused traffic problems and even some road rage. The law now says no one is allowed to drive in the left lane unless they're passing or preparing to turn left.

Smithson says troopers can write tickets to people who drive continually in the left lane and block traffic behind them.

The OHP says the cost of a ticket for violating the new left lane law is $188.50.

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Conan71 on December 23, 2009, 04:58:25 pm
I'd heard a rumor that such a law had gone into effect.

Don't you mean the penalty is $188.50 plus the possibility of a choke hold and/or spittle-laden tirade?

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: FOTD on December 23, 2009, 05:03:49 pm
Good! About time we start making laws to wake up the stupid, the self centered, the vigilantes!!

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: cynical on December 23, 2009, 08:17:34 pm
Apparently a state legislator got pulled over for parking in the left lane.  There is a newly enacted exception under 47 O.S. Sec. 11-309(6) that adds the following underlined language to the previous blanket prohibition against driving in the left lane except to pass:

6. Upon a roadway which is divided into four or more lanes, a vehicle shall be driven in the right-hand lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. Provided, however, this paragraph shall not prohibit driving in a lane other than the right-hand lane when traffic conditions or flow, or both, or road configuration, such as the potential of merging traffic, require the use of lanes other than the right-hand lane to maintain safe traffic conditions.

This looks like a wonderful opportunity for prosecutors and defense lawyers to spend time arguing over whether use of lanes other than the right lane is "required" by conditions at the time.  There's plenty of ambiguity to work with.  Looking at the earlier history of this thread, I say let the flaming begin!

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: rwarn17588 on December 23, 2009, 08:29:21 pm
Apparently a state legislator got pulled over for parking in the left lane.  There is a newly enacted exception under 47 O.S. Sec. 11-309(6) that adds the following underlined language to the previous blanket prohibition against driving in the left lane except to pass:

6. Upon a roadway which is divided into four or more lanes, a vehicle shall be driven in the right-hand lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. Provided, however, this paragraph shall not prohibit driving in a lane other than the right-hand lane when traffic conditions or flow, or both, or road configuration, such as the potential of merging traffic, require the use of lanes other than the right-hand lane to maintain safe traffic conditions.

This looks like a wonderful opportunity for prosecutors and defense lawyers to spend time arguing over whether use of lanes other than the right lane is "required" by conditions at the time.  There's plenty of ambiguity to work with.  Looking at the earlier history of this thread, I say let the flaming begin!

Ambiguity, hell. This is just common sense.

If you've got a lot of cars in the right lanes and there's one of those awful merge areas on I-44, you'd better move over into the open left lanes to better facilitate the flow of traffic. Being a purist about a law means you're going to end up in a wreck or, worse, a fatality.

I dislike left-lane squatters as much as the next person. But you'd better put some wiggle room in the law, or else you're going to give fascist troopers even more of a chance at getting their jollies.

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: tulsascoot on December 25, 2009, 08:27:30 pm
This all sounds great to me. The ticketing issue is more directed toward driving outside of the city, when it should be enforced. It doesn't really apply to heavy city traffic.

I've had the good fortune to drive across Germany, and it is wonderful to have the highways moving in such an orderly manner. Left lane is only for passing, passing on the right is illegal and doesn't happen. All drivers give up their lane for faster moving traffic. Everyone drives in the right lane, and moves to the left only long enough to pass, and then immediately back to the right.

Everything works there so much better, and with no speed limit in many parts!!!!!

Our driving instruction and schooling should be a rigorous as the Germans.

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Hoss on December 25, 2009, 09:21:56 pm
Ambiguity, hell. This is just common sense.

If you've got a lot of cars in the right lanes and there's one of those awful merge areas on I-44, you'd better move over into the open left lanes to better facilitate the flow of traffic. Being a purist about a law means you're going to end up in a wreck or, worse, a fatality.

I dislike left-lane squatters as much as the next person. But you'd better put some wiggle room in the law, or else you're going to give fascist troopers even more of a chance at getting their jollies.

Especially on those two exits on 244 where some genius decided left exits would be a good idea.  I know ALOT of out-of-town friends who do a lot of traveling who are baffled by that configuration.  Even the highway geeks (search on the internet, they're everywhere) scratch their heads about that.  And I live down the street from them, so I used them as I was growing up and was under the notion they might be semi-normal.  I moved to Houston and realized that wasn't going to be the case.

Also it's time for ODOT to reconfigure the BA/169 interchange to a four level flyover.  Cloverleafs are way too dangerous there.  Same could be said for the BA/Skelly interchange.

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Red Arrow on December 25, 2009, 11:59:01 pm

Our driving instruction and schooling should be a rigorous as the Germans.

The cost of the training would eliminate too many financially challenged people and then determined to be illegal discrimination.

Too many Americans could probably not pass the driver's test even after training.

The other thing Americans are missing is a willingness to follow the "rules" after they get their training. 

I too was able to drive the Autobahns in 1995.  Wonderful experience.

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Conan71 on December 28, 2009, 10:49:31 am
As I was driving in on the Turner coming in from OKC this morning, I had to bright the guy in front of me in the left lane twice before he finally pulled his cell phone from his ear and got over to the right lane after we passed a semi.  He'd been in the left lane for miles.  I can only assume he was lost in cell phone la-la land and forgot he was driving.

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Red Arrow on December 28, 2009, 11:05:55 am
As I was driving in on the Turner coming in from OKC this morning, I had to bright the guy in front of me in the left lane twice before he finally pulled his cell phone from his ear and got over to the right lane after we passed a semi.  He'd been in the left lane for miles.  I can only assume he was lost in cell phone la-la land and forgot he was driving.

I've given up on Linksfahrers and pass on the right.  I don't like it but it's usually the only way to get around them.

Title: Re: Get out of the left lane.
Post by: Ed W on December 28, 2009, 06:22:38 pm
Ah, Oklahoma, where ALL the drivers are above average!

(With apologies to Garrison Keillor.)