The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Not At My Table - Political Discussions => National & International Politics => Topic started by: FOTD on February 14, 2008, 02:00:56 pm

Title: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: FOTD on February 14, 2008, 02:00:56 pm
well on second thought....

 'Refinery pollution may soar, Midwest projects would increase emission up to 40%',0,7430874.story

Finally! An issue Tulsa is out front a way.

Title: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: sgrizzle on February 14, 2008, 03:27:56 pm
Is the planet warming up or colling off this week?

I want to know whether to be excited or dismayed.

Title: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: FOTD on February 14, 2008, 04:53:42 pm
But do you like that smell?????

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Teatownclown on September 02, 2011, 10:02:16 am
Obama halts tighter smog rule, citing 'regulatory burdens'
Republicans wanted it shelved; critics see it as 'huge loss for public health'

You repiglicans should be loving this pussy....

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Conan71 on September 02, 2011, 10:14:43 am
"The Audacity Of Weakness"?  Ouch!

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Teatownclown on September 02, 2011, 10:19:59 am
"The Audacity Of Weakness"?  Ouch!

I'm losing hope....  :-\

Nothing stays the same so change is automatic.

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: AquaMan on September 02, 2011, 10:30:30 am
Obama halts tighter smog rule, citing 'regulatory burdens'
Republicans wanted it shelved; critics see it as 'huge loss for public health'

You repiglicans should be loving this pussy....

Someone's got pictures of this guy. Either that or he's found a better job.

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Gaspar on September 02, 2011, 11:08:15 am
Friday, Obama said he had ordered Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw the proposal for tougher standards.

I'm blown away!  Next thing he's going to do is call for tax cuts.  Pandemonium!

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Townsend on September 02, 2011, 11:19:31 am
Friday, Obama said he had ordered Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw the proposal for tougher standards.

I'm blown away!  Next thing he's going to do is call for tax cuts.  Pandemonium!

It does seem like someone's got pics of him doing lines with Limbaugh or something.

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Teatownclown on September 02, 2011, 01:59:19 pm

What a weenie Obama turned out to be....and the GOP is claiming victory instead of showing support for his decision.

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Townsend on September 02, 2011, 02:02:20 pm

What a weenie Obama turned out to be....and the GOP is claiming victory instead of showing support for his decision.

There's an election coming soon.  They can't be seen supporting an illegal alien Muslim who's never had a real job.

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Teatownclown on September 02, 2011, 02:12:13 pm
There's an election coming soon.  They can't be seen supporting an illegal alien Muslim who's never had a real job.

It doesn't matter cast in Oklahoma is a lost vote >:(

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Townsend on September 02, 2011, 02:14:57 pm
It doesn't matter cast in Oklahoma is a lost vote >:(

Yes it is.  Sad but true. 

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Gaspar on September 02, 2011, 02:26:31 pm
He's going to propose tax cuts for the rich, but he's going to call the program "Certainty for Small Businesses."

I love all of the wonderful things you can do with words. :D

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Conan71 on September 02, 2011, 02:34:51 pm

What a weenie Obama turned out to be....and the GOP is claiming victory instead of showing support for his decision.

He's turning into a great Rethuglican president, isn't he?

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Gaspar on September 02, 2011, 03:23:08 pm
He's turning into a great Rethuglican president, isn't he?

Eventually when the smile fails, you have to do what works.  You just have to find a new name for it and make it yours.

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Gaspar on September 02, 2011, 03:43:40 pm
Apparently this little change frees up $90 billion dollars that industries had budgeted to meet the new regulations in 2012 and 2013.  That's $90 billion in private sector money that hits the market immediately.  That could translate into about 500,000 to 800,000 jobs.

Not bad.

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Townsend on September 02, 2011, 03:50:20 pm
Apparently this little change frees up $90 billion dollars that industries had budgeted to meet the new regulations in 2012 and 2013.  That's $90 billion in private sector money that hits the market immediately.  That could translate into about 500,000 to 800,000 jobs.

Not bad.

or untaxed bonuses and payola.

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Teatownclown on September 02, 2011, 04:55:08 pm
Apparently this little change frees up $90 billion dollars that industries had budgeted to meet the new regulations in 2012 and 2013.  That's $90 billion in private sector money that hits the market immediately.  That could translate into about 500,000 to 800,000 jobs.

Not bad.

Could? ....What jobs? Those companies have gazzillions lying around and these major polluters are not incentivated (tax wise financially motivated/corporate welfare) to create new jobs.

Am i missing what you are trying to do? Rationalize Potus Obama's decision as to not make it look like the GOP (grateful opposing party) won one?

But, you might be onto something in the politics over jobs. Obama will no doubt be using his choice as a cane to slap their shins in future manipulation negotiations. There might be a connection linked with the other issues in deficit balancing. Obama has "principles" all right. The problem is that they are identical to the "principles" of the previous, failed, corrupt, war-criminal pResident, his President-In-Charge-of-Vice, and every Bankster on Wall Street!

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Teatownclown on September 02, 2011, 05:03:00 pm

"Republicans continue to claim businesses aren’t hiring because they’re uncertain about regulatory costs. Or they can’t find the skilled workers they need.

Baloney. If these were the reasons businesses weren’t hiring – and demand were growing – you’d expect companies to make more use of their current employees. The length of the average workweek would be increasing.

But the length of the average workweek has been dropping. In August it declined for the third month in a row, to 34.2 hours. That’s back to where it was at the start of the year – barely longer than what it was at its shortest point two years ago (33.7 hours in June 2009).

It’s demand, stupid."


edit!:"So why don’t Republicans get it? Either they’re knaves – they want the economy to stay awful through next Election Day so Obama gets the boot. Or they’re fools – they’ve bought the lie that reducing the deficit now creates more jobs.

Every time you hear anyone say we’re “broke” or “can’t afford to spend more,” tell them we’ll be in worse shape if we don’t. If the economy remains dead in the water, the ratio of public debt to GDP balloons.

And remind them that the federal government can now borrow at fire-sale rates. Interest on the ten-year Treasury bill is 2 percent."

Title: Re: Breathe, Breathe in The Air....
Post by: Red Arrow on September 02, 2011, 08:30:00 pm
It doesn't matter cast in Oklahoma is a lost vote >:(

I understand how you feel.  It wasn't that long ago that voting Republican was safe.  You could vote (Republican) knowing that your candidate would lose and then blame the results on the Democrats.  Ah for the good old days.