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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: PonderInc on January 29, 2008, 04:25:59 pm

Title: Smoke-Free Bars for Music Lovers
Post by: PonderInc on January 29, 2008, 04:25:59 pm
I read an article last month about Margee Aycock starting a grassroots effort to ban smoking in bars/music venues. The group is called Musicians + Music Lovers for Smoke Free Listening.    You can read more on their blog: Here's the TW article (http://"")

Over the years, I've become more and more allergic to cigarette smoke, to the point where I'm uncomfortable after just a couple minutes in a smoky bar.  I've also seen far too many old smokers dragging their oxygen bottles to their chemotherapy and radiation treatments.  It's not a fate I want to share.

As a result, I only go to smoke-free bars (or places like McNellies, where the smokers are sequestered upstairs and I don't have to breathe it).  I would love to see all bars and live music venues go smoke-free, so I'm passing on this info.

By the way, what's your favorite smoke-free bar?

Title: Smoke-Free Bars for Music Lovers
Post by: cannon_fodder on January 29, 2008, 04:38:40 pm
I love the bar "The Colony" but the ventilation is horrible and it gets too smoky fast.

You'll see me there with my dogs from time to time nonetheless.

Title: Smoke-Free Bars for Music Lovers
Post by: Conan71 on January 29, 2008, 05:20:50 pm
I'm the worst kind of smoke hater- a reformed smoker.  

Sound Pony.

The new Sunset Bar & Grill in London Square has a special smokers room in the back.  Smoking is not allowed in the general bar area.

Title: Smoke-Free Bars for Music Lovers
Post by: Janie75 on January 30, 2008, 09:36:38 am
AMEN!!! My husband and I were in New York last year where the smoking is banned. We had such a wonderful time listening to music in several clubs without the nasty smell, the coughing, sneezing, watering eyes and waking up the next morning without the smell on your clothes, your hair, the bed sheets. Things need to change here in OK, you would see more people in bars like us that like to have fun without the cancer causing agents in the air!!!!!

Title: Smoke-Free Bars for Music Lovers
Post by: tulsa1603 on January 30, 2008, 01:04:07 pm
I can't stand it either.  I know OK has one of the highest smoker rates in the country, something like 25%, but why are those 25% allowed to stink us out?  Nothing smells worse to me than a pile of smoke ridden clothes on Sunday morning.

Title: Smoke-Free Bars for Music Lovers
Post by: cannon_fodder on January 30, 2008, 01:22:52 pm
Originally posted by tulsa1603

I can't stand it either.  I know OK has one of the highest smoker rates in the country, something like 25%, but why are those 25% allowed to stink us out?  Nothing smells worse to me than a pile of smoke ridden clothes on Sunday morning.

It's not a matter of them being "allowed" to do anything.  As much as I hate smoke filled bars, it is legal to smoke and it is the bar owners right to do as he pleases.  I would oppose a mandatory smoking ban (but be happy if it passed, a paradox I know).

Your reward for running a smoke free bar, IMHO, is the opportunity to attract a different customer.  In my experience the voluntary no smoking bars are cleaner, brighter, seem to have a wealthier customer base.  Not too mention your staff and premises will bennefit.

Now if only there was one close enough to walk my dogs to.

Title: Smoke-Free Bars for Music Lovers
Post by: TheArtist on January 30, 2008, 01:22:54 pm
I believe Club 209 is nonsmoking and they often have live music.

Title: Smoke-Free Bars for Music Lovers
Post by: ARGUS on February 02, 2008, 11:12:48 am
Go Margee!
BruHouse is SMOKE FREE!!!!! yea!

Title: Smoke-Free Bars for Music Lovers
Post by: perspicuity85 on February 04, 2008, 12:00:43 am
The Continental.  Jazz, blues, a good vibe, and no smoking.