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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: perspicuity85 on February 04, 2008, 12:42:36 am

Title: U.S. Chamber fights 1804
Post by: perspicuity85 on February 04, 2008, 12:42:36 am
Article (http://"")

I don't care what anyone says, this law goes too far.  

 "The organizations supporting the in junction explained that the lawsuit focuses on those provisions of HB 1804 which impose unreasonable burdens on Oklahoma businesses and puts them at a disadvantage compared to competitors in other states, and that HB 1804 puts businesses in the impossible position of having to comply with conflicting federal and state laws." - US Chamber.

HB 1804 makes Oklahoma look like a racist, poor, uneducated, backwards, and anti-business state.  Perception is everything.

Title: U.S. Chamber fights 1804
Post by: sgrizzle on February 04, 2008, 06:08:00 am
This article makes me from HB1804. These companies  and the chamber could give a rat's behind about people's rights. It's starting to hit their bottom line, and more importantly, the deadlines for employers to be held responsible are coming up.

All HB1804 is strengthen enforcement of already in existence laws. They aren't running because all the sudden NOW they are illegal. They're running because we just started enforcing it.

That being said, I don't believe people should be locked up just because they don't have ID on them or for routine traffic stops. That is above & beyond the scope of the law.

Title: U.S. Chamber fights 1804
Post by: cannon_fodder on February 04, 2008, 08:23:56 am
The law is a somewhat zealous attempt to correct decades flawed Federal policy.  

Our immigration laws are close to be xenophobic yet our economy and society since our founding have relied on immigration.    Oh how we hate them - stupid Irish, I mean Eastern Europeans, I mean Chinese, I mean Mexicans.  But no matter how much we hated them they came and took the jobs on the lowest rung as farm laborers, textile workers, coal miners, railroad workers, and servants for yard and housework.

Under current federal law not enough skilled or unskilled workers are allowed in to fill the demand.  The inevitable result is a black market for labor.  Since companies and people demand the labor and the demand driven supply is so vast - earnest enforcement is nearly impossible.  But because of our zealous nature we have managed to make official policy anti-immigration, so the government doesn't touch the problem.

Love it or hate it, HB1804 is a response to a flawed Federal policy.