This blog (//%22 just too good not to share.
Don't fret, this isn't race baiting or anything. Despite its title, it's not really about race at all. Just read it and skim a few of the back pages. Just reading the headers will give you enough to chuckle about.
For what it's worth, I'm a white person, and I like about 92% of these things. Yes, friends, I am guilty -- and cheesy -- as charged.
Haha I ran across that the other day and lol'd a bit myself when reading some of the entries and headlines.
Originally posted by FOTD
Actually, not really Tulsa at all, which is the funny part to me.
Tulsa's like the antidote to Stuff (smug middle-class urban) White People Like.
Oh yeah...I ran across this blog a few weeks ago...and it's one funny read. The comments are pure gold (some folks are really thin-skinned).
white people like blogs about things white people like.
It's kinda reminiscent of a short film that Eddie Murphy did back in the 80s, White like Me.
BOGUS! No 'mayonnaise'!!
from Herbert Kornfeld . . . (//%22
'I be blastin' this def tune outta tha Nite Rida's sweet-donkey factory-installed speakas a lot lately. Suckas always comin' up 2 me sayin', damn Dog, we thought you down wit' tha gangsta rap, not no Chicago VII. I say hell no, I gots mad hate foe that wack hip-hop $#!^. Hall N' Oatz, Neily D, that band that supply air: now that's tha mad slammin' $#!^, word dat. Tha H-Dog listens easy, always has, always will.'
Hold on to your seat; this is some VERY funny stuff (from the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone - Rock has yet to perform or record it):
For instance: "Bush has ****ed up so bad," he will posit to any and all congregants in braying loops of oratory, "that he's made it hard for a white man to run for president. 'Gimme anything but another white man, please! Black man, white woman, giraffe, anything!' A white man's had that job for hundreds of years — and one guy ****ed it up for all of ya!" And: "Each candidate tells you how humble they are. No, you're not humble! Do you know how big your ego has to be to say you wanna be president of the United States? Do you know how much Puff Daddy juice you have to drink? How many Kanye injections you have to take?" And: "I actually think America is ready for a woman president. But does it have to be that woman? . . . She's gonna work in the office where her husband got blow jobs?! There ain't enough redecorating in the world she can do to change that! . . . There's one thing Hillary Clinton's better at than everybody else, and one thing only — and that's forgiveness! Hillary Clinton is the greatest forgiver in the history of the world. Even Jesus knows: 'You really good at fo'giveness. I mean, I talk the talk, but you walk the walk!' " And: "Barack Obama — he's a black man with two black names! Barack. Obama. He doesn't let his blackness sneak up on you. As soon as you hear Barack Obama you wonder, 'Does he have a spear?' . . . He's so cool, too, man. I don't think he realizes he's a black candidate! When you're the only black guy doing something, people expect you to take it up a notch. If you're the only black playing basketball with a bunch of white guys — they expect you to dunk! . . . Barack has a handicap the other candidates don't have: Barack Obama has a black wife. And I don't think a black woman can be first lady of the United States. Yeah, I said it! A black woman can be president, no problem. First lady? Can't do it. You know why? Because a black woman cannot play the background of a relationship. Just imagine telling your black wife that you're president? 'Honey, I did it! I won! I'm the president.' 'No, we the president! And I want my girlfriends in the Cabinet! I want Kiki to be secretary of state! She can fight!' "
Marijuana - take it or leave it really (leave it since having kids), but if forced to chose like or not...
Wrigley Field - Go Cubs!
80s Night - chicks are always sluts at 80's parties for some reason [Bartles and James?]
Marathons - wish I could run one without getting dead
Wine - but I am NOT drinking any Fing Merlot! (anyone, anyone?)
Microbreweries - mmm, Choc.
Having Black Friends - or any different friends really
Tea - tea is not supposed to be green and if the gods wanted it to have sugar in it, it would come that way.
Barack Obama - hate his policies mostly, but the guy is likable.
Farmers Markets
Not parents religion
- - -
But I think I'm batting below 500 on the white people-o-meter. Still respectable, plus I can add:
Watching sports dominated by black people
Yard Work
I think all of those additions would count as very "white people" kind of activities. I think I should email the author.
Saw that a few weeks ago, and it aptly described pretty much every person I ever met in Austin. Not so much Tulsa - we're a little too....rough.. [:D]