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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: Townsend on March 18, 2008, 11:59:08 AM

Title: ketamine on Brookside
Post by: Townsend on March 18, 2008, 11:59:08 AM
Anyone else see the story on KOKI last night or this morning about a "bar on Brookside" bartender slipping ketamine to female patrons?

They never ID'd the bar but showed several during the story.  I'd be one pissed off bar owner if mine kept popping up like they did on the video.

Sorry, I'd have a link but I was unable to find it on their site.
Title: ketamine on Brookside
Post by: we vs us on March 18, 2008, 12:16:45 PM
Originally posted by Townsend

Anyone else see the story on KOKI last night or this morning about a "bar on Brookside" bartender slipping ketamine to female patrons?

They never ID'd the bar but showed several during the story.  I'd be one pissed off bar owner if mine kept popping up like they did on the video.

Sorry, I'd have a link but I was unable to find it on their site.

This has nothing to do with the bars on Brookside, but my favorite drug terminology is ketamine-related.  "Being in a k-hole" is when you've taken too many horse tranquilizers and can't physically move.  Because -- duh! -- you've been tranqed!

Being in a k-hole has the benefit of being so obscure that no one will know to what it's referring.  At the same time you can use it to describe almost anything.

Title: ketamine on Brookside
Post by: inteller on March 18, 2008, 01:06:31 PM
Well, I can guarantee someone's gonna be up in your k-hole [}:)]